18 Dimitris 168x240
18 Dimitris 168x240
18 Dimitris 168x240
architectural vocabularies.
In that context, the concept of resolution
emerges as a factor that can affect and
alter our understanding of the architectural
creation. Specifically, the notion of high
resolution – in other words our ability to
control an increased density of
morphological information – appears to be
leading architecture into a new direction
Abstract and to a – seemingly previously
unexplored – aesthetic that reflects
The rapid progress and development of exactly this abundance of data that
information technologies that occurred defines our era.
during the last decades led to our current With the ability to handle an
condition where it is ultimately possible to unprecedented amount of detail along
collect, store and process previously with the use of ever-evolving digital
inconceivable amounts of data. The new methods and technologies of design and
scientific framework that is inevitably fabrication, structures that previously
formed – described by the somewhat seemed inconceivable are now designed
ambiguous term ‘Big Data’ – is combined and manufactured. Structures with levels
with the ever-increasing computational of detail and information that often go
power and the emergence of fabrication beyond what the human mind can capture
technologies such as 3d printing. That and manage.
leads to a new understanding of However, as is always the case with every
architecture and its formation where large new breakthrough in architectural design,
amounts of detail – which we are now we initially lack the necessary tools that
able to control – appear as an opportunity will aid us to form the criteria with which to
for investigations towards new forms of evaluate the produced results. In order to
expression and are defined by new do so, the proposed paper starts from the
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XXII Generative Art Conference - GA2019
surfaces with intricate and rich geometric of its terra cotta ornament, 2019 (source:
and foliage patterns and shapes. These www.urbanremainschicago.com)
ornamental facades then, with the multiple
relief elements that increase the density of guides for developing a series of
morphological information through their manipulations based on the innate
innumerable formations , is the point that geometry of the shape. The resulting grid
the paper focuses on in the search for the was the basis along which a system of
concept of increased resolution. abstract plant forms was developed. This
In his book A System of Architectural growth or ‘efflorescence’, as Sullivan
Ornament: According with a Philosophy of called it, of these forms, according to the
Man’s Powers, Sullivan described the rules of nature, led to a very intricate
design methodology for creating the foliage outcome [8,9]. Today, the use of
intricat e ornamental features of his computational methods has as a result the
buildings. The process began with a emergence of a variety of techniques that
simple geometric shape, which through a can lead from a geometric shape to high
series of design actions resulted in a resolution outcomes. A typical example is
highly detailed foliage form. In short: some the logic of subdivisions: through
axes of the initial form were the innumerable subdivisions of an original
shape, it is possible for a structure with
infinite individual formations to be formed.
It could be said that Sullivan had devised
and developed, using paper and graphite,
such a technic of his own.
Carlo Scarpa
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