Painter Multiple Choice Paper 2

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1. Of the following which one is not a primary colour.

a) Red
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d) Green

2. When you mix any two primary colour, what is the name of the resultant colour
a) Tertiary
b) Secondary
c) Russet
d) None of the above

3. Which one is not a Secondary colour

a) Red
b) Orange
c) Green
d) Violet

4. Which two colours are mixed to make Orange

a) Blue and Red
b) Yellow and Red
c) Red and Blue
d) Green and Violet

5. How do you produce a Tertiary colour

a) Mix any two secondary colours
b) Mix any two primary colours
c) Mix all Primary colours
d) Mix all secondary colours

6. The best and right tool to be used when painting a door is which paint brush size.
a) 75mm
b) 50mm
c) 150mm
d) 100mm

7. A tint is a mixture of which colours?

a) White plus hue
b) Black plus hue
c) White, Black and hue
d) Red plus hue

8. Of the following which one is correct about pastel.

a) White plus hue
b) Black plus hue
c) White, Black and hue
d) Red plus hue

9. State the effects of vertical stripes on wall.

a) Increase the height
b) Lower the ceiling
c) Shorten the room
d) The walls advance

10. What is the effect of painting a ceiling with a darker colour?

a) The ceiling will appear lower
b) The room will appear bigger
c) The room will look wider
d) None of the above

11. How do you hide a defect on substrate.

a) Paint it with a different / contrasting colour
b) Paint it with the same colour as the main wall
c) Create a colour scheme
d) None of the above

12. What is the ratio at which the extension ladder is safe to use?
a) 1:4
b) 1:3
c) 1:3
d) 1:5

13. To avoid slipping all extension ladder should be fitted with …………… at the bottom.
a) Rungs
b) Styles
c) Pads
d) Bucket stay

14. Why is it all wooden ladders are not allowed to be painted.

a) It is expensive
b) Cheap
c) Hide defects
d) Not beautiful

15. Pink wood is best applied on which surfaces?

a) BIC
b) Door frames
c) Metal skirting boards
d) Plastic trims

16. Mould growth is best sterilized with bleach of what ratio?

a) 1 part bleach to 16 parts water
b) 1 part bleach to 8 parts water
c) 1 part bleach and 1 part water
d) 3 parts bleach and 15 parts water

17. When sanding one should sand in which direction

a) Any direction
b) Across the grain
c) Along the grain
d) All directions

18. Which is not a property of bristles.

a. Strength and resilience
b. Split tip
c. Flag end
d. Non lean

19. Scaffold boards are reinforced with a steel binding on the ends to:
a) Add weight
b) Prevent splitting the ends
c) To make them strong
d) To beautify the boards

20. Of the following which is not used on a rotary disc sander

a) Abrasive disc
b) Lamb wool mop
c) Carborundum grinding wheel
d) Orbital sander

21. The maximum permissible holding capacity of a paint pot is:

a) 2.5Lt
b) 1.5lt
c) 3lts
d) 3.5lts

22. Bristle are from the following animals except which one.
a. Pig
b. Hog
c. Boar
d. Sheep

23. Which one is not a mechanical hand tool?

a) Needle gun
b) Hand scrapper
c) Descaling pistol
d) Descaling hammer

24. Which is not a shave hook?

a. Peer Shaped
b. Combination
c. Diamond shaped
d. Triangular
25. The other name for paint kettle is:
a) Paint pot
b) Paint tray
c) Paint stay
d) Paint hook

26. Of the following which one is not a man-made filling.

a. Nylon
b. Perlon
c. Tynex
d. Bristle

27. Identify the correct type of a brush filling.

a) Bristle
b) Horse hair
c) Nylon
d) Orel

28. The most important part of a spray gun is:

a) Air cap
b) Container
c) Handle
d) Triger

29. Tubular scaffold is maintained how offen?

a) Fortnight
b) Weekly
c) Regularly before, during and after work
d) Monthly

30. Which of the following is not an advantage of using a paint roller over a brush?
a) Application is faster
b) Can cut into corners
c) Extension pole can be used
d) Orange peel texture is obtained

31. Which part controls the air inlet valve and the fluid needle?
a) Spring
b) Trigger
c) Air cap
d) Air adjustment knob

32. Which brush produces a even textured finish?

a) Stippling brush
b) Block brush
c) Artist brush
d) Round brush

33. Warning signs are erected or put in place to:

a) Alert people of hazard within the area
b) To meet safety standards
c) To endanger people
d) For inspection

