Analysis and Presentation Cummulative Antibiogram
Analysis and Presentation Cummulative Antibiogram
Analysis and Presentation Cummulative Antibiogram
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Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antibiograms:
A New Consensus Guideline from the Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute
Janet F. Hindler1 and John Stelling2
University of California Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles; and 2Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
It is crucial to monitor emerging trends in resistance at the local level to support clinical decision making, infection-control
interventions, and antimicrobial-resistance containment strategies. Monitoring of antimicrobial resistance trends is commonly
performed in health care facilities using an annual summary of susceptibility rates, known as a cumulative antibiogram
report. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute M39-A2 consensus document, entitled “Analysis and Presentation
of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data,” provides guidance to clinical laboratories in the preparation of a
cumulative antibiogram. The purpose of this review is to describe this document, explain the rationale for some of the
recommendations, discuss limitations of its use, and propose new directions for future revisions. The document contains
specific recommendations for the collection, storage, analysis, and presentation of data and includes sample templates
highlighting the recommendations. Critical issues include the recommended frequency of reporting, the number of isolates
to include in a statistic, and a mechanism for eliminating multiple isolates of a given bacterial species obtained from an
individual patient.
With increasing antimicrobial resistance worldwide, it is crucial rithms used in clinical laboratories in the United States (data
to monitor emerging trends in drug resistance at the local level not published). Two observations from this survey were as
to support clinical decision making, infection-control inter- follows: (1) there may be poor comparability of antimicrobial
ventions, and antimicrobial-resistance containment strategies susceptibility statistics between institutions because of the di-
[1, 2]. Monitoring of antimicrobial resistance trends is com- versity of calculation methods, and (2) many laboratories use
monly performed in health care facilities using an annual sum- a simplistic calculation approach, with a strong tendency to
mary of susceptibility rates, known as a cumulative antibiogram overestimate drug-resistance rates. To address these limitations,
report. CLSI recognized the need to develop practical but clinically and
Several distinct approaches can be used in summarizing re- epidemiologically useful recommendations for the analysis and
sults from a database of clinical isolates, but, unfortunately, presentation of data on antimicrobial susceptibility trends.
results obtained using different calculation algorithms may not To this end, the CLSI established a working group to develop
necessarily be comparable. In the year 2000, a survey coordi- consensus guidelines for implementation by health care facilities.
nated by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI; The current guideline is CLSI M39-A2, entitled “Analysis and
formerly NCCLS) highlighted a diversity of calculation algo- Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test
Data” [3]. This miniature review will describe CLSI M39-A2 [3],
explain the rationale for some of the recommendations made in
Received 17 August 2006; accepted 12 December 2006; electronically published 8 February
2007. this document, discuss limitations of its use, and propose direc-
Reprints or correspondence: Janet Hindler, UCLA Medical Center 171315, Dept. of Pathology
tions for expanding this guideline in future revisions. Data pre-
and Laboratory Medicine, 10833 LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1713
( sented are from a large teaching hospital and were analyzed with
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007; 44:867–73 WHONET software, version 5.3, a software program for the
2007 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
management of microbiology laboratory data that is available
DOI: 10.1086/511864 free of charge from the World Health Organization [4].
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data collected during 1 calendar year in their analyses. If there
Include diagnostic, not surveillance, isolates
Include results only for drugs that are routinely tested
are substantial numbers of isolates, it would be reasonable to
Include the first isolate per patient in the period analyzed, irre- consider more-frequent analyses if there is a perceived change
spective of the body site from which the specimen was ob- in the percentage of isolates that are susceptible during the
tained or the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern course of the year.
Calculate the percentage susceptible. Do not include the percent-
Number of isolates. Having a sufficient number of isolates
age of isolates with intermediate susceptibility.
For Streptococcus pneumoniae, calculate and list both the per-
of a given species available for analysis is a concern in smaller
centage susceptible and the percentage of isolates with inter- facilities and for infrequently isolated species. Although CLSI
mediate susceptibility for penicillin; calculate and list the per- M39-A2 [3] suggests annual analysis, if !30 isolates of a species
centage susceptible for cefotaxime or ceftriaxone using both
the meningitis and nonmeningitis breakpoints
are encountered during a 1-year period, it is acceptable to in-
For viridans streptococci, calculate and list both the percentage clude isolates collected over a longer period and to include a
susceptible and the percentage of isolates with intermediate footnote in the report indicating that this is the case. Com-
susceptibility for penicillin bining data from several facilities located in the same geo-
For Staphylococcus aureus, calculate and list the percentage sus-
graphic area is another way to circumvent the concern about
ceptible for all isolates, as well as for the subset of methicillin-
resistant S. aureus having a small number of isolates available for analysis.
Screening isolates. Isolates that are collected from surveil-
lance or screening cultures, such as cultures for methicillin-
THE CLSI M39-A2 GUIDELINE resistant Staphylococcus aureus or vancomycin-resistant Enter-
ococcus species, should be excluded from routine analyses,
CLSI M39-A2 [3] is intended for those involved in the prep-
because they may misrepresent the types of isolates encountered
aration and use of cumulative antibiogram reports, as well as
from patients with suspected infection.
for information technology managers who are responsible for
Antimicrobial agents to analyze. Only results for antimi-
designing and supporting the clinical laboratory’s data man-
crobial agents that are routinely tested and clinically useful
agement needs. The document contains specific recommen-
dations for the collection, storage, analysis, and presentation should be presented to clinicians. To avoid biases introduced
of data and includes sample templates that highlight the rec- by selective reporting practices (e.g., reporting broad-spectrum
ommendations. Critical issues addressed include the recom- agents only for bacteria with resistance to primary agents), the
mended frequency of reporting, the number of isolates to in- analysis database should include the results for all antimicro-
clude in a statistic, and a mechanism for eliminating multiple bials tested, including those agents that may not be routinely
isolates of a given bacterial species obtained from an individual reported to clinicians. Results for antimicrobials tested only
patient (repeat isolates). against drug-resistant strains as part of reserve or second-line
The most frequent use of a cumulative antibiogram report testing panels are generally biased towards higher rates of an-
is in guiding initial empirical antimicrobial therapy decisions timicrobial resistance and should not be considered to be
for the management of infections in patients for whom mi- representative.
crobiological test data to target treatment do not yet exist, and Susceptibility test results. CLSI M39-A2 [3] recommends
this is the focus of CLSI M39-A2 [3]. For the ongoing man- recording, in separate fields, both the quantitative test mea-
agement of prolonged infections, clinicians should rely on cul- surement (inhibition zone diameters for the disk diffusion and
ture and antimicrobial susceptibility test results previously MIC values for dilution testing) and the qualitative test inter-
available for the patient and an understanding of the likelihood pretation (i.e., whether the isolate is classified as resistant, in-
of the emergence of an antimicrobial-resistant strain during termediate, or susceptible). The test measurements are impor-
therapy. There are other applications for the analysis of sus- tant in the event of changes in CLSI breakpoints, in evaluating
ceptibility test data (e.g., monitoring the emergence of anti- the quality of susceptibility test results, and in understanding
microbial resistance during therapy, guiding therapy choices the epidemiology of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial sub-
for subsequent infections, and identifying isolates with specific populations.
antimicrobial resistance phenotypes) for which it may be pref- Percentage susceptible. The cumulative antibiogram report
erable to analyze data in manners different from those described should present data as the percentage of isolates that are sus-
in CLSI M39-A2 [3]. However, discussion of this is beyond the ceptible. Pharmacologists and clinicians are more accustomed
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Isolate day source Clin Ery Gen Pen Ox Van
Algorithms for Handling Repeat Isolates
1 1 Wound (toe) S S S R S S
2 7 Blood R R R R R S Perhaps the most controversial aspect of cumulative antibio-
3 20 Wound (foot) R R S R R S gram preparation is the way in which multiple isolates of a
4 32 Wound (foot) R R R R R S given bacterial species from an individual patient (so-called
NOTE. Clin, clindamycin; Ery, erythromycin; Gen, gentamicin; Ox, Oxacil- “repeat isolates”) are handled. The simplest calculation would
lin; Pen, penicillin; R, resistant; S, susceptible; Van, vancomycin. involve an isolate-based approach in which all isolates are con-
sidered equally. However, patients with complicated clinical
courses, long hospital stays, and infections with multidrug-
to working with results presented as the percentage of isolates resistant organisms frequently have specimens cultured on mul-
that are susceptible, because they focus on the likelihood of a tiple occasions. As a consequence, estimates determined using
successful therapeutic response. Because clinicians generally this simplistic “all isolates” approach are often biased towards
avoid prescribing antimicrobials if a test result indicates inter- the results of this exceptional patient subpopulation, who typ-
mediate susceptibility, isolates with intermediate susceptibility ically have a greater percentage of antimicrobial-resistant
should not be included in the calculation of the percentage of strains.
isolates that are susceptible. Among microbiologists and epi- Therefore, it is recommended that repeat isolates be elimi-
demiologists, the percentage of isolates that are resistant or the nated, and there are several options for accomplishing this.
percentage of isolates that are nonsusceptible may be of greater Table 2 displays results for 4 isolates of S. aureus obtained from
interest, because the focus of these groups is on changing trends the same sample patient, and table 3 illustrates how the fol-
in antimicrobial resistance, and these percentages could be used lowing algorithms would handle the isolates.
to emphasize certain findings regarding emerging drug Patient-based algorithms. Each patient contributes equally
resistance. to the estimate of the percentage of isolates that are susceptible.
Data stratification. To encourage optimal antimicrobial Patient-based approaches are directly clinically and epidemi-
therapy, it is often useful to stratify results for select patient ologically relevant, and they have practical benefits, including
populations, medical services, or specimen types. For example, involving fewer assumptions and simpler calculations than ep-
in one study [5], 70% of S. aureus isolates from patients not isode-based or phenotype-based approaches.
hospitalized in intensive care units were susceptible to oxacillin, Episode-based algorithms. In these approaches, the focus
whereas only 52% of isolates from patients hospitalized in in- is on “episodes” of infection. Unfortunately, for most clinical
tensive care units were susceptible. In another study, isolates
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from patients with cystic fibrosis Table 3. Isolates obtained from the sample patient that would
were found to be significantly less susceptible than isolates from be included in the analysis according to various algorithms for
handling repeat isolates.
patients without cystic fibrosis [6]. In one of our facilities (Uni-
versity of California Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles), Isolates included
84% of all Escherichia coli isolates obtained from outpatient Algorithm in the analysis
urine specimens were ciprofloxacin susceptible, whereas a sus- Isolate based (all isolates) 1, 2, 3, 4
ceptibility rate of 62% was noted among the subset of patients Patient based (first isolate per patient) 1
Episode based (first isolate per episode)
165 years old. This observation led to a reevaluation of the use
7-Day interval from initial isolate 1, 3, 4
of ciprofloxacin as empirical therapy for urinary tract infections 7-Day interval from previous isolate 1, 3, 4
in outpatients 165 years old. 30-Day interval from initial isolate 1, 4
Distribution and review of cumulative antibiograms. 30-Day interval from previous isolate 1
There are several suggestions in CLSI M39-A2 [3] for the dis- Resistance phenotype based (first isolate per phenotype)
Major difference in any antimicrobial result
tribution of cumulative antibiogram reports, such as “pocket
Consecutive isolates 1, 2, 3, 4
guides” and Web site postings. CLSI M39-A2 [3] also lists step- Nonconsecutive isolates 1, 2, 3
wise suggestions for presenting the data to other health care Major difference in oxacillin result
professionals, including pharmacists, infectious diseases phy- Consecutive isolates 1, 2
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No. of Susceptible per antimicrobial, only the most susceptible result per anti-
Pathogen, algorithm isolates isolates, % microbial, and a weighted average of individual patient sus-
S. aureus ceptibility test results for a given antimicrobial.
Patient based (first isolate per patient) 1439 55
Episode based (30-day interval) 1615 53
Examples of Methods for Handling Repeat Isolates
Phenotype based
Major difference in oxacillin result 1467 55 To better understand the impact of the various approaches on
Major difference in any antimicrobial estimates of susceptibility rates, we applied 5 calculation al-
result 1536 54 gorithms to the analysis of 1 year of data for S. aureus and P.
Isolate-based (all isolates) 2192 49
aeruginosa. Results are presented in table 4.
P. aeruginosa
Patient based (first isolate per patient) 742 70
A number of conclusions are suggested from the data pre-
Episode based (30-day interval) 864 69 sented. First, isolate-based approaches that include all isolates
Phenotype based generally have lower estimated percentage susceptible rates than
Major difference in ciprofloxacin result 767 69 other approaches. This is especially true for hospital pathogens
Major difference in any antimicrobial (e.g., S. aureus and P. aeruginosa), which are commonly asso-
result 919 66
Isolate based (all isolates) 1445 62
ciated with prolonged infections and repeated cultures. In the
management of acute infections in outpatients (e.g., pneumonia
NOTE. The 5 different calculation algorithms are (1) first isolate per
patient; (2) first isolate per episode with an interval of up to 30 days due to Streptococcus pneumoniae) or in low-resource regions,
between consecutive isolates; (3) first isolate per resistance phenotype, repeat isolates are relatively infrequent; therefore, isolate-based
defined by major resistance-susceptibility differences in the oxacillin re-
sult (for S. aureus) or ciprofloxacin result (for P. aeruginosa) between
estimates will generally be similar to other estimates.
consecutive isolates; (4) first isolate per resistance phenotype, defined Second, in many instances, patient-, episode-, and pheno-
by major resistance-susceptibility differences in the results for any an-
type-based algorithms will yield comparable estimates. How-
timicrobial tested; and (5) an isolate-based algorithm in which all isolates
contribute equally to the overall estimate of percentage susceptible. ever, episode- and phenotype-based approaches reflect results
for patients with multiple episodes and/or phenotypically dif-
ferent strains to a greater degree than patient-based approaches.
scenarios, there is no agreed consensus on the definition of an
Because this group of patients tends to have a higher percentage
episode. Definitions could include features such as the interval
of resistant bacteria, the percentage susceptible is usually lower
of time between obtaining isolates, the phenotypic character-
when using episode- or phenotype-based approaches than when
istics of the isolates, or the site of infection.
using patient-based approaches. This tendency will be partic-
Resistance phenotype–based algorithms. In a phenotype-
ularly pronounced for organisms such as P. aeruginosa, which
based approach, the data analyst focuses on particular bacterial
can exhibit significant heterogeneity in resistance phenotypes
strains, as defined by phenotypic characteristics such as the
as a result of mutation, coinfection or colonization with mul-
antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. A challenge in these ap-
tiple clones, or biological variability in susceptibility test results.
proaches is defining the features to be used to discriminate
Third, differences in the definitions used to define episodes
between isolates. Specific issues to address include the follow-
and phenotypes can significantly impact the percentage sus-
ing: (1) whether to consider results for all antimicrobials tested
or only the results for a few key agents and, in the latter case,
how discordant results for non-key antimicrobials should be Table 5. Sample format for results of Streptococcus pneumon-
handled; (2) whether to distinguish between “major” (resistant iae isolate testing in a laboratory that routinely performs only
vs. susceptible) or “minor” (resistant vs. intermediate vs. sus- oxacillin disk tests for penicillin (Pen) susceptibility and performs
susceptibility tests for 3 additional antimicrobials for isolates that
ceptible) differences in test interpretation; and (3) whether to
are suspected of being nonsusceptible to Pen.
compare results for sequential isolates only or for the entire
set of a patient’s isolates. Calculations are further complicated Percentage susceptible
No. of
if different antimicrobial panels are tested against different iso- Organism isolates Pen Cro Ery Lvx
lates, which may be the case if urine or second-line testing a a a
S. pneumoniae 78 75 90 25 90
panels are used frequently.
