Construction Engineering and Management

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construction activities.

It deals with the aspect of When (v) Controlling: Controlling is necessary for ensuring
The main objectives of construction management are:
to do it". effective and efficient working.The essential steps in
(I) Completing the work within estimated budget and management control are:
(ii) Organising: Organising is concerned with division of
specified time.
the total construction work into manageable • measurement of actual performance in terms of
(ii) Evolving a reputation for high quality workmanship. departments/sections and systematically arranging progress, quality and cost incurred
(iii) Providing safe and satisfactory working conditions various operations by delegating specific tasks to • comparison of actual and planned performance;
for all personnel and workers. individuals. The relationship between various personnel • analysis of short fall in performance when it occurs,
are established and the organisational structure of the and identification and implementation of suitable
(iv) Taking sound decisions at the lowest practical
project is depicted by a simple flow chart. remedial measures.
management level through delegation of authority.
(ii) Staffing: Organising involves the division of project (vi) Co-ordinating: Since authority converges to the top
(v) Motivating people to give of their best within their
work into sections and staffing is the provision of of the organisational pyramid, it is necessary to bring
capacities. (vi) Creating an organisation that works as a
people to fill the positions so created. Recruiting the together and coordinate the work of various
right people, arranging staff training courses and departments and sections. This requires an efficient
The functions of construction management are: carrying out proper staff assessment are all part of the system of communication so that each department and
(i) Planning and Scheduling: Planning involves staffing function. section is aware of its role and the assistance to be
formulation of a number of alternative realistic work (iv) Directing: The directing function is concerned with expected from others.
plans for achieving specified objectives and finally training sub-ordinates to carry out assigned tasks, TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION
selecting a plan which is best suited from the stand- supervising their work and guiding their efforts. The
point of available resources and constraints imposed Construction works can be classified into light, heavy
essence of directing lies in the ability to motivate
upon the project. and industrial construction.
people individually and as groups to utilise their
Scheduling is the fitting of the final work plan to a time creative efforts in achieving specified objectives. Light Construction: This type of construction does not
scale. It shows theduration and order of various require the use of heavy plant and equipment. Such
construction includes buildings and light structures of
all kinds like residential houses, shopping centres,

schools, small industrial sheds, water tanks, culverts, (ii) Manpower: Manpower in the form of technical and outflow to avoid delays in project activities. Funds form
small bridges etc. managerial personnel and work force in various trades an important resource. All other resources are
is essential to carry out project activities. Technical and dependent on the availability of funds. Financial
managerial personnel are essential for efficient use of resources should therefore be planned and managed
Heavy Construction: This type of construction requires
human resources and to achieve project completion with special care.
the use of heavy plant and equipment and the scope of
within estimated time and budget. Technical personnel (v) Space: For any construction activity to proceed
work is large. Such construction includes multi-span
include engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, efficiently, it is essential to plan the available space at
bridges with well or pile foundations, tunnels, dams,
supervisors, technicians etc. The work force consists of site for
barrages, highways, railways, airports, harbours etc.
skilled and unskilled workers.
Industrial Construction: This type of construction • Storing materials
(iii) Machinery (Plant/Equipment) and Power: For any
requires the use of special technology, plant and
construction work, various plant/equipment and tools • Providing yards for bar benders, carpenters,
equipment. Such construction pertains to chemical and installation of equipment and plant, repair
are required. Depending on the type and nature of a
fertilizer plants, steel plants, petroleum refineries, workshops, casting yards etc.
construction job, machinery required at site includes
atomic/super thermal power plants, automobile and batching plant, mixers, trucks, tractors, excavators, • Site office, labour camps etc.
aircraft industry etc. dumpers, cranes, pumps, generators, workshop STAGES IN CONSTRUCTION
equipment etc. For efficient construction activity these Every construction work has the following distinct
RESOURCES FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY plant/equipment need to be properly maintained. stages:
The main resources needed for the construction Power is an essential resource required for lighting, (1) Briefing stage
industry. running the plant and equipment and for other
(ii) Designing stage
(i) Materials: Materials such as bricks, stones, cement,
(iii) Tendering stage (iv) Construction stage
aggregate, steel, shuttering, scaffolding, timber, water (iv) Funds: Adequate funds should be available for
supply, sanitary and electrical fittings, petrol, oil, smooth implementation of the project. Financial (v) Commissioning stage
lubricants (P.O.L) etc, are required for construction. planning is essential for smooth cash inflow and 1. Briefing stage

