Upums Paper
Upums Paper
Upums Paper
Q.2 Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention for the client with suicidal
Ans A. Determining whether the interventions provided are adequate to minimise the
patient’s suicidal ideas
B. Determining the goal that the client will discuss the suicidal idea with the nurse by
C. Forming the nursing diagnosis as ‘Risk for self-directed violence’
Q.4 Which of the following approaches emphasises the importance of human relations in
Ans A. High tech high touch approach
B. Therapeutic communication
B. are
C. were
D. was
B. Purkinje fibres
C. Atrioventricular node
D. Bundle of His
Q.7 The condition in which stone is formed in the ducts of salivary glands is known as:
Ans A. sialorrhoea
B. xerostomia
C. sialolithiasis
D. mumps
Q.8 As per the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, if an individual scores an IQ of 90-109, then that
individual is categorised as:
Ans A. superior
B. high average
C. low average
D. average
B. thermometer
C. ergometer
D. ergograph
Q.10 In February 2023, an Indian shooter _____ won the gold medal in the 10 m air rifle individual
event at the ISSF Shooting World Cup at Cairo.
Ans A. Swapnil Kusale
B. Udhayveer Sidhu
C. Rudrankksh Patil
D. Bhowneesh Mendiratta
Q.11 In cardioversion, the electrical impulse discharges at ____ by the defibrillator which is
synchronised with the ECG on a cardiac monitor.
Ans A. T wave
B. QRS Complex
C. PR interval
D. P wave
B. auditory channel
C. tactile channel
D. written channel
C. uterine inertia
D. constriction ring
Q.14 Who among the following is popularly known as the Father of Yoga?
Ans A. Maharishi Patanjali
B. Sushruta
C. Charaka
D. Atreya
Q.16 The three main components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) include all of the
following EXCEPT:
Ans A. airway
B. breathing
C. digestion
D. circulation
Q.17 Which of the following muscles allow fast movements and movements against resistance in
the radioulnar joint?
Ans A. Pronator teres
B. Biceps brachii
C. Quadriceps femoris
D. Latissimus dorsi
B. Plasma
C. Platelets
D. Leukocytes
C. emphysema
D. pneumothorax
Q.20 The components of attention traditionally used to describe cognitive deficits include all of
the following, EXCEPT:
Ans A. sustained concentration
B. capacity
C. memory
D. selectivity
Q.22 The original and first-hand data collected by the researcher is known as:
Ans A. secondary data
B. primary data
C. interview data
D. tertiary data
Q.23 The energy value of foods has long been expressed in terms of:
Ans A. ampere
B. kilocalorie
C. joules
D. newton
B. schizoaffective disorder
B. the axilla
C. the urethra
D. the vagina
Q.26 The Western Dedicated Freight Corridor of India, when complete, will connect Jawaharlal
Nehru Port (JNPT) in Maharashtra to _____ in Uttar Pradesh (as per information available
from the Ministry of Railways on 08 Feb 2023).
Ans A. Tundla
B. Saharanpur
C. Dadri
D. Khurja
Q.28 Which of the following is the drug of choice for treatment of OCD?
Ans A. Diazepam
B. Fluoxetine
C. Carbamazepine
D. Lithium
Q.29 A teacher must consider the principle of individual difference in order to:
Ans A. complete the course on time
B. bleeding time
C. clotting time
D. prothrombin time
Q.31 The nurse is taking care of an aggressive patient. Which of the following nursing actions is
a part of nursing assessment in the nursing process?
Ans A. Writing nursing diagnosis as ‘Risk for violence’
D. Pronormoblast stage
D. supported ventilation
B. a play activity
Q.35 A procedure to measure the amount of energy an individual expends by calculating the
respiratory gas exchange is known as:
Ans A. direct calorimetry
B. indirect calorimetry
C. dietary thermogenesis
D. calorific value
B. meningocele
C. encephalocele
D. hydrocephalus
Q.37 The stage that begins with full dilation of cervix and ends with expulsion of the foetus is:
Ans A. first stage
B. third stage
C. second stage
D. fourth stage
Q.38 An in-depth study of a particular research problem rather than a sweeping statistical survey,
which is useful when not much is known about a phenomenon is called:
Ans A. case study design
B. quasi-experimental design
D. experimental design
Q.40 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to physiological responses to
Ans A. Acute stressors elicit a decrease in the markers of inflammation like IL-6.
