Tyco Ty7126 Esfr17 Upright-2
Tyco Ty7126 Esfr17 Upright-2
Tyco Ty7126 Esfr17 Upright-2
Model ESFR-17
16.8 K-factor Upright Sprinkler
Early Suppression, Fast Response
• Most encapsulated or non-encap-
IMPORTANT sulated common materials including
Refer to Technical Data Sheet cartoned, unexpanded plastics
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to
• Cartoned, expanded plastics
regulatory and health information.
• Some storage arrangements of rub-
Always refer to Technical Data ber tires and roll paper
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
For more specific criteria, see Table A
WARNING” that provides cautions
and the applicable design standard.
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com- The Model ESFR-17 Upright Sprin-
ponents. Improper handling and klers provide the system designer with
installation can permanently damage an upright option to the traditional
a sprinkler system or its compo- pendent ESFR Sprinklers. With a K-fac-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail tor of 16.8, Model ESFR-17 Sprinklers
to operate in a fire situation or cause provide system designers with hydrau-
it to operate prematurely. lic and sprinkler placement options not
presently available to traditional ESFR
Sprinklers having a K-factor of 14.0. In
Scan the QR code or enter the URL particular, the Model ESFR-17 Upright
in a web browser to access the most Sprinklers are designed to operate at
up-to-date electronic version of this substantially lower-end head pressures
document. Data rates may apply. compared to ESFR Sprinklers with 14.0
K-factor. This feature offers flexibility
when sizing system piping and posi-
tioning the system piping with respect
to the ceiling. Number (SIN)
NOTICE See Table A
The Model ESFR-17 Upright Sprinklers
described herein must be installed and Technical
maintained in compliance with this
document, as well as with the appli- Data
cable standards of the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA), in addi- Approvals
FM Approved
tion to the standards of any authorities EAC Approved
docs.jci.com/tycofire/ having jurisdiction, such as FM Global.
model-esfr-17_16-8K_upright Failure to do so may impair the perfor- Finish
mance of these devices. Natural Brass
The owner is responsible for main- Physical Characteristics
General taining their fire protection system
and devices in proper operating con-
Frame ���������������������������������������������������������Brass
Deflector �������������������������������������������������� Copper
2-9/16" DIA.
(65,0 mm)
Components: 2
1 - Frame
2 - Deflector 3
3 - Compression
4 - Hook THERMAL
5 - Strut 3-5/8" SENSING
6 - Link Assembly 5 (92,1 mm) ELEMENT
7 - Button
8 - Sealing
Assembly 6 1/2"
9 (12,7 mm)
9 - Ejection Spring
10 - Deflector Nut NOMINAL 1-5/8"
8 MAKE-IN (41,3 mm)
7 3/4" NPT
The fusible link assembly is com- Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY7126
prised of two link halves that are joined
together by a thin layer of solder. When K-factor, gpm/psi½ (Lpm/bar½) 16.8 gpm/psi½ (241,9 Lpm/bar½)
the rated temperature is reached, the
solder melts and the two link halves 165ºF (74ºC)
Temperature Rating ºF (ºC) 212ºF (100ºC)
separate, activating the sprinkler and
flowing water. Thread Size 3/4 in. NPT or ISO 7-R 3/4
Criteria Maximum Working Pressure, psi (bar) 175 psi (12,1 bar)
Response Type FR QR
Solid Pile or Palletized Storage of Class I-IV and Group A or Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0 and 8-9
B Plastics
Idle Pallet Storage Refer to NFPA 13 Refer to FM 2-0, 8-9, and 8-24