BSBMGT517 Chaudhary

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Template 1
Resources Costs

Office space reconfiguration resources $10000

Ecommerce resources $30000

Training resources $5000

Software & hardware resources $20000

Maintenance resources 5000$

Template 2

Resources Costs

E-commerce Staffs salary Senior management team (5)= 5 * 2000 = $ 10000

One store manager 1500= $ 1500
 sales team leaders = 4*1500= $ 6000 One
delivery truck driver = $ 1500
 One warehouse worker= $ 1000
Plant and Equipment Contract Trucks 10 *2000=$20,000
Staff training Online retail training = $ 5000
Website development $20,000
Maintenance $5,000
Template 3 operational plan

Strategies Timeframe KPI (Key Person Budget Other

Performance responsible resources
Engaging with Engaging with Marketing $30000 E-
customers through Throughout 12 customers through manager Commerce
marketing, month period marketing, research, resources
research, and and personalized
personalized service can
service significantly impact a
business's success.
Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) are
essential metrics that
help measure the
effectiveness of these
Build a reputation Throughout 12 Building a reputation Sales manager $10,000 Office
for sales of months period for the sales of
quality online quality online space
products and products and resources
online quality providing excellent
Customer service. online customer
The customer service is crucial for
satisfaction rate is long-term success.
99%. Since the customer
satisfaction rate is
already high at 99%,
here are some
additional Key
Indicators (KPIs) to
consider in order to
further measure and
enhance your efforts
 Product return
 Product review
and ratings
 Page load time
 Bounce rate
 Conversation
rate by product

Strategies Timeframe KPI (Key Person Budget Other

Performance responsible resources
Engaging with Engaging with Marketing $30000 E-
customers through Throughout 12 customers through manager Commerce
marketing, month period marketing, research, resources
research, and and personalized
personalized service requires
service effective
measurement to
ensure the success of
these efforts. Here
are some Key
Indicators (KPIs) that
can help you track
and evaluate your
Conversion Rate:
Click-Through Rate
Lead Generation
Engagement Metrics:
Satisfaction (CSAT)
Net Promoter Score
Customer Feedback
Collection Rate
Build a reputation Throughout 12 It's great that you Sales manager $10,000 Office
for sales of months period already have a high
quality online customer satisfaction space
products and rate of 99%. Building resources
online quality a strong reputation
Customer service. for sales of quality
The customer online products and
satisfaction rate is excellent customer
99%. service is essential
for long-term
success. To reinforce
this reputation
further, consider
focusing on the
following strategies
and actions
Product quality
 Consistent
quality control
 Transparent
 Customer review
Customer service
 Timely response
 Effective issue
 Personalized
Online presence and
 Engaging
 Social media

Contingency plan template 3

Contingency plan

Company name: North Wharf

Person Developing the plan:

Name: Position:

Risk identified: untrained or new staff

Strategies/activities to minimise the risk By when By whom

Conduct the evaluation test and interview

1 Week HR manager

Purpose non-disclosure agreements and train employees to protect

confidential customers’ information. 2 Week HR manager

Introduce rules related to the stock range of the product Operational

1 month
Template 4

Resource acquisition
Aspects Strategi
All products will be offered Company needs to re-develop the website so that it functions well.
via The online store There will be a need for training for online retail as there is a lack of
online retail skills among the employees.
All stocks will be stored at To manage and take care of the warehouse there will be a need for one
existing stores in different worker in the store
states at no additional cost
Delivery costs will be There will need of the delivery trucks to deliver the product to the
covered by the customers customers. The delivery cost and the extra expenses of the drivers cost
will be charged to the customers as service charge and cost.

Template 5

Planning Description
 To determine the problem-solving skills
Type of interview
•  Information
To interview
find out the keyboard sills,
•  Stress
To findinterview
out the online retail skills.
•  Task-oriented
To find out the and testing handling
Telephone interviewskills
• Telephone interview
Approach and Case interview Stress interview Phone interviews
 9:00 Am- 10:00am 1st individual interview
 10:00Am- 11:00am 2nd Individual Interview
 11:00Am-12:00 PM 3rd Individual interview
 1:30 Pm-3Pm Final group Interview

Template 6
Question Ideal answer Number of possible Score

A website or application by 10 5
1. What do you know about
the medium where the goods
the online store?
and services are sold over the
Suggest to them the alternative 10 5
2. Imagine if a customer
products and try to make them
calls you and orders you
buy the product.
3 products then what will
you do?
Listen to the complaint, 10 5
3. how do you handle the
complaints of the
It is a principle that an 10 5
4. What is the customer’s
organization or the business
should not reveal information
about their clients to a third
party without the consent of
the clients or a clear legal
To build up the carrier in the 10 5
5. Why do you want to do
online related jobs.
this job?

Recommendation: Total points score: 25

Candidate must need to score an overall 25 points. Less than 25

marks will be assumed as disqualified.
Candidates have to answer in logical and in their own words.
The highest ranked candidates will be selected from the process.

Questions Candidate 1 score Candidate 2 score Candidate 3 score

What do you know about the 8 8 5

online store?
Imagine if a customer calls you 8 6 3
and orders you 3 products then
what will you do?
How do you handle the 7 8 5
complaints of the customers
What is the customer’s 9 8 7
Why do you want to do this job? 6 7 8
Total point score 38 37 28
Congratulations You Congratulations You Sorry! You did well
have been selected! have been selected! in the interview but
we were limited in
the job selection.