Q.41 How long should the nurse wait before making further measurements after releasing the
pressure completely in the cuff and estimating the systolic pressure?
Ans A. 60-120 seconds
B. 25-30 seconds
C. 40 seconds
D. 10-20 seconds
Our English teacher always forbids us from being idle at home and advises us to be up and
Ans A. Languid
B. Lacklustre
C. Lively
D. Indolent
Q.43 Client X, on admission to hospital with severe pain, has a decreased blood pressure. What is
the rationale for the decreased blood pressure?
Ans A. High metabolic rate
Q.44 Which of the following is NOT a function of the Indian Nursing Council to maintain
standards in nursing education?
Ans A. Recognising any qualifications related to nursing, irrespective of adequacy of training
B. Discontinue Clozapine
Q.47 ALL of the following drugs improve milk production in a mother EXCEPT:
Ans A. metoclopramide
B. domperidone
C. bromocriptine
D. sulpiride
B. Linton’s sign
C. Moses sign
D. Homan’s sign
Q.49 The theory that focusses primarily on logical deductive reasoning with little attention to
social intelligence and emotional intelligence is:
Ans A. Piaget’s theory
B. Script theory
C. Kohlberg’s theory
D. Vygotsky’s theory
B. language
C. executive functioning
D. non-verbal memory
B. Pavlovian learning
C. motivational learning
D. operant learning
Q.52 Good housekeeping is basic essential of nursing care. A well managed housekeeping aims
Ans A. increase the days of hospitalisation of patients
B. Kaveri (Cauvery)
C. Periyar
D. Pamba
B. Extension
C. Flexion
D. Rotation
Q.56 To deliver high-quality care in a tertiary hospital, the manpower required is:
Ans A. staff nurse and pharmacist
B. veins
C. capillaries
D. arteries
Q.58 Select the term from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the
following series.
B. IXK-224
C. HXJ-228
D. HXH-226
Q.59 A patient with a diabetic foot is about to get discharged from the hospital. Which of the
following comprises effective interdisciplinary discharge planning?
Ans A. Ensure that the nurse educator, dietician and physician provide the right information
to manage his condition.
B. Ensure that there is a written order for discharge from the physician/treating team.
C. Ensure that all the medication instructions are given to the patient and his family
D. Ensure that the hospital bills are paid by the patient/family members.
Q.61 A nurse checks the blood pressure of an adult client admitted into the emergency room.
Which of the findings would be a cause for concern and has to be reported immediately?
Ans A. A systolic pressure of 130 mm Hg
B. A diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg
C. A systolic pressure of 90 mm Hg
D. A diastolic pressure of 78 mm Hg
Q.62 Which two numbers should be interchanged to make the following equation correct?
14 × 12 – 8 + 28 ÷ 4 = 107
Ans A. 8 and 4
B. 14 and 8
C. 12 and 8
D. 12 and 28
Ans A. 3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 7, 5
B. 3, 4, 2, 1, 6, 7, 5
C. 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 5
D. 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 7, 5
Q.64 What is the importance of citrate in the WHO oral rehydration solution?
Ans A. Cheaper
C. Nutritious
D. Tastier
Q.65 Which of the following is a form of folk ballad from Chhattisgarh, which depicts the story of
leading characters from the epic Mahabharata?
Ans A. Kheliran
B. Chaiti
C. Pandwani
D. Harnam
Q.67 A family planning procedure where aspiration of uterine contents is done within 6-14 days
of missed period is called_________.
Ans A. induced abortion
B. menstrual induction
C. menstrual extraction
D. menstrual regulation
Q.70 As per the ESI scheme, the contributions of the employer and employee for financial
support are ______ and ______ of the wages, respectively.
Ans A. 3% and 2%
D. 2% and 3%
B. licensure
C. accreditation
D. registration
Q.73 In 1919, Gandhiji gave a call for satyagraha against the _____ that the British had just
Ans A. Indian Press Act
D. Rowlatt Act
B. Vastus lateralis
C. Deltoid
D. Ventrogluteal
B. condom
C. vaginal sponge
D. diaphragm
Q.76 Master Rehan, a 4-year-old male was brought to the paediatric OPD and presented with
limited self-expression, crying and facial expression. Rehan’s mother Mrs. Fathima enquired
with the nursing officer the factor affecting her son’s communication. The response of the
nursing officer will be:
Ans A. developmental
B. emotional
C. socio-cultural
D. physical
Q.77 The graph that represents the data of a cumulative frequency distribution is a/an __________.
