2.aluminium Metal Foam Production Methods, Properties and

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Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

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Aluminium metal foam production methods, properties and

applications- a review
Mahadev Madgule a,b,⇑, C G Sreenivasa b, Avinash V Borgaonkar a
Mechanical Engineering, Pimpri Chinchawad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mechanical Engineering, UBDT College of Engineering, Davanagere, Karnataka, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aluminium metal foam has a cellular structure. It’s lightweight with these unique physical and mechan-
Available online 29 November 2022 ical properties and widely used in structural and functional applications. This paper’s studies show the
possible ways to produce Aluminium metal foam and its different properties and, based on that, the field
Keywords: it has applications. During the studies, it is observed that the Aluminium metal foam can develop in two
Aluminium metal foam ways: solid route and liquid route, after acquiring unique properties, such as light in weight to strength,
Production methods suitable acoustic properties, and shock and energy absorption capabilities. The application will be
selected based on properties and open or closed pore cells obtained in Aluminium metal foam. The sig-
Structural applications
Functional applications
nificant finding from the review is that Aluminium metal foam has broad applications. However, the main
lacunas that are still Aluminium metal foam are commercially not used because it is challenging to get
good properties such as attaining uniform distribution and percentage of porosity in the prepared foam
sample and uniform pore size. Another critical factor is that the cost will be high if the liquid or solid
route develops the metal foam. So powder metallurgy process is the best method to produce metal foam
to get better surface integrity and a proper network connection between each pore.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on ‘‘Innovations in Mechanical and Civil Engineering’’.

1. Introduction Aluminium metal foam with open cells[3,4]. The open-cell Alu-
minium metallic foam has a relatively high surface area per unit
Aluminium metal foam is a cellular structured material. It is weight. Due to the high cost of the material, open-cell Aluminium
lightweight with a natural aesthetic. The physics of Aluminium metal foams are commonly employed in heat exchangers, although
foam, such as growth, development, nucleation, bubble formation, they have limits in the automotive industry.
gas diffusion in the liquid state, and foam nucleation, where the In the production technique, different foaming procedures have
Aluminium foam structure is changing, are the focus of scientific been developed and published in the literature in light of increased
efforts to enhance the quality of any metallic Aluminium foam industry interest in metal foaming. Each process may be employed
[1,2]. We must differentiate between open-cell and closed-cell Alu- only with specific metals if a porous material with a specified den-
minium foam, also known as metal sponges. Because both classes sity and cell size is needed[5]. Aluminium as a base metal and gen-
have a foam-like design, we’ll look at how they’re made, how uine foams, i.e., materials created by injecting gas into a
they’re made, and how they’re used. Other cellular or porosity specifically prepared melt and allowing it to solidify into a long-
materials, such as crystal lattice, fibers, sintered granulates, honey- lasting foam[3,4,6]. Aluminium metallic foams may be made using
combs, and so on, will be excluded despite having a larger market a variety of techniques. Early experiments focused on foaming pro-
volume. Closed-cell Aluminium metal foams have great mechani- cedures similar to those used in the plastics industry, employing a
cal qualities but do not enable access to the interior surface due gas as the blowing agent. Using granules, which may be integrated
to isolated pores. As a result, they’re used for structural and load- into the melt or inserted into a casting mold, is another way to
bearing purposes. Powder metallurgy is commonly used to make develop a linked cellular structure.
In terms of application, besides Aluminium metal foam, the tita-
nium and steel foam will be complete with solid materials and
⇑ Corresponding author. newly marketed metallic foams[7]. The low-cost steel foams were

2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on ‘‘Innovations in Mechanical and Civil Engineering’’.
M. Madgule, C G Sreenivasa and Avinash V Borgaonkar Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

particularly for civil engineering and architecture, transportation, 3. Properties of Aluminium metal foam
and shipbuilding, in addition to their established application under
best suitable for crash protection. Because titanium foams are Fig. 2 shows the details of the properties of Aluminium metal
more efficient than solid titanium, they may be used in the same foam. Based on these properties, the end application will be
applications as solid titanium, such as aircraft, chemical engineer- decided. The Aluminium metal foam achieved a lightweight struc-
ing, and sports equipment[8–10]. Because of their open cell archi- ture. It should be a high strength-to-weight ratio before these
tectures and the passage of blood vessels and biological fluids via foams are used in aerospace applications. The Vibration control
foam structures, foam structures are increasingly used in biomed- properties of the Aluminium metal foam should be a higher natural
ical applications. Artificial bone implants may also be manufac- flexural vibration frequency. The energy and impact absorption of
tured from closed foam structures, with the weight and strength Aluminium metal should be the ability to withstand the pressure
of artificial bone implants made from foam material resembling by crushing at a predetermined rate. The mechanical damping
genuine bone[11]. The metal foam of closed and open cells is uti- properties of Aluminium metal foam should have a higher damp-
lized as radiation shielding. Metal foams for permanent cores in ing capacity than solid. The heat exchanger properties of Alu-
a foundry are one of the newest technologies that give castings minium metal foam should have more area and contact
with diverse qualities precisely according to current needs for a maximum thermal conductivity[3,12]. The acoustic properties of
lower mass while maintaining the casting product’s strength and Aluminium metal foam should be better sound absorbing capacity
quality[12,13]. Open-cell cellular metal foams with high porosity by fire and durability resistance. If the above properties are
for heat transfer are highly desired. Metal foam heat exchangers achieved, they will be suitable for particular applications.
can also supplement heat transmission from a tube bank. The volume proportion of the porosity created is exceptionally
Despite the great potential of metal foam and foam sandwiches, high compared to the base metal, resulting in a lightweight mate-
as mentioned above, they have yet to be commercialized on a big rial. Aside from its small weight, the material offers numerous
scale[14–16]. The absence of effective batch, sometimes mass additional structural advantages, including a max strength ratio
manufacturing techniques for forming good shape goods or parts and significant shock and noise absorption. Metal foam’s cellular
is the cause. Even if it is manufactured in great numbers as slabs structure can exhibit plateau stress when squeezed (flow stress
and sheets using an appropriate production route, it isn’t easy to curve roughly parallel to strain axis). As a result, regardless of load-
adapt it for any desired use using standard manufacturing proce- ing direction, the structural response of these materials remains
dures. This paper discusses studies about the possible application constant. Due to its larger surface area, better cell wall conductiv-
of Aluminium metal foam in various sectors. ity, and structural implications, metal foam is suitable for heat
exchangers[23–26]. Metal foam’s properties are desired in various
industries, but they will be most effective in aerospace and auto-
motive. Due to rigorous rules aimed at reducing fuel consumption
and carbon emissions, there has been an unanticipated growth in
2. Production methods of Aluminium metal foam demand for lightweight materials in these industries. As seen in
Fig. 2, metal foam’s properties can benefit these and other indus-
The production methods for Aluminium metal foam vary from tries in various ways [15–16].
liquid to solid route-based.
The selection of production method entirely depends upon the
type of pore structure required. A literature study recommends a 4. Application of metal foam based on the type of porosity
solid route, such as a space holder or powder metallurgy, if an
open-cell porous structure is required, as shown in Fig. 1. If a Open cell pores metal foam is the homogeneous structure inter-
closed-cell porous structure is required, the literature study rec- connected structure with each pore the pore size range 0.3 –
ommends a liquid route, such as casting or melt gas injection, as 0.5 mm. A partially open cell structure is one in which few cells
shown in Fig. 1. The Aluminium metal foam is produced in two are interconnected. Closed cell structures are cells entirely
routes: solid and liquid, as shown in Fig. 1. Based on different liter- enclosed in a wall, and cells are not connected. The different appli-
ature studies, the powder metallurgy process is the best technique cation based on their pore type is illustrated in Fig. 3. If the pro-
to produce metal foam compared to other methods to get good sur- duced Aluminium metal foam has an open cell structure, it will
face integrity. After adding the foaming agent, the gas forces cause be used in the application of Heat exchangers, filters, and catalysts
the foam to develop[17–19]. A powdered foaming component is because the turbulence flow will occur. Suppose the Aluminium
cold crushed into a solid metal substance. Without immediately metal foam has a partially open cell structure. In that case, it will
foaming metal, investment casting using polymer foam may be be used in the application of bearing, silencers, and bio-medical
created from molten material. Methodology of Electro-deposition implants due to its better absorb high energy properties. Suppose
the open-cell Aluminium foaming used in this study was manufac- the Aluminium metal foam has a closed-cell structure[27–30].
tured from Al 6101-T6 composite and had a pore size of 40 PPI Due to its better acoustic property, it will be used in applying
(pores per inch, one inch = 25.4 mm) and a relative density of load-bearing components, energy absorbers, and sound absorbers.
0.1. When blowing metal over particles, a porous Aluminium leaf In many applications, a liquid or gaseous medium must flow
spring is formed. Sand balls are made from silica sand, bentonite, through the porous material. Different degrees of ‘‘openness”
and silica oil[20]. The molten metal is poured into the example may be required, ranging from ‘‘extremely open” for elevated fluid
with the sand balls. The ball was discharged when the poured form flow to ‘‘totally closed” for load-bearing engineering material, and
was knocked off and disengaged from the restriction. NaCl fills the suitable materials should be chosen to meet these requirements.
role of a space holder[21]. Customers may manage their interior Different Porosity types are required for different applications.
atmosphere by using a latent gas to prevent metal from oxidizing, Typically, a distinction is made between a ‘‘functional” and a
eliminating the use of a more expensive controlled air heater (a ‘‘structural” application. The change between the two is relatively
controlled climate heater consolidates the warming and air control gradual. It’s also vital to determine which metals or alloys may be
frameworks themselves). The Aluminium-coated metallic holder is employed to create a cellular structure. Because structural and
placed on the metallic form containing the NaCl particles bed, but load-bearing components would typically be made of massive
each is powerfully modified by just one. [18–20]. metals or alloys, they must be light[31–34]. Porous metal or Alu-
M. Madgule, C G Sreenivasa and Avinash V Borgaonkar Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

Fig. 1. Different methods of production of metal foam [10].

Fig. 3. Application of metal foam based on porosity [15].

5. Applications of Aluminium metal foam in different fields

Increasingly, porous metallic materials are widely used in vari-

ous applications. However, it is a very challenging thing is to pro-
duce the metal foam with the following criteria because these
criteria unable to satisfy completely that’s the reason identifying
lacunas in the application of metal foam once these challenges
are achieved easily then it is instrumental in all sectors.

Fig. 2. Properties of Aluminium metal foam[22]. i. Morphology: the kind of porosity required (open vs closed),
the quantity required, the planned size scale, and the cellular
material’s complete inner surface area.
minium, magnesium, or titanium foams are used in these applica- ii. Metallurgy: it is necessary for alloys and metal for character-
tions. Finally, there must be concerns about processing and cost. ization conditions.
The technology to shape the selected cellular metal and add it into iii. Processing: molding foam or cellular solids and constructing
a vehicle or machine that will satisfy its function must be accessi- composites between conventional sheets, profiles, and foam.
ble. A method for producing cellular metal is pointless unless the iv. Economy: the cost of considerations, appropriateness for
needed component can be produced at a reasonable cost. high-scale manufacturing [21].

M. Madgule, C G Sreenivasa and Avinash V Borgaonkar Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

With satisfying the above considerations, Aluminium metal 5.2. Applications in the railway industry
foam is used in the following sectors, as shown in Fig. 4.
Energy absorption is a concern, exceptionally its for low-weight
railway trains and the trams that run in urban areas and may col-
lide with the autos. The benefits of foamed lightweight parts are
5.1. Aluminium metal foam structural application similar to those of vehicles, except that railway wagons’ construc-
tion is substantially more significant [18–19].
5.1.1. Automotive industry
The use of Aluminium foams in automotive for crash box filling
is examined experimentally. Compared to alternative options, this 5.3. Building industry
application offers the following advantages due to the high effi-
ciency the foam provides: Weight decrease and crash box dimen- Thin granite or other attractive stones are often secured to a
sions reduction[22]. ‘‘Alporas” is an acceptable material because structure and attached to the building’s walls. Aluminium foam
it combines stated sound absorption qualities with other proper- might be used instead of some of the more expensive honeycombs.
ties like non-generation of dangerous gases in the case of a fire, Aluminium foams or foam sheets might be quite beneficial in low-
weathering resistance, fire resistance, and claimed ease of cleaning ering elevator energy usage. Because of the frequent acceleration
the foam panels[14–15]. and deceleration, as well as the rapid speed of the current elevator,
light construction is required. On the other hand, light fire doors
and hatches use some low-density Aluminium foams’ limited heat
conductivity and fire resistance.[8–9].
5.1.2. Aerospace industry
In aeronautical applications, using foamed Aluminium metal
foam sandwich panels instead of costly honeycomb structures 5.4. Machine construction
might improve performance at lower prices. On the one hand,
more significant Crippling resistance and buckling resistance are Traditional metal axles, rollers, and platforms might be replaced
desired. On the other hand, the exact characteristics of panels with high foam stiff sections or columns foam-filled with better
without and with face sheets and the chances to form composite damping and reduced inertia. Drilling and milling machines that
structures without needing adhesive bonding are essential advan- are stationary and printing machines can benefit from such com-
tages of foams. Another example where more stiffness combined ponents. Floaters are used in machine construction for troweling
with enhanced damping is beneficial is structural parts in turbines. concrete surfaces. Floaters are costly; alternatively, metallic foam
Aluminium foam will be used in aerospace for energy-absorbing portions with a high-density outer layer might withstand external
properties for crashing components in spacecraft landing zone pressure and the magnetic system and give the required buoyancy
load-bearing components[15–16]. (upward force exerted by the floater that opposes the weight) [10–

5.1.3. Shipbuilding 5.5. Sporting equipment

Large Aluminium foam sheets with Aluminium cores are essen-
tial in some structures. Whenever the face sheet was bonded to the Shinbone shields for football players are used for the maximum
base material with exceptionally elastic polymeric adhesive, light- energy absorption capability of Aluminium foams[21]. The unique
weight and rigid structures with good damping behavior were qualities of metallic foams become increasingly crucial for specific
formed, even at lower frequencies observed in ships. Elevator plat- sports equipment since affordability is typically a secondary con-
forms, structural bulkheads, antenna platforms, and pyrotechnic sideration. Some golf putters, for example, utilize the metal foam
lockers are examples of cellular materials.[17]. structure’s dampening qualities to increase strike control[36].

Fig. 4. Application of Aluminium metal foam.

M. Madgule, C G Sreenivasa and Avinash V Borgaonkar Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

5.6. Biomedical industry another. A turbulence-promoting polymer mesh and insulated

membrane divide the leaves. The electrode area increases if multi-
Because of their biocompatibility, titanium alloys are employed cellular nickel sheets instead of meshes with multiple channels are
for dental implants and prostheses. For such applications, porous used. At the same time, turbulence development is maintained.
titanium or titanium foam might be used instead, with the density [17].
distribution tailored to satisfy the needs of such components in
terms of strength, moduli, etc. Mg foams could be employed as dis- 5.7.5. Applications in decoration and arts
posable implants that act as a load-bearing frame, whereas the Foams made of silver and gold are being evaluated as a new
bone develops but is progressively absorbed into the body as the potential jewelry material because of their capacity to produce a
patient recovers. [11–12]. fantastic aesthetic look and a large volume at a lighter density.
Among some other things, metal foams have been used to develop
5.7. Aluminium metal foam functional application great clocks, furniture, and lighting. The mechanical performance
of Aluminium foam chairs and tables is unquestionably essential,
5.7.1. Separation, filtration heat exchangers, and cooling machines although physical or mechanical qualities are of secondary value
On the other hand, Open-cell foams are frequently used for fil- in many different applications. The Aluminium foam was used to
tration and catalysis; they can also withstand high temperatures. create high-end loudspeaker systems. Although the foam does
They are used in scrubbers, mist eliminators, battery plates, have a sizeable specific rigidity and low mechanical dampening,
exchangers and heat sinks, filters, and chemical beds. The closed- it also has a ‘‘high-tech” appearance that makes it more appealing
cell Aluminium metallic foams are still used in applications requir- than traditional materials. Such uses may not be particularly fulfill-
ing vibration and sound absorption. Most highly conductive metal- ing for materials scientists since they primarily depend on the
lic foams constructed of Aluminium or sometimes copper are used notion that the material is ‘‘popular,” an impact that may fade
as heat exchangers. Open-cell Aluminium metallic structures must soon. However, because material prices aren’t as essential in design
remove or add heat from liquid or gases by allowing them to pass applications, now may be an excellent time to experiment with
by the foam while heating or cooling it. Pressure drops can be novel production processes.[18].
reduced because of the open porosity. Examples of such applica-
tions are heat exchange sinks for microelectronic conditioning sys-
6. The prospects of Aluminium metal foam in various sectors
tems with high heat dissipation densities, such as microchips or
power electronics. Open cellular materials are used in the field of
Fig. 5 shows the application of Aluminium metal foam in vari-
transpiration cooling. The materials used have a minimum flow
ous sectors. The Aluminium metal foam used in transportation is
resistance, maximum surface area, and proper thermal conductiv-
up to 26 % for crash absorbing material and heat exchangers, the
ity, making them appealing [13].
research sector up to 16 % to develop new material for the recent
technology electrical vehicle battery, In component manufacturing
5.7.2. Applications such as fluid flow control, storage, supports for the
11 %, In the Process industry 8 %, power engineering 5 % and aero-
transfer of liquids and catalysts
space industry 6 %. Projections of a future fuel crisis, the necessity
Preparation of rolling in a slurry containing the catalytic com-
to achieve excellent fuel efficiency while still improving passenger
ponent, corrosion-resistant Aluminium metal foam, and a thin
safety in the vehicle sector, and the need to create lightweight
sheet of high-temperature curing. It shows catalyst has a high
building materials have sparked a lot of interest in ultra-low-
mechanical structural integrity, which means it does not separate
weight metallic foams[37]. Metallic foams’ use in these industries
from the Aluminium metal foam support after several temperature
is determined mainly by their production costs, environmental
cycles. To keep fluids at a steady and constant temperature at aver-
durability, and fire resistance. In general, metallic foams have var-
age cryogenic temperatures, extremely open-cell Aluminium
ious thermo-mechanical qualities that point to their use in regions
metallic foam structures can be used. Additionally, the Aluminium
requiring impact/blast mitigation, heat dissipation, acoustic isola-
foam aids in the reduction of undesirable liquid movement in par-
tion, and heat exchange. Metallic foams’ potential uses have been
tially filled tanks. Cellular materials can control the flow of gases
identified, and a full explanation of the requirements of numerous
and liquids [14–15].
industrial sectors may be found elsewhere. The National Physical
Laboratory (UK) studied future expectations from metallic foams
5.7.3. Silencers & spargers
in companies and academic institutes. According to the report,
Aluminium metal foam with a specific open Porosity can be
the automotive and aerospace sectors will soon be the primary
tuned to attenuate particular while passing others selectively. Por-
uses of metallic foams, accounting for roughly 32 %.
ous sintered components can dampen sudden pressure fluctua-
Furthermore, materials, engineering, and component manufac-
tions in compressors or pneumatic equipment. The absorbent
turing would account for 26 % of demand. We contemplated seeing
member produces tiny gas bubbles and meets corrosion, heat,
where we would need to employ metallic foams in a car, for exam-
and shock resistance standards. Compared with other materials
ple, because the transportation industry will play a significant role
like porous ceramics, porous metals might be a better option[35].
in their deployment. To do so, we need to be aware of the everyday
occurrences of accidents in various components of an automobile.
5.7.4. Battery electrodes & electrochemical applications
We also know that foams are used for weight reduction, impact
Lead foams might be used instead of standard lead gratings as
absorption, and thermal insulation in the transportation industry
the primary material supports in the lead acid batteries, allowing
for the creation of highly lightweight electrodes. The electrochem-
ically material, a paste composed of extremely minute lead parti-
cles, could be poured into the lead foam’s open areas, which 7. Limitations of Aluminium metal foam
would come into touch with the electrolytes (sulfuric acid). The
battery’s resistance is low because the lead foam functions as a The significant disadvantages of Aluminium metal foam are to
high-conductivity lattice. In electrochemical reactors, nickel foams produce the Aluminium metal foam at a low cost and to achieve
can be utilized as an electrode material. Filtration electrodes are the connectivity of the proper pore between each cell. It is chal-
constructed from a stack of steel plates separated from one lenging to produce good quality foam and tough to control param-
M. Madgule, C G Sreenivasa and Avinash V Borgaonkar Materials Today: Proceedings 77 (2023) 673–679

Fig. 5. Application of Metal foam in various sector.

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