34. Painting wooden ladders with paint is dangerous because:

a) Beautify the ladder
b) Paint hide defects
c) The ladder will not last longer
d) It is cheaper than varnish

35. Which colour is achromatic?

a) grey
b) red
c) green
d) blue

36. Black, White and range of greys are referred to as :

a) Primary colours
b) Secondary colours
c) Achromatic colours
d) Stimulating colours

37. Identify a primary colour from below:

a) Red
b) Green
c) Orange
d) Purple

38. Pick a secondary colour?

a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Purple
d) Blue

39. Bonding liquid is normally applied on which conditions?

a) Powdery walls
b) Wet walls
c) Cracked walls
d) Sound walls

40. At work places, gang ways must be kept clear from obstacles so as to:
a) Increase production
b) To prevent accidents
c) Increase working area
d) To demarcate floors

41. State 4 ingredients used in the manufacture of glass

a) Silica, borax, soda and sand
b) Silica, borax, lime and soda
c) Lime, sand, borax and silica
d) Soda, lime, borax and silica
42. What is the purpose of pigments in paints.
a) Add value to the paint
b) Give colour and opacity
c) Give colour and strength
d) Give opacity and adhesion

43. On a scaffold which part prevents operatives from off the scaffold.
a) Guard rail / Safety belt
b) Ledger / safety belt
c) Transom / safety belt
d) Raker / safety belt

44. What colour is produced when yellow and red are mixed?
a) Green
b) Purple
c) Orange
d) Green

45. Why is not advisable to paint wooden ladders?

a) Cracks might not be possible to detect
b) Prolong ladder life span
c) Its expensive
d) Cheaper than varnish

46. The approved angle for using an extension ladder is:

a) 75 Deg
b) 70 Deg
c) 80 Deg
d) 85 Deg

47. What is the purpose of having back putty during glazing?

a) Add weight to the frame
b) To receive the pane
c) For bevelling off
d) To make the putty strong

48. Which is the correct minimum glass allowance allowed during glazing?
a) 4mm
b) 3mm
c) 2mm
d) 1mm

49. Which part forms colour in paint?

a) Pigment
b) Film former
c) Binder
d) Vehicle

50. State the other name for thinner?

a) Film former
b) Solvent
c) Binder
d) Vehicle

51. The difference between paint and varnish is that:

a) The absence of pigment in varnish
b) Paint is thicker than varnish
c) Varnish is lighter than paint
d) Varnish shines better than paint

52. The base castors fitted on a mobile scaffold must be:

a) Light weight
b) Locked when in use
c) Face any direction
d) Greased and unlockable

53. Which surface preparation is not recommended on asbestos.

a) Washing down
b) Making good
c) Wet abrading
d) Dry abrading

54. Identify the correct roller to be used on Corrugated roofing sheets.

a. Cylinder roller
b. Curved roller
c. Airless fed roller
d. Standard roller

55. Which roller is ideal for use on large contracts

a. Airless roller
b. Standard roller
c. Curved roller
d. Cylinder roller

56. Paint brush is not available in which size?

a. 100mm
b. 150mm
c. 75mm
d. 125mm

57. Which brush size is mostly recommended for painting doors

a. 100mm
b. 150mm
c. 75mm
d. 50mm

58. The other name for amyl acetate is

a. Thinners
b. Turpentine
c. White spirit
d. Degreaser
59. Of the following which one is not a element of fire?
a. Heat
b. Fuel
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide

60. State the solvent for Poly vinyl Acetate Paint.

a. Thinners
b. Water
c. Turpentine
d. White spirit

61. The other name for white spirit is.

a. Turpentine
b. Amyl acetate
c. Thinners
d. Vinegar

62. Which is not the advantage of using rollers

a. Peel texture
b. Extension pole can be used
c. Application faster
d. Brush marks

63. Paint rollers are available in the following sizes except

a. Short pile
b. Medium pile
c. Long pile
d. Intermediate pile

64. Which paint roller brush do you use on rough cast

a. Long pile
b. Medium pile
c. Short pile
d. Intermediate pile

65. The purpose of the flag end is for

a. Dusting off
b. Laying off
c. Holding paint
d. To keep the bristles apart

66. Where do we find serrations

a. Fillings
b. Paint pads
c. Paint mitten
d. Sand paper

67. From the list select a fine sand paper sheet

a. P100
b. P80
c. P120
d. P200

68. From the list select a coarse sand paper

a. P100
b. P80
c. P120
d. P200

69. A good paint system for a new wooden fascia board has
a. 1 primer 1 undercoat 1 Gloss Enamel
b. 2 primer 1 undercoat 2 Gloss Enamel
c. 2 primer 2 undercoat 3 Gloss Enamel
d. 2 primer 2 undercoat 2 Gloss Enamel