Performance management plan template

Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Reference from Key result area Indicator of success/ By when Status

operational plan performance report

Consumer Engagement Conduct quarterly Completion of 1 month Need for

via Marketing, surveys on customer customer surveys and the new
Research, and satisfaction. feedback. system
Personalized Service Valuation of market Completion of market
and marketing data to segmentation
determine marketing Completion of reports
opportunities. to market opportunities.
Investigate resources The customer’s 1month In 12
Establish a solid about the need for the satisfaction rate will be minutes, a
reputation for online product and people. measured after the consumer
quality product sales completion of the complaint or
and customer service Regular contact with customer survey. question
suppliers Numbers of customer would be
complaints. answered.
A number of return Right now,
items it takes 18
minutes on
Regular coaching, The number oftraining 3 weeks The training
Assist existing staff in Explanation of all sessions completed. program was
adapting to e-commerce communication to Number of absenteeism not as
changes through internal personnel. in the training period. effective as
training and it has to be.
Manager’s comments:

The plan to establish the new system was a

positive action but to handle the new system as
an online business we saw some of the lacking Date:
in the experience in the employees.

Staff member’s comments: Signature:

The new system was hard to use for the new

users so the performance is as expected. There
is a need for additional training for the
employees for the experience.

Coaching plan template

Employee: Team Leader

Coach/Manager: Service Manager

Date of session: 01/06/2022

GROW Questions
 The expected customer’s complaint/inquiry would be resolved in 12
 The goal is to get sales of $250,000 and provide a profit of $80,000.
 The goal was to deliver the products within 3 days from ordering.
 Currently, an average of 18 minutes is needed.
 Right now, the typical delivery time is 2.5 days.
 Just $220,000 in actual sales were made, and only $40,000 was made
in profit.
 The sales goal can be arranged by the evaluation of the performance.
The sales goal can be arranged by the evaluation of the performance.
 Time- taken because of poor website maintenance and occasional
downtime so it needs to be addressed in time.
 There should have more pieces of training for the employees to
increase the sale.
 There should have proper maintenance on the website to manage the
time taken.


Risk update template

Risks identified Contingency Recommendation

To minimize the budget cost, the To minimize the cost

1. Cost of budget
customer handling time needs to be business needs to
overruns is 1%
reduced. minimize the direct and
higher than
indirect costs.

Needs revised customer service training The training should be

2. The staff have not
customer service oriented
received enough
and try to master that part
knowledge from the
for all the employees.
training program.

Need of quick response team for the The company needs to

3. The website's
maintenance make a formal routine for
performance has
the website maintenance
fallen short of

Add product line in the stores To increase the customer

4. Sales for the first six
in the business need to
months did not meet
provide different offers
the target.
and add new products in
the store.

Part C: Implement variations in the operational plan


Template operational plan

Strategies Timeframe KPI (Key Person Budget Other
Performance responsible resources
Redevelop website Throughout the Redeveloping a Project manager $30,000 Plant’s &
and acquire 12 month period website and acquiring Operational equipment’s
physical resources physical resources are manager
undertakings that can
impact various
aspects of your
business. Key
Indicators (KPIs) are
essential to measure
the success and
effectiveness of these
initiatives. Here are
some KPIs to
consider for each of
these projects
 Website traffic
 Page load time
 Bounce rate
 User engagement
 SEO performance
Acquiring physical
 Cost per resource
 Resource
 Return on
 Operational

Recruitand train Throughout the Recruiting and HR manager $5,000 Training

staff period training staff is a Senior e- materials
critical process for commerce
ensuring that your manager
organization has the
right talent to achieve
its goals. KPIs help
you measure the
effectiveness of these
processes and their
impact on your
 Time to fill
 Cost per hire
 Source of hire
 Applicant quality
 Offer acceptance
 Diversity and
Training and
 Training ROI
 Training
completion rate
 Employee skill
 Training
 Application of
 Time to

Achieve profit Within 6 months Achieving profit Supervisor CEO$20,000 Operational

targets targets is a resources
fundamental objective
for any business, and
effective management
is key to meeting
these goals
 Revenue growth
 Gross profit
 Net profit margin
 Return of
 Cost control
Sales and marketing
 Sales growth
 Customer
acquisition cost
 Conversion rate
 Customer lifetime
Adhere to budget Within 6 months Adhering to a budget Supervisor $10,000 Monitoring
is crucial for effective Project manager resources
financial management Operational
and operational manager
Budget adherence
 Expense to
budget ratio
 Revenue to
budget ratio
 Budget variance
 Budget

Within 6 months Adhering to timelines Operational $10,000 Monitoring,

Adhere to is crucial for effective manager Reporting and
timelines project and CEO Research
operational oriented
management Resources
Project and task
 Task completion
 Project milestone
 Percentage of
project completed
on time
Deadline adherence
 Percentage of
deadline met
 Frequency of
missed deadlines
1. Resource
allocation and
2. Communication
3. Customer
4. Quality
5. Risk

Contingency plan

Company name: North Wharf

Person Developing the plan:

Name: Position:

Risk identified: competitor disadvantage, food safety issues

Strategies/activities to minimise the risk By when By whom

1 month after manager/ chef/
Review menu, option review, menu prices operation catering

Chef /
Once in month
Mandatory staff training customer manager

Review the competitor menu items and prices and then adjust
manager /chef/
accordingly Once in month

Follow customer review and feedback

Every week Operation team

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