ICES 2015 Submission 220
ICES 2015 Submission 220
ICES 2015 Submission 220
Masanori Saitoh4
Orbital Engineering Inc., Yokohama city, Kanagawa prefecture, 221-0822, Japan
Tomoyuki Hirai5
Toska-Bano’k Co., Ltd., Bunkyo ward, Tokyo, 112-0014, Japan
Efficient insulation for tanks of the cryogenic propulsion stage or for infrared
astronomical satellites is one of the crucial key requirements. Multi-layer insulation (MLI)
blankets are used for spacecraft as excellent insulations. For conventional MLI blankets
using net spacers or embossed films however, it is difficult to control the layer density and
the thermal insulation performance degrades due to the increase in conductive heat leak
through interlayer contacts. At low temperatures, the proportion of conductive heat transfer
through MLI blankets is large compared to that of radiative heat transfer, hence the decline
in thermal insulation performance is significant. A new type of MLI blanket using new
spacers; the Non-Interlayer-Contact Spacer MLI (NICS MLI) has been developed, which
uses small discrete spacers and can exclude uncertain interlayer contact between films. The
insulation performance is measured with a boil-off calorimeter. Because the NICS MLI
blanket can exclude uncertain interlayer contact, the test results correlated well to
estimations. Furthermore, the NICS MLI blanket shows significantly good insulation
performance (effective emissivity is 0.0008 between 300K and 77K boundary temperature),
particularly at low temperatures, due to the high thermal resistance of this spacer.
= the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
eff = effective emissivity
s = layer surface emissivity
qtotal = total heat flux through MLI
qrad = radiative heat flux
qcond = conductive heat flux
qconv = convective heat flux
Thot = hot boundary temperature
Tcold = cold boundary temperature
N = number of layers
R = thermal resistance of a spacer
lp = pitch between spacers
m = evaporation rate of liquid nitrogen
hlg = latent heat of evaporation
SBT = heat transfer surface area of the boil-off tank
Engineer, Thermal Systems Group, Aerospace Research and Development Directorate,
Engineer, Thermal Systems Group, Aerospace Research and Development Directorate,
Head, Thermal Systems Group, Aerospace Research and Development Directorate,
Engineer, Engineering Group,
General Manager, Product Development Division,
I. Introduction
M ulti-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets are the most efficient thermal insulation element. Conventional MLI
blankets comprise multiple layers of low-emissivity films and netting spacers, the latter of which prevent
direct contact between films to reduce conductive heat leaks (Fig. 1 (a)). Instead of netting spacers, embossed films
are sometimes used to decrease the contact area between films. However, neither netting spacers nor embossed films
can exclude interlayer contact between film and the netting spacer or films, which has a major impact on conductive
heat leak through the MLI blankets, depending on the degree of contact. The thermal insulation performance of MLI
blankets is thus strongly dependent on the mounting arrangements. One of the parameters of thermal insulation
performance is the effective emissivity of an MLI blanket, as defined by the following equation:
T Tcold
4 4
Effective emissivity of 0.0050 or lower for a conventional MLI is achievable in well-controlled laboratory tests.
However, experience has shown that when a blanket is configured for spacecraft applications, effective emissivity
closer to the range 0.0150 to 0.0300 is representative of the current design, manufacturing and installation methods
for medium-area applications3.
Extremely high thermal insulation performance is particularly important for exploration spacecraft such as lunar
surface rovers, cryogenic science platforms, and long duration, in-space, cryogenic propulsion systems. The Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is planning one such mission: the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology
and Astrophysics (SPICA). The SPICA satellite has a cryogenically-cooled (< 6 K), large telescope (in the 3 m
class). Most heat radiation from the Sun to the spacecraft is blocked by sun shields and thermal radiation shields
covered with MLI blankets. It is important to maintain the insulation performance of MLI to retain the extremely
low temperature of its sensor.
For long-term propulsion systems, including cryogenic propellant tanks, insulation performance is also important
as a key technology to reduce heat entering the propellant storage tank and minimize boil-off losses of propellant
during long-term missions such as Mars exploration. The performance of conventional MLI blankets declines
significantly in cryogenic systems due to the low proportion of radiative heat transfer through MLI relative to that of
conductive heat transfer at low temperatures. The temperature of SPICA’s thermal radiation shields is 55 K to 121
K13, while that of the hydrogen tank is 20 K, which makes it challenging to maintain the thermal insulation
performance of MLI blankets installed in such cryogenic space missions. In this study, a new type of MLI, Non-
Inter layer-Contact Spacer MLIs (NICS MLIs) are experimentally designed and assembled and the insulation
performance is measured by a boil-off calorimeter.
(a) Conventional MLI with netting spacers (b) MLI with discrete spacers
Fig. 1 Schematics of a conventional MLI (a) and MLI with discrete spacers (b).
m hlg
q (2)
The flow rate of nitrogen gas having evaporated from the measurement tank is measured using three types of
flow meter as follows:
(a) Wet-type volume flow meter W-NK-0.5 (Shinagawa Corp.)
(b) Mass flow meter CMS-9500 (Azbil Corp.)
(c) Soap-film volume flow meter (50 ml type, time measured manually, for cross-checking)
The wet-type flow meter allows us to measure wide-ranging flow rate (from 0.016 to 5000 mL) with a single flow
meter, but has the disadvantage of yielding a fluctuating flow rate due to the difficulty in rotating the measurement
wheel when the flow rate is small, whereas the averaged flow rate calculated from the integrated flow rate is
considered reliable owing to its measurement principle. Conversely, the mass flow meter is suitable for this
experiment since the final desired value is not a volume flow rate but a mass flow rate, despite the relatively narrow
measurement range. In this paper, some of the data is taken with (a) and the rest with (b). It was confirmed in
another experiment that the averaged flow rates of these two flow meters match.
No. Name Calorimeter Layers Connection Perforation Inner layer film Outer layer film
1 Reference MLI (1)
tank Film ×24
/Net ×23 Interleaved
2 Reference MLI (2) lapping Vapor-deposited Polyimide surface
×1 polyester side of aluminized
Cylindrical Film ×12 (a)Dia.=2mm 6μm film 25μm film
3 Reference MLI (3)
tank /Net ×11 Pitch=50×50mm
Butting joint Random pattern KF-6B UTC-025R-NANN
4 Conventional MLI (1) ×4 (Both sides (Single side
Rectangular Film ×12 (edges of tank) aluminized) aluminized)
tank /Net ×11 Simple overlap
5 Conventional MLI (2) ×4
(edges of tank)
(c)Via Spacer: Vapor-deposited polyimide 50μm film
Interleaved KC-50B (Both sides aluminized)
Dia.=3mm on film
Non-Interlayer-Contact Rectangular lapping
6-8 Film 6/5/4 Min Dia. of spacer Only outermost layer is KC-50S
Spacer MLI (1) tank with spacer ×4
pin=0.6mm (Single side aluminized)
(edges of tank)
Pitch≒50 mm×50mm Spacer pitch = 50 mm × 50 mm
(b)Via Spacer:
Interleaved Dia.=3mm on film Vapor-deposited polyimide 125μm film
Non-Interlayer-Contact Cylindrical Film UTC-125S-AANN (Both sides aluminized)
9-13 lapping Min Dia. of spacer
Spacer MLI (2) tank 12/10/8/6/4
with spacer ×1 pin=0.6mm Spacer pitch ≒ 90 mm × 100 mm
Pitch≒90 mm×100mm
Fig. 11 Picture of the non-interlayer-contact spacer MLI (2) installed on the cylindrical tank
(Left: overhead view, Right: bottom view)
4.1. Results of the thermal performance test and data correction method.
The heat fluxes measured by the boil-off calorimeter are shown in Fig. 12. Reference MLI and NICS MLI use
the left axis and conventional MLI uses the right. The values of the mass flow rate to assign equation (2) are
corrected for the influence of atmospheric pressure. Liquid nitrogen in the measurement tank is under saturated
vapor pressure and affected by ever-changing atmospheric pressure. If the measurement is performed when the
atmospheric pressure declines by 1 Pa, the temperature declines by 8.6×10-5 K. To compensate for the removed heat
capacity of liquid nitrogen and the decreased measurement tank temperature, the mass flow of evaporated nitrogen is
increased and overestimated and vice versa15. The pressure at the mass flow meter outlet and the volume of liquid
nitrogen in the tank are measured by a pressure manometer and capacitance-type level gauge, respectively. The error
bar sums up the accuracy of the flow meter and level gauge. The measurement heat fluxes are also corrected by
deducting heat which is not through the center MLI sample.
4.4. Analysis of the thermal insulation performance and proportion of heat leak
As already mentioned in section II, the thermal performance of NICS MLI can be easily estimated because the
conductive heat of NICS MLI only passes through the spacer and is very simple. To estimate the thermal
performance of the NICS MLI precisely, heat transfer through the NICS MLI is modeled using a Thermal Desktop
as shown in Figs. 15 and 16. The spacer is
modeled in three parts, namely the first, second
and third stages. The area and figure of the
horizontal surface of the spacer model is the
same as the real thing and radiative heat flux
between the spacer and film is taken into
consideration. The temperature dependency of
film emissivity is considered using Eq. (4) 9,
q rad
(1 i ) (1 j ) 1
Ti 4 T j4 (6) Fig. 16 Schematic of the thermal
mathematical model of NICS MLI
i is the emissivity of the hotter layer surface, j is the emissivity of the colder layer surface and both follow by equ
ation (4). The conductive heat flux is expressed as follows:
qcond h Ti T j (7)
Here, h is the total conductive heat transfer coefficient between two layers, which means the sum of the spacer
thermal conductance and contact thermal conductance between the film and netting spacer. The total conductive
heat transfer coefficients between each layer are assumed to be constant. The temperatures of the outermost and
innermost layers are given as boundary conditions and the heat flux between each of the films is repeatedly
calculated until the calculated heat flux matches the measured value by changing the total conductive heat transfer
coefficient and the temperature of each layer.
The proportion of heat leak of No. 6 NICS MLI (1) and No. 12 NICS MLI (2), which comprise 6 layers when the
outermost layer temperature is 300 K, are shown in Fig. 17. Moreover, the proportion of heat leak of No. 3 reference
Fig. 18 The calculated proportion of heat leak of No. 3 reference MLI (3) and No. 4 conventional MLI (1)
with a hot boundary temperature of 300 K.
As shown in Fig. 17, the radiation via spacer in NICS MLI is considerable. This is because the emissivity of the
spacer surface is relatively higher than that of the film surface, so despite the small spacer area ratio, the contribution
of the spacer radiation is relatively high for the heat exchange in each film. Accordingly, increasing the spacer pitch
improves the thermal insulation performance of NICS MLI.
Finally, the effective emissivity is calculated. The effective emissivity between 77 K and 300 K is 0.0326 for No.
4 conventional MLI (1), 0.0027 for No. 3 reference MLI (3) and 0.0008 for No. 9 NICS MLI (2), respectively.
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