Midiendo La Tasa Natural
Midiendo La Tasa Natural
Midiendo La Tasa Natural
economy—is important for both monetary and fiscal policy; it is a reference level to gauge the
stance of monetary policy and a key determinant of the sustainability of public debt. This
chapter aims to study the evolution of the natural rate of interest across several large
advanced and emerging market economies. To mitigate the uncertainty that typically
surrounds estimates of the natural rate, the chapter relies on complementary approaches to
analyze its drivers and project its future path. Common trends such as demographic changes
and productivity slowdown have been key factors in the synchronized decline of the natural
rate. And while international spillovers have been important determinants of the natural rate,
offsetting forces have resulted in only a moderate impact on balance. Overall, the analysis
suggests that once the current inflationary episode has passed, interest rates are likely to
revert toward pre-pandemic levels in advanced economies. How close interest rates get to
those levels will depend on whether alternative scenarios involving persistently higher
government debt and deficit or financial fragmentation materialize. In major emerging market
economies, natural interest rates are expected to gradually converge from above toward
advanced economies’ levels. In some cases, this may ease the pressure on fiscal authorities
over the long term, but fiscal adjustments will still be needed in many countries to stabilize or
reduce debt-to-GDP ratios.
In 1979, the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates from about 10 percent at the start of the year
to almost 14 percent by the year’s end, which in real terms—after taking account of inflation—
amounted to a rate of interest of about 5 percent.1 Even at the time this was viewed as likely
insufficient to tame rapidly rising inflation.2 And so it proved to be. Inflation continued to rise,
peaking at nearly 15 percent the following year, requiring even higher interest rates and a
prolonged recession before the situation was brought under control. Nearly three decades
later as the world faced the global financial crisis of 2008, the Federal Reserve— along with
central banks worldwide—slashed interest rates to as close to zero as they thought possible in
nominal and real terms. This time around, however, commentators and policymakers raised
concerns that interest rates were not low enough to boost demand and inflation. Once again,
these concerns proved well-founded, with inflation remaining stubbornly low for much of the
next 10 years. These two contrasting examples raise an obvious question. How can it be that in
the same country a real interest rate of 5 percent is sometimes too low but at other times a
real interest rate of zero is too high? Most answers rely on the idea that a given real interest
rate does not have the same macroeconomic effects at all times. Instead, the impact is relative
to some reference level. When real interest rates are below that level, they are stimulatory,
boosting demand and inflation. And when above it, they are contractionary, lowering output
and inflation. If this reference level moves over time, then the same real interest rate can be
too high or too low at different times. Macroeconomists call this reference interest rate the
“real natural rate of interest.”3 The “natural” part means that this is the real interest rate that
is neither stimulatory nor contractionary and is consistent with output at potential and stable
inflation. Lowering the real rate below the natural rate is akin to stepping on the
macroeconomic accelerator; raising it above is like hitting the brake. The natural rate is usually
thought of as independent of monetary policy and instead driven by real phenomena such as,
for instance, technological progress, demographics, inequality, or preference shifts for safe and
liquid assets.4 As the preceding discussion suggests, the natural rate is important for the
conduct of monetary policy. Policymakers need to know the level of the natural rate in order
to gauge the likely impact of their policies and so assess the stance of monetary policy. The
natural rate also has a critical influence on fiscal policy. On average over the long term,
monetary policy is typically neither inflationary nor contractionary. And so the natural rate is
also an anchor for real rates over long periods of time. Because governments typically pay back
debts over long time spans (both through long-maturity debt and by rolling over short-term
debt), the natural rate is essential in determining the overall cost of borrowing and the
sustainability of public debts. Given the importance of the natural rate for both monetary and
fiscal policy, it is not surprising that the recent surge in inflation and government debt
worldwide has led to renewed interest in this topic. Real rates have increased a bit as
monetary policy has become tighter in response to higher inflation. But the uptick remains
modest compared with the late 1970s. Whether central banks have raised rates enough to
return inflation to target depends critically on the level of the natural rate. Similarly, the
natural rate will determine how much of a burden the present-day high levels of debt will be
for governments (see Chapter 3). In light of these concerns, the chapter seeks to answer the
following questions:
• How has the natural rate evolved in the past across different economies?
• What is the outlook for these drivers and natural rates in the near and medium term?
To shed light on these issues, the chapter first reviews the main stylized facts that characterize
real interest rate trends at different maturities and across different countries. It then sets out
to measure the natural rate. To mitigate the unavoidable uncertainty associated with
estimations of the natural rate, the chapter will follow a two-pronged approach. Beginning
with a simple model (Laubach and Williams 2003)—one that lets the data speak—it moves to a
tighter theoretical structure that imposes more restrictions on the data but allows a deeper
understanding of the underlying drivers of the natural rate (Platzer and Peruffo 2022).
Comparing estimates from different models provides independent validation. In addition,
alternative scenarios covering a range of plausible future developments for the main
underlying drivers of the natural rate are considered for robustness. These projections provide
a long-term anchor for monetary policy and a crucial input to analyze debt sustainability in the
largest advanced and emerging market economies. The main findings of the chapter are as
• Common trends have played an important role in driving real interest rates down. The
natural rate has declined over the past four decades in most advanced economies and some
emerging markets. While idiosyncratic factors can explain cross-country differences, common
trends underlying demographic transitions and productivity slowdowns are key to
understanding the synchronized decline.