70. A standard paint system for asbestos facia board has

a. 1 primer 1 undercoat 1 Gloss Enamel
b. 1 primer 1 undercoat 1 PVA
c. 2 coats PVA
d. 2 coats Gloss Enamel

71. What is a tint?

a. White plus hue
b. Hue plus white
c. Black plus white
d. White plus black

72. How do you mix a pastel

a. White plus hue plus black
b. Hue plus black
c. Hue plus black plus white
d. Black plus hue

73. Why do we add red into yellow when making orange.

a. Red has more tinting power
b. Any of the two can apply
c. Yellow is on top of the colour wheel
d. Red is a warm colour

74. Select a warm colour

a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. Blue green

75. Identify a cool colour

a. Green
b. Red
c. Orange
d. Red orange
76. For a small room to appear big, you use which colour?
a. Advancing colours
b. Retreating colours
c. Cool colours
d. Warm colours

77. For a long narrow corridor to appear short, you use which colours at the ends?
a. Advancing colours
b. Retreating colours
c. Cool colours
d. Warm colours

78. Design a good colour scheme with these colours, Tint, shade and pastel.
a. Tint (ceiling), Pastel (wall) and Shade (floor)
b. Tint (Ceiling), Pastel (floor) and Shade (wall)
c. Tint (floor), Pastel (ceiling) and Shade (ceiling)
d. Tint (wall), Pastel (ceiling) and Shade (Floor)

79. Spray gun orifice is not available in which sizes?

a. 0.5 to 0.9mm
b. 1.0 to 1.9mm
c. 1.4 to 2.2mm
d. 2.2 to 2.8mm

80. Select a non-member of a spray gun.

a. Air cap
b. Fluid needle
c. Fluid tip
d. Fluid mixer

81. Pick primary colours

a. Yellow, blue, red
b. Red, blue green
c. Blue , red , green
d. Yellow, red green

82. Calculate area of room measuring 4.5m by 8m

a. 36m3
b. 36m2
c. 12.5m2
d. 12.5m

83. Find the perimeter of a room measuring 4.5m by 8m.

a. a. 36m3
b. 36m2
c. 12.5m2
d. 12.5m

84. When soaking a wallpaper to be removed, where do you start from?

a. Start soaking from the top
b. Start soaking from the bottom
c. Start soaking from the centre
d. Start soaking from any direction

85. Which tool is used to etch washable wall paper.

a. Rubbing block
b. Nail block
c. Scraper
d. Wire brush

86. Select 1 basic reasons for painting.

a. Preservation
b. Costing
c. Selling
d. Marketing

87. What is the meaning of Back Priming.

a. application of wood primer on the end grain of timber to prevent future moisture
b. Priming back of wardrobe
c. Primer application
d. Application of primer at the back stage

88. In the Munsell Hue Scale Red is represented by what?

a. R
b. 00
c. Red
d. Re

89. Select material used for surface preparation or cleaning.

a. Mutton cloth
b. Sand paper
c. Water
d. Sugar soap

90. Which colour is used on General Water Pipes,

a. Green
b. Red
c. yellow
d. black

91. Give at least 2 Wood Primers used in wood Industry.

a. Red oxide Primer
b. Calcium Plumbate
c. Aluminium Primer
d. PVA Paint
e. Plaster primer

92. State the advantage of wet abrading?

a. It etches, eliminate dust
b. Cheap
c. Fast
d. Slow

93. Chemically active materials contain which material?

a. Water
b. Lime
c. H2O
d. Dust

94. Paint can be defined as:

a. Surface coating
b. PVA and Oil Paints
c. Surface coating applied on substrates for protection, identification,
sanitation and decoration
d. Pigments

95. One components of good quality paint is:

a. Filler
b. Solvent
c. Opacity
d. Adhesion

96. One effect of Liquid Paint Remover is:

a. Softens the coating film
b. Removes the coating
c. Cleans the walls
d. Hardens the coating film

97. Define colour.

a. It is an impression taken into the head through the sense of sight responding to
the wavelength of light.
b. The colour of object
c. Image seen by the eyes
d. It is an impression taken into the mind through the sense of sight responding to
the wavelength of light.