Ans A. ogive
B. spot map
C. line graph
D. pie diagram
B. descriptive statistics
C. inferential statistics
D. applied statistics
Q.79 The theory that views intelligence as mostly a culturally specific cognitive process is:
Ans A. Vygotsky’s theory
B. Kohlberg’s theory
C. Script theory
D. Piaget’s theory
Q.80 The Continuous Performance Test is the most common research paradigm used to examine
Ans A. selective attention
B. sustained attention
C. language dysfunction
D. modes of processing
B. empathetic communication
C. verbal communication
D. meta communication
B. 3000 people
C. 5000 people
D. 10,000 people
Q.83 When used in the context of nursing, which quadrant of the Johari window has non-
productive space for individuals which hinders communication with each other?
Ans A. Quadrant 4 - Unknown area
B. 12 – 16 minutes
C. 4 – 8 minutes
D. 2 – 4 minutes
Q.85 Which of the following Five-Year Plans introduced ‘Target-free approach’ in National family
welfare program?
Ans A. Fifth Five-Year Plan
Q.86 The most important factor for successful induction of labour include:
Ans A. Bishop score >6
B. maternal BMI>25
C. elderly primigravidae
D. small foetus
B. health promotion
C. rehabilitation
D. specific protection
B. Nonmaleficence
C. Autonomy
D. Justice
Ans A. 4 : 2 : 16
B. 1 : 4 : 16
C. 2 : 4 : 16
D. 3 : 2 : 16
C. Diabetic neuropathy
D. Diabetic retinopathy
B. Nominal
C. Ordinal
D. Interval
B. Begin each entry with date and time and end with your signature
Q.94 Mr. Nanda Kishore Yadav, a 52-year-old, was admitted with a stab injury due to communal
riots and undergoes a cholecystectomy and is being discharged after recovery. Since he is
an employee of a private company and the bill will be cleared from the company, the
company is demanding access to his case file. The most appropriate action of the nurse will
be to:
Ans A. inform the company that the access of the health records can be provided only to his
B. provide access to his health records
C. inform the company to obtain permission from the hospital authorities to provide
access to the health records
D. refuse access to his health records
B. thyroxine
C. cortisol
D. insulin
B. potassium
C. calcium
D. sodium
B. Monkey
C. Dogs
D. Pigs
B. conditioned response
C. habituation
D. priming
Q.100 If 2 is added to each even digit and 1 is subtracted from each odd digit in the number given
below, what will be the product of digits which are second from the left and third from the
right in the new number thus formed?
B. 64
C. 48
D. 6
Q.101 A PAP smear and colposcopic examination for the early detection of cervical cancer and
papilloma virus infection is an example of:
Ans A. primary prevention
B. secondary prevention
C. tertiary prevention
D. primordial prevention
B. to tell only about the routine investigations and hide the special investigations
C. to tell only about the special investigations and hide the routine investigations
Q.103 Superantigens are the antigens that activate a large fraction of:
Ans A. B cells
B. IgG
C. T cells
D. IgA
B. Fast breathing
D. Inability to breastfeed
B. respiratory alkalosis
C. metabolic acidosis
D. respiratory acidosis
Q.106 The example for distributive shock among the following shock types is:
Ans A. anaphylactic shock
B. haemorrhagic shock
C. burn shock
D. surgical shock
B. face presentation
C. breech presentation
D. transverse lie
B. Concept map
C. Team teaching
D. Symposium
Q.110 Which of the following tests assess higher-level cognitive processes such as attention,
perseverance, abstract thinking, CF and set shifting?
Ans A. Wisconsin card sorting test
B. Observation method
B. should never break down the demonstration into a simple step-by-step pattern
C. should proceed with the demonstration as quickly as possible after the lecture
Q.112 Mrs. Mamata Das, a 38-year-old female, is admitted to the hospital with a history of RTA
and multiple fractures. This type of admission is referred to as:
Ans A. emergency admission
C. therapeutic admission
D. diagnostic admission
C. pneumonia
D. encephalitis
Q.115 All of the following statements related to gastrostomy are correct EXCEPT:
Ans A. parenteral nutrition can be given through gastrostomy
B. nutrients are sent into the gastrointestinal tract through a feeding tube
B. fats
C. monosaccharides
D. disaccharides
B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 24 hours
Q.118 Any newly hospitalised patient exhibits increased anxiety because of which of the following
Ans A. Hospital routines and investigations
B. Had hardly
C. Hardly had
D. How hardly
Q.121 While performing the Weber test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed in the middle of the top of
the child’s head. What response from the child is considered as normal?
