JGSHI Supplier Accreditation Policy
JGSHI Supplier Accreditation Policy
JGSHI Supplier Accreditation Policy
OBJECTIVES 1. To provide the implementing guidelines for the supplier accreditation in Corporate
Center Units (CCU) and establish the roles of the appointed members of CCU Supplier
Accreditation Team (SAT).
3. To ensure compliance to the policy that the Company shall purchase only from duly
accredited suppliers approved for accreditation by the appointed Business Unit (BU) or
CCU Supplier Accreditation Team (SAT)
SCOPE AND This document outlines the procedures to be followed by the authorized CCU personnel or
COVERAGE group engagedin procurement and accreditation transactions.
RESPONSIBILITIES Following are the responsibilities related to the Supplier Accreditation Implementing
2. Corporate Center Units Supplier Accreditation Team (CCU SAT) shall be responsible for:
2.1. Performing the final review and assessment to determine the approval or
disapproval of the Supplier’s accreditation; and
2.2. Together with the Corporate Procurement Governance (CPG) Team, conducting
investigation of endorsed cases that warrants suspension or debarment of a
particular supplier.
4.5. Endorsing all suspended/debarred Suppliers to Aspen CDM Team via Master Data
ManagementTool for system blocking.
5. Corporate Internal Audit shall be responsible for performing periodic audits to check
and ensure compliance to this policy.
IMPLEMENTING 1. The Company shall establish a CCU SAT, with at least three (3) members representing
GUIDELINES various identified CCU groups appointed by the JGSHI President and CEO, capable of
assessing the supplier’s overall competencies.
2. CCU SAT may invite Subject Matter Experts (e. g. Technology, Engineering Team), who
shall provide technical advice and assistance in assessing the supplier.
3. Supplier applying for accreditation shall comply with the company’s mandatory
documentary requirements, kindly refer to Supplier Accreditation Form containing the
List of Supplier Accreditation Requirements.
5. Rating and assessment of supplier’s capability shall be documented using the Suppliers
Accreditation Evaluation Sheet (SAES), and shall be approved by the CCU Head of the
endorsing group and the CCU SAT.
6. The CCU SAT shall grant Regular, Conditional or One-Time Accreditation to the
applicant supplier aftercareful deliberation.
7. CCU SAT may customize their accreditation rating system either by type of industry
(Corporation, Cooperative, and Sole Proprietorship) or size of business transaction,
which shall be subject to the approval of the CCU SAT Head.
10. Strategic Procurement Group shall be responsible for endorsing the Vendor Code
creation to Aspen Business Solutions, Inc. – Central Data Management (ABSI-CDM) for
accredited external suppliers, including those identified not to be subjected for
accreditation, i. e. Open List.
Note that Internal Suppliers, e. g. Employees Government Agencies and similar
Institutions, shall behandled separately and will not form part of the responsibilities of
Strategic Procurement Group.
11. Suppliers with a Regular Accreditation status from other BUs shall qualify to engage and
provide the requirements of CCU, unless otherwise restricted or subject to additional
requirements imposed by the other BU SAT.
13. Investigation shall be conducted by the CCU SAT, with the assistance of the Corporate
Procurement Governance (CPG) Team regarding the disposition of endorsed cases that
warrants suspension or debarment of a particular supplier. This Joint Investigation
Team shall coordinate with other BU SATs to inquire on the performance of the supplier
under investigation.
14. CPG Team shall release an incident memo containing the background and the results
of the investigation as well as the announcement of suspension/debarment. CPG Team
shall consolidate all suspended/debarred Suppliers in a repository.
15. The decision on the Joint Investigation Team s shall be final and valid across all BUs
within the Gokongwei Group of Companies.
16. CPG Team shall endorse suspended/debarred Suppliers to ABSI-CDM via Master Data
Management Tool for blocking in the system.
17. Suppliers may request for reinstatement course through CCU SAT, if they have already
satisfactorily resolved the cause of their suspension or debarment. CCU SAT shall
inform CPG Team of such reinstatement.