If a patient, episode, or phenotype is associated with multiple NOTE. Cro, ceftriaxone; Ery, erythromycin; Lvx, levofloxacin.
Cro, Ery, and Lvx were tested only against those isolates that were not
isolates of a given bacterial species, then the data analyst must susceptible to Pen (n p 20 ), based on oxacillin disk diffusion screen results of
decide which of the isolates to use in the calculations. The ⭐19 mm.
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is predicted with the oxacillin disk diffusion test for all isolates
Percentage susceptible of S. pneumoniae. For nonsusceptible strains (oxacillin inhi-
No. of
Organism isolates Pen Cro
a bition zone diameter ⭐19mm), the isolate is subsequently
tested against ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and levofloxacin as a
S. pneumoniae 78 75 … … …
second-line panel. In table 5, all of the results are presented in
PNSSP 20 0 90 25 90
a single row with an appropriate footnote. There is a risk,
NOTE. Cro, ceftriaxone; Ery, erythromycin; Lvx, levofloxacin.; PNSSP, Pen-
however, that if footnotes are not prominently displayed, one
nonsusceptible S. pneumoniae.
Cro, Ery, and Lvx were tested only against those isolates that were not may incorrectly conclude that only 25% of all S. pneumoniae
susceptible to Pen (n p 20 ), based on oxacillin disk diffusion screen results of isolates are susceptible to erythromycin. In table 6, the same
⭐19 mm.
data are presented but in a way that would, perhaps, decrease
the possibility of misinterpretation.
ceptible estimate obtained. This is especially true for organisms Example 2. Table 7 shows results from the testing of En-
associated with hospital-acquired infections. terococcus faecium isolates against vancomycin. The percentage
susceptible increased from 14% in 2003 to 29% in 2004, a
The Rationale behind Recommending the First Isolate per surprising 15% increase. Upon further investigation, it was
Patient Approach noted that laboratory practices had changed between the 2
For the reasons presented above, it is wise to use some mech- years. Until the end of 2003, all isolates of enterococci found
anism to eliminate the bias inherent in an “all isolates” ap- to be vancomycin resistant were identified to the species level.
proach. The first isolate per patient estimate is an approach In 2004, this practice was discontinued, and species identifi-
with direct relevance to guiding recommendations for initial cation was only performed for isolates of vancomycin-resistant
empirical therapy (for that group of patients for whom mi- Enterococcus species obtained from normally sterile body sites.
crobiological test results are not yet available). Calculations are A more useful way of presenting the data would be to tabulate
straightforward, and results are easily communicated to clinical results from comparable isolate subsets—for example, to com-
staff. This recommendation has also been supported by the pare isolates obtained from sterile sites between the 2 years, as
results of a number of investigators who have examined this in table 8.
issue [5, 7–11].
There are several problems, often unrecognized, that are in-
herent in episode- and phenotype-based approaches that make
them less suitable as a general recommendation. From an ep-
idemiological perspective, such approaches are automatically CLSI M39-A2 [3] includes tables to help users assess the sta-
biased towards the results of those patients with higher rates tistical confidence that they should have in observed estimates
of antimicrobial-resistant isolates. They are also particularly of the percentage susceptible for different sample sizes. For
sensitive to changes in local specimen-collection practices (e.g., example, if a laboratory tests 10 isolates of Enterobacter cloacae,
the frequency of repeat cultures) and susceptibility test pro- and 9 isolates are susceptible to gentamicin, then the observed
tocols (e.g., the number and types of antimicrobials tested). percentage susceptible is 90%. If the isolates tested are repre-
With regard to practical considerations, without a clear con- sentative of the broader population of E. cloacae, a table in
sensus on the definitions to be used for episodes and phenotype, CLSI M39-A2 [3] indicates that one can be 95% certain that
such approaches compromise the comparability of statistics the true percentage susceptible lies somewhere in the rather
over time and between institutions. Furthermore, programming
and calculations are more involved and may be beyond the
Table 7. Percentages of Enterococcus faecium isolates sus-
technical capabilities of many laboratories.