• Global drivers have also been important determinants but on balance have had a limited
impact on net capital flows and corresponding natural rates in advanced and emerging market
economies. As global capital markets opened and fast-growing emerging market economies
entered the scene in the 1980s and 1990s, foreign factors increasingly shaped long-term
trends in interest rates. High growth in emerging markets has tended to drive up interest rates
in advanced economies while producing a glut of savings in emerging markets. These excess
savings— in their quest for safe and liquid assets—have tended to flow back to advanced
economies, pushing natural interest rates back down. On balance, these forces seem to have
had broadly offsetting effects on capital flows and a moderate impact on natural rates over the
past half-century.
• Country-specific natural rates of interest are projected to converge in the next couple of
decades. Based on conservative assumptions on demographic, fiscal, and productivity
developments, it is anticipated that natural rates in large emerging market economies will
decline, gradually converging toward the low and steady levels expected in advanced
• As inflation returns to target, the effective lower bound on interest rates may become
binding again. Post-pandemic increases in interest rates could be protracted until inflation is
brought back to target (Chapter 1). However, long-term forces driving the natural rate suggest
that interest will eventually converge toward pre-pandemic levels in advanced economies.
How close to those levels will depend on whether alternative scenarios involving persistently
higher government debt and deficit or financial fragmentation materialize. Because nominal
rates cannot fall far below zero (the effective lower bound constraint), this could limit central
banks’ ability to respond to negative demand shocks. Thus, debates about the appropriate
level of target inflation at the effective lower bound could reemerge. Even the central banks in
some emerging market economies may eventually need to adopt unconventional policy tools
similar to those used by advanced economies in recent years.
• Despite increased fiscal space, many countries will have to consolidate. While low natural
rates may ease pressure on fiscal policy, they do not negate the need for fiscal responsibility.
Important government support during the pandemic has strained public accounts, requiring
some budget consolidation to ensure long-term debt sustainability. Various paths to deficit
reduction are open, but delaying action will only make the required steps more drastic: Larger
public debt tends to crowd out private investment and erode the appeal of safe and liquid
government debt.
This section lays out some basic facts about how real interest rates have evolved over the long
term. Because the natural rate is an anchor for real interest rates, long-term trends in real
interest rates are potentially informative signals about the natural rate itself. Figure 2.1, panel
1, starts the inquiry by comparing five different measures of the ex ante real interest rate for
the United States.5 Different maturities from 1 year up to 20 years are considered. Despite
differences at high frequencies—the short-horizon measures are unsurprisingly much more
volatile—all these measures share a common long-term trend. Looking through cyclical
fluctuations and term premiums, real rates have fallen steadily, by about 5 percentage points
over the last four decades across all maturities. Given that the natural rate of interest is a long-
term attractor for real rates, this suggests that the natural rate of interest has also fallen, at
least in the United States. To get a sense of whether these developments have been mirrored
elsewhere, Figure 2.1, panel 2, compares historical ex post real rates in five advanced
economies over a similar period, in this case using three-month real rates. The broad pattern is
the same, with real rates declining steadily from highs in the 1980s. Interestingly, the common
international component seems at first glance to have become more important over time, with
countries’ real rates seeming to converge gradually.
Figure 2.2 contrasts developments in advanced and emerging market economies. A shared
trend at the start of the 2000s decoupled later on as real rates continued to decline in
advanced economies but stabilized at their 2005 level in emerging markets. Overall, this first
look at the data suggests that the natural rate has likely declined in the past four decades or so
in advanced economies. This downward trend seems to be increasingly common across
countries and points to some global drivers. The picture is different in emerging markets,
where natural rates have remained broadly stable over the past 20 years on average. Because
emerging market and advanced economies’ current accounts are broadly balanced, the
divergence in long-term rates points to remaining frictions preventing a stronger convergence
between advanced and emerging market economies (Obstfeld 2021).6 Yet this analysis leaves
many important issues unaddressed. The data, although suggesting that the natural rate has
declined in many advanced economies, cannot explain why this decline occurred and fail to
distinguish the impact of secular and cyclical factors. The following sections tackle these
This section relies on well-known macroeconomic empirical models to try to estimate the
natural rate of interest. Because the natural rate is an unobserved, latent variable, any
measurement requires some theory. The approach here is to use a minimal amount of theory,
drawing on simple macroeconomic relationships between aggregate supply and demand,
interest rates, and inflation. Approaches based on aggregate relationships are a good starting
point for developing a more informed measure of the natural rate because they are
transparent and straightforward. Subsequent sections use a richer framework based on more
extensive microeconomic theory and so speak more to the underlying drivers of the natural
The first approach is an application of the widely used Laubach-Williams model (Holston,
Laubach, and Williams 2017; hereafter HLW). This model assumes a set of relationships
between supply, demand, interest rates, and prices consistent with perhaps the most standard
macroeconomic view of the world, the New Keynesian model.7 In this setting, the natural rate
is driven by a variety of shocks, including trend output growth. Here, it is defined as the real
interest rate that will return output to potential and inflation to target, once purely transitory
shocks to aggregate supply or demand have dissipated. The intuition for this is that central
banks tend to think about returning inflation to target in the medium term, because trying to
offset every temporary shock would lead to undue volatility in interest rates and output.8
The model is first estimated from data for one country at a time. As part of the estimation, the
model attempts to figure out what were the most likely values for several key unobserved
variables, including potential output and the natural rate of interest, given the (relatively
