The Ideology of Fascism - A. James Gregor
The Ideology of Fascism - A. James Gregor
The Ideology of Fascism - A. James Gregor
This book has no great pretensions, except those for which it was
essentially written: 1) to provide a historically exact and objective treatment
of Mussolini's Videology of Fascism and, 2) to propose a general
typology of mass revolutionary movements that reflects the thinking
contemporary, with particular regard to the description and analysis of
totalitarian movements. If the term "totalitarian" identifies a well-defined
political species, with totalitarian movements representing specific types
of it, all these movements must have phenotypic and probably
genotypic similarities in common. If we want to rediscover these similarities,
we must, in order to arrive at their classification, necessarily start with their
. Two apparent flaws accompany this effort. The first, and most
obvious, is the regular recourse to a limited set of core concepts
by the various thinkers included in our discussion, which makes repetition
an unavoidable necessity. The same set of ideas appears again and
again in the works of men who belong to both the proto-fascist and
the fascist traditions. Furthermore, the fascists, in expounding their
theses, use the same concepts on the most varied occasions. The
analysis of any rational justification needs a nafferination of the
antecedent premises if the structure of an argument is to be revealed without
ellipsis. The recurrence of similar ideas, moreover, is an indisputable proof
of the constancy of the fascist doctrine. The second flaw, and perhaps a
consequence of the first, is that the treatment of fascist ideology
conducted in this way assumes an aspect that is perhaps too rational and systematic.
Despite appearances, however, I feel that the treatment is
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mate "progressive revolutions". The Soviet Union, around the same time,
took on a similar look. The internationalist characteristics,
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of our day. Contrary to the optimistic forecasts prevailing at the end of the
last century and at the beginning of the present, our age has
proved to be an age of disorder.
The objective data at our disposal show that the last quarter of the
nineteenth century was remarkable in order, international peace,
internal peace in the various nations, substantial progress. Of the fifty-
six quarter-century periods between AD 525 and 1925, only two have
such a low rate of unrest. On the other hand, during the same period
only a quarter of a century turns out to be more turbulent than
the twenty-five years between 1901 and 1925. The transition
life 2 which supplies the criteria of choice and decision by virtue of which
the main activities of an organized community are regulated. This
current use of the term, and the usual way of understanding it, are
very exact: in the course of our discussion we will always use it in this
sense, so that the passages in which it appears will be very understandable.
For particular purposes of exposition and analysis, however, we have
introduced some conventional distinctions. We will always understand that
an ideology includes: 1) an explicit system of values, supported by reasoning
and accompanied 2) by a relatively organic system of generalizations
concerning nature, society and man, to which a group justify the issuing of
directives, standards e
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political and social prohibitions, and 3) by the directives, norms and prohibitions, formal and
informal, themselves.
Let's say, it can be defined as social and political philosophy, that is,
a rigorous and coherent body of reasoned judgments concerning nature,
society and man, having normative implications. This philosophical
component of ideology has a transcendental and intellectual character. It
is formulated in a reasoned form and in such a way as to present at
least a minimum of logical coherence. Its distinguishing feature is
its regulatory potential.
criteria that govern approval and disapproval, the evaluation of right and
wrong. In this sense,
group feelings, and supported by formal and informal sanctions. This latter
component of ideological systems includes legislation, precepts and social sentiments,
instituted and favored by various social and political organisms. The typical reaction
to the violation of a positive pattern of conduct (a public sentiment or a codified law) is
moral indignation and punishment of the perpetrator. Formal and informal imperatives
provide the context of rules by virtue of which it is possible, in a clear manner, to
establish what is good and what is bad, to attribute faults and possible extenuating
circumstances. The first order of justification for an act is the reference to the law or
to social customs. This is how the average citizen acts. In a communist society, the
average citizen is a good citizen when he adapts to a particular context governed by
laws. After the end of the Second World War, we saw a large number of good fascists
become, in a remarkably short period of time, equally good democrats.
It is not within our scope to specify what are the necessary and sufficient
conditions for revolution. In the present discussion it is enough for us to
point out that the radical mass movements that give the impetus to the
changes are, in our day, revolutionary.
First of all, this book wants to demonstrate that Italian Fascism (which we will
hereinafter also call model, or typical, or classic Fascism) provided the
first, and perhaps the only so far, rational and ideological explanation,
organically and perfectly developed, valid for the totalitarians of the twentieth
century. While it was possible, at least for a certain period, to consider
Leninism an offshoot of liberalism and of "radical democracy",
Fascism, from its earliest beginnings, defined itself as anti-parliamentarian,
anti-majoritarian and totalitarian. The primitive ideal of Marx and Engels,
supported by the latter throughout the course of their lives, was a
"democratically organized state", an ideal which was later defined by Hans
Kelsen as a "perfected democracy", governed by the "majority principle". ».° As
late as 1919, an astute commentator like Bertrand Russell could argue that «
orthodox socialists are satisfied with the parliamentary system in
government... » 6 Today's Marxists never tire of defining their system
of government , and the rational reasons which underlie it, a « true democracy
that now "for the first time in history, a state has assumed a form which is not the
dictatorship of any class, but is an instrument of society as a whole, of the
entire people". 12 Lenin stated that « as long as the state exists there will
be no freedom. When there will be freedom, there will no longer be a state." 13
For current Leninists, on the other hand, the state is "the organ which
expresses the will of all the people" and "it will last long after the victory of
the first phase of communism". 14 These glaring discrepancies have not
escaped the attention of today's revolutionary Marxists. The Chinese
Communists, in fact, argue that "the state is a weapon in the class struggle, an
instrument by which one class represses another. Each state represents the
dictatorship of a certain class. As long as the state exists, it is not possible to
overcome the class and belong to the whole people...
The fact that Khrushchev announced the abolition of the dictatorship of
the proletariat in the Soviet Union and put forward the theses of the 'state of
the whole people' shows that he
Before the war, Fascism was neglected mostly out of ignorance and
prejudice; understandable, moreover, at a time when Fascism represented
a concrete threat to national existence, to traditional institutions and to the
political preferences of other nations. Just before the war, and during its course,
Fascism was simply equated with National Socialism and blamed for all the
absurdities, all the infamies, all the ridiculousness that could be, legitimately or
not, attributed to Adolf Hitler's political conceptions. For some time, for
example, it was common for commentators to accuse the racial doctrines of
Fascism of "slavish imitation" of National Socialist racism. 18 Even a careful
scholar like Ernst
Nolte concluded, after the war, that towards the end of his political career, and
therefore also of Fascism, Mussolini had accepted "intoto Hitler's racial political
doctrine". 19
The first judgement, that is, according to which the racial doctrine of Fascism
would have been an imitation of the National Socialist doctrine, even if it can
be considered partially, and in a very restricted sense, true, is pronounced
at the expense of the real historical development of the doctrine and
obscures the importance that the racial doctrine of Fascism has assumed for many
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Only the end of the passions, which resulted from the fall of Fascism
as an international threat, has made possible a more objective and accurate
study of Fascism as a political phenomenon. A number of important
works on Fascism have been written in the last decade, including a
valuable study on Gentile as a social and political philosopher. HS Harris's
book, The Social Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile, is perhaps the best
exposition of Gentile's thought to have appeared in the world so far. 21
While there is still much to say about Gentile's relationship with Mussolini
and Fascism, and about Fascism itself, all the fundamental
documents for an objective and exact judgment are now within reach.
At least in part, the reason for the imprecision with which Fascism has
been treated up to now must be sought in the tendency, very widespread,
until recently, among political scholars, to give too much credence to the
Marxist or semi-Marxist interpretation of the entire political
phenomenon. The typical Marx-Leninist interpretation of Fascism can be
found in books such as the Short Philosophical Dictionary, published in
the Soviet Union, which defines Fascism as "the most reactionary
and openly terrorist form of the dictatorship of capital and finance, created
by the imperialist bourgeoisie to the resistance of the working class
and all progressive elements of society j). 22
For Trotsky too, Fascism was "originally a popular movement", but "directed
and financed by the great capitalist powers". 23 Fascism was conceived as
a creation of monopoly, or capitalism
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a "Fascism of the right" and a "Fascism of the left". But the fact that
both are, anyway. Fascism, indicates that there is a relatively
coherent and specific set of ideas that can be defined as "fascist
ideology". This volume examines model Fascism, i.e. the first ideologically
mature definition of generic Fascism.
Our exposition aims to provide the necessary material for an
accurate evaluation of Fascism and to avoid that the latter can be
erroneously identified with the fanatical conservatism of the John
Birch Society or the American Republican Right.
Fascist ideology, on the other hand, deserves all the attention not only
for the purpose of reconstructing an important part of the modern social
and political controversy, but also for understanding historical events
and some of the most significant contemporary events in a more precise
manner. The ideals professed by men, while rarely translating into
direct action, nonetheless provide a precise point of reference by
virtue of which it is possible to orient oneself in order to try to understand
the action itself. We are all very willing to swear that in considering
the activity of a specific individual in a specific political context, it is
much easier to be able to predict his future behavior if we already know
that his training is Marxist, or radical-Kennedian or fascist. Even better
this indication can be applied in retrospect. Knowing the ideals of the
worthy fascists, one is in an advantageous position to reconstruct their
influence on the "logic" of historical events. It must, of course, be
assumed that some precepts and beliefs typical of Fascism have
exerted some influence on the way the fascists acted. It is not difficult
to argue for the validity of this assumption in the case of fascist individuals or groups
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The fact is, however, that all the evidence available to us demonstrates
that Mussolini was as scrupulous, or unscrupulous, as Lenin was.
A valid explanation of the behavior of both can occur only if this is
understood as the result of the interaction of theoretical and practical
considerations. The fact that Mussolini was considered, in the past, an
unscrupulous man and an opportunist is a consequence of numerous
erroneous judgments. First of all, Mussolini is thought to have abandoned
Marxist socialism in 1914 in order to derive an unclear political
advantage from it. It is a fact, however, that already in 1904 Mussolini's
socialism could not be considered at all
For all these reasons, we are not satisfied with a study that justifies
statements like "racial discrimination is wrong" or "democracy is the best
political system" on the basis of simple personal preferences or feelings. It
is clear that any person, engaged in a serious regulatory controversy, thinks
only of defending their preferences
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The litigants will surely say that their moral judgments arouse feelings of
approval because they are right and not that they are right because they arouse
feelings of approval. An ideologue will present his own political and social
conceptions by adducing reasons to support them, but he will never tire of
repeating that he prefers one or the other social and political concept out of
sentiment. And no one asks him to put forward arguments in their
defense if he doesn't. What is asked of them is to give reasons in their favor,
when they contain prescriptions and prohibitions.
Indeed, it is believed that this distinction characterizes the difference
between matters of taste or preference and matters, in good faith, of legitimate
intelligences and must focus their attention on the best organized special
interests. This is so because most men are cowardly, of mediocre
intelligence, and preoccupied primarily with their own particular immediate
interests. But no human group which is governed by its basest feelings
and worst intelligences and is directed by organized but particularistic
interests can be considered free. To counter these arguments it would
be necessary to ask questions of the following tenor: Is it true that
political parties, in parliamentary systems, appeal to the lowest
motives and the most mediocre intelligences? Is it true that most men
are stupid and cowardly? Is it true that organized but particularistic interests
prevail in parliamentary regimes? And here these are again
questions about questions of fact and definition. In other words, they can
be the subject of intellectual disagreement. The fundamental
political values that make the whole discussion normative are, in a sense,
generally shared as a starting point by both parties in the dispute.
Both, for example, agree that men, in one sense or another, must be free.
Questions can be asked about the meaning of the "freedom" that is
proposed and about the systems that are suggested to implement it. But it
is again a matter of gnoseological questions.
seological both factual and analytical. The components that are not
precise statements, the so-called "pseudo-propositions", the sentimental
references, serve (or should serve) only to give the initial impulse to
the discussion, the force necessary to bridge the gap between the
analytical and factual propositions and the normative conclusions. The
term freedom has a high positive emotional value. The choice of freedom
can be considered a simple matter of personal taste, but since so far no
serious ideologue has ever defended slavery or servitude per se, one can be
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sure that this initial choice was a simple matter of taste which does
not imply the need to omit the critical evaluation of opposing
ideologies. Given that all valid political ideologies start from ideals
about which there is no initial serious controversy, but at best
controversial definitions, factual disagreement, possible clash with
other equally valid values, contemporary ideologies can be judged
on the basis of their logical coherence, of their pertinence, of their truth
or falsehood with respect to the facts and of the reasons given
to accord greater weight to one value rather than another. The
claims are subject to gnoseological investigation. The reasoning is
open to public scrutiny. The sentimental components are easily
understood by all.
Hitler said that the racial "core" of the German people was "Aryan" or
"Nordic" (he used both definitions) and therefore argued that only the Aryans
were true creators of culture. With their disappearance, culture would have
dissolved and humanity would have returned to barbarism. In other words,
the very existence of humanity would have been threatened. 30 The
departure from the initial presupposition of the equality of men,
typical of nationalism, was thus justified with the reference to a whole series
of propositions, logically connected to each other and supported
by generally accepted values. It is possible to demonstrate with practical
tests the logical validity of the reasoning and the truth of the propositions that constitute it.
If the form of reasoning does not pass the test of validity and the
propositions the test of truth, the reasoning fails and we return to the
initial assumption favorable to procedural and presumptive human
equality. For this reason National Socialism defended so intransigently all
its factual claims concerning racial differences.
The fact that these minimum needs for research and judgment have
not been met so far has left the study of Fascism as a political phenomenon
in a confused state. Much of the responsibility for this confusion
must be attributed, as we have said, to what has been defined as the
«communist theory of Fascism»,32 a theory which claims to establish
what are the characteristic attributes and the historical
and socio-economic functions of fascism in general and of classical
Fascism in particular.
The orthodox Marxist does not find it difficult to see in generic fascism "a
very effective system of defense of capitalism in conditions of crisis
and extreme weakness", manipulated by the "business minds of capital
and finance who pay the costs and pull the strings. . » Consequently,
Fascism is understood as a tactical system of capital and finance. There
is therefore no typical Fascism ideology, "which does not in reality
represent a new ideology distinct from the general ideology of capitalism".
German Social Democrats were "fascists". Even the National Socialists were
"fascists." Commercial establishments, religious associations, patriotic
clubs, chambers of commerce, veterans' organizations and, occasionally,
even the Boy Scouts, have all been categorized under the generic definition
of "fascist."
Worse still was the fact that American scholars themselves, too
frequently influenced by the Marxist judgment on Fascism, have come to
establish a scale for measuring fascist attitudes, based on their own
analytical stereotype artifacts. Ross Stagner, in an early study of fascist
attitudes, selected a set of questions, the answers to which could serve
as putative indices of the attitudes studied. Sample arguments were drawn
from 'authoritative sources', including JP Dutt's Marx-Leninist
interpretation of 'fascism' and statements typical of German 'fascists', ie
National Socialists. A fragmentary collection of speeches by Mussolini
was also used for this purpose; but it is evident that the latter
were systematically interpreted in an "anti-radical" manner, as a
manifestation of a "middle-class consciousness, which can be
considered a manifestation of an attitude of contemptuous superiority
towards the working class". Due to the inclusion of National Socialist issues
among the "fascists", the "racial struggle" appeared as a typical theme of
Fascism at a time when (1936) the Fascists condemned the
inhumanity of National Socialist racism. And topics such as "anti-
radicalism, contempt for the lower classes and opposition to trade unions"
were very frequent in the period between the two wars in studies that
presumed to establish what "fascist" attitudes were. 36
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It is not clear how much and what these studies and schemes are worth,
but it is clear, however, that, in any case, they do not include the assertions
of authoritative fascists. The fascists, especially in the decade between
1930 and 1940, never tired of reaffirming their radicalism, their rejection
of capitalism as an economic system and their concerns for the
welfare and union organization of the working classes. Only when the
instruments of investigation are formulated by people ignorant of the most
important fascist literature or the investigation itself is undertaken by people
subject to broad prejudices, can typical fascist claims be "interpreted" in a
sense exactly opposite to that of their literal meaning . Whatever these so-
called "attitudinal studies" intended to study, it is clear that they were
not studying classical Fascist attitudes at all.
Even after the Second World War, the ponderous studies carried out
on the "authoritarian personality" were conducted with the assumption
that what was being studied was a personality "potentially fascist" or
with "fascist predispositions". 39 Thus it was assumed that he
could find that people who were anti-Semitic tended to be,
in general, ethnocentric, anti-groups other than their own, politically
and economically conservative, staunch supporters of "free enterprise"
and enemies of workers' unions. This set of predispositions seemed
confirmed by empirical facts and the people who presented
these overbearing dispositions were from time to time defined as
"authoritarian", "anti-democratic" or "fascist" as if the three
terms were interchangeable in speaking of a specific class of people.
conservatives. But the evidence shows that they soon felt disillusioned
with Fascism's radicalism. GDH Cole wrote
All that being said. Gentile is only one, albeit an important one, among
those who contributed to the maturation of the ideology. The ideology
itself was consolidated only after the rise of Fascism to power and
consequently the latter managed to attract many excellent scholars into its
orbit, among the no worse of which are the jurist Carlo Costamagna, the
political sociologist Roberto Michels and the demographer, statistician and
sociologist Corrado Gini. This does not mean that all the convictions
expressed by these men were totally compatible with the system of
thought that can be defined as the ideology of Fascism, but it is a
preliminary recognition of the fact that all of them substantially contributed
to the maturation of the system which finally became the « charter » definitive
intellectual property for the exercise of fascist authority. Neither Roberto
Michels nor Corrado Gini, for example, were fanatical fascists. Both found
Fascism compatible with their ideas and both made substantial
contributions to its ideological formulations, 43 while advancing
reservations with respect to the historical regime.
have repudiated Fascism itself, is of little importance for the study of the
actual development of Fascist ideology. When Fascist Italy assumed an anti-
Semitic stance, for example, some attempt was made to detach the
ideology from those men of Jewish origin who had contributed
substantially to its articulation. Roberto Michels had Jewish ancestors, and
so did A. 0. Olivetti and many others no less important. 44 As a result,
Fascist doctrinaires tended to neglect their input. Of course, we will not
place such limitations in this book. Finally, the fact that many of the
men who had contributed to the development of the ideology were
later declared "traitors" by the historical regime is equally of little
importance for the purposes of our reconstruction. Many of the early
Bolsheviks, including some of Leninism's most important theoreticians,
were executed as "traitors" to the system to whose construction they had
played a decisive role; and their contribution can be judged independently
of the latter fact. Indeed, the thought of N. Bukharin and C. Zinoviev is as
important for an exact judgment of the historical and intellectual articulation
of Leninism as that of Joseph Stalin. For the same reason, in this
book we have included ideas developed by men such as, for example,
Giuseppe Bottai, who, while maintaining serious reservations about
the regime and being eventually judged a traitor, 45 nonetheless contributed
greatly to the development of its ideology.
Fascism enjoyed wide acceptance during the first half of the twentieth
century, the most tumultuous century in history. A precise judgment on it
is a fundamental responsibility of our day, since, as we will see, Fascism
has cast its shadow over our entire historical era.
5 ITALIA of the early 20th century, was the result of a vast whole
Since the time of Charles V in the sixteenth century, the people who
had given the world some of its immortal treasures had played no part
in world affairs. At that time, Italy was divided into a series of states at war
with each other, whose isolation grew inversely with the opening of new
communication routes.
While England and France were solving the problems of their national
unity, the Italian states succumbed to foreign conquerors and became
entangled in the intrigues of internal secular and religious politics.
In the nineteenth century Italy decisively entered the modern era and
the whole peninsula was then agitated by aspirations for reform and
unity. The Risorgimento achieved both under the guidance of a newly
formed and numerically limited middle class. In 1870 Italy entered the
ranks of the liberal and unitary nation-states of the European
continent, but its entry into modern history was hampered by an
accentuated regionalism and provincialism, the result of centuries of
division and subjection, and its unity was due only to the efforts of a very
small part of the population.
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and efficient. Beyond that, Italy's immediate access was the Mediterranean,
which modern trade had long since made a secondary transit route.
But over these drawbacks the one that proved to be most evident
for Italy prevailed: the scarce possibilities of exploiting the soil. In
reality, about a third of the peninsula's surface could not be cultivated
due to the chain of the Apennines. Where cultivation was possible, the
land was largely (as in Basilicata, Calabria and areas of Sicily) already
exploited for centuries, while elsewhere torrential water courses, or
drought, did not allow effective use .
But the most significant of the deficiencies was the lack of any
premise for industrialization, i.e. the lack of the necessary mineral
resources: at the beginning of the century, the overall Italian mining
production was equal to one twentieth of that of Germany, and about
half was supplied by the sulfur obtained from the Sicilian mines.
In order to deal with such a disturbing situation, the right to vote, limited by
wealth and educational requirements, was initially granted only to about two and
a half percent of the population. From 1882, however, the conditions for voting
became less stringent and seven per cent of the population enjoyed the right
to vote. Finally, in 1913, suffrage was extended to just under nine percent of
the population; however, only sixty per cent of this fraction
he took advantage of this right, because some did not vote in obedience to the
papal decree which forbade Catholics to take part in the elections, while many
others renounced to exercise their prerogatives, disappointed by the
parliamentary system itself.
There is no doubt that during the last thirty years of the nineteenth century Italy
enjoyed considerable economic progress. Milan developed a solid textile
industry and took over from Lyon as the textile center of Europe while
Genoa took over from Marseille as the most important port in the Mediterranean.
But as late as 1914, Italy's per capita income, calculated in standard gold units,
was only one hundred and five dollars while that of Great Britain was three
hundred and twenty-seven dollars and that of France one hundred and eighty-two
Since the great mass of peasants and workers lived at a level of pure survival, the
workforce became one of the most important items of Italian exports.
From 1876 to 1880 the annual emigration was approximately one hundred thousand
workers; from 1881 to 1886 it reached about one hundred and fifty thousand;
from 1887 to 1894 to about two hundred and fifty thousand and from 1895 to
1900 it reached the level of three hundred thousand, continuing to increase until
1907, the year in which seven hundred thousand Italians left their homeland
to look elsewhere for a more satisfactory standard of living. 2 The constant
increase in emigration highlights an effective worsening of the position of the
Italian working classes.
Although in Italy only the start of a vast Hindu strialization had been
given, revolutionary socialism had a large diffusion among the underprivileged
For years the constitutional parties were unable to offer dissidents without
the right to vote the possibility of redressing discontent with government
action. The socialists offered them the last chance they could resort to:
revolution. 4
In 1881 France occupied Tunis and this fact greatly impressed the Italian
government. The Italians had always considered Tunisia as a natural
appendage of the peninsula, being the population
tion of Italian origin far numerically superior to the French one. However,
both England and Germany were trying to interest France elsewhere,
in order to remove its energies from their respective spheres of interests
and Tunisia was the ideal place. As a result France, with the connivance
of the other major powers, managed to establish its protectorate over the
disputed territory and Italy harbored a sense of discontent and humiliation.
More important than discontent and humiliation was the sense
of isolation that the episode gave to Italy, making it feel ever more
confined to its Mediterranean borders.
Italy in the eyes of the great powers, and of the Italians themselves,
became a nation of "mandolin players".
Not even the war fought by Italy against Turkey in 1911, with the consequent
conquest of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, increased its moral stature;
the sense of one's own inferiority continued to torment the sensibilities
of the Italians. A growing distrust resulted
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towards the parliamentary regime which had to take responsibility for the
weaknesses in domestic and foreign policy.
who had alternated in power after the unification of Italy: the growing intensity
of class struggle internally, the formation of bands of rioters in the South,
organized subversion in the North, the ever-increasing sense of detachment
between governed and governing , the notorious corruption and nepotism of
the ruling class and, finally, a sterile and sometimes humiliating international policy.
Originally quite distinct, the three revolutionary forces eventually merged to form
the most revolutionary amalgam of the century: historical Fascism.
Reconstructing the initial doctrine of Fascism means above all redoing the
ideological history of these three fundamental components.
The identification, even precise, of the historical forces that have prepared the
ground for a particular ideological system does not explain to us the
correspondence of the latter to a given factual situation nor the genuineness of
the theories that compose it.
The value of ideas is independent of history. Ideas are the natural object
of impartial criticism regarding their historical influence or origins.
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Our attention will be focused on the work of Mosca and Pareto to the extent
that they contributed to the formation of the fascist ideology; both, in
fact, each in its own way, directly or indirectly, endorsed Fascism with
their authority.
Such ideas and some similar concepts are heralded, among others, in the
writings of Henri Saint-Simon, Hippolyte Taine and Carlo Marx; however
they are extensively developed only in Gumplowicz's work. The extent
of Gumplowicz's influence on the formation of fascist theory has been poorly
assessed. It now seems certain that almost all of Mosca's ideas and, at least
indirectly, those of Pareto, which initially constituted an important part
of the intellectual content of Fascism, derive from his.
by Pareto, although the whole content of his works is broader and more comprehensive.
Gumplowicz, Mosca and Pareto thought and acted according to the positivist tradition of
the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They considered scientific
investigation as the discovery of the laws of regularity that govern phenomena
and emphasized the fundamental distinction between the study of these
regularities and the judgment on their morality and their value. This distinction, even
in our sophisticated age, brings to mind images of callousness and cynical indifference to
truth, beauty and goodness. Consequentially.
Mosca and Pareto have been described as "Machiavellian," both by their supporters and
by their detractors. 9
Still today, the science that studies human behavior makes an analogous, necessary
distinction between theoretical and normative assertions. Although our analytical and
methodological system is more complex and our judgment on the subtleties
of the theoretical structure is more developed, nevertheless we believe that the only
task of the scientist should be the dissemination of "hypothetical" or theoretical
problems, rather than normative ones. Monitoring procedures rely, in one way or another,
on observations to confirm or disprove scientific claims. 10
In principle, the scientist's moral sense must never influence the truth or falsehood of
an empirical affirmation, nor the evaluation of the explanatory force, or the prophetic
power of a set of connected knowledge.
Understood in this way, the Machiavellianism of Mosca, Pareto and Gumplowicz appears
'But there is no reason to believe that each of them was no more than a
scientist devoted to social problems, seeking the truth as he understood
in any way to the Government, they do nothing but submit to it: they can be called
the governed". uh
occupy the upper part of this distribution curve, while the great majority
of the population remains in a position of mediocrity and inferiority with
respect to the average of the characteristics under consideration.
As we have already pointed out, such a social vision can be found in the
previous work of Gumplowicz who, since 1881, had stated that
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"The State is not the mass, but the governed mass (beherrschte Masse)" which
does not govern itself, but adapts itself to "the will of the governing
minority (herrschenden Minoritaet)". 18 The same thesis is discussed in Der
Rassenhampf, which appeared some time before the Moscow Theory. The
phenomenon of domination and subordination (Herrschaftsverhaeltniss,
Herrschaftsorganisation) was, according to Gumplowicz, a constant
and universal historical fact. 19 Furthermore, the struggle for domination
constituted the driving force of history, "the pivot around which all history gravitates".
In 1885 these concepts were formulated in the belief that « the state is a social
phenomenon constituted by elements which behave according to social laws. The
first step is the submission of one social group to another and the assertion of
sovereignty; and the dominant nucleus is always the least numerous. But the
numerical inferiority (of those who govern) is compensated by the mental
superiority and by a more solid military discipline [...] The State therefore is
constituted by the control organized by the minority over the majority
[•••] There is, universally, a minority who commands and a submissive majority...
» 20
Within the state, that is, in organized society, the elements that constitute it
struggle for domination. When social and historical circumstances undermine
the functioning and strategic position of the ruling class (for example, when
a society transforms from a military to an industrial one), a new elite
prepares to conquer positions of privilege.
History presents us with an unbroken chain of such substitutions (einer
unendlich kette kuenftiger Herrschaftsumwaelzungen). 21 The image recalled
by these concepts is that of a social pyramid (Gumplowicz uses the same analogy
used by Pareto in the Corso) composed of elements in dynamic tension ( ewige
Spannung der Kraefte). 22
Angelo Vaccaro's The Basis of Law and the State, published in Turin in
1893, was written under the influence of Gumplowicz, as were
Critical Essays on the Sociological Theory of Population (1886) and
Prime lines of a Program of Sociology by Icilio Vanni (1888). 27
These works, with that of Moscow, openly inspired by Gumplowicz,
suggest that Pareto, even if he had not read Gumplowic^, was
probably very familiar with his theses, known to him through Italian
sources, even before he wrote in 1895 the Course and certainly before
he published his Systems in 1902.
'It seems that an instinct much like this makes its influence felt on men. In
fact, they have the natural inclination to fight, but this only sporadically assumes
the individual character, that is, of a single one in war against a single
one; because even fighting man remains an eminently sociable animal.
We therefore usually see men forming themselves into nuclei, among which
there are leaders and followers; and the individuals, which each group
composes, are especially close to each other and in harmony and vent their
pugnacious instincts against those who are part of the other nuclei ». 29
and of the community. Moscow says in this regard: «Humanity is divided into
social groups, each of which is distinguished from the others by
beliefs, feelings, habits and interests which are special to it. The individuals who
belong to one of these groups are united among themselves by the consciousness
of a common brotherhood, and divided from the other groups by more or less
antagonistic and repulsive passions and tendencies. As we have already
hinted, the political formula must be founded on the special beliefs and strongest
feelings of the social group in which it is in force, or at least of the fraction of
this group which has the pre-eminence.' 31
Here, of course, the social problem is treated broadly, and Moscow regards
Gumplowicz as one of its main sources. In fact, the resulting theoretical
exposition presents all the characteristics which,
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The book's focus was on what we would now call political sociology, while
Gumplowicz's focus was on general sociology or macrosociology.
However, for both the fundamental unit was the "group", and this is very
evident from the works of both (although Mosca sometimes falls into
theoretical individualism). Society conceived as an organic whole of social
groups united by similar, characteristic and clearly distinguishable ideas,
beliefs and interests.
Moscow has thus modified the concept of « ruling class ». The aristocracy,
which he originally configured within deliberately narrow limits and which
he had called the "political class" ultimately comes to be any elite that
organizes the components of any particular social group for the
achievement of certain collective goals.
Moreover, the social types of Moscow operate in exactly the same way
as Gumplowicz's "heterogeneous social elements". History becomes the
arena of warring groups. Intersocial conflicts are resolved only with the
use of force. Intrasocial confrontation takes the form of political
struggle, in which each social type seeks to grab a larger sphere of
influence in the exercise of political control.
support the planned use of force against outside groups. 37 The set of feelings
necessary to regulate individual and group activity finds its expression in a
functional myth that Pareto would later define as "derivation", i.e. verbal
reactions which are the variable manifestation of relatively stable predominant
attitudes, or " residuals » invariable. 33 The justifications put forward by
the conflicting groups constitute illogical sets of ideas which, in
reality, "are nothing but the very transparent veil of exclusively earthly interests".
39 Thus Pareto speaks of the "religion" of socialism, of the organizational or
functional myth of the working class, as the most appropriate firm to support their
class interests and for the defense and satisfaction of group interests.
For all three theorists, Gumplowicz, Mosca and Pareto, the conflict within the
group takes on a different character from that of the conflict between groups, and
it is this difference that distinguishes the type of society.
classes, factions or social strata, is not vital. Open and violent struggle causes
obvious dysfunctions. Only under the sovereignty of the state and under
the rule of law is it possible to establish a modus vivendi. When humanity
reaches a certain level, even a minimum, of civilization, the warring groups no
longer destroy each other, but one of them gains dominance and
proceeds to exploit the vanquished, to whom an inferior place is reserved in
a new wider and more complex social order. The victorious group assumes
sovereign power and establishes relations governed by laws between the
heterogeneous social elements. These relationships, imposed by force,
define the rights and duties of the various constituent elements of society. 41 In
this regard, Gumplowicz stated: «The hostility between different social elements
of different strengths is the first condition for the creation of rights; conditions,
imposed by force and accepted out of weakness, when peacefully persisted,
are transformed into rights... It is erroneous and disappointing to believe that
rights have been or can be equally shared. They arise only in the
relationships that are created in the state;
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Once the relations between the various social elements are regulated
by norms which provide for sanctions, the struggle between
groups takes on a particularly "ideological" aspect. The feuding social
elements strategically appeal to "moral sentiments" in order to
secure a tactical advantage in the endless social confrontation.
For clarity of exposition, we will call "myth" any set of ideas which are
invoked to determine common individual duties and obligations within a
group, by means of a hierarchy of practical values.
We will call the "organizational" or "functional" myth the one intended to
attract consensus towards a new elite which opposes the
dominant elite and the norms that derive as a consequence of the
acceptance of the latter's myth.
Instead, we will call "statutory myth" the one that refers to the political
formulas used to legitimize the rules of obligation on which the established
order is based. Thus, the rising bourgeoisie, when it contested the
power of the feudal nobility, appealed to "popular sovereignty" and "human
rights". These myths served as organizational belief systems. 43 When the
bourgeoisie achieved social and political dominance, the myth of
"popular sovereignty" ceased to be revolutionary and reformist and became
a statutory myth, an important moral, i.e. conservative, force aimed at
legitimizing the newly established order.
During the struggle, force is used judiciously, but open violence threatens the entire
social structure, and is therefore only used very cautiously.
An astute new elite organizes the have-nots of a multitude of subordinate social elements
with the watchwords of organizational, functional umwlito. These masses can
be mobilized in the service of revolution or reformism even against their real
interests, since it is in the nature of the masses to be basically passive, illogical,
ignorant and easily misled by slogans and emotional appeals.
In primitive societies, in which hunting and war characterized the life of the
group, a handful of warriors or hunters became the dominant elite. Their
behavior is governed by a set of beliefs that establish the laws of approval
and disapproval. The "warrior's code" becomes the functional myth. For the
purpose of manta rays
The statutory myth that had prevailed until then is no longer respected,
while opposing claims are made. Once the transition has taken place and a
new kind of relationship has been established between the social elements
which better responds to the needs of a given historical situation, a new period of
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stabilization. A new statutory myth is proposed that offers the moral bonds that can hold
society together. The new myth represents the interests of the new aristocracy, but
must also refer to the factors, moral and material, which represent its sustaining
force. Neither the functional nor the statutory myth are rational in themselves. They
must first and foremost reflect the relationships that actually exist between the
various elements of society, that is to say, establish the rules governing duties and
rights, but they must also refer to the eternal feelings that characterize man as a social
animal. Men must develop some minimal sense of group solidarity, without
which any group would splinter into warring factions.
By their very nature, the myths they organize or legitimize are never only the product
of reason. Indeed, they must satisfy too many social needs to be an exclusively
intellectual product.
Nor is there any relationship between their intrinsic rationality and their durability.
In many cases, they endure despite their apparent irrationality or arationality.
Their function is only to mobilize feeling and to provoke and regulate action. Let them be
called "political formulas", "derivations" or "fantasies", they constitute, in every
not too generic meaning. In reality Sumner knew Gumplowicz's works very well
and quotes them often. 52
self-esteem with which each Community supports itself. Its opposite is a form
of distrust of outgroups, a latent or overt hostility that is at best indifference
or tolerance. 54
Identification with the norms of the group closely binds the individual to his
community. What we currently call "sociality" was called by Gumplowicz
"mimicry", "imitation", "suggestion" or simply "education". 55
When the works of Scipio Sighele and Gustave Le Bon appeared in the
last decade of the nineteenth century, Gumplowicz immediately cited them
as evidence of man's natural disposition towards group life as a social animal.
57 Collective psychology provided exhaustive explanations of man's
behavior in the various social groups he belonged to and also explained how
the masses could be dominated and led to action by organized minorities.
Lyon, during the transition periods between the Government of the elite
in power and that of the new elite and as a principle of legitimacy
when the latter has consolidated its domination. Behind the facade
of representative institutions and parliamentary systems, bourgeois
government in Italy represented just such an affirmation of an elite.
people', and every political theory which seriously corrupts the political and
social order as a consequence of a rational and voluntary contract speculates
on illusions and sophisms.
The disorganized, disunited and ignorant majority cannot carry out its will
in modern society, any more than it can have contractually renounced
its "natural freedom" in the "state of nature" to ensure the rule of law. These
are political formulas, moral fantasies, statutory myths of bourgeois dominance.
It is strange, and even important for our purposes, that Gumplowicz, Mosca
and Pareto were essentially conservative thinkers. Gumplowicz
conceived a class society, with clearly defined hierarchies in terms of quality
and prestige as the natural and inevitable social environment of man.
Pareto was a laissez-faire economist who believed that social relations
within groups were governed by feelings and interests, rather than by the
normative ideals that constitute their outward appearance. Ultimately,
Moscow too proved to be a "conservative liberal" in favor of the highest degree
of freedom for individuals and groups compatible with the laws and rules
that govern man in society.
58 No one could be considered to represent the interests of the lower or
working classes. And yet, Gumplowicz, Mosca and Pareto had great
influence on the intellectually active and politically aggressive socialist
factions in Italy. The living personification of this relationship was Roberto
Michels (1876-1936), a revolutionary socialist. Nine years older than
Mussolini, Michels represented the point of contact between the anti-
parliamentarism of the conservative right and the anti-parliamentarism of
the revolutionary left.
contends for priority, the ablest and most eminent exponent. He recognized,
as precursors of the sociological assumption, Hippolyte Taine and
Ludwig Gumplowicz ». 59
Michels went on to affirm the theory that society cannot exist without a dominant
minority; whereby the State is the executive organ of an organizing elite which
creates the order governed by morality and the law which constitutes the
structure of community life; whereby the masses provide the elementary
energy, but not the directive will, for social change.
Of all the social and political thinkers of the fruitful period that preceded the
First World War, Georges Sorel (1847-1922), the most important
theoretician of revolutionary syndicalism, was also one of the most obscure
and more interesting. Because of the difficulty of his style, when speaking
of his social thinking it is important to clarify in various ways what is meant.
First, Sorel was a notoriously bad writer. 62 He was, among other things, an
autodidact who expounded his ideas with such disorderly enthusiasm that he
often left the reader completely unable to reconstruct their order and
relative importance. Much of his thought was more psychological than
logical and, consequently, many essential premises of his arguments were
implied and his discussions became so truncated as to be perplexing. When
one examines the complicated mess of his life's work, it becomes difficult to
classify. He was, at once, a defender of the proletariat and of a
singularly transformed suggestive Marxism, and a staunch supporter
of bourgeois virtues; defender of radical and anti-Semitic libertarianism;
radical revolutionary and traditionalist; revolutionary socialist and
defender of the monarchy. The list of these seemingly contradictory conceptual
positions shows that it is no wonder that some influences have been
thought to be traced back to his thinking not only on classic Fascism
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Our interest, however, will turn only to that Sorel whose ideas directly
influenced the political maturation of Mussolini. Our discourse, in any
case, rather than providing an exposition of Sorel's thought, will tend
to reconstruct the existing relationship between the two men.
The main edition of the Réflexions came out in 1908 in France. The
work dealt mainly with revolutionary tactics and organization. In this sense,
Sorel's sphere of interests was more limited than that of Gumplowicz
and Pareto, who dealt with macrosociology, and the focus of his attention
was narrower than that of Mosca, whose interests concerned
political sociology. Sorel was a tactician of the revolution and self-
described as more interested in method than in purpose. As a lactic,
Sorel had a constant distrust of "professional intellectuals" who
apparently were concerned only with proposing
spontaneous audacity ... showing contempt for the tranquility of the body, for
life, for comfort » in the struggle for domination. 74
This distinction was made by Sorel as early as 1903 and reappears in the
Réflexions. 78 Pareto proposes a similar theory in the Systems of 1902
and systematically develops it in his subsequent Treatise. 19 Similar
beliefs underlie Moscow's conceptions of "juridical defence", a balance
between warring social forces, which allows the prevalence of relations
regulated by law to have the most unchallenged dominance over the interests
of particular social elements. The concept implies that the Law is the
codified expression of the will of interest groups. Sorel, for his part, formulates
a similar theory in the Introduction à Veconomie moderni. 90
Such ideas were found in Gumplowicz's books long before the appearance of
the youthful Moscow Theorist. Strength, according to Gumplowicz, is
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prior to the law and constitutes its foundation. (« ... am Anfang nicht das
Recht war, will probe die Gewalt... »). 81 Force is limited only by an
opposing force.
Classical Liberalism held that the ultimate repository of sovereignty was the
individual. Individuals enter into agreements with their own kind, each of
whom is the custodian of certain natural and inalienable rights, to form a
State which is ultimately responsible to the contracting parties. The sovereignty
delegated to the state is limited by the positive and natural rights possessed
by the contracting individuals. Even the Marxists, as well as
Gumplowicz, Mosca, Pareto and Sorel, denied the validity of such a conception.
According to them, the state arises when among the elements
| irreconcilable conflicts arise. Thus, the state arises from conflict. It is the
mechanism used to impose the will of a dominant minority on a defeated
and powerless majority. 83 Classical Marxism does not, however,
conceive this relationship as an exemplification of the primacy
of force as such. 84 Such an interpretation would be simplistic.
economic power and that legal relationships derive from economic relationships.
The social elements set in motion during periods of social change draw their
energy from the changes that take place in the economic basis of society.
If a new protesting elite emerges, this means that the. productive forces
have superseded the productive relations created to meet the needs of an earlier
system of production. The vitality, organization and definitive success of this
new social force are the consequence of the previous economic development.
Taken together, these theses affirm the supremacy of economic over moral and
political evolution.
All the thinkers we are interested in opposed the claim / of classical Marxism
to consider a single factor. Gumplowicz, Mosca, Pareto and Sorel, in almost
the same words, rejected the monocausal theory of social evolution.
All of them argued that the various determinants of historical variation are
interdependent. Sorel considered economic determinism, however complex
its theoretical formulation, fraught with difficulties. As early as 1898 he had
opposed determinism, which weakened the explanatory theses of orthodox
85 He maintained that Marx himself, like his orthodox followers, had made use of
vague and ambiguous formulations in the construction of the theory which made
his reasoning equivocal; from the study of these misunderstandings it was
evident that an empirical fact would have invalidated many of the fundamental
As a result, at least in part, of these beliefs, Sorel's thinking moved inexorably from
a theory of society to a theory of
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Among it became increasingly evident that the study of society had not, in
any sense, reached the level of maturity of the classical natural sciences.
Ordinary sociology showed very little forecasting capacity and was
able to exert only a very weak interpretative force. The prevailing
attitude of the critics of sociology was profound skepticism at best. The only
attempt at resistance to positivism, in the study of society, manifested itself
in a critique
methodology that sought to split science into the now familiar classifications
of Naturwissenschaften and Geisteswissenschaften. Methods suitable for
one were considered unsuitable for the other. The natural sciences sought
to discover the regularities, reducible to laws, which govern material
and mechanical processes, while the "human sciences" were concerned
with the individual or collective voluntary reactions of "spiritual agents".
ontological to reason, in the sense that its results were conceived by them
as reflecting a higher and more substantial reality than that of the senses. This
attitude is considered typical of Platonism; but it is equally typical of positivists,
who held that true theoretical statements are perfect copies of "objective
At the same time, a similar but not identical current of thought, anti-
rationalism, came to influence the development of social and political thought.
As with Anti-intellectualism, the term "anti-rationalism" is frequently used in a
derogatory sense. Sometimes the term "irrationalist" is also used to
indicate those thinkers who. at the beginning of the century, they began to
become aware of the coercive and neurotic factors that govern individual and
collective behavior.
Freud and Nietzsche are usually counted among the most important theorists
of antirationalism. In their case, it cannot be said that the term "irrational"
exactly expresses their methodological principles. Both used rational systems to
formulate what they believed
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acknowledgment of the fact that his political and social thought is easily
understandable, without having to resort to particular epistemological
complements. As early as 1905 Sorel stated that, in theory, a rigorous "science
of society" is impossible.
The realities that sociologists should consider are so complex, and every
historical and social event is the result of such an intricate confluence of
factors, that any prediction is impossible. However, as we have already
noted, he went even further and argued that no cognitive process can
guarantee the greater validity of one hypothesis about the future, compared to
another. Sorel, influenced in this by Croce, conceived of history as a form of art
that has no scientific or particularly prophetic claim. History is the ideal
reconstruction of the past, valid, for those who live in a given period, to the
extent that it is useful for their current activities. 90
History is therefore a collective myth. It is the projection into the past of that
"imaginary world" which provides the basis for the determination to act: "History
is really interesting if it is considered as the means of coming to know the
rules that particular human groups have probably followed in their lives; but it
cannot have as its goal
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History, therefore, is only a form of social myth, and the purpose of myth is to
provide the foundation for determining actions. The social myth is formed by
a "set of images" capable of evoking "as an undivided whole the mass of
feelings which correspond to the different manifestations of the
war waged by Socialism against modern society". 97
The myth has the same organizational function as military service: both
prepare the individual for a collective work in which everyone's action has a
meaning if it is the indistinct consequence of the whole. 98 The social
myth specifies exactly what is expected of its proponents. 99 It provides the
basis for the expression of moral judgment and the evaluation of the merit of
each act. The myth provides what Sorel calls "ideological unity" and
which every revolutionary force must possess if it is to fulfill its historical
function. 103 Myth is, therefore, essential to human activity. Only in this
sense can it be spoken of as "truth", because it has no descriptive gnoseological
pretensions nor is it subject to analysis. It provides the basis for the
determination to act, for the readiness to make the future as the
creative will would like it.
It is quite clear that the definition of historical and social theory as myth is
concerned with formulating the outline of a precise theory of
motivation which has gnoseological pretensions. It may be true or it may be
false that men take collective action under the impulse of social myth.
The myths thus conceived, that of the cata
This confusion affects all of Sorel's examination of the myth. On the one
hand, he affirms that myths, to be effective, must represent "all the most
heartfelt tendencies of a people, of a party or of a class, tendencies
which recur to the mind with the insistence of instinct in every circumstance
of life". life", through which men "modify their desires, their passions and
their mental activity". 102
At this point in the analysis, Sorel's conception of the social myth differs
very little from the theory of "collective hallucinations" on the basis of
which men act, developed in the work of Gustave Le Bon.
Sorel reviewed, in November 1895, Le Bon's Psycologie des foules
whose influence on his thought increased in the following years. 108
These images exhaust the entire field of collective knowledge and tend
to make men act in a certain way. Social elements are dominated by
such images that are essentially inaccessible to reason. They possess
the despotic and sovereign strength that comes from being
indisputable. They provide the motivations for collective action,
and as such constitute the "moral forces" that are poorly understood
by social theorists, convinced of the primary influence of reason on
man's social history. "It is precisely these forces which constitute
the mainspring of history." m
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The anomaly, in Sorel's thesis, is found in the affirmation of the fact that the
myth would give life to an intuition that would be, in a certain sense, truer than
the truth.
It is enough for Sorel only to identify Socialism with the myth, to support
what he resolutely affirms: namely that "no effort of thought, no progress
in knowledge, no rational induction will ever be able to dispel the mystery that
surrounds Socialism". 115
Analytically this is true. myths are not rational, they are not descriptive but
evocative. They lead the masses to action. They specify, online of
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ideology which the proletariat needs in order to carry out its revolutionary
work... ». 117
serious, exceptional and sublime; and only on this condition will they be
able to bear the innumerable sacrifices imposed on them... ». 119
Such convictions make life heroic, and this reason alone suffices to make it
"considered of incalculable value." 120 All of which explains why Sorel
believed the myth had such deep moral significance. 121 Myth creates, in the
mind of man, the psychological state which leads to nobility and heroism:
"The social war, by appealing to the sense of honor which automatically
develops in all organized armies, can eliminate those feelings evil against
whom the moral sense would be powerless". 122 War and conflict, in
fact, create the ideal conditions for moral life. The social myth imposes
sacrifices and the
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discipline without which man would lose any moral character, due to his
natural tendency to degenerate. 123
Political democracy, with its unitary madness, obscures the real lines of
struggle in modern society. It tends to undermine the moral fiber of all social
elements and rewards guile and hypocrisy rather than heroism, righteousness
and personal sacrifice. Democrats appeal to force, organized authority, and
therefore affirm that there is no social conflict.
It is clear that, according to Sorel, the perfect moral life is one lived in the
ethnocentric community. Sorel's model of man reveals all the
characteristics of Gumplowicz's group syngenetic animal, moved by a sense
of friendship within the group and. of hostility outside it.
Organized around a functional myth, human life passes in a state of high
moral tension, in an affective condition of great importance.
From everything Sorel says, it is evident that these myths can set in
motion tribes, castes, social strata, sectors, parties and classes.
Consequently, the association of the social myth with the proletariat is a
contingent relationship.
But in 1910, disillusionment with Syndicalism led him to join the nationalist
Action Franqaise.
suitable. What Sorel was looking for was a factor of social regeneration and it
did not necessarily mean that this factor had to be the proletariat. It
could have been any organized group of enthusiastic fighters united by the
closest solidarity.
These fighters would have been the Homeric heroes of our decadent
age; they would view life as a struggle and not as a pleasure or pleasure-
« Morality is not condemned to perish because the forces from which it springs
change; it is not destined to become a mere list of precepts, as it can still
be enlivened through union with an enthusiasm capable of overcoming
all the obstacles, prejudices and needs for immediate enjoyment which
oppose its progress". 125
Under this influence, Marxism was completely transfigured, while Sorel's thinking
served equally well to animate non-Marxist revolutionaries.
Sorelian social theories also managed to provide the rational basis for all the
other social opposition forces that proposed an alternative for the future.
