Task 2 English HW

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Task 1 English Homework

Read the article on Plastic Pollution in India published in the

Economic Times answer the following questions

Q1- Express in your own words the major problems mentioned in the article and suggest
some solutions to combat the problems?

Ans - To combat the problem of plastic pollution in India, some possible solutions are:
implementing strict laws and regulations to prevent the use of single-use plastic,
encouraging the use of reusable items like cloth bags, bottles, and containers, creating an
efficient system for collecting, segregating, and processing plastic waste, creating
awareness among people about the hazards of plastic pollution, and promoting the use of
eco-friendly products.

Q2- As you read, make notes of any words or phrases about whose meaning you are not
clear and then check their meaning by using a dictionary.

● Detritus: waste or debris of any kind.

● Thumbing its nose: to show contempt or defiance.
● Errant: straying from the proper course or standards.
● Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere.
● Per capita: for each person.
Q3 - write a letter to your local leader urging him/her to take immediate action.

Dear KCR,

I am writing to you to express my concern about the growing problem of plastic pollution
in our city. I was recently reading an article in the Economic Times that highlighted the
urgent need to address this issue. As you may already be aware, India generates close to
26,000 tonnes of plastic waste a day, and a little over 10,000 tonnes a day of plastic waste
remains uncollected. The uncollected plastic waste eventually ends up in the natural
environment — in our seas and oceans or piling up on our lands. This plastic waste is not
only harming our environment but also endangering the health and safety of our citizens.

I would like to request you to take immediate action to address this issue. There is a need
for infrastructure for segregation, collection, processing, and disposal of plastic waste,
along with extended producer responsibility for collecting the waste their products
generate. I believe it is also important to create awareness among people about the hazards
of plastic pollution and promote the use of eco-friendly products.

I hope you will take this matter seriously and take appropriate steps to address this issue.

Sanjeev Mummadi
Task 2 English
Write a narrative essay in about (350-450 words)
Topic - Write about a time when you felt lonely

When I moved from Manila to Hyderabad in June 2022, I wasn't thrilled about the
change. The thought of leaving behind my familiar surroundings, my school, and my
closest friends made me feel uneasy. I had developed strong bonds with my friends, and
we had cherished so many memories together. The idea of being without them made me
feel lonely and sad.

One of my friends even cried when I told him that I was moving away. It was hard to
say goodbye, knowing that we wouldn't be able to see each other regularly anymore.

After I moved, I found it hard to adjust to the new city, the people, and the culture. It
was very different from what I was used to in Manila, and I felt like an outsider. I didn't
know anyone in my new school, and it was hard to make new friends. I spent most of my
days feeling homesick and missing my old life.

The only thing that kept me connected to my old life was video games. I would play
online with my old friends and talk to them about everything. It was a way to maintain
some sense of normalcy in my life, and it helped me feel less alone.

However, after a few weeks, the reality of my situation started to sink in. I was in a
new place, with new people, and no one that I felt close to. The only thing that kept me
going was my video games and the occasional conversation with my old friends. I felt like
the loneliest person on the planet.

For the next six months, I tried to make new friends, but it was challenging. I was
still holding the loss of my old friendships, and it was hard to open up to new people. I
would spend most of my time alone, feeling sad and isolated.

Eventually, I realized that I had to let go of my old friendships and try to build new
ones. I started to put myself out there, being more socially active and attending social
events. Slowly but surely, I started to make new friends.

I also started exploring the new city on my own, trying out new things, and learning
about the culture. I found that it helped me connect with the city and feel more at home.

Today, I have made new friends in Hyderabad, but I still miss my old friends, Krish,
Ranveer, and Aryaman. They will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am
grateful for the memories that we shared together. However, I have also realized that life
is full of changes, and we need to learn to adapt and make the best of what we have.
Task 2 Economics
HomeworkResearch report
1. Define Economics
● Economics is the social science that studies how individuals, businesses, and societies
allocate scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants and needs.

