Hrma Notes

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1. What is an Office?

The meaning of an office has to be clearly understood in common parlance. The moment you spell ‘office’
it is understood that the business activity, the accountability and its function, and the clerical activities goes
into action side-by-side. Hence, taking all these functions into account, a proper definition of office can be
framed. An office can be defined as ‘any place where information on paper converges and is documented,
preserved and used for current and future operation of business. The information may relate to production,
marketing, and various other activities of a business. Proper records of receiving and executing orders,
records of purchasing, storing, and buying, and the payment that is due to the organization and due by the
organization are some of the records that the office has to maintain.


a).Receiving Information- The information may be received from within the organization or outside the
b).Collecting Information- Managers or departmental executives can visit other offices to collect
information. Information may be received or collected if it helps the management in taking decisions.
c).Recording Information- An office determines the form, number and nature of records to be maintained
according to the needs. Some forms are specified in the respective statutes.
d).Creating Records- The information should be converted into according to the needs and prepare
financial and cost accounts, production details, sales particulars, man hours worked, price list and the like.
These records are used as a reference library of the management.
e).Processing or Arranging Information- The received and collected information has to be arranged in a
systematic way. If not so, there is no use of such received and collected information. Financial statements
and statistical statements are examples of arranged information.
f).Computation and Statistical Work- Calculations have to the made for preparing statistical charts and /
or diagrams. Cost Sheet, Production Budget, Sales Budget, Purchase Budget, Master Budget, Fund Flow
Statement and Cash Flow Statements are also prepared.
g). Analyzing Information- One has to analyze the information to find a truth. The hidden fact has to be
highlighted through proper analysis. Reports are also drawn up out of analysis. Market analysis, Production
Report, Financial Report and Employees Report are also prepared.
h).Maintenance of Records- Created records should be maintained in a proper way. The future reference
will be very easy through proper maintenance of records.
i).Retention of Records- Records may be classified into two types i.e. necessary records and outdated
records. The necessary records should be preserved under the control and supervision of office manager.
The outdated records can be destroyed.
j).Communication of Information- The office supplies information from its records as and when required
by management for taking decisions. The information may be supplied verbally or in writing. Normally, the
urgent information is supplied verbally.

The importance of an office lies in the fact that not only it functions for maintenance of its business, its
brand name, and its equity in the market, but in the fact that it has to be responsible, for a very long time, to
maintain its employees and to retain them for a very long time, not on retainer basis, but on permanent basis.
The importance lies on two facts. The first is the non-turnover rate of the employees, or a very low, a
decimal rate of turnover of employee is what one should aim for. The second and the more important fact is
its turnover of the business should be rolled over on a constant basis, every year, rather than being over
turbulent and heart-throbbing for one year and dull and drastic another year.

2. Changing Scene- Paperless Office and Virtual Office

a).Paperless Office- A work environment that is designed to reduce or eliminate the use of paper.
- A work environment that converts paper documents processes into digital form.

b).Virtual Office- A virtual office is a service that enables employees and business owners to work
remotely by providing a range of business functions accessible through the internet. They work out of their
houses, connected by computers, fax machines, and conference calls in a virtual office. The virtual office
may work well for disciplined people but not for people who don't have a strong work ethic.

3. Centralization and Decentralization of Office Services- Advantages and Disadvantages

a).Centralization refers to the process in which activities involving planning and decision-making within
an organization are concentrated to a specific leader or location. In a centralized organization, the decision-
making powers are retained in the head office, and all other offices receive commands from the main office.
The executives and specialists who make critical decisions are based in the head office.

A clear chain of command Bureaucratic leadership
Focused vision Remote control
Reduced costs Delays in work
Quick implementation of decisions Lack of employee loyalty
Improved quality of work

b).Decentralization refers to a specific form of organizational structure where the top management
delegates decision-making responsibilities and daily operations to middle and lower subordinates. The top
management can thus concentrate on taking major decisions with greater time abundance.

Growth and Diversification Difficult To Co-Ordinate
Motivation of Subordinates External Factors
Quick Decision Making Narrow Product Lines
Efficient Communication Reliance on the Manager
Better Supervision and Control Self Centered Attitude
4. Qualities and Functions of Office Manager


a).Must have undergone management training

b).Must have a good command of language.
c).Must be a good organizer.
d).Must have an ability to teach others.
e).Must be tactful and skilful in dealings.
f).Must be sincere to do duties.
g).Must be a good leader and must be able to create team spirit.
h).Must have ability to delegate the job and work to his staff according to the abilities of the workers.
i).Must be calm and confident in all situations, should have self-control, and should not be irritable.


Leadership Discipline
Co-ordination Accounting
Recruitment of Staff Controls Stationery
Training of Staff Secretarial Services
Motivation Organizer and Supervisor

5. Organizational Chart and Office Manual- Advantages and Disadvantages


The definition of an organization chart or "org chart" is a diagram that displays a reporting or relationship
hierarchy. The most frequent application of an org chart is to show the structure of a business, government,
or other organization.

Org charts have a variety of uses, and can be structured in many different ways. They might be used as a
management tool, for planning purposes, or as a personnel directory, for example. Perhaps your
organization doesn't operate in a "command and control" style, but instead relies on teams.


Clarifies the position and relationship

Shows the line of authority and responsibility
Avoids misunderstanding


Static in nature
Ignore the informal relationship

An office manual is a handbook that contains information on the business, the product, and the processes of
the employees. This can be broken down in a variety of ways dependent on the business itself. But
ultimately it is the resource for employees to determine how to do their job, the ramifications of errors, and
other guidelines that are necessary to know in order to be an effective employee. For example, in a claims
call center, the manual would contain insurance information specific to different states, rules and guidelines
within the office, as well as responsibilities of every role.

Advantages or Merits of Office Manuals

a).An office manager can easily supervise the work of his sub-ordinates and exercise control on them.
b).The need of giving explanation and instructions to existing and new employees is reduced since the
manuals are prepared to impart ready information.
c).An office manual is an aid in the training of new employees since the manuals contain a well established
systems, routines and procedures.
d).Doubts of employees can be cleared very easily.
e).Office manuals help in fixing responsibility of employees for non performance of work.
f).Office manual brings uniformity in the performance of work both in the head office and branches.
g).Changes can be very easily incorporated as and when required.
h).Office manual reduces the chances of errors and frauds.
i).The preparation of office manual brings useless work to light so that useless activities are isolated or
giving less importance to them.
j).Each employee can understand the extent of authority delegated to him with assignment of job.

Disadvantages or Demerits of Office Manual

a).Preparation and frequent revision of office manuals involves high cost in terms of time, labor and money.
b).It is very difficult to prepare and keep a manual up to date.
c).Office manual leaves little scope for personal initiative and talents on the part of the executives.
d).Office manuals bring a number of bottlenecks in the effective performance of work instead of bringing
free flow of work.
e).Systems, routines or procedures are likely to be misinterpreted if an ambiguous language is used in the
preparation of manual.
f).If the manuals are not used by the employees properly in time, human resources and expenses spent on
the preparation of manuals will be wasted.
g).It may discourage team spirit among the employees at times.
h).If the manuals are not revised at frequent intervals or periodically, they became outdated.
i).Sometimes inadequate or incomplete or vague information may be given in the manuals.

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