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In 1909 Sorel called him "a remarkable intelligence," a man who "perfectly
understands the value of my ideas." 12S Corradini, already an adult, had
deeply suffered from the humiliating defeat suffered by Italy at Adwa
against the Abyssinians, in 1896. Personal experience among the Italian
emigrants in South America further soured the wound.
Everywhere he found Italians working as woodcutters and water carriers in
the service of foreigners. Hundreds of thousands of Italians had abandoned
their homeland under the torment of poverty. Once beyond national
borders, they received no protection against discrimination
against the peoples they served from the weak and inefficient Italian
political terms: national misery was in the first place the consequence of an
incompetent government, guided by a political philosophy according to which
the state was the representative of purely individual or particular interests
and did not pursue goals or have interests that were predominantly national.
The Government only reflected the class, party, category or individual
interests which, at the particular moment, had brought it to power. As a result,
his policy was inconsistent and erratic.
The political ineptitude of the Italian government had allowed England to control
Egypt, while Austria and France extended their spheres of influence into the
Balkans and North Africa respectively.
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More important for us is the concept that Corradini had of the nation, of the
state and of the historical and social forces that produce every change,
since his considerations synthesized intellectual elements taken
directly from the works of Pareto, Mosca, Sorel 128 and, ultimately, by
Gumplowicz himself.
When men lived a primitive existence, the struggle for life was open and
continuous. In the struggle for existence, cohesion within the group has
immediate survival value. Driven by basic necessities, humanity became a
race of warriors. 132 Only individuals capable of identifying with a
compact and autonomous community could survive such a difficult natural
The subsequent competition for the conquest of living space and means of
sustenance determined an evolutionary substitution of isolated
elements, which favored those who were more willing to integrate into
communities of strong and disciplined warriors. Thus men were characterized
by the "instincts" not only of association but also of struggle and conquest.
133 As active members of a society men developed a particular
aptitude for friendship within the group and hostility towards outgroups. Such
circumstances lead to the autonomous social organization imposed by a life
of relentless and ruthless struggle.
Corradini claimed that life's circumstances had defined the nature, extent and
scope of the struggle between groups; contingent circumstances could,
however, obscure the true features of the struggle. The fight is continuous,
but its aspects can vary.
None of this is original. All these assertions, at the beginning of the century,
were commonplace among "social Darwinists" and Corradini had drawn them
from the works of Pareto, already known at the time. But the whole
ideological whole is clearly Gumplowicz's; and it is evident that Corradini
knew his thoughts, either directly, or through one of his Italian popularizers.
A passage from The Will of Italy
, clearly recalls Gumplowicz. Corradini
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states: a Throughout history the state has been a class domain. The
ruling class of a nation originally derives from a foreign and conquering
people who impose themselves on an invaded and conquered
people with whom the conquerors finally merge to constitute a
nation… ». 138
For Corradini the syndicalist myth became exemplary, it constituted his creed
of solidarity, 140 and represented for him, the maximum of realism
In its most modern decadent form, the liberal idea makes personal gain the
only yardstick for moral worth: that which enhances the private well-being of
the individual is worthy of approval, that which requires self-sacrifice and
discipline merits blame. Liberalism thus threatens the very existence of society.
Before the process reaches this stage, a new elite organizes the available
social forces behind a new myth and society is pushed
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towards the revolution. Thus liberalism has as its ultimate result either an
international defeat or an internal revolution. 142
On the basis of his researches, published in 1891 with the title The
delinquent crowd , Scipio Sighele formulated the critique of parliamentarianism
as early as 1895 143 and therefore anticipated Le Bon's analysis by several
years. 144
Both thinkers developed what Gabriele Tarde had anticipated on this subject,
particularly in his Les lois de Vimitation, published in 1890.
The connected action of several men associated with each other did not
produce a sum of influences, but, on the contrary, the result was a product, completely
in its own right.
Mimicry, suggestion and contagion were influences that made the mental products
of the group different from the reactions of the individuals who constitute
it, taken individually. The crowd performs acts that its members would
never approve of if they acted individually.
The anonymity of the crowd, its undivided responsibility, are factors that
intervene to modify, in a sensitive way, the collective reaction: moreover, the
feelings manifested clamorously and vigorously lead, through suggestion, to a
moral contagion.
The ability of the individual to identify with the community in which he finds security
and strength further leads to imitation.
What is valid for heterogeneous crowds is also valid for organized groups, for
assemblies, for parliaments and for committees. The larger the group, the greater
the effectiveness of its influence on the individuals that make it up.
Starting from this founded premise, Sighele formulated objections of principle
against parliamentarianism, aimed not at the specific defects of the system,
but at the system itself. 148
And the fact is that, unfortunately, the men elected as representatives of the
In this way, a representative legislature is not only open to all group influences, so
prejudicial to the exercise of dispassionate discernment, but is also composed
of mediocre men. Already the normal distribution curve of intelligence suggests that
an assembly of this kind is substantially composed of men of mediocre ability:
his election system totally confirms this result. The mutual influence produces results
which, at best, represent the average intelligence of the members of the legislative
body, while, at worst, the result is less than what one could reasonably
expect from any single member.
The activity of a large group allows for a degree of anonymity which allows the
individual to yield to the outside influences of material and personal interests.
The emotional atmosphere created by public oratory, and the constant danger of
group suggestion and sentimental contagion, preclude the practical use of
intelligence. Indeed, it is unlikely that any law will be enacted which, at least in part,
is the consequence of a dispassionate assessment of reality. «The
parliamentary regime», according to what Le Bon said in terms almost identical to
those of Sighele, «is the expression of the idea, psychologically erroneous, but
generally accepted, according to which an assembly of many men has greater
capacities than that of a small number of individuals who decide wisely and
independently on a given matter". 159
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The fact that parliamentary oratory reaches, through the press, the mass
of those who elect deputies leads them to further lower the intellectual
level of their oratory, in order to exercise greater influence on the
maximum number of voters possible.
Since each MP pursues personal interests, which are the only thing he
holds unshakably loyal to, the assembly will be subjected to a great deal of
conflicting demands.
Since the majority do not share the particular interest to which each
individual is linked, the latter will try to convince others by conjuring up
sentimental but conceptually empty images in them using hyperbole,
ethical declarations and radical simplifications.
All this can only be mitigated when the assembly is animated by the vivid
spirit of a man of genius, who, endowed with political acumen,
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inflexible will and indomitable courage, he can come to dominate it. If a man of
this level were to propose a program of national regeneration, and if, by
virtue of the high esteem in which he is held, mobilize the heterogeneous mass
of parliamentarians with whom he must subsequently implement it, the
Fatherland would have found the way. of greatness.
Sighele concluded: "Happy are the ages and peoples who possess a genius
who polarizes all desires, all feelings and blindly draws the crowd after him!" ».
By its very nature, the collectivity can have only a few leaders as a genuine
elite. A large number of leaders would give rise to a conflict between the
proposed ideal types, and the unity of the community would be compromised.
inert sublime and heroic ideals, and lead the community to manifest
characteristics that could not have been foreseen by examining the individual
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component individuals.
This whole ideological complex was not only compatible with the theses set out by
Pareto in the Systems of 1902, but rather completed them, so much so that Pareto
cites the works of Sighele and the subsequent works of Le Bon. 154
Gumplowicz, for his part, in the second edition of Die sociologische Staatsidee ,
published in 1902, devoted almost an entire chapter to Sighele's ideas, while
Sorel's conception on the social myth and on the organization of
collectivities, formulated at the beginning of 1903, based on the thesis of Le Bon. 155
When Sighele joined Corradini to found the Nationalist Association, he brought with ,
him all this set of ideas which by the time of the first congress of the Nationalist
Association, in 1910, had by then been transformed into organic doctrine.
Sorel's ideas configured a world in which groups struggled for dominance, each
led by an active minority who mobilized the inert masses in their service. Sorel
identified the new elite as an aristocracy of the proletariat, and the rising collectivity
as the working class. Revolutionary syndicalism was the doctrine of a solidarity
tending towards power, defined in terms of class. Corradini accepted Sorel's thesis,
but identified this historical collectivity in the nation rather than in a class. He
argued that the known historical evidence indicated that the main antagonists
of the twentieth century would be nations.
Rather than a struggle between the proletarian and capitalist classes, the future
would see the clash between proletarian and plutocratic nations.
As early as 1897, in the second volume of his Corso Vilfredo Pareto had
argued that the problems of the lower classes concerned the increase of national
production rather than its distribution. In essence, he meant that a sharp increase
in the gross national product would improve conditions for the working classes,
more than a socialist program of wealth redistribution could. 158
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He argued that the factors that give rise to a group, such as the
ethnic identity, geographical ties, cultural affinities create national and not class
The nation constituted the authentic and vital unity of similar (the Nation
[is]... maximum unit of the maximum number of our similar). 158
The myth of the proletarian general strike was replaced by that of the
victorious international conflict. 162 This new myth establishes the duties
of each citizen who, almost intuitively, understands what is required of him.
In this way the nation becomes an association animated by a high moral
tension. The shapeless aggregate of men formed by inert and irresolute
masses amalgamates into an intact and compact organism. Each
individual undertakes to defend and improve the life of the community.
"Nationalism is, in essence, a school of moral values...". 183 Like revolutionary
syndicalism, it would like to see men engaged and disciplined, aimed at the
satisfaction of interests other than their immediate well-being; had been
conceived as a radically anti-bourgeois movement, and,
consequently, anti-liberal and anti-democratic: it was an aristocratic conception,
which imma
The common denominator of solidarity is the faith system which affirms the
unity of all and the command of some. Liberalism had reduced the nation to a
collection of many individual consumers interested only in obtaining easier
access to the economic goods available. The nation was no longer a
community, but a conglomeration of elements competing with each other and in
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During the first decade and the first half of the second decade of the
twentieth century, Corradini had synthesized the elements we have been
discussing into a set of related propositions which provided the
doctrinal basis for a movement of mass solidarity. He expressed the
ideas then current in the intellectual environment; as these ideas spread,
and came to influence peripheral groups, they became simpler and more
emotionally charged.
There is no more beauty except in struggle. No work that does not have
an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be
conceived as a violent assault against the unknown forces, to reduce
them to prostrate before man...
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Parliament is the instrument of the lowest class interests, interests that hide
behind the facade of a people's government. 167
Only the "intoxicating intuition" of revolution and war could restore the
true vision of life understood as a continuous struggle. This alone could
invigorate men. Violence thus becomes a moral necessity, it tears
away the veil of fiction which hides the truly vital forces which have
made life into the reality of progress and development that it is*. 168
All these explosive expressions represent the protest of men who suffered
from a serious inferiority complex, but they were also paraphrases of
Corradini's theses; they were Wagnerian references to a Sorelian myth
of heroism and virility; were the invocation of a new aristocracy,
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Futurism provided the bizarre accompaniment for those themes which for more
than a decade had been current in Italian intellectual life. Its extravagances
did not obscure this reality and, consequently, Futurism, at least temporarily,
won the adherence of men like Giuseppe Prezzolini and Giovanni Papini, men
who greatly influenced Italian life and letters through newspapers such as
Leonardo, La Voce and Lacerba. These were the same men who had collaborated
with Corradini in publishing the Kingdom. They were nationalists and had
drawn Italy's attention to the importance of the works of Gaetano Mosca and
Vilfredo Pareto, they were the men who had popularized the syndicalist ideas
of George Sorel and who would publish the writings of a socialist in the pages
of their newspapers revolutionary, then little known: Benito Mussolini.
Current ideas in Italy in the period immediately preceding the outbreak of the First
World War were synthesized in the political sociology of Roberto Michels. His Zur
Soziologie des Parteiwesens, published in 1911, appeared in the Italian edition
in 1912 under the title Socio
logic of the political party in modern democracy. In the years preceding the
publication of this work, considered his main contribution to political
investigation, Michels collaborated with writings that partially anticipated his
theses and were substantially based on the works of Gumplowicz, Pareto,
Mosca, Sorel, Sighele and Le Bon, to Italian and German specialized and
socialist newspapers.
Michels devoted himself above all to the study of the nature of political parties
but his interpretation was based on a vision of man and society, also shared by
còldroTtèncnrid^F^lTbiàmò already briefly examined.
Michels's fundamental thesis was that our age, marked by mass political parties,
is an age in which the oligarchic tendencies of human organization
become more evident.
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same parties, only a minority takes part in the process from which
decisions are born.
They need only have sufficient logic to provide the basis for general
principles of political action. Their main function is to reduce the collective
will to obedience. The inability of a disorganized mass to regulate its
political behavior effectively constitutes the natural pedestal for the role of
leader and determines the need for the organizational myth. 173 The mass
party therefore undergoes a transformation and becomes a hierarchically
organized oligarchy. Democracy tends to produce, particularly in crisis
situations, a plebiscitary Bonapartism.
minority, shifting the axis of working class politics from political to economic
struggle. However, by renouncing the political struggle, the
syndicalists found themselves thoroughly engaged in the economic
struggle, a struggle so arduous as to require an almost military
organization. The economic strike tends to facilitate the formation of
organizational cadres, of a directive elite. Starting initially from the
aspiration to free themselves from any external and hierarchical
control, the syndicalist organizations rapidly transformed into disciplined
armies, under the absolute leadership of a dominant minority.
Michels' analysis developed in 1915, with the evaluation of the effect caused
by the First World War on the articulation of organizational myths.
Although these myths are not necessarily true, in the sense in which a scientific
theory is normally considered true, they must, in some way, correspond
to a certain reality, evident and compelling, in certain circumstances of the life
of a community. The socialist parties had organized themselves around
the concept of "class", attributing to it a predominant importance
compared to others. In a situation of latent or overt class struggle, this
concept exerted a powerful influence on the imagination of the masses. But
with the catastrophe of 1914, the validity of the class as a point of reference
for the organization and for the political struggle dissolved definitively. 177 .
from the ranks of socialism to those of Italian nationalism: a few years later,
as one of the leading sociologists of fascist Italy, he defined the nation as a
"community of consensus in the interest of the country. This community,
subject to the laws of mass suggestion and therefore variable in emotional
manifestations, is the only one that counts.' 178
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We affirm here, however, that Fascism was something more than the
inevitable logical consequence of the circumstances that accompanied
Italian political life; it was the perfectly logical consequence of the
mutual actions and reactions of intellectual, social and political currents.
drawing from each nothing but momentary pairings. Mussolini had neither philosophy,
nor politics, nor program: he adapted to these human disciplines as he adapted to
other things. His unbridled opportunism eventually enabled him to create a party machine,
and his instinctive understanding of the semi-literate masses enabled him to devise
the trappings, the glittering boots, the slogans and the noise.' 182
theories become understandable only if one bears in mind that he ideas any respect, not
even insincere, unless he can use them as tools for his ambition for power, unless
he can convince himself of the identity between an idea and his will to power. 183
Such judgments could be drawn from at least a dozen other authors. The confidence with
which they are formulated is impressive; in fact, discriminated generalizations
are always risky. A rebuttal destroys them. Let us ask ourselves, for example:
was there at least one philosopher from whom Mussolini got something more
than a momentary satisfaction? Did he ever conceptually understand the psychology
of the collectivity? Were his knowledge of the masses completely instinctive
phenomena? Was Mussolini's interest in theory exclusively cynical and selfish?
The truth is that Mussolini's thought evolved over time: passages taken at random from
what he wrote or said in different periods of this evolution can give the impression of
contradiction. Anyone who has
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Our aim here is not to blame or exalt but to try to establish the
cognitive significance that can responsibly be attributed
to Mussolini's doctrinal formulations. AND
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It is normal for men to try to justify their conduct, and in this respect Mussolini
did not deviate from the norm.
B knito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the eldest son of Alessandro and
Rosa Maltoni Mussolini.
his triumphal march towards the great goal of beauty , of the right . of truth".
Socialism was an ideal, an affirmation and a way of life that could only be
realized through an open and violent revolution by the oppressed. All of it was
anarchist in orientation and violent in intention, it was anti-religious, anti-clerical and
anti-bourgeois, it was populist and pervaded by moral sentiment.
This atmosphere fueled his natural aptitude for rebellion; revolutionary literature
provided them with further intellectual nourishment.
Still a child Mussolini came into contact with the writings of Marx.
Alessandro Mussolini read aloud to his son the passages from the first chapter
of Capital, published as a compendium by the anarchist Carlo Cafiero. Under
such influences, particularly those of his father, Benito Mussolini became
fatally a revolutionary. Like all the people of Romagna he was violent, irreducibly
devoted to politics, obsessively sincere and overbearing. Even the sweetness of
his mother, a patient, for
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In December 1901, at the age of eighteen, his first short article was published in
the teachers' trade journal / school rights. 5
reviews clearly demonstrate his full knowledge of the subject matter and substance
of the subjects. Even Megaro, his severe critic, speaks of Mussolini during this
period as "a young man of uncommon intelligence and discernment..."
The period from 1902 to 1914 was for him a period of impressive intellectual
activity; in these twelve years Mussolini wrote articles dedicated to the theory of
Socialism, to contemporary politics, reviews and comments which now fill
seven volumes of the collection of his works.
He wrote three long monographs: The man and the divinity (1904), Il Trentino
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seen by a socialist (1911), John Huss the truthful (1913), and a novel.
Claudia Particella, the Cardinal's mistress (1910). 7 He translated at
least eighteen works from French and German, including Peter
Kropotkin's Paroles d'un révolté (1904), Karl Kautsky's Am Page nach der
sozialen Revolution (1905), and Wilhelm Liebknecht's Karl Marx under
der historische Materialismus (1908). , as well as a large selection of
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock's poems. He also began to write an
ambitious History of Philosophy, which, however, he did not
finish. In his private correspondence there are references to
works by many Italian authors and there is also talk of translations of
selected passages (of which, however, there is no trace) from the
critique of Arturo Schopenhauer to the ethics of Kant and Fichte. 8
All of this material has received little attention for a variety of reasons.
The first and foremost of these was the great difficulty of viewing it up
to a very recent date. The collection of Mussolini's works published before
the Second World War, and at that time declared definitive, does not
actually include some of his publications prior to 15 November 1914. 9
The collection could therefore not be considered definitive in any sense. 10
All available material from this early period has been used in strange
ways. Ivon De Begnac in his Life of Benito Mussolini speaks of this early
period and quotes some passages from Mussolini's writings prior to Fascism,
as does Gaudens Megaro in his book Mussolini in the Making.
De Begnac uses selected material from this early period to argue that
Mussolini was always a fascist, while Megaro uses material from
different eras to demonstrate that Mussolini betrayed his early beliefs.
Fascist biographers profoundly distort Mussolini's thought to
establish its coherence while Megaro cites contrary examples to demonstrate
its inconsistency. Neither of the two procedures adequately
configures the thinking of the young Mussolini. Apologists see in him only
the fascist, while detractors see only an interweaving of contradictions.
The truth, as frequently happens, lies somewhere in between. The young
Mussolini, as we will clearly see, was not before 1914
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by no means a fascist, and even after that date he underwent a remarkable evolution.
In fact, it would be difficult to establish the main lines of the fascist doctrine before
1921. On the other hand, since 1902 some of Mussolini's doctrinal principles
were such as to make an equation between his socialism and the orthodox one
that we well know problematic.
let's ski. Throughout this period its evolution was gradual and quite consistent.
Mussolini's political views in 1914 were singular, but not personal. In fact, a
whole current of Italian revolutionary socialists was undergoing the same
evolution. Mussolini was one of many socialist intellectuals whose ideological
journey would end in Fascism. Meanwhile Lenin, repudiating orthodox democratic
socialism, was carrying a current of the international socialist movement towards
Bolshevism. Only in 1924, after Lenin's death, did Leninism become the
system of thought as we understand it today.
It is essential to remember that in early 1914 Mussolini was only thirty years
old, roughly the same age as Marx when he wrote the Communist Manifesto.
If one compares the ideological complex of young Marx with that of Marx in his
maturity, one can evaluate the scope and significance of the change,
which can be documented in perspective. Mussolini's thought presents an analogous,
albeit more significant and sensational development. The evolution of Lenin's thought
followed the same process. Certainly Lenin's judgment on the implications of
Marxism underwent considerable modifications even after he had written The
State and the Revolution in 1917, at the age of forty-seven. n Alfredo Meyer
was only one of many commentators who denounced the measure of "extreme
unease" that The State and the Revolution still arouses among Leninist ideologues.
For more than a decade, between 1902 and 1914, Mussolini carried out his
training in the midst of the masses. Between the ages of nineteen and thirty-one,
the populist anarchist ideas inherited from his father underwent the evolution, which
would later result in Fascism. Today, that process can be followed with considerable
precision. It begins with a conception of socialism very similar to that of
Alessandro Mussolini, modified
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In this chapter we intend to expose the initial stages of this evolution from
anarchist Socialism to Fascism and trace the general lines of the political and
social thought of the young Mussolini. In the course of this exposition it will
become clear that much of the literature devoted to Mussolini's thought
contains many critical errors and inexact judgments. In general, the truth
lies somewhere between the conflicting claims of the apologists of
Fascism and those of the orthodox Marxists, its detractors. To cite a few
examples, Rino Alessi stated in 1939 that "Mussolini in fact was never a
Marxist" and Margherita Sarfatti, his first "official" biographer, maintained that
Mussolini was more attracted by Babeuf's and Proudhon's theses than
by those of Marx. On the other hand. Paolo Alalri, a doctrinaire Marxist, stated
that "Mussolini's socialism never had an authentically Marxist character (since he
had read nothing of Marx except the Communist Manifesto)". 13
1902 and 1914 contain innumerable references to Marx, only seven references
to Babeuf and eight to Proudhon. During this period his writings, and what we
can know of his readings, indicate a deep interest in Marx's ideas, which far
outweighs any interest in other thinkers. Unquestionably, therefore, Marx was
Mussolini's starting point. If this fixed point is neglected, it is not possible
to adequately reconstruct his thinking. He was not only a convinced Marxist, but
also among the best prepared. His publications contain constant references to
the works of Marx and Engels, and he mentions, in particular, all the most
significant passages in Marx's writings then known. Mussolini refers to Marx's
writings in the /Vene Rheinische Zeitung; the Thesis on Feuerbach, the
Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, the Contribution to
the Critique of Economic Policy, The Class Struggle in France, as well as
Capital and the Communist Manifesto.
14 Many other
times he not only alludes to the Poverty of Philosophy, 15 but also gives it
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Only after having given a definition of the "true character of Marxism" could one
therefore state that Mussolini's socialism never had a truly Marxist character. But
giving such a definition is an arduous undertaking, possibly achievable from an
exclusively doctrinal point of view. To say then that Mussolini never read
anything other than the Communist Manifesto is simply false. Whatever one
thinks of Marxism today, Mussolini was regarded by other socialists as a theoretician
of Marxism. He became one of the leaders of Italian socialism, at least in part, by
virtue of his recognized competence as a socialist intellectual.
According to the valid judgment of Roberto Michels, the Italian literature linked to
Marxism, as can be seen from the writings of that period, validly held up in terms of
quality and quantity the comparison with the German one: the Italian socialists were
therefore capable of judging the theoretical preparation of Mussolini. 19 It is a fact
that Italian scholars gave life to a literature that enjoyed international fame. Antonio
Labriola, in 1896, published his essay on the materialistic conception of history
which was soon followed by socialism and philosophy. 20 Also in 1896,
Benedetto Croce published his critical essays on Marx, which were later brought
together in the volume Historical Materialism and Marxist Political
Economy. During this period, an infinite number of similar works of commentary and
criticism were very common, and yet Mussolini's Socialism had been accepted as
radical socialism, but no less Marxist for this.
list. That same year, at the age of twenty-nine, he became editor of the
^rant// the official organ of the Socialist Party.
Mussolini read a lot and wrote prodigiously. His first article, as we have seen,
was published when he was only eighteen. At twenty-one he published his first
long essay entitled Man and the Godhead which contained the arguments
against religion he made in a debate with Alfredo Tagliatela, a Christian
socialist who carried out Protestant propaganda among Italian workers
who emigrated to Switzerland. In this early essay, Mussolini explicitly
intended to "contrast the forces of darkness with those of light, the
absolute with free thought and dogma with reason..." an understanding that
echoed the sentiments of Alessandro Mussolini, his father.
1908, the theses proposed in Man and the Godhead are an example of
classical Marxism as it was generally understood in the early twentieth century.
(reflects in the great city of the human soul; ways that are transformed
evolve, migrate from shape to ever more chosen shape. In this immense and
continuous process of dissolution and reintegration, nothing is created,
nothing is destroyed. Life, therefore , life in its universal meaning is nothing but
a perennial combustion of eternally new energies. The universe is
explained as a movement of forces. All the phenomena studied by
physics (heat, light, sound, electricity) can today be traced back to vibration
more or less intense than matter. This is governed by eternal and
immutable laws which know neither morality nor benevolence; which
do not answer man's complaints and prayers, but upon him ruthlessly reject
his fate. These laws govern everything. : from the smallest to the most
complex phenomena, from the appearance of a comet to blossoming
of a flower. Against them man can do nothing. He can get to know them, to use
them, but he cannot stop their beneficial or evil action. Who could
prevent the precipitation of water vapor which gives dew?
Who could stop the earth, in its eleven simultaneous movements? Who
could oppose the flow of the tides or block the sunlight?
Evolution dominates the 'modes' of matter. Through it, from the 'colorless cell *
which represents the first moment of animal life, we arrive, through
successive transformations, up to its highest expression: man'. 23
This is evident in the vagueness of the terms "individual" and "society" and
their qualifying adjectives "individual" and "social". The individual is
inextricably linked to his community and every effort to separate him from
his social environment, as, for example, the social contract theorists
had attempted, had failed. 27
different groups generate within society a clash that can take multiple
forms. 3 v
'* With the growth of capitalism, the disparity of interests which divides the
proletariat from the bourgeoisie becomes more and more evident.® The fact
is that « there are more or less profound differences between the interests
of the various parts of the social aggregate... » which generate class struggle.
33 « Class difference produces a class interest, interest a contrast,
antagonistic contrast the class struggle... The proletariat, or the new class...
is the result of capitalist production... socialism. .. germinates inevitable from
the new economic relations... » 34
« The morality that arises in these conditions will be able to live and
exercise its dominion as long as the real conditions that determined it persist;
but with the disappearance of these conditions, it becomes an anachronism...
every age has had its own 'morality... » 37
As society enters a new era, the old morality can only serve as a formula for
curbing the revolutionary violence of the rising class. Understood in this sense,
morality can be not only reactionary but also profoundly immoral.
For example, in periods of low productivity, the calls of religion to the principles
of self-denial and acceptance of sacrifices, have some reason to exist. With
the advent of new productive forces, such norms serve only to ensure the
survival of already outdated discriminatory class relations and the
unnecessary oppression of man by man. In opposition to these norms a
new ethics is born based on the needs that the changed material situation has
determined in the human community and to it
suitable. This is the « human morality » of which Mussolini spoke and the
whole treatment of the subject is the paraphrase of Engels' thesis
in AntiDuehring. 38
The nascent proletariat, animated by the new imperatives, organizes itself for
a more general social revolution, vaster than any previous uprising,
a revolution which must lead to the expropriation of the bourgeoisie and the
abolition of the state which today acts as if it were a "committee for the
defense of of the wealthy classes". 39
All these elements, drawn from the articles published by Mussolini before the
age of twenty-six, legitimize the opinion that he was a trained Marxist and
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convinced. Both apologists and detractors, each for their own reasons, have
tried to hide this reality, but it must be added that Mussolini was a Marxist
who differed from the others. Already in his very first articles there are
elements that are ill-suited to classical orthodox Marxism. In retrospect, they
assume singular importance as constituting the points of tension which ultimately
changed the whole theoretical system.
Already from 1903-1904, when he was about twenty-one years old. Mussolini
formulated two conceptions which, considered in retrospect, seem to
constitute a starting point for his more mature social and political convictions.
In an essay written in 1903 he declared: "Psychology has shown that feelings are
dynamic motives for human actions." 41 While not giving excessive value to this
statement, however, it seems to constitute the starting point towards an anti-
rational theory of human motives, which does not accord well with classical
Marxism. Apart from anything else, Marxism had an essentially rationalist view
of motive. On various occasions Marx and Engels had argued that the ultimate
triumph of socialism was based on the "intellectual development of the working
class" 42 and in numerous critical examples, both had asserted that the
proletariat would be led to revolution by a clear understanding "of the
problems. 43
friend, dated 5 January 1923, Pareto wrote that "Mussolini spent some time
in Lausanne and came to my courses, but I did not know him personally". 48
It is almost certain that in that period Mussolini read Pareto's Systems and it
is also certain that he was sensitive to the latter's influence. Mussolini
during his stay in Switzerland dealt with the study of Social Science. In
this regard, we have not only his testimony, but also that of those who knew
him at the time. 49
Mussolini affirmed: « The socialist revolution [is] a pure and simple matter
of 'strength'... No agreement is possible between [bourgeoisie and
proletariat]. One of them must disappear. The least strong will be 'eliminated *.
The class struggle is therefore a question of 'strength *'. 51
"In every age and in every human group, the excellence of some individuals
made them rulers over the others, who by obeying instinctively traded
freedom for a new security... The instinct of the race and the need for history
thus created in the aristocracy a class responsible for everyone's life ... the
aristocracy had to think and want for others ... »
Only through the merits of such an elite can the mass of men be elevated to
the highest spiritual endeavors.
« The aristocratic function is therefore double; to develop the idea that forms
the essence of a people, and in that to shape one's character. There is often
antagonism between political virtue and moral virtue: at certain moments the
heroism of race or nation must be merciless towards the vanquished destined to disappear...
Whatever the form of government, an aristocracy always formulated its laws.'
union of mind and heart would overwhelm everything in its path and
establish a minority dictatorship that would elevate the passive and inert
Between 1844 and 1850 Marx and Engels were clearly influenced by this
doctrine. 56 Many of their statements on the revolution in countries with a
mainly agrarian structure cannot be understood if one does not think of a
form of minority dictatorship. A majority revolution could only be good for
those countries where industry has reduced the majority of the population
to proletarian conditions. In nations with a predominantly
agricultural character, the peasant masses should have been led by a
proletarian minority, since it was believed that the peasants left to
themselves were intimately reactionary. Thus, while this does not
represent an exhaustive and exclusive interpretation, one could rightly argue
for the existence of a Blanquist or aristocratic tradition in classical
"We do not intend to formulate a programme, but only to state a fact, and a fact
which could not be otherwise because the unionistic mentality can
only mature in the factory and in intensive industrialized agriculture: it
therefore supposes large-scale industry and the intense vibrancy of capitalist
life, inevitably has to leave behind all the gray area of small industry and
small agriculture, crafts, petty bureaucracy: forms of domestic wage
labor, etc.: that is, a whole mass specifically proletarian, but incapable for
its very structure and economic position to feel the veins and pulses of
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frankly human, because it is made up of those who have the most humanity in
their hearts and brains. [...] Since every social struggle is a clash between
two minorities on the inert body of the great anonymous mass, so every
now and then we admire audacities that seem miraculous, catastrophes
that give us the impression of the unexpected, and are only caused by the
adhesion of the great beast to a triumphant and vibrant idea. The
representative men in the story are those who possess the solemn and
mysterious charm which rouses and enthralls and lifts the sleepers. [...] But
an idea and an action must emanate from the avant-garde handful... » 82
In the context of the era, Mussolini's elitism was not unusual, either
This work, written in 1909, forms the basis of Michels' classic study of
the oligarchic tendencies of modern political organization.
The main thesis of Michels's The Economic Man was taken from
The same Panunzio also mentions the works of Icilio Vanni, a disciple of
Gumplowicz, whose ideas he introduced in Italy in the last quarter of the
19th century. Since Panunzio, as we will see, would later become one of
the main ideologues of Fascism, this direct connection with i
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Olivetti and Panunzio were among the main theorists of trade unionism;
the conceptions they expounded contained elements derived from the
works of Mosca, Pareto, Michels and Gumplowicz. At this point it is particularly
interesting to dwell on the possible influence that scholars of community
psychology, such as Le Bon and Sighele, exerted on the young
Mussolini. Since the syndicalists were sympathetic to the theories of
Gumplowicz and Pareto and welcomed men like Michels into their ranks, the
formulations of Le Bon and Sighele can be considered to have exerted some
In the case of Panunzio we have clear proof of this. In the same passage
in which he explicitly refers to Gumplowicz, he also mentions the
"psychological laws" illustrated in the works of Tarde, Le Bon and Sighele.
Any scholar who has read Gumplowicz's Sociologische Staatsidee
could hardly try to make the theses of Le Bon and Sighele their own. Mussolini,
in later years, said that ever since he was a student at the Regia Scuola
Normale in Forlimpopoli, he had nurtured a "profound interest in the psychology
of the masses... the crowds"; and then specified: "One of the books that struck
me most was Gustave Le Bon's Psychology of Crowds." 67 Unfortunately, when
the volume was first published, he did not have the opportunity to review it
for one of the periodicals and newspapers to which he collaborated
between 1902 and 1914, but it seems evident that he read the book during
this period, or in the immediately preceding years. However, there
is no direct evidence that he read Sighele; but Le Bon's work contains so many
of Sighele's concepts that Sighele even accused Le Bon of plagiarism.
Mussolini's recognition of the value of Le Bon's study implies a similar evaluation
of Sighele: and this consideration is important to explain the maturation
process that led Mussolini to Fascism. Le Bon, like Sighele, was anti-
parliamentarian, anti-democratic, anti-rationalist and, again like Sighele, elitist.
The atmosphere of syndicalism was fully engaged with such ideas. If such
concepts had not been conveyed through Gumplowicz's work, they would
have penetrated through Pareto's Systems which regularly harked
back to Le Bon. If not then
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years, it could not have been Sorel's Réflexions as the book was published
for the first time in Italy in Divenire Sociale in 1905, after Mussolini had left
Switzerland. Sorel's work was published in 1906 in French in the Mouvement
Socialiste and then again in Italy in the form of a pamphlet entitled The
general strike and violence, with a preface by Enrico Leone. In 1908
appeared the French edition entitled Réflexions sur la violence, and
in 1909 a subsequent Italian edition entitled Considerations on violence,
with a preface by Benedetto Croce. It was this last edition that
Mussolini reviewed for II Popolo that same year. 70
This review, which was entitled The General Strike and Violence, referred
to the 1906 edition and suggests that Mussolini had already read Sorel's
Réflexions in the previous edition. After all, as a trade unionist, he
could hardly have ignored the first treatment of a theme which constituted
an essential element in the debates on trade unionism.
Mussolini's review of Il Popolo demonstrates his intimate knowledge of Sorel's
ideas; he not only refers to earlier works by the same author, including
the Ruine du Monde Antique and L'Introduction à VEconomie
Moderne, but, as Megaro points out, reveals a profound understanding of
Sorel's ideas, in all their conceptual breadth, and treats them in a
particularly penetrating way. 71
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Mussolini then gave much importance to the Sorelian conception of the myth.
A myth is an "idea" capable of making the masses active. It provides the
masses with an action guide for the realization of specific collective programs.
The institutional apparatus of the parliamentary and democratic state, with its
periodic electoral ploys, was seen as a mask for class oppression; his
humanitarianism and pacifism were seen as expedients to keep the unruly
and exploited masses calm. Socialism, in order to survive as an ideal
and for its organizations to be successful in the social struggle,
"must have the
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The state was an organized force which imposed the will of the
bourgeois minority on the social order. Once legitimized, that force had
tended to perpetuate itself. His influence had pervaded and corrupted
everything. 73 Democracy had become a statutory myth of the system. The
leaders of the new classes were drawn into the parliamentary arena and their
activities were conditioned by the "rule of law," a law which codified the
property relations of capitalism. The result was an ephemeral and attenuated
reformism which tended to improve rather than abolish the system.
In early 1914, in the months preceding his break with the Socialist
Party, Mussolini fully expressed his thoughts on the nature of the
revolution and on the organization for the social struggle.
“There are those who want to wait for the absolute majority to make the
revolution. Is absurd. First of all mass is quantity, it is inertia. Mass is
static; minorities are dynamic. And then the economic organization
cannot claim to gather all the workers who can be organized into
the trade union [...]
From 1902, when the first clues of his conception of socialism were
already beginning to appear, until 1914, two themes became increasingly
important: 1) the nature of the human motive and the psychology
of revolution; 2) the nature of the revolutionary struggle, ie the relationship
between leaders and followers. Under the direct influence of Pareto, Michels,
and eventually Sorel, Mussolini's concepts matured until, in 1914, they
formed the guide for organizing a mass revolutionary movement. In the
maturation of his ideas the influence of Labriola, Panunzio and Olivetti
was particularly important; and this influence continued to have its weight
even after Mussolini had broken with the syndicalist wing of the revolutionary
movement, when
Mussolini rejected the syndicalist insistence on the exclusive use of the strike
as a revolutionary weapon. It was evident, however, that he did not reject
syndicalist conceptions regarding the task of commanding the minority and
the organizing function of social and political myths. 77 This was clear in
1912, when he expressed his opposition both to Sorel's rapprochement
with the French nationalists and to the specific tactics of the Italian
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'tb Between 1902 and 1914 Mussolini fixed his ideas around basic
concepts that we now identify with those of Sorel, namely: a vision of life as
a continuous and arduous struggle against the indifference of the external
environment, and against other antagonistic groups, with the clash between
groups led by elites capable of inspiring the inert masses with a vision
of the future and possessing the will capable of disciplining the masses
themselves for the effort necessary to achieve this vision. However, Mussolini's
conception of the myth was different at least in one aspect of no small
importance. He believed that the functional myth was a necessary tactical
complement to the organizational program of the revolution. The myth, that
is, responded to the needs of the motivations of the masses, but did not
outline the strategic program of the party leaders. Management needs "a specific
culture that supports and is suited to the action."
Nothing else is needed for anyone who conceives of socialism through
the Sorelian myth which is an act of faith ». It was necessary, that is,
"realistic pragmatism". 79 Mussolini therefore contrasted the "realistic"
Guicciardini to the "utopian" Sorel.
The myth, in Sorel, responds to the natural needs of those who accept the
non-rationalist theory of the collective motive. But the myth, in itself, is not
true and it is not false, and the problems of its truthfulness or falsehood
are completely out of place. The activities of the organizational elite cannot be
governed by these myths. The vanguard of the revolutionary movement, if it
is to give effective guidance, must know systems suitable for
determining the canons of truth. Any action that derives from a simple
acceptance of the myth is in vain. Revolutionary action must be based on a
precise evaluation of the social forces acting at a given moment. 80 It is
necessary to possess the "theoretical awareness" necessary to direct practical
affairs. 81 To arrive at an exact evaluation of situations, it is necessary
"to silence feelings, since only reason can investigate, discover, compare". 82
The fact is that « Giorgio Sorel has not given a system, from which certain
norms can be drawn
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it dated back to the time of his collaboration with Labriola and Panunzio, in
1904. 84
« The mass for me is nothing but a flock of sheep, until it is organized. I'm
not against it at all. I only deny that it can organize itself. But if you lead it, you
have to hold it with two reins: enthusiasm and interest. Anyone who uses only
one of the two is in danger. The mystical side and the political condition each
other. One without the other is arid, this without that is dispersed in the wind of
flags.' 89
And this is only a new way of expressing concepts that have already belonged
to him since 1902. Feeling and interest constitute the motivational force of
collective action; for a movement to be disciplined, a certain unfailing unanimity
determined by enthusiasm or feeling is required.
In 1934 Mussolini maintained: « It was I who ordered that it be said that I was
never wrong. My offices provided to find the element capable of translating this
concept into another: 'The Duce has always
pre reason'. Dictatorial regimes, more than armies of praetorians, need a quota
of fanatical believers. I leave the criticism to those who know how to do it and to
those who have the courage to do it. But the masses must obey: they
cannot allow themselves the luxury of wasting time in the search for the truth". 90
The distinction was clear. The mass reacts only to feeling and the call of
interest. A minority, on the other hand, bears the responsibility for the
search for truth. In This Same Year (1934)
Mussolini pointed out that it is necessary to distinguish certain conviction, born of
sentiment, which animates the masses, and the reasoned conviction of the
political elite. "If by mysticism", he affirmed, "we mean the possibility of
recognizing the truth without the aid of reason, I would be the first to declare
myself against all mysticism". 91 Mussolini, therefore, had a theory of motives and
a theory of truth. One had to be disjointed from the other; while there were some
critical points of contact, the distinction was relatively clear-cut.
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"Examine all the motives of human thought, and you will find that they were
'determined' by economic and profane motives." 95
In theory one could also predict the course of events; it would be enough to take
into consideration a limited number of variables that have the form of
economic interests, and to systematically relate them to each other, to
formulate sufficiently reliable forecasts. Knowing some things about the degree
of development of the production process, it would be possible to make
predictions about some things about the degree of development of social
theories and collective behavior. 93 In a sense, particular privileged variables
were believed to cause particular effects. The relationship between
economic variables and motives, as immediate determinants of behavior,
was initially considered consequential, necessary and irreversible.
It suffices to superficially examine what Mussolini wrote between 1902 and 1908,
to realize that at the time he accepted, at least in part, this position. But,
under the influence of the revolutionary syndicalists, in
are wrong". 97 In 1909 it was agreed that "we do not exclude that some parts -
the secondary ones - of Marxist economic doctrine are lacking... » 98
However, if one follows a rigid economic determinism, any error in economic
theory, even the slightest one, leads to substantial changes in the general
conclusions. When this awareness, however vague, is combined with the belief
that feelings are the dynamic motive for behavior, the original theory begins to
take on quite a different face. Starting from an unspecified moment of this
period. Mussolini, according to what he himself says, gradually moved away from
positivism. 99 With this departure, the economic determinism of classical
Marxism had also weakened sufficiently to allow the gradual intrusion of
extraneous variables: in this case, moral sentiment is the consequence of a well-
defined belief.
In May of that same year, the consequences that this conversion implied were
clear: 'Socialism, out of love for economic determinism, had subjected man
to inscrutable laws which one can badly know and must submit to; syndicalism
places in history the effective will of man who is determined and in turn decisive,
of the man who can leave the imprint of his modifying force on the things or
institutions that surround him, of the man who 'can will' in a given direction:
syndicalism does not reject 'economic necessity' but adds 'ethical awareness' to it".
From 1909 Mussolini fixed his concepts of social and historical dynamics in
terms of the interdependence of variables.
Marx, Mussolini went on, was wrong to "attribute hyperbolic importance to homo
oeconomicus". 103
These individual and collective actions are necessary for political activity,
actions that cannot reasonably be interpreted as an inevitable
consequence of their economic process or of reason alone.
For Mussolini, this was the interpretation of Marxism also proper to revolutionary
socialism. In 1906 Enrico Leone had observed
There is no doubt that the passage cited above complicates any simplistic
interpretation of the relationship between economic variables and those of
collective reaction. Any interpretation that considers the collective reaction
as a simple consequence of the influence of the productive forces would be wrong,
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In 1914 Mussolini recognized that his voluntarist interpretation of Marxism was one
of many possible interpretations. Replying to his opponents, he stated: "You see
Marxism through an evolutionary, positivist interpretation of history,
we see it... through an idealistic, more modern interpretation... Marxism too has the
letter and the spirit. ... it is the spirit of Marxism, and not so much the Marxist
doctrine in its formal and surmountable expression, that informs our Weltanschauung
». 108
to change the world and, by changing it, to understand it. Intellectuals, men insincere
towards the world, more interested in formulating metaphysical theories than in
tackling the immediate problems that beset humanity, are concerned only with
elaborating arcane, abstruse and abstract systems. 110
during the first decade of our century. 112 Under Leonardo's impulse,
pragmatism became a widespread philosophical attitude. It is probable that
Mussolini read Papini's Twilight of the Philosophers about Leonardo; we
certainly know that by the same author he read The finished man, judging
it "extraordinaryand admirable". 113 Even William James, the founder of
pragmatism, judged Papini's arguments sufficiently accurate, so much so that he
quoted them in his Pragmatism. 114 In 1909, on the other hand, even before
Sorel himself had openly declared his specific debt to pragmatism, it had
already entered the theme of Italian syndicalism. Panunzio attributed to
syndicalism an "above all pragmatic" character; and Prezzolini, in the volume
that Mussolini reviews for II Popolo, interpreted Sorel in an unequivocally
pragmatic key. 115
Mussolini specified that it had been important because it had taught him "to
judge actions by their results rather than by their doctrinal basis". 116 Mussolini
saw in pragmatism a method and an attitude rather than any particular
result. And in this his ideas coincided, at least in substance, with those
of James himself who
« [Pragmatism] will deal very much with methods, tools of knowledge and action,
because it will be convinced that it is much more important to improve or create
methods to obtain exact predictions or to change
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Therefore "to our intelligence [are not presented] complete doctrinal systems, but
problems that force us to think and convert our position as spectators into
that of actors". 120
at least, no more than each of the elements of the set of ideas that make up
the Communist Manifesto can be considered original; but, due to the form in
which these elements were articulated due to the prominence given to
each of them, Mussolini's social and political thought was
absolutely original. He conceived of society in terms of an incessant and
relentless conflict between heterogeneous social elements which, grouped
around specific needs and interests, and stabilized by feelings of
identity fostered by functional or organizational myths, manifest a deep
unity within the group and hostility for elements outside the group itself.
all its further activity is based on its ability to ensure its members at least
the minimum of sustenance. When the economic basis of society evolves
through the development of its productive forces, the pre-existing social
relations, characterized by the domination of a selected minority, lose stability
and the way opens for succession. A power elite, suited to the hitherto
existing social order, may prove no longer suited to the new. At this point
society probably enters a period of transition during which a completely
new society is formed and developed within the old one. 124 Under the
direction of a new elite that opposes the previous one, new institutions
appear, more suited to the new situations. Their emergence entails a period of
violence, more or less long since the old elite do not voluntarily renounce
their privileges. 125 The new elite mobilizes the elementary human
energies that take shape in the new social forces and fights the institutionalized
force with revolutionary violence. The use of
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violence not only brings out the true interests of the already established
minority, but also brings about closer group ties on both sides, spelling
out with the utmost clarity the responsibilities of their respective
members. This leads to the "creation of new characters, new values,
new homines". 128 The revolutionary class opposes new values and
new men to the values and men of the order that is about to set.
Within this rising class, an "ideally privileged" minority took the
revolutionary initiative. 127 A "small resolute nucleus, bold and animated
by conscious faith" assumes hierarchical control of the revolutionary
Due to its narrow social base, the old elite seeks to undermine
united action and to weaken the conviction of the revolutionary
elements through the systematic use of corruption and regular recourse
to conventional hypocrisies. In the twentieth century, the
parliamentary system corrupts, while democratic and humanitarian
nonsense results in deception. The only defenses available to
revolutionaries against their opponents' systems are violence or
the threat of violence. The responsible use of violence, and the real
threat of its use, become a moral duty.
It is difficult to say with any certainty to what extent the young Mussolini was
influenced by Henri Bergson. The few times that Mussolini speaks of Bergson, it
is only to say that he was influenced by him, but nothing indicates what
effect that influence may have had on his thinking.
The nation becomes the fundamental element for moral regeneration and
the myth that holds it together appeals to its historical, traditional and
political continuity. When the nation reaches this condition of moral
privilege, the individual has an obligation to defend it. This defense
involves an efficient unitary organization which, in turn, requires
unanimous consent and the predisposition to place the interests of the
nation above the interests of class and category. As this state of
necessity occurs, the continuation of the class struggle constitutes a
contingent commitment and not the fundamental one. Class
struggle loses its importance and socialist ideals must be abandoned.
Mussolini's initial opposition to Italy's entry into the First World War was
expressly based on this observation. "War", he affirmed,
"represents the most acute test of class collaboration..."; 139 and continued:
« war between nations is class collaboration in its most acute, most
grandiose, most bloody form [...]. Here is the deep reason that makes
us hate war. We are far from the softness of professional pacifists.' 140
The war between nations deprives the proletariat of its autonomy, making
it a unit framed within the disciplined ranks of the nation. The proletariat
must set aside its own special interests. The war into which he is drawn
is no longer his war, it is no longer the class war. An international war
would therefore displace the object of allegiance. The feeling of
class loyalty and solidarity would no longer respond to the group
feeling of individuals. The nation would require the elimination of
closed social groups that operate within it to foster social conflicts.
The nation would become the charismatic object
"It's not the formulas that create the moods, but the moods that
create the formulas." 143 "The formulas", continued Mussolini,
"adapt themselves to the events, but to pretend to adapt the events to
the formulas is sterile masturbation, it is vain, it is foolish, it is a
ridiculous undertaking". 144
What has been said above indicates quite clearly that Mussolini's
intransigence in the face of Italy's possible participation in the war was more
apparent than real, but he could not discuss the question in front of the
In July, during the first days of the crisis, he worked to bring together the
party leadership and take a clear position. The delays and indecisions
were considerable. Mussolini proposed that, in the event that Italy was
involved in the war, a general strike was proclaimed (and with this he repeated
what Hervé proposed to the Congress
of Stuttgart of 1907). The party leadership was undecided and the official
agenda made no mention of Mussolini's proposal. In August, the war spread
to Germany, France and Russia, while Britain's entry into the war was
imminent. In Brussels, where the International had been convened,
an extraordinary meeting was convened at which Angelica Balabanoff (who
had been Mussolini's collaborator in the direction of Ae\Y Avanti!) raised
the question of a general strike.
