English 9 Intervention LAS Week 3
English 9 Intervention LAS Week 3
English 9 Intervention LAS Week 3
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Rizal
Name of Learner:
Grade Level and Section:
Date and Week:
Viewing is defined as an active process of attending and comprehending visual media such as
television, advertising images, films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos, drama, drawings,
sculpture, and paintings.
It is necessary to remember that the viewing process is just as crucial as the listening and reading
processes. You should be aware that effective, engaged viewers go through the following steps:
1. Pre-viewing - You prepare to view by activating your schema (the prior knowledge you bring to the
study of a topic or theme), anticipating a message, predicting, speculating, asking questions, and setting
a purpose for viewing.
2. During viewing - You view the visual text to understand the message by seeking and checking
understanding, making connections, making and confirming predictions and inferences, interpreting and
summarizing, pausing and reviewing, and analyzing and evaluating. Your understanding should be
monitored by connecting to your schema, questioning, and reflecting.
3. After viewing - You are given opportunities to respond to visual texts in an intimate, critical, and
creative way. You respond by reflecting, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
Therefore, viewing is important because as you are dealing with mainly multimodal texts, you
need to understand them and to become more effective, active, and critical viewers to be able to
participate fully in society.
Study the given multimodal texts. Then, analyze and evaluate them by answering the questions that follow.
Activity 1
Directions: Read the information from the guidance ad below. Answer the questions that follow.
Activity 2
Directions: Observe the acrostic poem below. Answer the questions that follow.
Activity 3
Directions: Read the given situations below. How will you respond to each? Write your answers on
the corresponding column.
Situation Your Response
1. Your friend invited you to a party. You have
been warned by your mother to avoid
gatherings. What will you tell your friend?
2. One of your friends is not wearing a mask in
public. What will you tell him/her?
3. Your classmate is having trouble answering
his Math Modules and wants to copy your
answers. What will you tell him?
4. You noticed octopus connections in your
house. What will be your next step?
5. You noticed that a man is being robbed.
What will be your next step?
Directions: Draw your favorite icon/anime figure/superhero. In a short paragraph, share the good qualities
of the icon/ anime figure/superhero chosen.
Criteria Scores
1 3 5
Creativity Ideas are confusing and Ideas are pretty-well Ideas are well-organized and
and image drawn does not organized and the the image drawn shows full
Relevance much show image drawn shows understanding of the task
understanding of the task enough comprehension
of the task
Language There are more than a There are few There are no grammar,
few grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, and spelling, and punctuation
and punctuation errors punctuation errors errors
Reflect on what you learned from the lesson (Week 3) by completing the sentence below:
1. Avoid large groups
2. Mask when out
3. It is better to physically distance yourself from others than lose your life/or other similar answers
4. Adhere to health and safety protocols/or other similar answers
5. By staying at home/or other similar answers
1. Lockdown
2. Creativity
3. Wondrous could mean inspiring which sets one person to start creativity/or other similar answers
4. Enjoy hobbies/crafts you can do at home/or other similar answers
5. Engage in reselling/online selling/or other similar answers
1. I’m sorry but I have to decline/or other similar answers
2. Please wear your mask to avoid getting the virus/or other similar answers
3. I’m sorry but I can’t let you copy my work, but let me help you understand the lesson/or other similar
4. I will disconnect the octopus connections and make family members become aware of its hazards/or
other similar answers
5. I will report this to the authorities or get the attention of the people around/or other similar answers
The drawn image will be scored using the criteria stated
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