Bhs Inggris Ok
Bhs Inggris Ok
Bhs Inggris Ok
Digital Age
Ade Onny Siagian1, Rini Martiwi2 , Natal Indra3
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika,
Abstract This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the aim of knowing what social
media is always used and its benefits for marketing products contained in social media. Data collection
techniques through questionnaires. The population is class XI and XII students of SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta
majoring in marketing. The findings show that the most widely used social media for product marketing is
Instagram 78%, Youtube 58%, Facebook 31%, Whatsapp 20%, Line 18%, Path 7% and Twitter 2%. Social
media has greatly helped students and even the community and entrepreneurs in promoting products. With this,
it is proven that many social media users provide good benefits in terms of product marketing. The more
advanced technological developments even with the existence of social media make people, especially
entrepreneurs, able to reach potential buyers easily
Abstract. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The objected was to find out what
is the social media is always used and its benefits to the marketing products. Data collection
techniques using questionnaires. The population is grade XI and XII students of SMK Negeri 22
Jakarta majoring in marketing. The findings show that the social media that used the most widely for
marketing products are Instagram 78%, Youtube 58%, Facebook 31%, Whatsapp 20%, Line 18%,
Path 7% and Twitter 2%. Social media has greatly helped students and even the community and
entrepreneurs in promoting products. The social media users were provides good benefits in terms
of product marketing. The more rapid development of technology even with the presence of social
media makes the community, especially entrepreneurs, can reach potential buyers easily
Technological advances in the current era have a lot of influence on communication and
information that was originally conventional to become modern and all-digital, making the rapid
development of technology. Especially with the internet facilities that already exist on every cell
phone makes it easier for humans to find out information anywhere and anytime.
Indonesia is a large country with a population of around 200 million, so Indonesia is referred
to as a potential digital market. Based on the poll, "the quantity of internet users in Indonesia lives
around 10.12 percent". However, according to Henri, "from
Jurnal Pemasaran
The number of communities is 171.17 million people, about 64.8 percent of whom are connected to
the internet". That number is expected to continue to grow.
On the Kaskus internet site claims that the number of transactions reaches Rp. 575 billion per
month, and among other online buying and selling sites, namely Tokopedia earns 14 trillion every
month, Bukalapak 13 trillion, and also shopee which records fantastic numbers, raking in 59 trillion
rupiah in just one semester (6 months) in 2018. Not to mention the actors of buying and selling
online through social media (social media) which is currently the most powerful media to be used as
marketing media. Based on a survey by the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA), online
transactions through social media such as Facebook and Instagram reached 60%, Kaskus 14%,
Twitter 12% and other social media.
Social media is actually an interaction and socialization tool, and can also be used as a facility
as the cheapest and easiest marketing tool.
The ease of our business needs is part of the progress of social media, when juxtaposed with
other effects, social media will have an impact on all lines, then it is also different from traditional
marketing, the use of technological media through marketing is a breakthrough that needs to be
evaluated. Social media understood or not from now on has been widely used by various public
groups, so this study experiments to parse and analyze needs and as a tool for social media in the
context of marketing.
"Social media according to Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller (2012;568) in (Fauzi, February
2016), is a means for consumers to share text, image, audio, and video information with each other
and with companies and vice versa. The role of social media is increasingly recognized in boosting
business performance". "Social media allows small businesses to change the way they communicate
with customers, market products and services and interact with customers in order to build good
relationships. Abdullah (2012: 32) stated that if a brand/product will be launched, then social media is
used to spread information that makes friends or followers curious".
"According to Kotler and Keller (2009) in (Sinurat, 2017) innovation is a new product,
service, idea, and perception of a person. Innovation is a product or service that is perceived by
consumers as a new product or service. In simple terms, innovation can be interpreted as a
breakthrough related to new products. But Kotler added that innovation is not just limited to
developing new products or services. Innovation also includes new business thinking and new
processes. Innovation is also seen as a corporate mechanism to adapt to a dynamic environment."
Internet Marketing
Jurnal Pemasaran
(interactive) with the company that sells its products or services". "Blythe (2000: 229) said the
characteristics of the internet as a marketing tool can be seen from: 1. Communication style. The
style of communication on the Internet is more interactive and direct (fast) or indirect (there is a time
difference between message and feedback). 2. Be social. Communication takes on a more personal
role. 3. Consumers can control relationships. Consumers are able to control the time and place where
they can access the information, they are more interested in participating in the process of getting
information from the machine (internet) 4. Consumers can control the content of messages. If
consumers can control the content of the message, then communication will run very interactively."
This research utilizes qualitative research methods, with a descriptive approach, namely
analyzing data sources by describing the data that has been collected so that conclusions that apply to
the public can be made.
Figure 1. Bar Chart of Social Media Use Intensity for Product Marketing The data results show that
social media is used by SMK Negeri students
22 Jakarta as a product marketing tool there are 7 types of social media, namely Instagram,
Jurnal Pemasaran
Youtube, Facebook, Whatsapp, Line, Path and Twitter. The percentage result can be seen in figure 2.