This proposal was rejected by the representatives of the working classes
(with the sole exception of the British delegates). The working class was
ready to support the "bourgeois" governments of their respective nations.
The international movement of the working class was either unable to influence
the course of events or had decided to accelerate them. The working class
movement had largely espoused the thesis of national defense and
assumed "patriotic" positions. The internationalist characteristics of the
proletarian movement faded more and more and the traditional nationalistic
contours reappeared. In Italy, members of the working class began
to speak in terms of collective responsibility.
They talked about the German military organization, the oppression of
Germany and the German autocracy, and condemned them. It was hinted
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But his personal beliefs were going into crisis. He thoroughly re-examined
the possibilities that the new situation offered to the socialists. These, at
the time of the declaration of war could have proclaimed the
revolutionary general strike. The forces mobilized by the Government
for the war could have suffocated it in bloodshed
revolutionary action; or, the latter would have been victorious and the
socialists would have seized power. In this second hypothesis, they
would have had to face the problem of a possible enemy invasion.
In such a case, the socialists could have condemned the nation to
"martyrdom", opened the way for the enemy and tried to obtain, through
moral persuasion, an honorable peace (the same tactic used later by Lenin). A
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to Marx, to Schopenhauer (in part), who places himself beyond good and evil, who
resumes the journey of the audacious Renaissance... ». 150
Faced with the challenge of the events of 1914, the radical part of Socialism, i.e.
the revolutionary syndicalists, had refused to remain spectators of events of
such historical magnitude. Not only had the theorists of socialism failed to
understand the historical realities that the war, approved by all the socialist parties
of Europe, had made so evident, but the position taken by the Socialist Party had
condemned Italian socialism to a degrading inactivity. The socialists, by now,
would no longer have made history, but would have suffered it. The radicals
demanded a decision: if the socialists wanted to remain firmly anchored
to absolute neutrality, however, they had to proclaim their intention to operate in
such a way that any declaration of war would represent the signal for a popular
insurrection. But the Party flatly refused to take such a position.
Socialist internationalism had been founded on the supposed identity of working
class interests of all nations.
This identity had proven to be fictitious. In September. Mussolini had been forced
to admit that « the socialist international is dead » and to continue asking «
was it ever really alive? ». 151 The theory turned out to be at odds with the facts.
But a theory which is true, which makes exact predictions for the future,
cannot find itself in stark contrast to the facts.
But the most important theoretical and moral question that Mussolini
faced in this period was the question of nationality. As long as the
class constituted the main unit of collective identification, the
nation could hardly be taken seriously as an object of loyalty on the
part of the individual. Class duties established the limits of individual
responsibilities. The logic of duty, even if it may seem "heretical,
paradoxical, sacrilegious" demands "the denial of the country". 152 "The
proletariat", stated Mussolini, "must no longer shed its precious blood
in holocaust to the patriotic Moloch. The national flag is for us a rag to be
planted in manure. There are only two homelands in the world: that
of the exploited and the other of the exploiters.' 153
Mussolini had finally discovered the most portentous reality of the nineteenth
century: the nation,
We know that the First World War generated strong critical and theoretical
tensions within orthodox socialism. From these tensions arose both
Bolshevism and Fascism. One of the essential foundations of
historical materialism was the claim that class constituted the main theoretical
and analytical tool for evaluating world history. This conviction provided the
foundation for the tactical orientation of the various socialist movements,
defined values and offered the conditions for moral duties. Class analysis
guided the tactical orientation
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The reality of the First World War brought down this faith with a tremendous
blow. 162
The war highlighted the close ties that united the working class to
the bourgeoisie of their own nation. The defeat of the national
bourgeoisie, in the historical circumstances of the time, would
have been the ruin of the working class. The loss of colonies, the
amputation of entire provinces, the reparation of war damages… all would
have fallen heavily on the working classes. Clear and immediate class
interests thus made the working classes nationalist. But, in addition to this,
the feeling of nationality prevailed even where there were no material
interests of any kind. The ardent nationalism of the Slavic peoples, which
Mussolini knew thoroughly, the vehement and irrepressible requests for
national autonomy and for joining the unredeemed provinces to the
Motherland, all led us to believe that Nationalism was not, first and foremost,
an economic phenomenon . No doubt any nationalism, in order
to survive, must have a viable economic basis and, consequently, it could
be said that nationalism is, in this sense, conditioned by economic
factors. But any serious evaluation of nationalism requires a much
broader study of its causes. The attempt to explain nationalism
by reducing it to a
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The history of the Jews represents a typical example in this respect. All Marxist
theorists, from Marx to Stalin, have denied that Jews can constitute a
nationality. They had neither territory, nor economy, nor culture, nor
language in common. And yet the Jews are the living example of a typical
The fact is that in 1914 the historical reality of national sentiment forced
Mussolini to abandon the concept of "class" as a fundamental unit of analytical
measurement. He conceived of man as a social animal
predisposed, by its nature, to associate in well-defined communities,
supported by the common feeling of a common destiny. To have had
common glories in the past, to have clear affinities and common goals in the
present, to have accomplished notable deeds in unity of purpose, and to have
common for the future, all of this is the foundation of fullness of life. Until
the crisis of the First World War, the international class represented for
Mussolini the main object of loyalty. During the crisis of 1914, it became
clear to him, as he specified a few years later, that 'the object of loyalty was
too vast'. 163 The international working class did not possess the necessary
affinities, common traditions and common aspirations which form
the foundation of a spiritual community. The spiritual community constitutes
the Sorelian means of regeneration, the charismatic object which
defines the sphere and character of duties, which directs men in a
disciplined way towards higher ends, which gives meaning to life.
In 1910, Mussolini, having to give a title to the newspaper he directed, had chosen
that of The Class Struggle. In 1914, after resigning from the directorship of
Avanti! he chose the title II Popolo d'Italia for the masthead of his new newspaper.
The "class" had become "the people". As he himself had said a few years earlier,
whoever says "people" says "nation".
1 1 . Mussolini's social and political thought took on those particular doctrinal aspects
which were to characterize Fascism, during the years between Italy's entry into
the First World War, in 1915, and the March on Rome, in 1922.
Between 1915 and the foundation of the Combat Fasci in , occurred on the 23rd
March 1919, Mussolini drew up the first profile of the Fascist Doctrine; the
following period, during which the movement was transformed into the National
Fascist Party, saw the more precise and articulated formulation of the
doctrinal foundations characteristic of Fascism. In this period, the development
of ideas occurred continuously and according to a coherent logic. This evolution
continued even after the rise to power. However, it is good to focus attention on
this first period of doctrinal development because in this way it is possible to
judge with greater knowledge of the facts the value of the opinions, expressed with
considerable frequency in current writings, according to which, behind the
organization of the fascist squads.
Mussolini would have had no clear social doctrine and constructive politics. 1
Until 1914, Mussolini had experienced only one social and political doctrine: Marxist
doctrine, as it was then understood. As he himself said, there had not existed,
at least since Engels' death, a univocal interpretation of the doctrine,
universally accepted by socialist thinkers. 2 Within the socialist movement,
numerous contrasting schools had arisen, influenced by the most varied intellectual
currents. Mussolini's interpretation expressed the thought of a considerable
number of revolutionary socialists in pre-war Italy. Mussolini's socialism, however,
remained socialism only as long as class membership was held to be the
historical and social relationship
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class was shaken by the events that had followed the outbreak of the
European conflict of 1914, its socialism was fatally compromised. As the nation
grew larger in its thinking, its socialism underwent an equal and
opposite crumbling. In 1914, this process was not at all clear even to
Mussolini himself. Seen in retrospect, however, it appears wholly
But the ideological contrasts produced by the struggle for Italy's intervention
in the war had a decisive influence and Mussolini's thought underwent
the last, critical, transformation, which changed his socialism into Fascism.
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Already in the period preceding the outbreak of the First World War,
Mussolini had given shape to a set of social and political convictions to
which he continued to remain faithful, with remarkable consistency,
throughout his political life. It was a Socialism informed, and
transformed, by elements drawn from the thought of Pareto, Sorel,
Michels, and reproduced in the writings of various revolutionary syndicalists,
the most important of which were A. 0. Olivetti and Sergio
Panunzio. It was a Socialism that was more pragmatist than rationalist,
more interested in moral renewal than in a fair distribution of economic
goods; a Socialism convinced that historical changes are the consequence
more of a strong-willed commitment on the part of a strategic elite
than of a maturation in the economic basis of society. All of this was
Socialism only insofar as the instrument of moral renewal was represented
by the class with which the individual identified, and insofar as
the strategic and dynamic elite constituted the vanguard of the proletariat.
This revised Socialism remained socialist only as long as the class was
considered the fundamental element of historical transformation. The
idea that class could assume this critical function seemed to arise
from the long and violent class clashes that had plagued Italy during the
last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the
twentieth. The thesis of international class solidarity had served only to give
a concrete value, in the context of the historical development of Europe
as a whole, to the dynamic and decisive importance of belonging
to a class. Only with the beginning of the First World War was there
irrefutable proof of the falsehood of this thesis. The events that followed
immediately after the outbreak of the war cast serious doubts on the
usefulness, for any theoretical or practical purpose, of considering the
class as a fundamental analytical unit.
Almost immediately after his expulsion from the Socialist Party, Mussolini
revealed that the war had grouped entire populations into national
units within which class differentiations had lost all value and importance. 8
Basically. Mussolini began to believe that nations represented a more
valid analytical unit than classes. The
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men, he said, are induced to action not only by their immediate material,
that is to say class, interests, but also by psychological and moral
considerations which transcend them.
The thesis of the priority of class interests over national interests was no
longer acceptable; all the events of recent European history invalidated
it. Only a dogmatist, Mussolini continued, could deny the evident reality of
the feeling of nationality so eloquently confirmed by the willingness
of the proletariat to sacrifice themselves for it. This revision of his judgment
on the European situation moved both from a national point of view
and from a socialist point of view; in this way, he anticipated the possibility
of arriving at a "national Socialism" which would better accord with the
irrefutable facts against which the theoreticians of Socialism clashed in
Furthermore, the importance that the concepts of nation and people had
assumed in his thinking forced Mussolini to revise the datum of the
international solidarity of the working class, on which his ideas had
been based before the war. In December 1914 he had admitted that,
in fact, such internationalism was empty of content. In January 1915 he
affirmed that « the international workers [...] has shown itself to be
proof of the facts - more than powerless to face the events and
prevent the war event - non-existent ». u
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The reality of the ongoing conflict made it clear that the peoples of Europe
were seeking to realize their national aspirations and not those of their class.
Faced with the realization of these aspirations, the call for class struggle
was in vain. What circumstances demanded was national unity. 12 The
consequences of this new orientation were obvious. Mussolini advocated
a return to the nationalism of Mazzini and the rejection of Marx, should
the reality, the complexity and the stress of the events of the moment have
required it. 13
By May 1915 these ideas were well established in him. Only men willing
to lie to themselves and to deceive others could fail to recognize that
internationalism, understood as a valid political alternative, was now
dead. On the day Italy entered the war, Mussolini wrote: "Never
before have we felt as at this moment that the homeland exists, that it
is an irrepressible and perhaps insurmountable datum of human
consciousness; never, as at this beginning of the war, have we
felt that Italy is a historical, living, bodily, immortal personality ». 14
A month later he wrote: «The Fatherland is the hard and firm ground, the
millenary construction of the race; internationalism was the fragile ideology
that could not weather the storm. The blood that gives life to the Fatherland
has killed the International.' 15
The nation was a reality such as the International had never managed
to be. The nation was a permanent historical, physical and moral reality,
united in culture and tradition, based on complex and interacting
characteristics, favored by contemporary economic development; the nation
possessed all the requisites to enjoy lasting vitality, and the war had
revealed that it represented the primary object of loyalty on the part of
the vast majority of the national proletariat. 16
The nation, Mussolini argued, is the "great product of history", whose value,
which had long been "disowned and despised", was revealed on the
occasion of the deadly challenge launched by the First World War. 17
much more than sporadic editions of some theoretical treatise in one of its
"official" languages (among which the Italian language was not included).
The concept of "proletariat" represents an ideal, abstract type which may also
serve mnemonic or heuristic purposes, but which bears no
correspondence to reality. That being the case, any talk of the fight
Less than a month after his expulsion from the Socialist Party, Mussolini wrote
that the war had highlighted "the seed of new unthinkable political
constructions" based on the objective fact "that 'peoples and states' everywhere
achieved their fusion in the bloc of national unanimity". 19 In Germany, Belgium,
France, England, Switzerland and Russia, the same fusion between people, state
and nation was observed. The war had revealed the unbreakable commonality
of material, psychological and moral interests which forms the backbone of
national unity. 20 This identity of
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Given the set of ideas that had been developing in his mind since
October 1914, Mussolini had gradually watered down his class socialism
which, admittedly, was no longer Marxist.
Thus a month before the foundation of that organization which later became
the National Fascist Party, Mussolini spoke out in favor of the following
programmatic proposals by Léon Jouhaux:
Three days before the meeting in Piazza San Sepolcro, which marked the
birth of Fascism, Mussolini spoke to the two thousand workers of
Dalmine, who, as members of the national-syndicalist Unione
Italiana del Lavoro, were protesting against low wage levels and against
the employers' refusal to recognition of their Union, but who also opposed
any work stoppages because strikes of this kind had harmful effects on
the national economy. 39
He told them: «You have placed yourself on the ground of the class, but
you have not forgotten the nation. You spoke of the Italian people, not just
your category of metal workers. For the immediate interests of your
category, you could have carried out the old-fashioned strike, the negative
and destructive strike, but thinking of the interests of the people, you have
inaugurated the creative strike, which does not interrupt production. You
could not deny the nation, after you too fought for it, after five hundred
thousand of our men died for it. The nation that made this sacrifice does not
deny itself, for it is a glorious, a victorious reality. Are you not the poor, the
humble and the outcasts, according to the old rhetoric of
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literary socialism; you are the producers, and it is in this claimed capacity of
yours that you claim the right to treat as equals with the industrialists.' 40
At the meeting in Piazza San Sepolcro Mussolini spoke twice: the first, in
the morning of March 23, 1919 and the second in the afternoon of «the same
day. Both speeches had a doctrinaire character and schematically
established the set of ideas that would characterize Fascism throughout the
period of its initial development up to its definitive rise to power in October
1922, and which would later be inserted into a broader theoretical system
and better defined.
Mussolini offered only two fixed points to the fascists: production and the
nation. The program for the reorganization of the economy was that of the
National Syndicalism, which also envisaged the reorganization of the
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State according to the trade unionist line. Mussolini proposed the abolition
of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and their replacement
with a direct representation of the nation's productive categories.
"We will support these requests", stated Mussolini, "also because we want
to accustom the working classes to the managerial capacity of companies,
also to convince the workers that it is not easy to keep industry
and commerce going". 41
In reality, the most correct interpretation is another. In Italy at the time, the
term "democracy" had a great sentimental effect, but it was also extremely
vague and indistinct. Almost in the same period in which Mussolini used it in
his inaugural speech, Pareto wrote: «... the term democracy is
indeterminate like many other terms of vulgar language... nor is
there any hope of finding anything else to give rigorous and precise
form to what is indeterminate and fleeting". 42
In any case, whatever value the term democracy had for him in 1919,
it certainly did not mean a majority government. He declared: «We
are decidedly against all forms of dictatorship, from that of the saber
to that of the tricorn, from that of money to that of numbers; we know
only the dictatorship of the will, of intelligence.' 43
Whatever this democracy would be, it still had to be the result of the
initiative of a minority, which would assume the guise of a dictatorship
"of will and intelligence".
Mussolini's world view, in this period, was always the world view of the
socialist Mussolini, the one found in the works of Gumplowlcz, Pareto, Mosca,
Sorel and Michels. Mussolini continued to consider life as a continuous
struggle, full of conflicts and contrasts.
In this way, for the fascist Mussolini the nation exercised exactly the same
functions exercised by the class for the socialist Mussolini. As a socialist.
Mussolini had argued that belonging to class constituted the moral
backbone of individual life, and specified the duties and responsibilities of the
individual in the long historical conflict between groups, opposed by spiritual and
material interests. The myth of the class struggle, understood in the
Sorelian sense, gave individual life its moral meaning. The concept of class
struggle constituted the organizational myth of revolutionary
syndicalism; after 1915 this function was assumed by the concept of nation.
A few days before the March on Rome, and the advent of Fascism in power.
Mussolini stated: « We have created our myth. The myth is a faith, it is a
passion [...] It is a reality in the fact that it is a goad, that it is a hope, that it is a
faith, that it is courage. Our myth is the nation, our myth is the greatness of the
nation! And to this myth, to this greatness [...] we subordinate everything
else*». 53
The nation, as a system, finds in the state the concrete expression of its
juridical personality. The state is the primary source of authority;
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it constitutes the highest ratification that gives life to a complex of norms, it is the
supreme repository of strength, the undisputed sovereign. 55 This does not
mean that every historically constituted State behaves in this way.
Indeed, the empirical state may not exercise its authority and this lack may be
the consequence of various material and moral influences. In this case there is the
threat of the social system breaking up into a series of minor systems each governed
by a de facto state, an "anti-state", which assumes those prerogatives that the
sovereign state has not been able to exercise. Each social element then acts as
arbiter according to its own interests and force becomes decisive.
itself, and assumes in itself, in fact or potentially, the attributes of the absolute state.
56 The result is the disintegration of what was once the nation, into two or more
nations at war with each other.
For Mussolini, the State was the depository of the force which imposes the sanctions
necessary for the practical application of the laws. In principle the state was
absolutely sovereign; he could, in fact, prefer not to exercise his
prerogatives, but he was not subject to any intrinsic or extrinsic limitations. Social
life without the state would have been impossible, as the state created the
necessary conditions. Mussolini's criticisms of the Marxist thesis of the "destruction
of the state" were based on this conception. The Marxist distinction between the
state that governs men and the communist non-state of the future that will govern
things was, according to him, meaningless.
of the nation. 57 With its positive or negative action, the State established
the moral order, the system of hierarchies, the scale of human values
within which individuals, as transient components of the historical
social system, were born and lived. In this sense, the state had the
greatest moral responsibility. Even religious bodies were to be
subordinated to it, in principle if not in fact. Religious
commandments could not conflict with secular law; none of the rules
governing the religious society was to be in conflict with the interests of the
We know, for example, that for some time Mussolini was influenced
by philosophical individualism and its implicit anarchism. He himself said
that until 1908 he had remained under the influence of Nietzsche and Max
Stirner,59 which led him to argue that the individual (as such) enjoyed a sort
of moral privilege over any human group organized, and that the only law
binding the individual was that which the individual imposed on himself.
In his essay on Nietzsche, published that year, he took it for granted that for
Nietzsche the state was a system of "oppression
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organized against the individual". 30 But he went on to say that the Nietzschean conception of man,
understood as an animal of prey, necessarily implied the belief that man, as an animal of prey,
was part of an organized community. In the absence of this prerequisite, effective struggle would be impossible
and no conquest would be certain.
He stated that: «above all, a principle of solidarity must govern the relations of these blond beasts of prey. Even
the conquerors obey the dispositions that the community takes to safeguard the supreme interests
of the caste and this can be defined as a first individual limitation... The unique can therefore never be
'unique' in the Sùrnerian sense of the word, since the fatal law of solidarity bends it and wins it »
. 61
As already mentioned. Mussolini conceived of man as an eminently social animal. While continuing to remain
faithful to a certain type of romantic individualism, from 1914 he expressed more and more explicitly and
decisively the conviction that "individualism is conceivable and realizable only through collectivism".
. 62
In any case, already among his very first writings there is an interesting and important apologia for
Ferdinand Lassalle, in which Mussolini expounds a conception of morality and the State surprisingly
similar to the one he instilled in Fascism in the following years. The moral ideal exalted by Mussolini at the age
of twenty-one was the activity of the individual governed by moral commitments in favor of the solidarity
of mutual interests and reciprocal duties within the community of which the individual himself belongs. This
thesis involves the conception of a State which constitutes the moral union of the community. \
« The State as a moral unity is the final integral phase of the entire evolutionary process in the life
of communities, from the community of blood, of place, of economic interests, to the community of intellectual
interests. Its function is to lead the fight against nature, misery, ignorance, impotence, slavery of all kinds in
which we find ourselves in the state of nature, at the beginning of this fight. The Union in the form of the
state must
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put individuals in a position to reach meanings and degrees of life that individuals
could never reach » 63 .
The state was identified with the moral order that governs the community.
If Mussolini had said nothing else on this subject, the interpretation would be
easy, but it would not take into account the equally significant declarations
he made in 1920. At the end of 1919, in a period of profound doctrinal
reexamination, he reaffirmed once again the ontological priority and implicitly
moral of the individual, hoping for the loosening of the ties imposed on the
"elementary forces of individuals, because other
human reality, other than the individual, does not exist! Why would Stirner
not be topical again? ». 64
Two weeks later he also stated: "We have tore up all revealed truths, we have
spat on all dogmas, rejected all heavens, mocked all charlatans - white, red
and black - who market all drugs miraculous to give 'happiness * to mankind.
We don't believe in programs, schemes, saints, apostles; above all we do not
believe in happiness, in salvation, in the promised land. We do not believe in a
single solution - be it economic or political or moral - in a linear solution to life's
problems because... life is not linear... Let's go back to the individual... We will
endorse everything that exalts, amplifies the individual, gives him greater
freedom, greater well-being, greater breadth of life; we will fight everything
that depresses, mortifies the individual ». 65
These statements, together with the observations published in April 1920, give
us an image of the relationship between the individual and the State which, at
first glance, is in striking contrast with the programmatic doctrine of Fascism as
it was later expressed in the official publications of the National Party Fascist.
In the April 1920 article, Mussolini, in the course of his criticisms of state
regulations, affirmed that his critical position did not arise from political, nationalistic
or utilitarian opposition; he opposed the regulations of the state per se. He
considered himself one of
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the few people in potential revolt against the state, "not against this or that
state, but against the state itself..." and he continued: "The state is the
terrible machine that swallows men alive and spews them out dead digits. ..
This, this is the great curse that struck the human race in the uncertain
beginnings of its history: to create, over the centuries, the State, to
remain under it, annihilated!... Down with the State in all its species and
incarnations. The state of yesterday, today and tomorrow". 66
This was the last, exaggerated expression of the romantic individualism that
Mussolini carried with him from his youth.
In November 1920 he admitted that Fascism had not yet had time to articulate
its doctrine, but he hoped for an "elaboration and coordination of its ideas". 67
Bre 1921, Mussolini outlined what was to be the Fascist doctrine of the
state, identifying it in Gentile's neo-Hegelian "state".
Some years later he told Yvon De Begnac that he had read Gentile for
the first time precisely at that time. 69
the guardian of the nation". Starting from the irrepressible reality of the
nation, he said he was inevitably and fatally led to the state so that he
was forced to consider nation and state the same thing. 70
In May 1920 he affirmed that the State should have limited itself to the
exercise of the four functions that nineteenth-century liberalism had
assigned it: military defence, public safety, taxes, administration of justice.
71 The same opinions were reaffirmed by him in January 1921. 72 Six months
later, on the occasion of his first speech to the Italian Chamber, he
issued the same directive: the State to its purely juridical and political
expression. May the State give us a police [...], a well organized justice, an
army ready for all eventualities, a foreign policy in tune with national
needs. Everything else, and I don't even exclude secondary school, must
be part of the private activity of the individual. If you want to save the
state you must abolish the collectivist state [...] and return to the
Manchester state »
, 73
legal and political". 74 At the same time and in the same document, however,
the nation was considered something more than the simple sum of the
individuals who made it up and was defined as the "supreme synthesis of all
the material and spiritual values of the race" of which the State represented
the physical expression. All values of the individual and of
This comparison with the artist and his material pleased Mussolini who frequently
used it to exemplify the relationship between the political leader and the masses. In
1917 he stated that "the Italian people are at this moment a mass of precious ore.
melt it down, clean it of slag, process it. A work of art is still possible.
We need a government. A man. A man who has, when necessary, the hand
with the delicate touch of the artist, and the heavy fist of the warrior ». 79
A few weeks before the March on Rome he said that Fascism "needs the masses
as an artist needs the raw material to forge his masterpiece". 80
The spirit manifests itself only through an organizational elite, a capable and
selected minority able to channel the elemental energies
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of the masses. At the time when Mussolini was preparing the fascist
forces for the March on Rome, the implications of this conception were
evident. This was an explicit rejection of democracy, as it was generally
understood. Mussolini foresaw that "an 'aristocratic' century,
the current one, follows the last democratic one". 82
That this was not equally evident to non-fascists is equally clear from
the behavior of many political commentators, including liberals such as
Benedetto Croce who initially gave Fascism their support.
for example, he attacked Lenin's dictatorship and stated that "we will not
accept dictatorships". 84
From its beginnings Fascism, as a political movement, acted along the lines of
Pareto's precept according to which the fundamental economic
problem that Italy had to face, in its condition of proletarian nation, was the
expansion of its industry rather than the redistribution of assets or
ownership of the means of production. 8 ®
Mussolini, while on the one hand he affirmed that the tactical programs
of Fascism were subjected to constant revision, underwent continuous
modifications and were therefore necessarily malleable, however he also
maintained that fascist thought was based on two constants: production
and the nation. 87
The nation demanded a rapid industrial expansion and to this end all the
productive categories had to collaborate. 88 These strategic directives
were proposed when Fascism was founded as a movement and remained
unchanged throughout the period of the Party's development and its rise to
expansionism". 90 The doctrinal motto that summarized this thesis was « The
Mediterranean to the Mediterranean peoples! ». 91
In this context, the declaration that Fascism set out to « strip the state of all
its economic attributes », 94 seemed to the good bourgeoisie of Italy, weakened
by the aftermath of the war, a request for the restoration of the economic
liberalism of the nineteenth century, with which it had traditionally identified
The fact that Mussolini did not fail to admonish the bourgeoisie that
Fascism would not be its lightning rod and that its interests, like any other, would
be sacrificed without delay to the benefit of what the Fascist government
believed to be national interests, and that Fascism was fundamentally anti-
liberal, contributed little measures to dispel the illusions of the bourgeoisie.
That Fascism was neither of the right nor of the left is demonstrated by the fact
that its doctrine is the result of the confluence of currents of thought
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political and social right and left. Fascist doctrine is composed of elements
that matured in the thinking of revolutionary syndicalists such as Olivetti,
Panunzio, Michele Bianchi and Edmondo Rossoni, elements that
proved to be compatible with the theses of futurists such as Marinetti
and nationalists such as Dino Grandi, and, finally, such as Alfredo Rocco and Corradini.
The syncretistic nature of Fascism was reflected in the class and category
composition of the fascist organizations themselves, illustrated by a study
on the members of the National Fascist Party released in 1921 by the
secretary of the Party himself. A research was carried out on the class and
category origins of 152,000 of its 320,000 members: of these, 23,418 were
industrial workers, 36,847 agricultural workers, 14,989 employees, 19,783
students, 7,209 military, 1,506 belonging to the merchant navy. Only 4,269
were qualified industrialists or employers, 13,879 were self-employed traders
or craftsmen and 18,186 small landowners and/or indentured agricultural
employers. Consequently, the Party had a substantially proletarian character.
cadres of the fascist squads, while war veterans of all classes made
up the backbone of the members.
This commitment, together with certain factual propositions on the social and political
dynamics and on the function of the elites in historical changes, and together also
with the pragmatic orientation of its political program, clearly defined the evolutionary
dictatorship that Fascism aimed for. 102
Fascism was a unitary mass movement that advocated a vast reorganization of the
social and economic structures of the state, such as to implement collaboration
between classes and categories, under legal and political form, disciplinedly placed
at the service of those who consider themselves
To this end, the state had to assume legislative, executive, educational and initiative
responsibilities. The promulgation of laws on the legal recognition of trade unions and
employers' associations
of work, which would have allowed arbitration and mediation in labor disputes
according to the principles of National Syndicalism, constituted the basis and the
first commitment of the fascist economic and social programme.
At the time of its coming to power Fascism, therefore, had already worked out the
foundations of its own characteristic social and political doctrine. 103 Its historical
genesis was faithfully illustrated by the evolution of Mussolini's thought. This doctrine
was, as Gorgolini pointed out, a relatively coherent synthesis of Sorelian elements.
futurists and nationalists; in general it was outlined and its tactical programs changed
according to the political and economic circumstances of the Italian crisis. The
arguments highlighted from time to time depended on the changes that took place in
the directive structure of the Party.
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The evolution of the fascist doctrine in the decade following his coming to
power had as its main objective the elaboration of a solid conception of
the state.
dinars that Mussolini used in this early period, derived from the personal
qualities and prestige of the man, and not from important constitutional
Monarchia was evidently in favor of fascist action; the Vatican raised no objections.
Giovanni Giolitti, who had dominated Italian politics until 1915, declared that
Mussolini's coming to power was the only logical solution to Italy's long parliamentary
crisis. Antonio Salandra, former prime minister, stated that Mussolini was fully entitled
to assume power having already established the Italian government de facto almost a
year ago. Pareto publicly stated that 'the March on Rome has come at the right time.
Woe to him if he was another minute late because the process of degeneration had to
be contrasted and arrested without further ado... » 104
The majority of Italians seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Mussolini's rise to power
seemed to be a further example of the personalist politics which had
been a feature of Italian governments for more than half a century. An energetic
leader of men had taken over the reins of Government. His exceptional personal gifts
seemed to promise a return to the stability and continuity Italy had enjoyed under
dynamic leaders in years past.
A large number of Italians, after the riots of the previous decade, expected, and
rightly so, a normalization, a restoration of political and social equilibrium.
Mussolini had wrested power from the old political class: and, however, of the fifteen
Ministries, only four went to the Fascists, who were, however, slightly favored in
the assignment of Undersecretariats; of these, fifteen were entrusted to fascists,
six to deputies of the Popular Party, three to liberals, three to nationalists and
three to democrats. Only the socialists had been excluded, a priori, from the
The only important indication that Fascism would not have been a political force in the
traditional sense of the word was Mussolini's request for full powers for a year to
implement the necessary government economies.
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But even this strengthening of the executive power could not be considered
extra-constitutional. Mussolini had won the confidence of the nation and
Parliament had found itself having to choose between accepting the
predominant national sentiment or "disappearing", according to
Mussolini's threat. 105 He had in fact envisaged the possibility of
making important changes to the electoral system and of abolishing the Parliament
For those who were satisfied with superficial appearances, that is, those
who did not take account of Mussolini's precise social and political views, the
new government represented only one of the series of coalition
governments which had governed Italy. Only the manner in which he had
come to power and the political personality of the new "Duce"
made him absolutely singular. This benevolence towards him stemmed from
a lack of inclination to take Fascist doctrine seriously.
It was evident that Fascism started from assumptions radically opposite to those of
philosophical and political individualism which had provided the basic concepts of
liberal and democratic ideology. His elitism was already an immediate and approximate
indication of this fact. Moreover, the fundamental elements of syndicalism and
nationalism were basically collectivist, both in the philosophical and in the
sociological sense. Fascism was the product of a collectivist tradition, which
had its origins in Marxism and the sociological tradition of Gumplowicz, Pareto
and Michels.
Fascism was the fruit of a philosophical tradition that understood the individual only in
terms of group life. Marx, one of the leading exponents of this tradition, conceived of
man as "a social animal ... by nature." 106 From this essentially theoretical
conviction Marx was able to draw behavioral norms of this kind: «In the literal sense,
man is a zoon politikón; not just a social animal, but an animal which can achieve
its individuality only in society.' 107
A model of man similar to this was also at the basis of the Gumplowictian tradition
which considered "man as a social product, both in body and in mind [...] The social
phenomenon is always the main one: the thought of the individual and ethical-social
products such as religion, rights, morals are derwati'. 108
Gumplowicz maintained that « the individual does not come before his own
group, but it is rather the group that comes before the individual. We were born in a
group and we die in it... the group precedes us and will survive us [...]
Aristotle rightly conceived this relationship when he stated: 'the whole necessarily
comes before its parts'". 109
This vision of man remained the foundation of the social and political opinions of
the syndicalist theorists who would become the first theorists of Fascism. Thus
Olivetti, having passed from proletarian syndicalism to fascist syndicalism, observed
that «society is the necessary presupposition
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of the individual" 110 and affirmed that what the individual was worth and
what was valuable in him were social assets.
In this sense, national syndicalism not only came closer and closer
to the philosophical position assumed by Corridoni's nationalism (deeply
rooted in the same collectivist tradition), but acquired a neo-Hegelian
physiognomy which was not in contrast with Gentile's idealism.
The self that enjoys real moral value is the larger self that originates in a dark
and distant past; its moral content is rooted in the spiritual community of
which it is a constitutive but transient part.
This truest self speaks the same language and formulates the same thoughts
as a community, whose history delves into the recesses of the past and
anticipates an unpredictable future. This truer ego is the heir of a
cultural heritage from which the personality in all its fullness develops.
The intrinsic value of the individual, whatever it may be, is always the
specific and determined product of a given historical and organic community.
For the fascist syndicalists, for the nationalists and for the gentile idealists
this community is the nation while the state is its support and
concrete expression: "We are nationalists and statists, we affirm the ethics
of devotion to the national society and to the juridical organization of the State,
because the Nation and the State are not entities prior to us and our
individuality, but live in our Ego... Loyalty to the Nation and to the State is also
fidelity to our deepest truth; and it is the supreme ethical duty, because it
is the supreme requirement of our spiritual development". 113
And the model of man proposed by the syndicalist and nationalist theorists
satisfied not only the gnoseological needs, but also those of normative judgement.
The concept of man as a preeminently social animal, capable of achieving fullness
of self, humanity, only in a social context governed by laws, exerts a remarkably
persuasive moral force.
To identify society with the truest self is to accord it all moral privileges.
Therefore Panunzio in his book The State of Law the , written in 1922, he reiterated
moral primacy of the State as an ethical entity. The thrust of these conceptions
led to a substantial fusion with the ethical idealism that had developed hand in hand
in Italy. It was a natural and complementary fusion of sociological and theoretical
elements with philosophical or normative elements.
For liberalism, society and the state were objects of mistrust and their
moral content was purely contingent. Pgrjl Fascism o— &QCÌfity —£, State
were the oral foundation of the individual as a human being. As we
have already noted, therefore, pre-fascist syndicalist thinking
1 and proto-fascist, the nationalist and Gentile ones were radically anti-
individualists. Since 1917 Panunzio had fully accepted the "organic
conception of society and the State, as opposed to the conception
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give consistency to the historicity of the nation and could therefore be said to
be a "revolutionary conservatism". U6
All of this should have been obvious to anyone who took the time to delve into
evolving Fascist doctrine. If men had known the fascist doctrine better,
Mussolini's statements regarding the reduction of state activities to the sole
functions that were his own, would not have succeeded in arousing the
consensus that accompanied the beginning of the fascist enterprise.
A little more than two months after the March on Rome, Mussolini
clearly expressed his intention to give life to the "Fascist State": "...the single
unitary State, the sole custodian of all history, of all the future, of all the of the
Italian nation [...] A moral idea that is embodied and expressed in a system
of hierarchies [...] I intend to bring the whole nation back to an identical
discipline by all means, which will be superior to all sects, to all factions and
all parties'. 117
From its inception, Fascism considered the nation as the "supreme synthesis
of all material and spiritual values" which therefore enjoyed moral
supremacy over "individuals of categories and classes [...] who are
Mussolini had defined the Nation and the State: 119 the Nation was
the sum of the material and spiritual interests of a particular historical
community, a community supported by a dominant and indomitable
sentiment and the State was its juridical personification. The state, as
sovereign, had the immediate and mediated responsibility for maintaining
the normative order, outside of which the life of the individual is
meaningless. Society, the historical community, that is, represents the
matter, the State the form of political life (as materia appetit formam,
thus societas appetit Statum). As legitimate sovereign, the State was the
supreme repository of force and as such had the task of applying the
rules which, by disciplining individual and collective behavior,
make community life possible. 120 Thus for Fascism, the State was
"infinitely superior" both to the individuals and to the organizations that
make up the national community.
These were the characteristics that Fascism attributed to the state from
the time of its transformation into a political party, in November 1921.
Roberto Farinacci, in his history of this period, specifies that the
position of Fascism vis-à-vis the state was defined only in that span of
time and only with the adoption of Gentile's conception of the "ethical
state". 122 In such a context, any reference to the "Manchesterian state"
was simply absurd, and since it did not express any of the fundamental
presuppositions of the fascist conception, it could only mislead
judgment. The fascist doctrine of the state was radically opposed
to the liberal "idolatry" which attributed moral, historical and political
supremacy to the "empirical individual", and consequently was
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contrary to all the "inalienable" rights of which the individual was held
to possess. 123
Fascism had, in effect, "identified society with the nation, the nation with
the state, and economic activity with political activity". 124 The State, in turn,
was identified with the Party. Fascism, its theorists asserted
before Fascism itself revealed its characteristics of plebiscitary
dictatorship and clear totalitarianism, had "a total conception of life" which it
would infuse into the state. The Party was the bearer of this conception and
the State it was to create should have been called « State-Party ». 125
His responsibilities were ethical and pedagogical. The Party had the
obligation to reawaken in the masses the awareness of their
fundamental and truest interests, of their substantial identity with the
community which constituted their moral essence.
Once one re-examines the logic on which the rational foundation of Fascism
was based, and the ideological content that inspired it, it becomes
evident that Fascism was, from its inception, radically opposed to liberalism
as a social and political Weltanschauung, and to democracy which was its
most important political expression. Nor did the fascists ever try to hide this
reality. As we have seen. Mussolini had predicted the beginning of an anti-
liberal and anti-democratic era. Immediately after the March on Rome he
defined the fascist revolution, as well as the Bolshevik revolution,
essentially anti-liberal and anti-democratic. 126 At exactly the
same time, Fascist theorists were violently attacking liberal
institutions. Panunzio, Pighetti and Olivetti affirmed that a new
type of state was being formed.
Panunzio wisely pointed out that the existence of the Militia foreshadowed
how Fascism intended to forge a state completely different from the liberal
one which, in theory, had always been the prerogative
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Indeed, progress "is the work of elected minorities and not of majorities...".
Fascism, starting from 1921, the year of the foundation of the National
Fascist Party, gravitated around a central nucleus of concepts that
had taken on a well-defined aspect in a remarkably specific political
doctrine. In the weeks preceding Matteotti's assassination,
Mussolini could rightly maintain that Fascism had a program "founded on
a unitary principle, based on a classical conception of the state",
radically different from the liberal one. 131 After the resolution of the
crisis following Matteotti's death, Fascism was free to undertake
a vast program of social revolution, a program accompanied by explicit
affirmations and anticipated, in its doctrinal aspects, as early as
1919. 132
Note 1
which we have just mentioned. The doctrine not only indicated the great
programmatic goals, but also contained a summary treatment of the fideistic
system and the foundations of faith; that is to say, a list of essential
commitments or at least a preliminary and stenographic presentation
of reasoned judgments intended as fundamental beliefs useful for dispelling
doubts, resolving disputes, indicating the course of action.
Any objective examination of the doctrinal literature between 1925 and 1943
shows that Fascism possessed a relatively specific set of reasoned aims
already implicit, if not explicit, in the declarations
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public and in Mussolini's published writings since 1922. Between 1919 and 1924,
Mussolini was unable to dominate either the organization and spontaneous
development of the Fasci di Combattimento and the National Fascist Party, or
their equally spontaneous opinions. The Fasci arose spontaneously and
gathered heterogeneous elements around the appeal for the "defence of
national victory", while orthodox Italian Socialism questioned the very
necessity of Italy's entry into the war. Precisely the heterogeneity of the
constituent elements led to a heterogeneity of opinions which was reflected
in the programmatic attitudes of a movement which defined itself as
"problemistic" and "pragmatist". 137 The attempt to set up an organization where
such disparate groups could find a place forced the movement to be "anti-
prejudicial", and therefore to present itself as neither republican
nor monarchist, neither Catholic nor anti-Catholic, neither socialist nor anti-
socialist. 138 Six months after the establishment of the Fasci di Combattimento,
Mussolini made it clear that it was «a bit difficult to define the Fascists. They are
not Republican, Socialist, Democrat, Conservative, Nationalist. They
represent a synthesis of all negations and all affirmations
mation. [...] While fascism renounces all parties, it completes them ». 139
Whatever this meant, it clearly indicates that Fascism, as an organized force, was
a mixture of disparate and distinct groups, bound together by two
fundamental ideals: 1) the nation before and above all else; 2) a programmatic
corollary: the maximum development of production. These were the ideal
goals with which Mussolini kept the Fasci together after their foundation in
March 1919, and which remained constant throughout the following five
years. Anything which he believed to strengthen the vitality of the nation had
his approval; he stated that "the supreme commandment of the moment" was
production. 140
The various tactical attitudes assumed by the nascent Fascism were never
considered immutable by the fascists. Initially the Fasci supported the
separation of church and state and the confiscation of ecclesiastical property. 141
Added to this was the request for proportional representation in Parliament,
the abolition of the Senate, the extension of the vote to women and the "expropriation
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At this point, the question that arises spontaneously is this: if the tactical
demands are contingent, how can an observer anticipate with any certainty
the road that a movement like Fascism will take? And this is the answer:
thanks to a profound knowledge and understanding of the doctrinal
commitments to which it espouses. By 1919, Mussolini had defined his
thinking with a whole series of reasonably well-articulated ideas.
We have already talked about these ideas. By 1921, these ideas had
become precise enough for an observer familiar with them, evaluating them
in the context of the political and social situation of the time, could, with
some degree of certainty, foresee the future characteristics of the
Fascist state that was going on. outlining. This is readily apparent
from a review of Fascist Doctrine after 1925; its content is a literal
return to all critical categories of Mussolini's previous political and social
convictions. After 1925, Mussolini was no longer hindered by
the need for compromise to keep the most disparate and recalcitrant
groups together. He had absolute domination of the Party. He no longer
had to tame menacing opposition from outside the Party. And his ideas
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This report had already been made systematic in 1927 by Corrado Gini
(1884-1965), who was part of a commission charged with studying the
constitutional reforms after the rise of Fascism to power. He defined society
as "a system usually founded on equilibrium
When I say organic I don't want to give the impression that I conceive of
society as an organism in the manner of the so-called 'organic theories of
the state'; but rather to understand that social groups, as fractions of the
species, receive from it a life and a purpose which transcends the purpose
and life of individuals, identifying themselves with the history and purposes
of an uninterrupted series of generations... The thing It is important to note
that this organic conception of the state gives society a continuous life above
and beyond the existence of the different individuals. Therefore, the relations
between the state and individuals are completely overturned by the fascist doctrine.
Instead of the liberal democratic formula of 'society, for individuals', we have
'individuals for society', with this difference, however: that while liberal
doctrines eliminate society, Fascism does not drown the individual in the
social group. It subordinates it, but does not eliminate it [...] For Fascism,
society is the end, individuals the means, and its whole life consists in
using individuals as instruments for social ends... The fundamental
problem of society in the old doctrines is the question of the rights of the
individual. Fascism, on the other hand, openly addresses the problem
of the rights of the state and the duty of individuals. Individual rights
are recognized only in so far as they are implicit in the rights of the State".
As we have seen, the radical syndicalists were among the first to make
the analytical and theoretical transition from the class to the nation
as a fundamental element of analysis. Olivetti defined syndicalism
as "the philosophy of association", founded on the empirical
generalization which considers human existence impossible
outside of some "orderly association" of likes. 158 The central theme
became: What resemblances are sufficient to have a vital association?
Once these similarities are identified, the fundamental
element of analysis is also identified.
since the state has the exclusive right to regulate the use of force. Basically,
he rejected the thesis according to which there could exist some limit, in
principle, to the political and juridical sovereignty of the State* The State was
"integral", "totalitarian". Fascism did not conceive of any economic,
educational, religious or cultural interest that fell outside the sphere of action of
the state. Consequently, there were no private interests distinct from public
interests. 170 This idea found its doctrinaire expression in Mussolini's
aphorism: «Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against
the State b. 1 ^
These concepts find shorthand expression in the Labor Charter: «... Nation is
an organism that has goals, life and potential superior, in terms of strength
and duration, to the individuals, taken individually or collectively, who compose
it. It is a moral, political and economic entity which finds its integral realization
in the Fascist State ». 172
In the document that became the basis of the mature ideology of Fascism,
Mussolini summarizes these doctrinal concepts in the following way: «
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The cornerstone of the fascist doctrine is the conception of the state, its
essence, its tasks, its purposes. For fascism, the state is an absolute,
before which individuals and groups are relative. Individuals and groups
are "thinkable" insofar as they are in the State. The liberal state does not direct
the game and the material and spiritual development of the communities, but
limits itself to registering the results; the fascist state has its own awareness,
its own will, which is why it is called an 'etióo' state. In 1929... I said: 'For
fascism, the state is not the night watchman who only deals with the personal
safety of citizens; nor is it an organization for purely material purposes, such
as that of guaranteeing a certain well-being and a relative peaceful social
coexistence, in which case a board of directors would suffice to achieve it;
nor is it a creation of pure politics, without adherence to the material and
complex reality of the life of individuals and that of peoples. The State as
fascism conceives and implements it is a spiritual and moral fact, since it is
concrete the political, juridical, economic organization of the nation, and
such an organization is, in its origin and in its development.
a manifestation of the spirit. The State is the guarantor of internal and external
security, but it is also the guardian and transmitter of the spirit of the people
as it has been elaborated over the centuries in language, customs and faith.
The State is not only present, but also past and above all future. It is the
State which, transcending the brief limit of individual lives, represents the
immanent conscience of the nation. The forms in which states express
themselves, changing, but the need remains. It is the State that educates
citizens in civil virtue, makes them aware of their mission, urges them
to unity; harmonize their interests in justice; hands down the conquests of
thought in the sciences, the arts, law, human solidarity; it takes men from the
elementary life of the tribe to the highest human expression of power which
is the empire; entrusts to the ages the names of those who died for its
integrity or to obey its laws...' ». 17^
This conception of the State as the moral substance of the nation and
of the individual, as guardian of civil virtues, as the immanent conscience of
the community and a pre-established moral order in which the individual finds
his true self is the clear transliteration of Georges Sorel's moral conceptions.
For Sorel, the institution of moral regeneration, in an era that has become
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flaccid, it was the union, the working class organized in the service of the
social revolution. The union was governed by a moral order which
established the form and content of individual obligations, obligations which
provided the basis for moral attributions, obligations designed to direct the
lives of heroes. These lives were supposed to be lives of dedication and
sacrifice in the service of an ideal. The pursuit of the ideal had to be
undertaken with a single purpose that required the challenge of
violence as a demonstration of commitment.
All these elements had survived in Mussolini's mature political and social
conceptions. What had changed was the object of loyalty: the class had given
way to the nation. 175 The struggle that provided the opportunities for
engagement was the struggle between nations instead of the struggle
between classes. The proof of violence was given by the revolutionary rise
to power and by war, the ultimate proof of heroism and sacrifice. The nation
was the instrument of moral regeneration. The Nation, as an ideal to be
achieved, was the organizing myth of the Fascist revolution and the
constitutional myth of the Regime. 176 &
The fascists, in general, believed that the myth had imperative and
exhortative functions. Its language is the language of incitement. As such, its
prescriptions of prohibitions are never the consequence of a
demonstration, its conclusions are never the necessary consequence of
deductions strictly descending from any limited set of
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entity that has the obligation to promote and defend the normative order of
the community. By virtue of these considerations, of the absolute necessity,
that is, of placing a common sentiment as a presupposition of any discourse
that makes sense, political and social discussions assume a character that
distinguishes them from discussions that fall within the field of science.
The discussions
political and social are inevitably not logical. Through these discussions, a
hierarchy of values is established for the assignment of obligations and the
attribution of praise or blame. Thus a moral system is generated. If the
State acts as guardian of this system, it is defined as "ethical". If the system is
predicated on the basis of a central core of commitments to which all other
commitments are subordinated, this core is called the myth of the system/
The central myth of Fascism was the nation»
< Mussolini and the fascist theorists argued that any political system is
animated, implicitly or explicitly, by an organizing and, in suitable
circumstances, even a constitutional myth. 181 Oscar di Giamberardino
stated, therefore, that "every political and social theory... has at its foundation a
particular way of conceiving man in his individuality and in his relations with
the species...". 182 It is this conception of man, a conception formulated
in falsely descriptive terms, which translates into prescriptive and proscriptive
normative judgements. Such a conception is a myth, not because it is not
true, but because a theoretical treatment in itself is incapable of assuming the
normative character indispensable to political and social appeal. Politics
uses the language of appeals launched on the basis of common sentiments,
and consequently uses arguments that are intrinsically distinct from those
of science, which, ideally, is free from values. v
This is the general way of conceiving the myth that is found in the best
theoretical fascist literature. With small modifications, it is a Pareto and
Sorelian analysis. And he encounters the same difficulties. Both Canepa
and Costamagna, for example, speak of the sentiment on the basis of
which the political thesis is predicated in terms of "intuitions" and "faith".
In this sense, these feelings have a very irreducible quality
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period in which the norms are inculcated and the child is accustomed to
responsible social life. Hence the importance attributed by Fascism to the
political organization of youth. The ongoing process of socialization
is largely accomplished by means of mimicry and suggestion. Hence the
importance attributed by Fascism to the need for rites and ceremonies. In
essence, the fascists argue, the moral life of the majority of individuals never
matures beyond these stages; their values and preferences are never more
than a reflection of the prevailing values and preferences within the
community with which they identify.
