Quiz Final-Revision

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Ginielle Gem A.

Belarmino 11-STEM

Philippine/ World Lit 21st Century

Part I. Queries on a literary piece.
Instruction: Two literary works will be presented then answer the questions that follow.

1. What type of literary work is it?
Sa aking buhay na’to.
- This type of literary work is an example of Tanaga.
Wala ng umiiba
Ngunit sa pagdating mo 2. What is its rhyme scheme?
- A rhyme scheme is pattern of sounds that repeat at
Mundo ko’s nagiba the end of a line or verse. ABAB rhyme scheme is
present in the literary work because the very last word
in the first- and third-lines rhyme, while the very last
word in the second and fourth lines make a different
3. In which literary period did this type of literary work exist?
- This type of literary work existed in Pre-Colonial

A beautiful day Questions:

Always drives the pain away 1. What type of literary piece is it?
- This literary piece is an example of Haiku.
That’s all I will say 2. In which literary period did this type of literary piece
- In the Japanese period, this type of literary work

Part II. Let’s get into literary forms.

Instruction: Match the literary forms to their corresponding description.

a. A literary form that revolves around

Religious literature
the life and the death of Jesus
Secular literature b. Literature that passed down
through speech from generation to

Propaganda literature generation.

c. These were works that aimed to
attack the Spanish Rule.
Revolutionary literature
d. These are exposes that sparked
revolution and resistance in the
Oral literature hearts of Filipinos
e. Literature that does not have any
Prose narratives religious themes.
Part III. Literature across time.
Instruction: Number the periods in order and provide at least one characteristic of the Philippine
Literature in each period.

Literary Periods Characteristics


REPUBLIC  Poems produced during the Third Republic period were romantic and
 Songs on life, grief, poverty, aspirations, freedom, God's love, country,
(9) and fellowmen were prevalent at this period.

PERIOD OF ACTIVISM  Because of society's difficulties, the youth sought reforms during the
Period of Activism.
 The youth are also becoming more vocal about their views and ideas.
(7)  Bloody demonstrations, public expression, and literature were used to
communicate the need for change. Youths' voices were heard at this
period, not only through protests but also through the power of the
PERIOD OF ENLIGHTENMENT  Filipino prodigies used the power of the pen to reawaken the Filipino
people's patriotic spirit and inspire them to fight for their
(3)  The literary genres began to use Tagalog rather than Spanish.
 Propaganda literature and revolutionary literature are two types of
literary works from this period.
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD  During this period, it is based on oral traditions. The Pre-Colonial
Period's varied works were passed down from generation to
generation by oral tradition.
(1)  It also attacks ideology and phraseology. People's ideas were the
foundation of the literature throughout this time.

PERIOD OF THE NEW  Themes and almost all publications during the New Society Period
SOCIETY concerned with the country's development or progress, including
family planning, good nutrition, a sustainable environment, and more.
 Writings that gave a bad influence on the morals of the people were
(8) tired to be stopped.
 There was a rebirth of classic plays like Sarsuela and Senakulo around
this time.
SPANISH PERIOD  The Spanish language is introduced as a means of communication at
this time.
 There are two types of literary genres in this period: religious
(2) literature and secular literature.

POST EDSA 1 REVOLUTION  Freedom of the press was restored, and a wide range of literary styles
 The development thrust towards the retrieval and recovery of writing
(10) in Philippine languages other than Tagalog is a feature of post-EDSA
 The published writings were feminist and non-traditional in nature.
THE 21st CENTURY PERIOD  New trends are always evolving, and new technologies are being
presented. We now have access to a vast array of materials due to the
internet, which has allowed individuals, particularly the youth, to
(11) begin writing and expressing their views, ideas, and feelings. Ebooks
and Wattpad are great example.
AMERICAN PERIOD  There are two literary periods in the American Period. During the
Apprenticeship Period, English, Filipino, and Spanish were used in
(4) literary works by notable authors. During this time, writers were
adopting and experimenting with Western writing styles.
 During the Emergence Period, writers established the use of language
in a variety of literary styles. They have also experimented with
various types of writing. Finally, the Philippines literature pioneers
emerged, and the use of local color was established.
JAPANESE PERIOD  During the Japanese occupation, English-language Philippine
literature came to a halt.
 The majority of the poems' principal subjects were nationalism,
(5) barrios life, faith, love, religion, and the arts.

PERIOD OF LITERATURE IN  The writings that have arisen during this period were of journalistic
ENGLISH style.
 The themes of most literary works were associated with Japanese
brutality, the poverty of life during the governance of Japan and more.

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