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MODULE 1: African, Egyptian, Arabian, for his short novelette, Omenuko, in

and Chinese Literature 1933.

African Literature Tiv and Efik literature. Most

outstanding of Tiv literature is the
- 700 African languages (49 for literary autobiography of a Tiv published in
expression - of these, 18 are Southern English, Akiga’s Story.

-Native literature is greatly influenced by

religious writings like the Bible and Ghana
Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress Public poetry, poems spoken and
sung, was the chief characteristics of Ghana
literature in the Twi, Ewe, and Fanti
- The aim of religious literature was to
convert the Africans to Christianity.
Ephraim – published Twenty-Five
African Songs in the Twi Language in 1932

A. Western Africa

Nigeria B. Central Africa

Yoruba. During the
1850s, the missionaries Ruanda
translated into Yoruba The praise poem is the most
religious literature like the common type of Ruanda oral literature.
Bible, prayer books, a
Eg. Kagame’s “The Song of the
hymn book, and church
Mother of Creation”
Most literature in Nyanja language
in the late ‘50s and ‘60s were biographical
Among the Yoruba poets, Adeboye
Babalola described country life and farmers accounts of chiefs, most of which have
and hunters in poems which according to moral endings
him were taken from the oral poetry of his
people. Zambia
Zambia literature is written mostly in
Bemba, Tonga, and Lozi languages
Hausa. Modern
Hausa poems deal mostly on
religious and miscellaneous
C. Eastern Africa
Swahili Literature
Ibo literature. Pita Nwana, the first Swahili can be called a “trade language”
important Ibo writer, won first prize
Swahili poetry has rhyme “The Making of a Slave,” shows this protest
against the European colonization.
Swahili poetry contains Islamic or Arabic
ideas and teachings

D. Southern Africa
-area where the sphere of European
influence is strong 2. Egyptian Literature

- produced the greatest amount of The first examples of Egyptian writing come
vernacular texts in all of Africa and the from the Early Dynastic Period (c. 6000 – c.
oldest 3150 BCE) in the form of Offering Lists
and autobiographies

Pyramid Texts which were accounts of a

Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) king’s reign and his successful journey to
Shona and Ndebele are the two the afterlife
widely used languages in Rhodesia.
hieroglyphics (“sacred carvings”)
combine phonograms, ideograms and
Novels teach morality and depict the city as
an evil setting phonograms (symbols which
represent sound),

logograms (symbols representing

Lesotho words)
Sotho is the largest single group of
languages in the vernacular literature of ideograms (symbols which
Africa. represent meaning or sense).

E. South Africa another script grew up beside it known as

hieratic (“sacred writings”)
Xhosa Literature: Origin of Protest. S. E. K.
Mahayi (1875 – 1945) was the most demotic script (“popular writing”)
important writer of Xhosi literature after
Muhammad Harbi is an Egyptian poet and

, Harbi has written and produced

During the 1920s, J. R. Jolobe (1902)
numerous documentaries in collaboration
introduced protest in Xhosa poetry. with his wife, Maha Shahbah, a journalist
and filmmaker.
Mohammad Salama is a professor and Reversal is the movement of the tao
coordinator of the Arabic Program at San
Francisco State University. Lin Yu Tang (October 10, 1895-March 26,
1976) was a Chinese writer, translator
linguist and inventor.
He also invented the Mingkawi “Clear and
Quick” Chinese-language typewriter that
played a pivotal role in the Cold War
Machine translation research.

3. Arabian Literature
The first significant Arabic literature was
produced during the medieval golden age of

Qur’an became the central work of study

and recitation.

The Thousand and One Hundred Arabian Nights

is a collection of Arabic short stories.

Two Epigrams about Death and Belief

by: Abu-Al-Alaa al-Maarri

4. Chinese Literature

a formal written language that is called

Classical Chinese

Confucianism and the Analects

Confucius is perhaps the greatest
philosopher the world has known,

Taoism and the Teachings of Lao Tzu

The Tao means “The Way” and it means the
natural course that the world follows, the
way things happen when they are not
interferred with

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