Hence, the importance attached by Fascism to the responsibility of the
state to control the means of information, so that the average citizen
lives in a carefully controlled environment.
Finally, if the masses are basically inert, capable only of supplying the
elemental energy in the service of definite change, any concept of popular
sovereignty would have been, in principle, difficult. The abandonment of
the concept of popular sovereignty was followed by the abandonment
of popular and uncontrolled elections. Fascism preferred a plebiscitary
Bonapartism, a system compatible with its doctrinal convictions and with
the proto-fascist tradition. The aristocracy begins the change and in
then, after all systems have been used to create popular consensus, a
plebiscite is called, not to legitimize the change, but
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It is hard not to hear in this an echo of the young Mussolini's political and
social convictions. The same themes recur, the same analyzes are
carried out, the same arguments are proposed, which are supported by the
same sentimental appeals. The difference lies in the increasing
systematicity. Towards the end of the Fascist period, they were given
what is perhaps the clearest and most linear expression in Carlo
Costamagna's Doctrine of Fascism. The rational foundation of
Fascism, Costamagna argued, is based on three fundamental
conceptual considerations: the political formula, the minority political class
that attempts its implementation and the political mass through
which it is carried out. 186 All considerations that Mussolini dealt with in his
youth. In fact, while the term political formula was taken from Moscow,
Costamagna identified it with the Paretian and Sorelian myth. His
analysis of the function of myth was essentially that of the young
Mussolini. The political formula, Costamagna argued, is a shorthand and
sometimes elliptical formula which expresses the ultimate moral basis on
which the legitimacy of the power of a political class is founded. The
recognition, by the political masses, of the legitimacy of the Government
brings with it the moral obligation of obedience to the Government itself.
Furthermore, the political formula provides the hierarchy of values that
order the individual's moral universe. The political formula gives the
content of the imperatives and their normative force. In terms of the
doctrinaire language of Fascism, the nation was conceived as the real
and ultimate source of all that has value in the individual. The nation was
essentially understood as a community governed by rules. The State was
the ultimate source of sanction which, in making the norms
operative, made the nation a reality. In this way, the State and the Nation identified themse
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tutions that allows the nation to be identified with the state, the people and
the party. This, in essence, is what Fascism meant by "integral political
system" or totalitarianism. This implied an identification of the real ultimate
interests of the nation, the state, the party and the individual, however
divergent their apparent interests.
; For the State and the party were in practice identified with the will of a man.
Mussolini, he came to identify himself, thanks to the above substitutions,
with the nation. It was precisely this identification that gave Mussolini's
leadership its "charismatic" character; the Duce was conceived as "the
living and active incarnation" of the nation. 157 The concept of charisma
officially entered the fascist doctrine; Michels, in fact, defined the Regime as
a "charismatic government", while the official Party manual of 1936 maintained
that "the 'charismatic' theory of national society actually found its first full
implementation in Fascism". 188 The Duce was Head of Government and
Prime Minister, author of decree-laws, effective head of all military,
political and economic institutions, Commander of the Militia,
Head of the Grand Council of Fascism, Marshal of the Empire, and
physical personification of the Nation .
to the desired integration of the economic, intellectual and political life of the
nation into an indissoluble unity, they would use whatever system proved
effective. 191
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The rational basis that supported the whole system was expressed in various
ways, more or less refined. The most mature expression is found in the
works of Giovanni Gentile who, as has been said, brought the critical concept of
the "ethical state" to the fascist ideology. We must therefore turn to Gentile
to have the most convincing and qualified treatment of the social and
political philosophy of Fascism, and it is to his work that we will now turn our
The three main doctrinal sources of the fascist synthesis were, as we have
seen: the anti-parliamentarian tradition of Gumplowicz, Mosqa and Pareto,
the radical syndicalist tradition of Sorel, the nationalist tradition of Corradini. The
common origin and a whole set of historical circumstances made these
traditions flow into Fascism. What was missing was a unitary principle, a
concept that gave these elements a valid and sustainable logical unity.
The unifying concept was Gentile's conception of the state: by accepting it and
making it its own, Fascism became the first true totalitarian movement
of the twentieth century.
This being the case, we have not dealt with the diverse and varied
institutions through which the integration of the economy was achieved.
190 The institutional structure of the Corporate State is far less important
than the hierarchy of values which provided its rationale.
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the adoption of a method that started from the still unsolved problems,
problems that make man a real being in a
Among pragmatists, reason was considered a tool for solving real problems
facing humanity. The motives of actions were variously defined, either as
feelings or as necessities. The fact that a man would rather live than die
was regarded as a feeling; once the existence of this feeling was ascertained,
reason was used to defend and improve life. In this sense, Italian
pragmatism conceived action and will prior to reason (in a way, that is, not
very different from that of Hume). 4 The test of truth was its instrumental
effectiveness, the ability to translate expectations into action. 5
then he came to the relativism of the short essay Relativism and fascism 9 c*~finally
concluded, a few weeks later, in neo-idealism. 10
The continuity of this thought process is indicated by the fact that it was not an individual but
a general manifestation. Indeed, some of the most lively Italian thinkers, including many
radical avant-garde intellectuals, went through the same phases. We are referring in
particular to the radical trade unionists and especially to Arturo Labriola and AO Olivetti.
Furthermore, there were very valid political and tactical reasons for making such a switch.
In Italy, neo-idealism had a hold on nationalist currents from the outset. Syndicalism, in
turn, had gradually absorbed neo-idealistic elements. When Fascism Yes
The considerations set out above lead us to believe that: a) the fascist theorists, while
remaining decidedly anti-intellectualists 12 reasoning per , they were not against the
se and, consequently, seriously faced the problems of the evolution of their political
and social thought; ò) neo-idealism became, in a certain way, basic to the
system. In the following section we will take a closer look at these claims.
(Za which ) ... alone can illuminate science and lead it to the terrain of the
universal idea ». 18
He regularly referred to the doctrine for the premises that were at the
foundation of the legislation and to link the doctrine itself to those
fundamental values on which it was based. 17 Thus, while making it clear that i
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the first Fasci of revolutionary action of 1915 had not had a "specifically
doctrinaire program" since they were born out of an urgent need for action,
he claimed, on the other hand, to the Fasci Italiani di
Combattimento, of 1919, the privilege of having provided, through indications
and anticipations, the foundations for an independent and self-sufficient
system of political thought. 18
they are concerned with nature, whether physical or human, as it is... and not
as it ought to be. 23
Science is therefore an effective control and forecasting tool. Once the initial
conditions and the systematic recurrence within which the phenomena in
question can be classified have been determined, it is possible to make
probabilistic judgments on particular trends in things. Knowledge of this kind is
essential to the attainment of certain ends, but it does not in the least
purport to say which ends one should choose. The choice of ends is the
consequence of an important act of choice
the fascist theorists to distinguish the rational foundation of fascism from the
"commonly understood" philosophy.
Thus, there is plenty of evidence that educated fascists took philosophical work
seriously. M. Marchello defined the "technical" doctrinal elaboration of
the "fascist philosophical ideas" as the "central problem" of fascist culture,
while Gentile spoke of the need to
6 By 1921 Fascism had already developed those key concepts and theoretical
commitments which distinguished it from the then existing doctrinal systems.
By 1927 his doctrine had been refined into a relatively coherent system. In
1930, Mussolini became convinced that Fascism needed a clear, reasoned
defense of its value system; in other words, a definition of his social and
political philosophy. This definition was born in the Doctrine of Fascism which
appeared in the Italian Encyclopaedia under the heading Fascism. «
The Doctrine published in 1932 was divided into two parts, one entitled
"Fundamental Ideas" and the other "Social and Political Doctrines". Both
were signed by Mussolini while the latter, in fact, had written only the
second. The author of the "Fundamental Ideas" was Giovanni Gentile, 38
who had been chosen by Mussolini as the spokesman of the philosophy of
Fascism. In fact, the entire essay, including the philosophical part written by
Gentile, became the basis of the official philosophy of Fascism. 3 ? Its
publication took place despite the protests of the Vatican which saw in it the
principles of Actualism, Gentile's philosophy, which the Catholic Church had
harshly attacked for years. During the Fascist period the paternity of the «
Fundamental Ideas » was never officially recognized to their true author and
many Fascist thinkers opposed the union between the philosophy of
Fascism and Gentile's Actualism. 40 With the acknowledgment of Gentile's
authorship, these reservations are difficult to defend. The « Fundamental Ideas
» are openly actualist. Their author was the founder of Actualism and
considered himself a Fascist, 41 since he considered the Fascist State the
embodiment of his principles. 42 To this State he lent his work as a theorist (and
he was the greatest), as a public administrator, as a member of the Grand
Council of Fascism and of the very important Committee for Constitutional
Reform; and precisely because he was a leading figure in Fascism, he
was assassinated on April 15, 1944. Mussolini personally
examined Gentile's philosophical exposition before its official publication and
approved it despite the
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Relations between Mussolini and Gentile, before the latter was appointed
Minister of National Education in 1922, therefore appear more than
casual. 52 Harris is probably wrong when he insinuates that
Mussolini's choice of Gentile as minister was determined by a "coincidence
of terminology." as Gentile he had founded the Fascio di Educazione
Nazionale. 54
The use of the word "Fasso" was then very common in Italy and this
term had no weight for a serious evaluation of men and things.
Mussolini had certainly become aware of Gentile's work before 1922 and
it is intrinsically evident that previously he had read at least some parts of
his General Theory of Spirit as Pure Act. 55 The fact that Mussolini
identified the Fascist concept of state with Gentile's "ethical state" leads
us to consider the intimate knowledge he had of Gentile's thought as
more than casual. In any case, the most important consideration is
the judgment of De Begnac, who claims that Gentile's Actualism served
to explain some, if not all, parts of Fascism's fundamental belief system.
56 * After 1922 the declarations of Mussolini (and therefore of
Fascism) concerning the relations between the State, the bodies that
constitute it, and individuals almost always conform to Gentile's
opinions, opinions which faithfully reflected the fascist doctrine as
was developed'* In 1922 i
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nationalists of the Gentile faith, such as Balbino Giuliano (who was later
Minister of National Education) and Giuseppe Bottai (who became
Minister of Corporations) were by now the main theorists of Fascism and
even Alfredo Rocco, a Corradino nationalist, put forward doctrinal theses
which, according to Harris, "coincided almost completely" with those
of Gentile. 57
Actualism had the possibility of carrying out this work, and put it at the
service of Fascism. 1 * Gentile was entrusted, in all respects, with the
task of identifying and developing the fundamental values of Fascism, and
of undertaking their reasoned defense.\ His theses appeared repeatedly
in the most in-depth treatments of fascist ideology, but this does not
mean that Fascism and Actualism were the same thing. Actualism, in a
critical sense, was in harmony with the essential values that constituted
the substratum of Fascism understood as a social and political system
and provided the rational foundation for its support, but it would be
anachronistic to identify them among them. Fascism, at the time of its
alliance with Actualism, had already developed its own rather in-depth
doctrinal system, a set of explanatory and theoretical theses which
had already given it a distinct and sufficiently stable character. In
this sense, Fascism included Actualism, while remaining different from it.
There is no evidence, for example, that Fascism has ever identified itself
with the metaphysics and epistemology of Actualism, just as there is
nothing to indicate that the more esoteric and systematic doctrines of
Actualism have exercised any influence on Fascist thought.
Fascism absorbed those elements of Actualism that it deemed most
suitable for explaining its own implicit values and for integrating its ideological components
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as a corollary, concerning political life in general and the nature of the state
in particular. 61 Those same elements, that is, which are found in the
"fundamental ideas" of the Doctrine and which became the essential nucleus
of the fascist system of faith. 62
Gentile argued that only those who conceive the individual in a totally
abstract way can a similar concept come to mind. 67 According to this
conception, in fact, individuality, i.e. the peculiar genius and fullness of life,
is not nourished and protected by relationships governed by the law and by the
commitments that arise in society, but is hidden in the recesses of a
particular intimate self 68 to remain enclosed in those recesses, sheltered from the
adverse blows of an external, physical and
social, menacing. The only possible consequence of this conception was that
kind of speculative and harmless anarchism which characterized the
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Gentile affirmed that freedom from violence and robbery is one of the
necessary conditions for true freedom, and added that the association of
men governed by norms was not only a necessary condition for freedom,
but that freedom itself could be validly understood only as behavior
governed by rulesSs Ethical idealists have long argued that the concept
of man as a rational animal implicitly implies the recognition of man as a
social animal. The reasoning necessarily refers to the infra-subjective
norms that regulate the attributions of truth and moral evaluations.
"Reason" is the term used to define the intellectual initiative of all those
who are in search of the truth and who intend to support moral
judgements; which can only be achieved by referring to criteria
that prescind from personal interest, or rather to those general and
impartial criteria which are substantially social products. The affirmation of
a status of truth and the defense of moral judgments imply criteria
founded on the social level and which, ideally, correspond to the
critical examination of the "universal power of reason which belongs to
men and gods, to the dead, the living and to the unborn". 70 What men
have in common is human nature which manifests itself in reason
regulated by norms, in thought.
If what matters is truth or morality, the criteria for right thought and
behavior flow solely from an association of people integrated into an
orderly system that provides the individual with "an inner law by which
every word, every act of the individual is measured at that point in which
he comes into being". 74
human reasoning is always conditioned by historical circumstances, that is, by the historical
language of the spiritual community of which empirical man belongs, by the morality of that
community and by the technical means with which it is expressed. On a theoretical level,
reasoning is independent of limitations of a personal or environmental nature, but it is,
then, an aspiration, a moral ideal, since, in reality, our thinking is always conditioned
by the material facts of the world in which we live. Man's current thought manifests itself
in certain communities, in certain family, associative and national situations.
Gentile affirmed that even science, for example, despite being universal in theory is, in
fact, always historically particular and national. The patent of truth to scientific
formulations of a specific nature always implies that necessary conditions are taken into
account such as alteration (i.e. a given empirical operation can confirm or invalidate the
proposition under examination), relevance (i.e. the theoretical proposition answers the
question ò refers to it), the predictive strength (i.e. such a proposition would be able
to reveal that specific factual data could demonstrate its validity, which was not
certain at the moment in which the original proposition was formulated). But all these
considerations are not enough to guarantee the truth. At least one other
consideration is necessary in order to be able to express a definitive judgment: the
compatibility between the propositions under examination and a body of propositions that
have a moral and cultural character. The "scientific criteria" alone are not sufficient
for the acceptance of a proposal
scientific site. To determine the scientific truth of a statement, or a set of statements, ordered
in such a way as to form a theory, account has always been taken of the fact that
these may be suitable for supporting a specific, and desired, way of behaving of citizens ,
or rather, their moral behavior. For Gentile this implication is fundamental to evaluate
science as a national activity science is independent of any moral or political
consideration can only derive from the fact that it is considered simply a , 76 The idea that
cataloging of facts or a representation of a pre-existing objective reality. Gentile, on the
other hand, argued that science is a tool that serves to provide men with the ability
to predict useful for their purposes
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The individual sees the light within a national community; to a complex system,
that is, of interdependent norms which includes the civil and penal codes, the laws
for giving the value of truth to science, the criteria of guilt and innocence in moral
conduct, aesthetic judgment and the political order.
These normative systems confer continuity and identity to the actions of the
individual. The latter are rational, and therefore not impulsive or instinctive,
when the community to which the individual belongs can fully understand them, that
is, when they conform to the laws. And, since only actions that are rational and
have meaning can be chosen, only rational acts are free. If freedom means acting
according to the law, the meaning of freedom obviously depends on the social
context. This context, for Gentile, is the historic Nation-State, which represents
« the (moral) substance of our human personality [...] The State and the
Nation are intrinsic and connatural to our very being insofar as the
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the universal will of the state has the same dimensions as our
concrete and current ethical personality". 78
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Chapter Notes
(*) In Italian in the text ( NdT .).
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Freedom is expressed with an action chosen because it
conforms to implicitly or explicitly formulated laws. Reflex or instinctive
action is not free because it cannot be chosen. A random or capricious
action is not free because it does not respect any law. Reflex or
instinctive action, not being free, cannot be judged guilty or innocent.
A casual or capricious action can be judged immoral when it is
thought that the person who performed it has acted in voluntary and
conscious violation of his or her own way of understanding the laws in
force. Only the explicit explanation of the reasons which led the
person who carried out an action judged by us to be casual or
capricious to do so can justify his behavior or invalidate our judgment
on his guilt. Gentile maintains that the action clearly conforming to the
social laws in force is never questioned because it satisfies the
traditional norms. You never ask someone why they speak correct
language, why they respect speed limits when driving a car or
why they accept a scientific statement that meets criteria deemed valid
for its acceptability. Nor are actions considered "imposed" to be
those which are in conformity with the laws. Whoever acts like this sets
the example of acting as a free man; he has chosen to behave in
a certain way and we understand why. But when someone
behaves otherwise we question his way of acting and ask him to
justify his actions by explaining how they can be taken as an example
of behavior regulated by laws. When you coin a neologism, you
explain why. Anyone who drives fast provides the reasons for violating
the law, reasons which refer to objective criteria, i.e. to a set of socially
acceptable values, which the perpetrator of the act believes can explain
why (for example, a man who drives exceeding the speed limits to
take an injured child to the hospital believes that the reason that led him to transgres
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The codified law is therefore sanctioned by its own rationality and by its
own clarity. Gentile maintained that laws are justified only if one indicates
what function they have for the development of man's free moral
and rational activity. Submission to the laws that regulate language
allows the development of the human personality. So does submission
to the laws that govern morality and science. Each system of laws
receives its sanction from the imperative: be a man. 80 Society can
enforce compliance with the law because it is implicit that the law itself
aims at this end. In Gentile's system there is, therefore, a presupposition
favorable to tradition e
to the law, which, initially, is not asked to justify itself. 81 However, those
who violate them are asked to justify their violation. Justifications
can appeal to a changed state of affairs that requires changes in tradition
and law as well, and can demonstrate that a certain tradition or law
impedes development. But, in any case, the change must be justified in
front of a court which follows pre-established norms that authorize a
certain way of reasoning. Such a procedure is always social. The
individual who chooses to act in a free and justifiable way never
transcends the community, the We of which he belongs. The community
has "a historical existence determined in a form which is language and
custom, institutions and laws, traditions and moral principles, memories
and hopes. Hence man is a nation, and the nation, having a concrete
personality, is a state". 32
society represents the union of the universal with the particular and
constitutes a whole that is superior to its component parts.
Society is an association governed by laws which confer meaning on its
component parts at any particular moment. The state represents the true
will of the community, the sovereign source, that is, of sanction that
provides the fundamental support to the rule of law. In principle, there
is no law, rule or custom that goes beyond its competence. Society and the
State therefore enjoyed, for Gentile and for fascist ethics in general, logical,
factual and moral priority over the individuals who compose them.
83 This conception accords an ethical priority to the community governed
by laws, outside of which there is no humanity and outside of which
freedom is inconceivable. It rests" on a model of man understood as an
animal that follows the laws and manifests an initial presupposition
favorable to obedience to the laws and to the community governed by the laws. 84
Gentile maintains that the individual who tries to escape from the
norms and obligations imposed on him by the positive law and by
the social sanction of the historical national community is morally forced to
justify his way of acting? Such a thesis derives from Gentile's conception
of man. Man is conceived free only in the sense that his
gnoseological and moral and only these choices make man what he is, or should
be. The tendency to violate social norms and codified laws and to shirk one's
duties must necessarily be accountable for itself. This formal or procedural
rule has no value as a premise for a deductive reasoning that can allow us to
decide on the validity of a given justification, but simply indicates who is
responsible for the justification itself. Outside the narrow confines of social and
political philosophy, it favors a collectivist doctrinal orientation.
In this sense. Gentile and the other fascist ethical theorists were betrayed
nationalists and conservatives. Man begins his moral and rational life as
a citizen of a particular historical community. 37 He rejects some aspects of
the prescriptions and prohibitions of this community only when he has a solid
and sufficient reason for it.^The mythical man in the state of nature, deprived of
the system of laws which govern human association, is a man also deprived of
contacts human beings, of language, of thought and of morality, but also of
humanity itself^As the complexity of relationships regulated by laws
increase, men also increase their own humanity and their own freedom.ìSociety
represents the discipline that allows true freedom, because it constitutes the moral
and logical presupposition of reason, without which there can be no humanity,
and still less freedom. As such, the company speaks in an authoritative tone
and requires discipline. 89 It is the authority and discipline that man would
impose on himself. 90 It is the rational will of man translated into action. In its
concrete actuality this personified will is represented by the historical state. 91
The State not only protects the life and freedom of the individual, but also
constitutes the means for the transmission of knowledge, traditions, norms and
laws;», of that spiritual patrimony, that is, which makes man what he And. It is
therefore impossible to refer to rights and freedoms extraneous to the State,
since requests of this kind must be expressed in terms of reasons which in turn
refer to socially valid norms and values which allow us to reason in this
way. The protester does not claim to possess rights or freedoms foreign to
the community and its personification: the State. He argues that that specific
historical state is not the ideal state. 92 The protester opposes a virtual or ideal
state to the existing one. He does not appeal to something foreign to the state,
but to a state which he believes best embodies the state
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collective will. Therefore, argued Gentile and the fascist theorists, it is not
possible to conceive of rights and freedoms outside the state. 93
Any other solution, for example thinking that individuals are endowed with
"inalienable" or "natural" rights, leads to paradox and confusion.
If one thinks that men have a "natural right" to "life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness", it is very strange that the State obliges individuals to lose their
lives in defense of the community, puts them in prison for infractions of social
rules, and define the limits of happiness to which men can legitimately aspire.
None of these "inalienable" rights are inalienable, but they are all
concessions of the state. 94
The Gentile logic wants that (regardless of any distinction), the terms individual,
people, party, nation and state are in a certain sense interchangeable. Gentile
argued, in fact, that "the State is the true personality of the individual",
while at the same time representing "the will of the nation w. 96 In turn, the
Gentile always maintained, "it is not a faction [...] and as an organization of the
great majority of the nation or of the significant Italian masses it becomes
the nation...". 97
The individual, the party, the people, the nation, the state constitute the
ultimate individual and collective interests. In a sense, the individual is
the community as a people. nation or state. 98 By virtue of this logic, the fascist
theorists could affirm that «in the fascist ethic the end of society is
identical to that of man; the same reason that gives norms to individual life
must also give norms to social life... »,” or, in Gentile's words, « The individual
is not an atom. The concept of society is immanent in the concept of
individual ... Only this identity can explain the necessary and intrinsic
relationship between the two terms of the synthesis, which implies that the
conception of one term also implies that of the other [...] I hope that no one will
miss the importance of this concept since, in my opinion, it is the keystone of
the great edifice of human society". 100
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It is understood that the true will, fundamental to the real and ultimate interests
of the individual, may from time to time find itself at odds with the immediate
impulses of the individual himself. The state has the duty to intervene in
the name of that will to curb the individual. Combined with the belief that a
minority can speak in the name of such a real will, these are the theses
which form the rationale of Fascism. In this case, the will of the State,
expressed by a minority, is understood to be equal to the true will of the
individual. This minority represents the authentic will of the individual, who
would recognize its identity with his own if his reason were not upset. 102 In
some critical moments in the life of a nation, the universal will is "incarnated
and revealed in a few individuals or in just one...". 103
Such a will can express the true will of an entire people, free from the
accidental forms due to classes and categories; a will that attempts to
express the true and ultimate will of an entire spiritual community.
The minority of men who, as leaders of a particular historical community,
express this will, speak in the name of their nation and their age. 104 They
possess the "political genius" which wins the assent of the rational will of
the community. They not only solve the concrete problems of a given
time and place, but are inspired by a vision of life that receives the consent
of the masses. This vision of life is expressed in a suitable "political formula"
which in turn expresses "the will of a political elite". 105
This was the political and social philosophy given by Gentile to Fascism.
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In it, nationalism and fascist statism found a valid and reasoned defense. In it,
elitism and anti-individualism found their rational foundation. It permitted the portentous
logic of transpositions, whereby individual, people, party, nation and state became a
single moral entity having a single set of ultimate interests. This philosophy represents
the first, and perhaps the only, reasoned defense of the charismatic totalitarianism
typical of the twentieth century. In the "Fundamental Ideas" of the Doctrine of
Fascism, Gentile expressed exactly this political and social philosophy: "The
man of Fascism is an individual who is nation and fatherland,
, a moral law which binds
individuals and generations together [...] with an objective Will which it transcends the
particular individual and elevates him to a conscious member of a spiritual society. [...]
Fascism is a historical conception, in which man is only what he is in function of the
spiritual process to which he contributes, in the family and social group, in the nation and
in history, to which all nations they collaborate.
In 1932 Fascism had therefore perfectly clarified its own political and
social position, to which all Italian legislation and politics ultimately
referred. The doctrinal principles of the organic conception of the nation,
class collaboration, the unitary party and totalitarianism find their support
in the justification arguments ordered in the political and social philosophy of
Giovanni Gentile.
Most of the criticisms of the Fascists were aimed at what was considered
Gentile's excessive rationalism. Costamagna, one of the most serious
fascist critics, directed his criticisms against the "formalism" and
"intellectualism" that characterized neo-idealism,108 because he thought that
"rational thought" could not constitute the ultimate foundation of action.
This criticism is both strange and vague. Gentile certainly admitted that
reason, as such, could not provide sufficient reasons for action. He
argued that the ultimate driving force of spiritual life was "myth", "faith in a
moral reality" and he never hesitated to define Fascism and actualism
essentially "religious" fideistic systems
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But feeling alone is not enough. Feeling represents the initial moment of spiritual life,
while reason, which manifests itself in positive action, is its confirmation. And this
applies as much to actualism as to Gentile's political and social ideas. Gentile argued
that if the state is to have moral value, it cannot remain merely an empirical fact,
but must constitute, together with the order it maintains, a pre-existing moral world
in which the moral agent automatically finds himself. The state assumes moral
importance only when the individual is persuaded, or persuades himself, that
the state itself is his state. Only in this case does the state become a moral reality for
the individual. The individual accepts the government and lets himself be dominated
by the laws. 112 Gentile maintained: « The Government (absolute or representative)
the law and the protection and the governed presuppose, in order to be
governed, the action of the Government. And in the abstract it is like this. But just
as positive law is denied in the actuality of ethical action, so any opposition of the
Government and the governed falls into the consent of these, without which the
government cannot stand. This consent will be spontaneous, or it will be forced.
And the morality of the state, in which the government exercises its authority,
requires a maximum of spontaneity and a minimum of coercion". 113
"Persuasion" and "consent" are terms that can be used appropriately only when
intellectual freedom exists. Men can be persuaded to give their consent without
imposition only by good reasons. Gentile says again: "Whereas man is man for
us when we believe we can influence him with the word that addresses reason,
the privilege of human beings, and those sentiments which, as
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prerogative of man, they are in fact called human and seem to us almost the basis on
which reason can be founded". 114
Thus for Gentile persuasion involved a call to human reason and feeling. Feeling, as we
have already said, is the initial impulse of the spiritual life. Spiritual life is not
"natural, purely instinctive life, but a life governed by thought [...] because man is
a thinking being". 116 Therefore Gentile thought that the citizen could be convinced of
the fact that the State constituted the substance of his moral personality. Gentile
argued that even the offender can be led to understand that the historically
constituted state exists "for good reasons". 116 The State is not the result of an individual
whim, nor the effect of a set of arbitrary acts; the state is reason, in which we
participate by reflex. 117 The process by virtue of which the individual is induced
to understand the essential rationality of the State and to accept the laws
is long and tortuous. Gentile continued: "And the human world is full of children.
And whoever doesn't have patience and adapts to the nonsense he hears around him
and doesn't want to stop his ears, will beat the club around; but with what fruit? The
truth is not taught like this, it is not spread; that kingdom of the spirit that one would
like to build, always remains a failed desire ». 118
It is evident how such a conception could prove annoying for a revolutionary movement
which aspired to national consensus. Gentile conceived this consensus as the
product of a reasoned dialogue and not as the artificial result of the monopoly on the
information and propaganda organs. In 1925, when he was actively working for school
reform, he argued that the fascist universities should be organized so as to constitute
the centers from which the new political conception would gradually radiate. He
envisaged the expansion of Fascist thought as a gradual process that spontaneously
conquered the minds and hearts of Italians, while respecting those who, in good
faith, did not feel like joining the new regime. 119 It was the same doctrine of
tolerance that he still maintained in 1943. Gentile condemned dogmas and attempts to
impose a mechanistic conformism on men, 120 and opposed intolerance, the
consequence of an alleged knowledge not "rationally acquired", but deriving from
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These ideas could not fail to meet resistance from many fascists. The
most immediate action was the denial of the supremacy of reason. Contrary
to Gentile, Costamagna argued that truth is the result of "inspiration", which
refers to a "metarational and metaphilosophical" source of knowledge. 121 It
was necessary to make a distinction, as Gentile had said, between the
"elected" and the "damned".
Since they possess a higher truth, those who act in the name of the state
can demand obedience. Their knowledge of things, which legitimizes their
command, is in turn legitimized by "intuitions" and "inspirations", which are
always contrary to any investigation or refutation. Such a system tends
to create a population obedient and disciplined towards duties that it can
never really understand.
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« Few are those, heroes or saints, who sacrifice their own ego on the
altar of the state. All the others remain in a state of potential revolt against
the state.' 123 Twenty years later, in the diary he kept after the coup
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of 1943, Mussolini wrote that of the three souls which Plato attributes to men,
the masses lack "the highest, the intellectual": 127 possess the vegetative
and sensitive faculties, but lack the requisites necessary for self-
It is clear that for Gentile the State was essentially an educator, 128 while
for Mussolini the State was mainly a disciplinarian. For Mussolini, the
restoration of "principles and values" could only be a consequence of
the restoration of the lost virtues of "devotion and discipline". 129 For Gentile,
the fundamental task of the state was pedagogical: to arouse consensus
with persuasion. For Mussolini, his task was to re-instill civil virtue, that
"temperance" advocated by Plato which provokes in the common man
the recognition of the fact that he must be governed. 130 To inculcate this
spiritual examination of each man: a process, that is, which, although framed by social
rules, is eminently individual and predominantly rational.
Therefore, Palmieri's idea according to which "the first principle of the fascist way of life
rests on the mystical faith of the uniqueness of all living beings..."134 is a bad
paraphrase of Gentile's thesis according to which the completion of the
ego requires the acknowledgment of the fact that relationships with things, but above
all with other people, are part of the truest self
and vast.
Gentile provided Fascism with the most solid and valid normative rational foundation.
His moral imperative: be a man! enjoys the advantage of being understood and accepted
by all, without the need for explanations. It is a normative premise which,
combined with analytical and descriptive propositions, allows for the issuing of
obligations and prohibitions. Even Gentile's opponents, when they faced the defense of the
normative principles of Fascism, resorted to Gentile's arguments. Costamagna argued: « ...
(for) Fascism, the State, to the extent that it responds to the positive and practical needs
of the organization, is the indispensable condition for the development [...] of the
individual's personality and the maintenance of spiritual institutions within the human
community". And he believed that the State had an ethical character because it
"provides the necessary, even if not sufficient, conditions for the existence and development
of the individual's moral personality [...] and conforms to man's natural end, which is
that of realizing one's own essential personality... ». 135 Fascist writers used
and abused Gentile themes. For example, the following passage is typical: « The State
represents the universal ethical will, the creative foundation of the law, the educator
of the spirit, the soul of the soul of the individual [...] The individual discovers his own
personality in the Nation [ ...] In this lofty vision, the individual embodies and merges
with the nation, accepting as freedom the harmony of the ideal which is that
of the individual and the [...] nation". 136
The hierarchy of values that characterized fascist thought was based on the
imperative: be a man! A set of propositions defined, described and
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specified the way to be. Among these, the proposition according to which man is, by
nature, a social animal, led us to consider the nation as the most valid of existing
human associations and the state as the organizing will of the latter, the pre-
existing moral order which gives the It is one's primordial spiritual substance. Ideally,
reasoned awareness of the moral identity of collective and individual interests must
awaken in all men. But given that Fascism reached ethical idealism already
convinced of man's intellectual fragility, 137 the function of appeals and non-
rational impositions ended up prevailing. Man, removed from the firm and precise
protection of an inspired and enlightened aristocracy, no longer has a foundation
and sinks into the quicksand of material and sensual interests. Only an aristocracy
of will and intelligence can discipline the shapeless masses and direct them to
moral ends that transcend the sphere of their immediate interests.
Such an aristocracy educates the masses in that virtue which they could never
attain otherwise.
These concepts are a repetition of what Oriani already wrote in the Ideal Revolt,
considered by Mussolini "magnificent" and considered the foundation of
Fascism. 138 Oriani wrote: «Man is made in such a way that the truth, when he
cannot ascend from the depths of his spirit, penetrates it from the outside
and descends therein; man sees, and repeats without understanding, imitates, yes
he gets used to and ends up doing what he would have wanted to persuade him
in vain. Mimicry is the law of education for inferiors ». 139
Nation that does not know what it wants [...] incapable of governing itself ».
Like all theses of social and political philosophy, the explanations offered
by the fascists were also composed of normative and descriptive statements.
The invitation to be a man represents the reaffirmation of a value. The strength
of this statement lies in its ease of being clearly understood by all. Its
undertones, together with the factual statements about the man's
character, became clearer and clearer. To meet the normative
demands of the obligations they had imposed on themselves and on the
nation, the Fascists insisted on a form of epistemarchy; a government,
that is, formed by a small aristocracy of intelligence and will; the "sublime
warriors" dreamed of by Sorel. 143 Therefore, in 1938, Pietro Ubaldi
identified the essential task of Fascism in the "creation of a new humanity",
Sorel's homines novi. But the achievement of this goal required a true and
profound knowledge of the "laws of collective psychology", which
indicated that: "... the resultant of the mental reactions of the majority is
established at a level which is not on the average level, but at that of the
lowest elements. The problem», continued Ubaldi, «is psychological, not
mathematical. Majority means lowering of truth, not criterion of
truth. And in social life, on the other hand, a more evolved guide is needed
to show the way. The majority cannot understand, choose and decide
who is the best; it can only undergo it [...] In order to govern, very special
qualities and gifts are necessary: vast vision, profound intuition, supreme
will, rectitude and sacrifice, qualities that only the exception can possess,
not the mass. And this exceptional individual must be chosen and
lifted up by the forces of life, only to withdraw towards the people, to lift them
up to himself. The peoples ... need education ... these are the laws of
nature. The peoples are, as a collective psyche, children, unaware of the lofty
goals that only a leader can see. And he who sees them has the duty to
impose these goals on the unaware. It is obvious that if a child does not
understand his welfare, it must be imposed, if necessary, even by force ». 144
re, through the laws of 1926 which attributed to the executive itself the power
to issue decree laws, and by the total integration of the productive
categories of the nation in what the fascists themselves defined as "the
dictatorial power that occupies the summit of the nation", Fascism he
clearly demonstrated in practice what his social and political beliefs were.
145 The power to issue laws was transferred from the pre-revolution
legislative bodies to the Head of Government. After 1928, the choice of
members of the new Chamber of Deputies took place through a mixed
system of popular nomination and confirmation of the Party and, finally,
plebiscitary approval of the "national list". Fascism cannot in any sense be
considered a regime of popular representation, if one wants to
understand the term in the sense current in parliamentary political regimes.
Through the corporative structure and the modification of the Chamber, a
system was gradually reached which was defined by Francesco Paoloni and
Panunzio as a "representation without elections". The representatives of the
various associations, of the productive categories and of the non-economic
groups were normally designated hierarchically. Furthermore, their functions
were notably different from how they were understood in parliamentary systems.
W. Cesarini Sforza defined the parliamentary system as a system in which
local and particular interests try to use the state as a political weapon executive
of the interests of their own category or class. If it is impossible for them to
dominate the state alone, they agree with representatives of other
interests to share control with them. The parliamentary system does not
express the will of the nation, but the will of a particular group, or group of
groups, of pre-established interests.
Fascism, on the other hand, argued Cesarini Sforza, organized the new
Chamber to make it the place where « Fascisms and Corporations will
directly express their will as organs of State, not as representatives of the
people, but as organs of the State which realizes integrally,
unitarily the will of the nation". 146
If men were really creatures who only care about their own immediate
material interests rather than the ultimate interests of the community,
and if they reacted to the example in a mimetic way and in
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The fact that the fascist system has failed is now a historical fact. After all,
Mussolini himself admitted its partial failure. 149 The reasons for its failure
are obviously too complex and obscure for valid judgments to be made here.
150 That
The "worship of the leader" became a typical feature of the system. The
"cult of personality", of the executive with charismatic or semi-
charismatic characteristics, considered symptomatic today of totalitarian
systems, had its first rational and doctrinal justification during the Fascist period.
Given that, according to the fascist theorists, the masses represent
only the elementary energies, capable of being used for any purpose,
the function of the directive guide becomes of critical importance. The
tradition from which Fascism sprang maintained that the masses must
be led and the fascist theorists maintained that «the slow upward motion
of humanity has always been characterized by the appearance of a man
who leads and dominates; any step forward has always been taken first
by an individual, behind whom followed, adoring or trembling, the
uncultured masses [...] The necessity of the masses to bow down before a
singular personality who has a face and a name and that it possesses a
dominating spirit [...] derives from the innate needs of man since ancient times ». 153
The result of all this was, in fascist Italy, the identification of Mussolini with
the state and, consequently, with the nation. The popular cry "You are Italy"
was an expression of this identification implicit in Fascist doctrine from
the time of the formal foundation of the National Fascist Party. For
Gentile this identification was possible only when the head of the nation
embodied the universal rational will.
For the fascists, identification was the result of non-rational factors that
derived from man's natural disposition to identify himself with a community
of limited extension and to consider a man the symbol of the community.
For Gentile, the rational will was at the basis of political consensus and
fidelity. For the fascists, on the other hand, there was group sentiment.
However, however it was interpreted, the identification meant that the leader
had the obligation to impose himself because he represented the
responsible and directive will of the national community.
Bottai was a Gentile and, like Gentile, he was convinced that only
reasoned conviction can lead to absolute fidelity. At the very least, what
was needed was a group of convinced Fascists, of men whose will was
supported by a profound "reasoned" conviction. During the twenty years of
power, however, Fascism created only the appearance of this
conviction. Feeling and intuition are extremely vague things, and neither
can form the foundation of an enduring system.
Subjected to severe trials, feelings come into conflict with each other and it is
easy to change the black shirt for the red flag. Mussolini himself was
amazed at how quickly all traces of loyalty to Fascism disappeared.
In September 1943, when Mussolini rallied the Italian fascists for a restoration
of Fascism in northern Italy, one
In November. Mussolini met with Gentile and spoke to him of the resistance
opposed to Actualism by the "intransigents" of the Party. Gentile spoke of
the need for "pacification of souls", with an evident allusion to his own
doctrine of tolerance, developed in his last work, Genesis and the structure
of society, which he had just finished in September of the same year.
On November 26, Gentile accepted the nomination as President of the
Italian Academy. Throughout this period, he preached the renunciation
of revenge and violence, so that the moral and sentimental unity of the
nation could be recreated. 158 He took great interest in the Florentine provincial
leaders in favor of those who came
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The final expression assumed by the fascist political and social thought was
an attempt at a synthesis of the neo-idealistic and naturalistic elements. The
synthesis was not fully successful, but it nevertheless produced a
fairly evolved system of thought, the characteristics of which reappear at every
turn in the totalitarian or semi-totalitarian regimes of our days.
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Of these two doctrinal developments, fascist racism is the one that has
been most frequently misunderstood not only in Anglo-American
literature, but also in all world literature. However, the Italians who
might be able to deal with this aspect of Fascism were not,
for very various reasons, willing to deal with it objectively. Post-
war Italian literature was hopelessly controversial.
Any attempt that seriously aims at objectivity is considered "apologetic"
and subjected to official and unofficial censure. Even more restraining
is the generalized embarrassment that the Italians felt towards the
disastrous fascist experiment. ' They content themselves with judging
the entire period as an anomaly of history, as if the history of a
whole generation of Italians had been the product of a single man's whim.
More recently, with the emergence of neo-fascist apologists,
there has been a tendency to overlook fascist racism as an
aberration, a bubo due exclusively to National Socialist
influence. 1 The result has been a confluence of anti-fascist and
neo-fascist interpretations tending not to consider fascist racism
worthy of serious ideological investigation. At best, anti-fascists cite
fascist racism as proof that Fascism did not have solid doctrinal
foundations and that its positions, at various historical moments,
were only a function of its immediate political interests. Neo-
fascists, when they don't observe a
fascismo, which appeared a few years ago, finally treats the phenomenon
of fascist racism with commendable attention and detachment, but
concentrates its attention above all on the Jewish question, dealing only
marginally with the general question of fascist racism. 3 Therefore, to date,
there is no important treatment of fascist racism and, consequently,
there is not even a valid exposition of its genesis and its character.
Everything we say throughout this chapter is written with the intention
of serving as a corrective and a complement to what already exists in
contemporary literature. Above all, it is written that the intention was to
reveal the logic (and here the term must be understood in its broadest
sense and not exclusively in the formal sense) of fascist racism.
certain variables that influence its behavior. Long before the fascist
ideology developed, Panunzio, Olivetti, Corradini
and Mussolini had thought that man's behavior in society was governed
by interests and feelings; interests define the goals and rules of society,
while feelings identify the individual with the community that is his by
kinship, territory and traditions, with a human community, that is, united
by a common sense of identity. For the nationalists, this community was
represented by the national community governed by the laws, a
community, that is, sufficiently vast and diversified, such as to satisfy,
with its own resources alone, the functional needs of its components.
This community was based on the natural tendency of man, equal to that
of all social animals, to unite in preferential communities, in
typically ethnocentric groups.
Pareto, Mosca, Sorel and Michels. Government had moral as well as natural
dimensions. The rule of the elite was justified by moral arguments.
The acquiescence of the masses was subjected to the suggestion, to the moral
contagion and to the imitation of which Sighele and Le Bon had already
spoken, by the use of suitable political formulas and political and social myths.
The fact that Fascism represented, therefore, the synthesis of the two currents of
pre-fascist thought, did not prevent that, from time to time, one of the two
prevailed at the expense of the other. Throughout the Fascist period, a residual
tension remained between the two. After 1937, under the influence of
National Socialism, this tension increased. In 1944, only Mussolini's
personal prestige prevented an open break between the two tendencies.
After Gentile's death (1944), given that Mussolini had by then become a hostage in
the hands of National Socialist Germany, the blame for racist excesses in
Italy must be attributed entirely to Fascism.
Simplistic and only partially true is the interpretation of fascist racism as a simple
slavish imitation of National Socialism. How true this interpretation is can be
judged only after having explained the conception of "fascist racism" in a certain
abundance of detail. Nowadays, the term racism is only used in a derogatory
sense and no longer has any logical meaning. The current use of the word is
almost exclusively emotional and associates "fascist racism" with any and all
discriminatory acts directed against a group that has distinctive characteristics.
The Ku Klux Klan is therefore said to be the defender of "fascist racism" ^
South Africa is said to be "fascist" because it adopts discrimination based on
racial data. In its worst sense, the expression "fascist racism" is used to mean
any and all acts of Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany.
the nature of fascist racism during the period in question. It will thus
become evident that the racism of the origins was essentially a
harmless product of Italian and non-Italian proto-fascist thought.
same discourse, Mussolini had gone on to say that Fascism had dedicated
itself to making forty million Italians one "big family" united by "a single racial
pride". Fascism sought to instill in Italians a sense of "solidarity of the race".
6 Even earlier, in 1918, Mussolini had used racial categories for
explanatory purposes.
He had said that the "Latin race feels the beauty of individual audacity, the
fascination of danger and possesses a taste for adventure". 7
in the work of Marinetti 12 and it seems that it was from Marinetti that
Mussolini drew inspiration for using it so often. The identification that
Mussolini makes between the "Latin race" and the qualities of audacity
and taste for adventure, for example, is drawn directly from the Futurist
manifestos of that period; in fact, the manifestos say that the Italians have
the "will to conquer and adventure". 13 Also the exhortation
It is important to point out and establish once and for all that this "pride of
race" was conceived as "a new national consciousness". 16 The
identification between "pride of race" and "Italian national consciousness"
results specifically from the way in which the Futurists used the expression
"national consciousness" as a synonym for the expression "the prestige
of our race". Likewise, the use of expressions such as "our race", the "Italian
race", the "Italian blood" and the "Italian people" establishes their semantic
equivalence. 17 So two years later Mussolini, speaking of "racial solidarity",
explained the expression with the locution "a union of free spirits in the
Italian nation". 18
Mussolini's use of the term 'Aryan' in that early period to define Italians
proved to be as inauspicious as his use of the term 'race'. The term
"Aryan" was in current use in Italy and was used to indicate any one of the
many peoples who spoke a language that could be linked to the so-called
"Indo-European" languages. lE In 1903, Giuseppe Sergi had published
the volume Arii in Europa e in Asia, which had been preceded, eight years
earlier, by another volume of his, dedicated to the Mediterranean branch
of the "Aryan race" and entitled Origine e diffusion della lineage
mediterranea. Vilfredo Pareto, in his Treatise on General Sociology
(1916) makes frequent references to the "Aryan race" and its
Mediterranean branch. 20
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In thus defining his own racism, Mussolini was referring in particular to the
period between 1922 and 1932, during which fascist racism was substantially
fascist nationalism.©
The entire nationalist and futurist movement had also been tempted by an
ambiguous and poorly articulated anti-Semitism. Oriani had expressed
vague opposition to the presence of Jews in Italy, while for Corradini
the Jews represented "the denial of the renewed Roman conscience
of Italy...". 27 > But anti-Semitism remained a secondary and ancillary
concern for the nationalists, whose main efforts were aimed at reshaping
the patriotic spirit of the Italians.
However, this secondary and accessory concern found an echo in the words
of Mussolini who, in 1919, accused «...the great Jewish bankers of London
and New York, linked by race ties with the Jews who in Moscow as in
Budapest are taking their revenge against the Aryan race, which condemned
them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia, eighty percent of the
leaders of the Soviets are Jews, in Budapest, out of twenty-two people's
commissars, as many as seventeen are Jews... World finance is in the
hands of the Jews. Whoever owns the peoples' safes directs their politics.
Behind the puppets of Paris are (the Jews) ...who have the same • blood
as the rulers of Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race." 28
Mussolini's anti-Semitism, in this period, was of the same type. Seen in the
context of nationalist, futurist and syndicalist statements and against the
background of the sometimes very violent anti-Semitic declarations of
the Catholic Church at the turn of the century, Mussolini's remarks
appear utterly bland and colorless. After this period, he never again spoke
of Jews in a similar manner, while in 1929, as well as in conversations with
Ludwig in 1932, he denied that anti-Semitism had existed, or could ever
exist, in Italy. 30
1937 the idea of state anti-Semitism was very far from him: under
fascism Italian Jews enjoyed no more or less of the same freedom that
other Italians enjoyed; the persecuted foreign Jews found in him, if not
exactly a protector, a politician who on several occasions helped them and
opened the doors of Italy to them as - it must be honestly admitted -
many other heads of state did not do for their countries". 32
For a whole host of reasons. Gentile, like Mussolini, came closer and
closer to the nationalists. 38 Eventually, idealists, nationalists and
futurists merged into Fascism. Futurism was completely
absorbed by Fascism, 39 while the nationalist elements proved more
stubborn and finally became the center of theoretical tension.
material foundation of the nation. This does not mean, however, that
Fascism had not already formulated its own fairly specific racial doctrine.
The scientific material supplied by the Italian academics to the resulting synthesis
consisted of a conception of race understood as a dynamic constant, the
ultimate product of geographical and social isolation 47 and of
This conception of race constitutes the nucleus of the particular racial doctrine of
fascism, which conceived the race of the same dimensions and placed within the
same borders of the nation and provided the theoretical substrate for the
convictions already expressed by Mussolini since 1917. It should not be surprising
that we have arrived at this relationship, nor does it necessarily indicate that
Mussolini had these theoretical convictions at the time of the March on Rome.
The fact that Mussolini's use of the term race is compatible with the whole
development of Fascist doctrine in the last decade of the Fascist government
only implies an acknowledgment of the fact that the dynamic conception, which
referred the term race to a politically defined population, it is already found, in
essence, in the works of Gumplowicz, which exerted an enormous influence on
Italian syndicalist thought during the period of Mussolini's maturation.
equally of the nation as "an anthropological reality, not only the center of
a particular conglomeration of racial elements, but a distinct center of
phenomena of fusion and harmonization which, as such, stimulates
the formation of new racial forms". 72
found in the works of Gini, Biasutti, Pende, Landra and Alfredo Niceforo, and
document the substantial continuity of fascist thought from the proto-fascist
conceptions of Gumplowicz, Mosca, Pareto, Sorel and Michels up to the
latest theoretical and doctrinal expositions, of the definitive ideological
expressions of the Regime .
This is not to say that some form of anti-Semitism could not have arisen from
fascist nationalism. At least one element of the set of fascist prejudices
against the Jews can be considered "inherent" in Fascism. One of the main
anti-Jewish theses was the one used by Paolo Orano, an early revolutionary
syndicalist and close friend of Mussolini, since the pre-fascist period. 82
He argued that in a totalitarian and solidarity community there was no place
for closed sects.
