Where To Exchange Old or Damaged Swiss Bank Notes
Where To Exchange Old or Damaged Swiss Bank Notes
Where To Exchange Old or Damaged Swiss Bank Notes
In Switzerland, exchanging your damaged or recalled, but still exchangeable Swiss bank
notes is easy and free of charge. You can do so at an office of the Swiss National Bank SNB
(in Zurich, Bern, and Geneva). Current bank notes which are severely damaged may be
exchanged if the series and numbers are recognizable and the holder presents a part larger
than half or proves that the missing part has been destroyed.
If you are not planning to go to Switzerland, you can send the notes by mail to:
Swiss National Bank
Bundesplatz 1
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
We will transfer the counter value of the recalled bank notes to your bank or postal account.
Please provide us with your exact mailing address. To transfer the amount to your account
and to avoid any possible charges, or at least to reduce them, we need the following additional
Switzerland: Your address (last name, first name, address) as well the number of either a
bank account held in your name and/or an IBAN*, with the exact address of the bank holding
the account (possibly BC no.**) 1
Europe: Your address (last name, first name, address, country) as well as an IBAN* held in
your name with the BIC code*** (SWIFT address) of the bank holding the account.
Other countries: Your address (last name, first name, address, country) as well as the number
of a bank account held in your name with the address and BIC code*** of the bank holding
the account
If you have questions concerning the required details, please contact the bank holding your
In exceptional cases and upon request, we are able to send you the counter value of the
recalled bank notes by mail in the form of valid bank notes or a check made payable to your
name. Please note that shipment of cash in Switzerland is insured only up to the amount of
CHF 500. No liability is assumed for shipment abroad. The recipient bears the risk (in
Switzerland, for amounts larger than CHF 500; abroad for any amount) arising from
Current Banknotes
Swiss National Bank