Also called the 'Report Stage', it is the stage where It is a very important stage in the field of construction It is the stage in which tenders are called and the
ideas originated by individuals are studied with regard because any modification in the project after this stage contract is awarded at the best available terms
to cost and benefits so as to establish the economic would prove expensive. A realistic and detailed cost mutually agreed between the owner's team and the
viability or social utility of a project. estimate of the project can be prepared during the contractors.
The purpose of this stage is to enable the client (owner) design stage. The purpose of this stage is to appoint a contractor or a
to specify project functions and permissible costs so The purpose of this stage is to complete the project number of contractors who will undertake the
that architects, engineers and other members of the summary and determine the method of construction construction work on the most suitable terms and
construction team can correctly interpret the owner's and estimate costs so as to obtain necessary approvals conditions of quality, cost and completion time.
wishes and provide a likely estimate of costs. It also from the client(s). (a) The main activity involved in this stage is to obtain
leads to an objective decision on the scope and Its purpose also includes the preparation of working tenders from contractors for the construction work and
feasibility of the project. drawings, specifications and all arrangements for to award the contract. During this stage, the owner
• This is the preliminary stage and many factors at inviting tenders. enters into a firm commitment regarding the project
this stage are not clearly defined but are broadly Activities at this stage are: expenditure and the procedures of construction are
stated. Various activities involved in the briefing carefully defined.
(a) To develop the project summary for final adoption
stage are: (b) Pre-qualification of contractor involves an
of the most suitable alternative.
(a) To appoint a project steering committee, if investigation of the potential of contractor's financial,
(b) To carry out technical investigations such as soil
necessary. managerial and physical resources and his experience of
investigation, topographic investigation, material
(b) To appoint a project manager who will have a handling similar projects.
supply and market surveys etc.
continuing responsibility to the client throughout the 4) Construction Stage
(c) To obtain the owner's final approval of the project
construction process. This stage involves the execution of construction work
(2) Designing or Planning Stage as per the design and within the agreed limits of cost,
(3) Tendering Stage
time and specified quality.
The construction stage consists of a number of inter- The purpose of this stage is to ensure that the The construction team consists of owner,
related activities. The failure of one activity may disrupt construction work has been completed as specified in engineers/architects and contractor. The team is
the entire production schedule. Careful planning is, the contract documents and that all the facilities formed to co-operatively plan, design and execute a
therefore, necessary at this stage. developed function properly as envisaged in the design. particular project. The objective of the team is to
(a) Construction/production planning includes the execute the owner's project in the best and most
preparation of economical manner within the stipulated completion
During this stage records are prepared of the actual
• construction schedule construction work finally carried out at site.
• manpower schedule 1. Owner:-
During construction, certain difficulties might have
• plant and equipment schedule arisen leading to changes in the original design. These The owner may be an individual, group of individuals,
• material delivery schedule. changes are recorded for reasons of technical private or public undertaking. The owner has an
performance and financial implications. ultimate authority over the project. The owner is the
(b) The other main activity in this stage is the control of
final holder of major decision-making power regarding
site operations including: Various activities involved in this stage are: managerial, financial and administrative aspects. The
• temporary and permanent works (a) To keep various records of actual work. owner controls the project resources such as
• supply of materials and equipment (b) To inspect the construction work thoroughly and manpower, funds and property. The owner also
• coordination of sub-contractors/sections have any defects removed. arranges for proper maintenance of the work, after the
• supervision for quality control. work has been completed.
(c) To prepare operating instructions and maintenance
The construction stage is the most resource-intensive manuals. 2. Engineers and Architects:-
and difficult stage of any project This includes structural, mechanical and electrical
The commissioning stage is the transition between the
(5) Commissioning Stage construction and final taking over of the structure. engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, specialists
It is the stage in which the performance of the structure such as structural consultants, safety and maintenance
is evaluated and the proposed nature of maintenance planners, soil investigators etc.
and repair are considered. 3.Contractor:-

The contractor may be an individual undertaking small There are no individual rates quoted, thus it becomes
contracts or a large construction company undertaking difficult to make adjustments in the contract value if
turn-key projects. Contractors whether small or big any changes are to be made in the work later on. The
need the services of qualified engineers. Some of the schedule of different items of work is not provided and
engineers employed by the contractor deal with office the contractor has to complete the work as per
work such as designing, tendering, scheduling etc. in the drawings and specifications for the agreed lump sum
head office. Others, known as site engineers, are amount.
concerned with the actual execution of work such as
surveying, levelling, construction, billing etc. TYPES OF CONTRACTS
In some projects, the contractor may sublet part of the Contracts for the execution of civil engineering works
A lump sum contract is more suitable for works for
work to sub-contractors or petty contractors. This is are of following types:
done because a contractor may not have the required which contractors have prior construction experience.
(a) Lump sum contract
infrastructure for certain works. The contractor has to Merits:-
execute various types of works and has to make all (b) Item rate contract
(i) The owner can decide whether to start or shelve the
necessary arrangements for labour, machinery, (c) Lump sum and schedule contract project knowing the total lump sum price quoted by
materials, power connection etc. (d) Cost plus fixed fee contract different contractors.
(e) Cost plus percentage of cost contract (ii) The contractor can earn more profit by in-depth
(f) Special contract planning and effective management at site

1. Lump Sum Contract Demerits:-

In this type of contract, the contractor offers to do the (i) Before the contract is awarded, the project has to be
whole work as shown in drawings and described by studied thoroughly and the complete contract
specifications, for a total stipulated sum of money. document has to be prepared in advance.

(ii) In this type of contract, unforeseen details of work (iii) The payment to the contractor is made on the and can consequently estimate the project cost more
are not specified in the contract document. actual work done by him at the agreed rates. realistically.
2. Item Rate Contract Demerits Merits:-
Also called a schedule contract, in this contract, the (i) The total cost of work can only be known upon (i) In this type of contract, additional staff for recording
contractor undertakes the execution of work on an item completion. As such, the owner may incur financial detailed measurement of original item of work is not
rate basis. The amount to be received by the contractor, difficulty if the final cost increases substantially. required for making payment to the contractor.
depends upon the quantities of various items of work (ii) Additional staff is required to take detailed (ii) The owner can know from tenders as to what the
actually executed. The payment to the contractor is measurements of work done for releasing payments to project will cost him. Knowing the financial
made on the basis of detailed measurements of the contractor. implications, the owner can decide to start or defer the
different items of work actually done by him. project.
(iii) The scope for additional saving with the use of
Suitability inferior quality materials may prompt the contractor to Demerits:-
This type of contract is suitable for works which can be use such materials in the work. (i) Before the contract is awarded the project has to be
split into various items and quantities under each item 3. Lump Sum and Scheduled Contract studied thoroughly and all the contract documents are
can be estimated with accuracy. required to be completed in every respect.
This is similar to the lump sum contract except the
Merits schedule of rates is also included in the contract (ii) The non-scheduled extra items arising out of
(i) In this type of contract, there is no need for detailed agreement. In this type of contract, the contractor changes made in the drawings and specifications are
drawings at the time of allotting contract as in the case offers to do particular work at a fixed sum within a often a source of dispute because the contractor
of lump sum contract. The detailed drawings can be specified time as per plans and detailed specifications. presses for rates higher than the prevailing market
prepared after the contract is awarded. Suitability:- rates.
(ii) Changes in drawings and quantities of individual This type of contract is more suitable for construction 4. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract
items can be made as per requirement within agreed works for which contractors have prior work experience Cost plus fixed fee contract is desirable when the scope
limits. and nature of the work can atleast be broadly defined.
The amount of fee is determined as a lump sum from a (ii) The final cost of the work is not known in advance There are certain special contracts which are used at
consideration of the scope of work, its approximate and this may subject the owner to financial difficulties. different occasions. Some of these contracts are listed
cost, nature of work, estimated time of construction, 5. Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract below:
manpower and equipment requirements etc. • Turn-key Contract
In this type of contract, instead of awarding the work on
lump sum or item rate basis, it is given on certain • Package Contract
percentage over the actual cost of construction. The • Negotiated Contract
actual cost of construction is reported by the contractor • Continuing Contract
and is paid to him by the owner together with a certain • Running Contract
(i) This type of contract is suitable for works required to
percentage as agreed earlier.
be completed expeditiously and where it is difficult to
foretell what difficulties are likely to be encountered. The contractor agrees to do the work in accordance (i) Turn-key Contract
with the drawings,specifications and other conditions of
(ii) This contract is also suitable for important structures A turn-key contract is an integrated contract in which all
contract. In this type of contract, proper control has to
where the cost of construction is immaterial. Works pertaining to various disciplines such as civil,
be exercised by the owner in the purchase of materials
electrical, mechanical etc. are in the hands of a single
Merits and in arranging labour.
contractor, called the main contractor. The main
(i) The work can be taken in hand even before the The suitability, merits and demerits of this type of contractor can sublet the contract to sub-contractors
detailed drawings and specifications are finalised. contract are similar to cost plus fixed fee contracts. An who are specialists in their respective fields.
(ii) Changes in design and method of construction if additional demerit is the tendency of the contractor to
(ii) Package Contract
needed can be easily carried out without disputes. increase the cost of work to earn more profit by way of
percentage of enhanced actual cost. In a package contract, two or more related jobs, each of
(iii) The work can be executed speedily. which could form a separate contract are combined in a
6. Special Contracts
Demerits single contract. In the field of civil engineering,
(i) This form of contract cannot be adopted normally in generally, design and development are combined with
case of public bodies and Government departments. construction and supply or maintenance.