What Orano basically asked was that the Jewish community lose its
particular identity and assimilate into the totalitarian society. As early
as 1922, Michels had hinted at the possibility that fascist nationalism
might provoke just such a clash with the Jews residing in Italy. 83
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Throughout this period the fascist theory of race continued to react to the
influence of National Socialist theories, as
the latter exercised ever greater influence over the Fascist doctrine.
With Hitler's rise to power in 1933, the latter was forced to refer to the National
Socialist doctrine. Between 1933 and 1938, the growing rapprochement with
Germany required an intense and laborious reworking of the
Fascist Doctrine of Race.* In 1938, the Manifesto of Italian Racism
was published, in an attempt to codify the official position with respect to
the racial question. Like all doctrinal statements, the Manifesto was
elliptical and synthetic, but it documented the influence of external
pressures that were deeply felt by Fascist theorists.
The years between 1933 and 1938 witness major changes in attitude
rather than substantial changes in the fascist ana/isi vis-à-vis the National
Socialist theory of race.
The initial contacts between Fascism and the National Socialist theory of race
took place immediately after 1932 and were marked by deliberate reserve and
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As we have already said, the fascist oppositions to the Nordic racial theories,
however, were based not only on the authority of the Cape, but were
more substantial. The National Socialist theory of race was, even in its
many and varied semi-official expressions, materialistic, 89 sometimes
theosophical 90 and almost always anti-Christian and anti-Roman. 91 From
a movement with substantially idealist philosophical orientations, animated
by the myth of Eternal Rome and which only a few years earlier had concluded
the Concordat with the Catholic Church, these positions could not be
viewed with sympathy. To this difficulty was added, during the first period of
the National Socialist rise, the tendency of German theorists to consider the
"Nordics" (understood as people endowed with a particular set of physical
characteristics recognizable at sight) the only "creators of culture" of the
history. The cultural dominance of ancient Greece and Rome was attributed
to the presence, in the respective populations, of individuals of Nordic origin.
The culture of the Middle Ages had been created by the Nordics,
and the Italian Renaissance was also regarded as the result of the infusion of
"Nordic vitality". Alfred Rosenberg, the leading theorist of National
Socialist racism, had gone so far as to suggest that Fascism itself could be
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From 1933 until the end of 1936, with the exception of very few
non-representative sheets, the Italian fascist and non-fascist press made
it clear that an abyss separated the two regimes on the racial question.
In the early months of 1936, Gentile affirmed that the "Italian ideal" was
not a "sordid racism", but an "intelligently universal and humane"
ideal. After 1936, the ever closer rapprochement with National
Socialist Germany led to a moderate tone, but did not alter the substance
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Germanic blood or, at least, the blood of the blond people who live in the North.
Nothing more imprecise if at least one goes back from the nonsense of the gazettes
and the infatuated Germans to the theoretical works and the racists who have
a conscience of what they are doing ». 104
Cogni went on to say that some "infatuated" had maintained that "superiority" could be
recognized by certain physical characteristics of Nordicness. But this was, for him, a
mental fixation, an anthropological nonsense. 105 He rejected the attempt to correlate
physical characteristics with a hierarchical order of spiritual values.
While he attempted to specify this identity, the concept always remained "mystical", "a
racial theosophy" which finds very similar expression in the works of Julius Evola. 107
This "spiritual" interpretation of Nordicism was the last and only serious attempt at a
synthesis of National Socialist racial theories in the body of Fascist thought,108 and it is
interesting to note that it could only be accomplished at the expense of its gnoseological
content. In 1938, below
under the auspices of the Ministry of Popular Culture, Fascist academics gathered to
arrange the Fascist theory of race into a single coherent exposition of interrelated
theses. The resulting document was the Manifesto of Italian Racism. Before
publication, the Manifesto was revised and probably corrected by Mussolini himself. 109
* Perhaps the most important feature of the Manifesto of Italian Racism was its
refusal to attribute a priori a patent of superiority or inferiority to any particular race. It
is not difficult to rediscover the theoretical and practical foundation of this reservation.
At the doctrinal level, Fascism had given politics, political organization, and nationalism
in its most coherent expression, a predominant value and considered them
decisive factors in the historical evolution. 110 Given that Europe is composed
of a great variety of minor races, 111 no national community could be of the size of a
particular taxonomic race. 112 All European nations were composed of mixtures
of these races. Defining one of these races superior to the others was equivalent
to threatening the integrity of the nation with the creation of castes, each comprising a
certain number of individuals who belonged to it on the basis of a set of
measurable and non-measurable physical characteristics. 113 This threat to the
integrity of the nation was notably hostile to the fascists. 114 Landra, one of the
authors of the Manifesto stated polemically: « It is pernicious to divide a people into
various races on the basis of a typology which uses certain somatic characteristics as
different , a selection criterion, in particular when different grades are attributed to
types in a hierarchical scale ». 115
The attempt to judge the value of individuals on the basis of certain indices of somatic
characteristics threatened, that is, to create a nation made up of closed castes and,
moreover, laid the foundation for an eventual "racist internationalism", very
similar to the "internationalism of class" of Marxism which could have caused a
horizontal fracture beyond national limits. 116
Furthermore, the notion that the measure of an individual's worth could be his or her
particular biological heritage clashed with the fascist philosophy of ethical voluntarism
and individual heroism. Fascist theorists did not mince words in rejecting "materialism
and biological determinism." 117 Nor were the criticisms determined exclusively by
previous philosophical positions. Costamagna, still in 1940, based his reservations
on the scarcity both of indisputable scientific evidence demonstrating the heredity
of psychic characteristics, and of experimental data correlating physical racial
characteristics with
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Thus, while the Manifesto maintained that « to affirm that the races
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exist does not mean affirming, a priori, that there are superior and
inferior races, but only that there are different human races »• almost all
the theorists involved in its formulation were supporters of the particular
thesis of the biological inferiority of the black race. 132 In almost
every issue of the doctrinal review Difesa della Razza there was an
article in support of this thesis. Despite some dissenting voices among
fascist academics and theorists themselves,133 the
tendency to conceive the Negroid races as biologically inferior was
almost general. But the empirical data cited by the fascist
theorists could lend themselves to at least two interpretations: the
deficiencies of the Negroes in carrying out the "aptitude tests",
for example, could be interpreted both as a demonstration of a
natural genetic inferiority and as evidence of environmental
difficulties; statistically proven differences in brain morphology and
cranial capacity could be interpreted as indicative of reduced intellectual
capacity, or they could be denied any causal value. Fascist and pre-
Fascist Italian scientists alternately preferred one interpretation, and
Fascist theorists chose one over the other for reasons that were anything but scientifi
The Fascist doctrinaires, finding themselves faced with the obvious need
to insert Mussolini's tactical legislation into a doctrinaire
scheme that would also satisfy the National Socialists, with whom
relations were becoming closer day by day, overcame the
difficulty by accepting an unfelt biologism. At this point, the racial doctrine
detached itself, in many important respects, from the actualist
philosophy, considered by Mussolini himself to be the
official philosophy of Fascism. Under the influence of National Socialism,
a secondary subject of nationalist literature came to pose a tremendous
threat to the internal coherence of fascist ideology.
Commonly all of this was interpreted to mean that, while not yet
much was known about human culture, it was not necessary to
introduce mysteries to explain cultural continuity. Minimal were the
doubts on the fact that, while a specific hereditary potential is an
essential condition of cultural assimilation, the inheritance in itself, does not
Fascist theorists, and with them Mussolini, tended to favor the populationist
definition of race (the "new races" they spoke of). This definition, while
making the concept of race compatible with nationalism (given that the nation is
conceived as a politically defined genetic community which constitutes the material
basis for the development of a race), nevertheless does not lend itself to a
precise determination of the hereditary psychic characteristics and uniforms
of this community (and in fact there was talk of hereditary spiritual tendencies). If
psychic characteristics were hereditary, they would have to vary as physical
ones vary; this would have been true if race had been understood in purely
biological terms. If the psychic characteristics were transmitted according to
Mendelian laws, they would have to vary according to the physical ones.
Accordingly, any feeling of common end, common
culture and common destiny could only be conceived as induced, and not as
1938. The fact that anti-Semitism was foreign to Fascist ideology and
unnecessarily burdened it is evident from the enormous confusion
surrounding the subject.
The ninth thesis holds that "Jews do not belong to the Aryan race."
But it was admitted that the Aryan "race" consisted of a vast group of minor
races including the Nordic, Dalonordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, Dinaric,
Baltic, united by tenuous ties of linguistic similarities and origins.
cultural. 150 Canella, discussing the Jewish "race", stated that "The
Jews do not constitute an anthropological race in themselves, but a
mixture, in various dosages, of the most disparate racial elements, first of
all Arabs and Assyrians, and then Egyptians, Ethiopians,
Mediterranean , negroid, baltic, alpine, northern, etc. ». 151 The Jewish
group, therefore, contained at least certain elements of the same
minor races making up the Aryan race.
The proponents of racial theories state that «... we have not always realized
exactly the very great difficulties of various kinds which a truly scientific study
of racial psychic characteristics entails... it still remains to be established
how much, in these, one can consider really innate and hereditary and
what, on the other hand, is a consequence of environmental factors ». 15S
Almost all the doctrinaire attempts to provide a rational justification for the anti-
Semitic laws proved inadequate, since they represented only attempts to
superimpose shreds of an imported mystical and biological racism, a
consequence of the ever closer alliance with National Socialist Germany, on
the neo-idealism of the fascist philosophy .
Mussolini, in his conversations with Ciano, stated that he was convinced that
the "theories of Rosenberg" would not have succeeded, in any case, in
surviving the war. 157 Later, he confided to Spampanato:
first Mussolini government and Guido Jung was finance minister for many
years. In March 1919, many Jews participated in the foundation of
the Fascist Party and as many Jews, throughout the Fascist
period, occupied important state posts. Mussolini himself said in 1941
that he "cannot forget that four of the seven founders of Italian
nationalism had been Jews. He had personally interceded with Hitler in
favor of Henri Bergson and had "aryanized" numerous Italian Jews
decorated for valor. Long after the enactment of the Fascist anti-
Semitic laws, Jews in Italy continued to occupy a number of important
official and unofficial positions. 182
Despite this, anti-Semitism does not figure in those documents that can be
considered the political testament of Mussolini. In his conversations in
March 1945 with Maddalena Mollier and in April 1945 with the prefect
Nicoletti and the journalist Gabella, a few days after his death. Mussolini did
not touch the Jewish question at all. It seems that he did not
consider it an essential issue for Fascism. His attitude in this regard was one
of distrust of organized Judaism and in particular of political Zionism. The
attitudes publicly assumed by international Jewish groups, particularly
during the Ethiopian campaign, increased his distrust. But what ultimately
determined the introduction of the anti-Semitic state policy in Fascist
Italy was the alliance with National Socialist Germany.
theoretical tensions within the doctrinal system and favored the growth of ancillary
elements that could be found in the nationalist tradition of Fascism. Minor anti-
Semitic themes were exaggerated under National Socialist influence and
secondary biological issues came to the fore. National Socialist racism was
absolutely incompatible with nationalism and, consequently, the attempt to
amalgamate the elements of static and taxonomic theory created serious
difficulties for the doctrinal system of Fascism.
In essence, the Fascist racial doctrine was, in itself, markedly different from the
National Socialist one. The effort to make them mutually compatible
created enormous problems for Fascism and it never succeeded in
convincing the National Socialists that fascist racism was a serious matter.
Among external observers, the conviction prevailed that Fascism did not have
a racial doctrine, that it limited itself either to imitating National
Socialism or to making ad hoc statements on the matter. Neither interpretation is
true. There was a specifically Fascist doctrine on race, but it was later
contaminated by elements
introduced through contacts with National Socialism. Both the original Fascist
doctrine on race and the extraneous elements that coalesced around
it can today be recognized with some certainty.
JLj framework of the Italian national tragedy. The country had been trampled for a few
months by the armies of one of the most powerful military alliances in history. In the
night between 25 and 26 July 1943, a palace conspiracy had brought down Mussolini,
who was held prisoner, until the first week of September, initially on the island of Ponza,
then on the island of La Maddalena in Sardinia, and finally on the Gran Sasso. On
8 September, the Italian radio had announced the unconditional surrender of the
Badoglio government to the Allies, by the Marshal himself.
Immediately after the announcement of the surrender, the King and Badoglio had fled
Rome, to take refuge in southern Italy behind the Allied lines, while the Germans occupied
the capital. The Italian Army, left without commanders and upset by contradictory orders,
had dissolved: the Germans had disarmed and deported to concentration camps in
Germany about six hundred thousand Italian soldiers. German military units had
occupied all the main strategic points of the Peninsula and the German air force had wrought
havoc among the Italian fleet which, according to the orders received, was heading towards
the Allied ports to surrender. Allied aviation, in turn, had begun a series of indiscriminate
bombings of cities. The Italians were considered enemies defeated by the Allies, traitors
by the Germans.
Meanwhile, political activists had organized the National Liberation Committee (CL/V),
which became the nucleus from which the anti-fascist partisan bands then originated, and
which unleashed the savage fratricidal war that raged in Italy during all the last six hundred
days of Fascism. In their turn, small fascist units had begun to reorganise, having recovered
from the sudden blow caused by the fall of fascism. Some fascist hierarchs, who had
found refuge in Germany. 0 solicited Hitler's support for the reconstitution of a provisional
fascist government in the northern part of the peninsula cut in two. Shortly, after the
announcement of the surrender, the Italian radio broadcast the notes of the fascist anthem.
, while Pavolini
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he implored the Italian soldiers to oppose the King's surrender order, in the name of
the reconstituted national fascist government.
On 12 September, a group of gliders under the command of the German officer Otto
Skorzeny landed at Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso and freed Mussolini (a
first attempt had been made by four Italian aviators who were shot). Laboriously
lifted off the Gran Sasso, the plane on which Mussolini was landing at Pratica di Mare
airport, from where a Heinkel took the Duce to Vienna and from here to Munich; in the
Bavarian capital, Mussolini saw his family for the first time after his arrest in
July. On 14 September he was flown to Hitler's headquarters, where the two
dictators greeted each other with a cordiality and friendship defined by Goebbels
as exceptional. The two men had a secret conversation that lasted two hours.
All the evidence available to us indicates that at that time Mussolini was physically
tired and morally broken. The German doctor who examined him after his release
said that he was "a very sick man, who had bravely endured excruciating pain for four
Mussolini was overwhelmed by the immensity of the tragedy that had fallen on the
nation and convinced that Fascism, as a political movement, had been
definitively defeated. 1 In the end, only Hitler's threat to unleash on Italy the
revenge foreshadowed in his speech of 10 September induced Mussolini to
attempt the reconstitution of the fascist government. To prepare the new
government. Mussolini met in Rastenburg with a small group of fascists.
The Germans pressed for the new government to be formed as soon as possible,
but no one ever seriously thought that such a government could any longer have any
political effectiveness. Goebbels argued, in a judgment that seemed to be
shared by almost all German rulers, that «Fascism seems [...] to no longer have any
political force. We have to proceed very coolly and realistically about this. We must
use Fascism as much as possible, but of course we must not expect Firn possible. In
the Fiihrer's calculations, Italy was a power factor. But now it is no longer [...]
Italy has abdicated as a people and as a nation. This is
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occurred, according to the law of nature and the principles of justice in historical
development". 2
Hitler, on the other hand, supported the need for the fascists to proceed
with the punishment of the "traitors of Fascism", starting with those members of
the Grand Council who, with their vote on the night between 25 and 26 July, had
opened the regime's crisis by providing the King the pretext for dismissing
Mussolini, and was astounded when he realized that Mussolini harbored no
intention of revenge. Goebbels writes that « the Fiihrer expected that the first
thing the Duce would have done would have been to take full revenge on those who
had betrayed him. But Mussolini did not demonstrate
this intention, thus highlighting its true limits. He is not a revolutionary like the
Fiihrer or Stalin. He is so tied to his own Italian people that he lacks the great
qualities necessary for a revolutionary on a world scale ». 3
To achieve these purposes. Mussolini tried in every possible way to reconstitute the
Italian army and police forces, to ensure that the Italians dealt with other
Italians, and not with the Germans, and that the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the nation could be defended by Italian forces.
He also made sincere efforts to try to appease the anti-fascist opposition. He
said he wanted a national unity government expressing the full range of
political views. Both of these
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attempts, that of reconstituting the armed forces of the nation and that
of placating the fratricidal passions, proved absolutely fruitless.
Italian units continued to fight throughout the rest of the war, some under
German command, others under the guidance of "condottieri" (*) such
as Valerio Borghese, but an effective Italian army was never reconstituted.
The Germans continued to harbor doubts about the Italian commitment and
did what they could to frustrate Mussolini's efforts. 8 Even the attempt to
prevent the civil war did not achieve any concrete results. By the time
the first congress of the reorganized Republican Fascist Party was
convened in November, acts of violence and individual terrorism on
both sides had exacerbated the situation.
During the PFR Congress in Verona, the participants were brought the
announcement of the assassination of the Federal of Ferrara, Iginio
Ghisellini. A punitive Fascist expedition immediately left Verona for
Ferrara, where it summarily executed eleven hostages. From then on, a
painful series of ambushes and hostage shootings began which shook Italy
for the rest of the war. The brutality demonstrated by both sides spared
no one. During this fierce struggle, on April 15, 1944, Giovanni Gentile was
also assassinated.
Along with the effort to rebuild the Italian army and to appease fratricidal
passions, during these last days of Fascism, Mussolini also
dedicated himself to another great enterprise: the socialization of the
Italian economy. In this chapter, we deal principally
From the moment of his reappearance on the Italian scene, Mussolini made
it clear that he intended to reconstitute a state that was "national and social
in the deepest sense", a fascist state brought back to its doctrinal origins, a
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State that would finally eliminate the plutocratic residues and make work,
in all its forms, its own "unbreakable basis". 7 During the first meeting
of the Council of Ministers of the new Republic, he reiterated that the
State must possess «a very pronounced social content, such as to resolve
the social question at least in its most strident aspects, that is, such as to
establish the place, the function, the responsibility of work in a truly
modern national society". He ordered the merger of the various
trade union confederations into a single General Confederation of Labor
"in the ambit and climate of the Party, which gives it all its revolutionary
strength". 8
private initiative did not meet the criteria established by the State for the
productive exploitation of the soil, the land
it would have been expropriated and parceled out among those who
could have worked it productively or, depending on the case, entrusted to
cooperatives or state farms. The artisans and small industrialists could have
continued to work as private entrepreneurs, but exclusively within the
limits of state controls on quantity and quality and at controlled prices.
Each worker had to be officially registered with the trade union
belonging to the single Confederation which included all workers, technicians
and professionals with the exclusion of the owners who were not themselves
company managers or technicians. All the social legislation of the
previous Fascist period was confirmed and the 1927 Labor Charter was
taken as the starting point for the further path.
National minimum tariffs were to be established and workers were to gradually
gain ownership of the house, after the monies paid for rent had repaid the
principal and interest on the house. The payment of the rent thus came to
constitute a purchase title.
This was the program of the revived Fascism and its profound socialist content
was evident to all, friends and enemies. At the fifth meeting of the
Council of Ministers in January 1944, Mussolini had the fundamental
premise approved for the creation of the new structure of the Italian economy
, n in which it was said that "the State, in accordance with the ninth
declaration of the Labor Charter and the programmatic postulates of the first
report of the Republican Fascist Party of Verona, assumes the direct
management of companies that control essential sectors for economic and
political independence of the country, as well as companies supplying raw
materials or energy and other services essential to the smooth running of the
country's economic life".
of the company, with an equal number of votes for each category, would
have elected a board of directors and a board of statutory auditors. The board
of directors would be composed of representatives of labor and capital in
equal numbers. The board of statutory auditors would be made up of labor
representatives. there director of the enterprise was to be elected by the
assembly and appointed by the council.
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These were the fundamental lines of the new structure of an integral
fascist economy. Before announcing the resolutions of the Con
of socialist and communist organizers among the wary and apathetic working
classes of Italy. This unique union between German, Italian capitalists and socialist
and communist elements constantly threw a spanner in the works of Fascism's
desperate efforts to deprive the capitalist class of its economic base. Tarchi noted,
with bitterness, that the industrialists were making common cause not only with
the Germans, but also with the "secret action committees", socialist and
communist, to obstruct the fascist laws on socialisation. This plot against
nationalization and socialization actually defeated all efforts aimed at obtaining the
application of the laws by the spring of 1944. Mussolini decided at a certain point
to try to overcome the German resistance and, on June 30, he ordered unilaterally
the immediate application of the decrees. General Leyers immediately let it be
known that the Fascist laws were not to come into force in certain firms.
Nonetheless, some seventy industrial enterprises were socialized during the last
ten months of the Fascist Republic, most of which were not considered by the
Germans to be essential to the war effort. Socialization mainly affected
publishing companies. Some steps were taken towards socialization in the
paper, graphic arts, consumer products and
Critics have tried to see in this last stage of Fascist doctrine another example
of Mussolini's incomprehensible changes and his doctrinal acrobatics, or they
have thought that it was a simple expedient, characteristic of Mussolini's personal
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intended to win over the working class to Fascism. 15 Neither of the two
interpretations is true.
The first hypothesis cannot be taken into any consideration, because it would
be necessary to have proof of the non-continuity of Mussolini's thought, of the fact
that socialization, as a programme, had no precedents in Mussolini's
thought or in fascist doctrine. However, there is evidence to the contrary.
The second interpretation is absolutely unconvincing. Mussolini was well aware
that the security of the Fascist Republic rested on German bayonets. If he
had cared only about maintaining power (the alleged reason why he should have
captivated the working classes) he would not have needed to deceive the Italians,
because the Germans were enough to ensure it.
Mussolini was smart enough to understand that Italians, on the whole, were
not very enthusiastic about the resurgent Fascism. All the evidence we have at
our disposal tells us that Mussolini conceived of his Republic as a political
and social legacy to be left to Italy which would emerge from the war, an
Italy which would certainly have been an Italy without Mussolini. In January 1945,
four months before his death, Mussolini appointed Giuseppe Spinelli Minister
of Labor and entrusted him with the responsibility of spreading "social mines"
on Italian soil. 16 Mussolini hoped that the process of socialization could
be brought to a point where it could not be overturned by the monarchical and
capitalist restoration, that is, he hoped that Fascism could bequeath post-
war Italy a socialized economy.
taking the fascist thinking after seven years of absolute power. Given
the nature of the communication, Spirito had submitted the text to
Mussolini, at the suggestion of Gentile who had already read and
accepted it, for approval. 18
crisis "in" the system, but a crisis "of" the system. On the same occasion, he
spoke of a "complete organic and totalitarian regulation of production", of
a "regulated" and "controlled" economy which would abolish capitalism. 24
In fact, the first attempts at fascist intervention in the Italian economy took
place many years earlier, with the Palazzo Chigi Conference and the signing of
the Palazzo Vidoni Pact, in 1925 and 1926. With the Palazzo Vidoni Pact, the
Confederation of Industry recognized in Confederation of Labor Corporations
the sole representative of Italian workers.
The agreement formed the basis of the collective agreements they would regulate
the relationship between capital and labor over the next decade. At the time
(even according to the judgment of well-informed American scholars) the agreement
was considered an important victory for the fascist workers' unions. Edmondo
Rossoni, head of the Fascist trade unions, considered the internal factory
commissions, widespread at the time, as a remnant of the socialist factory
occupation movement of the 1920s, docile tools in the hands of employers and
ineffective for collective bargaining. In their place, the unions had received the
official recognition of the unitary confederation which, legally, could deal with
the Confederation of Industry on an equal footing. Furthermore, the acknowledgment
of the compulsory nature of collective agreements foreshadowed an ever
greater integration of the state into the nation's economy.
Rossoni conceived the Pact as a step in the direction of an integral totalitarian state.
25 Although Rossoni's interpretation proved to be excessively optimistic as
regards the benefits that would derive from it for the working classes, the
Pact was nevertheless, as subsequent events demonstrated, the first
step in the direction of totalitarian control of the economy. However, it is certain
that not all the business class welcomed the Pact with jubilation. 26
From that moment on, the Fascist social and economic legislation became
increasingly protective and interventionist. The Law of 3 April and the regulation of
1 July 1926 marked further interventions by the Fascist state in the Italian economy.
In 1927 the Labor Charter was adopted as a legal norm regulating the relationship
between capital and labour. While the seventh
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article of the Charter maintained that "the corporate State considers private
initiative in the field of production as the most effective and most useful instrument
in the interest of the Nation", the ninth stated that "State intervention takes place when
there is no or insufficient private initiative". But even more important and
significant was the affirmation according to which « the private organization of
production being a function of national interest, the organizer of the enterprise is
responsible to the State.. ». Simultaneously with the promulgation of the Charter,
Giuseppe Bottai, commenting on it, openly clarified the meaning of this last
clause: « Since the functions of commerce and private industry are functions of
national interest, entrepreneurs are obliged to carry them out in accordance with the
national and are responsible to the State for the address given to the production ». 27
Regardless of the euphoric declarations of the apologists of Fascism throughout the period
before the Second World War, the responsible fascists admitted that the
existing mechanism for collaboration between classes and categories did not solve the
social problem. 28 Fascist trade unionists, for example, complained about the continuous
violations of contractual obligations by employers. 29 The fact is that the intelligent fascists
recognized that the conciliation mechanism instituted by the State was unable to effectively
resolve the disparities between the producing classes.
this fact. In January 1944, he wrote that twenty years of experience had taught the
fascists that "the state cannot [...] limit itself to a purely mediating function between
the classes, since the greater substantial strength of the capitalist classes nullifies
any established juridical equality through a union mechanism between the
categories [...] this major force of the capitalist classes manages to dominate and
turn all the action of the state to its own advantage... ». 30
In any case, since the 1930s it was evident that Fascism, for its purposes, would have
had to create institutions and systems that would limit the independent power of
the wealthy classes. And he had to act in this way not only to make the state truly
sovereign, but also to defend those values
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Spirito was interested in what he himself called the "internal logic" of the
fascist revolution. This "logic" was affirmed on the basis of the
actualist belief in the existence of a "speculative identity" between
the individual and the State. "The first thesis was the identification of
the individual and the State", Spirito himself reiterated many years later,
32 thus remaining closely linked to Gentile's conception. Gentile himself,
in commenting on Spirito's communication of 1932, maintained that
this had clarified the definitive identity of the two terms "individual" and "state".
33 Indeed, this identification succeeded in annulling the distinction,
long held by liberals of all confessions, between individual and collective,
public and private interests. About a year later, talking about the corporate
legislation. Mussolini stated that its "fundamental premises" were the
following: "There is no economic fact of exclusively private and
individual interest; from the day in which man resigned himself or
adapted to live in the community of his fellows, from that day no act
that he performs begins, develops or ends in him, but has repercussions
that go beyond his person w . 34
Over the next two years, Spirito published, in theoretical journals of the
Regime, a series of articles devoted to explaining what the neo-idealists
and syndicalists claimed were the revolutionary demands facing fascist
corporatism. In 1934, he drew attention to a problem that had left the fascist
trade unionists in doubt: the participation of the workforce in the
management of the enterprise. Continuing to support the need for the
national organization of labor in industrial unions. Spirito stated that it was
also necessary to set up factory commissions which "participated directly in the
management of the individual enterprises". 38
In this way, the radical fascists had specified what they believed was the
"integral corporatism" which had always been implicit in Fascism. It is not
difficult to find these intentions in the programmatic proposals put forward by
the Party as early as 1921. The majority of the fascists had accepted the
need to reach a compromise with the forces operating in the Italian milieu after
the March on Rome, but after twelve years of power , after eight
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years of political monopoly, trade unionists and neo-idealists were growing increasingly
In the same year. Mussolini sketched a plan of collaboration with the socialist
Emilio Caldara and the socialist periodical II Lavoro throughout this , that during
Starting from this same period, the first programming bodies made their appearance
in Italy. The guild institutes, which were initially mainly bodies intended to smooth
out the conflicts of interest between the various classes and categories, gradually began
to take
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reasons why Mussolini tends to secure the support of the working classes,
one of the explanations for a more intelligent union policy ». 45
entry of Italy into the Great War and who had continued to fight against national
unionism after the war. The first Fascist squads were made up of war veterans
who, apart from their unionist beliefs, were nationalists. They were
helped, to a considerable extent, by industrialists and landowners terrified
by the socialist and communist successes of the immediate post-war period.
The Monarchy, linked to the conservative and landowner sectors of the
middle bourgeoisie, had allowed Fascism to assume political dominance.
Conditioned by all these forces. Mussolini had tempered the original Fascist
claims. As it extended its power, Fascism found itself in the ranks of many
conservative and capitalist elements who had given the movement the
fundamental support for the conquest of power. In the same party,
various currents had formed around these entrenched and politically powerful
interests. Behind the monolithic facade, these forces devoted all
their energies to extending their control over the state apparatus and
their influence in the Party itself.
royal insignia". 47 For twenty years Italy had been governed by a "diarchy":
on the one hand the traditionalists and conservatives gathered behind the
Monarchy, on the other a revolutionary counter-elite within the Party
organization. The duality of political direction appeared evident in the system of
parallel institutes: for example, the traditional Council of Ministers
deriving from the pre-revolutionary Statute was opposed by the Grand
Council of Fascism, created by the Fascist Revolution; the traditional army
which swore allegiance to the Royal House was opposed by the Militia which
swore to Mussolini. Fascism had introduced its own hymns, greetings
and rituals, while the Monarchy had kept its own.
Mussolini argued that within this de facto diarchic state, "plutocratic elements
and sectors of the clergy" pursued particularist interests and exerted
their influence to thwart the aims of Fascism. 48 "Well-identified industrial and
financial groups", united behind the Monarchy, had waged a "vile and implacable
struggle" against the social and economic policy of revolutionary Fascism. 49 All
the forces of reactionary capitalism had gathered behind the Monarchy. 50
Constantly, Mussolini maintained that Fascism had been betrayed by the
big bourgeoisie that had been in league with the Monarchy for all the twenty years
of the Fascist Regime. 51
It is certain that, at the time of the outbreak of the Second World War, vast
sections of the industrial and financial bourgeoisie viewed the fascist experiment
with more than considerable distrust. Already in 1931 the archives of the
fascist secret police had begun to fill up with reports indicating that "while in the
aftermath of the March on Rome it was above all the wealthy and capitalist
classes who praised Fascism and the Duce, savior of order and of Society,
defender of Italy against Bolshevism, now the situation has changed. The Duce is
today more popular among the working masses than among the capitalist
bourgeoisie which is strongly annoyed by the scope of the new social laws, by
the sharecropping contracts and collective regime created for the peasants,
and by all those provisions that benefit of the working masses. The bureaucracy
murmurs that too much is spent on public works, and goes so far as to whisper
that Mussolini is gradually, gently
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For the Fascists, property implied a legal order which in turn implied
the existence and supremacy of the state. Property exists only when a
human aggregate is governed by a sovereign order. The attempt to
distinguish property rights as if these rights were antecedent to or
independent of the state was considered a typical bourgeois
rationalization, inherited from the French Revolution... and
radically wrong. Ownership logically and practically depends on a
fundamental normative order. Consequently, property rights are derived
and entail obligations towards the legal system from which they
derive. The obligations are specified, and the rights granted temporarily,
by the State, which represents the articulated and definitive will of the
organized community. 58
For Panunzio, this was the "social conception of property in the Fascist
Regime". 30
By the time Italy entered World War II, therefore, the lines of demarcation in
the dispute between the fascists and their conservative opponents had
already been clearly drawn. Fascism was evidently committed to
the realization of a non-Marxist national socialism, already clearly implicit
in the first doctrinal formulations of the movement. The military struggle did
nothing to limit the bitterness of the internal revolutionary struggle taking
place within the fascist Statpr. In 1940, Panunzio, writing in the official
journal of the Party, maintained that the ongoing war could not overshadow
the fact that it continued with no less intensity « the
vertical war, economic and social war [...] the antithesis is only one, and it is
between these two terms: plutocracy and work. There is only one triumphant:
work ». 66
With the catastrophe of 1943, the Monarchy disappeared and regained its
positions only thanks to the victorious allied armies. The Badoglio government
had upset the economy of the corporate institutes founded during the
fascist period and the National Fascist Party had been suppressed. When
Mussolini reappeared, after the liberation from the Gran Sasso, they remained afloat
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In March 1945, one month before his death. Mussolini told Ivanoe
Fossani that he had been and remained a socialist. 'The accusation
of inconsistency,' he told him, 'has no foundation. My conduct has always
been straight in the sense of looking at the substance of things and not
at the form. I have adapted myself to reality in a socialist way ». 69
On the twenty-first anniversary of the March on Rome, in the tragic days of the
Republic, Pavolini announced: «By decision of the Duce, in a forthcoming
meeting the party will specify its own programmatic directives on the
most important state problems and on those new achievements to be
achieved in the field of labor , which, more properly than social, we have no
hesitation in defining socialist ». 71
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These doctrinal developments were not without effect. A not small group of
socialists gathered around the flags of the new Republic and in November
1944 Mussolini even took the initiative to free the socialist Corrado
Bonfantini to try to bridge the gap that divided the fascists from the orthodox
socialists. Piero Pisenti, Minister of Justice, considered the differences
between fascists and socialists purely formal and started negotiations with
Gabriele Vigorelli and Bonfantini to attempt a collaboration between
socialists and fascists in order to achieve the programmatic goals of
fascist socialism. 73 The socialists, however, had already organized behind
the forces of the South and these attempts were in vain.
After the fall of the Social Republic, one of the first acts of the National
Liberation Committee, dominated by socialists and communists, was the
repeal of the socialization decrees. The proclamation of 25 April 1945 stated:
« The CLNAI, considering the anti-national objectives of the fascist
legislative decree [of']... 'socialization' [...] with which the so-called fascist-
republican government attempted to yoke the working masses of Italy
occupied in the service and collaboration with the invader [...] in order
to ensure ... the continuity and strengthening of productive activity in the spirit
of effective national solidarity, ... decrees: the legislative decree [...] is
repealed". 74
Even today, this control remains in the hands of the same owners. What
advantages socialists could derive from social legislation were sacrificed to the
"national interest," an interest in which Fascism, by its own admission, had
undermined its trade unionist and national socialist aspirations for more than
a generation.
The fact that the upsurge of fascist socialism was neither casual nor artificially
tactical is demonstrated by the development of Giovanni Gentile's thought
throughout the fascist period, from 1925 to 1943. Even more indicative is the
fact that Gentile began his intellectual activity with important studies on Marx,
published in 1897 and 1899, when he was in his early twenties.
Gentile, who was eight years older than Mussolini, published A Criticism
of historical materialism four years before Mussolini published his first article,
in 1901. The essay was precisely a brief but close critique of the Marxist
theory of history. It was an early work, neither particularly original, nor
demonstrating an extensive survey of Marxist literature. The arguments
advanced were not completely consistent and the study did not address first-hand
material. The second essay, The Philosophy of Practice, published two years
later, when Giovanni Gentile was twenty-four, is instead an exquisitely original
work. Based largely on knowledge of the classical German philosophical tradition,
Gentile's reconstruction of Marx's thought has stood the test of time. Even after
the most recent publications of Marx's early philosophical works, the
Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 and the complete text of the
German Ideology of 1845, Gentile's interpretation remains one of the best.
Only a few very recent studies are equal to it in depth of investigation and validity
of analysis. 75
The Critique, on the other hand, has value in that it indicates the nature of
Gentile's reservations regarding Marxism understood as a science of history.
Gentile turned his attention to the socialist interpretation of historical materialism,
which considers Marxism a scientific theory of history capable of offering a set
of natural laws governing human associations;
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Precisely against these affirmations Gentile raised his main criticisms, denying
that man can "discover" natural or social laws. He argued that such an
idea, although widespread and corresponding to common sense, was
fundamentally wrong. Men do not limit themselves to contemplating the
"facts" and observing the "laws". The "facts" reveal themselves only in the
context of one or another perspective, a perspective which provides the criterion
for choosing what should constitute the facts themselves. Neither physicists
nor historians limit themselves to observing events taken at
random and indiscriminately. They observe by choosing, since they have
already established the criteria of importance and relevance and
they follow criteria which regulate the acceptability of descriptive propositions
proposed as true. Furthermore, these synthetic propositions are strung
together systematically, in the form of valid arguments.
In other words, for Gentile, explanations and predictions are valid only when
men, equipped with values, goals and intentions, translate them into facts in the
empirical world. A world without men does not contain "facts", it is not
characterized by any "laws", because only the values of man characterize
events as important and pertinent and only the commitment to coherence
allows the application of the rules of deduction to the world .
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Basically. Gentile argued that any belief rests on a set of values, tacit
or expressed. Men deal with physics because in this way they can
dominate the environment to make existence safe and the future
predictable. In the formal sciences, the criteria for accepting
propositions as true are based on the acceptance of axioms from
which they start. The whole process presupposes an implicit
acceptance of the value of coherence.
The gods orthodox socialism of the era. He argued that the positivist
interpretation was largely due to Engels and did not necessarily
represent Marx's thinking. Gentile also argued that historical
materialism could be given a better interpretation in Hegelian
terms, an interpretation more faithful to the philosophical orientation
of Marx as a young man. According to Gentile, Marx, as a young man,
had fought that form of materialism which makes men simple
observers of the natural processes of the world, and had instead
conceived men as participants in these processes in an
exquisitely Hegelian sense. Men participate in a dialectical and
developmental process, in a world-historical process which influences
and is influenced by their activity. In the context of such a totally
immanentist interpretation, any attempt to give prominence to a
particular set of abstract, economic, material or moral
variables is to arrive at the paradox and misinterpret the entire Hegelian dialectic.
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and immanent with those defined as ethical or philosophical, in a way that today
we would call one of interdependence. 81
Mussolini pointed out that Marx had stated that "of all the instruments of production,
the greatest producing force is the revolutionary class itself." 84
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The individual is such only insofar as he is social, he is political. For Marx, this
concept was expressed by the epigrammatic phrase that the substance
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Gentile maintained throughout his life this conception of the individual understood
as intrinsically connected to his own historical, cultural and economic
community. In his latest writing, Gentile maintained that "at the bottom of the ego
there is a We, which is the community to which he belongs, and which is the basis
of his spiritual existence...". 88
We have seen that this conception remains fundamental for Actualism and is
already clearly expressed, for the first time, in Gentile's essays on Marx, where it
is not only clearly defined, but even identified with the fundamental
presuppositions of Marx's philosophy. What Gentile was to define as the
"speculative identification of the individual with his community" was fundamental
to both actualism and Marxism. 89 In this sense, Gentile, like Mussolini, was
never an anti-Marxist. In fact, in the introduction to the new 1937 edition of his
early essays (that is, at the apex of the political power of Fascism), Gentile
affirms that the essays themselves contained "the first seeds" of his social
and political philosophy of mature age . 90
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This is the rational justification, proposed by Gentile in his latest work, of the
Fascist State of Workers, the Republic of Salò. It is a maturation of elements
already contained in Gentile's first essays on Marxism and is a clear
example of the constant attitude maintained by Gentile towards orthodox Socialism.
In his first Fascist writing, "Gentile argued that a distinction must be made
between the various forms of Socialism that developed during the early years of the
twentieth century. 95
In thus defining Fascism, Gentile referred to the tradition of which he himself was a
part. One of his first works was the essay Philosophy of Praxis. He had played
Marx and the
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Gentile's judgment of Socialism, like that of all the best Fascist intellectuals,
was therefore not purely negative. As early as 1919, he maintained that
Socialism was "a vital, healthy and salutary force of Italian political life". 97
Around 1935, when the Second Congress of Union and Corporate Studies
unleashed the long-standing and bitter controversy on "fascist socialism",
Gentile affirmed calmly that in principle the socialists were right to fight
capitalism as an economic system ». 98 With this statement, he echoed the
communication of Spirito, which had provoked the clash between the
conservative wing and the radical wing of Fascism. In essence, he
said no more than Mussolini himself said. The way in which Gentile interpreted
Socialism as a political and social movement never differed substantially
from the way in which Mussolini interpreted it in his formative years.
di Gentile, which was published only after the defeat of Fascism and the
death of its leader. However, it contains the rational justification of
fascist socialism, of the radicalization of corporatism.
Naturally, Gentile was one of Mussolini's main advisers during the last
period of Fascism. 104 Neo-idealism had so assimilated
Mussolini's neo-socialist and trade union-nationalist sentiments that
the advice of the socialist and communist Bombacci was
considered absolutely compatible with that of the neo-Hegelian Gentile.
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Fascist totalitarianism was affirmed on the basis of what Gentile had
termed "the speculative identity between the individual and the state." 108
It was thought that the fundamental interests of the individual and
those of the community organized in the State were fully
compatible. The pedagogical responsibility of the revolutionary aristocracy
organized as a unitary party had to make this profound compatibility evident.
It was clear that, given these premises, Fascism could not be content with
merely being the mediator between particular interests within the
politically organized nation. Fascism was supposed to transform society until
there was no longer any distinction left between public and private
interests, between collective and individual interests. This was the essential
point of Spirito's communication at the 1932 Conference in Ferrara.
The fascists rightly considered the distinctions between public and private,
between the collective and the individual as part of the legacy of the
pluralistic and individualistic conception of society left by classical
liberalism. The neo idealists and radical syndicalists had never
ceased to systematically oppose this conception. Both the neo-
idealists and the syndicalists were heirs to a collectivist and anti-individualist
tradition which developed in Germany in the form of neo-Hegelianism and
in Austria as sociology of the Gumplowictian type.
The systems employed by the Fascist regime to implement this program are now part of
the institutional history of Mussolini's Italy. Outside the very structure of the party,
workers and entrepreneurs were organized in unions and confederations placed under the
aegis of the state. Once the work was done, the workers remained under the constant
supervision of the highly organized Dopolavoro and other organizations for "leisure time".
The young people were organized in the Opera Nazionale Balilla, which later became
Gioventù Italiana del Littorio: the boys were Balilla and avant-garde; while the girls were
placed in corresponding organizations; then there were a whole series of cultural and
university organizations intended to preclude the possibility of any influence that could
counter the fascist efforts aimed at educating all citizens, of all ages and social origins, in
the secular ideology of the Party.
Tascism aspired to a complete identity of the individual will with the collective one.
Precisely this identity was the keystone of the
« The human individual is not an atom. Immanent to the concept of individual is the concept
of society... Only identity accounts for the necessary and intrinsic relationship of the
two terms of the synthesis, which requires that the concept of one term also contain
the concept of the other... A I hope no one is to escape the importance of this concept,
which for us is the keystone of the great social edifice ». 107
For the Fascists, this identity had to be achieved between the "individual" and the "State".
Gentile could therefore argue that "the State represents the true personality of
the individual" and at the same time the unitary will of the nation, a thesis already
advanced by him in the Foundations of the Philosophy of Law, published in 1916. In
this sense, he was already fascist even before the birth of Fascism. 109 The
conclusions to which this thesis leads were evident in the Riforma dell'educazione,
published three years before the March on Rome, in which Gentile states: «In conclusion,
it can be said that I, as a citizen, effectively have a will of my own; but that, upon further
investigation, I find that my will coincides exactly with the will of the state and that I want
something only up to
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to which the State wants me to want it [...] Since the Nation, like the State, is of
our own nature and composition, it is evident that the universal will of
the State is one with our concrete and current ethical personality ». u
Initially, the individual might conceive of his own interests as distinct from, or
even contrary to, those of the state. The fascists argued that these interests
must, instead, in the definitive sense, be absolutely compatible. Ultimately,
what the individual wants is what the state wants. This concept constitutes
the rational substance of the new fascist definition of "liberty" and
"democracy." When they speak of "freedom" and "democracy", the fascists
refer to an antecedent "truth". This reference clearly demonstrates that
there has been a new definition of the two terms. The "truth" of reference
clearly demonstrates that the meaning of the terms "freedom" and "dem
During the Fascist period, it was admitted that to achieve this identification
an enormous pedagogical and institutional work was needed,
requiring systematic education in a whole set of normative principles.
To this end, the fascists openly and frankly used all systems of
moral persuasion and mimetic and emotional suggestion. They exploited
the suggestibility of the masses by employing systems already known
for a long time to social psychologists and briefly outlined by Le Bon and Sighele.
By creating an atmosphere of great emotional tension, they tried to
instill in the souls of Italians the conviction that the individual, the Italian
nation, the Party and the Duce were ultimately one and the same. The
will of one was the will of all. And this fact constituted the fictitious
democratic consensus on which the Regime rested, the legitimation of
Mussolini's plebiscitary and "popular participation" dictatorship. This
conception provided the rational substance of the transcendental
leadership of Fascism, as Fascism itself had come to understand it. This
rationale was not religious but philosophical. Mussolini did not govern by
God's will, but as the presumed embodiment of the common will.
More important than the struggle with the Church was the fact that the Italian
economic system inherited from Fascism allowed particular interests to
gather around private property in such numbers as to give a
particular imprint to entire classes and productive categories. The working
classes were concerned only with working conditions and wages, while the
wealthy classes were concerned only with
Under the capitalist production system, the Fascists argued, labor has no
intrinsic interest in the economic activities of the
nation because the workers are forced to worry only about their own
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These were the considerations that led the fascist theorists to ask for heavy
limitations on private property and an ever greater intervention of labor in the
management and direction of the enterprise. From these
considerations originated the boards of statutory auditors, the management
committees and the programs for sharing profits. Socialization would, in a
single blow, break the resistance of the possessing classes and introduce
work into the industrial enterprise, causing a fusion of interests such as to
allow the Fascist State to achieve that totalitarian unity to which Fascism had
always aspired.
And this was in fact Mussolini's final political and social conception: a
national socialism, containing all the elements of revolutionary
syndicalism fused with the nationalism caused by the crisis of the First
World War: all firmly cemented by neo-idealistic philosophy.
For Mussolini, the nation represented the ethnocentric community into which
men organize themselves in practice, as moral agents, to support the
struggle for life in the modern world. In its best and most valid expression,
even fascist racism was useful for this conception of the nation.
Mussolini's socialism, in turn, had as its logical foundation the total
identification of the individual, of the category and of the class, with the
nation. Socialization constituted Mussolini's last effort to implement this
identification through the elimination of particularistic centers of interest.
At the basis of the political and social system it was supposed to
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-IJ in Italy. For some, the defeat of the Axis Powers represents the
disappearance of a particular "Fascist Era", of a certain historical
period, that is, now happily outdated and quietly relegated to the books
dealing with a dead and buried past.
The inability on the part of some of the most acute political observers of the
our time to predict the political developments that would follow the end of hostilities,
after the second world war of our century, was, at least in part, a consequence
of the prevailing tendency to imagine the relations "Marxism" and
"Fascism" (however understood or misunderstood ) in a linear fashion, as if each
of the two occupied one end of a continuous line from 'Left' to 'Right', from 'extreme
liberalism' to 'authoritarianism'. Under the influence of this widespread conviction,
sociologists devised graduated scales of "voices" which reflected this
monolinearity by placing the "extreme liberal", i.e. "Marxist" points of view, as far
away as possible from the opposing points of view, i.e. "fascists". If Marxists
sinned, it goes without saying that
they sinned for good. In essence, experimental psychologists accepted the critical
ancillary assumptions characteristic of Marxist interpretations of contemporary
political movements. Marxists of all persuasions have reiterated the fact that Marxism
and its variants have always been, in essence, "democratic." Fascism,
whatever form it took (and Marxist commentators have included among fascist
movements political systems as diverse as the plebiscitary dictatorship of Louis
Napoleon and reformist "social democracy"),1 has always been considered
fundamentally "undemocratic". Consequently, sociologists have constructed
variable patterns of behavior which purport to distinguish between the two
ideologies in terms, for example, of 'universalism' and 'particularism',
'equality' and 'hierarchy'. The "left-wing movements" would be "universalistic and
egalitarian" and therefore, in reality, democratic, while the "right-wing movements"
would be "particularistic and hierarchical", and therefore fundamentally anti-
democratic. 2 The empirical studies conducted to experimentally identify the
"fascists" were governed by these auxiliary presuppositions. The result was one
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However, it soon became clear that "Fascism and Bolshevism, which until a
few decades ago were considered worlds apart, must increasingly be
recognized as having many very important common characteristics.
Their common hostility to civil liberties and political democracy; their common
dislike of parliamentary institutions, individualism and private initiative*;
their image of the political world as a struggle between morally irreconcilable
forces; the idea that all their adversaries secretly conspire against them and
their fondness for secrecy; their belief that all forms of power are, in a hostile
world, concentrated in very few hands and their aspirations to
concentrate and bring together all power; this set of characteristics shows that
the two extremes have much in common.' 4
The great hopes which animated the entire "anti-fascist" grouping throughout
the Second World War collapsed on the fact that the different variants of
Marxism were not essentially democratic, but essentially represented
totalitarian political systems as opposed to the parliamentary democratic
system as they were was Fascism. The typology used to classify the
various political systems before the war proved fundamentally flawed.
Marxism-Leninism and its variants, which proliferated after the end of hostilities,
had characteristics much more similar to those of Fascism than to those of
Liberalism and parliamentary democracy, which represents its
characteristic political expression. The gradual recognition of this fact
has led experimental scientists and political scholars to devise a system of
classification with which to make the investigation more effective in their field
of study.