Ans A. Hearing sound in the right ear
Q.122 In an emergency situation of injury, which of the following types of care is applicable?
Ans A. Primary care
B. Immediate care
C. Tertiary care
D. Secondary care
C. Keeping the discharge note under lock and key until handed over to the concerned
D. Handing over the patient records to the legal authority without written permission
from the treating physician
Q.125 While performing physical examination of a child, the nurse finds difficulty in palpating
femoral pulses. Which of the below-mentioned conditions should the nurse suspect for the
Ans A. Atrial septal defect
B. Coarctation of aorta
D. Tricuspid atresia
B. Coonoor
C. Lucknow
D. Mysore
B. Family
C. Religion
D. Caste
B. Sister’s father
C. Father’s mother
D. Mother’s sister
Ans A. 1
B. 0
C. 25
D. 5
Q.130 Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given
series will complete the series.
Ans A. N E T F B N E
B. W N F E T N B
C. N W F B T N E
D. N W F B T N H
Q.131 What is the gold standard for the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis?
Ans A. Immature to Total neutrophil count (I/T ratio)
D. Blood culture
B. Objective data
C. Subjective data
D. Short-term goals
B. fifteen
C. eleven
D. seven
Q.134 The process of managing several projects, often with the intention of improving an
organisation’s performance, is known as:
Ans A. nursing management
B. program management
C. project management
D. transformational leadership
B. occupational therapy
C. relaxation therapy
D. light therapy
Q.136 Increased serum chloride levels are seen in all of the following EXCEPT:
Ans A. severe diarrhoea
B. water intoxication
C. Cushing syndrome
Q.137 Ms. Sunitha hands over her patient to Ms. Manjula after her duty. Ms. Manjula also asks a
few questions regarding patient conditions, medications, care and feeding etc. The type of
communication between these nurses will be:
Ans A. interpersonal
B. transpersonal
C. intrapersonal
D. public communication
B. Indian ink
C. crystal violet
D. methylene blue
Q.139 Which of the following is the function of the State Nursing Councils in India?
Ans A. To prescribe curricula for nursing education
Q.140 Pipes P and Q can fill a completely empty tank in 54 min and 72 min, respectively, when
opened independently. Pipe R can empty the completely filled tank in 48 min. Initially all the
three pipes P, Q and R, are opened simultaneously. After how much time (in min) pipe R be
closed so that the tank will be completely filled in a total time of 45 min?
Ans A. 36
B. 29
C. 45
D. 22
B. 2 to 8 seconds
C. 2 to 8 minutes
D. 12 to 18 hours
Q.142 After heart surgery, which type of pacing is used to manage bradydysrhythmias or
tachydysrhythmias in the early postoperative period?
Ans A. Transvenous pacing
B. Epicardial pacing
C. Permanent pacing
D. Transcutaneous pacing
Q.143 In which position should a nurse place a patient while preparing the patient for
Ans A. Sitting position
B. Supine position
C. Prone position
D. Lateral position
B. sender
C. receiver
D. message
B. licensure
C. quality standards
D. political advancement
C. Radial pulse
D. Apical pulse
The local tourist guide kept arguing with the historian throughout the journey. It is ultimately
the empty vessels that make much noise.
Ans A. A person’s character can be judged by his/her outer appearance.
Q.148 A thyroid function test is commonly ordered as a baseline with lithium treatment:
Ans A. because thyroid-stimulating hormone interferes with the metabolism of lithium
Q.149 Which of the following is NOT a basic strategy for health promotion?
Ans A. Mediating
B. Forcing
C. Advocacy
D. Enabling
D. by keeping a thermometer in the eardrum in a horizontal line with the body so that the
tip of the thermometer faces the axilla
Q.151 Which of the following is the most commonly used irrigation solution and its temperature?
Ans A. Normal saline, 98.6°F
Q.152 The type of staining technique that gives different colours to different bacteria is known as:
Ans A. complex stain
B. differential stain
C. impregnation stain
D. simple stain
B. by
C. at
D. with
Q.154 As per Haj Policy 2023, out of the total number of ‘Haj’ seats allocated to the Government of
India, _____ will be allocated to the Haj Committee of India.