(iii) Negotiated Contract actual goods supplied and services rendered as (d) Tender form: It comprises bill of quantities,
In this type of contract, negotiation across the table specified in the contract document. contractor's rates, total cost of work, time for
takes place between representatives of the owner and completion, security money to be deposited and
the main contractor for project cost and other penalty clauses etc.
conditions of contract. In this type of contract, detailed (e) Schedule of issue of materials: It contains the list of
project specifications are arrived at by discussions Every written contract which clearly describes the work materials to be issued bythe department or owner to
should also define the rights and obligations of the
between the owner and the main contractor. the contractor with rates and place of issue.
parties. The rights and obligations of the owner and the
A negotiated contract involves extended discussions for contractor are defined in a document called the (f) Drawings: These comprise a complete set of fully
finalisation as a competitive contract. Most of the contract document. The contract document consists of dimensioned drawings including plans, elevations,
consultancy projects of World Bank are negotiated the contract agreement (on non-judicial stamp paper of sections detailed drawings and site plan.
contracts. prescribed value) and the following set of documents. (g) Specifications: Specifications should be clear and
(iv) Continuing Contract each page of which is signed both by the owner and the precise covering all items of the bill of quantities.
In this type of contract, new or additional work is contractor: Following specifications are normally included in the
awarded to the contractor on the basis of agreed terms (a) Cover/Title page: It contains the name of work, contract document:
and conditions of an existing contract. Such contracts name of owner, name of contractor, contract (i) General specifications: These specify the class and
do not require re-tendering and hence can save time agreement number, contents etc. type of work, quality of materials etc. in general for the
and money. (b) Contents page: It contains the contents of the work as a whole.
(v) Running Contract agreement with page references. (ii) Detailed specifications: These give detailed
Such contracts provide goods and services at specified (c) Notice Inviting Tender (NIT): It contains a brief description of each item of work including material and
intervals or as and when required by the owner. The description of work, estimated cost of work, date and method to be used along with quality of workmanship
contract price is not fixed and payment is based on time for receiving the tender, amount of earnest required.
money. security money, time of completion etc.