standard) New Keynesian view of the macroeconomy. This framework also offers a basic
decomposition of changes in the natural rate into two components: one due to changes in the
long-term growth trend, and one due to other factors, which can in principle include domestic
and foreign drivers. One drawback, however, is that the HLW model is designed to apply
principally to advanced economies, for which data can be reasonably described by the New
Keynesian model over a long enough time period. The richer structural model in the next
section has more to say about emerging markets. Figure 2.3 summarizes the results from
estimating the HLW model on a sample of six advanced economies for which sufficient
quarterly data exist. It shows estimates of the natural rate, as well as the part due to trend
growth, for two five-year periods: one covering the end of the 1970s, the other for the late
2010s. These estimates broadly confirm the intuition presented so far in this chapter: that the
natural rate of interest has declined across advanced economies in the past 40 years. Despite
some variation in the level of the rate across countries, the magnitude of the decline has been
broadly similar, at a little over 2 percentage points in most countries. This is much smaller than
the overall decline in real interest rates over the same period (of about 5 percentage points),
which likely also reflected the change in the monetary policy stance, particularly tight at the
beginning of the 1980s as central banks fought historically high inflation. However, the
uncertainty over the estimates of the natural rate is very large, with the 90 percent confidence
interval for the United States ranging from zero to about 3 percent in the second half of the
2010s. Uncertainty is a common feature of all estimates of the natural rate9 and arises
because the estimated relationships between interest rates and the output gap, and the
output gap and inflation, are both relatively weak. As a result, fluctuations in output and
inflation provide little information about the overall level of the natural rate. Yet at least one
part of the natural rate is well estimated: the trend growth component, for which confidence
intervals are much smaller. This is because data for output are directly informative about trend
growth. One interesting feature of these results is that the decline in the natural rate is so
similar across advanced economies despite such differing trend growth components. With the
exception of Japan, the natural rate dropped more than implied by the change in growth rates
over the same period. This suggests that some forces other than domestic growth may be
inducing common movements in the natural rate. That estimated natural rates are more
similar across countries now than 40 years ago is perhaps consistent with the idea that capital
market integration has progressed, at least among advanced economies. This possibility
motivates an extended version of this model, which allows for explicit international spillovers
through either real or financial channels (and is explored in the section “Multicountry
Estimates of the Natural Rate”).
Despite its limitation, the closed economy model is a useful benchmark for addressing two
questions that have gained attention during the post-pandemic inflationary episode in many
advanced economies. That is: How much did policymakers stimulate during the pandemic?
And how fast did they tighten afterward? One concern when answering these questions is that
any conclusions may unduly rely on the benefit of hindsight. What now might appear to be
policy mistakes may have been perfectly reasonable decisions for policymakers without the
benefit of perfect foresight.
To illustrate the challenges, Figure 2.4 shows different vintages of measures of the real and
natural rates. The gap between the two is a summary measure of whether monetary policy is
tight (when the realized real rate is higher than the natural rate; the gap is positive) or loose
(when the gap is negative). The measures differ in the data they use. The full-sample estimate
(in red) uses data up to the third quarter of 2022 and so approximates the current best guess
of what the natural rate was at each point in time. This helps provide an assessment of the
monetary policy stance with the benefit of hindsight. In contrast, contemporaneous estimates
(in blue) are computed by repeatedly running the model, extending the data sample by one
quarter each time. This aims to approximate how the real rate gap might have been assessed
at the time.
Early in the pandemic, the two measures differed, often considerably and usually with the
contemporaneous estimate presenting a much tighter view of monetary policy. This is
consistent with the idea that the shocks seen when the pandemic hit were highly unusual, with
both supply and demand moving far and fast. Faced with contemporaneous data, this model
viewed supply shocks as having a large permanent component, generating an exceptionally
low natural rate and thus a tight stance for monetary policy.
Subsequent data helped correct this misperception, with the sharp change in the natural rate
early in the pandemic progressively revised away. A reasonable interpretation is that
policymakers looked through the immediate crisis, applied their judgment in a way that a
model cannot, and so delivered moderately stimulatory policy.10 Later in the pandemic,
however, policy became looser. And although the natural rate did rise a little in most places,
looser policy largely came about through inflation eroding real policy rates. In contrast to the
early pandemic period, the red and blue dots are generally very close. This says that
subsequent data do not tell us much that was not known at the time. And so, while
policymakers may have had good reasons not considered here for conservatism in adjusting
rates, the HLW model suggests that policy was loose for a long time in some countries
(October 2022 Global Financial Stability Report)
One drawback of the HLW approach is that it involves a closed-economy model; it can only
estimate the natural rate for one country at a time. This is not an issue when the goal is only to
estimate the level of the natural rate in a particular country. However, the approach cannot be
used for counterfactual analysis that would try to assess something like the impact of a decline
in foreign potential growth on the domestic natural rate.
One way to address this is to use an explicitly international model. Wynne and Zhang (2018)
proposed one such framework that allows for two-way interactions between two independent
regions using an empirical approach very similar to HLW. The framework features an important
general equilibrium aspect of the determination of the natural rate via international spillovers.
This is in line with international macroeconomic theory that stipulates that when capital is
internationally mobile, the determination of natural rates entails a global dimension (Clarida,
Galí, and Gertler 2002; Galí and Monacelli 2005; Metzler 1951; Obstfeld 2020). This also
implies that if there are spillovers from one country to another, then it stands to reason that
those effects might spill back over to the originator.