The possibility of assuming this reinforces the conviction that Fascism, and
the variants of Marxism that today attract so much attention, are species of
the same race: totalitarianism. If Anglo-American political commentators
had not allowed themselves to be influenced by Marxist or para-Marxist
influence, this fact would have become apparent long before the war broke
out. Astute observers like Ely Halevy and Franz Borkenau said
the same thing. Halevy argued that the
Russian socialism, despite having sprung from the democratic and anti-
statist tradition of classical Marxism, had very soon begun to take
on the elitist, authoritarian, nationalist and statist traits typical of
Fascism, so much so that he was able to openly declare that "Bolshevism
is, literally, a fascism'". 10 Borkenau, in turn, went so far as to think that
Bolshevism was a "conscious and intentional imitation of
Fascism...". u
That this was the case should have been evident before the war, if Anglo-
American scholars had taken the trouble to treat Fascism as a serious
political movement and to inquire about its ideological commitments.
The fact is that both classical Fascism and contemporary Marxism
are rooted in the same ideological traditions and have some
fundamental normative beliefs in common.
Mussolini was a cultured and convinced Marxist. His definitive political
convictions represent a reform of classical Marxism in the direction of a
return to Hegelian elements. Gentile, a neo-Hegelian, conceived of
Marxism as a variant of Hegelianism and Fascism as its most coherent
current expression. Leninism, like Fascism, is heir to a heritage of the
same kind, which manifests itself, for example, in the conceptions of the
relationship between the individual and society and in the arguments
isomorphic with respect to the fascist ones, which provide the justification
for the respective practices totalitarian policies.
The similarity of the arguments that underlie both Marxism and Fascism is
revealed even in the most elementary analysis of the normative
claims of Marxism itself. Marx, even in his very first manuscripts, was
always concerned with formulating a
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theoretical conception of man. Its original conception was a vague "model" of man
as a social being, a simpler descriptive scheme, of course, of the being it
was intended to represent. As a model, it was designed to offer a concise
representation of the real, more complex and elusive being, and to facilitate
intimate knowledge. In the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Marx
reduced the model to the bone and the relationship between the individual and
"social being" always and regularly became that of identity. « The
individual is the social being. His life [...] is [...] an expression and confirmation of
social life. The individual life and that of the species (Gattungsleben) of man do not
differ… ». 12
Framed in this way, the model becomes a conceptual analytical scheme in which
the Hegelian legacy is recognizable, a legacy common to almost all left-wing
Hegelians of that period. Moses Hess, a Hegelian and mentor of both Marx and
Engels, identified this model with that of "modern German philosophy." «The
individual [...] according to contemporary German philosophy», stated Hess, «is
the species, the totality, the human
ity... ». 13 This vague and ambiguous conception always remained at the center
of Marx's theoretical discussions. "Man", Marx argued, "is the human world,
the state, society", and the essence of man is nothing other than "the ensemble
of social relations". 14
This conceptual assumption produced in Marx the conviction that "the real
science" of society can be founded only by making "the social relation of
'man to man' ... theory"; 15 and this relationship the fundamental principle of
was considered by him, in a certain sense, an identity. The theory that attempted
to explain this relationship drew its deductions from a whole series of descriptive
propositions that could be considered its premises. The propositions used for this
purpose were understood as broad empirical generalizations capable of producing
increasingly specific theorems, themselves subject to empirical confirmation, or
disprovement. The theory was expressed in terms of very broad (and therefore
vague) and successive laws according to which certain changes in the
productive forces would cause changes in the division of labor in society, which, in
turn, would lead to alterations in the relations of production. The very order in
which the various propositions are placed indicates the implications of the
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Marx defended his use of the theoretical scheme and of the initial
definition of man from which he had started, with typical arguments. He
believed that the concept of man he proposed: 1) was intuitively more
tenable than the mechanistic and atomist conception of "bourgeois" social
theory; 2) had precise empirical correspondents and, consequently,
could give rise to a whole variety of verification studies; 3) provided a
narrower range of phenomena to study. 13 All of this can be
expressed in the language of current theory building in social science.
But social science is ideally concerned with the formulation and
dissemination of "if-when" or "theoretical" propositions, and with
descriptive or explanatory treatments, which systematically refer to
recurring phenomena, for the purpose of prediction and control.
However, it does not admit among its legitimate interests the issue of
imperatives, or the identification of ideals towards which man should
tend. Marx's analysis, on the other hand, reached unmistakably normative
conclusions, expressed in terms of appeal rather than empirical judgment:
it led to the "doctrine that man is the supreme Being for man himself..."
and ended in the « categorical imperative to overthrow all the conditions
in which man is a being humiliated, enslaved, abandoned and
contemptible... ». 17 Marx's prose, especially that of his years is helpful
nili, is full of imperative force. "Man is the supreme being for man": 18 an
evident value joins the injunction; "we need to rekindle in the hearts [...] of
men their human conscience, freedom. Only this sentiment [...] can make
a community of men devoted to their supreme ends spring from a
society...". 19
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Thus, Marx's model of man was the basis of normative conclusions and at
the same time fulfilled scientific or purely descriptive functions. What
interests us here is the fact that a single, identical theoretical model
could fulfill these different functions. The initial concept was, in essence,
"normic", in the sense that, although it was a theoretical model having a
prima facie descriptive character, it also possessed a normative force
capable of providing support for imperatives.
Traces of the procedure exist almost everywhere, not only in Marx's early
writings, but also in the works of his maturity. In the notes he wrote, for
example, for his Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, he argued,
as we have seen, that "man is, in the most literal sense of the expression,
a zóon politikon, not merely a social animal but an animal that can become
an individual only in society.' 20
From the gnoseological point of view, this appears little more than a
deduction from the vague and presumed relationship of identity that was
thought to exist between the individual and society. But such a deduction
has a "vectorial force": it not only describes or defines, but tacitly
recommends. The deduction has persuasive force. The identification of
the conditions necessary for the implementation of the individual involves, psychologically,
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This concept of man was at the heart of the "humanism" of the Hegelian left. For
Moses Hess, it meant that "only as a social being is the human being truly and
truly alive", 22 while Marx argued that " personal existence is social activity
[...] My general consciousness is only the theoretical form of that of which the
real community, the social fabric, is the living form, even if nowadays the general
conscience (Gattungsbewusslsein) is an abstraction with respect to the real form
and as such opposes it antagonistically". 23
individual, he is not really a man; and, furthermore, that the interests of the "total" and of
the individual must ultimately coincide. Thus, the justifications of normative judgments
manage to assume an almost demonstrative character and have consequences for
social and political conduct.
Consequently, Marx's goal, i.e. the resolution of the social contradictions which
compromised what he called "the unity of the human essence [...] the practical identity
of man with man", 24 had to bring together justifications, both formal and empirical or
theoretical, and also had to provide the rationale for political conduct. In this sense, it has
a decidedly Hegelian character and implications: "individuality", "actualization" and
"freedom" are Hegelian "individuality", "actualization" and "freedom", the union of
particular with the universal. It is about the harmony of the self with the other. The
«emancipation of man», which constitutes Marx's explicit moral ideal during his first
revolutionary activity, is understood as «the genuine and harmonious life of the
species...», 25 which was to find expression (in the Manifesto of Communist Party) in
the search for "an association in which the free development of each is the condition
for the free development of all". 28
Marx tries to bridge the gap between "is" and "ought" by channeling
The passage from the descriptive to the normative field is possible only
because individuality, freedom and self-actualization are defined by
Marx in terms of social relations. Outside of social relationships,
strictly speaking, there is no individuality, no personality, no humanity.
If one accepts such a definition (essentially a redefinition, since it is
formulated to oppose the atomistic "bourgeois" definition of man), a
reasonably specific set of values follows (psychologically). What can
be opposed to Marx's values? Depersonalization,
inhumanity, slavery, humiliation? Marx's initial definition (proposed in
descriptive form), which identifies the individual with society, has
in itself sufficient strength to permit the ethical conclusions which
remained fundamental to the Marxist initiative throughout the life of
its founder and which now they provide the rationale that legitimizes
Leninist political action.
social relations; from this derives the prescriptive ideal of "human society" or "social
humanity". 29 In this way, what Marx had called man's "supreme end", namely his
fulfillment and freedom, the full development of his personality, 20 is only possible
within the intricate and harmonious network of human relationships socialists
implemented in harmoniously integrated social collectivities of various shapes, functions
and sizes. The perfection of man, the realization of the ego, requires the perfection of the
relationships and institutions of the society in which man himself lives. Society is
the essence of man; the better the society, the better the man. In this way Marxist ethics
conceives a substantial identity between collective interests and individual interests. Thus
Marxist philosophers argue that the distinctiveness of Marxist ethics is the resolution of
what "bourgeois" ethics holds to be the inevitable antagonism between the individual
and society. 31 Thus, the major achievement of Marxist ethics is thought to lie in the
"harmonization of the private interest of the individual with the collective or social
interest". 32 The fact remains that the presumed harmony is the analytical consequence
of defining the essence of man as the totality of social relations.
The identification of the individual with any human aggregate (society or the state)
fulfills a variety of tasks. The most important, for our purposes, is that of effectively
emptying the concept of freedom of any descriptive content. In the West, freedom
has traditionally been defined in terms of the absence of social and legal
impediments to an individual's freedom of action. Once the individual basically
identifies with his collectivity, impediment and absence of impediment lose their
descriptive meaning and freedom cannot be defined in a concrete way. Once such
an identification is accomplished, the individual constrained by his own collectivity is only
ostensibly constrained. Since the collectivity is a greater self, by submitting to its
demands the individual obeys a law which, in a certain sense, has given itself. He remains,
according to this logic, despite empirical constraint, the autonomous moral agent who
works freely to obey his truest self. Freedom and constraint merge and the needs of one
are no longer distinguishable from those of the other.
conflict with the interests of the community) and a real freedom (the
performance of acts that are in harmony with the interests of the community).
It means that the defenses of the individual against even the least restrictive
demands of the community are not further weakened by the requirement that the
individual himself justify to society any unlawful action.
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Marx effectively pointed out the inadequacies of the arguments put forward
by "bourgeois" philosophers in support of the "atomistic conception of man"
and rightly emphasized that the theses adduced to justify
psychological individualism were not convincing. There was no empirical
proof that man is an atom and society is an aggregate of atoms. The
conception of man opposed by Marx enjoyed more solid empirical proof and
could, with suitable semantic and syntactic specification, provide
the basis for very interesting verification studies.
But the Marxist conception of man led to the interpretation of individual
rights and freedoms as derivatives, and consequently posited a
postulate in favor of the interests of the community as an example of the
truest or most profound freedom of the individual.
Contemporary Soviet Marxists have drawn various conclusions from this
procedural presupposition: "Learning to live in a collectivity means
considering oneself an integral part of it and always remaining faithful to the guiding princip
collectivism: one for all and all for one. Anyone who assumes this attitude
as their rule of conduct harmoniously blends personal interests with those
of the community... The building of a new society, therefore, implies that
personal interests coincide with those of the community [...] the creative
effort illustrates the community and its components and is no longer the
expression of the subordination of personal interests to the common ones,
but the expression of their confluence [...] Anyone who violates the rules
of the community, abandons or even just humiliates their companions
deserves the heaviest criticism [...] Private life is the sphere in which a person lives
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And again: "When social interest is raised to the level of the principal
interest of the personality, then there is no renunciation of personal
interests, as the enemies of Marxism maintain, but rather personal interest
receives its maximum realization from this [. ..] The new, communist
ethic proclaims: think above all of social interests, 'conceive them as your
most important interests and in this way you will strengthen,
together with the collective one, your personal well-being ». 39
This type of reasoning provides the rational foundation for the logic of
substitutions which makes the will of the party the will of the proletariat, the
will of the proletariat the will of the Soviet people and the will of the Soviet
people the substantial will of mankind. To complete the legitimacy
of the totalitarian dictatorship is
it is only necessary to admit that the will of one man is in some way identical
with the will of the party. Under the iron laws of such a system of
identifications, any activity that is incompatible with the collective will as
expressed in the periodic programmatic statements of the
party, its leaders, and the laws of the state, is, prima facie, the product of
ignorance. or wickedness. Anyone who indulges in deviations of any sort
must either be educated (hence the growing emphasis still placed in the
Soviet Union today on the tutoring and pedagogical responsibilities of
party ideological bodies) or punished (the "builders of communism" are
admonished to be tireless in their fight against the "enemies of the people").
they are the true interests of the individual. But if the individual tries to argue that,
since there is an identity of interests between the individual and his community,
everything the individual does must be in the collective interest, he is
immediately accused of being a "petty bourgeois », defender of «outdated and
moribund ideas which are incompatible with the essence of the socialist order». 4S
One of the critical arguments of the armory used to defend totalitarian systems is the
logic of substitutions, which allows the identification of the individual with a
particular critical collectivity. Such an identification is central to Marx's
normative system and is clearly a Hegelian inheritance. The same argument,
as we have seen, is fundamental to Gentile's social and political philosophy and found
expression in the representative reasoning of Fascism. Ugo Spirito confirmed
that the rational foundation of Gentile's Fascism was "inspired by the Marxist
dialectic" and had as "its starting point the identification of the individual with the State...".
lism and provides the same possibility of substitution between leader and party. State.
Nation, class and individual interests of classic Fascism. In both systems, all interests
are conceived as harmonized, as an analytical consequence of the conception of a
"speculative" identity between the individual and his collectivity. The logic of substitutions
legitimizes the government of the single minority party and its leader. The leader and
the party speak in the ultimate interest of all. And since everyone's ultimate interests
are the same, only one representation of these same interests can be true.
The single party and its leader assume all the pedagogical, tutoring and initiative
functions which have by now become characteristics of the totalitarian political
Classical Marxism represents the evolution of a corpus of thought,
articulated for the first time around 1840. Marx and Engels, barely
twenty years old, dedicated themselves to the study of a secular humanism
which could succeed in "overturning all those conditions which make
man a being humiliated, enslaved, dissolute and contemptible... ». 50
They tried to make "self-awareness and freedom shine again in the hearts
of... men. Only this sentiment can transform a society into a community
of men dedicated to their supreme ends... ». 51
Marx had at heart the liberation of man, which he defined in his youth as
"the universal emancipation of man." As a profound and critical thinker
that he was, he could not be satisfied with a mere aspire
Given this theoretical interpretation, since Marx and Engels believed they
had discovered the "laws of social development" in the broadest generality of
the productive processes involving associated men, they also thought
they were able to make predictions about the future behavior of man.
Given that Marx claimed to have discovered the economic laws of society
"operating necessarily towards inevitable results", "immanent laws" which
"produce with the inexorability of the laws of nature" specific and
specifiable consequences, Marx and Engels believed
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These predictions were made on the basis of the thesis that consciousness
is an "outflow", an "echo" of the material conditions existing in the economic
substrate. Rich in the knowledge of economic circumstances
micas that govern the life of the working classes. Marx and Engels
believed they could easily predict a "spontaneous" revolutionary
consciousness of the proletariat. 57 Marx and Engels conceived the
proletariat as a "mass conscious of its own spiritual and physical misery",
induced to revolution precisely by the conditions prevailing in the productive
substratum of society itself. 58 His revolution could be considered
certain, independently of any party or leader. 59 The lowering of wages
below the minimum subsistence level, a process made inevitable by the
tendencies operating in the productive processes of capitalism, would
have created the conditions sufficient to make the revolution a
foreseeable necessity: 60 "The majority of the proletariat can do
nothing but starve or rebel". 61
Since the necessary and sufficient conditions for revolution can exist
only in countries with advanced capitalism, the revolution affects the
"immense majority" of men who have been reduced to the
proletarian state by mature capitalism. The communist revolution, therefore,
as Marx and Engels conceived it, would be "a self-conscious
and independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of
the immense majority itself".° 2 It would then be a clearly democratic
movement, produced by the same forces of history. Marx and Engels were
convinced that political movements reflected "the particular economic
situation" of each historical epoch. Consequently, they argued that the
proletarian revolution represented the active reaction of the vast majority
of men, proletarianized by the dominant production process in
advanced capitalist countries. The political expression of the
impoverishment of the masses was the revolution. The revolutions of past
times had been undertaken by tiny minorities at the head of passive and
unconscious masses. The proletarian revolution, on the other hand, was
conceived by Marx and Engels as vast, conscious and independent
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The "dictatorship of the proletariat" would not have been a dictatorship in the
current sense of the word. For both Marx and Engels, the model of this
"dictatorship" was the Paris Commune of 1871. The Commune provided for
universal suffrage and the popular representatives were entrusted with only
limited powers of representation, while they could at any time be subjected to a
referendum and revo
cati. 65 Marx stated that "nothing is more foreign to the spirit of the
Commune than the replacement of universal suffrage by a hierarchical
investiture". 66
progressed did not materialize. The proletariat was unable to give itself the
consciousness necessary for the revolution. In 1868, Engels complained that
the English proletariat had only succeeded in forming a "bourgeois consciousness".
87 Marx echoed the same fears in 1870.° 8 The relation of dependence
between revolutionary consciousness and "objective conditions" could already no
longer be proposed with the certainty required by the theory.
It is clear that, although the theoretical propositions of Marx and Engels were
formulated in vague and ambiguous language, Marxism was firmly convinced
that revolutionary consciousness derives from a deeper process in society.
The development of revolutionary consciousness was inevitable and would
have interested the great majority of men who worked in conditions of advanced
capitalism. This great majority would have rebelled and seized the
technical apparatus and factories produced by capitalism itself to erect the social
structure of socialism. A developed productive base, coupled with socialist
consciousness, both products of capitalism itself, would give birth to the
socialist society which was the conscious aspiration of the vast majority of men;
and this result would have satisfied the normative aspirations of classical
But, unfortunately for classical Marxism, the proletarian majority, which should
have assumed responsibility for this historic mission, failed to develop the
consciousness necessary for the task assigned to it. Revolutionary sentiment
developed in areas of the world whose objective conditions did not meet the
requirements of theory. Lenin found himself in a situation in which restless
revolutionary sentiment was organizing itself outside the countries
with advanced capitalism and found himself in the painful condition of
having to choose between the need to put a brake on revolutionary ardor while
awaiting further development of capitalism, in the hope that the latter,
according to Marx's predictions, would develop the necessary consciousness in
the working classes, and the need to modify classical Marxism and try to
generate the driving consciousness among the elementary masses
independently of, and if necessary against, the objective situation of society.
Lenin chose
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In two different places, therefore, and almost simultaneously, both Lenin and
Mussolini, socialist theorists and political leaders, introduced fundamental
changes in the weak theoretical structure of classical Marxism. These
changes were basically the same. They were both aristocratic and voluntaristic.
Lenin and Mussolini conceived of the majority as the instrument, rather than
the conscious agent, of social revolution.
This was the essence of the transformed socialism which animated their political
activity. Both conceived the socialist party as a centralized and hierarchically
ordered aristocracy of professional revolutionaries, burdened with the
historical responsibilities that classical Marxism had instead attributed to the
great majority of the conscious proletariat. Both Mussolini and Lenin led
revolutionary movements in economically backward countries. Both gained large
amounts of support from the non-proletarian masses, which Marx
always had
The division of society is based "on the insufficiency of production", which can
be overcome only in countries with advanced capitalism. Socialism, therefore,
can only arise from the productive base inherited from advanced capitalism.
Lenin, on the other hand, having devoted himself to the mobilization of
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Lenin, for his part, in State and Revolution, written on the eve of
the Bolshevik revolution, spoke as if Russia were already a
capitalistically mature nation. Only after the first six months of
Bolshevik rule did he admit that the first pressing problem facing his
minority government was that of increasing national production.
Since then, his orders were increasingly aimed at implementing this
goal: the expansion of production. Russia did not have the
problems that were studied by Marx and Engels. It was not a
country afflicted by the "absurdity of overproduction". The Russian
economy was largely agricultural and underproductive. Russia was
an underdeveloped nation. In April 1918, almost at the same
time that Mussolini was developing his own productivist
conceptions in Italy, Lenin announced that it would be necessary to
impose on revolutionary Russia "the organization of a very strict control [...] of
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But only after Lenin's death in 1924 did Bolshevism transform from international
socialism into national socialism. Lenin had foreseen a world upheaval
which would provide nascent socialism with the economic basis necessary for
socialist society. He waited for her in vain. Even after Lenin's death in 1924,
Stalin wrote that "the main task of socialism, that is, the organization of
socialist production, still has to be achieved. Can this aim be achieved, can
the victory of socialism be achieved in a single country, without the joint efforts
of the proletarians of several advanced countries? No, it's not possible ". 74
Only many months later, Stalin returned to his ideas and organized Russia
according to a broad program of rapid and demanding national
industrialization. Such a vast program required the organization of all
resources according to a highly centralized development plan. Bolshevism
became, like Fascism, a dictatorship for the development of the nation. The
development itself was being directed by a minority of men who held a
monopoly on the means of communication and information. A
program of accelerated industrialization was undertaken which required
dedication, discipline and sacrifice.
The single revolutionary party was entrusted with the task of imposing them on
the whole of society. This development of the Russian situation allowed Leo
Trotsky to argue that Stalinism and Fascism were "symmetrical phenomena". 75
The main product of the Stalinist era was a national, artificial but
efficient socialism, or if you prefer a Bolshevism. Its programmatic aims were
no different from those of revolutionary nationalism. All classes
and categories of the Soviet Union, although their status and salaries were
very different from one another, were urged to identify themselves with the
Soviet "fatherland". And so, during World War II, Russians of all classes were
called upon to
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that is, the existence of a strong and centralized state was required. The
concept of the strong state, whose will was identified with the substantial
interests of every citizen of any class, became fundamental to fascist
ideology. Leninism, for its part, still entangled in the theoretical hesitations
inherited from classical Marxism, proceeded in the same direction, but
the rational justification of its action was presented with
vague, confused and contradictory arguments.
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new political conception: "The state of all the people". Nikita Khrushchev announced
that the Soviet Union had produced a new political phenomenon, hitherto
unknown to history: that of a state which embodied the will not of one class or
some classes, but of the entire people. 86 And he let us know that « the Soviet state
of the dictatorship of
proletariat has become the state of all the people, expressing the will of all the people,
while the Communist Party has transformed itself from a party of the working class
into a party of all the people.' 87
The contribution made by Lenin to this involution of classical Marxism must be sought
in his concept of minority revolution and in the implicit voluntarism on which this is
based. 90 Stalin, in turn, transformed Marxism into a rationale for a national
Finally, Khrushchev put forward the concept of the "state of the whole people."
and even this only at the expense of some of the fundamental precepts
of Marxism.
Only totalitarianism, that is, the identification of the individual with his
collectivity, finds its indisputable rational foundation in the classical Marxism
of the nineteenth century. Again, the totalitarianism of classical Marxism,
compared with that of Leninism, was somewhat harmless. Marx
conceived the "communist consciousness", the intimate identification
of the individual with his society, as a determined product of a particular
stage of capitalist economic development, the spontaneous and
unrestrained "outflow" of the material conditions of life of the "vast majority of
men ". For Leninism, this awareness is the product of the pedagogical,
tutoring and sometimes terrorist control of the leading party.
The fact is that Soviet society, like many of the societies that were built
under the auspices of mass revolutionary regimes, has taken on
characteristics that are manifestly fascist. In 1957, about a decade after
Mussolini's death, Ugo Spirito, who was the leading proponent of
"integral corporatism" at the 1932 Fascist Congress in Ferrara, and Gentile's
most eminent philosophical heir, published his reflections on the Soviet
Union. The essay reveals the author's essential and critical continuity
observed between classical Fascism and the "State of all the people", as
manifested in a society that was once committed to "making the State
Soviet Union "the particular and the universal are intrinsically united in a
single expression of life [...] Russian communism has its roots in the reality of
a people who conceive the values of the community as the constituent
elements of their true life. Communion and faith are its main
characteristics... », and the myth is its sustaining force. 91 This is clearly the
same language in which Spirito expressed himself in his
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Contemporary national totalitarianism, its statism, voluntarism and elitism
find the most valid logical justifications in the arguments of classic
Fascism. With increasing frequency and ever more explicitly; the
fascist theses, expressed in the jargon of "socialism" and "democracy",
find their place in the ideological and doctrinal literature of contemporary
radical mass movements. This fact demonstrates the insufficiency
of the "theories on Fascism" proposed so far, particularly those of Marxist
motivated by prelogical feelings; this belief has given rise, among the
fascists, to a set of recurring and interconnected attitudes.
On the one hand, the influences to which the masses are
exposed must be carefully controlled; the masses harbor a great variety
of sentiments, some of which, under the influence of politically
dissident stimuli, may be directed to ends which only have the effect of
threatening what the regime deems to be "the national interest".
As a result of these considerations, the totalitarianism that develops
in relatively industrialized societies tends to adopt extensive censorship
controls, to disdain the masses, to be pessimistic, in essence, about the
capacities of its subjects towards constancy and virtue. Mussolini's
judgments concerning the endemic limitations of the masses are too well
known to be repeated again, and no less well known are Hitler's.
Class movements, on the other hand, which originally harbor the belief
that society is composed of various groups of men, each well aware of
his particular and specific interests, tend to be optimistic, at least as
regards the malleability of human nature. . Classist movements, whatever
their practical action, rarely express with
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first stage of the Leninist programme. Therefore, the various types of socialism
that have recently appeared in Africa.
they have all clearly and profusely stated that no form of classical Marxism is suited to the
African situation.
Prior to the military coup that deposed Nkrumah, JH Mensah, chairman of Ghana's
National Economic Planning Commission, explained that it was impossible to apply
"traditional Marxist theory" to Ghana, which "aims at the reorganization of existing
property ownership," because "in all senses, the means of production [in Ghana] do not
exist". The real problem to which the "socialists" should have devoted themselves "is
not the restructuring of the ownership of the means of production. The primary
concern must be the building up of a reserve of the nation's productive resources.' 95
Since the appeal is addressed to the people, distinct from any component class,
stratum or productive category, the appeal itself, as we have already said, must be
primitive, general and more emotional than gnoseological. Thus we discover
that Senghór speaks of political "myths" that inspire the masses to serve the national
purpose and Quaison-Sackey, of Ghana, refers to the "faith" of the "people", by
virtue of which they are "induced to action... ". 98
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The distinction that the fascists made between themselves and socialists of
any kind was based mainly on the adoption of the formula "solidarity among
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the driving force of the people themselves, can lead the country to the
building of socialism... ». 104
But African socialism is neither fully totalitarian nor fully fascist. Some
of the structural and organizational characteristics typical of totalitarian and
fascist society are technically conditioned.
Effective totalitarian control over communications, security and defense
institutions, and the economy, for example, require as a necessary
condition elaborate infrastructures that do not exist at all in Africa south of the
Sahara and north of Limpopo. Furthermore, the militarism, expansionism and
aggressiveness, which were important characteristics of Fascism in the
developed countries of Europe, are currently impossible in the
underdeveloped countries of Africa. This indicates that with the development
of an adequate industrial base, precisely these characteristics will manifest
themselves in African countries. If the attitudes assumed by Nkrumah's
Ghana indicate anything, they exactly indicate that such an eventuality is not
improbable. Furthermore, given an adequate industrial and military base, the
effort of black Africa to solve the problem of a white southern Africa could well
take on the character of a military adventure. To all this, one can
add the potential for violence
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Totalitarianism is a form of authoritarianism that develops in a period of
nationalism and rapid industrial development. It is a reaction to some
critical and pervasive problems of the twentieth century. The
mass revolutionary movements propose, starting from various historical
and cultural traditions and from areas with different levels of
industrial organization, ideologies that show many affinities with each
other. These ideologies share one or other of several characteristics
and represent different species of the same political race. They all
include some form of guiding principle which makes one man
responsible for functions ordinarily devolved to various bodies in
parliamentary regimes; they are all essentially elitist, with a strategic organization
and functional framed in a single party that does not allow any
organized opposition. The single party becomes the fundamental
institution for the reorganization of society. Effective control of the
media, the instruments of security and coercion, and the direction of
the economy pass into the hands of a political aristocracy. Entire societies
are politicized. The arguments used by the mass movement to proselytize
and support a certain policy take the form of a particular
revolutionary ideology which subsequently becomes the statutory
myth of the regime. The constitution of . such a society has, as a
predictable byproduct, a society with a high degree of conformity, ritual
compliance, and institutional anxiety. 112
What we have been talking about are totalitarian mass regimes led by
a single party. But there is also a type of one-party-led mass
revolutionary regimes that do not have totalitarian aspirations. Such
regimes, such as Kemal Ataturk's and Sun Yat-sen's Chinese
regimes, may meet all the requirements of mass revolutionary regimes and yet not
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Equally, Gramsci, in 1927, wrote that Fascism was not only "a bodyguard
of the bourgeoisie", but also a "social movement".
110 Gramsci admitted that the definition of Fascism as a simple
"armed reaction" led to erroneous conclusions. He also recognized that
Fascism's sources of recruitment were essentially the urban petty
bourgeoisie and the new agrarian bourgeoisie, but argued
nevertheless that various circumstances had provided Fascism with
an "ideological unity" which allowed the movement to oppose the
traditional political leaders with a essentially anti-liberal and
potentially totalitarian ideological system. 119 Angelo Tasca also
understood Fascism as a movement which, for its own political ends,
had imposed strategic and functional political controls on all the
classes represented in Italian social and economic life. 120
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if [...] Instead of [...] controlling fascism, the big capitalists were controlled
by it and were forced to subordinate their impulses to profit to the
demands of the fascist state as organizer of national aggression
». 123
Fascism, that is, which has been the subject of the study of this volume,
provides its most coherent and solid expression. All the other
totalitarian movements have either wholly or predominantly adopted the
ideology of Fascism, or they have been forced, by the logic of the social
and political situation, of proselytism, mobilization and control, to create its analogue.
Eugen Weber has recently pointed out that the rational foundation of
Fascisms which develop in substantially agricultural,
underdeveloped and underindustrialised environments, whose base is
generally peasants, and which are led by declassed intellectuals, assume
the characteristics of African "slave" cults. The functional and
organizational myths used are myths of community union by functional
analogy with the fascist myths. 129 Romanians, for example, in a largely
agricultural nation, saw themselves as a colony population governed
by a small clique of foreign capitalists. In 1938, the Romanian Encyclopedia
stated that "all the manufactured articles sold in our provinces come
from Austria and Prussia [...] our goods are bought at very low prices, like
those of any other colony...". Foreign capital and control created a
situation of constant danger for Romania, that is, the danger "of
remaining forever, openly or covertly, a colony of foreigners.
This not only keeps national life in a state of poverty, exploitation and
slavery, but also slowly leads to political servitude and the suffocation
of any attempt to conquer in the world the place to which Romania has a
right". 130
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neither necessary nor sufficient for the emergence or for the political
success of fascist movements, recognized as such even in the ambit
of traditional interpretations. The success of Peronism in Argentina and that of
Codreanu in Romania did not require the simultaneous presence of a strong
classist opposition movement. The existence of this opposition
obviously facilitates the proselytism of the fascist mass movements in
situations where there are well-articulated classes and productive
categories. The price that the fascist movements have to pay for this
proselytism is an attenuation and even a possible failure of their revolutionary
goals. Fascist movements in Europe have historically only come to power
with the help of clearly non-fascist allies.
In the case of Italian Fascism, the struggle between conservative and
revolutionary elements behind the facade of the monolithic regime continued
throughout the twenty years and during the war years, years in which there
was a massive betrayal of the regime by conservative elements who found
themselves in key positions of the state, economy and military high commands.
Only with the catastrophe of the military defeat did the fascist movement
manage to separate itself from the conservative elements that had helped it to
come to power. Freed from the weight of these "allies", Fascism
clearly revealed itself as a radical revolutionary movement. The circumstances
which accompanied National Socialism in Germany were similar in many
important respects. National Socialism came to power with the connivance
of the landed and strategic aristocracies of the old regime.
Some commentators have deliberately misinterpreted this fact, to imply that
National Socialism was a movement dedicated to the protection of vested
interests. 133 The conservative forces that had allied themselves with
National Socialism, on the other hand, soon had to capitulate in the face of its
evident power. National Socialism, like Italian Fascism, was intrinsically neither
pro-capitalist nor anti-worker,134 but attempted to build a society in which
classes, categories and denominations merged into a general
charismatic community.
Fascisms of this type develop in industrial communities where the classes are
sufficiently articulated and vital and where there is a traditional aristocracy
under the threat of being overthrown or downgraded. These forces lend their aid
to the fascist movements and either absorb them, as in the Spanish case, or
hold them back, as in the case, for a period of
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capital investment than it has ever required before in the history of national
industrialization. Furthermore, it tends to require substantial changes in the
traditional structure of society, a structure which generally prevents
rapid technological change. 137 It seems that for rapid development revolutionary
ideologies are needed that are designed to destroy traditional loyalties and
conventions: ideologies that favor the revolutionary change of the current
pattern of rights and duties and also favor the political centralization of the
processes of deliberation, decision and direction. Such ideologies, in order
to implement their historic mandate, must, strictly speaking, attempt to
reduce individual anxiety
during times of great moral tension and long sacrifice, by increasing collective
self-confidence through the use of collective ritual, exhortation and self-
censorship. Such attempts involve, to be minimally successful, the control of
information and the systematic suspension of dissidence. Furthermore,
these ideologies are asked to provide the basis for common sentiments, to
indicate goals shared by all and to communicate a sense of identity and
collective solidarity which is the basis of spontaneous discipline and habitual
conformity. Consequently, it is to be expected that such ideologies make less
and less reference to the existence of internal class enemies, instead trying to
shift the hostilities that discipline and sacrifice tend to generate against real or
imaginary external adversaries. They tend to explicitly reject all forms of political
liberalism, individualism and pluralism, which are the natural products of liberalism,
and to give ever greater importance to the organic and natural character of the
national society. 138 In essence, these ideologies tend to assume ever
more clearly the typical characteristics of classic Fascism, that is, of the first
fully articulated ideology born in the twentieth century in defense of a national
and socialist totalitarianism.
required by the quoted text. See also CJ Friedrich, "The Unique Character of
Totalitarian Society", in Totalitarianism, edited by CJ Friedrich, New York 1964,
pp. 52 and following, and R. Aron, Democratie et totalilarisme, Saint Amand
1965, pp. 287 et seq.
7 VI Lenin, "Revolution and the State", in Selected Works. Moscow, 1964, XXV,
9 In 1905 Lenin argued that the democratic "elective principle" can govern the
organization of the Party only in "situations of political freedom"; this would
suggest that in a political democracy a Leninist party would have to abandon
the characteristics of hierarchical "democratic centralism" needed in an
autocratic political environment.
See Lenin, « General Plan of the Decisions of the Third Congress », in
Selected Works, VIII, 186, See A. Meyer, op. cit., chap. 5.
10 Cfr. R. Luxemburg, The Russian Revolution and Leninism and Marxism Ann
,Arbor 1962.
19 E. Nolte, The Three Faces of Fascism, New York 1966, p. 240. (ir.:it.: The
three faces of fascism, Mondadori, Milan 1971).
23 L. Trotsky, Fascism: What It Is; How to Fighi II, New York 1944, p. 11.
Cfr. R. De Palme Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolution, New York 1934, p.
1963, chap. V; WG Runciman, Social Science and Politicai Theory , New York
1965, pp. 150 per segg.
27 R. De Felice, History of Italian Jews under Fascism. Einaudi, Turin 1962, p. 286.
29 “We must keep in mind that human life is sacred. Why? Because man is
spirit and as such possesses absolute value. Things are the means, men are the
ends.' CF, p. 35.
31 Cf. WG Runciman, op. cit., chap. Vile; I. Berlin, "Does Political Theory
Styles Exist?" », in Philosophy, Politics and Society, Second Series, edited by P.
Laslett and WG Runciman, Oxford 1964, pp. 1-33.
32 cfr. T. Pirker, Comintern and Fascism: Documentary on the history and theory
of fascism, Stoccarda 1966; IM Cammett, «Communist Theories. of Fascism,
1920-1935 », in Science and Society, XXXI, (Primavera 1967), pp. 149-63;
L. Fetscher, "On the Critique of the Western Marxist Concept of Fascism," in Karl
Marx and Marxism, Monaco 1967, pp. 219-37.
38 J. F. Brown, Psychology and thè Social Order, New York 1936, pp. 337-
First of all, the fact that the British Union Movement had attracted, for all
purposes and purposes, only National Socialist sympathizers since its
pre-war incubation period. A study of the content of its doctrinaire and
propaganda literature clearly shows the predominance of National
Socialist themes. From the end of the war on, Mosley's movement
exploited racial tensions in Britain. Indeed, the sample represents, if it
represents anything, National Socialist beliefs as they were understood
by Englishmen.
43 Cfr. H. S. Hughes, Consciousness and Society, New York 1958 (tr. it. :
Coscienza e società, Torino 1967 - N.d.R.), p. 272; R. Michels, First
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Lectures in Politicai Sociology, New York 1965, pp. 113-15, 119, 126, 128, 131, 137,
153; C. Gini, « The Scientific Basis of Fascism », in Politicai Science Quarterly,
XLII (marzo 1927).
1 N. Colajanni, Latins and Anglo-Saxons, Rome 1906, pp. 370 and following.
1916, p. 190.
5 V. Pareto, The Mind and Society, New York 1935, II, par. 855.
6 Cfr. J. Meisel, The Myth of thè Ruling Class: Gaetano Mosca and thè « Elite »,
7 See Pareto, Course of political economy, Turin 1949, II, par. 624, 659-662.
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9 Cfr. J. Burnham, The Machiavellians, Chicago 1943. (tr. it.: / difensori della
10 See G. Lundberg, Can Science Save Us?, New York 1961, for a typical
formulation of contemporary sociological positivism. See P.
Sorokin, Contemporary Sociological Theories, New York 1928, p. 40 e sec.
13 In this exhibition we refer to Systems because the work appears during the
period we are dealing with. The Treaty was only published in 1916 after Mussolini
had already formulated his own fundamental political and social concepts.
22 Ibid., p. 219.
23 ibid., p. 234
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid., p. 115.
34 Ibid., p. 116.
36 Ibid., p. 45.
38 V. Pareto, The Mind and Society, II, par. 868, III, par. 1397.
40 Ibid., p. 85.
44 See Pareto, Systems, p. 25; G. Mosca, Ruling Class, p. 51, see 154 et seq., 184,
187. Gumplowicz proposes these conceptions in all his works, but we find them
expressed in Soziaiphilosophie im Umriss, Innsbruck 1910, pp. 123-127 in a particularly
explicit way. See L. Gumplowicz, Rechtsstaat und Socialismus, p. 500.
47 L. Gumplowicz, The State of Right and Socialism, pp. 111-14. 503-505; V. Pareto,
System, pp. 24-36; G. Fly, Elements..., p. 105 and segg.
52 W. G. Summer, Folkways, New York 1960, pp. 541, n. 75; 543, n. 69; 547, nn.
3 e 5; 574.
62 All commentators of Sore! speak of this deficiency, of which Sorel himself was
aware. See G. Sorel, Reflections on Violence, Glencoe 1950, pp. 31-34.
63 H. Barth, Mass and Myth: The Theory of Dewalt: Georges Sorel, Amburgo
1959, pp. 10 e seg., 18 c seg.; E. von Beckerath, Essence and
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Were the Fascist States, Berlin 1927, p. 26; J. Variot, Proposals of Georges Sorel, Parigi 1935, pp.
31, 261; Cfr. commonplace Fr Andreu, Sorel, Our Master, Rome, 1966. p. 256.
84 Cfr. J. Meisel, The Genesis of Georges Sorel. Ann Arbor 1951. p. 41, n.
91: G. Sorel, op. cit., p. 73. n. 11.
68 See Introduction by V. Racca to G. Sorel, Critical essays on Marxism, Milan 1903, p. 12. ,
70 G. Sorel, Reflections. pp. 100-1 189. 194. Cfr. G. Sorel, Saggi, pp. 101-1 38-40: I.
Horowitz, op. cit., pp. 100-1 60 e sec.
72 Cfr. G. Sorel, « Unity and Multiplicity », in Reflections. pp. 279-300. e anche p. 247.
77 Ibid., p. 154.
79 V. Pareto, Systems, p. 27; Mind and Society, IV, par. 2182, 2184 e seg.,
2189 e seg.
83 Cf. F. Engels, "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", in K.
Marx and F. Engels, op. cit., II, 317-321; SW Moore, The Critique of Capitalist
Democracy, New York 1957, chap. 1; J. Bahlon, Hegel und die Marxistische
Staatslehre, Bonn 1963, pp. 132-141.
92 Ibid., p. 57.
96 Ibid., p. 48
99 Ibid., p. 144.
109 G. Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of thè Popular Mind, Londra 1952, p.
41. Le Bon speaks of « crowds » instead of a social elements »; however, the term "crazy"
for Le Bon indicates variously composed and structured social groups. In the generic term
"crazy" he includes sects, parties, castes, classes and nations. To simplify the exposition, we
will call these various types of social groups by the generic term of "social elements". See Book
III, chap. THE.
12° Ibid.
127 See E. Corradini. Political speeches, Florence, 1923. pp. 85-87, 128-130,
132-134; The will of Italy, Naples, 1911, pp. 116-120 199-201; Tripoli time. Milan,
1911. p. 227-241.
129 E. Corradini, Political speeches, pp. 36 and following; The unity and power of
nations, Florence, 1922, p. 61, 89-91; Italian nationalism, Milan. 1914, p. 5.
132 E. Corradini, The unity and power of nations, pp. 208 et seq.
142 For a synthetic exposition of Corradini's ideas cf. J. Mannhardt, Der Faschismus,
Munich 1925, pp. 113-134.
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143 Against parliamentarianism was written in 1895 and reprinted in the subsequent
editions of S. Sighele's Intelligence of the Crowd (Turin, 1922).
All references to Sighele's work are made to the aforementioned edition.
144 H. Barnes and II.E. Becker, op. cit.. III, 1008 et seq. date the publication
Stratico, Collective psychology (Milan sd, but perhaps from 1905), p. 26.
145 Cfr. H. Spencer, The Study of Sociologv, Ann Arbor. •61, pp. 44 e seg.
147 L. Gumplowicz, Die sociologica Staatsidee, p. 211. See G. Le Bon, op. cit., 27.
150 G. Le Bon, op. cit., p. 187. Cf. S. Sighele, op. cit.. p. 99.
wrote the Sozialphilosophie in Vmriss in 1910, Sighele's ideas were already an integral part
of his cultural heritage. lo6 See Pareto, Corso, II,
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about. 1036.
157 E. Corradini, Pages of the sacred years, Milan, 1920, pp. 134-137.
158 E. Corradini, Political speeches, p. 38; see The will of Italy, pp. 161-165.
164 "Manifesto of Futurism", in FT Marinetti. Futurism and fascism, Foligno, 1924, p. 21.
ifio « pri nio futurist political manifesto, 1909 », in FT Marinetti, op. cit., p. 22; and E.
Corradini, Political speeches, p. 196.
169 Cfr. R. T. Clough, Futurismi The Story of a Modern Art Movement, New York 1961, p.
172 See R. Michels, First Lectures in Politics and Sociology, p. 63. Michels cites Moscow
Elements and Pareto Systems in this general sense; see
Political Parties, p. 16, no. 7; see also Fr. 379.
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182 R. MacGregor-Hastie, The Day of thè Lion: The Rise and Fall of
Fascisi Italy (1922-1945), New York 1963, p. 29.
they asserted, ready to swear by it, that Benito Mussolini's eyes were
definitely blue. Now, if it is possible to argue about such elementary
empirical facts, one cannot but wonder how much caution should be
exercised in making summary judgments concerning mental states,
moral predispositions, and psychological characteristics.
there was talk of suicide but it could have been a way in which Mussolini
suppressed evidence and eliminated a witness ».
This passage, which begins with the "presumed" Luetic infection and ends
with a phrase that suggests that Mussolini "could" have had people
assassinated who might have diminished his figure, is instructive.
The proof of the alleged infection is taken from a book by Paolo Monelli that
saw the light in 1950. In 1953 Giorgio Pini and Duilio Susmel published the
first volume of a four-volume biography of the Duce, Mussolini: the man
and the work. In this volume they examined all the existing evidence regarding
the illness Mussolini contracted in 1907. Arnaldo Pozzi told them that
Mussolini's medical records and the painstaking autopsy to which his
body was subjected failed to reveal even the slightest trace of luetic
infection. . Mussolini's ailment was diagnosed in September 1907 as "acute
gonorrhea" by a specialist in Bologna.
MacGregor-Hastie refers to the work of Pini and Susmel in his notes and in his
biography, and yet prefers to ignore the results of their investigation. The
fact that the proofs adduced by Pini and Susmel are irrefutable is indicated
by the fact that Renzo De Felice in Mussolini the Revolutionary
(1965), certainly not an apologist for Mussolini himself,
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Even for those unfamiliar with historical facts, this story is strange. If Mussolini
had had no difficulty in assassinating a witness who might have defamed
him, why would he have allowed one of his former mistresses, whom he
infected with syphilis, to languish until her natural death in 1935? Or, while
we're at it, would he allow his illegitimate son, Benito Albano, legally
recognized by him, to continue to live until 1942, a flesh-and-blood testimony
of his venereal disease? If Mussolini had no difficulty getting rid of
witnesses, logically the first candidates for violent death should have been
was born PII November 1915 (not 1909). This puts the whole in a completely
different light
affair. By that time, Mussolini had solidified his relationship with Rachele
Guidi, who, with a civil ceremony, would become Rachele Mussolini in 1915,
and who had already given him two children, Edda, born in 1910 and Vittorio, born
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in September 1915. Neither Rachele, nor Edda, nor Vittorio had contracted syphilis.
If Megaro were right, not only could Mussolini be accused of "literary fraud", but
also Child, the American ambassador in Rome between 1921 and 1924, of
conspiracy and gross lying. In the introduction to the book in question, Child
says he received the manuscript from Mussolini's hands. The explanation is not
difficult. Megaro has misinterpreted a passage from the Life of Arnaldo. In it
Mussolini says he asked Arnaldo (and not Child) to write a book on mate
rial that he. Mussolini, he would have provided. Today we know that Mussolini
decided not to personally undertake the task of writing his own biography
because he was too absorbed in government responsibilities. But, in any case,
he had an interest in having the volume published in translation and with favorable
commentary in English-speaking countries. He therefore resolved to provide
Arnaldo with the documents necessary for a biography he himself wrote when he
was 28 years old and asked him to draw up a minute which would then be read by
himself and changed or approved. Arnaldo completed the work of editing
the volume under the constant supervision of his brother Benito. One would
therefore say that it was not 1) a "literary fraud" as "shameless" as Megaro would
like us to believe, 2) that Child was not the author of the work in any sense
of the word and, 3) , that all the confusion arose from Megaro's misinterpretation of
a passage in Italian.
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7 The novel was translated into English after a few years and published under the
title of Benito Mussolini. The Cardinal's Mistress, translated by H. Mothervvell, New
York 1928.
12 see A. Mever, Leninism, New York, 1957, pp. 195-197. I. Lapenna, Stale
and Law: Soviet and Yugoslav Theory, New Haven 1964. adequately discusses
the developments of Lenin's theory of the state.
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13 S. Bedeschi and R. Alessi, op. cit., p. 26; M. Sarfatti, Dux, Milan, 1929, p. 51;
P. Alatri, op. cit.. p. 256
14 Works, I, 92; II. 31, 123. 366; III, 47. 67. 197, 314, 365, 366, 367: IV, 153;
V, 96, 327; 6, 9, 78.
21 E. Susmel, Mussolini and his time, Cernusco sul Naviglio 1950, p. 34.
23 « The man and the divinity », Opera, XXXIII, 6 et seq. This thesis reappears in
"Edmondo De Amicis", Opera, I, 106.
24 F. Engels, Anti-Duehring.
25 « The man and the divinity », Opera, XXXIII, 22 et seq. In 1908. the same
thesis was" expressed in the following ... Marx places in the material interest
way: "the main driving force of human actions and considers all the ideological
superslrullure of society (art, religion, morals) as the reflection and portal of
the economic conditions and more precisely of the way of economic
production', 'Karl Marx'. Opera. I, 103.
34 « Socialism and social movement in the 19th century », Opera. I. 43. Cf. F.
Engels. « The Origin of thè Family, Private Property and thè State ». in: K.
Marx e F. Engels, Selected Works. II. 317 f.
36 “Karl Marx”. Opera. I. 103. Cf. "Socialism and social movement in the
nineteenth century". Opera. I.44.
37 "The man and the divinity", Opera, XXXIII, 18, cf. pp. 22 et seq.
work for the triumph of human reason and the destruction of dogmas.
Because only with the death of all the gods, will the life of all men be fertilized!
» (Ibid., pp. 27, 36). He maintained that « science has already destroyed God...
» (« Sport dei coronati », Opera, I, 32). He wanted to "free the brains from
the religious absurdity" and advocated the substitution of the "pagan concept of
life" for the Christian one ("The horrors of the cloister", Opera, I, 38).
"We are definitely anti-Christians and we consider Christianity as the Immortal
stigmata of opprobrium...". (« Black freedom », Opera, I, 111).
The aim of the movement was, for him, the "collectivization of property". ("Of Swiss
socialism in Switzerland", Opera, I. 23).
49 « My life from 29 July 1883 to 23 November 1911 », Opera, XXXIII, 257; My life,
p. 27; G. Pini and D. Susmel, op. cit., I, 72 et seq.; 82 and following.
51 « The hooligan », Opera. I, 92; "Karl Marx", Opera. 1, 103 and following. See V.
Pareto, Systems, pp. 26 et seq.
