Artikel Jurnal
Artikel Jurnal
Artikel Jurnal
2022, Vol. 6, No. 6, 8634-8646
FITK North Sumatra State Islamic University, Email:
National Chiayi University Yogyakarta State University, Email:
Indonesian University of Education, Email:
Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi State Islamic University, Email:
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of Poster Comment Strategy toward
students’ learning motivation during the pandemic of Covid-19 at the eight grade of MTs
Negeri 2 Medan. Type of this study was a study case that conducted on Aqidah Akhlak
subjects (moral lessons in accordance with Islam). Findings of the research show that the
using of Poster Comment Strategy has increase students' learning motivation at the eight
grade of MTs Negeri 2 Medan during covid-19. It can be seen by the students’ responses
that showed positive attitude, students also became more active in participating during
teaching learning process including in question and answer activities related to the lesson,
students were also enthusiastic to comment the posters even during the covid-19 pandemic.
learn, learning process will run well too. are expected to be more motivated to
A good learning process will produce a learn and engage themselves actively
good outcome as well. On the contrary, with concepts, and teachers encourage
if the learning process is conducted students to have experiences and to
incorrectly, then the results also will not conduct experiments that allow them to
good. The achievements that have discover the principles for themselves.
achieved by students is certainly an It will affect learning outcomes and
outcome of learning that is still using transcend the results that determined by
conventional strategy and do not school.
involve student's own dimension, in this
case how is the learning itself. In a more As well in gaining knowledge
substantial sense, until nowadays the and learning experiences, students'
learning process is still teacher centered thoughts, feelings, and motor
and does not provide access for students movements will be integrated and
to develop through their innovation and balanced in responding to something
thought independently.2 obtained from learning efforts through
the process of commenting pictures.
Based on pre-observations, That's different from learning processes
researcher found that students’ that only absorb knowledge from people
achievements were low because they who already know it, or by memorizing
still used conventional strategies, a particular knowledge, which may
teaching learning process tended to interfere the balance of student self-
teacher centered and made students potential.
passive. This was the reason of why the
students were unmotivated to learn and Essentially the learning process
leading to lack of achievement, students is a communication process. The
were bored during teaching learning communication process or message
process and as the result the learning delivery process must be created or
outcome was low. In this case the realized through the delivery and
students were not taught a learning information exchange between teachers
strategy that forces them to understand and students. In this case, the
how to learn, think, and motivate information is in the form of knowledge,
themselves. This is one of the indicators expertise, skills, ideas and learning
why the Commen Poster Learning experiences.
Strategy should be applied.3.
Theoretical Foundations
Poster Comment Strategy is a
strategy that demands the ability and 1. Definition of Learning Strategy
understanding of teachers related to the Learning is all of activities and efforts
implementation of affective learning carried out by humans to improve
and has special skills in managing themselves or in other words positive
classes. Meanwhile, students' activities of human are called learning.
understanding of the comment poster Learning is a routine activity carried out
strategy depends on the explanation by humans to life. According to
given by the teacher to give learning Hamalik, learning is a process of
motivation to students. When the two of defication or strengthening behavior
them are combined, learning process through experiences.4
will be implemented well and the According to Slameto, learning
outcomes will be good also. Through is a process of effort made by
this poster comment strategy, students individuals to obtain changes in overall
Mardianto 8636
strategy that invites students to state the c) Asking students to comment freely
ideas contained in a picture, the picture in turns, the comments are about
is of course related to the achievement their ideas after see the picture
of a certain competence in teaching d) Students may express different
learning process.12 It is also mentioned opinions, because human thinking
that poster comment strategy is a is different also
learning medium that uses pictures and e) The teacher prepares the answer
provides both assessments and about the picture, so students will
comments on the pictures. get an explanation and see the
Based on the explanation picture at the same time.
before, it can be concluded that poster
comment is a method or learning media Based on those steps, it can be
that is used and applied by teachers in understood that in implementing Poster
teaching learning process. Through Comment Strategy, teacher must
these media students are invited to learn prepare pictures that will be displayed
more, because by displaying poster and shown to the students during
students are directed to give comment teaching learning process in the
and meaning undertstanding about the classroom. The pictures displayed must
picture. be in accordance with the lesson
Poster comment is a tool that is material. The pictures used in this
made as a learning medium to make it strategy may use purchased posters or
easier for students to understand the made by the teacher.
lesson being taught, as well as to After teacher shows the picture
increase students' thinking creativity to students, the teacher asks students to
and students' imagination to provide observe, comment and interpret the
assessments. The more students give picture. After that, the teacher gives
assessment of something abstract such direct explaination about the picture so
as a poster, the sharper their imagination the students will get meaning and
will be, so that they will be able to conclusion of the picture. Through the
develop their analysis and memory using of Poster Comments Strategy will
related to the lesson being taught. Poster increase the imagination and sharpen
comment as a learning method is an students' creativity.
effort to anticipate or provide learning
strategies for students in order students b. Strengths and Weaknesses of
able to respond and understand Poster Comment Strategy
something that is displayed in pictures As we know that there is no the
related to the lesson being taught. best learning strategy compared to other
strategies because all strategies have
a. Steps of Poster Comment own strengths and weaknessess
Strategy themselves. Likewise, the Poster
Comment Strategy which is part of the
The steps of Poster Comment Strategy Cooperative Learning Method has its
can be seen as follow:13 own strengths and weaknesses.
a) Teacher prepares pieces of pictures The strengths and weaknesses of the
related to the lesson material that Poster Comment Strategy can be seen as
will be discussed below: 14
b) The picture should be clean without
1) Strengths
any writing
Mardianto 8638
filled with doubt feelings, there are also people who are exposed but do
is no peace of mind which not show any symptoms.21
causing physical pain. The Then the Indonesian government
second, disadvantage to other issued many new policies due to this
people because they always trap pandemic. Almost all sectors used to
other people to fall into support human have new policies. These
forbidden acts.17 policies are made by the government,
especially by the relevant ministers in
3. Definition of Covid-19 their fields, including in the education
Year of 2020 is a very challenging year. sector. One of the policies made was the
Many obstacles must be passed by emergence of the Secretary General
Indonesian people and also by all of the Circular Number
people around the world. The heavy 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 containing of
obstacle in a long period of time that must the policies related to online learning and
be passed by the world is Covid-19 working from home in order to prevent
pandemic. The first information about the spreading of Coronavirus Disease
the emergence of this pandemic was from (COVID-19). 22 The circular of
China. According to the Chinese Directorate General of Higher Education
government, the origin of this virus that No. 302/E.E2/KR/2020, which contains
causes Covid-19 came from a wet market of the policies related to the teaching
that sells various kinds of animals which learning period for the implementation of
commonly consumed by Chinese people educational programs. This circular letter
such as rats, bats, etc.18 Further is a continuation of the Secretary-
information is the occured of big amount General's Circular Letter Number
transmission cases, either through 36962/MPK. A/HK/2020.23 This circular
physical contact between people or with letter is a continuation of the Secretary
inanimate objects. The transmission is General's Circular Number
more evenly distributed between 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020. The Circular
countries due to several people who Letter Number 2 of 2020 is a circular
return after traveling from China and containing about the prevention and
return to their country then transmit the handling of Covid-19 at the Ministry of
virus to people in their country.19 Education and Culture. 24 Circular Letter
Covid-19 or Coronavirus Number 3 of 2020, is a circular
Disease-19 is a new type of disease that containing the prevention of Coronavirus
appeared in China at the beginning. Disease (Covid-19) in education units.25
Covid-19 is the name of the disease Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020, is a
which caused by a virus called circular containing the implementation of
Coronavirus. 20 Coronavirus is a new education policies during emergency
type of virus. Coronavirus attacks people period of the pandemic Covid-19. 26 And
of all age range. It infected babies, Circular Letter Number 15 of 2020, is a
toddlers, children, teenagers, and adults, circular containing guidelines for
even the elderly can be attacked by this organizing activities from home during
virus. There are various symptoms emergency period of Coronavirus
caused after being infected by this virus, (Covid-19).27
including cough, runny nose, flu, fever, Educational sector is affected by
shortness of breath, even death, but there the policies made by the government
8641 Journal of Positive School Psychology
last three indicators are included in what are the obstacles or shortcomings
extrinsic learning motivation.36 in conducting the online learning
process in the eigth grade of MTs
This study aimed to increase students'
learning motivation in Aqidah Akhlak
subject in the part of disgraceful morals RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
through the Poster Comment Strategy at Poster is a picture that combines visual
the eight grades MTs Negeri 2 Medan. elements. Such as lines, drawing, and
Therefore, in this study the researcher words that intend to attract people’s
used a case study approach to conduct attention and to communicate the
this research. This research was information briefly. In general, posters
conducted by online learning proce attract or distract many people so that
using Zoom aplication as the media. In the information to be conveyed can be
collected the data, researcher conducted accepted by people easily. Poster
observation and analyzes and also made Comment Strategy is a strategy used by
systematic notes of student behavior. teachers which aimed to invite students
Observation was done by observing to emerge ideas related to the picture on
individuals or groups directly through the poster, ideas and problems
zoom where each student has to turn on contained in a picture is related to the
the camera and the abdomen, chest, achievement of a competency taught.
shoulders, and head area must be seen. This research was conducted
The observations were conducted to with optimal efforts to increase students'
the entire process of teaching learning learning motivation by using Poster
activities and carried out from the Comment Strategy during the covid-19
beginning to the end of the learning pandemic in Aqidah Akhlak subject.
process. Interviews are questions given Students were asked to comment the
to the students in order to find out the poster shared by teacher on the zoom
obstacles faced by students in providing media during teaching learning process.
comments or as the input to improve The following is the illustration of
student's learning outcomes, and to Poster Comment picture:
explore information from students about
Table 1. The Proces of Learning Activities at eight grade of MTs Negeri 2 Medan
No. Indicators Information
1 Conducting apperception activities √
2 Formulating indicators correctly √
3 Deciphering the material precisely and correctly √
4 Defining learning objectives √
5 Determining the right learning strategy/method √
6 Systematically drawing up teaching steps √
7 Mastering the class and motivating students √
8 Setting the right time allocation √
9 Determining media and learning resources as needed √
10 Determining the final assessment according to the indicators √
11 Using written language properly and correctly √
12 Making a summary by involving students √
Table2. The Process of Learning Activities in Class VIII MTs Negeri 2 Medan
No. Observed Aspects by the Researchers
1 Listening and paying attention to the explanations of researcher
2 Being active in discussion activities with friends
3 Students’ ability to express their ideas when asked to comment the poster
4 Students' ability to learn by using Poster Comment Strategy
5 The increasing of students’ learning motivation in Riya and Nifaq materials.
6 The students’ readiness in receiving material
7 Completing tasks on time
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