(h) Conditions of Contract: The terms and conditions of (ii) Provide guidance for execution and supervision of materials to be used including their proportions,
contract specify the following: work materials. method of work, quality of workmanship required etc.
(i) Amount and form of earnest and security money to (iii) State the acceptance criteria for different items of (b) Guide specifications: These specifications provide a
be deposited. work. Specifications are of the following types: guideline for preparing contract specifications and give
(ii) Time of completion of work. • Contract specifications a broad idea about the class and type of construction
• Guide specifications for a particular purpose.
(iii) Proportionate progress to be achieved.
• Standard specifications (c) Standard specifications: These specifications are
(iv) Extension of time for completion of work.
• Manufacturer's specifications prepared for various materials or group of materials for
(v) Engaging other agency at contractor's cost and risk. the guidance of all concerned with construction or
(vi) Termination of contract. construction industry. These specifications include
(a) Contract specifications: The specifications prepared methods of manufacture, methods of tests, code of
for a particular job to accompany the working drawings practice etc.
2.4 SPECIFICATIONS are called contract specifications. These are further
(d) Manufacturer's specifications: Manufacturers
Specifications are statements which describe the nature classified as:
prepare specifications of their products for the guidance
and class of work, materials to be used, labour to be • General specifications of users. These specifications also include installation
employed, method of work, precautions to be taken, • Detailed specifications instructions and other guidelines for use and
quality of workmanship etc. The cost of the work maintenance of products. These specifications are
General Specifications are also called brief
depends much upon the specifications. The nature of generally provided in the form of manuals.
specifications. These give a general ideas of the class
work can be easily understood from the study of
and type of work giving brief descriptions of materials, Clear understanding of specifications plays a vital role in
specifications. Specifications serve the following
quality and workmanship. the successful completion of a construction project.
Detailed specifications provide a detailed description of IMPORTANT CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT:-
(i) Guide the bidder at the time of tendering for arriving
each item as per schedule of quantities, specifying the
at a fair price for the work involved. and purchase of
The members of the construction team should be fully month, week etc.) depending upon the nature and PRINCIPLES OF ORGANISATION
aware of their rights and obligations under the contract. scope of work. An organisation is a group of persons working together
They should be thoroughly conversant with the precise (b) Delay and extension of time: Delay in completion of to achieve an established goal. It is the relationship
provisions and true importance of each clause in the work not attributed to the contractor should be brought which exists between people taking part in a group
contract agreement. Following are the important to the notice of the owner by the contractor in writing, activity.
conditions of contract: within the time specified in the contract, for seeking In order to be effective, an organisation has to follow
(a) Time of completion extension of time. certain basic principles given below:
(b) Delay and extension of time (c) Penalty: It is a fine imposed on the contractor for (i) Principle of Objectives: The organisational objectives
(c) Penalty non-fulfilment of his contractual obligations such as should be clearly defined. The structure of the
failure to maintain required progress of work,delay in organisation should be geared to achieve these
(d) Compensation for delay in completion of work completion, poor quality of work, bad workmanship objectives at minimum cost and effort.
(e) Liquidated damages etc.
(ii) The Scalar Principle: An organisational structure
(f) Debitable agency (d) Compensation for delay in completion of work: The consists of different levels of authority arranged in a
(g) Valuation of variations contractor is liable to pay compensation to the owner hierarchical manner. The line of authority should be
for delay attributed to him in completion of work. The clearly defined from the chief executive at the top to
(h) Settlement of disputes
amount of compensation may be stated as a percentage the first line supervisor at the bottom. This is known as
(i) Force majeure and natural disasters of the estimated cost of work for each unit of time scalar principle.
j) Price escalation delay. The maximum limit of compensation may be 10%
(iii) Principle of Unity of Command: Each person in an
of the contract price.
(k) Termination of contract organisation must know to whom he has to report and
(e) Liquidated damages: It is a fixed stipulated sum from whom he should receive orders. He should also
(a) Time of completion: The contractor is required to
payable by the contractor on account of penalty for know the persons both upwards and downwards whom
complete to work within the agreed time of completion
delays and does not bear any relationship to the real he is to consult. The principle that each subordinate
which is specified in a suitable unit of time (year,
damage to the owner.

should report to only one superior is called the 'Unity of (i) Communication: Communication means sharing of • To serve as an interpreter of messages and
Command'. ideas in a condition of mutual understanding. The behaviour of other groups and individuals who may
(iv) Principle of Span of Control: According to this message conveyed by the initiator may be verbal, have some influence on the group;
principle, there is a limit to the number of subordinates written or visual and the receiver may listen, see or • To co-ordinate the activities of group members to
an executive can effectively supervise. There are many examine and react in other ways. ensure compatible and consistent efforts towards
factors on which the span of control depends, such as In the absence of proper communication between the the organisational goal achievement;
the type of work, whether routine or repetitive, level in various groups and within group members working on a
• To provide needed resources for the group.
the organisation, type of problems encountered and construction site, the desired progress of work would
not take place. In some cases, the construction work Thus, heads of different groups working on the project
abilities of the persons involved.
may not even start due to a communication gap should provide appropriate leadership to achieve the
(v) Principle of Departmentation: Departmentation
between the planners and implementors. established objectives.
means the division of an organisation into several
distinct departments or sections. This helps in To safeguard against this, efforts should be made to use (iii) Human Relations: The term human relations applies
increasing the efficiency and facilitates the execution of better communication styles and techniques to to all interactions, good and bad, among people. The
work. In order to obtain optimum results, the functions promote a congenial atmosphere at the construction behaviour of people at work and how various elements
and scope of each department must be clearly defined. site. of the workplace affect the people are important to the
study of human relations in an organisation or project.
(vi) Principle of Specialisation: According to this (ii) Leadership: Leadership is needed for every project Someone may be irregular at work due to health
principle, activities of the organisation should be or organisation at different levels for various reasons problems arising out of adverse site conditions, while
grouped as per the functions and assigned to individuals given below. another might be inefficient because of family
according to their specialisation. • To help in defining the mission of the group; problems. Human behaviour in the work environment
• To create an environment in which group members includes the interaction between superiors and
COMMUNICATION, LEADERSHIP AND HUMAN become committed to the objectives of the group; subordinates, the interaction amongst peers, and the
RELATIONS way in which individuals interact with each other in
formal and non-formal groups. Human behaviour in the