35 K. Marx, « Contribution... », Early Writings, p. 59. See S. Muore, Three Tactis: The
Background in Marx, New York, 1963, pp. 14-16. See Mussolini's comments
in « The program of the Socialist Party », Opera, V. 327.
56 See B. D Wolfe, Marxism: 100 Years in the Life of a Doctrine, New York. 1965,
chap. 9, (tr. it.: One Hundred Years of Marxism, Milan 1970, Editor's note).
58 Ibid., p. 325.
61 F. Encels, "On Authority," in K. Marx and F. Engels, op. cit., I, 635 and segg.
65 "Between books and magazines", Opera, II, 248 and following; R. Michels,
The economic man and cooperation, Turin 1909.
69 G. Pini and D. Susmel, op. cit., I, 72; R. De Felice, Mussolini, p. 40, no. 4.
75 «The historical value of socialism», Opera, VI, 80, 81; see « The reasons for the so-
called 'Pacifism*', Opera, V, 134.
76 "The desperate enterprise", Opera, VI, 51; see « The development of the party »,
Opera, V, 122.
77 « The development of the party », Opera, V, 122 and following; « From Guicciardini to...
Sorel », Opera, IV, 171-174; « Socialism and syndicalism », Opera, IV, 207 et seq.
78 «The Congress of Modena», Opera, IV, 237; «From Guicciardini to... Sorel», Opera, IV,
91 Ibid., p. 186.
92 "We have no formulas"; "The need for socialist politics in Italy", Opera, I, 17.
106 "The Congress of Brest", Opera, V, 94; "The current value of socialism",
Opera, VI, 182.
107 K. Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy, Moscow, sd, p. 196; « Social evolution and
class struggle », Opera, II, 31.
112 RB Perry, The Thought and Character of William James, Cambridge, Mass., 1948,
pp. 313-316. See Mussolini's references to Leonardo in "La Voce", Opera, II, 53; and G.
Papini, Pragmatism, Florence 1943, p. 7.
114 W. James, Pragmatism, New York 1955, pp. 47, 61, 107, 167.
116 Y. De Begnac, Palazzo Venezia, p. 118. Perry says he took this reference from an
interview in 1926. (RB Perry, op. cit., p. 317).
119 "Notes and readings", Opera, IV, 46. This constitutes the "pragmatism" of syndicalism;
see "City Chronicle: Tancredi Conference", Opera, IV, 79.
124 "At work", Opera, III, 5 and following, "The historical value of socialism", Opera, VE 82.
128 "The syndicalist theory", Opera, II, 125; see "At work", Opera, III, 7; « The general strike
and violence », Opera, II, 163-168; « Declaration », Work, II, 5; "The Paris
Commune", Opera, II, 41.
130 "In the dead season", Opera, II, 256; « The 'sinisters* to the rescue', Opera, V, 91; «
'I Canti di Faunus* by Antonio Bellramelli », Opera, I. 196.
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134 "At work", Opera, III, 5. In "Al largo" (Opera, VI, 5) Mussolini deals with some
empirical propositions held to be true by Marxists. He himself considers valid the affirmations
according to which poverty increases and the concentration of capital is continuous
in a capitalist regime. However, one can swear by their validity and still not be an orthodox
The distinction arises from the different interpretations of these propositions in the context
of an entire theoretical system. Mussolini did not accept the 'positivist* interpretation,
to which he preferred a 'pragmatist* or 'idealist' interpretation, which can allow
the will and the conscience of ends to act as determinants in any judgment on
political possibilities.
138 « Polemical intermezzo: political struggle and class struggle », Opera, VI, 279.
141 "A fall", Opera. i. 10; « The strike of the roadmen; Zivio », Opera. II.
147 G. Barni, « Tripoli and syndicalism », in Free Panine. V. n. 23-24. 1-15 December
152 « The current political situation and political parties in Italy », Opera, III, 288.
lo5 « The concentration of wealth and the 'failed prophet*', Opera, III, 308.
156 "From absolute neutrality to active and operative neutrality", Opera, VI, 400 et seq.
157 «The Mussolini-Tancredi controversy: between straw and bronze », Opera, VI, 391.
158 « The resignation as director of 'Avanti!' », Work VI, 404-408; see AND.
Nolte, op. cit., pp. 170 and following.
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159 « The international situation and the attitude of the party », Opera.
VI, 427.
4 "'If they think they have gagged me they are wrong*", Opera, VII, 46.
8 "The need for intervention", Opera, VII, 66, "For the freedom of peoples,
for the future of Italy", lbid.., 78.
10 «The duty of Italy», Opera, VII, 101; see «The inevitable trial», lbid.,
p. 189.
15 "Il sangue è sangue!" », Opera, Vili, 32; cf. "'Until the end*", ibid., p. 84
16 "For the freedom of peoples, for the future of Italy", Opera, VII, 77.
19 "War of peoples", Opera. VII, 73, 72; cf. "Ombres e penumbres", Opera. VII, 341-343.
22 "For the freedom of peoples, for the future of Italy". Opera. VII. 79.
36 « In the Italian trade union world; shooting adjustments », Opera, XII, 250.
44 ibid., p. 325
46 "Discourse of Trieste", Opera, X, 216; « Babel and the rest », Opera, XVIII.
235 et seq. The same conviction was reaffirmed in 1924; see « We need
light of thought, of culture, of ideality », Opera, XXI, 160 et seq.
48 «In the wake of the great philosophies: relativism and fascism», Opera, XVII,
50 « The programmatic lines of the Fascist Party », Opera, XVII, 174 et seq.
51 « 'I remain the head of fascism* » Opera, XIX. 63; "The Fascist Programme".
Opera, XVII, 221.
55 "Fascist action and doctrine in the face of the historical needs of the
nation", Opera, XVIII, 419.
61 ibid.
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65 « Between the old and the new: 'Navigare necesse*', Opera, XIV, 231 et seq.
89 Y. De Begnac, Palazzo Venezia, p. 133; see pp. 178 and following, 212 and following.
71 « Inaugural speech at the second Congress of the Fasci », Opera, XIV, 468.
74 « Program and statutes of the National Fascist Party », Opera, XVII, 335.
77 "Fascist action and doctrine in the face of the historical needs of the nation".
Opera, XVIII, 414.
80 "Fascist action and doctrine in the face of the historical needs of the
nation", Opera, XVIII, 415.
83 «In the wake of the great philosophies: relativism and fascism», Opera, XVII,
86 See "To the Fascists of Lombardy", Opera, XVI, 174; « After two years »,
Ibid., p. 212; « Speech in Piazza Beigioioso », Ibid., p. 300; « Preface
to the program », Opera, XVII, 352.
88 « In the Italian trade union world: shooting adjustments », Opera, XII, 250.
90 "Speech in Piazza Beigioioso", Opera, XVI, 300; see "Salandra", Ibid., 320;
«Discourse of Verona», Ibid., 335; «Discoveries», Opera, XVII, 186.
93 "Where Lenin reigns", Opera, XVII, 78; see « French syndicalism: a declaration-
programme », Opera, XIV, 247
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94 "Fascist action and doctrine in the face of the historical needs of the
nation", Opera, XVIII, 419.
99 Ibid., p. 43.
106 K. Marx, Das Kapital, W'erke, Berlin 1962, XXIII, 346. It is translated into
"man... is a social animal" in Capital, Moscow 1954, I, 326.
pp. 260-262.
112 B. Giuliano, The political experience of Italy, Florence 1924, pp. 198-204.
114 S. Panunzio, The Fascist State, Bologna, 1925, p. 51. See S. Panunzio,
What is fascism?, Milan 1924, p. 77.
118 G. Pighetti, op. cit., p. 18. The passage refers to the first formulation
>8and the doctrinal postulates of Fascist Syndicalism, enunciated on 24
January 1922 by Michele Bianchi.
120 St. Panunzio conceived the jurisdictio and the imperium as one thing, not two. See
S. Panunzio, Lo stato fascista, pp. 92, 134; see "The electoral reform", Opera, XIX,
122 See R. Farinacci, History of the Fascist Revolution, III, 230-262, in particular
125 S. Panunzio, The Fascist State, p. 169; G. Pighetti, op. cit., pp. 149, 155 and
126 "Force and consensus", Opera, XIX, 195; « Electoral reform », Ibid., p. 310.
128 E. Susmel, Mussolini and his time, Cernusco sul Naviglio 1950, p. 179; see C.
Quaglio, Guidelines of the Fascist Revolution, Lucca 1937, p. 69.
129 M. Rocca, op. cit., pp. 191, 31 and following. See "Reply to the Senators",
Opera, XIX, 47.
130 There are many valid versions of historical events during this period. I have found
the most useful ones to be those by H. Finer, Mussolini's Italy and by HW Schneider,
Making the Fascist State, New York, 1928.
131 «On the reply address to the speech from the Crown», Opera, XX, 317; see pp.
320, 324.
132 See A. Rocco, The transformation of the state, Rome 1927, pp. 8 et seq.
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S^ 4 See G. Bottai, La Carta del Lavoro, Rome, 1928, pp. 6 and following; EM
Olivetti, National Syndicalism, Milan 1927, pp. 157-161; A. Turati, «The Labor
Charter», in A Survey of Fascism, International Center of Fascist Studies, London
1928, pp. 136140. The current neo-fascists, such as for example A. De Marsanich,
op. cit., pp. 9 and following, give the Carla the same meaning and doctrinal importance.
We reproduce here, as documentation for the reader, the complete text of « Carla del
lavoro »:
I - The Italian nation is an organism whose ends, life, and means of action are
superior in power and duration to those of the divided or grouped individuals who
compose it. It is a moral, political and economic unity which is fully realized in the
Fascist State.
II - Work in all its intellectual, technical and manual organizational and executive forms
is a social duty. In this capacity, and only in this capacity, it is protected by the
The whole of production is unitary from the national point of view; his
objectives are unitary and can be summed up in the well-being of individuals and
in the development of national power.
Ill - Trade union or professional organization is free. But only the union legally
recognized and subject to state control has the right to legally represent the whole
category of employers or workers for which it is constituted; to protect their interests
before the State and other professional associations; to enter into collective labor
agreements that are mandatory for all members of the category, to impose them
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V - The Judiciary of Labor is the body with which the State intervenes to
regulate labor disputes with whether they concern the observance of the
agreements and other existing rules, whether they concern the determination of
new working conditions.
VII - The corporative state considers private initiative in the field of production as
the most effective and most useful instrument in the interest of the nation.
IX - State intervention in economic production takes place only when private initiative
is lacking or insufficient or when political interests of the State are at stake. This
intervention can take the form of supervision, encouragement or direct management.
The jurisdiction for such disputes is devolved to the ordinary Judiciary with the
addition of assessors designated by the professional associations concerned.
The collective labor agreement is stipulated between first level associations under
the guidance and control of the central organisations, without prejudice to the right to
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replacement by the higher level association, in the cases provided for by the law
and by the statutes.
XII - The action of the union, the conciliatory work of the corporate bodies and the
sentence of the Magistrate of Labor guarantee the correspondence of the salary
to the normal needs of life, to the possibilities of production and to the yield of work.
The determination of wages is removed from any general rule and entrusted
to the agreement of the parties in the collective agreements.
XIII - The data collected by the public administrations, by the Central Institute of
Statistics and by the legally recognized professional associations regarding the
conditions of production and work and the situation of the money market and
the variations in the standard of living of the workers, coordinated and drawn up by
the Ministry of Corporations, will provide the criterion for reconciling the
interests of the various categories and classes among themselves and of these with
the superior interest of production.
XIV - Remuneration must be paid in the form most consonant with the needs of the
worker and the company.
Night work, not included in regular periodic shifts, is paid with a percentage higher
than daytime work.
XV - The employee has the right to weekly rest coinciding with Sundays.
The collective agreements will apply the principle taking into account the existing
laws, the technical needs of the companies and, within the limits of these
needs, they will also ensure that civil and religious holidays are
respected according to local traditions. The working hours must be
scrupulously observed by the employee.
XVII - In companies with continuous work, the worker has the right, in the
event of termination of employment relationships due to dismissal without his
fault, to an indemnity proportionate to the years of service. This indemnity is
also due in the event of the worker's death.
XIX - Violations of the discipline and acts that disturb the normal running
of the company, committed by the employers, are punished, according to
the seriousness of the offence, with a fine, suspension from work and, in
the most serious cases, with dismissal immediately without compensation.
XXI - The collective labor agreement extends its benefits and regulations
to home workers as well. Special rules will be dictated by the State to ensure
the cleanliness and hygiene of homework.
XXII - The State ascertains and controls the phenomenon of employment and
unemployment of workers, an overall index of the conditions of production
and work.
XXIII - Employment offices are established on an equal basis under the control
of the corporate bodies of the State. Employers are obliged to hire workers
through specific offices. They are given the right to choose among those
registered in the lists.
XXV - The corporate bodies supervise that the laws on the prevention of
accidents and on the labor police are observed by the single subjects of
the connected associations.
135 The second part of the Doctrine, the one written personally by
Mussolini, became the preamble to the Statute of the National Fascist Party in
Like any solid political conception, fascism is praxis and it is thought, an action to which a
doctrine is immanent, and a doctrine which, arising from a given system of historical forces,
remains inserted in it and operates from within. It therefore has a correlative form to the
contingencies of place and time, but at the same time it has an ideal content which elevates it
to a formula of truth in the superior history of thought. One does not act spiritually in the
world as a human will dominating will without a concept of the transient and particular reality
on which one must act, and of the permanent and universal reality in which the
former has its being and its life. To know men one must know man, and to know man one
must know reality and its laws. There is no concept of the state that is not a fundamental
concept of life: philosophy or intuition, a system of ideas that takes place in a logical
construction or is gathered in a vision or in a faith, but is always, at least virtually, an organic
conception of the world.
Thus fascism would not be understood in many of its practical attitudes, as a party organization,
as a system of education, as a discipline, if one did not look at it in the light of its
general way of conceiving life. Spiritualistic way. The world for fascism is not this material world
that appears on the surface, in
whereby man is an individual separate from all others and standing by himself, and is
by a natural law, which instinctively draws him to live a life of selfish and momentary pleasure.
The man of fascism is an individual who is nation and country, law
morality that unites individuals and generations in a tradition and a mission, which
suppresses the instinct of life closed in the brief circle of pleasure to establish in duty a
superior life free from the limits of time and space: a life in which the through self-abnegation,
the sacrifice of his particular interests, and death itself, the individual realizes that wholly
spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies.
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Therefore, a spiritualistic conception, which also arose from the general reaction of the
century against the feeble and* materialistic positivism of the nineteenth century.
Antipositivistic, but positive: not skeptical, nor agnostic, nor pessimistic, nor passively
optimistic, as are generally the doctrines (all negative) which place the center of life
outside man who with his free will can and must create his own world. Fascism
wants man to be active and committed to action with all his energies: it wants him
virilely aware of the difficulties that exist, and ready to face them. He
conceives life as a struggle thinking that it is hard for man to conquer what is truly
worthy of him, first of all creating in himself the instrument (physical, moral,
intellectual) to build it. So for the single individual, so for the nation, so for humanity.
Hence the high value of culture in all its forms - art, religion, science - and the
enormous importance of education. Hence also the essential value of work, with
which man overcomes nature and creates the human world (economic, political,
moral, intellectual).
Anti-individualistic, the fascist conception is for the Stalo; and it is for the
individual inasmuch as it coincides with the State, conscience and universal will
of man in his historical existence. It is against classical liberalism, which arose out
of the need to react against absolutism and has exhausted its historical function since the
state has been transformed into the popular consciousness and will. Liberalism denied
the state in the interest of the particular individual; fascism reaffirms the state as the true
reality of the individual.
And if freedom must be the attribute of the real man, and not of that abstract puppet of
which individualistic liberalism thought, fascism is for freedom. It is for the only freedom
that can be a serious thing, the freedom of the State and of the individual in the State.
Since, for the fascist, everything is in the state, and nothing human or spiritual
exists, much less has value, outside the state. In this sense, fascism is totalitarian,
and the fascist state, synthesis and unity of all values, interprets, develops and
strengthens the entire life of the people.
Neither individuals outside the State, nor groups (political parties, associations,
trade unions.
fascism wants them recognized and enforces them in the corporate system of
conciliatory interests in the unity of the state.
Individuals are classes according to the categories of interests; they are unions
according to the different economic activities involved; but they are first and
foremost the State. Which is not number, as the sum of individuals forming the
majority of a people. And therefore fascism is against democracy which
equalizes the people to the greatest number, lowering them to the level of the
majority; but it is the most sincere form of democracy if the people is
conceived, as it should be, qualitatively and not quantitatively, as the most
powerful idea because it is more moral, more coherent, more true, which is
implemented in the people as conscience and will to few, indeed of One,
and as an ideal it tends to be implemented in the conscience and will of all. Of
all those who from nature and history, ethnically, draw reason to form a
nation, started on the same line of development and spiritual formation, as
one conscience and one will. Not a race, nor a geographically
identified reason, but a historically perpetuating lineage, a multitude
unified by an idea, which is the will to exist and to power: self-awareness,
therefore organization and expansion, at least virtual. Thus it can adapt itself
to the nature of the human will, which in its development knows no barriers, and
which is realized by proving its own infinity.
The fascist state, the highest and most polente form of personality, is
strength, but spiritual. Which summarizes all forms of moral and intellectual life
of man. It cannot therefore be limited to simple functions of order and protection,
as liberalism wanted. It is not a simple mechanism that limits the sphere of
presumed individual freedoms. It is an inner form and norm, and
discipline of the whole person; it penetrates the will as well as the intelligence.
Its principle, the central inspiration of the human personality living in
the civil community, descends deeply and nestles in the heart of the man
of action as well as the thinker, the artist as well as the scientist: soul of
the soul.
In short, fascism is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutes, but an
educator and promoter of spiritual life. It does not want to redo the forms of
human life, but the content, the man, the character, the faith. And to this end
it requires discipline, and authority that descends into the spirits, and
dominates them unchallenged. Its insignia is therefore the lictorian fasces,
symbol of the unity of force and justice.
When, in the now distant March of 1919, from the columns of the Popolo
d'Italia I summoned to Milan the surviving interventionists-interventionists,
who had followed me since the establishment of the Fasci d'azione
revolutionary, which took place in January 1915, there was no it was no specific
doctrinal plan in my spirit. Of only one doctrine I brought the lived experience:
that of socialism from 1903-04 until the winter of 1914: about a decade.
Experience as a follower and leader, but no doctrinal experience. My
doctrine at that time too was the doctrine of action. A univocal, universally
accepted doctrine of socialism no longer existed since 1905, when the
revisionist movement headed by Bernstein began in Germany and on the other
Isn't it strange that from the very first day in Piazza San Sepolcro the word
"corporation" resounded, one of the legislative and social creations at the basis of
the regime?
The years that preceded the march on Rome were years during which the needs
of the action did not tolerate investigations or complete doctrinal elaborations.
They fought in cities and villages. There was discussion, but - what is most
sacred and important - we died. It was known to die. The doctrine - well
formed, with the division of chapters and paragraphs and the outline
of lucubrations - could have been missing! but there was to replace it with
something more decisive: faith. Nevertheless, whoever remembers on the
basis of books, articles, the votes of congresses, major and minor, who knows
how to investigate and choose, will find that the foundations of the doctrine
were laid while the battle raged. It was precisely in those years that fascist
thought also armed itself, refined itself, and proceeded towards its own
organization. The problems of the individual and the State; the problems of
authority and freedom; political and social problems and more specifically national
ones; the struggle against liberal, democratic, socialist, Masonic, popular
doctrines was carried out at the same time as the "punitive expeditions".
But since the "system" was lacking, fascism's bad faith opponents denied
any capacity for doctrine, while doctrine was emerging, albeit tumultuously, first
under the aspect of a violent and dogmatic negation as happens with all ideas that
begin, then under the positive aspect of a construction, which found, successively
in the years 1926, '27 and '28, its realization in the laws and institutions of the
Fascism is today clearly identified not only as a regime but as a doctrine. This
word must be interpreted in the sense that fascism today, exercising its
criticism of itself and of others, has its own unmistakable point of view, of
reference - and therefore of direction - in the face of all the problems that
distress, in things or in intelligences, the peoples of the world.
First of all, fascism, with regards, in general, the future and the development
of humanity, and apart from any consideration of current politics, does not believe
in the possibility
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ability nor to the utility of perpetual peace. He therefore rejects the pacifism
that hides a renunciation of the struggle and a cowardice - in the face of
sacrifice. Only war puts all human energies at their maximum tension and
imprints a seal of nobility on the peoples who have the virtue of facing it. All
other tests are substitutes, which never place man in front of himself, in the
alternative of life and death. A doctrine, therefore, which starts from the
prejudicial postulate of peace, is foreign to fascism as well as foreign to the spirit
of fascism, even if accepted for. whatever usefulness they may have in
certain political situations are all internationalist and corporate constructions
which, as history shows, can be scattered to the wind when sentimental,
ideal and practical elements stir up the hearts of peoples. Fascism also
carries this anti-pacifist spirit into the lives of individuals. The proud
squadron motto "I don't care", written on the bandages of a wound, is an act
of philosophy that is not only Stoic, it is the fruit of a doctrine that is not
only political: it is the education for combat, the acceptance of the risks it
entails; it's a new Italian way of life. Thus the fascist accepts, loves life,
ignores and considers suicide cowardly; he understands life as a duty,
elevation, conquest: lived for himself, but above all for others, near and
far, present and future.
sacrifice. Were the gods of liberalism thirsty for blood? Now liberalism is
about to close the doors of its deserted temples because the peoples
feel that its agnosticism in the economy, its indifferentism in politics
and in morals would lead, as it has led, states to certain ruin. This
explains why all the political experiences of the contemporary world
are anti-liberal and it is supremely ridiculous to therefore want to classify
them outside history; as if history were a hunting lodge reserved
for liberalism and its professors, as if liberalism were the definitive
and no longer surmountable word of civilization.
of the 19th century the Enlightenment movement of the 18th century is reattached in
mourning. Thus democratic doctrines are linked to the Encyclopedia. Every doctrine
tends to direct the activity of men towards a determined objective; but the activity
of men reacts on the doctrine, transforms it, adapts it to new needs or surpasses it.
Doctrine, therefore, must itself be not an exercise of words, but an act of life. In this the
pragmatist veins of fascism, its will to power, its will to be, its position in the
face of the fact of "violence" and its value.
The cornerstone of fascist doctrine is the conception of the state, its essence, its
tasks, its purposes. For fascism, the state is an absolute, ahead
to which individuals and groups are relative. Individuals and groups are "thinkable"
how much they are in the state. The liberal State does not direct the game and the material
and spiritual development of the collectivities, but limits itself to registering the results; the
fascist has its own awareness, its own will, that's why it's called a state
"ethical". In 1929 at the regime's first five-year assembly, I said: «For Fascism,
the State is not the night watchman who deals only with the personal safety of citizens;
nor is it an organization for purely material purposes, such as that of guaranteeing
a certain well-being and a relative peaceful social coexistence, in which case a board of
directors would suffice to achieve it; nor is it a creation of pure politics, without
adherence to the material and complex reality of the life of individuals and that of peoples.
The Stalo as fascism conceives and implements it is a spiritual and moral fact,
since it concretes the political, juridical, economic organization of the nation, and this
organization is, in its origin and development, a manifestation of the spirit. The
State is the guarantor of internal and external security, but it is also the guardian and
transmitter of the spirit of the people as it has been elaborated over the
centuries in language, customs and faith. The State is not only present, but also past
and above all future. It's the state
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State that educates citizens to civil virtue, makes them aware of their mission,
urges them to unity; harmonize their interests in justice; hands down the
conquests of thought in the sciences, the arts, law, human solidarity; it
takes men from the elementary life of the tribe to the highest human expression
of power which is the empire; he entrusts to the centuries the names of those who
died for his integrity or to obey his laws: he points out as an example and
recommends to the generations to come, the captains who increased his territory
and the geniuses who illuminated him with glory.
When the sense of the State declines and the dissociative and centrifugal
tendencies of individuals or groups prevail, national societies turn towards
sunset ".
The fascist state does not remain indifferent to the religious fact in
general and to that particular positive religion which is Italian Catholicism.
The state does not have a theology, but it does have a morality. In the
fascist state religion is considered one of the deepest manifestations of
the spirit; therefore, it is not only respected, but defended and protected.
The fascist state does not create its own "God" as Robespierre wanted
to do at a certain moment, in the extreme delirium of the Convention;
nor does it vainly try to erase it from souls as Bolshevism does;
Fascism respects the God of ascetics, saints, heroes and also the God as
seen and prayed to by the naïve heart of the people.
The fascist state is a desire for power and empire. The Roman
tradition is here an idea of strength. In the doctrine of fascism, the empire
is not only a territorial or military or mercantile expression, but a spiritual
and moral one. One can think of an empire, that is, a nation that directly o
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the tendencies, the moods of a people like the Italian who is reborn after many
centuries of abandonment or foreign servitude. But empire demands
discipline, coordination of efforts, duty and sacrifice; this explains many
aspects of the practical action of the regime and the orientation of many forces
of the State and the necessary severity against those who would like to oppose
this spontaneous and fatal movement of Italy in the 20th century, and
oppose by agitating the outdated ideologies of the 19th century , repudiated
wherever great experiments of political and social transformations have been
dared: never before have peoples thirsted for authority, for directives, for
order. If every century has its own doctrine, from a thousand indications it
appears that that of the present century is fascism. That it is a doctrine of life
is demonstrated by the fact that it has aroused a faith: that faith has
conquered souls is demonstrated by the fact that fascism has had its fallen and its martyrs.
Fascism now has the universality of all doctrines in the world which, when
realized, represent a moment in the history of the human spirit.
Benito Mussolini
138 « After the events of April 15, 1919 », Opera , XIII, 63; « For a political
action », Ibid., p. 209; «The 'Fascism 1'. Ibid. pp. 218 and following; "The
Rights of Victory", Opera, XIV. 51.
140 "For the understanding and for the action between the interventionists of the
left", Opera, XIII, 252; « Whoever owns, pay! » Ibid.. p. 224.
141 « For the Fasci di Combattimento », Opera. XIII. 113: "The fundamental
postulates of the fascist bloc", Opera, XIV, 111.
142 « For a political action », Opera, XIII, 208: « First victory ». Ibid. pp. 221 and
following; 'Hurry up, gentlemen! », Ibid., p. 265.
143 "For the understanding and for the action between the interventionists of the left",
Opera, XIII, 254.
145 In 1926 Puchetti maintained that Fascism and its doctrine could be explained on the
basis of "purely sociological considerations": cf.
A. Puchetti, Scientific Fascism, Turin, 1926, p. 4.
147 For a contemporary review of the "organicistic" tradition with some references to
the function it had in Fascism, see M. Marotta, Organicism and neo-organicism,
Milan 1959.
148 These concepts are developed, substantially in the same terms, in Corso, Lo stato
fascista, pp. 69-72. See also S. Panunzio, People, nation, state, pp. 13-28.
154 In 1927 Rocco reaffirmed the fascist doctrine of society, the state and
relations with individuals in substantially the same way. See A.
Rocco, The transformation of the state, pp. 16 et seq.
158 AO Olivetti, Syndicalism as a philosophy and as a policy, pp. 11, 15, 21,
39, 40 and following. See Corso, op. cit., chap. 2.
and unpublished. Rome 1906, II, 125. See PS Mancini, Prolusion to the law
166 Ibid., p. 149; cf. C. Quaglio, op.cit, p. 161; G. Bortolotto, Masses and
leaders in fascist doctrine, Amburgo 1934, p. 25
171 « For the Meritorious Medal of the Municipality of Milan », Opera, XXI,
172 «The charter of work»; see note no. 134 of this chapter.
175 This is a constant and recurring theme in the affirmation of the fascist
doctrine. G. Bortolotto, Massen und Fuehrer in der faschistischen Lehre, p.
13; P. Gorgolini, Fascism explained to the people, Turin 1935, pp. 69 et seq.
183 The best known, if not certainly the only author in this tradition is
Julius Evola. In 1928 he argued that Fascism must "fight profane,
democratic and materialistic science, always relative and uncertain,
slave to phenomena and non-universal laws, mute with respect to the
profound reality of man...". He maintained that the "true" Fascism gives new
vigor to the "sacred, inner and secret science... the science that leads to the
occult forces that regulate our organism...". That is, he referred to the
occultist tradition. J. Evola, Pagan imperialism: fascism before the Euro-
Christian danger, Rome 1928, p. 12. See J. Evola, Revolt against the
modern world, Milan 1934 (see Third ed., Rome 1969 ed.). In general, Fascist
"mysticism" is nothing more than a form of ethical idealism. See E.
Martinoli, Function of the mystic in the fascist revolution, Udine 1940.
188 The National Fascist Party, National Fascist Party, Rome, 1936, p. 50.
191 Fascism never asks the question of the method, using nella
« his political action now liberal systems, now democratic means and
sometimes even socialist expedients. This indifference towards the method
often exposes Fascism to the accusation of inconsistency by superficial
observers, who do not realize that what matters to us is the end and that
therefore even when we use other people's systems we act with a radically
different spiritual attitude from others and we aim for completely
different results. The fascist conception of the nation, of the ends of the
state, of the relations between society and the individuals that compose it,
entirely rejects the doctrine which, as I have already said, proceeds from
the theories on natural law formed during the sixteenth, seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries and which constitutes the foundation of liberal,
democratic and socialist ideologies»: A. Rocco, « The politicai Doctrine of
Fascism », op. cit., p. 341.
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1 Cfr. H. Kohn, Politicai Ideologies of thè Twentieth Cenlury, New York 1966, p. 149.
Cfr. H. Marcuse, Reason and Revolution, New York 1954, p. 404 (tr. il.: Ragione e
rivoluzione, Bologna 1966 - N.d.R.).
2 G. Papini, Pragmatism, p. 35. In this sense, Mussolini said that "action" had
"buried" philosophy: "The program of Mussolini", Opera, XVIII, 465
4 G. Papini, op. cit., pp. 100-1 19 and segg., 95, 98, 110, 151, 199.
5 Ibid., p. 115.
7 Before the March on Rome, Spirito had already carried out a critical investigation
of pragmatism. U. Spirito, Pragmatism in contemporary philosophy, Florence
10 « Not only for us there is no dualism between matter and spirit, but we have
annulled this antithesis in the synthesis of spirit. Spirit alone exists, nothing else exists;
neither you, nor this classroom, nor the things and objects that pass in the fantastic
cinematography of the universe, which exists as I think it and only in my thought,
not independently of my thought. It is the soul, gentlemen, which has returned.' "For
true peacemaking", Opera, XVII, 298.
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11 U. Spirito, Beginning of a new era, pag. 229-233. Given that the relationship between
Gentile idealism and pragmatism had been very close, it was necessary,
years later, to highlight the differences between the two conceptions.
See F. Modica-Cannizzo, « Giovanni Gentile's anti-pragmatism and anti-activism »,
GG, II, 121-127.
chia, XIX, (September 1940), pp. 481-483; O. Valle, "On Fascist Intelligence".
Hierarchy, XIX (October 1939), pp. 702-703.
14 of the civil code Socialism and socialists », Opera, I, 142; see p. 139.
16 « At the science congress before the fourth attack », Opera, XXII, 251.
17 Cf. "To the Assembly of Corporations", Opera, XXVI, 379; and « Speech of
XIII January for the Corporative State », Ibid., pp. 86-96.
this meaning can already be found in « The ” PUS ” in Congress », Opera, XVI, 116,
23 Ibid., p. 65.
27 « Fascist doctrine is not a philosophy in the current sense of the word [...] Fascism,
in fact, argues against abstract and intellectualist philosophies [.!.] The
fascist, on the other hand, between the legacy of some Marxist inspirations
and sorelian (because many Fascists and the Duce himself received their first
intellectual education at the school of Marx and Sorel) and among the influence of
contemporary Italian idealistic doctrines [...] he understands philosophy as a philosophy
of praxis" (OD, pp. 37, 58).
28 "The philosophy of strength", Opera, I, 174; see to The Syndicalist Theory », Opera,
II. 128; and « At the new seat of the mutilated », Opera, XIX, 168 et seq.
32 « ... one must not believe that Fascism did not have a theory.
It would be a very serious mistake" ("Fascism and nationalism", Opera, XIX, 162).
38 Cf. Works, 34, 6; G. Pini and D. Susmel, op. cit., III, 255; No.
Tripods. Life and ideals of Giovanni Gentile, Rome 1954, p. 16; HS Harris, op.
cit., pp. 188 and following.
39 Cfr. A. Canepa, op. cit., III, 17; And Martinoli, op. cit., p. 13.
41 G. Gentile, «Discourse to the Italians». dd. IV, 67; see A. Carlini, "Studi
Gentiliani", GG, VIII, 115.
44 A. Labriola, Study on Marx, Naples, 1926, p. 42, no. 37. The book was
first published in 1908; the second edition does not present any changes
with respect to the first.
48 Ibid., p. 158.
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49 Mussolini, letter to M. Bianchi dated 26 August 1921, Opera, XVII, 414 et seq.
50 B. Croce, History of Italy from 1871 to 1915, Bari 1942, pp. 279 and
following; see A. Carlini, Philosophy and religion in the thought of Mussolini,
Rome 1934, p. 14, « Studi Gentiliani », GG, VIII, 106.
52 Cf. "At the congress of science before the fourth attack", Opera, XXII, 251;
L. Volpicelli, op. cit., p. 22.
60 GS, p. 44.
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61 Gentile maintained that the conception of the State represented a fundamental point of
Fascism; Mussolini shared this judgment. See
CF, p. 103, O.D. pp. 42 and following; «Doctrine of Fascism», Opera, XXXIV, 129; «To the
five-year assembly of the regime», Opera, XXIV, 15.
63 IF, p. 181.
84 RE, p. 28.
65 cfr. GS, p. 14; FD, pp. 103 e segg.; IF, p. 182; M. Aebischer, The individual and the
state according to Giovanni Gentile, Friburgo 1954, p. 56
67 See RE, pp. 20 and following; GS, pp. 60, 65 and following, 109 and following, 115.
70 GS, p. 15.
72 GS, p. 44.
73 GS, p. 15.
74 GS, p. 16.
78 RE, p. 14.
79 CF, p. 34.
80 FD, p. 67.
82 IF, p. 180.
83 See G. Pannese, Ethics in fascism and the philosophy of law and history,
Rome 1942, pp. 149 and following; C. Costamagna, Doctrine of fascism, pp.
337-365; G. Corso, op. cit., pp. 44 et seq.
84 RE, p. 24 et seq.
86 FD, p. 111.
89 FD, pp. 67, 81; see G. Maggiore, "The problem of law in the thought of
Giovanni Gentile", GG, I, 236.
90 FD, p. 80.
91 GS, p. 57.
92 GS, p. 58.
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94 « The conception of the fascist state differs profoundly from the liberal and
democratic one as regards the subjective, political and freedom rights of citizens.
In fact, the Fascist State does not recognize citizens' rights to be asserted against
the State, but considers political rights and freedoms as concessions that the
State makes to citizens so that they can act under its authority in a way that
cooperates in social welfare" ( G. Pannese, op. cit., page 161).
95 See in particular S. Panunzio, Popolo, Nation, State and The Order of the
Fascist State, pp. 19-26.
98 CF, pp. 109 et seq.; GS, pp. 58 et seq.; FD, 117 et seq.
104 OD, pp. 9 from seg.; cf. Harris, op. cit., p. 219.
105 OD, p. 59; The Order of the Fascist State, pp. 49-51.
107 See HS Harris, op. cit.; PA Zacchi, The new Italian idealism by B.
Croce and G. Gentile, Rome 1925; U. Spirito, Italian idealism and its followers
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124 See J. Evola, Men and ruins, Rome 1953; « Gentile is not our philosopher »,
Minoranza, II (August-October 1959), 22-27. (See later also: Men and ruins, HI
ed.. Volpe, Rome 1972; "The philosopher Giovanni Gentile", Il Conciliatore,
131 The only evidence against this assertion is Mussolini's own admission that he
"contaminated" socialism with a "pinch of Bergson". However, since Mussolini
does not indicate exactly which elements of Bergson he introduced, it is difficult to
take this statement into account. On the other hand, as we have already said,
Mussolini rejected the intuitive mysticism of Sorel: cf. "The first speech to the Chamber
of Deputies", Opera, XIV, 440. However, the convenience of such a tactical
position led many Fascists to maintain that "beyond truth or error there is the
myth, the mystical force, because to act you don't have to demonstrate, you have
to believe ». These concepts agree with Mussolini's theory of motivation,
but not necessarily with his conception of truth: F. Forni, "Fascism and Philosophy",
Gerarchia, XVIII (August 1938), 579.
132 "If by mysticism we mean the faculty of understanding the truth without the
aid of the intelligence, I am the first to declare myself opposed to any
mysticism", according to the quote by Y. De Begnac in Palazzo
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Venice, p. 186. Thus. Spinetti can define Fascist mysticism as an "intimate and
reasonable" moral discipline which has nothing "transcendental or irrational."
Fascist mysticism "also explains rationally what to others still
appears indemonstrable with reason and relegated among the things that
must be believed on faith, without discussion": GS Spinetti, "Nostra
mystica", Gerarchia, XVII (February 1938), 79 , 80, 81.
136 D. Pellegrini-Giampietro, op. cit., pp. 68, 69, 73. See, in this regard, M.
Rivoire, « Fascist mysticism and totalitarian mysticism », Gerarchia XIX
(March, 1940), 132; M. Jannelli, « The dominion of the spirit in the fascist
state », Gerarchia, XVIII (January, 1938), 3; A. Assanta, « Spiritual state
», Hierarchia, XII (August, 1934), 666.
131 E. Martinoli, op. cit., pp. 100-1 23-32; A. Carlini, op. cit., p. 60.
140 O. Di Giamberardino, op. cit., pp. 60 and following, 62 and following, 65.
143 Silus, « Civilization, aristocracy, intelligence », Gerarchia, XIX (March, 1939), 162
and following, B. Damiani, « Authoritarian Democracy », Gerarchia, XVIII (July, 1938),
146 W. Cesarini Sforza, « The Chamber of Fasci and Corporations », in The Chamber of
Fasci and Corporations, Florence, 1937, p. 250.
148 Cf. « Soliloquy in ' freedom ' on Trimellone Island ». Opera. XXXII. 170.
150 A. Aquarone. op. cit.. provides a brief but serious attempt at analysis.
Cfr. anche D.L. Germino, The Italian Fascist Party in Poiver. A Sludy in Totalitarian Rule.
Minneapolis 1959.
151 G. Battagline « Fascist state, people's state », Gerarchia, XII (May, 1934),
361; A. Fiaccaderi, « The authority of fascism ». ibid.
(October, 1934), 859. Cf. A. Navarra, "Government and the governed in the Fascist
regime", in La Camera dei Fasci e delle Corporazioni, p. 166; Paulines, op. cit., p. 114.
153 O. Di Giamberardino, op. cit., pp. 303 et seq. It is a paraphrase of Gentile (OD p.
9). but the conclusions are evidently different.
5 See « The Party and Italian racism », Difesa, I, 1 (5 August 1938), 2; AND.
Leoni, Mystic of Fascist Racism, Padua, 1941, pp. 19-27. On the relationship
between intellectuals and racism cf. C. Quarantotto, The cinema, the flesh and
the devil, Milan 1963, 3
pp. 100-116.
8 «To the people of Cagliari», Opera, XIX, 267 and following; «The first
anniversary of the March on Rome», Opera, XX. 64; « For the Festival of
Fighters », Opera, XIX, 288.
9 « Internal politics in the Senate», Opera, XXI, 201; «The twenty-fifth year of
the reign of Vittorio Emanuele III», Opera, XXI, 343.
12 FT Marinetti, op. cit., pp 25, 51, 60, 64, 67, 68. 79, 87. 90. 95, 101, 103,
109. 110, 111. 113, 114, 123, 136, 137, 174, 175, 176. 191. 198. 199. 200.
206. 208. 209. 210, 212, 218, 219, 228, 242.
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13 Ibid., p. 19.
14 Ibid., p. 113.
16 Ibid., p. 199.
20 V. Pareto, The Mind and Society, New York 1935, par.. 664. n. 3; 729, 779,
n. 1; 782, 784, 2236, n. 1.
22 Cf. A. Rocco, Political writings and speeches, Rome 1938, 1, 9. 71, 88: cf. R.
The Felice, op. cit., p. 33.
23 "The speech of the ascension", Opera, XXII, 363; see pp. 361-363; "The
Fascist Programme", Opera, XVII, 219; see also <c Synthesis of the regime »,
Opera, XXVI, 190-191.
28 « The accomplices », Opera, XIII, 169 et seq. A year after this apparent
identification of the Jews with Bolshevism, Mussolini explicitly
stated that "Bolshevism is not a Jewish phenomenon...": "Jews,
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Bolshevism and Italian Zionism', Opera, XV, 269. Many Jews, in that period,
provided considerable financial aid to the first Fascist squads. Indeed, it seems
that Elias Jona «was one of the main supporters of Mussolini's « Popolo
d'Italia » See R. Dh Felice, Storia..., p. 85, and Y. De Begnac, Life of Benito
Mussolini, III, pp. 603-609.
29 I. Horowitz, Radicalism and thè Revolt against Reason : The Social Theories
of Georges Sorel, New York 1961, pp. 39 e segg., n. 1; cfr. J.
Meisel, The Genesis of Georges Sorel, Ann Arbor 1951, pp. 86, 176-180.
34 See G. Gentile, War and faith, Naples 1919, pp. 48-52; Harris, op. cit., p. 133.
38 Cfr. G. Pini and D. Susmel, op. cit., I, 279; R. MacGregor-Hastie, op. cit., p. 97.
the honor of state funerals (E. Amicucci, op. cit., pp. 195 et seq.).
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op. cit., p. 13; Panunzio, People, nation, state, pp. 14 and following; see St. Raguso,
Elements of corporative political science (Florence, 1935), pp. 93; Bottai, La Carta
43 S. Panunzio, National state and trade unions, p. 35; Pighetti, op. cit., p. 18.
50 A. Capasso, Clear ideas on racism, Rome 1942, p. 21; see G. Landra, « The
Italian race in the theory of hologenesis », in Difesa, II April 5, 1939), 10.
51 Capasso, op. cit., p. 23; see G. Acerbo, op. cit., E. Canevahi, « The
politics of race and the new European order », in Difesa, IV (5 August 1941), 9.
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54 Capasso, p. 26; G. Landra, « The influence of the city on the shape of the
head », in Difesa, IV, (December 20, 1940), 28-30; "Studies on the growth of
stature in Scandinavia", in Difesa, IV (January 5, 1941); « Physical characteristics
of the Italian race », in Difesa, I (5 September 1938), 12; Brown, op. cit., p. 13.
56 G. Acerbo, p. 23.
65 See Pareto, Corso, II, par. 991, 992 and 992, no. 2.
68 « ...All races would originate from crossings. The feeling of the group determined
by physical, or social, or cultural or administrative factors (race, caste, city, state,
etc.) and the hospitality of the neighboring groups, would function as insulators,
and in the isolation, the fusion would gradually take place. full of intermingled
races. This would be the biological function of group sentiment. And this is
understood as [...] we were able to define the nation as a group of people having
their own individuality, not only from a political and cultural point of view, but also from
a biological point of view. The fact is that political and social individuality
inevitably brings with it a certain degree of isolation which has the effect
of making the nation also assume peculiar biological characteristics [...]. All
human races would therefore, as is often said today, be crossed, in the sense that
they all derive from recent or remote crossings: in this sense, there would not be
pure races, but purified races [...] ».
« The populations of the Nordic race who had invaded the Roman Empire and had
established themselves as rulers on its territory had at first kept themselves more
or less apart from the Latin population. In a subsequent period when the Latin
civilization prevailed and was assimilated by the Germanic elements, the two
lineages gradually merged and, after some time, a new race was formed from which
the evolution of a new nation has started » (C. Gini, Nascila, evolution
and death
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(5 July 1940), 14. Cf. U. Redanò, « Italian doctrine of race », in Difesa, III
Defense, III (April 5, 1940), 38; A. Modica, "Origin and classification of the Italian
breed", in Difesa, IV (20 July 1941), 21-4.
82 P. Orano, The Jews in Italy, Rome 1937; see also P. Orano (edited by).
Inquiry into Race, Rome 1940, pp. 5-48.
84 It is difficult to determine exactly the number of Jews in Italy during the Fascist
period. The most responsible sources place it at a maximum of forty
thousand. The Fascists, in general, at forty-five fifty thousand. Fanatic
anti-Semites like Preziosi value it at a hundred thousand.
Milano 1964), 72: S. Blaas, op cit., pp. 91, 97, 98. 104, 122, 137, 204, 235,
240, 252, 260.
91 See J. Evola, The myth of blood, Milan 1937, pp. 187, 190 and following, 194
and following; E. Leoni, op. cit., p. 40; C. Costamagna, op. cit.. p. 200.
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100 See A. Canepa, op. cit.. III, 225, n. 19; G. Magnoni, « The GUF and
the fascist politics of race », in Gerarchia, XVIII, 9 (1938), 633; L. Franzi,
Current phase of German racism, Rome 1939, pp. 56-9; C. Costamacna,
Doctrine, pp. 185-210; E. Leoni. op. cit., p. 27; A. Capasso, op. cit., pp. 35 et
seq. See also A. Banzi, Razzismo fascista, Palermo 1939, p. 13.
107 J. Evola, The myth; « Mystical ethical philosophy of racism », in Difesa, IV (April
20, 1941), 27-9.
There are large and small breeds. We must not only admit that there exist
major systematic groups, which are commonly called races and which are
individualized only by some characters, but we must also admit that there exist minor
systematic groups (such as, for example, the Nordics, the Mediterraneans, the
Dinarics, etc. ) individualize them from more common characters. These groups
biologically constitute the true races, the existence of which is an evident truth. — 3)
The concept of race is a purely biological concept. It is therefore based on other
considerations than the concepts of people and nation, essentially based
on historical, linguistic and religious considerations. But at the basis of
the differences of people and of nation there are differences of race.
If the Italians are different from the French, the Germans, the Turks, the Greeks,
etc., it is not only because they have a different language and a different history
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the Mediterraneans of Europe (Western) on one side, the Orientals and the Africans on
the other. Theories which support the African origin of some European peoples and
include the Semitic and Hamitic populations in a common Mediterranean race are
therefore to be considered dangerous, establishing absolutely inadmissible
ideological relationships and sympathies. — 9) Jews do not belong to the Aryan
race. Of the Semites who over the centuries have landed on the sacred soil of
our country, nothing has remained in general. Even the Arab occupation of Sicily left
nothing but the memory of a few names: and moreover the process of assimilation was
always very rapid in Italy. Jews represent the only population that has never
assimilated in Italy because it is made up of non-European racial elements.
absolutely different from the elements that gave rise to the Italians. — 10) The purely
European physical and psychological characteristics of the Italians must not be
altered in any way. The union is admissible only in the context of the European
breeds, in which case we must not speak of true and proper hybridism, given that these
breeds belong to a common body and differ only in some characteristics, while they
are the same for many others. The purely European character of the Italians is
altered by crossbreeding with any extra-European race and bearer of a
civilization different from the millenary civilization of the Aryans ». [July 15, 1938-
122 G. Marro, Physical and spiritual characteristics of the Italian race, Rome 1939.
123 A. Rosenberg, The essence of National Socialism, Monaco 1934, p. 14; A. Baeumler,
Alfred Rosenberg and the myth of the 20th century
, Munich 1943, p. 13, 27 and following, 32 and following.
126 M. Missiroli, « Race and culture », in Circoli (July-August 1939), pp. 981-89.
128 See G. Landra, « L'ologenesi del Rosa », in Difesa, li (March 20, 1939), 11-14; to The
Italian race in the theory of hologenesis », Ibid., II (April 5, 1939), 9-11; "Concepts of the
Italian racist", Ibid., I (August 20, 1938, 9-11.
131 Ibid., p. 41, no. 11. Does not correspond to G. Major, op. cit., p. 33.
nial», in Difesa, 1 (August 20, 1938), 18-20; A. Petrucci, « Negroes and whites
in Africa », ibid., pp. 34-6; L. Pranzi, « Miscegenation threatens the physical
health of the people »,
133 N. Minovici, « Race and nation: Fascism creator », in Difesa, III (November
5, 1939), 52.
134 See R. De Felice, History, pp. 280 and following. This could be confirmed by
the fact that Mussolini, as a young man, maintained that it was "an
indisputable fact that the intellectual potential is in direct relationship with the
weight of the brain and with the number of cerebral convolutions" ("L'uomo e la
divinity", in Opera , XXXIII, 11). If this logic were followed and racial
differences in brain weight and cytoarchitecture taken seriously, the
arguments against race-mixing would have to be essentially biological.
135 "To the National Council of the PNF", in Opera, XXIX, 190-91.
' Aryan ', given that this term has long since come into use to indicate overall
all the individuals who belong to the related anthropological varieties,
called respectively Nordic, Dinaric, Alpine, Jalica, Mediterranean and Baltic ": G.
Landra, a Due anni di Italian racism », Difesa, III, 17 (5 July 1940), 14.
146 G. Landra, "The scientific and political justification of the racial question
in Italy", National soziali sii sche Monatshefte, CIX (April 1939), 201, cf. 298.
