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Byjus Exam Prep Ias Question Bank June 2023

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JUNE - 2023 2


1. How many of the following statements are true 5. Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with
regarding Multiple Sclerosis? (Level – Moderate) the hand gesture called ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It
1. It is an auto-immune disease. symbolizes: (Level – Moderate) [PYQ 2012]
2. It mainly affects the cardiovascular system of our A. Buddha’s calling of the Earth to watch over
body. Mara and to prevent Mara from disturbing his
3. Currently, there is no cure for the disease. meditation.
Options: B. Buddha’s calling of the Earth to witness his purity
and chastity despite the temptations of Mara.
A. Only 1 statement
C. Buddha’s reminder to his followers that they all
B. Only 2 statements
arise from the Earth and finally dissolve into the
C. Only 3 statements Earth, and thus this life is transitory.
D. None D. Both the statements (a) and (b) are correct in this
2. Consider the following statements about the
Delimitation Commission in India: (Level – Easy) 6. How many of the following statements are true
1. Both the Centre and the States can set up regarding the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework?
Delimitation Commissions for the division of (Level – Difficult)
constituencies at national and state levels 1. It was launched by India’s Prime Minister in 2015.
2. It has 4 defined pillars of cooperation.
2. Articles 82 and 170 of the Constitution allow for
3. As of now, it has 14 members.
setting up a Delimitation Commission after every
census. Options:
Which of the above statements is/are correct? A. None
A. 1 only B. Only 1 statement
B. 2 only C. Only 2 statements
C. Both 1 and 2 D. All 3 statements
D. Neither 1 nor 2
7. How many of the following statements are
true regarding Western Disturbances? (Level –
3. How many of the following is/are an example of
Circular Economy? (Level – Easy)
1. They are an example of Extra-Tropical Cyclones.
1. Planned Obsolesce of Products
2. They affect India only between November-
2. Extended Producer Responsibility
3. Banning of Single-Use Plastics
3. They can acquire moisture from as far as the
Options: Atlantic Ocean.
A. Only 1 Options:
B. Only 2 A. Only 1 statement
C. All 3 B. Only 2 statements
D. None C. Only 3 statements
D. None
4. How many of the following is/are true regarding
“Joint Logistics Nodes”? (Level – Difficult) 8. How many of the following statements are true
1. Such nodes cater to the logistics bodies of all regarding the Western Ghats? (Level – Easy)
3 services of the Indian Military: the Army, the 1. They traverse through 6 states of India.
Navy, and the Air Force. 2. They are a Biodiversity Hotspot.
2. Right now, we have 3 such nodes which have 3. They are an important water divide in India.
been operationalized.
3. The Joint Operations Division is responsible for
A. None
the establishment of such nodes.
B. Only 1 statement
C. Only 2 statements
A. Only 1 statement
D. All 3 statements
B. Only 2 statements
C. All 3 statements 9. The Mekedatu Drinking Water project is related to
D. None which of the following rivers? (Level – Easy)
A. Kaveri
B. Godavari
C. Vaigai
D. Pranhita
JUNE - 2023 3
10. Which one of the following is not the most likely Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
measure the Government/RBI takes to stop the slide A. 1 only
of Indian rupee? (Level – Moderate) [PYQ 2019] B. 2 and 3 only
A. Curbing imports of nonessential goods and C. 1 and 3 only
promoting exports
D. 1, 2 and 3
B. Encouraging Indian borrowers to issue rupee-
denominated Masala Bonds
15. The function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to
C. Easing conditions relating to external commercial
(Level-Difficult) (PYQ-CSE-2011)
A. Slow down the speed of neutrons
D. Following an expansionary monetary policy
B. Increase the speed of neutrons
C. Cool down the reactor
11. Consider the following statements: (Level-Medium)
D. Stop the nuclear reaction
1. The Great Stupa at Sanchi has been declared a
World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It was built during
Emperor Ashoka’s reign. 16. Consider the following Pairs: (Level-Difficult)
2. Ashoka spoke of Buddhism only to his coreligionists
and not to others.
National Waterway no. River System
3. The Second Buddhist Council was convened
under the patronage of Ashoka. 1. NW 16 BARAK RIVER
How many of the above statements are correct? 2. NW 64 MAHANANDA RIVER
1. Only one
2. Only two
3. All three 4. NW 110 YAMUNA RIVER
4. None
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
12. With reference to the insurance sector, consider the A. Only one
following pairs: (Level-Difficult) B. Only two
1. Bima Sugam – an online portal which is a one-stop C. Only three
shop for all insurance-related queries. D. All four
2. Bima Vahak – he is tasked to sell and service
simple parametric bundled insurance products.
17. `Consider the following statements: (Level-Medium)
3. Bima Vistaar – A social safety net product targeting
1. Lavenders flourish best in dry, well-drained, sandy
untapped geographies.
or gravelly soils in full sun
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
2. Commercially, the plant is grown mainly for the
A. Only one production of lavender essential oil.
B. Only two 3. Aroma Mission was launched by the Union
C. All three Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare through
D. None the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
(CSIR), which has led to the well-known “Purple
13. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Revolution” in India.
(Level-Medium) How many of the above statements are correct?
1. The first Law Commission was established by the A. Only one
East India Company under the Charter Act of 1833. B. Only two
2. The Law Commission recommendations made in C. All three
the report are binding. D. None
A. 1 only 18. With respect to Commission of Enquiry Act, 1952,
B. 2 only which of the following statements is/are correct?
C. Both (Level-Difficult)
D. None 1. This Act is made for the appointment of
commissions to inquire into matters which are
related or concerned or affects the public at large.
14. Consider the following statements with respect to
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC): (Level-Easy) 2. Both central and state governments can set up
such Commissions of Inquiry and they can appoint
1. It decides the RBI’s benchmark interest rates.
such commissions to investigate any subject
2. It is a 12-member body including the Governor of matter mentioned in the 7th schedule.
RBI and is reconstituted every year.
3. If the State government set up the commission
3. It functions under the chairmanship of the Union first, then Central Govt cannot set up a parallel
Finance Minister. commission on the same subject matter
JUNE - 2023 4
Options: 23.
How many of the following statements are true
A. 1 only regarding India Africa Forum Summit? (Level-
B. 2 and 3 only Moderate)
C. 1 and 3 only 1. It was first held in the year 2008.
D. 1, 2 and 3 2. The 3rd summit did away with the Banjul Formula
of inviting the heads of state.
3. The 4th Summit is to be held in Africa in 2023.
19. Which of the following statements is correct about
Superbugs? (Level-Medium) Options:
A. Microbes that have become resistant to antibiotic A. Only 1 statement
drugs. B. Only 2 statements
B. A computer virus designed to damage hardware C. Only 3 statements
that’s being controlled by computers. D. None
C. Microbes used in the bioremediation process.
D. Microbes used in Oral Poliovirus vaccine (OPV). 24. How many of the following statements are correct?
(Level- Difficult)
20. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener sold in the 1. mRNA vaccines lead to the production of foreign
market. It consists of amino acids and provides proteins in our bodies, triggering our immune
calories like other amino acids. Yet, it is used as a response.
low-calorie sweetening agent in food items. What is 2. The first human trial of an mRNA vaccine was done
the basis of this use?(Level-Difficult) (PYQ-CSE-2011) for Rabies.
A. Aspartame is as sweet as table sugar, but unlike 3. India’s first mRNA vaccine was developed for
table sugar, it is not readily oxidised in human body Covid-19.
due to lack of requisite enzymes 4. India’s mRNA vaccine for Covid-19 was the first
B. When aspartame is used in food processing, the such mRNA vaccine against the disease.
sweet taste remains, but it becomes resistant to Options:
oxidation A. Only 1
C. Aspartame is as sweet as sugar, but after ingestion B. Only 2
into the body, it is converted into metabolites that
C. Only 3
yield no calories
D. All 4
D. Aspartame is several times sweeter than table
sugar, hence food items made with small quantities
of aspartame yield fewer calories on oxidation 25.
Consider the following techniques/phenomena:​
(Level- Difficult)
21. Consider the following statements regarding World 1. Budding and grafting in fruit plants​
Environment Day (WED): (Level- Difficult) 2. Cytoplasmic male sterility​
1. It has been celebrated since 1973 under the aegis 3. Gene silencing​
of UNEP Which of the above is/are used to create transgenic
2. For 2023, the theme is “Solutions to Plastic crops?​
Pollution”, and it is being hosted by Cote d’Ivoire A. 1 only​
3. India has been the host of World Environment Day B. 2 and 3​
twice C. 1 and 3​
How many of the above are true? D. None​
A. Only 1 statement
B. Only 2 statements 26.
How many of the following statements are true
C. Only 3 statements regarding Suriname? (Level- Difficult)
D. None 1. It is located in the northern part of South America.
2. It was a Dutch colony before getting independence
22. Project 75 I is related to which of the following? in 1975.
(Level- Easy) 3. Indian-origin people make up the largest ethnic
A. Indigenous construction of submarines in India. group in Suriname.
B. Immunizing at least 75% of the global population Options:
against HPV. A. Only 1 statement
C. Construction of a Space Station by China. B. Only 2 statements
D. Protection of jobs against the rise of Artificial C. Only 3 statements
Intelligence. D. None
JUNE - 2023 5
27. How many of the following statements are true 32. How many of the following gases are greenhouse
regarding the Indian Monsoons? (Level- Moderate) gases? (Level-Easy)
1. The shift of the ITCZ is a major factor in bringing 1. Methane
the Southwest monsoons to India. 2. Nitrogen
2. The Tamil Nadu coast remains dry during the 3. Water Vapour
Southwest monsoon season. 4. Argon
3. Monsoon enters West Bengal and Bangladesh not 5. Carbon Dioxide
from the southwest but from south and southeast
A. Only 2 gases
B. Only 3 gases
A. Only 1 statement
C. Only 4 gases
B. Only 2 statements
D. All 5 gases
C. Only 3 statements
D. None
33. How many of the following statements are correct
28. Section 124A was inserted into the Indian Penal Code about cotton cultivation? (Level-Medium)
during the reign of which Viceroy? (Level- Easy) 1. It is a Kharif crop.
A. Lord Mayo 2. India is one of the top 5 producers of cotton
B. Lord Canning globally.
C. Lord Lytton 3. Bt Cotton was introduced in India in 2002.
D. Lord Curzon Options:
A. Only 1 statement
How many of the following statements are true B. Only 2 statements
regarding the Commission of Railway Safety? (Level - C. Only 3 statements
Moderate) D. None
1. It comes under the administrative control of the
Ministry of Railways. 34. Which of the following statements are true regarding
2. It is headquartered in Lucknow. the Madden Julian Oscillation? (Level-Difficult)
3. This authority is responsible for investigating 1. It is an Eastward moving system near the equator.
serious train accidents in the country. 2. It has a periodicity of 30-60 days.
Options: 3. Its presence over the Indian Ocean during
A. Only 1 statement monsoons helps bring good rainfall over the Indian
B. Only 2 statements Subcontinent.
C. Only 3 statements Options:
D. None A. Only 1 statement
B. Only 2 statements
30. Consider the following:​(Level- Difficult) C. Only 3 statements
1. Calcutta Unitarian Committee​ D. None
2. Tabernacle of New Dispensation​
3. Indian Reform Association​ 35. The money multiplier in an economy increases with
Keshab Chandra Sen is associated with the which one of the following?​ (Level-Medium) (PYQ-
establishment of which of the above?​ CSE-2019)
A. 1 and 3 only​ A. Increase in the cash reserve ratio​
B. 2 and 3 only​ B. Increase in the banking habit of the population ​
C. 3 only​ C. Increase in the statutory liquidity ratio​
D. 1, 2 and 3 D. Increase in the population of the country

31. Consider the following statements about Minimum 36. How many of the following statements are true?
Support Price: (Level-Medium) (Level-Easy)
1. The Minimum Support Price is recommended by 1. The Pumped Storage projects are often developed
the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. in conjunction with hydel power projects.
2. It is the minimum price at which the government 2. It is a form of renewable energy.
buys the crops from the farmers. 3. They use surplus energy during low-demand times
3. The system of MSP was first introduced in India in in order to fulfil the demand during peak hours.
1966-67. Options:
How many of the above statements are incorrect? A. Only 1 statement
A. Only 1 statement B. Only 2 statements
B. Only 2 statements C. All 3 statements
C. Only 3 statements D. None
D. None
JUNE - 2023 6
37. How many of the following pairs are correctly 41. Consider the following statements with respect to
matched? (Level-Medium) Governor: (Level-Medium)
1. Repo Rate: the rate at which commercial banks 1. With regard to Money bills, he may give his assent
give out loans to the bill, he may withhold his assent and he may
2. Reverse Repo Rate: the rate at which commercial return the bill for reconsideration of the house.
banks take loans from the RBI 2. He cannot pardon a death sentence.
3. Statutory Liquidity Ratio: Minimum % of deposits 3. He can nominate one member to the state
to be maintained by commercial banks as liquid legislative assembly from the Anglo-Indian
assets community.
Options: How many of the above statements are correct?
A. Only 1 pair A. Only one
B. Only 2 pairs B. Only two
C. All 3 pairs C. All three
D. None D. None

38. How many of the following pairs of the monument 42. With respect to the State Election Commission, which
and the ruler by whom it was constructed are of the following statements is/are correct? (Level-
correctly matched? (Level-Medium) Easy)
1. Siri Fort: Allauddin Khilji 1. It consists of a State Election commissioner to be
2. Jantar Mantar: Maharaja Jai Singh II appointed by the Governor.
3. Konark Sun Temple: Narasimhadeva I 2. He shall not be removed from office except in the
4. Qutub Minar: Iltutmish manner and on the grounds prescribed for the
removal of a judge of the State High Court.
A. Only 1 pair
A. 1 only
B. Only 2 pairs
B. 2 only
C. Only 3 pairs
C. Both
D. All 4 pairs
D. None
39. Which of the following statements are true? (Level-
Easy) 43. Consider the following statements: (Level-Difficult)
1. IMD is designated as a Regional Specialized 1. El Niño typically favours stronger hurricane activity
Meteorological Centre for 13 nations. in the central and eastern Pacific basins, and
suppresses it in the Atlantic basin.
2. The naming of the cyclones in the North Indian
Ocean region started in 2004. 2. El Niño and La Niña affect both the ocean and the
3. La Niña refers to a band of warmer water spreading
A. 1 only
from west to east in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
B. 2 only
How many of the above statements are correct?
C. Both 1 and 2
A. Only one
D. Neither 1 nor 2
B. Only two
C. All three
40. What is the use of Biochar in farming?​(Level-Difficult)
D. None
1. Biochar can be used as a part of the growing
medium in vertical farming. 44. Minimum Support Price (MSP) is given to which of
the following crops? (Level-Medium)
2. When biochar is a part of the growing medium,
it promotes the growth of nitrogen-fixing 1. Paddy
microorganisms.​ 2. Groundnut
3. When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it 3. Raw Jute
enables the medium to retain water for a longer 4. Sunflower Seed
time.​ 5. Ragi
Which of the above-given statements is/are correct?​ Options:
A. 1 and 2 only​ A. 1, 2 and 3 only
B. 2 only​ B. 3, 4 and 5 only
C. 1 and 3 only​ C. 1, 2, 4 and 5 only
D. 1, 2 and 3 only​ D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
JUNE - 2023 7
45. What is the difference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 48.
With respect to Brahmos Missile, which of the
devices? (Level-Difficult) (PYQ-CSE-2011) following statements is/are correct? (Level-Difficult)
A. Bluetooth uses 2.4 GHz radio frequency band, 1. The BrahMos missile also utilises a “fire-and-
whereas-Wi-Fi can use 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency forget” system, requiring no additional input from
band the operator once the missile has been launched.
B. Bluetooth is used for Wireless Local Area Networks 2. Indonesia is the first foreign country to place an
(WLAN) only, whereas Wi-Fi is used for Wireless order for the purchase of the BrahMos.
Wide Area Networks (WWAN) only Options:
C. When information is transmitted between two A. 1 only
devices using Blue-tooth technology, the devices B. 2 only
have to be in the line of sight of each other, but
C. Both
when Wi-Fi technology is used the devices need
not be in the line of sight of each other D. None
D. The statements 1 and 2 given above are correct in
this context 49. Which of the following statements is incorrect with
respect to ‘Green Revolution’? (Level-Easy)
46. Consider the following statements with respect to A. M.S. Swaminathan is known as the “Father of the
PM SVANidhi: (Level- Medium) Green Revolution” in the world.
1. The PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM B. During the Green Revolution in the 1960s, Indian
SVANidhi) was launched by the Ministry of Social farmers cultivated wheat and rice using high
Justice and Empowerment yielding variety (HYV) seeds.
2. Vendors can avail a working capital loan of up C. The Green Revolution in India was first introduced
to Rs. 1,00,000, which is repayable in monthly in Punjab.
instalments in the tenure of one year. D. The green revolution spread only in irrigated and
3. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and Small high-potential rainfed areas. The villages or regions
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) will without the access of sufficient water were left out,
be the implementation partner. which widened the regional disparities between
adopters and non-adopters.
How many statements given above are correct?
A. only one
50. With reference to Indian freedom struggle, Usha
B. only two
Mehta is well-known for (Level-Difficult) [PYQ-
C. All three CSE-2011]
D. None A. Running the secret Congress Radio in the wake of
Quit India Movement
47. Consider the following statements: (Level-Difficult) B. Participating in the Second Round Table
A. The western side of the Aravallis is a rain shadow Conference
area and faces the Thar desert, and hence has C. Leading a contingent of Indian National Army
sparse vegetation. The eastern side ¡s biodiversity- D. Assisting in the formation of Interim Government
rich with wetlands, lakes and ponds and green under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
B. All the rivers of Rajasthan have their origin from
51. Which of the pairs of defense exercises and countries
involved is correctly matched? (Level- Difficult)
C. The Aravalli Range passes through the states of
1. Ekuverin: Maldives
Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi and Gujarat.
2. Khaan Quest: Mongolia
D. Aravalli hills lie perpendicular to the direction of
monsoon winds causing heavy rainfall in eastern 3. Lamitye: Sri Lanka
Rajasthan. 4. Dustlik: Uzbekistan
How many of the above statements are correct? Options:
A. Only One A. Only 1 pair
B. Only two B. Only 2 pairs
C. Only three C. Only 3 pairs
D. All four D. All 4 pairs

52. Which of the statements are true regarding the Indo-

Nepal relationship? (Level- Moderate)
1. The Indo-Nepal Treaty of Friendship was signed in
2. The Motihari-Amlekhganj petroleum product
pipeline exists between the two countries.
3. India is constructing the Pancheshwar hydropower
project in Nepal.
JUNE - 2023 8
Options: Options:
A. Only 1 statement A. Only 1 statement
B. Only 2 statements B. Only 2 statements
C. All 3 statements C. Only 3 statements
D. None D. All 4

53. “One Future Alliance” is related to which of the 58. Which of the following statements are true? (Level-
following? (Level-Easy) Moderate)
A. Digital Public Infrastructure 1. The USA left UNESCO for the first time in 2018.
B. Tackling greenhouse gas emission 2. China is the biggest donor of UNESCO right now.
C. Development of technologies to deflect asteroids Options:
that are on a path to strike Earth A. 1 only
D. WHO mission to prioritize One Health approach B. 2 only
against Anti Microbial Resistance C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
54. Identify the correct statement(s) regarding Svalbard:
59. Mayon Volcano, which has seen a recent eruption, is
1. Svalbard is the world’s northernmost inhabited located in which of the following countries? (Level-
land. Easy)
2. It is a part of Russia. A. Philippines
3. ISRO, in 1997 was instrumental in operationalizing B. Indonesia
a new rocket launching range there.
C. New Zealand
D. Tonga
A. Only 1 statement
B. Only 2 statements
60. Which of the following statements regarding ‘Green
C. All 3 statements Climate Fund’ is/are correct?​(Level- Moderate)
D. None 1. It is intended to assist developing countries in
adaptation and mitigation practices to counter
55. Among the following organisms, which one does not climate change.​
belong to the class of the other three?​(Level- Easy) 2. It is founded under the aegis of UNEP, OECD, Asian
A. Crab​ Development Bank and World Bank.
B. Mite​ Select the correct answer using the code given below.​
C. Scorpion​ A. 1 only​
D. Spider B. 2 only​
C. Both 1 and 2​
56. How many of the following statements are true D. Neither 1 nor 2​
regarding the National Disaster Mitigation Fund?
(Level- Moderate) 61. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. It was mentioned in the country’s first Disaster (Level-Easy)
Management Act (2005). 1. Fly ash and plastic waste have already been in use
2. It was established for the first time in 2021. in India for the construction of national highways.
3. State Disaster Mitigation Funds are to be 2. The use of such material helps reduce the cost of
established with contributions from only the states. the construction of roads.
Options: Options:
A. Only 1 statement A. 1 only​
B. Only 2 statements B. 2 only​
C. All 3 statements C. Both 1 and 2​
D. None D. Neither 1 nor 2​

57. How many of the following pairs of puppetry art forms

and the states they belong to are correctly matched?
(Level- Difficult)
1. Ravanachhaya: Odisha
2. Putul Nach: West Bengal
3. Tholu Bommalata: Andhra Pradesh
4. Kathputli: Rajasthan
JUNE - 2023 9
62. How many of the following pairs of cyclone/hurricane/ 66. Consider the following statements: ​(Level-Medium)
typhoon and the water body where it originated are 1. Raja Parba is a festival celebrated mainly in the
correctly matched? (Level-Difficult) state of Odisha.
1. Fani: Bay of Bengal 2. It is a 3-day festival celebrating Mother Earth and
2. Vayu: Arabian Sea womanhood.
3. Harvey: Atlantic Ocean Which of the statements given above is/are correct?​
4. Phailin: Arabian Sea A. 1 only
Options: B. 2 only​
A. Only 1 pair C. Both 1 and 2
B. Only 2 pairs D. Neither 1 nor 2
C. Only 3 pairs
D. All 4 pairs 67. Consider the following statements: ​(Level-Easy)
1. The Paris Convention calls for a 1.5-degree Celsius
63. The “Migration and Development Brief” is released limit for global warming.
by which of these agencies? (Level-Medium) 2. The rise in global average temperature to measure
A. World Bank this limit is calculated keeping as base the global
B. United Nations Development Program temperatures after the last ice age ended.
C. International Labour Organisation Which of the statements given above is/are correct?​
D. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and A. 1 only
Development B. 2 only​
C. Both 1 and 2
64. How many of the following statements is/are true? D. Neither 1 nor 2
1. An economy is said to enter a recession if the GDP 68. How many of these statements are true regarding
contracts for a year or more. NATO? (Level-Difficult)
2. Depression in an economy is when the economy 1. It was established in 1949 by a group of nations to
experiences a quarter of a negative growth rate. provide collective security against the USSR.
3. All 20 Eurozone countries have entered a recession 2. It had 12 founding members, and the membership
recently. has increased to 31.
Options: 3. Finland is the latest country to become a NATO
A. Only 1 statement member.
B. Only 2 statements Options:
C. Only 3 statements A. None
D. None B. Only 1 statement
C. Only 2 statements
65. Consider the following statements: (Level-Medium) D. All 3 statements
1. The President of India can summon a session of 69. How many of the following can be an impact of US
the Parliament at such a place as he/she thinks it. ​ Fed rate hikes on Indian markets? (Level-Medium)
2. The Constitution of India provides for three 1. More inflow of money into India’s government
sessions of the Parliament in a year, but it is not securities.
mandatory to conduct all three sessions.​ 2. Fall of the rupee against the dollar.
3. There is no minimum number of days that the 3. Outflow of money from the stock markets.
Parliament is required to meet in a year. ​ Options:
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?​ A. Only 1 statement
A. 1 only B. Only 2 statements
B. 2 only​ C. Only 3 statements
C. 1 and 3 only D. None
D. 2 and 3 only
70. What does Baudhayan theorem (Baudhayan Sulva
Sutras) relate to?​(Level-Difficult) [PYQ-CSE-2008]
A. Lengths of sides of right-angled triangle
B. Calculation of value of pi​
C. Logarithmic calculations​
D. Normal distribution curve
JUNE - 2023 10
71. Consider the following statements: (Level-Difficult) 75. Among the following States, which one has the
1. The longest National Highway in India is National most suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation
Highway 44 of a large variety of orchids with minimum cost of
2. Maharashtra has the largest network of National production, and can develop an export oriented
Highways industry in this field? (Level-Easy)[PYQ-CSE-2011]
3. The Leh–Manali Highway is the world’s second- A. Andhra Pradesh
highest-altitude motorable highway B. Arunachal Pradesh
How many of the above statements are correct? C. Madhya Pradesh
A. Only one D. Uttar Pradesh
B. Only two
C. All three 76. ____________ is a type of protein in the mitochondria
D. None which plays an important role in cellular respiration.
(Level – Difficult)
A. Cytochrome C
72. Which of the following statements is incorrect with
respect to the National Pension System (NPS)? B. Elastin
(Level-Medium) C. Keratin
A. Interim/Partial withdrawal of up to 25% of the D. Leucine
contributions made by the subscriber from NPS
Tier-I is tax-free. 77. The ‘Miyawaki Method’, often seen in the news, is a
B. NPS is mandatorily applicable to Central technique (Level – Easy)
Government employees including the Armed A. To promote agriculture in the semi-arid areas
Forces recruited on or after 01.01.2004. B. To create dense forests with native plants
C. NRIs can invest in NPS and are eligible to receive C. To apply controlled amounts of water to land to
all the benefits like other Indian citizens. help grow crops, landscape plants, and lawns.
D. Tier-II is a voluntary account which offers liquidity D. To generate electricity by harvesting wind energy
of investments and withdrawals.
78. Consider the following statements with respect to
73. With reference to the Aditya-L1 mission, which one of Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
the following statements is incorrect? (Level-Difficult) (IREDA): (Level – Moderate)
A. ADITYA-L1 will be ISRO’s first space observatory 1. It is a Mini Ratna (Category – I) Government of India
dedicated to studying the Sun. Enterprise.
B. The Aditya-L1 mission will carry seven different 2. It is registered as a Non-banking Financial
payloads capable of studying various phenomena Company (NBFC) with the Reserve Bank of India
on the Sun across the electromagnetic spectrum (RBI).
and solar wind.
3. One of the objectives of IREDA is to conduct
C. FIELDS instrument suite will capture the scale and and promote research in meteorology and allied
shape of electric and magnetic fields in the Sun’s disciplines.
How many of the above statements are correct?
D. The mission will study the solar upper atmospheric
A. Only one
(chromosphere and corona) dynamics.
B. Only two
C. All three
74. Consider the following pairs: (Level-Easy)
D. None

Commission/Committee Objective 79. Consider the following statements with respect to

1. Gadgil Commission Study on New Digital Gandhi Peace Prize: (Level – Difficult)
Payment Methods 1. It is awarded biennially by the Government of India.
2. The award is open to all persons regardless of
2. Punchhi Commission Centre-State Relations nationality, race, language, caste, creed or gender.
3. T S R Subramanian Police reforms 3. A jury consisting of the Prime Minister of India, the
Committee Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, the
Chief Justice of India, Speaker of the Lok Sabha
4. Narasimhan Commit- Define foreign direct
and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha, decides the
tee investment (FDI)
awardee each year.
How many of the above statements are correct?
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? A. Only one
A. Only one B. Only two
B. Only two C. All three
C. Only three D. None
D. All four
JUNE - 2023 11
80. The tendency for increased litigation was visible 84. With respect to the Cornwallis Code, which of
after the introduction of the land settlement system the following statements is/are correct? (Level –
of Lord Cornwallis in 1793. The reason for this is Moderate)
normally traced to which of the following provisions? 1. It established the Permanent Settlement system.
(Level – Moderate) [PYQ-2011] 2. Collectors were given only the power of the
A. Making Zamindar’s position stronger vis-a-vis the revenue administration.
ryot Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
B. Making East India Company an overlord of A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Making judicial system more efficient
C. Both 1 and 2
D. None of the (a), (b) and (c) above
D. Neither 1 nor 2

81. Consider the following statements with respect to

85. What is “Virtual Private Network”? (Level – Easy)
contempt of court: (Level – Moderate)
PYQ (2011)
1. The Attorney General’s (AG) consent is mandatory
A. It is a private computer network of an organization
when a private citizen wants to initiate a case of
where the remote users can transmit encrypted
contempt of court against a person.
information through the server of the organization
2. The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, has a limitation
B. It is a computer network across a public internet
period of two years for bringing in action against
that provides users access to their organization’s
an individual.
network while maintaining the security of the
3. The Supreme Court has the power to initiate information transmitted
contempt cases on its own, independent of the
C. It is a computer network in which users can access
motion brought before it by the AG or with the
a shared pool of computing resources through a
consent of the AG.
service provider
How many of the above statements are correct?
D. None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above
A. Only one is a correct description of Virtual Private Network
B. Only two
C. All three 86. How many of the following statements are true
D. None regarding the Jagannath Rath Yatra? (Level – Difficult)
1. It is an important festival for the devotees of Lord
82. Which of the following statements is incorrect with Krishna.
respect to the Chambal River? (Level – Difficult) 2. It is also known as Gundicha Yatra.
A. It is a tributary of the Yamuna River. 3. Logs of Sharua and Phasi trees are essential for
B. It originates at Janapav, south of Mhow town, near the construction of the Ratha for this festival.
Manpur, Indore, on the south slope of the Vindhya Options:
Range in Madhya Pradesh. A. Only 1 statement
C. It flows through three Indian states. B. Only 2 statements
D. Banas, Mej and Parbati are the left bank tributaries C. All 3 statements
of Chambal.
D. None

83. Consider the following statements with respect to

87. How many of the following statements are true
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: (Level –
regarding the Gandhi Peace Prize? (Level – Difficult)
1. It was started in the year 1969 to celebrate the
1. The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs has
100th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
regulatory oversight over Insolvency Professionals.
2. It is announced by the Ministry of Culture.
2. A competitor of the corporate debtor is prohibited
to submit a resolution plan in a corporate insolvency 3. It can only be given to institutions and organisations,
resolution process. and not to individuals.
3. A creditor can initiate a pre-packaged insolvency Options:
resolution process when the debtor company has A. Only 1 statement
defaulted at least Rupees one crore. B. Only 2 statements
How many of the above statements are correct? C. All 3 statements
A. Only one D. None
B. Only two
C. All three
D. None
JUNE - 2023 12
88. The underwater submersible “Titan” is in the news 93. Which of these countries make up the ‘NATO plus
for which of the following reasons? (Level – Easy) five’ arrangement?
A. It has been commissioned to explore the depths of A. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South
the deepest point on Earth, the Challenger Deep. Korea
B. It has been a part of the study to understand the B. India, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South Korea
impact of sea warming on the Antarctic ice sheets. C. India, New Zealand, Ukraine, Israel and South
C. It has been launched by the Government of India Korea
to explore Gas Hydrates in our EEZ. D. Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Ukraine and South
D. It was launched to take people to the ruins of the Korea
Titanic and is now missing.
94. Queen Durgavati is the most famous warrior-queen
89. How many of the following pairs of Places in the of:
News and their country are correctly matched? (Level A. Garha Kingdom
– Moderate) B. Gajapati Kingdom
1. Chashma: Pakistan C. Sivaganga Kingdom
2. Newfoundland: Canada D. Thanjavur Nayak Kingdom
3. Kharson: Ukraine
Options: 95. Consider the following statements w.r.t Mahadayi
A. Only 1 Pair River:
B. Only 2 Pairs 1. Mahadayi is a west-flowing river.
C. All 3 Pairs 2. It originates in Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary in
D. None Belagavi district of Karnataka.
3. Kalasa, Surla and Banduri are its major tributaries.
90. If a particular plant species is placed under Schedule How many of these statements is/are correct?
VI of the Wildlife Protection Act,1972, what is the A. One only
implication? (Level – Easy) PYQ 2020 B. Two only
A. A license is required to cultivate that plant. C. All three
B. Such a plant cannot be cultivated under any D. None
C. It is a Genetically Modified crop plant.
96. Consider the following statements w.r.t Coastal
D. Such a plant is invasive and harmful to the Regulation Zones (CRZ):
1. The Ministry of Environment, Forest, & Climate
Change (MoEFCC) published CRZ notification for
91. Global Gender Gap Index is released by: the first time in 1991.
A. World Economic Forum 2. The CRZ rules govern & regulate commercial,
B. Oxfam International human & industrial activities that are near the
C. Sustainable Development Solutions Network coastline.
3. Coastal areas are categorised into six different
D. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
types by the CRZ notification.
How many of these statement/s is/are correct?
92. Consider the following statements w.r.t International
A. One Only
North­South Transport Corridor (INSTC):
B. Two Only
1. It is 15,000 km long and is a multi-mode network of C. All Three
ship, rail, & road routes. D. None of The Above
2. Russia, India, and Iran are the founding member
states of INSTC.
97. ‘Matsya-6000’ recently seen in news is:
3. It connects Russia with Iran and India via the
A. Indigenously developed Nuclear-Powered Attack
Caspian Sea.
Submarine (SSN).
How many of these statements is/are correct? B. India’s only Ballistic missile submarine.
A. One only C. Kalvari Class diesel-electric attack submarines.
B. Two only D. Indian crewed deep-submergence vehicle
C. All three intended to be utilised under the Deep Ocean
D. None mission.
JUNE - 2023 13
98. Consider the following statements w.r.t Medicines 103.The Cabinet Committee on Security is chaired by:
Patent Pool (MPP): A. The President of India
1. It is a public health organisation working to increase B. The Prime Minister of India
access & facilitate the development of life-saving C. The Minister of Defence
medicines for low- and middle-income countries. D. The Minister of Home Affairs
2. It is backed by the United Nations.
3. It was founded by the World Health Organisation. 104.India Semiconductor Mission was launched in the
How many of these statement/s is/are correct? year:
A. One Only A. 2018
B. Two Only B. 2021
C. All Three C. 2022
D. None of The Above D. 2023

99. Consider the following statements w.r.t International 105.‘L-20’, recently seen in news is:
Trade Union Confederation (ITUC): A. Meeting of trade unions of G­20 countries
1. It was formed out of the merger of the International B. Meeting of major ed-tech companies of G­ 20
Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) & the countries
World Confederation of Labour (WCL). C. Meeting of think tanks from the G-20 countries.
2. Its headquarters are in Belgium. D. Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists of G-20
Which of these statements is/are correct? countries
A. 1 only
B. 2 only 106.The Wagner Group often seen in news is:
C. Both 1 and 2 A. A Russian paramilitary organisation
D. Neither 1 nor 2 B. A China-backed hacking group
C. A U.S based non-governmental militia organisation
100.Reserve Bank of India (Relief Measures by Banks D. Iranian hacker group
in Areas affected by Natural Calamities) Directions
apply to: 107.Consider the following statements w.r.t Nuclear
A. Only the Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) licensed to Suppliers Group (NSG):
operate in India by RBI 1. It is a multilateral nuclear export control
B. All Scheduled Commercial Banks including Small arrangement.
Finance Banks (SFBs) and RRBs 2. The NSG was formed in the wake of the nuclear
C. All Scheduled Commercial Banks including SFBs tests conducted by India in 1974.
and excluding RRBs 3. India is not a member of the NSG
D. None of the above
How many of the given statements is NSG /are
101.Consider the following: A. Only one
1. Libya B. Only two
2. Sudan C. All three
3. Chad D. None
4. Israel
How many of these countries border Egypt? 108.‘Veeracholapuram’ recently seen in news is famous
A. Only One for:
B. Only Two A. The Sun temple
C. Only Three B. Thiruvalangadu copper plates
D. All Four C. Thirupurasundari idol
D. The Siva temple
102.Consider the following statements w.r.t Global
Gender Gap Report: 109.Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is in:
1. It was first published in 2006 by the World A. Karnataka
Economic Forum. B. Tamil Nadu
2. India has dropped eight places from 2022 in the C. Kerala
annual Gender Gap Report 2023. D. Telangana
3. China, Sri Lanka and Nepal are ahead of India in
the annual Gender Gap Rankings 2023
How many of these statement/s is/are correct?
A. Only one
B. Only two
C. Only three
D. None
JUNE - 2023 14
110.Consider the following: How many of these statements is/are correct?
1. In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) A. Only one
2. Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) B. Only two
3. Cryopreservation C. All three
How many of these can be classified under Assisted D. None
Reproductive Technologies (ART)?
A. Only one 117. Consider the following statements with reference to
B. Only two the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):
C. All three 1. It is a statutory body.
D. None 2. It is a quasi-judicial body.
3. It is a constitutional body.
111.‘Climate Shift Index’ (CSI) model, recently seen in How many of these statements is/are correct?
news has been developed by: A. Only one
A. Climate Central B. Only two
B. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate C. All three
Change (UNFCCC) D. None
C. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
D. Sustainable Development Solutions Network 118. The New Development Bank (NDB) is a multilateral
(SDSN) development bank established by:
112.The Suez Canal connects which two seas? B. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
A. Sea of Marmara and the Agean Sea C. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical
B. Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)
C. Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea D. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
D. Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea
119. The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution applies
113.‘Meira Paibi’ recently seen in news is a women’s social to the Northeastern states of:
movement in which of these states? A. Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura
A. Manipur B. Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura
B. West Bengal C. Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura
C. Rajasthan D. Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura
D. Arunachal Pradesh
120.‘Paris Club’ often seen in the news is:
114. India has plans to procure the ‘MQ-9B High Altitude A. An informal group of official creditors
Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial vehicles’ from B. An international actor group that aims to cooperate
which of these countries? with climate change-related activities
A. Saudi Arabia C. A group of nations which counter the expansion of
B. United States of America permanent seats in the UNSC
C. Russia D. An informal club involved in Disaster Management
D. Israel and Early Warning Systems

115. Consider the following statements with reference to 121. National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was
Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope established to rank:
(FAST): A. Higher Education Institutions
1. It is one of the biggest radio telescopes in the B. Primary Educational Institutions
world. C. Both a and b
2. It is a single dish aperture telescope. D. Neither a nor b
3. It is located in India.
How many of these statements is/are correct? 122.‘Equalisation Levy’ often seen in the news is a
A. One only A. Indirect Tax
B. Two Only B. Direct Tax
C. All Three C. Central Tax
D. None D. None of the Above

116. Consider the following statements with reference to 123.Recently ‘Amroha Dholak’, ‘Mainpuri Tarkashi’, and
Bank for International Settlements (BIS): ‘Sambhal Horn Craft’ have been given a Geographical
1. The BIS is an international organization founded in Indication (GI) Tag for which of these states?
1930 charged with fostering international monetary A. Manipur
and financial cooperation. B. Madhya Pradesh
2. The Bank’s capital is held by central banks only C. Uttar Pradesh
including the Reserve Bank of India. D. Bihar
3. Its headquarters is in Basel, Switzerland.
JUNE - 2023 15
124.Consider the following statements with reference to 131.Consider the following statements:
‘Chinar Corps’: 1. El Nino Southern Oscillation is an irregular periodic
1. It is a unit of the Indian Army. variation of wind and sea surface temperature that
2. It guards the Line of Actual Control. occurs over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean.
3. It is also known as XV Corps or 15 Corps. 2. The warming phase of ENSO is known as El Nino.
How many of these statements is/are correct? 3. The cooling phase of ENSO is known as La Nina.
A. Only one How many of these statements is/are correct?
B. Only two A. Only one
C. All three B. Only two
D. None C. All three
D. None
125.India is a signatory to:
A. Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT) Treaty 132.Consider the following statements with reference to
B. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Food Corporation of India (FCI):
C. Both a and b 1. It is a government-owned corporation and a
D. Neither a nor b statutory body.
2. It functions under the Ministry of Agriculture and
126.Donetsk and Luhansk regions are often seen in the Farmers’ Welfare.
news in the context of 3. It is responsible for the procurement, storage &
distribution of food grains across India to ensure
A. Tigray War
food security for the population.
B. Russia-Ukraine War
C. Serbia-Kosovo Conflict How many of these statements is/are correct?
D. Afghanistan Crisis A. Only one
B. Only two
C. All three
127.Consider the following statements w.r.t All India
D. None
Survey on Higher Education (AISHE):
1. It is released by NGO Pratham.
2. It covers all higher educational institutions located 133.Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary is located closer to
in Indian Territory imparting higher education in the which of these bird sanctuaries?
country. A. Nalabana Bird Sanctuary
3. It was initiated in the year 2021. B. Mayani Bird Sanctuary
How many of these statements is/are correct? C. Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary
D. Vembanad Bird Sanctuary
A. Only one
B. Only two
C. All three 134.Consider the following statements with reference to
D. None Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT):
1. The GMRT Observatory is located near Pune at
128.Euclid Space Telescope recently seen in the news is Junnar, Narayangaon.
developed by: 2. It is an array of thirty fully steerable parabolic radio
A. Roscosmos
3. The upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
B. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(uGMRT) is India’s largest radio telescope.
C. European Space Agency
D. Israel Space Agency How many of these statements is/are correct?
A. Only one
B. Only two
129.Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) is
C. All three
chaired by:
D. None
A. Finance Minister
B. Minister of Corporate Affairs
C. Prime Minister 135.Consider the following statements w.r.t National
D. Minister of Home Affairs Payments Corporation of India (NPCI):
1. It is an initiative of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
and the Indian Banks Association (IBA).
130.Financial Stability Report (FSR) is published by the:
2. It is an umbrella organization incorporated in 2008
A. Reserve Bank of India as a “Not for Profit” Company under the Companies
B. Ministry of Finance Act 1956.
C. Ministry of Corporate Affairs 3. It was established to create the infrastructure for
D. NITI Aayog the entire banking system in India for physical as
well as electronic payment and settlement systems.
How many of these statements is/are incorrect?
A. Only one
B. Only two
C. All three
D. None
JUNE - 2023 16
JUNE - 2023 17
JUNE - 2023 18

1. B 41. A
2. B 42. C
3. B 43. B
4. C 44. D
5. B 45. A
6. C 46. D
7. B 47. B
8. D 48. A
9. A 49. A
10. D
50. A
11. B
51. C
12. C
52. C
13. A
53. A
14. A
54. B
15. A
55. A
16. C
56. B
17. B
57. D
18. A
58. D
19. A
59. A
20. D
60. A
21. C
61. C
22. A
62. C
23. B
63. A
24. C
64. A
25. B
65. C
26. C
66. C
27. C
67. A
28. A
68. D
29. B
69. B
30. B
70. A
31. A
71. C
32. B
72. B
33. C
73. C
34. C
74. A
35. B
75. B
36. C
76. A
37. A
77. B
38. D
78. B
39. C
79. A
40. D
80. D
JUNE - 2023 19

81. B 123. C
82. D 124. B
83. D 125. D
84. C 126. B
85. B 127. A
86. C 128. C
87. A 129. C
88. D 130. A
89. C 131. C
90. A 132. B
91. A 133. A
92. B 134. C
93. A 135. D
94. A
95. C
96. B
97. D
98. B
99. C
100. C
101. C
102. B
103. B
104. B
105. A
106. A
107 C
108. D
109. B
110. C
111. A
112. B
113. A
114. B
115. B
116. C
117. B
118. A
119. C
120. A
121. A
122. B
JUNE - 2023 20


1. Explanation: ● Statement 2 is correct, Currently, India has three
● Statement 1 is correct, Multiple sclerosis is an JLNs which were made operational in 2021 for the
autoimmune inflammatory illness that affects the logistics integration of the three services.
central nervous system (CNS) when the body’s ● Statement 3 is correct, The Joint Operations
immune system attacks its tissue. Division under the Headquarters Integrated
● Statement 2 is not correct, Multiple sclerosis Defence Staff is responsible for setting up such
mainly affects the central nervous system (CNS) nodes.
i.e. the brain and spinal cord.
○ The nerve damage disrupts communication 5. Explanation:
between the brain and the body. ● Lord Buddha’s ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’ symbolises
● Statement 3 is correct, At present, there is no cure Buddha’s calling of the Earth to witness his purity
for multiple sclerosis. and chastity despite the temptations of Mara.
○ Treatment mainly focuses on speeding ● ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’ symbolises the triumph of
recovery from attacks, reducing new the spirit over matter and its liberation from worldly
radiographic and clinical relapses, slowing trappings.
the progression of the disease, and managing
symptoms. 6. Explanation:
● Statement 1 is not correct, India, along with the
2. Explanation: other nations led by the United States, inaugurated
● Statement 1 is not correct, The Delimitation the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) on
Commission in India is a high-power body whose 23rd May 2022 in Tokyo.
orders have the force of law and cannot be called ● Statement 2 is correct, The four main pillars of the
into question before any court. IPEF include trade, supply chain resiliency, clean
○ The Delimitation Commission is appointed energy and decarbonisation, and taxes and anti-
by the President of India and works in corruption measures.
collaboration with the Election Commission of ● Statement 3 is correct, IPEF has 14 partner
India. countries namely Australia, Brunei, Fiji, India,
● Statement 2 is correct, As per Article 82, the Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia,
Parliament will enact a Delimitation Act after every New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
census. Vietnam & the US.
○ According to Article 170, the states also get
classified into territorial constituencies after 7. Explanation:
every census. ● Statement 1 is correct, Western Disturbances
are extratropical storms that originate in the
3. Explanation: Mediterranean region.
● Statement 1 is not correct, A circular economy ● Statement 2 is not correct, Usually, India receives
would mean the end of planned obsolescence. four to six intense Western Disturbances between
○ This means re-using, repairing, refurbishing, November to March.
and recycling existing materials and products. ○ However, western disturbances start declining
○ Planned obsolescence of electronic products after winter and during the summer months
generates massive amounts of waste. of April and May, they move across northern
● Statement 2 is correct, Implementing Extended India.
Producer Responsibility (EPR) helps make an ● Statement 3 is correct, Western Disturbances
important contribution towards the transition to a can acquire moisture from the Atlantic Ocean and
circular economy. other parts of Europe.
● Statement 3 is correct, Banning single-use plastic
helps further in the shift toward a more circular 8. Explanation:
economy. ● Statement 1 is correct, The Western Ghats are a
mountain range running parallel along the western
4. Explanation: coast of India starting from Gujarat and ending in
● Statement 1 is correct, Joint Logistics Node (JLN) Tamil Nadu covering the states of Maharashtra,
will provide integrated logistics cover to the Armed Goa, Karnataka and Kerala.
Forces for their small arms ammunition, rations, ● Statement 2 is correct, There are major four
fuel, general stores, civil hired transport, aviation biodiversity hotspots in India, which include the
clothing, spares and also engineering support in Himalayas, the Indo-Burma Region, the Western
an effort to synergise their operational efforts. Ghats and Sundaland.
○ JLNs play a key role in integrating the logistics
of all three Services.
JUNE - 2023 21
● Statement 3 is correct, The Western Ghats are 13. Explanation:
major water divides of peninsular India as they act ● Statement 01 is correct, The first Law Commission
as the highest boundary line of many peninsular was established by the East India Company under
and Konkan rivers. the Charter Act of 1833.
○ It divides the basins of the east-flowing ● Statement 02 is incorrect, The recommendations
peninsular rivers from those of the Konkan and of the Law Commission are not binding.
Malabar rivers which are west-flowing rivers.
14. Explanation:
9. Explanation: ● Statement 01 is correct, The Monetary Policy
● The Mekedatu Project is proposed at the confluence Committee (MPC) determines benchmark interest
of River Kaveri with its tributary Arkavathi. rates required to achieve the inflation target.
● The project aims to ensure adequate drinking ● Statement 02 is incorrect, The committee consists
water supply to Bengaluru. of six members (including the Chairman): three RBI
officials and three government-nominated external
10. Explanation: members. Government-nominated members will
● An expansionary monetary policy results in hold office for a period of four years or until further
increased money supply in the economy resulting orders are issued, whichever is earlier.
in a stronger dollar. ● Statement 03 is incorrect, The Governor of the
● Such a policy might lead to a fall in the value of the Reserve Bank of India is the Chairperson of MPC.
Indian Rupee and thus the Government/RBI does
not undertake such a measure to stop the slide of 15. Explanation:
the Indian rupee. Heavy water is employed in nuclear reactors as a
neutron moderator, slowing down neutron production
11. Explanation: and bringing stability to the fission reaction. Heavy
● Statement 01 is correct, The Great Stupa and water is an excellent moderator because it can work at
Sanchi’s other Buddhist monuments were high temperatures and has a low absorption probability
collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage for neutrons.
site in 1989. The Great Stupa (also called Stupa no.
1) was originally built in the 3rd century BCE by the 16. Explanation:
Mauryan emperor Ashoka and is believed to house ● Pair 01 is correctly matched, Barak River is the
the ashes of the Buddha. second largest river in the North Eastern Region.
● Statement 02 is correct, King Ashoka spoke It originates from south of Kohima in Nagaland
of Buddhism only to his coreligionists and not near Nagaland – Manipur Border. After traversing
to others. Toward all religious sects, he adopted through Nagaland, Manipur and Assam, it splits
a policy of respect and guaranteed them full at Bhanga into two streams called Surma and
freedom to live according to their own principles, Kushiyara.
but he also urged them to exert themselves for the ○ These two streams rejoin at Markuli in
“increase of their inner worthiness.” Bangladesh and thereafter the river is called
● Statement 03 is incorrect, The Second Buddhist Meghna.
Council was conducted under the patronage of ○ The navigable portion of Barak River in India
King Kalasoka of the Sisunaga dynasty. It was held is the 121 km stretch between Lakhipur and
in 383 BC, i.e., a hundred years after the Buddha’s Bhanga which has been declared as NW-16 in
death. the year 2016.
Read more on World Heritage Sites in India. ● Pair 02 is incorrectly matched, The 425 km stretch
of Mahanadi from Paradip sea mouth to Sambalpur
12. Explanation: has been declared as National Waterway-64 by
● Bima Sugam – It is an online portal which is a Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI).
one-stop shop for all insurance-related queries, ● Pair 03 is correctly matched, Sutlej river stretch
policy purchases, claim settlements and insurance passing through Himachal Pradesh and Punjab is
advice. It is envisioned as a trusted platform by the declared as National Waterway 98.
IRDAI. ● Pair 04 is correctly matched, Yamuna river stretch
● Bima Vahaks – Bima Vahaks, also known as passing through Delhi,Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
“insurance volunteers”, aim to extend insurance is declared as National Waterway 98.
coverage nationwide, regardless of geographical
location. 17. Explanation:
● Bima Vistaar – It is a social safety net product ● The Purple or Lavender Revolution was launched
targeting untapped geographies. It is developed in 2016 by the Union Ministry of Science &
as an affordable, accessible and comprehensive Technology through the Council of Scientific &
cover for rural populations in the event of natural Industrial Research (CSIR) Aroma Mission.
disasters, such as floods, and earthquakes.
JUNE - 2023 22
18. Explanation: 23. Explanation:
● Statement 01 is correct, Parliament enacted ● Statement 1 is correct: It was first held from April 4
the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952, which to April 8, 2008, in New Delhi, India.
authorises the union and state governments to ● Statement 2 is correct: The 3rd summit did away
appoint inquiry commissions to make inquiries in with the Banjul Formula of inviting the heads of
the definite matters of public importance. This is a state.
central legislation enacted under the constitution, ● Statement 3 is not correct: The 4th summit is not
Schedule VII, List I and III. yet scheduled.
● Statement 02 is correct,Both central and state
governments can set up such Commissions of
24. Explanation:
Inquiry, states are restricted by subject matters that
they are empowered to legislate upon. ● Statement 1 is correct: The mRNA (messenger RNA)
is one such vaccine that injects pieces of mRNA
● Statement 03 is correct, If the central government
into human cells in order to get them to produce
set up the commission first, then states cannot
pathogen antigens.
set up a parallel commission on the same subject
matter without the approval of the Centre. ● Statement 2 is not correct: The first human trial of
an mRNA vaccine was done for a tumour.
○ But if a state has appointed a Commission, then
the Centre can appoint another on the same ● Statement 3 is correct: The country’s first home-
subject if it is of the opinion that the scope of grown mRNA Covid-19 vaccine is GEMCOVAC-19.
the inquiry should be extended to two or more ● Statement 4 is correct: It was the first such mRNA
states. vaccine against the Covid-19 disease.

19. Explanation: Superbugs are strains of bacteria, viruses, 25. Explanation:

parasites and fungi that are resistant to most of the ● Grafting and budding are horticultural techniques
antibiotics and other medications commonly used to used to join parts from two or more plants so that
treat the infections they cause. they appear to grow as a single plant.
● A few examples of superbugs include resistant ● Cytoplasmic male sterility is total or partial male
bacteria that can cause pneumonia, urinary tract sterility in hermaphrodite organisms, as the result
infections and skin infections. of specific nuclear and mitochondrial interactions.
● Gene silencing is the regulation of gene expression
20. Explanation: Aspartame is several times sweeter than in a cell to prevent the expression of a certain
table sugar, hence food items made with small quantities gene.
of aspartame yield fewer calories on oxidation.
● Aspartame is metabolised by the body into two 26. Explanation:
constituent amino acids and methanol. These ● Statement 1 is correct: It is a small country located
hydrolysis products are handled by the body in the in the Northern part of South America.
same way as aspartic acid, L-Phenylalanine and ● Statement 2 is correct: It was a Dutch colony before
methanol from other consumed foods. It contains getting independence in 1975.
calories, but consumers will likely use less than
they would of table sugar because it is about 200 ● Statement 3 is correct: Indian-origin people make
times sweeter. up the largest ethnic group in Suriname.
● Aspartame is not heat stable and loses its
sweetness when heated, so it typically isn’t used in 27. Explanation:
baked goods. ● Statement 1 is correct: The shift of the ITCZ is a
major factor in bringing the Southwest monsoons
21. Explanation: to India.
● Statement 1 is correct: In 1973, the first WED was ● Statement 2 is correct: During the South-West
held with the theme “Only One Earth”. Monsoons, Tamil Nadu remains dry because it is
located in a rain shadow area. It receives rainfall in
● Statement 2 is correct: For 2023, the theme is the winter season due to northeast trade winds.
“Solutions to Plastic Pollution”, and it is being
hosted by Cote d’Ivoire. ● Statement 3 is correct: Monsoon enters West
Bengal and Bangladesh not from the southwest
● Statement 3 is correct: India has been the host of but from south and southeast directions.
World Environment Day twice in 2011 and 2018.

28. Explanation:
22. Explanation:
Section 124A was inserted into the Indian Penal Code
● Project-75 (I) envisages the indigenous construction during the reign of Lord Mayo. In 1870 it was added to
of six modern conventional submarines with the Penal Code by an amendment introduced by Sir
contemporary equipment, weapons & sensors. James Stephen.
JUNE - 2023 23
29. Explanation: 35. Explanation: The money multiplier represents the total
● Statement 1 is not correct: The Commission of money generated by commercial banks based on a
Railway Safety works Under the Ministry of Civil fixed amount of base money and reserve ratio.
Aviation. ● When the cash reserve ratio is raised, it limits
● Statement 2 is correct: It has its headquarters in the ability of banks to lend money, resulting in a
Lucknow. decrease in the money multiplier.
● Statement 3 is correct: It investigates serious train ● A rise in the population’s banking activity fosters
accidents in the country. increased lending, leading to higher deposits in
the banking system and consequently elevating
the money multiplier.
30. Explanation:
● The money multiplier in an economy does not
● The Calcutta Unitarian Committee was established
automatically increase with population growth,
by Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
highlighting that population size alone does not
● In 1868, Keshab Chandra Sen laid the foundation determine changes in the money multiplier.
stone of his mandir called the Tabernacle of New
36. Explanation:
● He was also a part of the Indian Reform Association,
whose objective was to create public opinion ● Pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is a type of
against child marriage. hydroelectric energy storage. It is a configuration of
two water reservoirs at different elevations that can
generate power as water moves down from one to
31. Explanation: the other (discharge), passing through a turbine.
● The Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices The system also requires power as it pumps water
(CACP) recommends MSPs. It is approved by the back into the upper reservoir (recharge).
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. ● Pumped-storage hydroelectricity allows energy
Read more on Minimum Support Price. from intermittent sources (such as solar, wind)
and other renewables, or excess electricity from
32. Explanation: continuous base-load sources (such as coal or
The Primary GHGs are: Water Vapour, Carbon nuclear) to be saved for periods of higher demand.
dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide and Ozone. Other
GHGs are carbon monoxide, fluorinated gases, 37. Explanation:
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), black carbon (soot), and ● Statement 01 is incorrect, Repo stands for “Re
brown carbon. Purchase Option”. Repo Rate is the rate at which
Read more on Greenhouse Gases. the Reserve Bank of India lends to other banks by
buying the securities with an agreement that the
33. Explanation: bank will buy back on a certain date.
Cotton is a kharif crop which is cultivated during the ● Statement 02 is incorrect, The reverse repo
rainy season. India is the largest cotton producer in rate is the rate of interest that is provided by the
the world with 6,188,000 tonnes production volume Reserve Bank of India while borrowing money from
per year. China comes second with 6,178,318 tonnes of commercial banks.
yearly production. ● Statement 03 is correct, Statutory Liquidity Ratio
● Bt cotton was first approved for field trials in (SLR) is the minimum percentage of deposits that a
the United States in 1993 and first approved for commercial bank must keep in liquid cash, gold, or
commercial use in the United States in 1995. Bt other securities.
cotton was approved by the Chinese government
in 1997. 38. Explanation:
● In 2002, a joint venture between Monsanto and ● Among the six rulers of the Khilji dynasty, Alauddin
Mahyco introduced Bt cotton to India. Khilji laid the foundation of his capital Siri in 1303
34. Explanation: Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) is an ● A Jantar Mantar is an assembly of stone-built
oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon which affects astronomical instruments, designed to be used with
weather activities across the globe. It brings major the naked eye. There were five Jantar Mantars in
fluctuation in tropical weather on weekly to monthly India (Jaipur, Delhi, Ujjain, Mathura, and Varanasi),
timescales. all of them built at the command of Maharaja Jai
● The MJO is characterised as a pulsating disturbance Singh II.
moving eastward near the equator, consisting of ● Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century (year 1250)
clouds, rainfall, winds, and pressure. temple in Odisha. The temple is attributed to King
○ It has a regular cycle of occurrence every 30 to Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty
60 days. about 1250 CE.
● The MJO follows a path comprising eight distinct ● Qutbu’d-Din Aibak laid the foundation of Qutub
phases as it progresses through its journey. Minar in 1199 AD and raised the first storey, to which
were added three more storeys by his successor
○ During the Monsoon season, when the MJO
and son-in-law, Shamsu’d-Din Iltutmish (AD 1211-
reaches the Indian Ocean, it brings substantial
rainfall to the Indian subcontinent.
JUNE - 2023 24
39. Explanation: 43. Explanation:
● Worldwide there are six regional specialised ● Statement 01 is correct, El Niño favours stronger
meteorological centres (RSMCs) and five regional hurricane activity in the central and eastern Pacific
Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs) basins, and suppresses it in the Atlantic basin.
mandated for issuing advisories and naming of Conversely, La Niña suppresses hurricane activity
tropical cyclones. in the central and eastern Pacific basins, and
● India Meteorological Department is one of the enhances it in the Atlantic basin.
six RSMCs to provide tropical cyclone and storm
surge advisories to 13 member countries under the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia-
Pacific (ESCAP) Panel.
● The 2004 North Indian Ocean cyclone season was
the first in which tropical cyclones were officially
named in the basin.
○ Cyclone Onil, which struck India and Pakistan,
was named in late September.

40. Explanation:
● Statement 01 is correct, Biochar is created by
subjecting biomass to high temperatures without
the presence of oxygen. Utilising biochar in vertical
farming has the potential to greatly enhance crop
● Statement 02 is correct, Biochar holds promise in
enhancing the inherent nitrogen fixation capability ● Statement 02 is correct, El Niño and La Niña
of legumes within the soil. It provides a favourable produce important consequences for people and
environment for nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, ecosystems across the globe. The interactions
thereby promoting their survival and activity. between the ocean and atmosphere alter weather
● Statement 03 is correct, Because of its porous around the world and can result in severe storms
nature, biochar can improve soil’s water retention. or mild weather, drought or flooding.
Thereby plants will have more water available to ● Statement 03 is incorrect, La Niña occurs when
them for a longer period of time. the band of water spreads east to west and is
41. Explanation: Read more on El Nino and La Nina.
● The Governor cannot return a money bill to the
state legislature for reconsideration. 44. Explanation:
● Article 331 and Article 333 of the Indian Constitution ● Government announces minimum support prices
allowed for the nomination of two Anglo-Indians to (MSPs) for 22 mandated crops and fair and
the Lok Sabha and State Legislature, respectively, remunerative prices (FRP) for sugarcane.
but that was done away with through the 104th ● The mandated crops are 14 crops of the kharif
Amendment Act. season, 6 rabi crops and two other commercial
42. Explanation: ● In addition, the MSPs of toria and de-husked
● Article 243K(1) of the Constitution states that the coconut are fixed on the basis of the MSPs of
superintendence, direction and control of the rapeseed/mustard and copra, respectively. The list
preparation of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of crops are as follows.
of, all elections to the Panchayats (Municipalities ○ Paddy, wheat, barley, jowar, bajra, maize, ragi,
under Article 243ZA) shall be vested in a State gram, arhar/tur, moong, urad, lentil, groundnut,
Election Commission consisting of a State Election rapeseed/mustard, toria, soyabean, sunflower
Commissioner to be appointed by the Governor. seed, sesamum, safflower seed and niger
● Article 243K(2) states that the tenure and seed
appointment will be directed as per the law ○ Raw cotton, Raw jute, Copra, De-husked
made by the state legislature. However, the State coconut, Sugarcane (Fair and remunerative
Election Commissioner shall not be removed from price), Virginia flu cured (VFC) tobacco.
his/her office except in like manner and on the like
grounds as a Judge of a High Court.
JUNE - 2023 25
45. Explanation: 52. Explanation:
● Bluetooth works by using radio frequencies, rather ● Statement 1 is correct: The Indo-Nepal Treaty of
than the infrared spectrum used by traditional Friendship was signed in 1950.
remote controls. As a result, Bluetooth eliminates ● Statement 2 is correct: Motihari-Amlekhganj
the need not only for a wired connection but also petroleum product pipeline exists between the two
for maintaining a clear line of sight to communicate countries.
between devices. ● Statement 3 is correct: The Pancheshwar
● The communication distance of Bluetooth is around Multipurpose Project, an important arm of the
10 m or less, whereas the communication distance Mahakali Treaty was signed between Nepal and
of Wi-Fi is several hundred metres. Both Bluetooth India in 1996.
and Wi-Fi technology do not need a direct line of
sight for information transmission.
53. Explanation:
“One Future Alliance” is related to Digital Public
46. Explanation: Infrastructure. It would allow like-minded nations to use
● The PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM technology to improve people’s lives.
SVANidhi) was launched and fully funded by the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
54. Explanation:
● Vendors will be provided with an initial working
● Statement 1 is correct: Svalbard is the world’s
capital of up to Rs. 50000, which is repayable in
northernmost inhabited land.
monthly instalments in the tenure of one year.
● Statement 2 is not correct: Svalbard is a part of
● It is a central sector scheme and Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) will be the
implementation partner. ● Statement 3 is correct: ISRO, in 1997 was
instrumental in operationalizing a new rocket
launching range there.
47. Explanation:
● Most of the rivers of Rajasthan have their origin
55. Explanation:
from Aravali like Luni, and its tributary and Banas
and many others but some rivers have another ● Mites, scorpions, and spiders are Arachnids while
origin like Chambal originate from Mahu MP and crabs are Crustaceans.
Ghaghar originates from Himalaya.
● Aravallis lie parallel to the path of the Arabian 56. Explanation:
Sea Branch of the southwest monsoons , thereby ● Statement 1 is correct: The National Disaster
causing no orographic rainfall. Mitigation Fund is covered under the Disaster
Management Act (2005).
48. Explanation: ● Statement 2 is correct: It was established for the
Philippines is the first foreign country to place an order first time in 2021.
for the purchase of the BrahMos Shore-Based cruise ● Statement 3 is not correct: State Disaster Mitigation
Missile System for its navy. Funds are established with contributions from both
the centre and states.
49. Explanation:
Norman Borlaug is known as the “Father of Green 57. Explanation:
Revolution” in the world. M.S. Swaminathan is known ● Ravanachhaya: Odisha
as the “Father of the Green Revolution” in India. ● Putul Nach: West Bengal
Read more on Green Revolution ● Tholu Bommalata: Andhra Pradesh
● Kathputli: Rajasthan
50. Explanation:
Usha Mehta (25 March 1920 – 11 August 2000) was 58. Explanation:
a Gandhian and freedom fighter of India. She is also ● Statement 1 is not correct: USA left UNESCO for
remembered for organising the Congress Radio, also the first time in 1984. It rejoined in 2003.
called the Secret Congress Radio, an underground ● Statement 2 is not correct: UNESCO is mainly
radio station, which functioned for a few months during financed by the compulsory contributions of its
the Quit India Movement of 1942. Member States. Currently, Japan is the largest
donor to UNESCO.
51. Explanation:
● Exercise Ekuverin: India and Maldives 59. Explanation:
● Khaan Quest: Annual military exercise in Mongolia Mayon Volcano is an active volcano in southeastern
● Lamitye: India-Seychelles joint military exercise Luzon, Philippines.
● Dustlik: India and Uzbekistan
JUNE - 2023 26
60. Explanation: ● Statement 02 is incorrect, India does not have
● Statement 1 is correct: Green Climate Fund aims a fixed parliamentary calendar. By convention
to assist developing countries in adaptation and (i.e. not provided by the Constitution), Parliament
mitigation practices to counter climate change.​ meets for three sessions in a year.
● Statement 2 is not correct: The Green Climate Fund ● Statement 03 is correct, The Constitution does
was established in 2010 as a part of the UNFCCC’s not specify when or for how many days Parliament
financial framework to channel funds from richer should meet. Article 85 only requires that there
nations to developing countries in order to help should not be a gap of more than six months
them reduce climate change and adapt to its between two sessions of Parliament.
effects. Read more on Sessions of the Indian Parliament.

61. Explanation: 66. Explanation:

● The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has ● Raja Parba is a three-day-long festival that usually
used fly ash — the fine residue of coal combustion takes place in mid-June, marking the onset of the
in thermal power plants for the construction of monsoon season.
highways and flyover embankments. The 135-km ● It is primarily celebrated by women and is dedicated
long, six-lane Eastern Peripheral Expressway used to the celebration of fertility, womanhood, and the
1.2 crore cubic meters of fly ash in its construction. agricultural significance of the monsoon rains.
● NHAI has been encouraging the innovative use ● The festival is associated with rituals and traditions
of new materials and is focused on reducing the that symbolise the menstrual cycle of a woman and
carbon footprint, enhancing durability and making her connection to the earth’s fertility.
construction more economical. ○ During Raja Parba, women refrain from doing
household chores and agricultural work
62. Explanation: as a mark of respect to the earth, which is
● Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm Phailin was the considered to be menstruating during this
most intense tropical cyclone to make landfall in time.
India since the 1999 Odisha cyclone until Cyclone ● One of the main attractions of Raja Parba is the
Amphan hit West Bengal in May 2020. swing festival, known as “Pahili Raja,” where girls
● It made landfall in the Bay of Bengal Coast, Odisha. and women enjoy swinging on specially decorated
Read more on Cyclones. swings tied to trees.
● Raja Parba reflects the cultural heritage and
agrarian traditions of Odisha. It showcases the
63. Explanation: The Migration and Development Brief is
deep connection between the people and the
published by the World Bank.
land, emphasising the importance of sustainable
agriculture and the role of women in nurturing the
64. Explanation: agricultural cycle.
● Statement 03 is correct, As per the data from
EU’s statistical agency, Eurostat, the eurozone has 67. Explanation:
entered a technical recession, with a contraction
● The overarching goal of the Paris Agreement
of 0.1 percent for two consecutive quarters. The
is to hold “the increase in the global average
eurozone consists of 20 countries that use the
temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial
euro as their currency.
levels (1850-1900) ” and pursue efforts “to limit the
● Statement 01 is incorrect, When the economy temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial
faces a downfall for two consecutive quarters and levels.
this results in the decreased GDP of the country, it
is said to be in a state of recession.
68. Explanation:
● Statement 02 is incorrect, A depression is a
severe and prolonged downturn in economic ● North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is
activity. A depression may be defined as an a collective security system: its independent
extreme recession that lasts three or more years member states agree to defend each other against
or which leads to a decline in real gross domestic attacks by third parties. During the Cold War, NATO
product (GDP) of at least 10% in a given year. operated as a check on the threat posed by the
Soviet Union.
● At present, NATO has 31 member countries. These
65. Explanation:
countries, called NATO Allies, are sovereign states
● Statement 01 is correct, Under Article 85 of the that come together through NATO to discuss
Indian Constitution, the President shall from time to political and security issues and make collective
time summon each House of Parliament to meet at decisions by consensus. NATO was created by
such time and place as he thinks fit, but six months 12 countries from Europe and North America on 4
shall not intervene between its last sitting in one April 1949.
session and the date appointed for its first sitting in
● Finland became NATO’s newest member today
the next session.
(4 April 2023), upon depositing its instrument of
accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the
United States at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
JUNE - 2023 27
69. Explanation: 72. Explanation:
● Statement 01 is incorrect, When the Fed raises ● NPS was made mandatory for all new recruits to
interest rates, it makes investments in the United the Central Government service (except the armed
States more attractive to global investors. As a forces) from 1st January 2004.
result, capital may flow out of emerging markets
like India and into the US. This could lead to a 73. Explanation: FIELDS instrument is a part of the Parker
decrease in foreign investment and put downward Solar Probe by NASA.
pressure on the Indian rupee.
Read more on Aditya L1 Mission.
○ In response to a rate hike, investors may
reallocate their portfolios to favour US assets,
such as US government bonds. This can 74. Explanation:
reduce the demand for Indian government ● Pair 01 is incorrectly matched, The Western Ghats
bonds and push up yields, making borrowing Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP), also known as the
costs higher for the Indian government. Gadgil Commission after its chairman Madhav
● Statement 02 is correct, If capital outflows occur, Gadgil, was an environmental research commission
it can lead to a depreciation of the Indian rupee appointed by the Union Ministry of Environment
against the US dollar. A weaker rupee can make and Forests.
imports more expensive, potentially fueling ● Pair 02 is correctly matched, The Punchhi
inflationary pressures and increasing the cost of Commission was constituted by the Government
servicing foreign debt. of India in 2007 as a Commission on Centre-State
● Statement 03 is correct, Global investors often relations.
reassess their investment strategies in response to ● Pair 03 is incorrectly matched, T.S.R Subramanian
changes in interest rates. If a rate hike in the US committee was set up in August 2014, to review the
leads to a decline in foreign investor sentiment, it country’s green laws and the procedures followed
may negatively impact the Indian stock market. by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change (MoEF&CC).
70. Explanation: ● Pair 04 is incorrectly matched, Narasimham
Committee was established to examine India’s
● The Baudhayanasūtras are a group of Vedic
banking sector and recommend reforms when
Sanskrit texts which cover dharma, daily rituals,
the banks were underperforming during the 1991
mathematics, etc. They belong to the Taittiriya
economic liberalization of India. The Narasimham
branch of the Krishna Yajurveda School and
Committee was formed two times for economic
are among the earliest texts of the sutra genre,
reforms, once in 1991 and again in 1998.
perhaps compiled in the 8th to 7th centuries BCE.
● The BaudhāyanaŚulbasûtra is noted for containing
several early mathematical results, including 75. Explanation:
an approximation of the square root of 2 and ● Arunachal Pradesh is commonly referred to as the
the statement of a version of the Pythagorean “Orchid State of India.”
Theorem. ● This nickname stems from the region’s incredible
richness and diversity of orchids, which are found
71. Explanation: in abundance throughout the state.
● National Highway 44 (NH 44) is a major north– ● Arunachal Pradesh is blessed with a favourable
south National Highway in India and is the longest climate and varied topography, including lush
in the country. forests, hills, and valleys, providing an ideal habitat
for orchids to thrive. It is estimated that around
○ It passes through the Union Territory of Jammu
500 species of orchids can be found in this region,
and Kashmir, in addition to the states of Punjab,
making it a paradise for orchid enthusiasts and
Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana,
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. ● The richness of orchids in Arunachal Pradesh has
also contributed to its tourism industry.
● Maharashtra has the largest network of National
Highways with 17,757 km (13.4%) followed by Uttar ● Orchids also hold a special place in the traditions,
Pradesh and Rajasthan with 11,737 km (8.9 %) and customs, and festivals of the indigenous
10,342km (7.8 %) respectively. communities residing in the state. These flowers
are often used for decoration, religious ceremonies,
● The Leh–Manali Highway is a 428 km long highway
and as symbols of beauty and elegance.
in northernmost India connecting Leh, the capital
of the Union Territory of Ladakh, to Manali in the
state of Himachal Pradesh. It connects the Kullu 76. Explanation:
Valley of the upper Beas River to the Chandra and ● The Cytochrome c (cyt c) is a small heme protein
Bhaga river valleys of Lahaul via the Atal tunnel in found loosely associated with the inner membrane
Himachal Pradesh, then crosses over a series of of the mitochondria where it plays a critical role in
high Himalayan passes into the Indus river valley cellular respiration.
in Ladakh. ● Cytochrome c is a small, water-soluble protein of
○ It is the world’s second-highest-altitude molecular weight about 12,000.
motorable highway. ● Cytochrome c is functionally involved in the
electron transport chain of mitochondria.
JUNE - 2023 28
● Google doodle honours Kamala Sohonie who was ○ The Gandhi Peace Prize is open to all persons
the first Indian woman to get a PhD degree in a irrespective of their nationality, race, language,
scientific discipline caste, creed or gender.
○ Kamala Sohonie worked on potatoes and ● Statement 3 is not correct, The jury comprises of:
discovered the enzyme ‘Cytochrome C’, a type ○ The Prime Minister of India,
of protein in the mitochondria which plays an ○ Chief Justice of India,
important role in cellular respiration.
○ Leader of Single Largest Opposition Party in
Lok Sabha, and
77. Explanation: ○ Two eminent members
● Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki endowed the
Miyawaki technique to create dense forests with
80. Explanation:
native plants.
● The Permanent Settlement of Bengal was brought
● This unique method is used worldwide for urban
into effect by the East India Company headed by
afforestation by growing a forest in someone’s
the Governor-General Lord Cornwallis in 1793.
● Post the introduction of this system, the tendency
● The Miyawaki method helps create self-sustaining
for increased litigation was visible mainly because
vegetation within 2 to 3 years, whereas a traditional
the Court fees which were imposed in the judicial
procedure takes nearly 100 years.
plan of 1787 were abolished.
● Thus people could now drag anybody to courts.
78. Explanation:
● Statement 1 is correct, Indian Renewable Energy
81. Explanation:
Development Agency (IREDA) is a Mini Ratna
(Category–I) Government of India enterprise ● Statement 1 is correct, The Attorney General’s (AG)
under the administrative control of the Ministry of consent is mandatory when a private citizen wants
New and Renewable Energy. to initiate a case of contempt of court against a
● Statement 2 is correct, IREDA has been notified as
a “Public Financial Institution” under section 4 ‘A’ of ○ Before such a plea can be filed, the AG must
the Companies Act, 1956 and registered as Non- sign off on the complaint, determining if it
Banking Financial Company (NBFC) with Reserve requires the attention of the court at all.
Bank of India (RBI). ● Statement 2 is not correct, The Contempt of
● Statement 3 is not correct, The key objectives of Courts Act, 1971, has a limitation period of one year
IREDA are: for bringing in action against an individual.
○ To give financial support to specific projects ○ According to Section 20 of the Contempt of
and schemes for generating electricity and / or Courts Act, 1971, “No court shall initiate any
energy through new and renewable sources proceedings of contempt, either on its own
and conserving energy through energy motion or otherwise, after the expiry of a
efficiency. period of one year from the date on which the
contempt is alleged to have been committed”.
○ To maintain its position as a leading
organisation to provide efficient and effective ● Statement 3 is correct, Article 129 of the
financing in renewable energy and energy Constitution empowers the Supreme Court to
efficiency / conservation projects. initiate contempt cases on its own, independent of
the motion brought before it by the AG or with the
○ To increase IREDA`s share in the renewable
consent of the AG.
energy sector by way of innovative financing.
○ Improvement in the efficiency of services
provided to customers through continual 82. Explanation:
improvement of systems, processes and ● Statement 1 is correct, The Chambal River is
resources. a tributary of the Yamuna River in Central and
○ To strive to be a competitive institution through Northern India.
customer satisfaction. ● Statement 2 is correct, The Chambal River
originates at Janapav, south of Mhow town, near
79. Explanation: Manpur, Indore, on the south slope of the Vindhya
● Statement 1 is not correct, The Gandhi Peace Prize Range in Madhya Pradesh.
was instituted by the Government of India in 1995 ● Statement 3 is correct, The Chambal River flows
on the occasion of the 125th Birth Anniversary of through three Indian states namely Madhya
Mahatma Gandhi. Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
○ The Gandhi Peace Prize is awarded annually ● Statement 4 is not correct, The main left bank
as a tribute to the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. tributaries of Chambal include the Banas and Mej
● Statement 2 is correct, The award is conferred rivers on the left
to individuals, associations, institutions or ○ The Parbati, Kali Sindh and Shipra Rivers are
organizations who have worked selflessly for the main right-bank tributaries of the Chambal
peace, non-violence and amelioration of human River.
sufferings especially of the less-privileged section
of society contributing towards social justice and
JUNE - 2023 29
83. Explanation: 87. Explanation:
● Statement 1 is not correct, The Insolvency and ● Statement 1 is not correct, The Gandhi Peace Prize
Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has regulatory was instituted by the Government of India in 1995
oversight over Insolvency Professionals, Insolvency on the occasion of the 125th Birth Anniversary of
Professional Agencies, Insolvency Professional Mahatma Gandhi.
Entities and Information Utilities. ● Statement 2 is correct, Gandhi Peace Prize is
● Statement 2 is not correct, A competitor of the announced by the Ministry of Culture.
corporate debtor along with a promoter of the ● Statement 3 is not correct, The award is
corporate debtor and a creditor of the corporate conferred to individuals, associations, institutions
debtor are allowed to submit a resolution plan in a or organizations who have worked selflessly for
corporate insolvency resolution process. peace, non-violence and amelioration of human
○ A wilful defaulter is prohibited to submit a sufferings especially of the less-privileged section
resolution plan in a corporate insolvency of society contributing towards social justice and
resolution process. harmony.
● Statement 3 is not correct, A pre-pack envisages
the resolution of the debt of a distressed company 88. Explanation:
through a direct agreement between secured ● Titan is a 22-foot carbon-fibre and titanium craft
creditors and the existing owners or outside deployed by a Canadian expedition ship, the M.V.
investors, instead of a public bidding process. Polar Prince, to travel nearly 13,000 feet down to
○ A corporate debtor with a minimum default explore the site of the Titanic shipwreck in the
of INR 10 lakhs can initiate a pre-packaged North Atlantic.
insolvency resolution process. ● However, this submersible watercraft with five
people on board has been missing after it set out
84. Explanation: to explore the shipwreck site.
● Statement 1 is correct, The Cornwallis Code of
1793 contained provisions for governing the civil, 89. Explanation:
policing and judiciary administration in British India. ● Pair 1 is correct, Chashma is located in Mianwali
○ Cornwallis Code of 1793 established the District near Kundian, Punjab, Pakistan.
Permanent Settlement system. ○ Pakistan and China signed an MoU to build a
● Statement 2 is correct, Cornwallis wanted new unit of the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant.
Separation of Power and the Cornwallis Code ● Pair 2 is correct, Newfoundland is a province of
divested the collector of all the judicial and the Canada composed of the island of Newfoundland.
magisterial powers.
○ An underwater submersible “Titan” which was
○ Thus the Collectors were given only the power to travel to the site of the Titanic shipwreck on
of the revenue administration according to the the ocean floor off Newfoundland is missing.
Cornwallis Code.
● Pair 3 is correct, Kherson is a port city in Ukraine
that serves as the administrative centre of Kherson
85. Explanation: Oblast.
● Virtual Private Network (VPN) corresponds to an ○ The Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine was destroyed
encrypted & secure network that enables you to recently which has caused extensive flooding
securely use network resources. along the lower Dnieper River in Kherson and
● VPN allows users to work from home in a secure Kherson Oblast region.
manner to connect to remote corporate servers
with the help of routing infrastructure given by the
public internetwork. 90. Explanation:
● VPNs allow employees to securely access their ● Schedule VI of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
company’s intranet while travelling outside the focuses on plant species, including rare or
office. threatened plants, and imposes restrictions on
their collection, cultivation, or trade.
86. Explanation: ● Cultivation and trade of such plants are only
● Statement 1 is correct, Jagannath Rath Yatra is an permitted with a license or prior approval of a
annual chariot festival dedicated to Lord Jagannath competent authority.
who is considered a form of Lord Krishna; the
festival is held in the city of Puri in the state of 91. Explanation:
Odisha. ● India ranks 127 out of 146 countries in the Global
● Statement 2 is correct, The festival is also known Gender Gap Report 2023 released by the World
as Gundicha Yatra as it symbolises the journey of Economic Forum.
Lord Jagannath from the Jagannath Temple to the ● India has shown an improvement of 1.4% points & 8
Gundicha Temple. positions from 135 in 2022.
● Statement 3 is correct, The Jagannath Temple
authorities require over 1,100 big logs of 12 species
of wood for the construction of the Ratha and the
logs of three species namely Phasi, Bhaunra and
Asana are the major components of the chariots.
JUNE - 2023 30
92. Explanation: ● Statement 3 is incorrect: The Medicines Patent
● Statement 1 is incorrect. The International North– Pool (MPP) is a United Nations-backed public
South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is a 7,200-km- health organisation. It was founded by Unitaid,
long multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road which continues to be MPP’s main funder.
routes for moving freight between India, Iran,
Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe. 99. Explanation:
● Statement 2 is correct. Russia, Iran & India signed ● Statement 1 is correct. International Trade Unions
the International North-South Transport Corridor Confederation (ITUC) was established on the 1st of
(INSTC) project in 2002. November 2006 on account of the merger of the
● Statement 3 is correct. It connects Russia with Iran International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
and India via the Caspian Sea. (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour
93. Explanation: ● Statement 2 is correct. ITUC is headquartered in
Brussels, Belgium.
● US Senate India Caucus will introduce legislation
to give India ‘NATO plus five’ defence status.
● Currently, NATO Plus 5, is a security arrangement 100.Explanation: The provisions of these Directions shall
that brings together Australia, New Zealand, Japan, apply to every Scheduled Commercial Bank – including
Israel and South Korea. Small Finance Banks (SFBs) and excluding Regional
Rural Banks (RRBs) licensed to operate in India by the
Reserve Bank of India.
94. Explanation:
● Queen Durgavati is the most famous warrior queen
101. Explanation:Only Three. Egypt is bordered by Libya,
of the Garha-Mandla/Garha Kingdom.
Sudan, Israel and the Gaza Strip.
● In the tribal belts of the Vindhyas and Mahakoshal
regions, Queen Durgavati is revered.

95. Explanation:
● River Mahadayi or Mandovi is a west-flowing inter-
state river in the Western Ghats.
● Mahadayi or Mandovi or Mhadei River originates
in the Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary located in the
Belagavi district of Karnataka.
● Major Tributaries of River Mahadayi are Kalasa
Nala, Banduri Nala, Surla Nala, Haltar Nala, Poti
Nala, Mahadayi Nala, Pansheer Nala, Bail Nala,
Andher Nala.

96. Explanation:
● Statement 1 is correct. In 1991, the Government of
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
India issued a notification regarding the CRZ under
the Environment Protection Act, 1986 administered
by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) 102.Explanation:
to protect and conserve the environment and Statement 2 is incorrect. India has climbed eight
ecosystem on the coastline of the country. places from last year in the annual Gender Gap Report,
● Statement 2 is correct. The CRZ rules and 2023, and is now ranked 127 out of 146 countries. In
regulations have been formulated with the 2022 it was ranked 135.
objective of protecting coastal ecosystems, by
regulating human and industrial activities near the 103. Explanation:
● Statement 3 is incorrect. Coastal areas are ● The Cabinet Committee on Security is chaired by
categorised into four different types by the CRZ the Prime Minister.
104.Explanation: The India Semiconductor Mission
97. Explanation: Matsya 6000 is an Indian crewed deep- was launched in 2021 with a total financial outlay of
submergence vehicle intended to be utilised for deep- Rs76,000 crore under the aegis of the Ministry of
sea exploration of rare minerals under the Deep Ocean Electronics and IT (MeitY).
105. Explanation:
98. Explanation: ● L-20 or Labour 20 summits are summits of labour
● Statements 1 and 2 are correct: Medicines Patent and employment leaders or trade unions from the
Pool (MPP) is a United Nations-backed public G20 countries.
health organisation working to increase access & ● It represents the labour unions from G20 member
facilitate the development of life-saving medicines countries and serves as a platform for discussions
for low- and middle-income countries. and recommendations on labour-related issues.
JUNE - 2023 31
● The L-20 focuses on promoting decent work,
workers’ rights, social protection, and inclusive
economic growth within the G20 agenda.

106.Explanation:The Wagner Group also known as PMC

Wagner is a Russian paramilitary organisation. It is
believed to have been founded in 2014.

107.Explanation: All three statements are correct.

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a transnational
body comprised of nuclear supplier countries that
aim to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons by Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
curbing the export of nuclear weapons development
materials and related technology. It seeks to improve
113. Explanation: Meira Paibi is a women’s social movement
the existing safeguards on existing nuclear materials.
in the state of Manipur. Referred to as the “guardians
This is an important topic for candidates preparing for
of civil society”, it dates to 1977 in present Kakching
the UPSC 2023 exam.