2. Goods and Services provided by the Public Sector:

● The public sector of an economy encompasses government entities and organizations that
are responsible for providing various goods and services to the general public. Example:
- Public infrastructure - Education - Healthcare
- Legal and judicial services - Social welfare - Public utilities
- Defense and military services - Environmental protection - Public safety
3. Free and Paid Goods and Services:
Within the public sector, some goods and services are provided free of charge to individuals,
while others require payment. Examples include:

- Free goods and services: -

● Public parks
- Goods and services requiring payment:
● Education in public schools
● Tolls for private roads
● Healthcare services in public hospitals
● Higher education in public universities
● Public libraries
● Special medical care and medications
● Premium services in public facilities
4. Goods/Services Provided by both Public and Private Sectors:

● Education: Private schools, colleges and public educational institutions.

● Healthcare: Private and Public hospitals, clinics and more.
● Transportation: Public transportation are buses and trains. private transportation are
services like taxis.
● Recreation and leisure: parks, swimming pools, sports facilities often are private fitness
centers, clubs, and entertainment venues.

5. Government-funded Swimming Pool vs. Private Health and Leisure Club:

A government-funded swimming pool aims to provide an accessible, inclusive, and affordable
recreational facility that promotes public health, fitness, and social cohesion. It serves the local
community by offering a space where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can engage in
physical activity and social interactions. The operational costs may be subsidized by the
government to ensure affordability. Overall, the swimming pool encourages a sense of
community, promotes well-being, and provides opportunities for leisure and recreation.

Private health and leisure clubs offer an exclusive experience with high-quality facilities,
personalized services, and a focus on profitability through membership fees. They provide a
comprehensive range of premium services, including fitness facilities, spa amenities, and
specialized classes, catering to individual preferences. Members pay membership fees to access
these exceptional facilities and enjoy the exclusive privileges and benefits offered by the clubs.
Task 1,2 & 4 French
Task 1:Mettez le dialogue en bonne ordre

Wrong Order Right Order

- A h ,c’est genial ! 1. Quels sports pratiques-tu ?
- Moi,je joue souvent au tennis et aussi de la 2. Je joue au basket et toi ?
gymnastique. 3. Moi, je joue souvent au tennis et aussi de la
- Oui,je participe aux matches de
tennis mais je fais de la gymnastique
pour rester en forme . 4. Où vas-tu pour faire de la gymnastique ?
- Quels sports pratiques- tu ? 5. Je vais au gymnase de l'université.
- Ou vas –tu pour faire de la 6. Est-ce que tu participes aux matchs de tennis ?
gymnastique? 7. Oui, je participe aux matchs de tennis, mais je
- Je joue au basket et toi ? fais de la gymnastique pour rester en forme.
- Je vais au gymnase de l'université. 8. Ah, c'est génial !
- Praticipes-tu aux matchs de tennis ?

Task 2: Conjuguez les verbes

Not Conjugated Conjugated

1. Vous (faire ) du sports. 1. Vous faites du sport.

2. Ils (finir)le cours a midi. 2. Ils finissent le cours à midi.
3. Tu (prendre ) le bus. 3. Tu prends le bus.
4. Est ce que tu (aller) a l’ecole. 4. Est-ce que tu vas à l'école ?
5. Nous (manger) des legumes. 5. Nous mangeons des légumes.

Task 4: Lisez le texte et repondez aux questions :

Tony Parker est ne le 17 mai 1982 a Bruges ,en Belgique.Il est basketteur et il est aussi
chanteur Il est Francais ,son pere est americain at sa mere est neerlandaise .Tony Parker est
marie avec l’actrice americaine Eva Longoria.

Questions Answer

1. Quel est son prenom? 1. Son prénom est Tony.

2. Quel est son date de naissance ? 2. Sa date de naissance est le 17 mai 1982.
3. Comment s’appelle sa femme? 3. Sa femme s'appelle Eva Longoria.
4. Quel est la nationalite de son pere? 4. La nationalité de son père est américaine.
5. Quel est la nationalite de sa mere. 5. La nationalité de sa mère est néerlandaise.

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