Challenges of Localgovernment Administration in
Challenges of Localgovernment Administration in
Challenges of Localgovernment Administration in
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Abstract: Local Government in Nigeria faces series of critical challenges like creating critical social services and how to sustain them.
No Nation can boast of excellent performance within the public sector at the grass root if a large percentage of her rural inhabitants are
facing uncontrollable abject poverty, needs/wants, socio-economic dilemma and basic social amenities. However in Nigeria, a series of
social amenities at the grass root reveals that the third tiers of government are lacking performance in the area of service delivery, and
over the years has caused the citizens to lose both faith and trust in local government, the closet tier of government to them. The failure
of local government administration as an institution in Nigeria to solve ongoing problems of the people at the grass root further
indicates a lack of contentment in the governance and consequently retards the closeness of the people to this grass root government.
This paper looks at the reasons for the establishment of local government, functions and problems of good governance and
accountability. Factors militating against performance of local government administration in Nigeria are articulated, areas of
contribution to development are also identified and concludes that the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be
amended to empower Local Government authorities to provide the much needed goods and services for the people.
Autonomy simply refers to freedom, independent, free from Local governments in Nigeria suffer from administrative
external and remote control but in Nigeria the reverse is the inefficiency and ineffectiveness resulting from low
case, Local Government are totally independent, they are educational qualifications of staff, poor motivation,
managed by the federal and state governments who autocratic leadership, poor work environment, etc. The
dominate over the local government administration through management and control of finances is a central factor in the
the state government offices of local government affairs, the management of local governments. The quality and
ministry of local government, and the local government promptness/effectiveness of local government services
service commission. All these government agencies are depend on the quality and quantity of workers in the system.
denying the autonomy of self-dependent administration of Politically, politicians divert from their campaign promises
Local Government in Nigeria. through scheming of ways to remain in office and swell their
private financial bank accounts with public funds from the
6.3 Leadership problem local government. They abandon principles of good
governance and democratic ideals that are fundamental in
In most states in Nigeria, the ruling party appoints and promoting administrative efficiency in order to satisfy their
blesses the candidate who must run for election at the local selfish desires.
government level. Without their blessings, such candidates
cannot win an election. The various state governments also
appoint caretaker chairmen for the Local Government
Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Paper ID: 02014311 565
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
6.7 Lack of provision of Basic Social Amenities This recommendation has, expectedly, been generating
varied reactions from all over the country. It has, once again,
The decline in delivery of social services for the people at brought into bold relief the disaffection of many Nigerians
the grassroots is perhaps, felt more by common people. This with the local government system, which is widely believed
revealed that the local government administration has failed not to be effectively playing the role expected of it.
in meeting the basic needs of the people – good roads,
metro-transport, potable water, regular electricity supply, There is no debating the fact that local councils in many
sanitations and rehabilitation of local road under their local parts of the country have shown themselves to be a major
jurisdiction, qualitative healthcare delivery and education. drainpipe of the nation’s scarce resources. With the
Close on the heels of this is poor or non-maintenance of exception of a few shining examples, the councils are
existing social services. Local Governments appear to have regarded as looting centres, where nothing seems to be
failed in this respect thereby leading to strong voice for the happening. In many states, elected and appointed council
cancelation or eradication of the third tiers of government officials, and their cohorts in the civil service, reportedly
which is Local Government Administration in Nigeria. gather at council headquarters monthly to share allocations
from the Federation Account and disperse, only to return the
7 Scope and future of this study following month to share that month’s allocation and
disperse again. As things stand today, nearly all the
Local government as the third tiers of government should functions designated by the constitution as responsibilities of
not be scrapped or changed rather it should be strengthened, the councils – from primary education and primary
democratized and the federal government should enact laws healthcare to environmental sanitation – have virtually been
that promote transparency and accountability at all level of abandoned. But, the failure of the councils to live up to the
governance, most especially, at the local level of expectations of Nigerians and the constitution may not
governance. In this regard, it will, be crucial to strengthen require an outright scrapping of the system, because it is the
institutions of horizontal accountability and empowerment nearest to the masses’.
of civil society organizations to monitor the performance of (, Editorial on May
Local governments officials and report any found wanting to 9, 2014)
anti-corruption agent. Moreover, there is a great need to
reform the structure of government at all levels (Federal, The editorial in the said newspaper (The Sun) concludes that
State and local government) in Nigeria to be accountable to ‘Scrapping the councils, for instance, does not have to
the masses of the people that elect them to the political translate to automatic retrenchment of existing workers,
office. because those statutory functions which are currently not
being carried out by the councils, would still have to be
The cases reviewed in this work are series of short-comings carried out, and the states should not need to employ new
and mal-administrations of local government in Nigeria workers to carry them out. Our appeal to all stakeholders is
ranging from lack of initiative that improves the lives of the that they should altruistically evaluate the pros and cons of
inhabitants reflecting the lost priority to provide better this recommendation, without losing sight of the fact that we
services like portable water, adequate good roads, drainage need a tighter, more efficient and more transparent system of
facilities, health care centres, and standard education with governance. This is the only way we can be sure that our
state of the art technologies, vocational training, and other common wealth is used for the common good of Nigerians
social services as a means to attaining good services in every nook and cranny of the country, instead of ending
provisions to the masses of the people under their up in the pockets of politicians and unscrupulous civil
geographical area for effective development at the grassroots servants.’(,
level. These, if done, will enhance efficient and effective Editorial on May 9, 2014)
service delivery at the grassroots level and sustaining its
future. 8 Policy Implications and Recommendation
As reported in the Sun online Newspaper, May 9, 2014; This paper explored the challenges confronting the local
‘The Committee on Political Restructuring and Forms of government administration in Nigeria and its failure to meet
Government of the ongoing National Conference has the basic and social services provisions of the people at the
recommended the scrapping of the local government tier of grass root. It also presents an appraisal on Nigerian
government, and the delisting of the 774 existing local experience with the third tiers of government administration
councils from the Nigerian Constitution. at the grass root. The paper also focused on social service
delivery most especially at the local level. It presented an
If that recommendation scales through, all the councils will empirical analysis of co-production as a way forward in
be disbanded, and they will cease to be a constitutional third ensuring effective and efficient delivery of social services,
tier of government. They will consequently no longer most especially, road, water, electricity, healthcare and
receive statutory allocations from the Federation Account. education. Governance crisis has not only engendered
Responsibility for the duties now carried out by the councils poverty and hardship; it has robbed people of their happiness
would pass to the respective states, giving the country a two- and left them hopeless. In concluding this paper, some
tier system of government comprising the federal suggestions are offered that will stem the tide of governance
government and the state governments. crisis and launch Nigeria on the path of effective and
efficient delivery of key social services to the citizenry most
especially at the local level. The recommendations are:
Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Paper ID: 02014311 566
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
I. The crisis of governance that gave birth to the crisis of The overall effect is the improvement in the wellbeing of the
service delivery has to be tackled headlong and with general populace of the country mostly the last populace.
sincerity. There is need to embark on effective Politically, Local Government serves as a ground for
decentralisation policy that would discourage over- inculcating democratic political ideas and a training ground
concentration of power and resources in the central for future political leaders with correct democratic ideas and
government. values that can continues to move and project the country
II. Centralisation has to be jettisoned. Concentration or forward from its present third tiers of government.
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Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Paper ID: 02014311 567
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
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