Est 100 QP June 2022
Est 100 QP June 2022
Est 100 QP June 2022
9. A flywheel of mass 5 tonne starts from rest and gets up a speed of 150 rpm in 3 minutes.
Find the average torque exerted on it if the radius of gyration of wheel is 50 cm.
Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks.
11. a) For the system of forces, determine the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant
force about A. (7)
14. A uniform ladder of 4 m length rests against a vertical wall with which it makes an angle
of 45°. The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the wall is 0.4 and that between
ladder and the floor is 0.5. At what position along the ladder from the bottom end does the
ladder slips, if a man, whose weight is one-half of that of the ladder, ascends it. (14)