Ans A. 80%
B. 20%
C. 50%
D. 60%
Q.155 The nurse teaches a student nurse to keep in mind the following points while monitoring
blood pressure. Which of the following is miscommunicated to the student?
Ans A. The patient is asked not to talk during measurements.
B. The cuff bladder width should be at least 40% and length at least 80% of limb
C. Initial recordings are made on both arms, and subsequent measurements are taken
on the arm with the lower pressure.
D. The cuff bladder should be centred over the brachial artery.
B. a foetus
C. a toddler
D. a new-born
Q.157 The indicators that suggest that development is seriously disordered in a child include all of
the following, EXCEPT:
Ans A. climbing stairs with two feet per step by 2 years
C. no speech by 18 months
Q.158 Ram travelled by car and covered the first 175 km in 4 hours and the next 275 km in 5
hours. What is his average speed (in km/h) for the entire trip?
Ans A. 50
B. 60
C. 45
D. 55
B. Jejunum
C. Duodenum
D. Antrum of stomach
B. Indirect bilirubin
C. Unconjugated bilirubin
D. Bilirubin digalacturonide
Q.161 The final stage of development in the expanding social radius of maturing individuals during
adulthood is:
Ans A. Generativity
B. Integrity
C. Identity
D. Intimacy
C. Hyperbilirubinaemia
B. vitamin A
C. vitamin K
D. vitamin B12
Q.164 The nurse is caring for a patient with a suicidal attempt. Which of the following nursing
actions is a part of outcome identification in the nursing process?
Ans A. Preparing a safe environment for the patient
B. Forming a goal: The patient will not harm self during hospitalisation
D. Getting a short-term contract from the patient that he/she will seek help from the
nurse whenever he/she has suicidal thoughts
B. 4 weeks
C. 8 weeks
D. 6 weeks
Q.167 ALL of the following are the primary prevention methods of hypertension EXCEPT:
Ans A. dietary sodium restriction
C. weight reduction
Q.169 In a diabetic woman, the presence of ketone bodies in urine with kussmaul breathing is
suggestive of:
Ans A. metabolic alkalosis
B. hyperosmolar coma
C. respiratory acidosis
D. diabetic ketoacidosis
Q.170 The premonitory stage of postpartum eclampsia can be recognised by all of the following
features, EXCEPT
Ans A. twitching of muscles of face, tongue and limbs
B. substitute feeding
D. complementary feeding
Q.173 A public health nurse was diagnosed to have HBeAg and HBsAg in the serum. Most likely,
which of the following does she have?
Ans A. Acute infectious hepatitis B
B. Chronic hepatitis
D. HBV+HBE coinfection
Q.175 As per Article 151 (2) of the Constitution of India, ‘reports of the Comptroller and Auditor-
General of India relating to the accounts of a State shall be submitted to the _____, who shall
cause them to be laid before the Legislature of the State’.
Ans A. Chief Minister of the State
Q.176 What is the first nursing action to be taken when infiltration or extravasation is observed
(signs include erythema, pain, oedema, blanching, streaking on the skin along the vein, and
darkened area at the insertion site)?
Ans A. Infusing an antidote
B. streptomycin
C. paracetamol
D. amoxycillin
Q.178 The measures of social differentiation include all of the following, EXCEPT:
Ans A. religion
B. income
C. marital state
D. education
Q.179 Which of the following is the leading cause of blindness in the Indian population?
Ans A. Refractive error
B. Corneal pathologies
C. Glaucoma
D. Cataract
Q.181 ALL of the following are examples for parenteral route of drug administration EXCEPT:
Ans A. intravenous
B. sublingual
C. subcutaneous
D. intramuscular
Q.182 Which of the following organisms is an obvious source of hospital infection that grows in
hand lotions?
Ans A. Pseudomonas
B. Staphylococci
C. E coli
D. Streptococci
C. A first-aider stands behind the victim, with arms wrapped around the victim’s waist
and make a fist using two hands and press in with quick inward and outward thrusts.
D. A technique used by the doctor to press the abdomen.
Q.185 _____ was conferred with the Padma Vibhushan Award 2023 by the Government of India for
his contribution in the field of Science and Engineering.
