Launch DevTools2
Launch DevTools2
Launch DevTools2
To diagnose an app with performance problems, you’ll enable
the performance overlay to look at the UI and raster threads.
(The raster thread was previously known as the GPU thread.)
Before you begin, you want to make sure that you’re running in
profile mode, and that you’re not using an emulator. For best
results, you might choose the slowest device that your users
might use.
• {
• "name": "Flutter",
• "request": "launch",
• "type": "dart",
• "flutterMode": "profile"
• }
• ]
• In Android Studio and IntelliJ, use the Run > Flutter Run
main.dart in Profile Mode menu item.
• From the command line, use the --profile flag:
$ flutter run --profile
Launch DevTools
DevTools provides features like profiling, examining the heap,
displaying code coverage, enabling the performance overlay,
and a step-by-step debugger. DevTools’ Timeline view allows
you to investigate the UI performance of your application on a
frame-by-frame basis.
Stay up to date
What’s new
This page contains current and previous announcements of
what’s new on the Flutter website and blog. For details about
what’s new in the Flutter releases see the release notes page.
For Dart, you can join the Dart Announce Google group, and
review the Dart changelog.
Flutter builds
with Bitrise
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Flutter Analyze
Run the `flutter analyze` command in any Flutter build to check
your code with the Dart analyzer.
Flutter Build
Build and deploy your Flutter apps for both Android and iOS
with their own customized configurations.
Flutter Testt tests that are written for Flutter builds. Use
any of the available flags for the `flutter test` command.
Material 3
You might also check out What’s next for Flutter and
Introducing Dart 3 alpha.
What’s new in Flutter 3.3, and Dart 2.18: Objective-C & Swift
interop (free articles on Medium), and the Flutter 3.3 release
Google I/O 2022 is over, but you can still check out the Flutter-
specific updates and talks from Google I/O on the videos page.
03 Feb 2022: Windows
Support: 2.10 release
Desktop support for Microsoft Windows (a central feature of the
2.10 release) is live! For more information, see Announcing
Flutter for Windows and What’s new in Flutter 2.10, free articles
on Medium.
507K subscribers
Flutter Update: Windows
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For the 1.9 release, Flutter’s web support has been merged
(“unforked”) into the main repo. Web support hasn’t reached
beta, and is not ready to be used in production. Web and
desktop support (which is also coming), will impact the website,
which was originally written exclusively for developing Flutter
mobile apps. Some website updates are available now (and
listed below), but more will be coming.
We’ve spent the last few months redesigning the website and
how its information is organized. We hope you can more easily
find the docs you are looking for. Some of the changes to the
website include: