Exosome-Mediated Metabolic Reprogramming: The Emerging Role in Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling and Its in Uence On Cancer Progression
Exosome-Mediated Metabolic Reprogramming: The Emerging Role in Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling and Its in Uence On Cancer Progression
Exosome-Mediated Metabolic Reprogramming: The Emerging Role in Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling and Its in Uence On Cancer Progression
Metabolic reprogramming is reported to be one of the hallmarks of cancer, which is an adaptive mechanism by which fast-growing
cancer cells adapt to their increasing energy demands. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) known as exosomes have been
recognized as crucial signaling mediators in regulating the tumor microenvironment (TME). Meanwhile, the TME is a highly
heterogeneous ecosystem incorporating cancer cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes, endothelial cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and
extracellular matrix. Accumulated evidence indicates that exosomes may transfer biologically functional molecules to the recipient
cells, which facilitate cancer progression, angiogenesis, metastasis, drug resistance, and immunosuppression by reprogramming the
metabolism of cancer cells and their surrounding stromal cells. In this review, we present the role of exosomes in the TME and the
underlying mechanism of how exosomes exacerbate tumor development through metabolic reprogramming. In addition, we will
also discuss the potential role of exosomes targeting metabolic process as biomarkers for tumor diagnosis and prognosis, and
exosomes-mediated metabolic reprogramming as potential targets for cancer therapy. Furthermore, a better understanding of the
link between exosomes and metabolic reprogramming, and their impact on cancer progression, would provide novel insights for
cancer prevention and treatment in the future.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, 324 Jingwu Road, 250021 Jinan, China and
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, 324 Jingwu Road, 250021 Jinan, China
Correspondence: Haiwei Wu (hwwu@sdfmu.edu.cn) or Dongsheng Zhang (ds63zhang@sdu.edu.cn)
These authors contributed equally: Enli Yang, Xuan Wang
Fig. 2 The exosome-mediated metabolic reprogramming in the tumor microenvironment. Exosome-mediated metabolic reprogramming
occurs in cancer cells and their surrounding stromal cells in the TME. Stromal cells metabolic reprogramming is affected by exosomes derived
from cancer cells, and acts as a feedback loop to drive metabolic changes in cancer cells or to provide metabolic resources required for cancer
mechanisms will help us explore more effective cancer treatment. growth and progression through various pathways, such as
Moreover, selectively targeting the metabolic reprogramming of secretion of inflammatory factors and growth factors.42
tumor cells will be an attractive direction for cancer treatment. Recent studies showed that CAFs play a vital role in tumor
growth through regulating metabolism. Cancer cells can promote
glycolysis of CAFs. In turn, CAFs can provide metabolites for cancer
EXOSOME-MEDIATED METABOLIC REPROGRAMMING IN THE cells and facilitate cancer cells proliferation through the TCA cycle
TME and OXPHOS. This phenomenon was recognized as the “Reverse
Exosomes have been considered as critical mediators in cancer Warburg Effect”.43 Recently, the export of lactate in CAFs and the
progression, where they regulate extracellular communication not uptake of lactate in cancer cells has been confirmed in the
only with the cancer cells but also with the stromal cells.22 The metabolism of cancer.44 The lactate symporters MCT1 and MCT4
TME is a highly complex and heterogeneous ecosystem incorpor- are critical regulators in establishing a lactate shuttle system.
ating cancer cells, fibroblasts, adipocytes, endothelial cells, MCT4 favors export of lactate, whereas MCT1 facilitates cellular
mesenchymal stem cells, and extracellular matrix (Fig. 2). It has lactate uptake. Thus, the tumor that utilizes the “Reverse Warburg
been widely accepted that the development of TME is crucial for Effect” is featured by higher MCT4 expression in CAFs and higher
cancer progression.37 Exosome-mediated metabolic reprogram- MCT1 expression in tumor cells.44 Additionally, more recent
ming is not limited to cancer cells, but is also found in stromal cells studies indicated that Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) might contribute to
in the TME, which suggested the involvement of exosome- cancer progression by regulating the metabolism of CAFs.45,46
mediated metabolic reprogramming in the TME. The metabolic Cav-1 is a membrane-bound scaffolding protein related to
remodeling in stromal cells is influenced by the cancer cells and endocytosis, signaling transduction, cell migration, and the
acts as a feedback loop to facilitate the growth of cancer cells.38 distribution of cholesterol.45 The reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Stromal cells could drive the metabolic changes in the cancer cells that is secreted by the cancer cells induces oxidative stress in
and provide the metabolic resources needed for cancer CAFs, which leads to autophagy and causes the degradation of
progression.38 Cav-1 and mitochondria.47,48 Moreover, Michael and colleagues49
found that knockdown of Cav-1 resulted in significant upregula-
Cancer-associated fibroblast tion of glycolytic enzymes, including lactate dehydrogenase and
Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), as the major component in pyruvate kinase. These results further demonstrate that the
the TME, are mostly defined by morphological features or metabolic symbiosis exists between cancer cells and CAFs.
expression of markers, including α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA), In recent years, there is growing evidence that exosomes have
fibroblast-specific protein-1 (FSP1/S100A4), and fibroblast activa- been recognized as crucial mediators in regulating the extra-
tion protein (FAP).39 Normal fibroblasts could be activated during cellular communication and metabolic reprogramming between
wound healing and inflammation, and these activated fibroblasts CAFs and cancer cells. Several studies have shown that cancer
are usually termed as myofibroblasts.40 Similarly, the cancer cells were capable of transforming normal fibroblasts to CAFs
development might be considered as a “cancer wound”, which through exosomes.50,51 Webber et al.50 indicated that exosomes
could activate the fibroblasts into CAFs.41 CAFs are derived from secreted by prostate cancer cells contained TGF-β and could
different origins, mostly from normal fibroblasts, epithelial cells, mediate the activation of fibroblasts. Besides, another study noted
mesenchymal cells, endothelial cells, epithelial-mesenchymal that different pathological stage of colorectal cancer-derived
transition (EMT) and endothelial to mesenchymal transition exosomes could lead to different stages of CAF-like changes in
(EndMT).42 Furthermore, CAFs are considered to promote tumor normal fibroblasts and increased expression of CAF marker α-
Cargoes type Exosomal cargoes Donor cells Recipient cells Function Ref.
Protein PKM2, GLUT1 LPS-activated LX-2 and activated primary HSCs HSCs, KCs, and LSECs Induces the glycolysis of quiescent HSCs LSECs and KCs
PKM2 LNCaP, PC3, and C4-2B ST2, mouse BMSCs Creates a pre- metastatic niche through transferring PKM2
VEGF HL-60, U937, primary AML cells HUVECs Promotes chemoresistance by inducing the glycolysis
ALDOA, ALDH3A1 Irradiated A549 and NCI-H446 Unirradiated A549 and NCI-H446 Enhances the motility of the recipient cells by promoting the
LMP1 CM CAFs Increases the glycolysis and autophagy in CAFs
ITGB4 MDA-MB-231, BT-20 CAFs Promotes the glycolysis and the export of lactate in CAFs
FAO-related proteins Adipocytes SKMEL28 and 1205Lu Promotes tumor aggressiveness by inducing fatty acid
AM PC patient-derived cell lines Adipocytes Induce lipolysis
miRNA miR-105 MCF10A and MDA-MB-231 NIH3T3 and WI-38 Promotes tumor growth by reprogramming the metabolism
of CAFs
miR-122 MCF10A and MDA-MB-231 Mouse lung fibroblasts and Mouse Remodels metabolism of the niche cells to promote tumor
astrocytes progression
miR-155 4 T-1, C2C12 and HEK 293T 3 T3-L1 Induces the beige/brown differentiation and promotes
lipolysis in the adipocytes
miRNAs KSHV-infected LECs HUVEC and LEC Promotes the glycolysis in the non-infected cells.
Yang et al.
Exosome-mediated metabolic reprogramming: the emerging role in tumor. . .
miR-155, miR-210 1770-Her4, 2183-Her4, 1300-mel, HMCB, 526-mel, HADF Promotes the tumor metastasis through enhancing the
888-mel, and Hs 294T glycolysis in stromal cells
miR-126, miR-144 MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, and HEK 293T 3T3-L1 Inducing the metabolic reprogramming in adipocytes to
promote tumor progression
lncRNA SNHG3 Breast cancer patient-derived fibroblast cells MCF-7 and MD-MBA-453 Promotes the tumor growth by reprogramming the
metabolism of breast cancer cells
HISLA TAMs MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, BT-474, Enhances the glycolysis and chemoresistance of breast
and MCF-7 cancer cells
circRNA ciRS-122 SW480/oxaliplatin (L-OHP) and HCT116 /L-OHP SW480 and HCT116 Increases the glycolysis and decreases drug sensitivity in the
sensitive cancer cells
Metabolite Lactate, glutamate hMSCs MCF-7 Promote the tumor growth
progression.142 Moreover, exosomes derived from cancer cells mainly focus on inhibiting the production and secretion of
carry glycosidases, which can cleave the extracellular matrix (ECM) exosomes, blocking exosome-mediated intercellular communica-
components, such as glycoproteins and proteoglycans, resulting tion, and eliminating the specific exosomal active molecular. The
in ECM remodeling and facilitating tumor development.143 A nSMase2 inhibitor, GW4869, is widely used to suppress the
metabolomics study showed glutamate and lactate in the EVs of secretion of exosomes, which significantly inhibit the production
human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Glutamate could of exosomes.145 There is growing evidence that metabolic
provide precursors for the major macromolecular classes via reprogramming is an important mechanism influencing cancer
carbon and nitrogen trafficking, and lactate could enhance the progression. Therefore, finding an effective way to inhibit
ability of cancer cells to survive in the hypoxic and nutrient- metabolic reprogramming and thus treat cancer is a potential
deficient conditions.144 new approach.
As discussed in this paper, the latest evidence confirms that the
exosomal pathway is important for tumor metabolic reprogram-
THE POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF EXOSOME ming. So, we speculate that targeting regulation of exosomal-
Exosome targeting metabolic reprogramming as diagnostic related mechanisms may be able to treat cancer by affecting
biomarker metabolic reprogramming. Recently, Li et al. demonstrated that
Increasing evidence shows that exosomes hold enormous CAFs-derived exosomes enhanced glycolysis, inhibited mitochon-
potential for diagnosis, prognosis, and evaluation of efficacy in drial OXPHOS, and promoted the proliferation of breast cancer
tumor. Exosomes are easily obtained from most body fluids, cells. However, the GW4869 could reverse the metabolic changes
including blood, saliva, urine, and ascites, which can act as of breast cancer cells, which in turn led to inhibit the cancer
promising biomarkers in tumor “liquid biopsy”.9 The exosomal progression.98 Another study also showed that the secretion of
cargoes are encapsulated by a lipid bilayer membrane, which exosomes was blocking by GW4869, which inhibited the glycolysis
protects the exosomal contents to prevent them from degrading and activation of recipient cells.138 Wang et al.119 found that
during transportation. The biologically active molecules contained exosomes could act as gene delivery vesicles transferring short
in exosomes reflect the different pathological states of cells origin interfering RNA (siRNA) to target cancer cells, which inhibited
and can remodel the metabolism of the recipient cells, therefore glycolysis and reversed oxaliplatin resistance in drug-resistant
providing a rich source of biomarkers (Table 2). colorectal cancer cells. According to this biological characteristic
Wang et al. discovered exosomal ciRS-122 from the serum of of exosomes, Shu et al.114 discovered that exosomes transferred
oxaliplatin-resistant colorectal cancer patients and oxaliplatin- with miRNA inhibitors could reverse the exosome-mediated
sensitive patients. Compared with the oxaliplatin-sensitive group, metabolic reprogramming, which could reduce the risk of tumor
the oxaliplatin-resistant group had higher ciRS-122 expression metastasis. Notably, exosomes have multiple advantages as
levels in the exosomes. Moreover, Exosomal ciRS-122 derived from potential therapeutic targets owing to their crucial role during
drug-resistant colorectal cancer cells could enhance the glycolysis tumor progression. Although many in vitro studies targeting
to reduce drug sensitivity in drug-sensitive cells, which revealed exosomes have been performed to treat cancers, few clinical trials
that exosomal ciRS-122 could regulate metabolism to favor tumor have been conducted. We speculate that targeted therapy aiming
drug resistance.119 In our opinion, exosomal ciRS-122 targeting to suppress the production and transfers of exosomes would be a
metabolism might be a candidate for predicate tumor drug potent way to inhibit tumor progression, especially tumor
resistance in colorectal cancer. Recently, Chen et al. found that the metastasis. Targeting exosomes combined with targeting cancer
expression level of EVs-packed lncRNA HISLA in plasma of breast cells have a promising effect on inhibiting cancer progression,
cancer patients is closely correlated with the level of HISLA in which may be a potential treatment strategy for future tumor
tumor-associated macrophages isolated from the breast cancer treatment.
samples. In addition, HISLA expression level was associated with
glycolysis, poor chemotherapy effect, and low survival rate of
breast cancer patients, indicating EVs-packed HISLA as an CONCLUSION
independent prognostic biomarker in breast cancer patients.93 Exosomes secreted from cancer cells and their surrounding
Another study revealed that adrenomedullin (AM) was signifi- stromal cells can be incorporated by the recipient cells to
cantly upregulated in plasma exosomes from patients with communicate with each other, which results in metabolic changes
pancreatic cancer (PC) compared to non-PC control patients. in the TME. As mentioned above, exosomes are implicated in
Moreover, PC-exosomal AM induced lipolysis in subcutaneous metabolic reprogramming and microenvironment remodeling,
adipocytes of PC patients demonstrated that exosomal AM could which profoundly exacerbate tumor angiogenesis, metastasis, and
be a potential early diagnostic biomarker of pancreatic cancer drug resistance. The existing researches have partially clarified the
patients.139 These findings suggest that the exosomes may be mechanism of exosomes in the TME, mainly attributed to the
concerned as promising diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for specific biologically active substances they carry. In particular, in
cancer therapy by targeting metabolic reprogramming. the TME, there seems to be a bi-directional transfer of cargos
between cancer cells and stromal cells. Exosomes derived from
Exosome-mediated metabolic reprogramming as therapeutic cancer cells remodel the metabolism of stromal cells, thereby
target facilitating cancer progression; on the other hand, cancer-
The specific biological contents of exosomes profoundly facilitate associated stromal cells secreted exosomes that can also affect
the cancer progression. Thus, the current therapeutic strategies tumor development by regulating cancer cells metabolism.