The results of data from the role of social media for students majoring in Marketing at SMK
Negeri 22 Jakarta in promoting products can be seen from the benefits of social media as a marketing
tool. The percentage results can be seen in figure 3.
Students of SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta have used social media as a product marketing tool with
an intensity of 1-2 hours of use as much as 36%. With an intensity of 3-4 hours 29%, less than 1 hour
as much as 16%. The use of 4-5 hours is 11% and students are at least > 5 hours, which is as much as
%. Social media used for product marketing are Instagram 78%, Youtube 58%, Facebook 31%,
Whatsapp 20%, Line 18%, Path 7% and Twitter 2%. Social media has greatly helped students and
even the community and entrepreneurs in promoting products. With this, it is proven that the large
number of social media users causes a good influence in terms of product marketing. The more
advanced technological developments even with the existence of social media make people,
especially entrepreneurs, able to reach potential buyers easily. Simply by utilizing social media as a
marketing medium, entrepreneurs will be more effective in promoting, building brands, and building
relationships with potential buyers. In accordance with the statement according to Gunelius and
Susan (2011: 10) social media marketing has a goal to (1) build relationships, for example the best
benefits and from social media marketing is the ability to build relationships with customers actively.
(2) Create a brand, for example, discussions through social media, present the perfect way to increase
brand awareness, promote recognition and recall of the label or brand, and increase brand loyalty. (3)
News e.g. (Market) marketing through social media reserves an outlet where the industry can share
important information and convert negative perceptions. According to Basu Swastha (1999: 246),
publicity or news is "some information about goods, targets, or organizations that are broadcast to
the public through the media without any cost rates or without control from sponsors". News is an
effective accessory for
Other promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, and sales promos. Usually, the media is
willing to publicize a story if the material is considered interesting enough or newsworthy. (4)
Promotion e.g. through social media marketing, providing exclusive rebates and opportunities for
audiences to get people to try to be appreciated and in particular, as well as to meet short-term
For students, it is expected to be able to process and develop marketing skills through social
media so that the products created can continue to grow. And schools must support all the activities
of their students and develop businesses that are late to be built even though they are still in school.
Teachers must also guide students in using social media wisely because what students do is very
good and can motivate many people, especially people who want to have a business but are confused
to market it. By utilizing social media is a good and exemplary thing to continue to disseminate
product information, reach more consumers, and be able to develop the brand.
For the public, it is expected to be able to use social media with positive things such as
marketing products and sharing positive information. Because with the existence of this social
media, let alone a lot of users, it makes many opportunities, especially for product marketing
activities.entrepreneurs must also be ready to compete in marketing their products on social media
for that creativity in promoting social media that attracts and looks different from others is very
important so that many social media users become potential buyers when seeing promotions that
have been done.
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NIM: 202211584
Abstract; The goal is to find out what social media is always used and its
benefits for marketing products contained in social media. Data collection
techniques through questionnaires. The population is class XI and XII students
of SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta majoring in marketing. The findings show that the
most widely used social media for product marketing is Instagram 78%,
Youtube 58%, Facebook 31%, Whatsapp 20%, Line 18%, Path 7% and
Twitter 2%. Social media has greatly helped students and even the community
and entrepreneurs in promoting products. With this, it is proven that many
social media users provide good benefits in terms of product marketing. The
more advanced technological developments even with the existence of social
media make people, especially entrepreneurs, able to reach potential buyers
On the Kaskus internet site claims that the number of transactions reaches
Rp. 575 billion per month, and among other online buying and selling sites,
namely Tokopedia earns 14 trillion every month, Bukalapak 13 trillion, and
also shopee which records fantastic numbers, raking in 59 trillion rupiah in just
one semester (6 months) in 2018. Not to mention the actors of buying and
selling online through social media (social media) which is currently the most
powerful media to be used as marketing media.
This research utilizes qualitative research methods, with a descriptive
approach, namely analyzing data sources by describing the data that has been
collected so that conclusions that apply to the public can be made.
The object of research at SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta, research period on the 23rd
September – September 30, 2019. The study population was class XI and XII
students majoring in marketing as many as 54 students. The data collection
used in the study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire has 36 questions.
Preparation of questionnaires with Likert scale with alternative answers given
"strongly agree", "agree", "doubt", "disagree", and "strongly disagree". The
answer type is in the form of a check list.
There are 5 time intervals asked of correspondents in the use of social
media as marketing. These intervals are; >1 hour; 1-2
hours; 3-4 hours; 4-5 hours; and <5 hours.
The data results show that there are 7 types of social media used by students of
SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta as a product marketing tool, namely Instagram, Youtube,
Facebook, Whatsapp, Line, Path and Twitter. The percentage result can be seen in
figure 2.
The results of data from the role of social media for students majoring in
Marketing at SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta in promoting products can be seen from
the benefits of social media as a marketing tool. The percentage results can be
seen in figure 3.
The majority of students spend 1-2 hours of time marketing products through social
media, so it can be concluded that this time is a very effective time. This time is
considered sufficient to show the latest product information and provide quick
feedback to the public