Ans A. Srinivasa Varadhan
B. Mahendra Pal
Q.187 For a women presenting with occipito-posterior position, vaginal examination is performed
on rupture of the membrane with an unengaged foetal head to rule out:
Ans A. adequacy of pelvis for childbirth
B. cervical effacement
C. cord prolapse
D. placenta previa
Q.188 The nurse is taking care of a suicidal client. Which of the following nursing actions
indicates a part of the evaluation in the nursing process?
Ans A. Determining that nursing interventions are appropriate to achieve the goal
C. Obtaining a short-term contract from the client that he/she discusses suicidal
feelings with nurses
D. Keeping the environment safe
Q.190 According to IMNCI, the danger signs for a sick child from two months to five years include:
Ans A. lethargy/unconsciousness, inability to drink/breastfeed, ear problems and
B. convulsions, lethargy/unconsciousness, inability to drink/breastfeed and vomiting
Q.191 Thinking in which the thoughts are largely narcissistic and egocentric, with emphasis on
subjectivity rather than objectivity, is called:
Ans A. agnosia
B. ataxia
C. automatism
D. autistic thinking
D. Light therapy
Q.193 What is the appropriate solution for cleaning the wound initially?
Ans A. Plain water
B. Alcohol
C. Hydrogen peroxide
Q.194 Which of the following clinical assessment findings gives the nurse a clue about the risk of
cephalopelvic disproportion in a woman?
Ans A. Primigravidae
B. Obesity
C. Twin gestation
D. Short stature
B. Induction program
C. In-service education
D. Graduate education
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Next door to the gymnasium was a small shed in which we were allowed to keep caterpillars.
We made boxes for them in the carpenter’s shop with glass fronts and air-holes; then we
bought the eggs or chrysalis from shops that sell such things. Richer boys bought rarer
examples and when it was time and this fantastic life came out, we were kept busy getting
leaves to feed them, taking care these were dry or they would fall sick and if they did, they
died. Then, when they were ready to become cocoons, we would be getting sawdust for some
kinds, so they might spin their spittle into sawdust tombs cemented hard. We never had
lectures about them. They were pleasure unalloyed. Again, they let us cut laurel up to mix with
water in jam jars and this let off fumes to gas any butterfly we caught. It was thought less
cruel to use gas than to stick them on pins.
SubQuestion No : 196
Q.196 What care had to be taken in feeding caterpillars?
Ans A. Leaves must be wet
SubQuestion No : 197
Q.197 Where could they keep their caterpillars?
Ans A. In a house
C. In a shed
D. In the gymnasium
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Next door to the gymnasium was a small shed in which we were allowed to keep caterpillars.
We made boxes for them in the carpenter’s shop with glass fronts and air-holes; then we
bought the eggs or chrysalis from shops that sell such things. Richer boys bought rarer
examples and when it was time and this fantastic life came out, we were kept busy getting
leaves to feed them, taking care these were dry or they would fall sick and if they did, they
died. Then, when they were ready to become cocoons, we would be getting sawdust for some
kinds, so they might spin their spittle into sawdust tombs cemented hard. We never had
lectures about them. They were pleasure unalloyed. Again, they let us cut laurel up to mix with
water in jam jars and this let off fumes to gas any butterfly we caught. It was thought less
cruel to use gas than to stick them on pins.
SubQuestion No : 198
Q.198 Do all the caterpillars need sawdust?
Ans A. No; only those kinds which make their own cocoons
C. No; only those kinds which spin their spittle into sawdust tombs
SubQuestion No : 199
Q.199 What kinds of boxes were made for the caterpillars?
Ans A. With sawdust
B. With cardboard
D. With wood
Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Next door to the gymnasium was a small shed in which we were allowed to keep caterpillars.
We made boxes for them in the carpenter’s shop with glass fronts and air-holes; then we
bought the eggs or chrysalis from shops that sell such things. Richer boys bought rarer
examples and when it was time and this fantastic life came out, we were kept busy getting
leaves to feed them, taking care these were dry or they would fall sick and if they did, they
died. Then, when they were ready to become cocoons, we would be getting sawdust for some
kinds, so they might spin their spittle into sawdust tombs cemented hard. We never had
lectures about them. They were pleasure unalloyed. Again, they let us cut laurel up to mix with
water in jam jars and this let off fumes to gas any butterfly we caught. It was thought less
cruel to use gas than to stick them on pins.
SubQuestion No : 200
Q.200 How did they gas the butterflies they caught?
Ans A. By mixing chrysalis with water