COMM 410 Advanced Digital Video Production Spring 2011 TTH - 9:30 To 10:40
COMM 410 Advanced Digital Video Production Spring 2011 TTH - 9:30 To 10:40
COMM 410 Advanced Digital Video Production Spring 2011 TTH - 9:30 To 10:40
Dr. Jim Neale OFFICE PHONE: Dana 102B M-F 8:00 to 3:00, by appointment only
(704) 688-2895
The Commuter Hotline number is (704) 337-2567. Consult this hotline for information on inclement weather, schedule changes and cancelled classes.
Kenworthy, C., Digital Video Production Cookbook, OReilly Media, Inc. Sebastopol, CA, 2006. ISBN 0-596-10031-0
This course provides an advanced experience for communication students to study and produce digital video. Students will produce a weekly 30-minute television show. The course requires that a student have prior experience in the planning and production of digital media. Students will be involved in activities that will require knowledge and skills necessary to create video content for broadcast, DVD distribution and the web. These skills will be enhanced through student participation in the production of both live and off-line digital video. The nature of video production requires students to work together as a team. This is a hands-on, labor-intensive process for students taking this course. Introduction to Digital Media is not required but strongly recommended.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Demonstrate by action effective writing and listening skills. Demonstrate by action computer skills. Demonstrate knowledge of visual composition. Record and edit digital video and audio. Produce quality video programming. Be able to discuss in detail the process of digital video production Be able to create special effects using lighting, photographic and digital techniques. Demonstrate knowledge of video distribution for broadcast, DVD and Web distribution.
REQUIREMENTS: All students must attend class and complete reading assignments. More than two absences will adversely affect a final grade. There will be weekly reflections along with production assignments and responsibilities. The class will produce a weekly television show. Each show will require format video, titles and effects. These shows will be shot during Thursdays class time, starting the sixth week. Students are strongly advised not to miss a show day. During each show a short documentary will be produce by an associate producer coordinating a small team of classmates. Except for the producer, the roles and responsibilities for the show will be rotated, so each student will have an opportunity to do and experience a variety of tasks. Each student will have weekly production responsibilities. Each show must demonstrate two new video production techniques found in the text that enhance the production and dont interfere with show continuity. Weekly Reflections: Beginning with week 2, each student will write a reflection of the past week. The reflection will include a description of what took place in the class, describe the students responsibilities, a brief description of the readings and what was learned. The reflections will be turned in as a word document on Moodle and be at least 250 words. LATE REFLECTIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Preproduction: The first five weeks of class will be involved in the preproduction of the television show. This will include show concept, title, format, production of format video, production of any PSA, acquisition of stock video, any stock audio clips and practice of live show techniques. A final rehearsal for the show will be done the week before the first show. Television Show Production: Beginning the sixth week of the semester, the class will produce a television show that will be 30 minutes in length, every week. The show will be in a talk show format, with a host and guest(s). Monday will be used to prepare for the show and Wednesday will be used to record the show. Show Documentary: During selected shows, a small team of students will produce a short (5 minute) documentary of the production of the show. This will give a behind the scenes look at the production of the show. These documentaries will show students working on the show and give insight into the production. EVALUATION
Weekly reflections Show Documentary Participation 50% 30% 20% 10%
Your grade will be determined by your total amount of points earned. The distribution is as follows: 100-94 points A 89-87 points B+ 79-77 points C+ 69-65 points D+ 93-90 points A86-84 points B 83-80 points B76-74 points C 73-70 points C64-60 points D 59 down is failing **Please read and be aware of Queens Universitys Honor Code.**
1. Attendance Policy: All students must attend class. More than three absences will adversely
affect a final grade, lowering the student's final grade one letter grade for each additional absence. Two tardies will count as one absence.
2. Classroom Accommodations: Students requiring classroom accommodations or modifications because of a documented disability should discuss this need with the instructor at the beginning of the semester. Students not registered with the Special Services Program should contact personnel in that office on campus.
Class Calendar Week 1 2 Topics Preproduction Show Concept Scripting Format video production Set Creation Scripting Audio and Video Acquisition Editing Format Studio Equipment training and Practice Lighting Show setup Rehearsal for show Script run through Production and Post Show 1 Documentary 1 Show 2 Show 3 Documentary 2 Show 4 Show 5 Documentary 3 Show 6 Show 7 Documentary 4 Show 8 Show 9 Documentary 5 Show 10 Reading Assignment
Lighting Effects Camera Illusions Camera Movement Editing Illusions Productio n Effects Make-Up Sound Visual Effects Safe Stunts Advanced Effects Night Shoots Weather
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection