Kindergarten Q2 Week9 LearningExperiences V0.6

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Quarter 2: Week 9 Learning Experiences

CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2: Week 9 Learning Experiences
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by
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Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team

Writer: Rochelle B. Baricuatro

Editors: Gilda G. Bancog, Elaine F. Perfecio, Lilia R. Ybañez, Juditha O. Mapue, Angelie B. Guangco
Reviewers: Exequiel J. Cifra, Cerelina S. Llerin, Mitchell Dave M. Cabuguas, Maurita F. Ponce
Illustrator: Rio M. Emping
Layout Artist: Christian G. Yocte, Eugene S. Ignacio
Management Team: Salustiano T. Jimenez, Cristito A. Eco, Maria Jesusa C. Despojo, Maurita F. Ponce, Cesar A. Restauro Jr.

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region VII, Central Visayas
Office Address: Doña M. Gaisano St., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
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Quarter 2: Week 9 Learning Experiences
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Kindergarten Learning Experiences (KLE) for Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)!

This learning resource was aligned with the identified Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) applicable to the child’s real-life situations.
This is collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both from public and private institutions to assist the teacher or facilitator
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration on their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator, you are expected to prepare the needed materials in advance. If the suggested materials in the activities herein are not available, it
is advised that you will utilize whatever is in the locality.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to learn through play. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the material.

Table of Contents

Introductory Message................................................................................................................................................................................................. iv
Activity 1: Tell Me More ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Activity 2: Painting Gg ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Activity 3: Show Me Winds ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Activity 4: Shopping Letter Gg.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Activity 5: My Weather Chart ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Activity 6: The Uu Family ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Activity 7: What I Wear Chart .................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Activity 8: Get Ready, Whatever is the Day.............................................................................................................................................................. 19
References .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Annex 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Annex 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of different types of weather and changes that occur in the environment
Performance Standards: The child shall be able to talk about how to adapt to the different kinds of weather and care for the environment

Most Essential Learning Competencies: Tell and describe kinds of weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, windy)

Content Focus: There are five kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, and windy.
Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator
What I need to
I can tell the kinds of weather: sunny day, rainy day, and cloudy day.

Introduction Start the day’s activity with a prayer.

Say: Good morning! How are you today? (I’m
fine.) That’s good. Before we begin with our Use any prayer that the child is familiar with.
activity, let’s sing this song.
Use any familiar action song connected to the
Song: Rain, Rain, Go Away weather of the day.
By: James Orchard Halliwell
What I know?
Let the learner practice courteous greetings
Rain, rain, go away every day.
Come again another day
Little children want to play. Introduce the flow of this routine every day.
Rain, rain, go away.
(Repeat twice)

Say: Very good!

Ask: What is our song all about? (The rain.)
What’s new? Do you love to watch the rain? (Yes) Look
outside, can you tell the weather for today?

1 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Say: Last week, you have learned how to
describe your family members, pets, toys,
foods, and members of the community.
Ask: What will you do with your pets during
the rainy day? (I will keep them safe.) pictures of :
Now, we will be doing activities about the  sunny day
different kinds of weather.  rainy day
 cloudy day Provide assistance when needed but do not do
Activity 1: Tell Me More things for the learner.

1. Show the pictures of a sunny day, rainy day,
and cloudy day. (See Annex 2) Sunny day - the sun shines brightly.
Rainy day - the rain pours.
Cloudy day - thick clouds appear in the sky

2. Connect the picture to the type of weather

for the day.
3. Let the learner do the following:
 look at the pictures;
 identify the weather in each picture;
 describe each picture; and
 give an example of activities that you
do during sunny day, rainy day and
cloudy day.
 4. Talk about the different clothes to wear
during sunny day, rainy day and cloudy day.

2 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Discussion (Informal Conversation) about the Activity Ask these questions one at a time.

Ask: What do you do on a cloudy day? (I can play outside the house)
What do you do on a rainy day? (I will stay inside the house.)
On a sunny day, what do we use when we go outside to protect us
from the heat? (We use an umbrella or a cap)
What are the different kinds of weather that we talked about? (sunny
What is it?
day, rainy day, and cloudy day)
What type of clothes do we wear on a sunny day? …rainy day?
…cloudy day?
What happens outside if there will be heavy rains every day? (It will
flood. Plants and trees will be destroyed. Children cannot go out to

Say: Very good!

Snack Time: These can also be done during mealtime.

 Washing of hands before and after eating
 Thanksgiving prayer
 Eating etiquette

Say: I want you to look outside.

Ask: What do you see? (trees, plants,  letter Gg
What’s more? animals, people) template
Can you see the leaves? (Yes)
Where can we see the leaves? (plants and  watercolor or
trees) any coloring
What is the color of the leaves? (green) materials
Say: If the leaves are still attached to the trees
or plants, its color is green, but when it falls
on the ground, it will slowly change its color
into brown.

3 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Ask: What is the beginning sound of the
word green? /g/ Help the child in producing the sound of letter
Gg. /g/
Say: Now, let’s begin our activity.

Activity 2: Painting Gg

1. Give the letter Gg template to the
2. Let the learner do the following:
 color the letter Gg template with
green using his/her finger (or any
color if green is not available);
 let it dry;
 trace letter Gg with your fingertip;
 produce its sound.


Say: Excellent!

Ask: What have you learned from today’s activities? (I have learned
What I have the three kinds of weather and the letter Gg.)
learned? What letter is the template? (letter Gg)
What color did you use to paint the template? (green) Encourage the learner to finish the worksheet.

Say: Use your fingertip to trace, touch, and feel the letter Gg.
Write letter Gg on the air.
What is the sound of the letter Gg? /g/

4 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Can you name objects that begin with letter Gg? (glasses, gloves,
gate, etc)

Say: Awesome!

Ask: Can you also name the kinds of weather we have learned?
(sunny day, rainy day, and cloudy day)
Is it important for us to know the kinds of weather? (Yes)

Say: Yes, it is important for us to know the different kinds of weather

so that we will know what to do. We will be talking about other kinds
of weather tomorrow.

What I can do?
 Let the learner answer Worksheet 1 in Annex 1.

5 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of different types of weather and changes that occur in the environment

Performance Standards: The child shall be able to talk about how to adapt to the different kinds of weather and care for the environment

Most Essential Learning Competencies: Tell and describe kinds of weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, windy)

Content Focus: There are five kinds of weather; sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, and windy.

Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator

What I need to
I can tell the kinds of weather; stormy day and windy day.

Say: Good morning! How are you today? (I’m Optional:

fine.) That’s good. Start the day’s activity with a prayer. Use any
Look outside, can you tell the weather for prayer the child is familiar with.
Before we begin our activity, let us do body Use any prayer that the child is familiar with.
movements about the three kinds of weather
we have learned. Kindly do as I tell you.

Sunny day – wipe your face with your two Teach the body movements first to the learner
hands like you’re sweating and then say the weather conditions one at a
What I know? time.
Rainy day – wiggle your fingers like the
direction of the rain

Cloudy day –use your pointer to draw clouds

on the air

Say the name of the weather and let the learner

do the action.

6 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Say: Sunny day…Cloudy day…Sunny
day…Rainy day…Cloudy day…Sunny day…

Say: Well done! You were able to do the

actions using your body.

Ask: What are the three kinds of weather you

have learned?
(sunny day, rainy day, and cloudy day)

Say: Today we are going to learn another kind

of weather.
pictures of : Use the pictures of the kinds of weather
Activity 3: Show Me Winds  stormy day discussed in the previous activities.
 windy day
Procedure: Windy day - there is a strong wind.
What’s new? 1. Show the pictures of the kinds of weather Stormy day - there is a very strong wind,
indicated below. heavy rain, thunderstorms and

2. Let the learner do the following:

 look at the pictures;
 identify the weather of each picture;
 tell each picture on how the wind
blows many things;

7 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
 pretend to be leaves blown across the
yard; falling raindrops from the air;
feathers blown by the wind; and quick
sounds of thunderstorms and
Discussion (Informal Conversation) about the Activity
Ask these questions one at a time.
Ask: What do we experience on a stormy day? (heavy rain, flood,
What do we do on a rainy day? (Stay inside the house.)
On a windy day, what will the children do outside? (flying kites)
How do you know that it is a windy day? (leaves and trees are moving)
What is it? Can you show how things are blown by the winds?
How can you tell if it is a stormy day?
What do you hear during a stormy day? (strong winds, thunderstorms,
and lightning)
What are the different kinds of weather conditions that we have
already discussed? (sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day, stormy day, and
windy day.)

Say: Well done!

Snack Time: These can also be done during their mealtime.

 Washing of hands before and after eating
 Thanksgiving prayer
 Eating etiquette
What’s more?
Say: Now, let’s have another activity.
Safety measures and health protocols must be
Activity 4: Shopping Letter Gg

8 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Procedure: Remind the learner to arrange/organize the
1. Take the learner for a walk. (It can be materials or clean the area after the activity.
inside or outside the house)
2. Let the learner do the following;
 find and collect seven (7) objects/
things whose names start with letter
 put the collected objects/things on
the table;
 count the objects/things collected;
 name the objects/things collected;
 say the beginning letter of the names
of objects/things collected; and
 produce the sound of letter Gg.

Say: Excellent!

Ask: How did you find the activity?

(enjoyable and I am energized)
How many objects/things you have
collected? (7)
Can you tell me again their names?
What is the beginning sound of their names?
What is the letter name of /g/? (Gg)

Say: Yes, the sound of letter Gg is /g/. Say it

with me, /g/. Say it again three times. (/g/,
/g/, /g/)

Say! Well done!

9 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Ask: Can you name again the kinds of
weather conditions we have discussed?
(sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day, stormy
day, and windy day)
Say: Excellent!
Ask: What have you learned from today’s activities? (I have learned
the five kinds of weather, letter Gg and its sound)
What I have
Say: Awesome! We will have more activities tomorrow about the
different kinds of weather.

Application Encourage the learner to finish the worksheet

 Let the learner answer Worksheet 2 in Annex 1. and help in simple household chores.
What I can do?

10 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of different types of weather and changes that occur in the environment

Performance Standards: The child shall be able to talk about how to adapt to the different kinds of weather and care for the environment

Most Essential Learning Competencies: Observe and record the weather daily (as part of the opening routine)

Content Focus: There are different kinds of weather

Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator

What I need
I can tell the five kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, stormy, and windy.
to know?

Say: Good morning! How are you today? Optional:

(I’m fine.)
That’s good. What is our weather for today? Start the day’s activity with a prayer.

Now, let’s do the body movements like what Use any prayer that the child is familiar with.
we did yesterday.

This time we will do it with the five (5) kinds

of weather conditions.
What I know?
Sunny day – wipe your face with your two
hands like your sweating

Rainy day – wiggle your fingers following

the direction of the rain

Cloudy day – use your pointer to draw clouds

on the air

11 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Stormy day –sway your body while wiggling
your fingers up and down

Windy day –blow air using your mouth.

Say the name of the weather and let the

learner do the action.
Say: Windy day…Sunny day…Cloudy
day…Rainy day…Stormy day…Windy
day…Stormy day…

Yesterday you were able to identify the five
weather conditions: sunny day, rainy day,
cloudy day, stormy day and windy day.

What activities do we usually do during the

different kinds of weather conditions?

12 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Activity 5: My Weather Chart  manila Provide assistance to the learner in creating the
paper/recycled chart but not to do things for him/her.
Procedure: calendar/white
1. Present the materials. cartolina
2. Give the manila paper/recycled  pentel pen/marker Use the chart every day to record the weather
calendar/white cartolina and pentel  crayons for the day.
pen/marker to the learner.  glue/paste
3. Assist the learner in preparing the chart.

What’s new?

4. Let the learner do the following:

 put a checkmark on the appropriate
column that tells the weather
condition of the day;
 draw the appropriate clothing to be
worn for the weather condition of the
 color the drawing; and
 paste it on the appropriate column.
5. Talk about the weather chart.

13 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Discussion (Informal Conversation) about the Activity

Ask: What activity did you do? (Weather chart)

Did you enjoy the activity? (Yes)
What are the different kinds of weather on your chart?
Let the learner point each illustration. (sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day,
stormy day, and windy day)
What is it?
What will you do on a rainy and stormy day? (stay inside the house)
What clothes do you wear on a sunny day? ...rainy day? …cloudy day?
…stormy day? …windy day?

Say: Great! We stay in the house on rainy and stormy day for safety and
we will be spared from any danger.
This Weather Chart you have created will be used every day. Every day,
we will tick the appropriate column for the weather conditions of the day.

Snack Time: These can also be done during their mealtime.

 Washing of hands before and after eating
 Thanksgiving prayer
 Eating etiquette

Say: Let’s sing the song, “Rain, Rain, Go  pictures of: umbrella,
What’s more? Away.” Assist the learner in doing the activity.
underwear, under and
Ask: Are you familiar with the song? (Yes)
What is the direction of the rain? (Up going  letter Uu template
down) Can you show it? (The learner will  dried leaves Remind the learner to wash his/her hands and
wiggle his/her finger up going down.)  crayons arrange/organize the materials, clean the
When we say the word up, what is the  paste or glue activity area, and throw the trash properly.
beginning sound? /u/

14 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Say: Now, we will learn about the name of
the letter having the sound of /u/.

Activity 6: The Uu Family

1. Present the following pictures: umbrella,
underwear, under and up.

2. Let the learner do the following:

 identify the pictures;
 color the pictures;
 cut and paste them around the letter
 let it dry; and
 trace the letter Uu using his/her

Say: Show me your work. How did you feel

while doing the activity? (happy) Show me
how to write the letter Uu.

15 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Ask: Can you name the objects you have
pasted? (/u/ umbrella, /u/ underwear, /u/ up,
/u/ under)
What is the beginning sound of those words?
What is the name of the letter? (letter Uu)
Ask: What have you learned from today’s activities? (The different kinds
of weather: sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day, stormy day, windy day, and
What I have letter Uu.)
Say: Great! You were able to identify the different kinds of weather
conditions and letter Uu.

What I can
 Let the learner get his/her pencil. Give Worksheet 3 in Annex 1.

16 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Content Standards: The child demonstrates an understanding of different types of weather and changes that occur in the environment
Performance Standards: The child shall be able to talk about how to adapt to the different kinds of weather and care for the environment

Most Essential Learning Competencies: Observe and record the weather daily (as part of the opening routine)

Content Focus: Weather condition changes every day.

Learning Experiences Materials Note to the Facilitator
What I need
I can identify clothes to wear on a sunny day and rainy day.
to know?

Say: Good morning! How are you today? (I’m Optional:

fine.) That’s good. Before we begin our Start the day’s activity with a prayer.
activity, let’s sing this song.
Use any prayer that the child is familiar with.
Song: Rain, Rain, Go Away
By: James Orchard Halliwell in P.D. Use any familiar action song connected to the
weather of the day.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little children want to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
What I know?
(Repeat twice)

Say: Wonderful!
Yesterday you were able to make a weather
chart, identified letter Uu and its sound.
You also learned what to do in different
weather conditions.
Today, we are going to learn what to wear on a
sunny day and a rainy day.

17 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Activity 7: What I Wear Chart Picture of sun, rain, Provide assistance to the learner but do not do
t-shirt, shorts, cap, things for him/her.
Procedure: raincoat
1. Present the picture of a sun, rain, t-shirt,
shorts, cap, and raincoat.
2. Make a chart as indicated below. See
Annex 2
3. Let the learner:
 identify the pictures;
 describe each picture; and
 match the weather condition with the
proper clothes to wear.
4. Talk about what to wear on a sunny day
and a rainy day.
What’s new?

Sunny day Rainy day

18 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Discussion (Informal Conversation) about the Activity
Guide the learner in answering the questions.
Ask: Did you enjoy the activity? (Yes) What are the different kinds of
weather conditions presented on the chart? (sunny day and rainy day)
What are the different clothes on the chart? Let the learner point each
What is it? illustration. (t-shirt, shorts, cap, and raincoat)
What do you wear on a sunny day? (t-shirt, shorts, and cap)
What do you wear on a rainy day? (raincoat)

Say: Great! You were able to identify the appropriate clothes you should
wear on a sunny day and on a rainy day.

Snack Time: These can also be done during their mealtime.

 Washing of hands before and after eating
 Thanksgiving prayer
 Eating etiquette

Activity 8: Get Ready, Whatever is the  different scenarios Guide the learner in doing the activity.
What’s more?
1. Present different scenarios to the
2. Let him/her react to the different
scenarios presented by acting it out or
through a pantomime

 As announced, a super typhoon is

expected to enter your area in the

19 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
next two (2) days. What are you
going to do?

 The authority announced that in the

next two months, there would be no
rain. Mang Uding is about to plant
the carrots and pechay on his farm.
What would Mang Uding do?

 Rainy season is near. What will you

do in preparation for the season to
avoid flooding in your place?

Say: Well done! You’re a great performer.

Ask: Did you enjoy the performance?

Why is it important to be prepared for whatever
weather condition we will be experiencing?

Does cleaning the environment and throwing

garbage properly help us save lives and
properties in times of disaster brought by
unpredictable weather conditions? Why?

Say: Yes, as a responsible citizen, we have to

do our part to avoid the bad things that will
happen due to unpredictable weather

What I have Wrap-up Guide the learner to come up with the answer.
Ask: What have you learned today? (I learned what clothes to wear in

20 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
different weather conditions. I learned how to take care our environment
in preparation for the disasters that may come because of unpredictable
weather conditions).

What I can
 Let the learner do Worksheet No. 4 in Annex 1.

21 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9

Standards and Competencies for Five-Year-Old Filipino Children, (2015). Department of Education, Pasig City
Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide. (2017), First Edition. Vo. 1 & 2. Department of Education, Pasig City, Philippines

22 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Annex 1
Name: Name:
Worksheet 1: Trace the letter Gg. Worksheet 2: Color the objects whose name begins with /g/

23 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Name: Name:
Worksheet 3: Trace the letter Uu. Worksheet 4: Draw and color the objects whose name begins
with /u/.

24 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
Annex 2
A. Kinds of weather for cut-out

25 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
B. Picture cut-outs for activity 6

26 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
C. What I Wear Chart

Sunny day Rainy day

27 CO_Q2_Kindergarten_Week 9
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: *

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