work environment covers more than just the activities This type of organisational structure is followed in most This type of organisation cannot be successful in a
involved with the actual work itself. government departments and autonomous engineering system which depends upon the ingenuity of its
organisations. workers. It can be efficient in the following situations;

TYPES OF ORGANISATIONS Merits of line organisation (i) Where the work is of routine nature;

The basic structure of an organisation depends upon its (i) It is simple and easy to understand. (ii) Where subordinate and operational staff is limited;
size, the nature of its business activities and the (ii) It permits quick decisions. (iii) In continuous process industries such as refining,
complexity of the problems faced by it. Depending upon (iv) It promotes discipline among the employees. spinning, weaving, sugar manufacture etc.
how responsibility and authority in any enterprise can
(v) Faults can be easily and quickly detected due to
be distributed, the organisational structure can be
fixed responsibilities of various individuals. 2.Line and Staff Organisation:-
classified into three types:
Line organisations are unsuitable for large and complex
• Line Organisation
Demerits of line organisation projects, where the key men need to be assisted by
• Line and Staff Organisation specialists in different fields. The individuals who
(i) The departmental heads are over-burdened as all
• Functional Organisation constitute the staff in an organisation are experts, who
decisions have to be taken by them. Due to this,
1. Line Organisation:- It is one of the simplest forms of have no line authority but whose function is largely
personnel are unable to innovate. advisory. This type of organisation comes into existence
organisation and is commonly adopted in civil
(ii) A delay in decision-making by top management may because line authority cannot assume direct
engineering projects. Its significant feature, as the name
bring the system to a standstill and adversely affect the responsibilities for all functions such as research,
implies, is that there is a clear line of responsibility and
efficiency of the organisation. design, planning, scheduling and recording of
authority right through the management structure. Line
organisation is also called military organisation, scalar (iv) Concentration of authority may lead to certain performance etc. All these activities are performed by
organisation or vertical organisation. A direct undesirable practices such as partiality or favouritism. staff, while the line authority maintains discipline and
relationship of authority and responsibility is stability in an organisation. The authority by which the
established between the superior and the subordinate. staff performs its advisory functions are delegated by
the 'Line' and their advice is generally accepted keeping (iv) The overhead cost increases because of high salaries to several superiors for different phases or aspects of
in view their experience and expertise. of staff personnel. the work. Thus a subordinate anywhere in the
Scope:- organisation will be commanded directly by a number
of superiors, each with authority in his own field.
Merits of Line and Staff Organisation This type of organisation is preferred for medium and
large scale industries/ construction companies Merits of Functional Organisation
(i) Functional expertise and experience is available from
staff personnel. depending upon their internal structure, production (i) Division of labour is done on the basis of function
activities and span of business area. specialisation.
(ii) It is based upon planned specialisation.
3. Functional Organisation (ii) The functional efficiency of individuals increases due
(iii) Specialised work is done by staff personnel and line
The basis of a functional organisation is specialisation. to a limited number of specialised activities.
personnel can devote their time to achieve sectional
targets. In such an organisation, work is carried out on a (iii) Manual work is separated from mental work.
functional basis and each function is carried out by a (iv) Quality of work is enhanced due to specialisation.
(iv) It provides more job opportunities. specialist. According to Taylor, the ideal situation in
(v) Due to staff specialisation, there is more efficient such an organisation would be when each person Demerits of Functional Organisation
utilization of human and physical resources. performs a specified function only. This removes the (i) Each person has to report to a number of superiors
staff personnel from his assisting capacity and gives him which weakens discipline.
authority and responsibility for supervision and (ii) This type of organisation is at variance with the
Demerits of Line and Staff Organisation
administration. principle of unity of command.
(i) The staff may be ineffective due to lack of authority
The idea behind this type of organisation is to divide the (iii) There is no clear-cut line of authority and this leads
to enforce their decisions.
work in such a manner that each person has to perform to confusion among personnel working at lower levels.
(ii) As duties and responsibilities are not clearly defined, a minimum number of functions and is fully responsible
there is bound to be some confusion in the relationship (iv) It is difficult to pin-point responsibility which may
for those aspects of work. All similar and related work is
of the line and staff personnel. adversely affect the morale of the organisation.
grouped together under one person. In order to
perform his function effectively, a person has to report Scope:-