ceptible to vancomycin in a laboratory in which the criteria for
species determination of vancomycin-resistant enterococci
AVOIDING THE PRESENTATION OF changed between 2003 and 2004.
Year No. of isolates Percentage susceptible
The laboratory has a responsibility to avoid presenting results
that are confusing or potentially misleading. Such problems 2003 174 14
2004 77 32
can often be attributed to a lack of understanding by clinicians
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No. of
isolates from
Year sterile sites Percentage susceptible CUMULATIVE ANTIBIOGRAMS
2003 56 46 At present, there are no federal regulations requiring public health
2004 77 32
departments or health care institutions to monitor antimicrobial-
resistance trends. The Joint Commission for Healthcare Orga-
wide range of 55%–100%. However, if 1000 isolates were tested nizations suggests, but does not require, that cumulative anti-
and 900 were found to be susceptible, the observed percentage biograms be prepared and distributed to clinical staff, and The
susceptible would still be 90%, but one would be 95% certain College of American Pathologists Checklist Item MIC.21946 asks
that the true percentage susceptible was between 88% and 92%. “For hospital-based microbiology laboratories, are cumulative
CLSI M39-A2 [3] includes additional tables for determining antimicrobial susceptibility test data maintained and reported to
whether differences in the observed percentage susceptible in the medical staff at least yearly?” [12, p. 51]. The Centers for
2 populations are statistically significant (for example, when Disease Control and Prevention initiated a campaign to prevent
comparing results from 2 different years or 2 different insti- antimicrobial resistance. One suggestion in this campaign is to
tutions). The table provided in CLSI M39-A2 [3] can only be “use antimicrobials wisely,” and step 6 of this campaign reminds
used if the 2 populations are of similar size. Table 9 illustrates health care providers to “Use local data; know your antibiogram”
the use of this table to compare susceptibility percentage results [13]. At the state level, Missouri recently passed legislation that
for S. aureus and oxacillin between 2003 and 2004 from all suggests that clinical laboratories report antimicrobial suscepti-
isolates, from outpatient isolates, and from inpatient isolates. bility statistics to the state annually [14].
Comparable numbers of isolates were tested in the 2 years.
Table 10 provides a summary of some of the key points and
pitfalls described in this review. The authors of CLSI M39-A2
It is assumed that the microbiological test results in the database [3] and the CLSI Subcommittee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility
that will be analyzed for the cumulative antibiogram are ac- Testing intend to address additional issues in subsequent re-
curate. Nevertheless, once the report is complete, it is important visions of the guideline. Priority issues include graphical dis-
to review for potential errors, unlikely or important results, plays to highlight specific trends in drug resistance, bias in
and the clinical appropriateness of the information provided. susceptibility estimates introduced by specimen-collection
Are the antimicrobials reported for each species appropriate practices (particularly in treating outpatients), and suggestions
for clinical use? Is the minimum number of isolates achieved? for the presentation and interpretation of noninitial isolates
Are there inconsistent drug-pathogen combination results that (for example, in assessing the frequency of the emergence of
NOTE. In 2004, estimates of the percentage susceptible to oxacillin for the all isolates group and the
outpatient isolates group decreased below the indicated thresholds, so that one can conclude that there was
a statistically significant decrease in susceptibility to oxacillin from 2003 to 2004 for these 2 isolate subsets.
The decrease from 47% to 45% in the percentage of inpatient isolates was not statistically significant.
A decrease in susceptibility percentage below these thresholds would be considered to be statistically
significant for the specified sample sizes (P p .05). Data given are approximations.
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