Research Edited

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1. What is research? Why is its procesconsidered cyclical in nature?

Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data;
documentation of critical information and analysis and interpretation of that data/information,
in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic
Research process is considered cyclical beacause its a cycle of action or cycle of
inquiry, since it typically follows a predefined process that is repeated over time.

2. How is a problem known to be a research problem?

A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be
improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and
deliberate investigation.
Research can’t stop because there are always new sources of information that have to
be verified.Just when you think you know it all, new events occur to augment or diminish
existing knowledge.

3. What are the elements of a research problem?


4. How is a good research problem selected? What are the guidelines in selecting a research
In selecting a good reasearch problem, you should;

 brainstorm for ideas.

 choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature.

 ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available.

 make a list of key words.
 be flexible.

 define your topic as a focused research question.

 research and read more about your topic.

5. How is the title of a research problem formulated?
The title of a research problem identify the general area of interest of the researcher it
narrows down the general area of interest to a specific problem or issue. The title summarizes
the main idea of the ideas of your study.
6. How are the general and the specific statement of the problem formulated?
7. Why are the assumptions and hypothesis important in research?
A hypothesis is what is being tested explicitly by an experiment. An assumption is
tested implicitly. By making your assumptions as well as your hypotheses explicit you
increase the clarity of your approach and the chance for learning. Assumptions are formulated
and on the basis of the assumptions certain hypothesis statements are declared. Thus, a
hypothesis can also be considered as an assumption that is taken to be true unless proven
otherwise. A Hypothesis is an uncertain explanation regarding a phenomenon or event.A
hypothesis simply should be explicit enough to be testable in such a way that a clear,
unambiguous, repeatable result can be obtained.

1. What are the nature of related studies and literature?

Related literature and studies refer to previously published or unpublished works,
research, and findings that are closely related to the topic being investigated.

2. How are related literature and studies formulated?

Related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the
present study is related. The materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias,
professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications.

3. Why are related studies and literature important in research? What are their functions?
Related studies and literature is important in research because it provides the
investigator with a framework on which to build an appropriate hypothesis.
 Provide foundation of knowledge on topic
 Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication and give credit to other
 Identify inconstancies: gaps in research, conflicts in previous studies, open questions left
from other research

4. What are the characteristics of good related literature and studies?

 A good literature review shows signs of synthesis and understanding of the topic
 good-related literature and studies generally focus on the conceptualization and
measurement of "goodness" or positive qualities such as kindness, compassion, altruism,
and moral character.
5. From what sources may related literature and studies located?
The sources of related literature and studies are located in the following places:
Libraries, either government, school, or private libraries. Government and private offices. E.g.
published books, magazines, encyclopedias, almanacs and etc.


1. What is historical research?
Historical research is a process of collecting and interpreting data about past events or
ideas in order to find how they affected the present events and ideas. It studies possible
reasons behind certain events to explain their influence on the events that followed.

2. How is a problem or topic chosen for historical research?

A problem or topic for historical research is chosen based on its relevance,
significance, and the researcher's interest. It should address a gap in knowledge, contribute to
the understanding of a historical event or phenomenon, or provide new insights into the past.

3. From where are the data for historical research gathered? What are the sources?
Historical research relies on a wide variety of sources, both primary & secondary
including unpublished material it is found in public records & legal documents, minutes of
meetings, corporate records, recordings, letters, diaries, journals, drawings

What are the sources?

 A primary source this are any and everything written in the time and place being studied
- a song, a poem, a laundry list, a piece of graffiti, an epitaph, a love letter, an
advertisement, a fortune cookie fortune, a song, a joke, a news paper report or editorial, a
stump speech, a tax bill, bank records

  secondary source is any history, biography, or the like written well after the fact of what
it is reporting, and written by someone who was not from that place and time, but
(presumably) used primary sources about his subject to get his information and reach his
 tertiary sources are books and articles about or referencing distant historical events, in
which the author was wholly dependent upon secondary sources, and had not engaged in
any primary research. These include things like school text books, encyclopedia articles,
magazine articles, and representations in popular literature.
4. How are data analyzed by internal criticism in historical research? By external criticisms?
Internal criticism involves a scientific examination of the relevance of the data.
Correction of errors rejection of unwanted information is important.
External criticism examines the authenticity of the document or evidence used. The
quality of the paper, type of ink, the language and words used in the material. and its intended
purpose, among others.

 Once a document has been determined to be genuine (external criticism), researchers need to
determine if the content is accurate (internal criticism).

2. Why is it important to use both internal and external criticism?

Using both internal and external criticism determines whether the source is genuine
and trustworthy.

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