The NSG was formed in the wake of the nuclear

114. Explanation: India plans to procure 31 General Atomics
tests conducted by India in May 1974 which proved
MQ­9B High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned
that certain non-weapons nuclear technology could
Aerial vehicles (UAV). The MQ­9B has two variants — the
be used to develop nuclear weapons. The group
SkyGuardian and the SeaGuardian, its maritime variant.
had its first meeting in November 1975. A series of
MQ-9B is the first hunter-killer unmanned aerial vehicle
meetings held in London produced agreements on
(UAV) designed for long-endurance and high-altitude
export guidelines. Although initially there were only
7 countries as members, there are 48 participating
governments as of 2017.
115. Explanation: Only 2 statements are correct. Five-
hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is
located in the Dawodang depression in China.
● The Veeracholapuram temple in Kallakurichi
district is famous for its Shiva Temple. It was in
news as steps are being taken to retrieve some 116. Explanation: All three statements are correct. Read
idols that were stolen or went missing from Chola- more about the BIS in today’s CNA under ‘Prelims
era temples. Facts’.

109. Explanation: 117. Explanation: NHRC is a statutory body established

in 1993, under the provisions of the Protection of
● Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is a protected
Human Rights Act, 1993. It is also a quasi-judicial body.
area and tiger reserve in the Eastern Ghats in the
It is partly judicial in character, as it has powers that
Erode District of Tamil Nadu.
resemble those of a court of law.

110. Explanation:
118. Explanation: The NDB is a multilateral financial
● Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), as institution established by the BRICS countries, namely,
commonly understood, comprises procedures Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. NDB was
such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), intrauterine founded in 2014 at the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza,
insemination (IUI), oocyte and sperm donation, Brazil.
cryopreservation and includes surrogacy as well.
119. Explanation: The Sixth Schedule of the Indian
111. Explanation: The Climate Shift Index model has been Constitution applies to the Northeastern states of
developed by a U.S Non-profit organization called Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram (3 Councils each), and
Climate Central. It reveals how much climate change Tripura (1 Council).
influences the temperature on a particular day.
120. Explanation: Paris Club is an informal group of
112. Explanation: The Suez Canal is an artificial waterway in official creditors from 22 wealthy countries who find
Egypt that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red sustainable solutions for challenges faced by debtor
Sea, separating Africa and Asia. countries.

121. Explanation: The National Institutional Ranking

Framework (NIRF) was approved by the Ministry of
Education (Erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource
Development) in September 2015 to rank Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs).
JUNE - 2023 32
122. Explanation: Equalisation Levy was introduced in India 133. Explanation: The Debrigarh wildlife sanctuary,
in 2016. It is a direct tax on digital services withheld at alongside the Nalabana Bird Sanctuary in Chilika Lake,
the time of payment by the service recipient. is located in the Bargarh district in Odisha. It is situated
near the city of Sambalpur’s Hirakud Dam.
123. Explanation: The Geographical Indications Registry,
Chennai has given tags to 7 products from Uttar Pradesh 134. Explanation: All three statements are correct.
– Amroha Dholak, Mahoba Gaura Patthar Hastashlip,
Mainpuri Tarkashi, Sambhal Horn Craft, Baghpat Home 135. Explanation: None of the given statements is incorrect.
Furnishings, Barabanki Handloom Product and Kalpi Read more on the National Payments Corporation of
Handmade Paper. India in the linked article.

124. Explanation: Statement 2 is incorrect. Chinar Corps is

responsible for guarding the Line of Control (LoC) in
the Kashmir Valley.

125. Explanation: India is neither a signatory to the

Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT) Treaty regime nor the
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

126.Explanation: Russia-Ukraine War. Donetsk and Luhansk

regions (together called the Donbas region) are in
Eastern Ukraine which borders Russia.

127. Explanation: Statements 1 and 3 are incorrect. The All

India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) was initiated
in 2011, during which data for the year 2010-11 was
collected. It is released by the Ministry of Education.

128.Explanation: The European Space Agency’s Euclid

mission is set to launch into space on a Falcon9 rocket
from SpaceX. The mission is specifically designed to
study the dark universe, probing both “dark matter”
and “dark energy”.

129. Explanation: CCEA is one of the standing committees

of the cabinet constituted by the government. It is
headed by the Prime Minister.

130. Explanation: Financial Stability Report (FSR) is a

biannual report published by the Reserve Bank of India.

131. Explanation: ENSO affects the tropics (the regions

surrounding the equator) and the subtropics (the
regions adjacent to or bordering the tropics).
El Niño and La Niña are opposite phases of what is
known as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
cycle. The ENSO is a recurring climatic pattern involving
temperature changes in the waters of the eastern and
central tropical Pacific Ocean, and changes in the
patterns of upper and lower-level winds, sea level
pressure, and tropical rainfall across the Pacific Basin.
El Nino is often called the warm phase and La Nina is
called the cold phase of ENSO. These deviations from
the normal surface temperatures can have a large-
scale impact on the global weather conditions and
overall climate.

132. Explanation: Statement 2 is incorrect. It functions

under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Public Distribution.
JUNE - 2023 33


1. Graphene is a revolutionary material and has multi- 13. How well equipped are the new animal birth control
sectoral uses. Elucidate. rules, 2023 to tackle the human-dog conflict? Critically
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-3; Science and analyze.
Technology) (250 words; 15 marks) [GS-2, Social Justice]

2. The two thousand rupee note had served its purpose. 14. Transitioning towards low-carbon cities would only be
Discuss in the context of the trends in supply and justified if it is just and fair. Elaborate on this statement
circulation by the RBI. and suggest ways to achieve the same.
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-3; Economy) (250 words; 15 marks) [GS-3, Environment]

3. The challenges within the manufacturing sector are 15. Indian Railways has been the lifeline of India’s growth
systemic to it. Elucidate. story. Analyse the challenges, advantages and
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-3; Economy) disadvantages of its privatisation.
(250 words; 15 marks) (GS-3; Economy)
4. Discuss the need for a national lithium programme and
clarity over its ownership. 16. Assess the impact of the Performance Linked Incentive
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-3; Economy) Scheme in giving a boost to India’s manufacturing
5. Railway safety in India remains a major concern despite (250 words; 15 marks) (GS-3; Economy)
all the recent measures. Critically evaluate.
(250 words, 15 marks) (GS-3; Disaster 17. India’s Electricity sector needs more than just on
Management) paper reforms to fulfil its true mandate. Do you agree?
Critically analyse.
6. What are the risks and concerns that arise from the (250 words; 15 marks) (GS-3; Economy/
emergence of generative AI? Examine. Infrastructure)
(250 words, 15 marks) (GS-3; Science and
Technology) 18. Despite having a multifaceted partnership along with
unique ties of friendship, India and Nepal are witnessing
numerous challenges in their relationship. Comment.
7. What is the Kavach system? Discuss the salient features
of this system? (250 words; 15 marks) (GS-2; International
(250 words, 15 marks) (GS-3; Science and
19. Evaluate the performance of ‘Saksham Anganwadi
and POSHAN 2.0’ launched for maximizing nutritional
8. “North Korea’s space programme has the potentiality
to destabilise East Asia”. Discuss.
(10 marks; 150 Words) [GS-2; Social Justice]
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-3; Science and
20. The current state of unrest in Manipur highlights the
failure of the civil society. Discuss the role of Civil
9. Despite differences at various levels, India-China
Society Organisations in conflict zones.
relations are critical to realise the Asian century.
Discuss. (15 marks; 250 words) [GS-3; Security]
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, IR]
21. The governments need to work with animal welfare
organizations to provide proper healthcare and
10. What are the salient features of the POCSO Act?
housing to stray dogs. Comment.
Assess the success of this act to deliver justice to the
victims. (10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, Governance]
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, Polity]
22. Why do you think the protests by the wrestlers against
sexual harassment have not evoked the same response
11. India’s renewable energy transition goals depend upon
from civil society as in the previous instances?
the states’ individual goals. Elaborate.
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, Polity and
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-3, Environment]

12. The only data localization law that can be successful

is an international law and not a national law. Do you
agree? Critically analyze.
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2, Governance]
JUNE - 2023 34
23. The objective of ensuring ‘complete justice’ through 34. India’s developmental journey has been high-paced
Article 142 of the Indian Constitution has somewhere but found lacking at the same time. In the context of
turned into ‘complete dominance’ of the judiciary over the above statement, discuss the role played by a
the other arms of the government. Do you agree? strong Indo-US relationship in India’s growth story.
Critically analyze. (15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, IR]
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, Polity &
Governance] 35. The recent UPI data reveals a problem and a paradox.
Discuss the above statement in the context of the
24. Canada’s vote bank politics may dent its long-term recent study on financial transactions in India.
Indo-pacific vision of countering China with India’s (10 marks, 150 words) [GS-3, Economy]
assistance. Comment.
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, International 36. India’s semiconductor policy and strategy need to be
Relations] revamped. Comment.
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-3, Economy]
25. Discuss the challenges in front of the next Finance
Commission of India.
37. Examine the detrimental impact of heatwaves and
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; Polity & measures to be taken to mitigate the disaster.
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-3; Disaster
26. “The way to strengthen the child nutrition regime in
India is to empower the Anganwadi Workers.” Discuss.
38. India – Nepal relations have seen a lot of ups and
(150 words, 10 marks) [GS-2; Health] downs. Examine with a focus on ongoing connectivity
and infrastructure projects.
27. Discuss the potentiates and dangers of Artificial (250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; International
Intelligence. Relations]
(250 words; 15 marks) [GS-3; Science and
Technology) 39. Discuss the recent advances that India and the USA
have made in the field of science and technology.
28. “India is facing the dual problem of malnutrition and (250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; International Relations]
obesity”. Discuss.
(150 words; 10 marks) [GS-2; Health] 40. How does UGC’s ‘Professor of Practice’ model help
improve academia-industry collaboration? Evaluate.
29. The revival of the US-Iran nuclear deal would have (250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; Social Justice]
significant implications for India as well. Do you agree?
41. Discuss the opportunities and challenges in the India-
(250 words; 15 marks) [GS-2; International Egypt bilateral relationship.
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-2; International Relations)

30. Despite the best efforts from the Government, millets

42. “India has to go a long way on certain indicators
are still not the first choice grain in India. Identify the
according to the Gender Gap Report”. Comment.
reasons for this mismatch.
(150 words, 10 marks) (GS-1; Indian Society)
(250 words; 15 marks) [GS-3; Agriculture]

43. Critically examine the recent attempted-mutiny in

31. Discuss the trends observed in the cyclonic
Russia and its impact on Russia’s internal security and
disturbances across the northern Indian Ocean and
on global geopolitics.
analyze the reasons behind the same.
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; International Relations]
(10 marks,150 words) [GS-1; Geography]

44. Comment on the pros and cons of mandatory

32. What is the concept of ‘Common But Differentiated
implementation of Aadhaar Based Payment System
Responsibility’? Discuss the challenges faced by the
developing world in adapting to climate change.
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; Governance]
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-3; Environment]

45. India’s relations with Egypt is undergoing a significant

33. Collaborations like the Summit for New Global Financing
transformation. Discuss in detail.
Pact are paramount in maintaining the relevance of
global conventions and organisations. Analyze. (250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; International Relations]
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, IR]
46. Evaluate the distribution of Tamil diaspora around the
world, their contribution and challenges being faced by
the community.
(250 words, 15 marks) [GS-2; International Relations]
JUNE - 2023 35
47. The IT Act of 2000 is outdated and ineffective for
regulating emerging threats and concerns on the
Internet. In this context, examine and bring out
arguments in favour of the proposed Digital India Bill
which seeks to replace the IT Act.
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-2, Polity]

48. Evaluate the interconnections between flash floods

and landslides with a focus on the Himalayan belt.
Substantiate with recent examples.
(15 marks, 250 words) [GS-1, Geography]

49. The India-U.S. relationship has moved from ‘American

exceptionalism’ to a more pragmatic era of ‘American
exceptionism’ for India. Do you agree?
(10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, IR]

50. Discuss the irritants in the digital trade between India

and the U.S.
(10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, IR]

51. The Wagner Group has revealed the fault lines in

Russian politics. Comment.
(10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, IR]

52. There are multiple issues in the NIRF rankings. Do you

(10 marks, 150 words) [GS-2, Education]

53. What is the Open Market Sale Scheme? How does the
centre use to regulate prices?
(150 words, 10 marks) [GS-3, Economy]

54. In light of the recent Railway accidents, discuss the role

of Blockchain in its mitigation.
(150 words, 10 marks) [GS-3, Science and Technology]

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