98. What is making good.

a. Repair of defective or unsound substrates
b. Scraping
c. Abrading
d. Sanding

99. Efflorescence refers to which defects.

a. Defects
b. Adhesion properties
c. Saponification
d. Crystallised salts deposit on walls

100. Which is not a Spectrum Colours.

a. Red,
b. White
c. Indigo
d. Violet / Purple

101. What is Saponification?

a. Same as efflorescence
b. The changing of colour
c. Crystallised salts deposit on walls
d. Alkali changes the drying oil into non-drying water soluble?

102. State one method of removing mill scale on metals.

a. Mechanical and Hand Methods
b. Abrading
c. Chalking
d. Spraying

103. Which is not a element of fire.

a. Heat
b. Fuel
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon monoxide

104. Write down one non Primary colour.

a. Red
b. Blue
c. Yellow
d. Green

105. State any one Secondary colour and how it is made.

a. Green by mixing yellow and blue
b. Russet e by mixing yellow and Red
c. Olive by mixing Blue and Red.
d. Grey by mixing white and black

106. How are tertiary colours obtained?

a. By mixing any primary colours
b. By mixing all primary colours together
c. By mixing any two secondary colours
d. By mixing yellow and red

107. How do you come out with a pastel.

a. Add black into hue
b. Add hue into white
c. Add red into yellow
d. Add blue into red

108. How would one make a shade

a. Red plus black
b. Red plus white
c. Red plus yellow
d. Red plus blue

109. Which tool do you use to bevel off putty?

a. Scraper
b. Broken glass pane
c. Glazing Hacking knife
d. Glazing putty

110. Which statement is not true about Amyl Acetate and White Spirit, 2 factors.
a. White spirit evaporates faster than amyl acetate
b. Thinners is colder than turpentine
c. Thinners has a short open time hence it evaporates faster than turpentine
d. Thinners has a choking smell

111. State the difference between varnish and paints?

a. Paints has pigments whereas varnish do not have.
b. Varnish is cheaper than oil paint
c. Paint has better opacity
d. Paint is light in weight than varnish

112. Why is it not advisable to apply shellac knotting on timber to be finished with varnish?

a. It add value
b. Beautify the finish
c. It add opacity
d. it stains the finish.

113. What is the minimum moisture content of wood acceptable for painting?
a. 20 %
b. 15 %
c. 25%
d. 18%

114. Where do we use a Venturi tube?

a. Washing down
b. Abrasive Cleaning
c. Flame cleaning
d. Sanding down

115. Where do we use a curved roller brush?

a. Pipes , Roofing sheets
b. Walls
c. Floors
d. Furniture

116. Identify one property of a good bristles.

a. Opacity
b. Laying off
c. Strength and resilient
d. Length out

117. Which method do eliminate dust?

a. Wet abrading
b. Dusting off
c. Snagging
d. Dry abrading

118. At what level do one prime flame cleaned substrates?

a. When the surface is still warm
b. The following day after flame cleaning
c. After 24 hrs
d. Overnight

119. Which is not a bristles used in brush manufacturing.

a. Perlon
b. Nylon
c. Tynex
d. Fibre

120. Which is not the correct reasons for priming substrates.

a. To reduce porosity of substrates without damaging them
b. It increases the cost of the quote
c. To bind down loose materials on substrates
d. To make subsequent removal of wall covering easier.

121. State the effects of applying strong size on substrates.

a. retarded drying of the coverings adhesive
b. dries faster
c. holds the paper for too long
d. increases the cost

122. Give one shape of abrasive particles .

a. Round
b. Square
c. Rectangle
d. Diamond

123. Which is not a Wallpaper adhesives.

a. Starch Pastes
b. Cellulose Pastes
c. Starch Ether Pastes
d. Sugar glue

124. Which statement is false about sizing.

a. It stains the finishing paper
b. Increase the adhesion of wall covering
c. Reduce porosity of hot substrates
d. Equalize the variable porosity of substrate.

125. Give 1 example of paint strainers and where to use it.

a. 30 mesh PVA
b. 45 mesh Undercoat
c. 35 mesh PVA
d. 65mesh Gloss, Varnish

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