147 Cf. M. Canella, Human Races, pp. 18 et seq.; cf. G. Montandon, "L'ethnie
putaine", in Defense, III (November 5, 1939), 18-20.
150 See G. Landra, « Two years of Italian racism », in Difesa, III (5 July
1940), 14.
Machine Translated by Google
151 M. Canella, Human races, p. 234, see G. Genna, « The Jews as a race »,
162 See E. Susmel, op. cit., chap. XXIX; G. Pisano, Mussolini and the Jews,
Milan 1967.
166 Cf. Ibid., p. 659, document 30; cf. pp. 509 et seq.
Machine Translated by Google
172 E. Cione, History of the Italian Social Republic, Caserta 1948, p. 161.
173 Cf. B. Gentile, Giovanni Gentile: from the speech to the Italians to death,
Florence 1951, pp. 50 and following.
174 E. Amicucci, op. cit.. p. 199; FW Deakin, The Brutal Friendship: Mussolini.
Hitler and the fall of Italioti Fascism, New York 1962, p. 620 (tr. it. History of the
Republic of Salò, Einaudi, Turin 1964); see Opera, XXXII, 76.
176 "History of a year", in Opera, XXXIV, 305; "To the Blackshirts of the Aldo
Resega Black Brigade", in Opera, XXXII, 115; "Brennus at Yalta", ibid., p. 452;
« Fine royal hospitality », ibid., p. 264; "Rome or Death", ibid., p. 371; "Plots
of Betrayal", ibid., p. 269; see "A new Pope", ibid., p. 264; « Final balance 1943
», ibid., p. 284; "Brennus at Yalta", ibid., p. 451; « Urbania », ibid., p. 311.
Machine Translated by Google
3 Ibid., p. 468.
6 See FW Deakin, The Brutal Friendship: Mussolini. Hitler and the Fall of Italian b
asci sm. New York 1962. pp. 587-606 (tr. it.: History of the Republic of
Salò, Turin).
10 Full text of the 18 Points of the PFR Congress Manifesto. dated 14 November
3- The republican Constitution will have to ensure to the citizen - soldier, worker and
taxpayer - the right of control and of responsible criticism on the acts of the public
Every five years the citizen will be called upon to rule on the appointment of the Head of the
In the exercise of its functions, the judiciary will act with complete independence.
4. - The negative electoral experience already had by Italy and the partially negative
experience of a method of appointment that is too rigidly hierarchical both
contribute to a solution that reconciles the opposing needs. A mixed system (for example,
popular election of representatives in the Chamber and appointment of
ministers by the Head of the Republic and the Government and, in the Party, election of
the Fascio subject to ratification and appointment by the National Directorate) seems to be
the most advisable.
5. — The organization responsible for educating the people in political problems is unique.
7. - Members of the Jewish race are foreigners. During this war they
belong to enemy nationality.
8- — The essential aim of the foreign policy of the Republic must be the
unity, independence, territorial integrity of the country in maritime and
Alpine terms marked by Nature, by blood sacrifice and by history, terms
threatened by the enemy with the invasion and with promises to refugee
Governments in London. Other end
9. - The basis of the Social Republic and its primary object is work,
manual, technical, intellectual, in all its manifestations.
13. - In agriculture, the private initiative of the owner finds its limit where
the initiative itself fails. The expropriation of uncultivated lands and poorly
managed companies can lead to the subdivision of laborers to be
transformed into direct farmers, or to the establishment of cooperative, para-
union or para-statal companies, according to the various needs of the
agricultural economy.
15. - The right to own a house is not only a property right, it is a right to
Machine Translated by Google
property. The Party includes the creation of a national body in its programme
for the home of the people, which, absorbing the existing Institute and
expanding its action to the maximum, provides for providing the home to the
families of workers of every category, through the direct construction of new homes
or the gradual redemption of the existing ones. In this regard, the general
principle must be affirmed that the rent - once the capital has been repaid
and the right amount has been paid - constitutes a purchase title.
Conte first task, the Body will solve the problems deriving from war destruction, with
the requisition and distribution of unusable premises and with temporary
16. - The worker is officially registered in the trade union, without this
prevent him from moving to another union when he has the requisites. The
trade unions
All the impressive social benefits achieved by the fascist regime in twenty years
remain intact. The Labor Charter constitutes its acknowledgment in its letter
prayer, just as it constitutes in his spirit the starting point for the further journey.
17. - In current affairs, the Party considers that a wage adjustment for workers
through the adoption of national minimums and prompt local revisions cannot be
postponed, and even more so for small and medium-sized employees, both state and
Machine Translated by Google
private. But for the measure not to be ineffective and in the end harmful to everyone,
it is necessary that with cooperative shops, company shops, extension of the duties of
the "Provvida", requisition of shops guilty of infringements and their parastatal or cooperative
management, the result is obtained to pay part of the salary in food at official prices. Only in
this way will it contribute to price and currency stability and to the recovery of the
market. As for the black market, it is requested that speculators - like traitors and
defeatists - fall within the jurisdiction of the Extraordinary Tribunals and are liable to the death
18. - With this preamble to the Constituent Assembly, the Party demonstrates not
only that it is going towards the people, but that it is with the people.
For its part, the Italian people must realize that there is only one way for them to defend their
conquests of yesterday, today and tomorrow: to throw back the enslavement
invasion of the Anglo-American plutocracies, which, by a thousand precise signs, wants
to make even more narrow and miserable the life of the Italians. There is only one way to
achieve all social goals: fight, work, win.
13 Tarchi to Mussolini, letter of 11 February 1944, quoted by FW Deakin, op. cit., p. 668.
19 U. Spirito, Capitalism and corporatism, Florence 1933, pp. XIV and seq.
21 "Twilight", Opera, XIV, 69; see also « Fascism and land », Opera, XVI, 170; «
Speech to the Senate for the Corporate State », Opera, XXVI, 147.
25 Cfr. H. W. Schneider, Making thè Fascisi State, New York 1928, p. 177.
30 « The foundations of the new economy », Opera, XXXII, 294. It is not certain that
Mussolini personally wrote this article, but if he did not write it, he certainly revised
and approved it.
Machine Translated by Google
34 « Speech to the Senate for the Corporate State », Opera, XXVI, 147.
36 Ibid., p. 120.
43 « The master plan of the new Italian economy », Opera, XXVII, 245,
246, 247.
46 «Social revolution: first symptoms», Opera, XXXII, 267; see also "Twenty
years of logical development of Fascist doctrine", Opera, XXXII, 316.
48 « The speech at the ' Lirico ' of Milan », Opera, XXXII, 126.
53 See F. Giolli, How we were led to catastrophe, Rome 1945, pp. 71-79;
E. Cione, History of the Italian Social Republic, Caserta 1948, pp. 293 et seq.
58 « Clarifications for the ' Borghese ' », Gerarchia, XIX, 2 (February 1939),
« Code reform and property law », Ibid., p. 64 and following, 68-71; OR.
"Property as a relationship under public law", Ibid., pp. 141 and following.
60 S. Panunzio, « First juridical observations on the concept of property ne! fascist regime
», Ibid., p. 115 .
62 G. Chiarelli, « The publicistic foundation of property », Ibid., pp. 151, 153 and following;
see pp. 148 et seq.
67 « To the Black Shirts of the Black Brigade ' Aldo Resega XXXII. p. », Opera,
72 Ibid., p. 144.
80 Ibid.. p. 207; cfr. K. Marx and F. Engei.s, The Tedesca Ideology. Fly 1964, p.
81 FD. p. 222.
83 Ibid., p. 80.
85 FD, p. 303.
Machine Translated by Google
8B Ibid.. p. 264.
87 Ibid.. p. 298.
88 OS, p. 15.
90 FD. p. 148.
91 Ibid.. p. 215.
92 PF. p. 27.
93 See M. Ma.nfredini. «Gentile is alive», in V. Vettori, op. cit... pp. 179 et seq.
97 G. Gentile, After the victory. New political fragments, Rome 1920, p. 178.
102 G. Gentile, «Discourse to the Italians», in B. Gentile, Giovanni Gentile: From the speech
to the Italians to death, Florence 1951, p. 69.
Machine Translated by Google
104 See Vettori, « Introduction to Gentile », in V. Vettori, op. cit., pp. 54 and
l0S *Cf. D. Gaudknzi, « From heroic trade unionism to the humanism of work », in
112 G. Pannese, Ethics in fascism and the philosophy of law and history, Rome
1942, p. 158; see also O. Di Giamberardino, The individual in fascist ethics, Florence
1940, pp. 177 et seq.
115 Cfr. Harris, The Social Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile, pp. 197-201.
117 See B. Spampanato. Contromemoriale , II, 33, 47. Cf. « XIII Meeting of the
Republican Council of Ministers », Opera, XXXII, 125.
Machine Translated by Google
118 «11 speech at the 'Lirico' of Milan», Opera, XXXII, 131; Circular of 10
March 1944. Opera, XXXII, 236.
3 R. Brown. Social Psychology , New York 1965 , pp. 101 - 111 . 478, 485. E.
Shils, « Aulhoritarianism : ' Righi and ' Leit ' », in li. Christie and M. Jahoda.
Studies in the Scope and Meaning of "The Authoritarian Personality," New York
1954, pp. 26 and segg.
16 K. Marx and F. Engels. The Holy Family, Moscow 1956, p. 142, and The
German Ideology, particularly Part I.
18 Ibid.. p. 59.
20 K. Marx, Grundrisse der Krilik der Polilischen Oekonomie (Rohenlu itrf), Berlino
1953, p. 6, il corsivo è nostro; cf. Rotknstreich, Basic Problems of Marx's
Philosophy, cap. IV
33 Ibid., p. 264.
46 Archangelski, op. cit., pp. 303 et seq. The complete sentence reads: «
Some people reason in the following way: since personal and collective must not
be distinguished each one must in the first analysis pursue his own interests;
thus serving the collective well-being. But this reasoning is fundamentally flawed.
In it, petty-bourgeois aspirations find expression, and anyone who takes
this position defends outdated and moribund ideas which are
incompatible with the essence of our socialist order.'
55 Cfr. F. Engels, Anti-Duehring, pp. 130 seg., 145, 354; K. Marx and F.
The German Ideology, pp. 48-51, 60 e seg.; K. Marx, Capital, Mosca 1954, I, 82
n.; K. Marx e F. Engels, «The Communist Manifesto», in Selected Works, I,
36 K. Marx,. Capital, I, 8-9, 763; F. Engels, The Condilion of thè Working Class in
England in 1844, Londra 1950, p. 18.
66 Ibid., p. 521.
68 Marx and Kugelmann, lettera del 28 marzo 1870, in Marx and F. Engels,
Werke, XXXII, 664.
70 Ibid., p. 318.
78 G. Maggiore, Imperialism and the Fascist Empire, Palermo 1937, p. 145; see
A. Gravelli, Panfascism, Rome 1935, passim; P. Gorgolini, Fascism
explained to the people, Turin 1935, pp. 66-69.
79 B. Mussolini, "Discourse for the corporative state", in Opera, XXVI, 91; see
Mussolini's conversation with Emil Ludwig, Colloqui con Mussolini, p.
Machine Translated by Google
83 V. I. Lenin, « The State and Revolution », in Selected Works, II, p. 1, 204, 299.
85 CF, p. 36; see ibid., p. 50, OD, p. 63, "The constitutionalization of the Grand Council
of Fascism", in Educazione fascista, VI (February 1928), 86 et seq.
86 N. S. Kruscev, Report on thè Program of thè Communist Party of thè Soviet Union,
New York 1961, pp. 104, 107-9.
89 Ibid., p. 6.
Marxism in thè Modern World, Stanford 1965, pp. XI e segg.; R. Aron, « The
Impact of Marxism », ibid., pp. 11, 31; B. D. Wolfe, « Leninism », ibid, pp. 88 e
93 G. D. H. Cole, The Meaning of Marxism, Ann Arbor 1964, pp. 146 e segg.
102 What is fascist syndicalism?, Rome 1927, p. 7; see E. Nolte, The Three
Faces of Fascism, p. 183.
103 Cfr. H. Schneider. Making the Fascist State, New York 1928, pp. 152 and
107 Cfr. K. Nkrumah, Africa Must Unite, New York 1964, p. 64; Some
Features of Nkrumaism, edited by the editors of The Spark, New York 1965, pp.
42 and following; L. Senghor. On African Socialism, p. 52.
113 Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Texts of political doctrine, Madrid 1952,
pp. 43-48, 53. 65-69, 85-93, 215, 281. 335 e sec., 483-507, 559.
114 See B. Nellessen, The forbidden revolution: the rise and fall of the
Falange, Volpe, Rome 1965.
1966. p. 12.
119 Cfr. J. Cammett. Antonio Gramsci and thè Origins of Italian
Communism, Stanford 1967, p. 179.
120 A. Tasca, Birth and advent of fascism, Florence 1950, pp. 543 et seq.
122 A. Labriola, « The investigation of the ' Resto del Carlino ' ». Ibid. pp. 412-15.
124F Carsten. The Rise of Fascism (tr. it. : La genesi del fascismo, Baldini and
Castoldi. Milano 1970). Berkeley 1967, p. 66.
127 I. Fetscher, op. cit., p. 237; cf. pp. 226 and so on.
131 Cfr. Schneider, Making thè Fascist State, pp. 141 e seg.
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132 In this regard, compare the current fascist prejudices on the revolution in
underdeveloped countries. There is a clear sympathy for anti-colonialist
aspirations. M. Bardèche, Quest-ce que le fascisme?, ch. II, III (tr. it.: What is
fascism?. Volpe. Rome 1944).
133 This is the central thesis in RP Dutt. op. cit., and S. Roberts, The House
That Hitler Built, London 1937.
pp. 101-6.
The intention of this bibliography is to give an indication of the basic
works for an exact interpretation of Fascism as an ideology. The material is
divided by subjects. It is tempting not to include trivial works, but some
apologetic or polemical works have been included whose contribution
is not negligible. No attempt has been made to include articles from
newspapers and magazines, even important ones. Such an undertaking
would have been of monstrous proportions. There is, however, a certain
number of fundamental journals for the reconstruction of fascist thought;
the most important are: Fascist criticism, The State, Hierarchy, Fascist
education and The defense of the race.
Bottai, Giuseppe: Twenty years and a day. Garzanti, Cernusco sul Naviglio,
1949. Ciano, Galeazzo: Diari, Rizzoli, Milan, 1947 (2. vols.).
Cremona Nuova, Cremona, 1937. Finer, Herman: Mussolini’s Italy, Grosset and
Dunlap, New York, 1965.
Gaeta, Franco: The nationalist press. Hair. Rocca San Casciano, 1965.
Germino, Dante: The Italian Fascist Party in Power, Univ. of Minnesota Press.
Minneapolis. 1959.
Missiroli, Mario: Fascism and the coup de stalo of October 1922, Cappelli, Rocca
San Casciano, 1966.
Pini, Giorgio and Susmel, Duilio: Mussolini: the man and the work. La Fenice,
Florence, 1953-55 (4 flights.).
Rossi, Arturo [Angelo Tasca]: The Rise of Italian Fascism, trans. P. and D.
Wait, Methuen, Londra, 1938.
Salvatorelli, Luigi and Mira, Giovanni: History of Italy in the Fascist period ,
Susmel, Edoardo: Mussolini and his time. Garzanti, Cernusco sul Naviglio,
1950. Tasca, Angelo: Birth and advent of fascism. La Nuova Italia, Florence,
1950. Vinciguerra, Mario: Fascism seen by a loner.
Le Monnier, tirenze, 1963. Volpe, Gioacchino: History of the hashish
movement. Novissima, Rome, 1936.
Zincone, Vittorio (edited by): Hitler and Mussolini: letters and documents,
Rizzoli, Milan, 1946.
Acerbo, Giacomo and others: The Mussolinian bushel. The Italian Review,
Rome, 1930. Ambrosini. Gaspare: The National Council of
Corporations. Littorio, Rome, 1930. Aquarone, Alberto: The organization of the
totalitarian state, Einaudi, Turin, 196 d. The Chamber of Fasci and Corporations,
Sansoni, Florence, 1937.
Corsini, Vincenzo: Il Capo del governo nel stato fascista, Zanichelli, Bologna,
1935. Field, G. Lowell : The Syndical and Corporate Inslitutions of
Italian Fascism, Columbia Univ. Press, New York, 1938.
Machine Translated by Google
Haider, Carmen: Capital and Labor under Fascism, Columbia Univ. Press,
New York, Ì930.
Schmitt, Cari: The Corporate State in Action, Oxford Univ. Press, New
York, 1939. Sermonti, Alfonso: Italian trade union law, Littorio, Rome, 1929
(2 vols.). Sottochiesa, Gino: The new representative regime of the fascist
state, Paravia, Turin, 1939.
Barth, Hans: Mass and myth, the theory of violence. Georges Sorel,
Rowohlt, Amsterdam, 1959.
Machine Translated by Google
Delle Piane, Ma: !.• : Gaduno Mosca: political class and liberalism. Italian Scientific
Editions. Naples. 1952.
Horowitz. Irving Louis: Radicalism and thè Revolt Against Reason: The Social
Machine Translated by Google
Horowitz, Irving Louis: Radicalism and thè Revolt Against Reason: The
-. The Myth of thè Ruling Class : Gaetano Mosca and thè ’ Elite ', Univ. of
Melis, Renato (edited by): Italian trade unionists. Fox, Rome, 1964.
Michels, Robert: First Lectures in Politicai Sociology, Harper and Row, New
York, 1949.
-. Socialism and Fascism in Italy. Meyer & Jessen, Monaco, 1925 (2 vol.).
Machine Translated by Google
The Fascist Economy (National Fascist Party), State Library, Rome, 1938.
Ercole, Francesco: The Origins of Fascist Italy, Alberti, Rome, 1927.
Franck, Louis: The Stages of the Italian Fascist Economy. Social and economic
library, Paris, 1939.
Gaucher, Francois: Fascism and the world today, trans. A. Romualdi, Volpe,
Rome, 1966.
Martinoli, Ettore: Function of mysticism in the fascist revolution, Trani, Udine, 1940.
Mesetti, Vincenzo: Civiltà fascista, Nuova Italia, Florence, 1941.
Olivetti, Angiolo Oliviero: Features of the new Italian State. Littorio, Rome, 1930.
Olivetti, Ezio Maria: National Syndicalism, Monanni, Milan, 1927.
The Organization of the Fascist State (National Fascist Party), Libreria dello Stalo,
Rome. 1938.
The National Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista), State Library, Rome, 1938.
Machine Translated by Google
Romanini, Luigi: The principles of fascism in the field of education, II ed., Paravia,
Turin, 1939.
De Sarlo, Francesco: Gentile and Croce. Philosophical letters of a Le passed ',
Monnier, Florence, 1925.
-% Revolt against the modern world, Hoepli, Milan, 1934; 111 ed.
Medium Editions
-. The men and the ruins, Ascia, Rome, 1953; III ed.. Volpe, Rome, 1972.
_. General theory of the spirilo as a pure act, IV ed., Laterza, Bari, 1924.
Marcuse, Herbert: Reason and Revolution: Hegel and thè Rise of Social
Theory, II ed., Humanities, New York, 1954 (tr. it.: Regions and Revolutions.
The Mill, Bologna, 1964).
Berlin, 1932.
Biasutti, Renato: Races and peoples of the earth, UTET, Turin, 1941 (3 vols.).
De Felice, Renzo: History of Italian Jews under Fascism, Einaudi, Turin, 1962; The
ed., Einaudi, Turin, 1972.
De Francisci, Pietro and others: Fascist politics of race, National Fascist Institute of
Culture, Rome, 1940.
De Martino, Salvatore: The spirit and the race, Signorelli, Rome, 1940.
Lunches, Leone: Current phase of German racism. National Fascist Institute of Culture,
Rome, 1939.
Gini, Corrado: Birth, evolution and death of nations, Littorio, Rome, 1930. Koriierr.
Riccardo: Regression of births: death of peoples. Littorio, Rome, 1928. Leoni. Enzo:
Mystic of Fascist Racism, Cedam, Padua, 1941.
Lodolim, Armando: The history of the Italian race from Augustus to Mussolini, UEI,
Rome, 1939.
Preti, Luigi: Fascist Empire. Africans and Jews, Mursia. Milan, 1968.
Amicucci, Ermanno: The Six Hundred Days of Mussolini, Faro, Rome, 1949.
Saracrista, Vito: With the Italian Social Republic at the service of the country,
Milan, sd'
Machine Translated by Google
De Felice, Renzo (edited by): Fascism and the Italian political parties. Hats,
Rocca San Casciano, 1967.
Dutt, R. Palme: Fascism und Social Rei>olution, International, New York, 1934.
Fetscher, Iring: "On the Critique of the Avpet-Marxist Concept of
Fascism". in Karl Marx and Marxism, Piper, Monaco, 1967.
Nathan, Peter: The Psychology of Fascism, Faber and Faber, Londra* s.d.
Nolte, Ernst (a cura di): Theories about fascism, Kiepenheuer and Witsch.
Berlino, 1967.
Trotzkv, Leon: Fascism: Whal It Is, Hoiv lo Fighi It. Pioneer, New York, 1944.
in the Manifesto of Racism, 252, 379 of the State, 253-257 Antonio José, 332
Ardigò Roberto, 100, 120, 195 Ariani
in the Manifesto of Racism, 248 Aristotle, 197, 228 Actualism, 194-197 criticism
of it, 209-213 in Fascism, 212
Babeuf Francois, 102-103, 110 Badoglio Pietro, 261, 276 Bakunin MA, 99 Balabanoff
Angelica, 253 Battisti Cesare . 130 Bergson Henri, 69-71, 126,
211, 254 Bianchi Michele, 146, 157, 195 Bianchini Giuseppe, 242 Biasutti Renato,
238, 239 Biologism, 244-251 criticism of, 244-248 presence of, 231 rejection of,
250 -251 Leonidas Bissoali, 48 Blanqui August, 110 Bolshevism birth of,
133 class composition of, 146 dictatorship of, 319 Fascism and, 272
Machine Translated by Google
Bombacci Nicola, 264, 279, 289 Bonfantini Corrado, 280 Borghese Valerio,
263 Bourgeoisie in the abstract, 144
man's conception of, 308 corporatism and, 276 power through democracy of. 111 ethics
of, 307 Fascism and, 38, 156-157, 269 Fascism as a defense of, 332335
in the Fascist Party, 157-158 the years of the Fascist Regime and the, 275-276
minority government of the, 63 Mussolini on the, 279 Mussolini on the Fascist Regime
and the, 275-276
Canepa Antonio
on topics of fascist doctrine, 194 fascist theory and practice and, 192-193 racism and.
242 Capasso Aldo, 241 racism and, 242-244-249 Capitalism
Machine Translated by Google
the class struggle under the, 107 crisis of. 269 elimination of, 273-275
expropriation of, 171 «fascist defense of, 36 Fascism as a creature of, 27-28 free
initiative, 20 Gentile and the, 287 as an obstacle, 293 proletarian
revolution and, 315-316 resistance of, 266 -268 of State (see also Stalo), 13
Carsten FL, 334 Caste, in the racist theory, 243 Chamberlain Houston
S., 241 Ciano. Count Galeazzo, 253 Class, fight of
as strength, 109
Marx on, 64
Michels on, 64
the nation as a substitute for the, 158 order through the state and the, 5759
the fascist regime supported by the, 276 in the fascist state, 154 functional myths
of the, 57 humanism of work and (see also: Work), 286, 288
increase in production and (see also: Production), 86 moral regeneration through the,
289 national bourgeoisie and, 133-35 socialization program (1943) and, 264-68
guardianship of the war, 290-91 (1914) and the, 127-33 (see also: Proletariat)
Social classes
in African socialism, 327-29 in Bolshevism, 146 caste in racial theory and, 244-45
elitism of the — dominants (see also: Elitism), 55-57 needs of the — dominants, 92
dominant and dominated, 52-53 the Stalo as an instrument of the — dominants (see
also: State), 320-22
Clemenceau Georges, 91 Codreanu Corneliu, 28, 338 Cogni Giulio. 242-43 Colajauni
Napoleon, 128 Cole GDH, 38, 325, 334 Collectivism (see also Corporatism), 309
Communism History and, 281
national (see also: national socialism), 319 social class and, 317 resistance to
socialization, 267 Soviet (see also: marxism).
bourgeois reaction to, 276 radicalization of, 288 as a transition, 269, 272-275 Corradini
Enrico, 78-82, 157. 220, 22627, 233
the second class struggle, 78-82 ethnocentrism of, 78-80 functional myths of,
81 Gumplowicz e, 78, 81
Machine Translated by Google
influence of, 184 Italy and, 78-79 on Jews, 232 Moscow and, 79, 81
nationalist, 86-89 Sighele and, 86 socialism and, 86, 271 Sorel and, 78, 81, 87
Corridoni Filippo, 130 Corso Giovanni, 173 Conscience
the rational foundation of Fascism and, 183 Gentile and, 209, 211 racism and, 242,
244 on the State. 214 Coulter T., 301 Crispi Francesco, 91 Croce Benedetto,
68, 103, 115, 155, 190, 195, 283, 287
From Begnac Yvon, 101, 153, 195, 196, 245 From Felice Renzo, 40, 104, 114,
226, 232 Democracy
social (see also: Socialism), 300 Sorel and la, 77 vera. 291-92
supremacy of nationalism over classes in, 141-46 Canepa on, 192 codification
of, 160-67 of community society, 173-77 definition of, 20-23 democracy in,
147-48 development of (after 1925), 16873
mature, 173-84
Marx and his, 134 nationalism and, 240-41 Zionism, 253-56 (see also:
Anti-Semitism) Economy
class struggle under the, 106 crisis of, 269 elimination of, 273-75
expropriation of, 171 Fascism as a creature of, 2728
in the class struggle, 53-54, 56-57 Engels and the revolution led by, 110
fascist, 167
inevitability of, 59
Marxism and, 68
Machine Translated by Google
Michels' opinions on Mosca, 63-64 and Olivetti's, 55-57, 59, 112-113 masses
117-18, 124-26 Pareto and lo, 53-57, 59 of the ruling classes (see also:
Dominant classes), 55-57 Engels Friedrich , 139, 307 conception of — of history,
313 the revolution led by the elite and, 110
historical materialism and, 283 humanism of, 312 Mussolini and, 103, 105, 107,
114 on the organization, 111 political ideal of, 23-25 as a rationalist, 108 opinions
of — on the revolution, 31318
bourgeois, 307
Italian, 189-91 Mussolini on neo-idealism, 191-94, 190, 195-96 Papini and the,
189-90, 195 philosophical development of, 190 social and political definition of,
20-22 Marxism as (see also: Marxism) , 22
(see also: Equality, Ethics, Freedom and particular philosophies, such as:
Actualism, Positivism, Pragmatism)
Machine Translated by Google
Freud Sigmund, 71 Futurism, 88-89, 93, 131, 233 Social and political
philosophy definition of, 20-21 Marxism as (see also: Marxism and particular
social and political philosophies such as: Actualism,
Syndicalism), 21-22 Finzi Aldo, 253 Fiorentino Francesco, 100 Forza
Gatti Salvatore, 277 Gentile Giovanni, 22, 26, 168, 193-221, 268, 269, 310
Lenin e, 287
neo-idealism of, 190 racism and, 256 aid to Jews, 253-54 on racism, 242
opinions of — on the State, 152, 153, 165, 172, 184, 185, 212, 214-18
Hierarchies, Mussolini on (see also:
Elitism), 149 Ghisellini Iginio, 263 Giolitti Giovanni , 48, 160 Gini
Corrado, 40, 168, 220, 226 racial theories of, 234, 238, 239 about society,
173-76 Giuliano Balbino, 162, 196 Gladstone William, 91 Cabinet {De) .
Arthur, 239, 241 Goebbels Joseph, 254, 262 Gorgolini Pietro, 158, 159
Parliamentary Government, 46-50 Gramsci Antonio, 333 Grandi Dino, 157
Red Guards, 167 Guicciardini Francesco, 118 Guide, revolutionary (see also:
Dictatorship, Elitism, Party), 24 Gumplowicz Ludwig, 99
on ethnocentrism, 59 influence of, 52-57, 65, 114, 163, 17677, 184, 227, 240
on Cor radini, 79. 81 the fascist doctrine and, 161 on Michels, 89-90, 113 on
Mussolini, 117 , 125, 148, 154, 212 on Fascism, 62-63 opinions of — on
man, 198-99 on man, 161
opinions of — on the State, 62-63 on the State, 53-54 Giinther Hans, 243
Halew Ely, 301 Harris H. S„ 27, 196 Hegel G. W. F., 110, 309 Hervé
Gustave, 128, 129 Hess Moses, 302, 305 Hitler Adolf, 15, 26-27, 99, 226.
240, 241, 326
affirmation of, 30-36 contemporary fascist, 339-40 definition of, 20-23, 191
Fascism as, 11-12, 26-39 dominant, 324-25 totalitarian,
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150- 153
State and
151- 52
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the State as a personality of the, 290-91 in liberal opinions, 164-65 (see also:
Man) Industrialization
Socialism), 128-33 Leninist and Fascist, 319-20 Instinct to fight (see also:
class struggle), 55-56 Italy
Corradini and the, 78-80 economic development of, 45-48 seizure of power
by the fascists in, 20. 159-61 foreign policy of, 48-50 illiteracy in, 46 invasion
of, 261-64 Mussolini on, 229- 30 parliamentary system in (see also:
Kane Amidou, 330 Kant sull'uomo, 101, 162 Kautsky Karl, 101, 103, 114, 129, 322
Keith Sir Arthur, 238 Kelsen Hans, 24 Kemal Ataturk, 332 Krusciov N., 25,
321, 322 Klopstock Friedrich G. , 101 Korherr Richard, 232 Kouyate Seydou,
329, 330 Kropotkin P., 101, 129
Labriola Antonio, 103, 281 Labriola Arturo on Fascism, 333-34 on the defeat
of Fascism, 288 influence of Gentile on, 195, 287 Mussolini and, 110, 113-15,
119, 273, 287 nationalism of, 176 syndicalism of, 102, 190, 337
Landra Guido, 238, 239, 250 Lapouge Vacher De, 241 Lassalle Ferdinand,
151 Work
African socialism and, 335 humanism of, 35, 285-86, 288-89 in the
programmatic manifesto (1943), 383-84
as a source of value, 288 units between capital and, 294-95 (see also:
manufacturing, working class)
collective hallucinations and, 62, 74-76 crowd psychology and, 74, 85-86
influence of, 64, 114, 218, 227 on Mussolini, 114, 155 Michels and, 90
strength as the foundation of (see also: Strength), 66-68 in Soviet ideology, 22-23,
Legislation, enactment of laws, 216 Lenin V. /., 13, 22, 24, 26, 99, 156 opinions
of — on conscience, 315-18 elitist concepts of, 110, 330 faction of, 101-2 Gentile
and, 287 compared, 39-40 on the individual, 309 Marx a
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comparison of, 22 marxism modified by, 102 Mussolini compared with, 105 opportunism
of, 29
revolution in backward countries and, 317-19 on the state, 25, 320-23 the war (1914)
and, 131 Leninism, 311-24
Democrat, 25
as an extension of liberalism, 24
ideologues of, 40-41 international, 320 involution of, 312-19 lack of importance of,
327-28 as a rational foundation, 24-26 Sorel and the, 65 theory and practice of, 29-30
totalitarian, 311-12, 336 Lensch Paul, 129 Leo
Henry, 65, 115, 121 Leyhers General Hans, 267 Free initiative
criticizes, 87-89
hope of the nineteenth century, 20 the individual seen from (see also:
individual), 164
property under the, 277 Rocco on, 174 sovereignty in, 67 unrealistic, 82 true (see also:
Liberty), 292 Liberty
Struggle in the nature of man (see also: Class struggle). 148 Ludwig Emil, 119, 30,
242, 245
Manoilesco Mihail, 273 Mao Tse-Tung, 13, 325 Marchello M., 193 Marinetti FT,
88, 93, 146, 157 race and, 229-30 Marro Giovanni, 245 racism and, 248 Martinelli
Franco, 263 Marx Karl, 22, 26, 51, 132 on class struggle, 64 death of, 99 dedication
of, 312-13 ethics of, 305-7
by comparison, 39-40
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ideal of, 30
Lenin vs., 22
myths of, 73
political ideal of, 24 proletarian revolution and, 110 rationalist, 108 the revolution
seen by, 314 Sorel compared with, 67
betrayal of (see also: Leninism, Stalinism), 25, 322 class struggle and, 66
classification of, 35 conflicting interpretations of, 139-40 democratic, 24-25,
300 elitism and, 68 Fascism and, 36-37
Michels on, 63, 284 Mussolini and the, 103-8, 282, 284, 317-18 influence of
Gentile on Mussolini and the, 287
10 State according to the, 149-50 totalitarian ethics and the, 302-11 transformation
of, 14-15 betrayed, 25, 322
lack of intellect in, 211-12 in African socialism, 830 consciousness of, 116-18 cult of
personality for, 217-19 as primordial energy, 64 elitism and
elite's need for, 109, 143-45 shaped by elitism, 153-55 endemic limitations of,
325-26 fascist control of, 182 fascist hierarchies over, 167 Leninist awakening
of, 315-18 mobilization of, 63 motivation delle, 119 Mussolini on, 119-20, 154-55, 215
Mussolini and the psychology of, 116-20 nationalism and, 87 nature of, 82- 84
Sighele's views on, 85-86 the end of Sorel and le, 73-75 in totalitarian ideology, 23
agitation in, 19-20 use of, 59
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(see also: Mass movements) Historical materialism (see also: Marxism), 280-85
Matteotti Giacomo, 168 Mazzini Giuseppe, 99, 142 Megaro Gaudens, 94, 101, 104,
115 Mensah JH, 328 Mezzasoma Ferdinando, 279 Meyer Alfred , 24, 102
Michels Roberto, 4p. 103, 168, 240
on Fascism, 184
ideologist, 39-41
influence of, 140, 161, 163, 167, 177, 198, 218, 227, 240
Le Bon and, 90 Marxism and, 63, 284 Moscow and, 90, 92 Pareto and, 90, 92
racism and, 240 trade unionist, 113 synthesizer, 89-93 Fascist militia, 166- 67 Mill JS,
changes in, 60-61 definition of, 58-59 democracy as, 115-16 class struggle and, 58
collective hallucination as, 62, 7576
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bourgeois, 58
by Corradini, 81
definition of, 58
effects of, 77
Mussolini's conception of, 118-19 social classes as, 92-93 strategic use of,
59-60 the general strike (see also:
definition of, 69-71 Mussolini's acceptance of, 115-16 the political formula as,
182-84 social, 72-76, 78 definition of, 64-66 Soviet,
324 Functional bourgeois myths, 58 by Corradini, 81
Mussolini's conception of, 118 social classes as, 92-93 strategic use of,
59 Organizational myths (see: Functional myths)
Political myths, 50-51 definition of the, 69, 181 Mussolini's accession to the, 115-
16 parliamentarians, 31-32 Social myths, 72-76-78 definition of the, 72-73
Statutory myths
change in, 60 definition of, 58 democracy as, 116 Montandon Georges, 238
Moore Barrington, 339 Morality, Sorel on, 78 Mosca Gaetano, 99 conservative
thinker, 62-63 democratic theory and, 111 elitism and, 55-57, 59 ethnocentrism
and, 61 the futurists and, 89 Gumplowicz and, 113 influence of, 50-54, 64, 113,
163, 167, 176, 177, 183, 184, 227 on Corradini, 79, 81 on Michels, 89- 90,
92 on Mussolini, 51, 117, 125. 148,. 154, 212
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interventionist, 130 Marxism and, 284 rejection of Marxism, 68 racism and, 239 on
racism, 242
Mussolini Alessandro, 99, 100, 102, 105 Mussolini Benito, 11, 26, 93-161, 228-264 anti-
parliamentarism of, 143 anti-radical, 36-38 anti-Semitism of, 232-33, 240 actualism of,
193-95 seizure of power by, 160-62 precedents of, 99-101 birth of, 99 on the
bourgeoisie, 279 on the fascist regime and the bourgeoisie, 275-76
compromise of, 332-33 control of — over the Fasci, 172-74 death of, 295-
299 De Begnac and, 101, 153, 195, 245 deposition (1943) of, 261 rejection of the
dictatorship by, 156 Duce, 183-84 education of, 99-102 elitism of, 316, 330 consistency
of Mussolini to Elilism on:
Nietzsche, 150-51
Pareto, 108-10, 117, 119-21, 122, 125, 140, 144, 148, 212
intellectual development of, 194-96 on Italy, 142 Lenin compared with, 105 Leninism
seen by, 311-12 man seen by, 211-13 Marx and, 114, 119-20 critique of Marx, 121
Marxist commitment youth, 100 influence of Marx, 102-103 Mussolini's rejection of
Marx, 126-27, 141-42
Marxism and, 103-108, 282, 284, 318-19 Gentile influence on Mussolini and Marxism,
opportunism of, 29-30 typical dictator, 218-19 control over the Party by, 167-68
on philosophy, 191-94 philosophical development of, 191 positivism of, 104-106, 121,
122, 191 pragmatism of, 94, 115-120, 122-23 productivist intentions of, 327-28
proletarian nations and, 320 on race, 245 racism and, 239, 255-56 races of color and,
246-47 populationist definition of, 251-52, 253
revolutionary and, 104105, 110-11. 125 ruler, 27-28 the social classes and,
126 the concept of class and, 126-29 the class struggle and,
107-108 the overcoming of classes through nationalism and, 140-45
socialism of, 102-104, 117 , 139-40, 144-45
10 state and,
on the Fascist State, 178 Mussolini against it, 151-53 Mussolini's opinions on
it, 149-50, 165
continuity of thought, 12, 93-95 youthful parts of the, 101-102 Marxist phase,
103-108 on material interest, 106-108 morality in, 107 nationalism
and the, 129-33, 140-45 starting points towards Fascism in, 108-10
equality and, 34-35 as a fascist myth, 148-50 Gentile and the, 232-33 Gentile
rationale for the, 207-208 Gini on, 174
of Labriola, 176
mass e, 87-88
Mussolini's thought and, 129-33 populationist racism and, 251 social classes
and, 133-35 classist identification and, 127 Sorel's influence on — Italian, 78
totalitarian, 26, 331-36 (see also: National Socialism)
Nationalization (see also: Socialization), 274 National Socialism (
Nazism) as an anomaly, 14 consider it Fascist, 36-37 conservative allies
of the, 339 Fascism put on par with the, 26-27
tensions between Fascism and, 228 racism of, 240-45 fascist imitations of, 26-30
fascist racism confronted with, 226-39, 256-7 racial differences and, 34-35 racism
and alliance with, 253- 54 Sorel and the, 64 totalitarian, 336 Nation
Olivelli Angelo Oliviero, 40 elitism of, 112 the fascist theory and, 40, 226,
240 on the individual in society, 162 interventionist, 130 Mussolini and, 110,
140 on syndicalism, 176 theoretical, 114, 140, 162, 166, 190 on violence,
67 Olivetti Ezio M., 177 Orano Paolo, 240
Orioni Alfredo, 109, 167, 233 on man, 214 on race and, 231, 232, 247
on corporatism, 276 the cult of personality and, 218 on Fascism, 163 fascist,
on fascist theory and practice, 193 Gentile and, 209 ideologue, 113 Mussolini
and, 119, 140 pragmatist, 123 on property, 277 the state seen by, 163-64,
177 on the fascist state, 165-66 Paoloni Francesco, 216 Papini Giovanni,
89, 123, 130 on philosophy and, 189-90 on pragmatism, 123-24 Pareto Vilfredo,
Machine Translated by Google
elitism and, 53-57, 59 equality seen by, 53-54 ethnocentrism and, 61 the
futurists and, 89
influence of, 50-52, 63, 65, 163, 167, 177, 184, 227 on Corradini, 79, 81 the
fascist doctrine and the, 161 on Michels, 90, 92 on Mussolini, 108-110,
117, 119- 20, 122, 125, 140, 144, 148, 212 interventionist, 130 the March on
Rome and, 160 Marxism and, 284 rejection of Marxism by, 68 myth and,
181 about myth, 179 race and, 230
as a collective will, 309-10 current in, 274 Gentile's opinion on the, 206
mass organization since, 90-92 Mussolini's control over, 168, 172
obligations of, 182
Fascist Republican Party is the programmatic manifesto of, 382 (see also:
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Pighetti Guido, 166 Pini Giorgio, 114 Pisenli Piero, 280 Plato, 212 Plekhanov
G., 103, 129 Foreign policy, 382-83 formulations of, 148 Positivism
Italian, 189-90
by Mussolini, 94, 115, 121, 122, 123 Papini sul, 123-24 by Panunzio, 123 by
Sorel, 123
Leninist theory and, 30 philosophy as, 286 theory separate from, 192-94 Preziosi
Giovanni, 255 Prezzolini Giuseppe, 15, 89, 123, 130.
rift between social classes and, 316-19 as an end, 170-71 focus on, 156-57
importance of, 145-47 the individual as an instrument of, 283-85
Lenin and the, 328 Marxism and the, 67-68 Mussolini and the, 327-28 nation and
doctrine of the, 147 proletarian revolution and, 314 revolution in backward
countries and, 31719
Machine Translated by Google
as an abstraction, 142-43, 145 attraction of Fascism on, 334 dictatorship of, 314,
321-22 general strike of (see also :
capitalism and, 315-17 production and, 314 social myths for the, 76, 78 will of
the, 309
Private property, 277 impositions on, 292-94 Proudhon Pierre J., 102- 103
Psychology, collective, 62, 81-84, 85, 94, 108, 215
Quaison-Sackey Alex , 98
in the Manifesto on Race, 248 previous of, 221-33 biological, 244-252 criticism
of, 244-48 presence of, 231 rejection of, 249-52 definition of, 233-39 apologies
for, 226 Gentile and the, 256
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Gentile and aid to Jews, 254 Gentile on racism, 242 Gumplowicz and
Gumplowicz, 256 definition of racism, 236-39 Manifesto of, 378-79 anti-
Semitism, 251-52
intrinsic difficulties in the, 247-51 text of, 378-80 Mussolini and the, 239, 256
races of color and, 247 population definition of, 251. 253
fascist imitations of, 27-30 fascist racism compared with, 226, 239, 256-57
Bolshevik and fascist, 317-18 definition of, 23-24 Engels and the — led by
the elites, 110
strike and (see also: Strike), 112 (see also: Mass movements.
Revolutionary Socialism, Revolutionary Syndicalism)
Proletarian revolution, 107, 313-17 the bourgeoisie in, 107, 110 capitalism and,
315-16 production and, 314 Rocca Massimo, 130, 166 Rocco Alfredo, 157, 195,
196 on society 173-75 Rokeach M., 301 Rosenberg Alfred, 241
Machine Translated by Google
Rossi Cesare, 279 Rossoni Edmondo, 157, 270, 337 Roux Georges, 41
Russell Bertrand, 24
the war and the — general, 129-30 General strike myth of. 87 the proletariat
and the, 87 war (1914) c, 130-31 Nineteenth century, order of, 19 Selci
Giovanni, 242 Senghor Leopold, 228, 328, 337 Sergi Giuseppe, 230
Seton-Watson Hugh, 17 Sforza Cesarmi W., 216 Show George Bernard,
95 Sighele Scipio, 62, 81-86 Corradini and, 86 Gurnplowicz and, 85-86 influence
of, 114, 227,
Le Bon e, 62, 82, 85 the masses seen by, 85 Michels e, 90 Mussolini e, 154- 55
the race e, 240 Silvestri Carlo, 263 Sindacalismo Nazionale (see also:
the conception of Blanqui of, 110 of Corradini, 80-81, 86 definition of, 112-13
of Labriola, 102, 190, 337 the mass party and the, 91 Mussolini and the, 104,
105, 110-11. 125 pragmatism of, 189 the main theorists of, 64-65 theory and
practice of, 112 Unions, 208
definition of, 99
Machine Translated by Google
Gentile and, 279, 285-89 Mussolini and, 268-75, 279-80, 288-89 Pavolini and, 279
al, 108-109 international crisis in the, 128-33 fascist and Leninist, 318-20
Marxist as a model, 269 of Mussolini, 103-4, 118, 140-41. 14445
, Sorel sul, 53
in political and social philosophy, 20-21 Sorel's views on, 76-77 (see also:
Social classes. State) Sombart Werner, 103 Sorel Georges, 64-78, 232,
289 Anti-intellectualism of, 69, 74 anti-Semitism of, 232 characteristics of,
64-65 classification of, 71-72, 74 Corradini and, 78, 81, 87 democracy and,
on Mussolini, 65, 114-21, 141, 144, 148, 179, 195, 212 interventionist, 130
on Italian nationalism, 78 Le Bon e, 86 Michels e, 90-91 Marxism e, 284
moralist, 69
Moscow vs., 65-68, 76, 78 Pareto vs., 65-68, 76, 78 Sorel judge him by
Pareto, 73, 75 political myth theory by, 69, 181 pragmatist, 123 the
end of, 73- 77 social conflict e. 66-67
social myths and, 72-75, opinions on society, - 76-77 Spampanato Bruno, 231,
253 Spencer Herbert 83 Spinelli Giuseppe, 268 Spirito Ugo, 190, 226,
Stagner Ross, 37 Stalin Joseph, 40, 263, 319 Jews and, 134 national
socialism of, 322 production and, 327 purges of, 14 thinker, 13
ethical, 152-53. The individual and it. 178-79 interpretations of, 171-73
Gurnplowicz's views on, 62-63 Gurnplowicz on, 53- 54 the ideal of — totalitarian,
270-72, 309 the individual and the
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Manchesterian, 153-56, 165-66 Marx's opinions on the, 150, 323 Marxist ideal,
24-25 Mussolini on, 165 on the fascist state, 178-79 Mussolini against the state,
151-53 Mussolini's opinions on the state, 14950
property relations and, 277-78 public interest and, 178 as a repository of force,
165 as an organized force, 116 right of the state to use force, 177-78
(see also: Strength) social classes and (see also: Social classes), 25, 321-22
social balance in, 173-74 socialization and, 263-66 Sorel's views on, 66-67
totalitarian, 177-78 Fascist state , 183-85 unity of capital and labor in, 294 as
will* of the minority (see also: Elitism), 68 disappearance of, 26 Stalin on, 320-22
Manchester state, 153-56, 165- 66 Steiner H. Arthur, 274 Stirner Max, 150, 152
the masses as an instrument of, 154-55 myth as the driving force of, 74 the
nation as a product of, 142 as the struggle of races, 245 as a social myth,
72 of society as a class struggle. 313
Summer William G., 61 Sun Yat-Sen, 332 Susmel Edoardo, 104, 114, 167 Trade
Blanqui's conception of, 110 of Corradini, 81, 86 definition of, 112-113 of Labriola, 102,
190, 337 the mass party and the, 90-92 Mussolini and the, 105-106, 110-111, 125
pragmatism of, 190 main theorists of, 64-65 theory and practice of, 111-112
Syngenism, definition of, 61
Tagliatela Alfredo, 105 Taine Hippolyte, 51, 63 Torchi Angelo, 266 Tarde
Gabriele, 82, 114 Tasca Angelo, 333,
Taylor IA, 301 Teran Josè Gomez De, 242 Totalitarianism, 297-340
charismatic, 208 definition of, 13. 24 Fascism as, 311-12 Gentile and the, 206-208
ideologies of (see also: Ideologies), 336-39
of left and right, 299-302 Leninism as (see also: Leninism), 311-12, 336-37 main
tendencies of, 240 Marxism and the ethics of, 302-10 of Mussolini, 293-95 nationalism
as, 324-26 the mass revolutionary movements and the (see also: Mass
movements), 324-26
the totalitarian fascist state, 183-85 in the third world (see also: African socialism),
327-31 Tourè Sekou, 328 Transrationalism definition of, 71 in Fascism, 211-12 in
myths, 213 Tripodi Nino, 220 Trotsky Leon, 27 ,
311, 322 Turali Filippo, 48
bourgeois conception of. 308 ethical fragility of, 214-15 fascist definition
of, 181-83 in the ethical state, 214-218 implementation of, 197
Gumplowicz's views on, 198 on man, 161-62
Liberalism and — selfish, 204-5 Marx on, 106-7, 161, 302-5 Mussolini's
views on, 211-13 Oriani on, 214-15 in social and political philosophy, in
society, 21-22
Vaccoro Angelo, 55 Vanni Icilio, 55, 113 Twentieth century, troubles of, 19-
20 Vi gorelli Gabriele, 280 Violence
Weber Eugen , 334, 337 Weber Max, 218 Woltmann Ludwig, 214
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Chapter I - Introduction
A definition of ideology
Georges Sorel.
Chap. Ili - The social and political thought of the young Mussolini
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The Fascism of Piazza San Sepolcro The Fascist conception of the State ....
Gentile and the fascist conception of man and freedom Freedom as behavior governed
by laws . Gentile and fascist totalitarianism ....
Gentile and the fascist opposition: the concept of consensus Gentile and the
fascist opposition: the rationality of the dictatorship .........
The Social Conceptions of Republican Fascism The Resistance Against Fascist Socialization Fascist
Socialism .....
Machine Translated by Google
Gentile and the critique of classical Marxism Gentile and fascist socialism ....
Totalitarian Socialism......
contemporary fascisms
Notes to chapter I
» » II
» » III
» » IV
" " IN
» » VI
» » VII
» » Drill
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