Specifically, the natural rate is now allowed to be affected not just by domestic growth but also
by foreign growth. The intuition is that if foreign growth increases, so do foreign rates of
return, necessitating greater compensation for domestic investors and driving up the domestic
natural rate. Of course, changes in the domestic natural rate affect domestic growth, which
then spills back to the foreign natural rate through a similar channel. Figure 2.5 presents the
results from such a model, with the United States and the rest of the world as the two
regions.11 As before, this setting suggests that the natural rate in the United States has
declined by about 2 percentage points in the past 50 years or so. In contrast, the estimated
natural rate in the rest of the world has been more stable, at least since the mid-1970s. Two
factors are responsible. First, as might be expected, domestic growth rather than foreign
growth is more important for each (relatively closed) region. Second, secular slowdown in
many advanced economies is offset by the rise of high-growth emerging market and
developing economies, such as China, propping up growth in the rest of the world. These
elements working together have led to a higher and more stable natural rate outside the
United States. Nevertheless, international spillovers are significant and important for
determining the level of the natural rate. The analysis suggests two offsetting channels. The
first operates through overseas growth (in red), which has helped support the natural rate in
the United States. The other channel is shown by the increasing and negative impact of “other
factors” (in yellow). That this has had a long-lasting and negative effect on the natural rate in
the United States is consistent with the idea that increased foreign demand for safe and liquid
US assets has depressed returns (Bernanke 2005; Caballero, Farhi, and Gourinchas 2008, 2016,
2017b; Pescatori and Turunen 2015), especially since the global financial crisis. Note that the
converse effect in the rest of the world is smaller, which reflects the relative sizes of the two
regions. Overall, this analysis suggests that foreign developments likely have had two offsetting
effects on natural rates in the United States. Sustained growth in emerging markets has driven
up the US interest rate while simultaneously producing a glut of savings that pulled it down
again as foreign investors increasingly demanded safe and liquid US government debt. While
more general than a closed economy model, this framework still has an important drawback. It
has little to say about the true drivers of the changes in the natural rate: What causes growth,
either foreign or domestic? What is behind “other factors”? The next section tackles some of
these questions.
Los modelos macroeconómicos agregados de las secciones anteriores pueden ofrecer una
explicación muy simple de por qué la tasa natural ha disminuido: si bien otros factores juegan
un papel, el crecimiento, tanto externo como interno, parece ser el factor más importante.
Pero esto no es muy satisfactorio. El "crecimiento" es el resultado de diferentes fuerzas
macroeconómicas, no una fuerza primaria en sí misma. Por ejemplo, si bien tanto las fuerzas
demográficas como el crecimiento de la productividad podrían ser responsables de la
disminución secular del crecimiento, cada uno podría tener implicaciones potencialmente muy
diferentes para la tasa natural. Además, estas fuerzas más profundas pueden tener efectos
compensatorios no completamente capturados por esta simple descomposición.
Un poco de teoría
Se han propuesto muchos mecanismos económicos posibles para explicar las variaciones en la
tasa de interés natural. Su importancia puede variar en diferentes frecuencias, con fuerzas
"macroeconómicas" más propensas a impulsar tendencias a largo plazo y fuerzas "financieras"
más propensas a ser importantes en el corto y mediano plazo, lo que refleja la aversión al
riesgo y los ciclos de apalancamiento.12 Por supuesto, esta distinción es algo artificial porque
las fuerzas financieras pueden impulsar cambios seculares en el comportamiento que
determina las tasas de ahorro.13
Impulsores macroeconómicos
• Crecimiento de la productividad:
Las teorías macroeconómicas más simples dictan que la tasa de interés está fijada por el
crecimiento de la productividad agregada. La idea es que la tasa de interés pagada por un
prestatario debe compensar al prestamista por renunciar al uso alternativo de esos fondos,
conocido como su "costo de oportunidad". Un mayor crecimiento de la productividad aumenta
el producto marginal del capital y aumenta el costo de oportunidad de los ahorradores, lo que
requiere una tasa de interés más alta para inducirlos a prestar (Cesa-Bianchi, Harrison y Sajedi
2022; Mankiw 2022; Solow 1956).
Los cambios en las tasas de fecundidad y mortalidad tienen efectos complejos y variables en el
tiempo sobre la tasa natural. Las fuerzas demográficas tienen implicaciones para la tasa de
crecimiento de la economía, su tasa de dependencia y el ahorro agregado deseado para una
jubilación más larga (Auclert et al. 2021; Carvalho, Ferrero y Nechio 2016; Gagnon, Johannsen
y López-Salido 2021; véase el Anexo 2.3 en línea).
•Política fiscal:
El aumento del endeudamiento del gobierno puede conducir a tasas de interés más altas
porque se requiere más ahorro para satisfacer la mayor demanda de fondos. Sin embargo, la
medida en que esto ocurra también depende de cuánta inversión privada sea desplazada por
la deuda pública adicional (Eggertsson, Mehrotra y Robbins 2019; Rachel y Summers 2019).
El impacto del aumento del poder de mercado en la tasa natural es ambiguo. El aumento del
poder de mercado generalmente deprime la producción futura y la demanda de inversión, lo
que pesa sobre las tasas de interés. Pero también redirige los dividendos de los trabajadores a
los propietarios de capital, con el impacto en la tasa natural dependiendo de la distribución de
estos dividendos entre las cohortes (Ball y Mankiw 2021; Caballero, Farhi y Gourinchas 2017b;
Eggertsson, Mehrotra y Robbins 2019; Mankiw 2022; Natal y Stoffels 2019; Platzer y Peruffo
• Otras razones:
Estos incluyen el efecto de los impuestos gubernamentales en el perfil del consumo privado y
el ahorro (Eggertsson, Mehrotra y Robbins 2019; Platzer y Peruffo 2022), el aumento de la
desigualdad que aumenta la oferta general de ahorros porque los ricos tienden a ahorrar más
que los pobres (Mian, Straub y Sufi 2021a, 2021b, 2021c), y las posibles interacciones entre
diferentes canales.
Impulsores financieros
• Los flujos internacionales de capital y la escasez de activos seguros: Los efectos indirectos
internacionales de la integración de los mercados mundiales de capital pueden haber sido
poderosos impulsores de la tasa natural. Dos mecanismos principales están en
funcionamiento. Por un lado, los mercados emergentes de alto crecimiento ofrecen
oportunidades alternativas de inversión, lo que resulta en salidas de capital y aumento de la
tasa natural en las economías avanzadas (Clarida, Galí y Gertler 2002; Galí y Monacelli 2005;
Obstfeld y Rogoff 1997; Obstfeld 2021). Por otro lado, la oferta de activos seguros y líquidos,
principalmente bonos del gobierno de Estados Unidos, no ha seguido el ritmo del rápido
aumento de la demanda, especialmente de los mercados emergentes. Su escasez resultante
puede haber elevado su precio y reducido su rendimiento (Bárány, Coeurdacier y Guibaud
2018; Bernanke 2005; Caballero, Farhi y Gourinchas 2008, 2016, 2017a, 2017b, 2021; Del
Negro y otros 2017; Krishnamurthy y Vissing-Jorgensen 2012).
• Aversión al riesgo y ciclos de apalancamiento: La calidad atribuida a activos particularmente
seguros y líquidos (por ejemplo, bonos gubernamentales en economías avanzadas) da lugar a
un rendimiento de conveniencia, que es variable y es probable que aumente cuando la tensión
global conduzca al desapalancamiento (Gourinchas, Rey y Sauzet 2022). Dada la propiedad
refugio del dólar estadounidense, este es especialmente el caso de los bonos del Tesoro de los
Estados Unidos, cuyo valor aumenta en períodos de estrés, brindando protección a los
inversores internacionales con aversión al riesgo (Gourinchas, Rey y Govillot 2017).
To compare the quantitative impact of these different forces, this chapter relies on a
macroeconomic model (PP) based on Platzer and Peruffo (2022).
This is an important novelty with respect to earlier literature because the PP model includes in
one unified framework many of the mechanisms discussed in the previous section and so can
explain how the contributions from each of the corresponding economic forces change the
natural rate. This approach avoids double-counting and having to infer the importance of each
driver from different models calibrated separately.14
PP is a “real” macroeconomic model, in the sense that it abstracts from nominal and financial
frictions that typically underlie cyclical fluctuations. Similarly, for tractability, uncertainty is
assumed away. While these are reasonable assumptions for the study of medium- to long-
term trends in the real interest rate, the model is ill-equipped to analyze the impact of the
financial drivers discussed earlier.15 Nonetheless, PP still allows for foreign developments to
affect domestic interest rates through their implication for net international capital flows.
PP is calibrated to represent eight major global economies: the United States, Japan, Germany,
the United Kingdom, France, China, India, and Brazil. These are the five largest advanced
economies and the three largest emerging market and developing economies, which cover
some 70 percent of global GDP. Demographic developments, the age-earning profile, the share
of income going to the richest 10 percent, productivity trends, the retirement age, average
pension replacement rates, labor share, government debt, and public expenditure inform the
country-specific calibrations.
Before turning to detailed model simulations, Figure 2.6 compares the overall decline in the
natural rate implied by the PP and HLW frameworks. The striking similarity between the results
obtained with two very different approaches is reassuring. This mitigates the uncertainty
surrounding HLW point estimates while bolstering confidence in the microeconomic structure
of the PP framework.
The first exercise for this model is to understand why the natural rate has declined in the past
several decades. Figure 2.7 presents the estimated change in the natural rate and its
attribution to the different fundamental forces for each of the eight countries.
While no factor clearly dominates over the past 40 years, a set of common forces has driven
the natural rate, explaining part of the international comovement. All eight countries in the
sample experienced population aging contributing negatively to the change in the natural rate.
This effect was particularly large in China, Japan, and Germany. Growth in total factor
productivity (TFP) declined in all advanced economies, at times explaining far more than the
final decline in the natural rate. Fiscal policy is an important offset in all economies, particularly
Japan and Brazil. In Japan, public debt increased by more than 200 percent of GDP, lifting the
natural rate by more than the negative contributions from TFP growth or demographics. In
Brazil, it is mainly the large increase in public consumption, financed by taxation, that explains
the positive contribution of the fiscal driver, even though the increase in public debt also plays
a role. The contribution of net international capital flows, which summarizes the net impact of
global forces through international spillovers (discussed in the context of Figure 2.5), is
significant but smaller and goes in the expected direction.16 The largest net negative effect is
found in the United States, potentially reflecting that stockpiling of safe assets by emerging
markets more than offsets capital outflows drawn to attractive investment opportunities
abroad. In contrast, in Japan, capital outflows seem to dominate, lifting the country’s natural
rate as excess domestic savings are invested in faster-growing economies abroad. The picture
is more mixed in the three large emerging markets displayed here (Box 2.3 analyzes the
importance of international spillovers for smaller emerging market and developing
So far, this chapter has focused on understanding what has happened to the natural rate and
why. While interesting, this is perhaps less relevant for policy today than a slightly different
issue: What will happen to real rates in the future?
The Baseline
The same framework used to understand the drivers of the natural rate can also be used to
convert assumptions about those underlying drivers into predictions for the natural rate. The
baseline projection presented in Figure 2.8, panel 1, relies on conservative assumptions for the
main drivers: (1) predicted demographic trends follow United Nations population projections,
(2) public debt follows World Economic Outlook (WEO) projections until 2028 (and remains
constant thereafter), and (3) all other drivers are assumed fixed at their 2015–19 levels. In
emerging markets, (4) TFP growth is assumed to converge to the advanced economies’
average over the long term, as would be expected as countries get closer to the technology
The simulation suggests that natural interest rates are likely to stay close to pre-pandemic
levels in advanced economies. Because the demographic transition is already well underway,
the residual negative impact of further aging is expected to be moderate. At the same time,
higher public debt acts as a counterweight, pushing up the natural rate. In emerging markets,
in contrast, the prognosis is for a significant decline in natural rates. This is the consequence of
slowing productivity growth and an aging population; in many emerging market economies,
the demographic transition should accelerate in the decades ahead. In China, for example, a
steady decline in the natural rate by about 1.5 percentage points within the next 30 years is
projected, bringing it to about zero in 2050. These projections assume that some degree of
segmentation remains between the capital markets of advanced economies and emerging
markets (see Figure 2.2 and the analysis in Obstfeld 2021) and that the balance of capital
inflows and outflows stays as it was in 2019. Departures from these assumptions are used to
craft alternative scenarios.
Alternative Scenarios
The outlook for a given scenario is highly uncertain. Many shocks could cause the natural rate
to depart from the baseline paths. And so these paths should be thought of as illustrative, with
a distribution of future outcomes around them. Within this uncertain outlook, some specific
alternative scenarios stand out as particularly germane to the current post-pandemic
conjuncture. (1) Government debt could drift higher, (2) enthusiasm for holding safe and liquid
public debt could wane, (3) workers’ bargaining power could increase, (4) deglobalization
forces could intensify, and (5) the energy transition could have important implications for
global saving, investment, and the natural rate. These alternative scenarios are reported in
Figure 2.8, panel 2, and in Boxes 2.1 and 2.2 and are described briefly here. All in all, deviations
are expected to be relatively modest, spanning a range of about 120 basis points centered on
the baseline scenario. Of course, more sizable effects could be envisioned should combinations
of these scenarios happen simultaneously.
• Higher government debt: As households struggle to keep up with rising energy expenses and
the ongoing impact of the pandemic, governments may opt to provide greater financial
assistance. Allowing public debt to increase by 25 percent of GDP above the baseline by 2050
would increase demand for private savings and lift the natural rate; however, the impact
should not exceed 5 to 10 basis points for most countries.18
• Erosion of the convenience yield, leading to higher borrowing costs for government in
advanced economies: If investors were to perceive advanced economies’ government debt as
less safe and less liquid than in the past (for example, if the US Congress failed to raise the
debt ceiling), then the premium they pay for holding this particular type of asset would erode
as portfolios are rebalanced; in this scenario, it is assumed that the premium would return to
pre-2000 average levels.19 This decline in the convenience yield over the next three decades
would bring up natural rates in advanced economies (and lower corporate bond yields) by
about 70 basis points.20
• Higher labor shares in advanced economies: Markups have increased in the past several
decades, raising the share of income going to capital owners at the expense of workers (Akcigit
and others 2021). As workers’ bargaining power continues to improve following the post-
pandemic transformation of the labor market, a return to labor shares prevailing in the mid-
1970s in advanced economies would raise the natural rate by 6 to 19 basis points by 2050.
• Energy transition: Transitioning to a cleaner and more sustainable global economy by 2050,
as laid out in the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, would push global natural rates
lower in the medium term because higher energy prices bring down the marginal productivity
of capital and investment demand. For reasonable scenarios based on the October 2020 WEO,
the effects are expected to be relatively modest: By 2050, natural rates are expected to decline
by 50 basis points along a hump-shaped trajectory. If large investment in low-emission capital
and technology is financed through budget deficits, natural rates could temporarily climb by 30
basis points (Box 2.1).
• Deglobalization: With increasing geopolitical tensions, the risk of some form of international
trade fragmentation—higher trade barriers, sanctions, and the like—is elevated. Lower
international trade would push down global output and desired investment. The effect on the
natural rate would vary across regions, reflecting the shortening of global value chains. The risk
of trade fragmentation is compounded by the risk of financial fragmentation (April 2023 Global
Financial Stability Report), whose effect on real interest rates will depend on countries’ initial
external position: Deficit countries will find it more difficult to finance their current accounts,
while surplus countries will repatriate excess savings, bringing down the natural interest rate.
Effects are between a 40 basis point decline and a 20 basis point increase, depending on the
region. For trade fragmentation, the effects are expected to be smaller (Box 2.2).
Policy Implications
Overall, the simulations previously discussed indicate that natural rates will likely remain at
low levels in advanced economies, while in emerging market economies, they are expected to
converge from above toward advanced economies’ levels. These patterns will have important
implications for both monetary and fiscal policy.
Monetary Policy
Once inflation is brought back to target over the coming years, which may require a
protracted period of high interest rates (Chapter 1), the implication for monetary policy seems
clear: Long-term forces suggest that natural rates will remain low (in advanced economies) or
decline further (in emerging markets), which may limit the ability of central banks to ease
policy by lowering nominal interest rates. As a result, monetary institutions may have to resort
to the same strategies they employed in the decade before the pandemic, such as balance
sheet policy and forward guidance. In addition, if deflationary dynamics take hold, many
economies may become trapped for an extended period in a suboptimal equilibrium
characterized by low growth and underemployment (Summers 2014). To address these
challenges, a larger stabilization role may have to be assigned to fiscal policy, and coordination
between fiscal and monetary policy might even be necessary. Reopening the debate about the
appropriate level of inflation targets, weighing the cost of permanently higher inflation against
the benefit of enhanced monetary policy space, may also be warranted (Blanchard 2023; Galí
2020; IMF 2010; Chapter 2 of the April 2020 WEO).
Fiscal Policy
Concerns about debt sustainability have recently resurfaced due to the sharp increase in
government debt following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the simultaneous rise in
policy rates to combat high inflation. In this context, the key factor for debt sustainability
analysis is the difference between the real rate of interest (r) and the growth rate of the
economy (g). If growth is higher than the real interest rate, governments may be able to
sustain higher primary budget deficits without necessarily compromising debt sustainability.
The PP model used earlier in the chapter considered the impact of the fiscal policy stance on
the natural rate, given that public debt issuance increases demand for loanable funds. This
section studies the implications of secular movements in the natural rate for debt
sustainability. The analysis relies on a partial equilibrium framework based on recent work by
Mian, Straub, and Sufi (2022).21
This framework takes the natural interest rate and growth projections from the PP model as
given and assesses debt dynamics under different scenarios for the eight advanced and
emerging market economies presented in the preceding section. The framework assumes that
savers prefer to hold government debt due to its liquidity and safety features or due to
regulatory requirements. This means government debt enjoys a premium in financial markets
relative to comparable assets, known in the literature as the “convenience yield,” which
effectively translates into a discount extended to the government on its borrowing costs
(Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgensen 2012; Wiriadinata and Presbitero 2020). However, as
the public sector accumulates more debt, government securities become less attractive to
savers, and the borrowing costs for the government increases: The convenience yield gets
eroded. Because the interest rate increases with the debt level in this framework, there is a
limit to the size of the primary deficit governments can sustainably run in the long term.22 The
sensitivity of interest rates to debt is important in this context, and its implications are
discussed at the end of this section.
The projections from the PP model and the elasticity of the convenience yield to the level of
the debt-to-GDP ratio are used to identify the long-term debt-stabilizing primary balance for
each level of debt. Given current primary balances, the amount of fiscal consolidation needed
is computed under the baseline and two of the scenarios presented earlier (high debt and
1970s labor share). Table 2.1 shows the amount of fiscal consolidation needed for the United
States and China, the single largest representative of each country group in our sample.23
For the United States, consolidation of about 3.7 percentage points of GDP is needed under
the baseline. In the higher-debt scenario, more consolidation is required, at about 3.9
percentage points of GDP. Under the higher-labor-share scenario, the difference between the
natural rate and long-term growth becomes less favorable, so that slightly greater
consolidation is required relative to the baseline. For China, the needed consolidation is much
greater. A deficit reduction of about 7.6 percent of GDP is required to stabilize the debt-to-
GDP ratio over the long term. The large consolidation reflects China’s sizable primary deficit of
about 7.5 percent of GDP in 2022. In all scenarios, it is assumed that fiscal adjustment can be
undertaken either in the near term or over the medium term; the smaller the primary deficit in
2022, the smaller the fiscal cost of waiting.24
Inference about the fiscal space available to governments is of course uncertain. One
important dimension of uncertainty relates to the sensitivity of interest rates to debt. An
increase in the sensitivity of interest rates to debt essentially lowers the debt threshold at
which primary surpluses are required for sustainability and thus erodes the fiscal space
available to governments. Online Annex 2.4 conducts robustness analysis around this
parameter that highlights the importance of building safety margins to account for changing
market conditions and investors’ risk perceptions (Caselli and others 2022).
Following four decades of steady decline, real interest rates appear to have increased in many
countries in the wake of the pandemic. While this uptick clearly reflects recent monetary
policy tightening, this chapter’s analysis seeks to understand whether the long-term anchor—
the natural rate—has also shifted. This is of key importance for the pricing of all assets
(housing, bonds, equities) and for monetary and fiscal policy. All else equal, higher natural
rates typically decrease fiscal space—that is, higher primary surpluses (smaller deficits) are
required to stabilize debt ratios. But they also free up some monetary policy space. Higher
natural rates imply higher nominal rates over the long term, providing central banks with more
space to react to negative demand shocks without hitting the effective lower bound.
The chapter suggests that recent increases in real interest rates are likely to be temporary.
When inflation is brought back under control, advanced economies’ central banks are likely to
ease monetary policy and bring real interest rates back toward pre-pandemic levels. How close
to those levels will depend on whether alternative scenarios involving persistently higher
government debt and deficit or financial fragmentation materialize. In large emerging markets,
conservative projections of future demographic and productivity trends suggest a gradual
convergence toward advanced economies’ real interest rates.25
This means that the issues associated with the “effective lower bound” constraint on interest
rates and “low (interest rates) for long” are likely to resurface.26 Unconventional policies
through active management of central bank balance sheets and forward guidance may
become standard stabilization tools, even in emerging markets. Debates about the appropriate
level of inflation target may also reemerge as countries weigh the social cost of higher inflation
against the constraint of ineffective stabilization due to the effective lower bound. In addition,
permanently lower real interest rates also increase fiscal space—all else equal—and allow
fiscal authorities to take a more active role in stabilizing the economy, provided fiscal
sustainability is ensured (Chapter 2 of the April 2020 WEO). In this case, it is crucial to clarify
the scope and responsibilities of fiscal and monetary authorities to avoid long-term damage to
the credibility of central Banks.
Box 2.1. The Natural Rate of Interest and the Green Transition
The package is fully financed by the carbon tax revenues—25 percent recycled toward social
transfers, up to 70 percent for green public infrastructure investment, and the rest as subsidies
to renewable energy sectors—making the policy budget-neutral.2 Maintaining budget
neutrality helps isolate the impact of the green transition on r* absent debt-financed green
investments. Although they are subject to uncertainty and intended to be largely illustrative,
the results from simulating the policy package yield several insights into how climate policies
can be expected to affect r*. Different climate mitigation policies affect r* differently. Acting
alone, carbon taxes depress overall investment and hence r* (Figure 2.1.1, panel 1).
is because the carbon tax increases the overall cost of energy, a complement in production to
physical capital. As a result of frictions, the associated decline in carbon-intensive activities
exceeds the investment in renewable sources of energy and low-emission production methods
—especially in countries wher production is carbon intensive. In contrast, public investment in
green infrastructure and subsidies to renewable energy positively affect investment, pushing
up r*. It is also worth noting that climate mitigation helps avoid climate-change-related
damages, boosting productivity growth with respect to a business-as-usual baseline and raising
r*. The net impact on r* depends on the associated overall fiscal impulse. Panel 2 of Figure
2.1.1 shows an alternative policy package that includes a temporary deficit-financed and front-
loaded green investment push. Unlike the budget-neutral policy package, which depresses r*
along the entire transition path, this simulation suggests that a deficit-financed fiscal stimulus
— because it increases demand for private savings—could have a positive impact on r*.
The macroeconomic impact of the green transition depends on the number of participating
countries. In Figure 2.1.1, panel 3, the climate policy package is simulated under three
different configurations, depending on whether all countries, only the five biggest emitters
(China, European Union, India, Japan, United States), or only advanced economies participate.
Not surprisingly, partial participation in the program leads to a significantly more muted
impact on r*. Overall, the short- to medium-term impact of the green transition on r* depends
on the balance of several effects. But over the long term, r* would converge to its pre-climate-
policy steady state as economies become greener and climate policy applies to a shrinking
share of economic activity.
Geoeconomic fragmentation also has implications for capital markets. In recent decades, and
especially since the end of the 1990s, capital market integration has allowed advanced
economies—and in particular the United States—to benefit from low borrowing costs. Savings
from emerging markets have increasingly sought the safety and liquidity of US government
bonds. This has helped bring down the natural rate of interest in the United States while lifting
it in surplus countries in Asia and the Middle East (Bernanke 2005; Caballero, Farhi, and
Gourinchas 2008, 2016, 2017a, 2017b, 2021). As this process reverses, the natural rate is likely
to increase in the United States and other advanced economies while decreasing in emerging
markets. In the extreme example of a full shutdown of capital markets, regional natural rates
would converge to levels that reflect only domestic drivers such as demographics and
productivity. Figure 2.2.2 presents the macroeconomic impact of a financial fragmentation
scenario assuming the China bloc reduces its exposure to the US bloc’s Treasury bonds; it is
modeled by reducing the premium paid by foreigners on US Treasury bonds. The China bloc
disposes of net foreign assets, which pushes down their domestic interest rate by 40 basis
points. In the US bloc, the interest rate increases by 20 basis points and the net foreign asset
position improves by 10 percent of GDP. The nonaligned countries experience slight net capital
inflows from the China bloc, as investors look for returns, reducing their interest rates by
about 10 basis points.
Do movements in the natural rate of interest in advanced economies impact real interest rates
in emerging market and developing economies? And if so, at what horizon? How strong are
such associations, and what determines their strength? Many emerging market economies
have adopted inflation targeting—orienting monetary policy toward domestic stabilization
goals. Yet policymakers in those countries may be unable or unwilling to closely track global
natural rates in the short term. Thus, for emerging market and developing economies, real
rates’ short-term dynamics may appear disconnected from global forces (Figure 2.2 and
Obstfeld 2021). Arslanalp, Lee, and Rawat (2018) examine real interest rates in the Asia and
Pacific region and find that a country’s capital market openness is a key factor for linking
domestic and global long-term real rates. This box’s analysis focuses instead on short-term real
rates that pertain directly to the monetary policy stance and are less likely to be swayed by
fluctuations in risk or term premiums.1 The importance of global natural rates to individual
countries’ real interest rate dynamics is measured by the contribution of the US natural rate to
emerging market economies’ individual forecast error variance decomposition.
Figure 2.3.1 shows that at business cycle horizons of less than five years, domestic real rates
dominate. At horizons beyond a decade, spillover from the US natural rate matter just as
much. This weighted aggregation masks substantial variation across countries at longer
horizons. The contribution from the US natural rates tends to be larger for East Asian and Latin
American countries. In large emerging market economies, such as China and India, about 30
percent of real rate variation is explained by US natural rates after a decade. After two
decades, spillovers are somewhat stronger in China than in India. Spillover effects to African
countries, such as Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Uganda, are minor, with less than a 10 percent
contribution from US natural rate spillovers. What is the role of capital account openness in
explaining this substantial variation across countries? To gauge its importance, de facto capital
openness— the sum of foreign assets and liabilities as a percent of GDP (IIPGDP)—is regressed
on the cross-country variation in magnitude of US natural rate spillovers to emerging market
and developing economies at 80 quarterly horizons. Figure 2.3.2 shows that the effect of
capital account openness becomes significant only gradually after about a decade.
Quantitatively, a 1 percentage point increase in the gross international investment position as
a share of a country’s GDP raises the importance of the US natural rate in explaining the share
of movements in emerging market and developing economies’ real interest rates by half a
percentage point after a decade and by 0.9 percentage point after two. So for a country like
Brazil, with an IIPGDP of about 40 percent, 20 percent of the forecast error variance
decomposition of Brazilian real interest rates is attributable to US spillovers after a decade, and
about 36 percent after two decades. This implies sizable spillovers but at fairly low frequency.