Such type of organisation is not commonly found in large sized construction companies, a line and staff type Provide appropriate facilities to accommodate the
practice in its pure form. It is suitable for large research of organisation is preferred. needs of workers, contractors, and visitors.
and manufacturing concerns. 3. Material Management:
SITE ORGANISATION:- Allocate designated areas for material storage to
ORGANISATION FOR A CONSTRUCTION FIRM Site organization refers to the planning and prevent clutter and ensure easy access.
The organisation for a construction firm has to be arrangement of activities, resources, and personnel at a Organize materials based on their type, size, and
developed taking into account the general principles of construction site to ensure smooth and efficient frequency of use to facilitate efficient retrieval.
organisation and the special characteristics of the operations while maintaining safety and productivity. 4. Equipment Placement:
construction industry. It is difficult to lay down specific Effective site organization is essential for managing
Position heavy machinery and equipment strategically
rules for organising the structure of a construction various tasks, coordinating teams, and achieving project
company. Any organisational structure proposed for a to optimize their usage and minimize disruptions.
goals. Here are key aspects of site organization:
construction firm should take into consideration the Ensure equipment is placed safely and doesn't hinder
1. Site Layout Planning:
nature of activities, scope and type of project work and movement around the site.
Develop a detailed site layout plan that includes the
the area of operation of the company. 5. Traffic Management:
positioning of structures, temporary facilities, storage
The type of organisation suitable for a small areas, and access routes. Implement a traffic management plan to control the
construction firm is a simple line or line and staff type flow of vehicles, pedestrians, and construction
Consider factors such as topography, traffic flow, and
of organisation. The engineer incharge at the site equipment.
exercises full authority and is responsible for the safety regulations when determining the layout.
Clearly mark traffic routes and pedestrian walkways to
execution and progress of work. Under him are a few
prevent accidents.
section officers or foremen who get the work executed. 2. Temporary Facilities:
In very small works such as construction of a private 6. Work Zones:
Set up necessary temporary facilities such as site
residential house, the contractor has to himself perform Divide the site into different work zones based on the
offices, restrooms, storage units, and first aid stations.
the functions of the engineer. In the case of medium to type of activities being conducted.

Assign specific tasks and responsibilities to each zone, communication, higher productivity, and successful (a) Water Supply
promoting organization and clarity. project completion. Water supply is essential for all construction sites. For
7. Signage and Communication: large construction sites, tubewells may be bored which
Install clear signage indicating safety procedures, TEMPORARY SERVICES:- could be later used on a permanent basis. Water supply
emergency exits, and restricted areas. is required for industrial and drinking purposes.
On a small site, The temporary services consist of access Industrial water supply is required for rock drilling, pile
Establish effective communication channels among roads, water supply, electric supply, sewer connections driving, feed water for boiler plant and transporting
workers, supervisors, and management. etc. On a large construction site, temporary services
materials by pipe lines etc. Drinking water supply is
8. Waste Management: include a number of facilities such as telephone
required for the work areas, offices, canteen etc. To
connection, batching plant, tubewells, service roads,
Set up designated areas for waste disposal, recycling, obtain water supply connections, the contractor or
repair and construction yards, material storage yards,
and hazardous materials handling. project manager has to apply to the public Health
canteen and medical facilities etc. There is no specific or
Engineering Department stating the purpose and
Ensure proper waste segregation and adherence to fixed pattern for the type of temporary services
quantity of water required.
environmental regulations. required at a site. These services depend on the
following factors: (b) Electricity Connection
9. Security Measures:
• Size and nature of the project It is required for both large as well as small projects. In
Implement security measures to prevent unauthorized
order to obtain an electricity connection, the contractor
access to the site and protect valuable equipment and • Location of the project
or project manager has to apply to the Electricity
materials. • Project cost
Board/ Department stating the quantity of electricity
• Specific needs
required and the place where the transformer is to be
• Number of working shifts per day.
Effective site organization maximizes efficiency, installed. From the transformer, the contractor has to
minimizes delays, and enhances safety on construction make his own arrangements for supply of power to
sites. A well-organized site contributes to better Various temporary services required at the site are various locations on the site.
briefly described below: (c) Repair and Construction Yards
Such type of yards are essential for repair and Appropriate sewerage and sanitation arrangements are • reduction in wastage and deterioration of
maintenance of equipment and machinery and as a essential at all work sites. Adequate arrangements materials
working area for bar benders, carpenters, welders etc. should be made for the disposal of sewage to some • higher productivity from labour and machinery
These yards are set up on the construction site for suitable place. • greater safety.
smooth and unobstructed construction activity.
Factors Affecting Job Layout:-
(d) Material Stores JOB LAYOUT:- The following factors affect the job layout of a
Such stores are usually constructed with brick walls and A site drawing of the proposed construction showing construction site:
G.I. sheet roofing. G.I. sheets are preferred for roofing the location of entry, exit, temporary services, material • Access to Site
purposes because of their high reusability. The stores stores and stacks, plant/equipment and site offices is
are used for the storage of cement, electrical materials, • Temporary Roads
known as the job layout or site layout. A job layout is
hardware, paints, tools, spare parts, stationery etc. prepared to ensure that work proceeds smoothly • Topography of Ground
Sometimes A.C. sheets are also used for roofing without interruptions. The various construction • Construction Plant/Machinery
purposes. resources such as men, machinery, materials, space etc.
• Construction Methods
(e) Approach and Service Roads should be organised for their optimal utilisation. The
larger and more complex the project, the greater the • Construction Materials
Approach and service roads are provided for trucks to
transport construction materials such as sand, need for planned job layout and detailing at site. • Accommodation
aggregate, cement etc. to the site. These roads are Purpose of Job Layout • Services
usually provided on the periphery of the construction The purpose of job layout is to facilitate the realisation
site. In large projects, these roads may also run through of:
the construction site so that materials may be dumped
at the required locations avoiding re-handling/shifting • more economical method of working
of materials. • shorter leads for materials
(i) Access to Site
• reduction in completion time
(f) Sewerage and Sanitation Arrangements

Ideally, there should be one entrance and exit to the should be installed on firm ground. If firm ground is not
site for proper flow of traffic and from the security available at the required location, provision for timber
point of view. Proper sign-posts should be erected to piling etc. may be made.
direct transport vehicles delivering various construction (iv) Services
materials at site. The main gate should be manned by
The job layout should take into account the provision
watch and ward staff to regulate entry to and exit from
of various services such as water supply, power supply,
the site.
telephone lines, repair and maintenance yards etc. at
(ii) Temporary Roads site.
Temporary roads are constructed within the site and Preparation of Job Layout:-
also to provide access to the site from the nearest
The job layout is prepared by the engineer in-charge or
existing road. Temporary roads should be planned to
the site engineer. In order to prepare the job layout, the
serve all major items of plant/machinery and material
contract document, layout plans, drawings,
storage yards at site. In some cases, permanent roads
specifications and other available documents are
may be constructed before commencement of building
studied carefully to assess the nature and extent of the
work. These roads are used to transport
work. A scaled drawing is then prepared which shows
plant/machinery and materials during the construction
the outline of the job to be constructed, entry and exit
points, various facilities such as storage yards, offices,
(iii) Topography of Ground repair and maintenance sheds, toilets, canteen, labour
In order to avoid flooding of the worksite during huts, temporary services including water and power
monsoons, temporary drains should be incorporated in supply etc.
the job-layout. The storage yards should be located on
higher and firm ground to avoid submergence and
deterioration of materials. Heavy plant/ machinery

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