Selg Constitution and By-Laws2
Selg Constitution and By-Laws2
Selg Constitution and By-Laws2
We, the learners of [name of school], imploring the aid of Divine Providence ,
believing in the need for a better organized Supreme Elementary Learner
Government (SELG) and Supreme Secondary Learner Government (SSLG) and in
the development of the learners as future leaders of the nation, do hereby
promulgate and adopt this Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme Elementary
Learner Government and Supreme Secondary Leamer Government in Elementary
and Secondary Schools that shall advance, implement, and maintain our goals and
aspirations, embody the ideals and principles of freedom, equality, justice and
democracy, and promote the welfare of all students and academic standards of our
Alma Mater.
Article I
General Provisions
Section 1 This Constitution and By-Laws shall be lrnown as the Constitution and
By-Laws of Supreme Elementary Learner Government and Supreme
Secondary Learner Government of [name of school, complete address].
Article II
Name and Domicile
Section 2 The seat of the SELG/ SSLG shall be exercised in the school's
Article m
Definition of Terms and Naming Convention
Section Terms and acronyms used throughout this Constitution and By-Laws
1 of Supreme Elementary Learner Government/Supreme Secondary
t are
in th
1.1 Ad Hoc refers to a committee created for a specific or one-
time purpose to address issues that fall outside the scope of
other existing committees.
1.14 Quorum constitutes one half plus one of the total number of
Article IV
Declaration of Principles Obje ctives and Policies
Section The SELG/SSLG shall be the highest student governing body in the
1 school.
Section 2 The SELG/SSLG shall be the forefront of the learners' rights and
welfare; model of the learners' excellence; and representation of good
character and deep sense of moral values.
Section The SELG/ SSLG shall have the power that emanates from the student
3 body. It shall be autonomous, diplomatic, unified, and the highest
democratic representative of the student body.
The SELG/SSLG shall uphold and adhere with the Mission Statement
Section 4 of the Department of Education which is "to protect and to promote the
right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education where students learn in a child-friendly,
gender sensitive, culturally aware, safe, and motivating environment. "
The SELG / SSLG shall be committed to adhere with the core values
of Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan and Makabansa, its
Section 6 principles, and ideals into action through academic, socio-civic, and
leadership PPAs.
7 7.1 uphold the values, principles, and ideals of the Department of
7.6 serve, protect, and promote the rights and welfare of every
Section 8 The SELG/SSLG shall pursue , practice, and uphold at all times, the
principles of good governance, the value of integrity, renouncing all
forms of corruption and acts which are contrary to the rules and
regulations of the school and the DepEd .
Section 11 The SELG / SSLG shall remain accountable and transparent at all times
with all its transactions involving the interest of the learners.
Section 13 The SELG/ SSLG shall not engage in any form of or act which
constitutes as commercialization pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No.
28, s. 2001, Prohibiting the Commercialization of the DECS
Organization Through Endorsements and Accreditation of Goods and
Services and DO 39, s. 2009, Strict Ad herence to DepEd Order No.
28, s. 2001 (Prohibiting the Commercialization of the DECS
Organization Through Endorsements and Accreditation of Goods and
Services), and other relevant laws and rules.
Article V
Section 1 All bona fide learners of !name of school] shall be the members of the
Learner Government.
Article VI
Bill of Rights of Learners
1.2 Every learner has the right to freely express and be heard his/ her
views on matters concerning him/her.
1.3 Every student has the right to avail of all the services offered by
the SELG/ SSLG which include but not limited to organizing,
joining, and actively participating in clubs, organizations,
groups, and other associations for purposes not contrary to
existing policies.
1.5 Every student has the right to information on the policies, plans,
programs, projects , processes, systems, and other matters
concerning him/her.
1.6 Every student has the right to suffrage, to apply for a position,
to nominate, and to be elected to office, and to exercise other
electoral practices.
1.7 Every student has the right to responsible and independent and
peaceful student elections and student publications.
1.10 Every learner has the right to due process , which includes the
right to be informed and the right to be heard on matters
affecting him/her.
1.11 Every student has the right to professional competence from
teachers and school administration.
1.13 Every student has the right to an open and regular student
teacher and student-school administration dialogue.
1.14 Every student has the right to express his/ her concerns, views,
and grievances freely and responsibly in all matters affecting
1.15 Every student has the right to equal, legitimate, and responsible
use of adequate, safe, clean, and efficient school facilities.
Section 2 All other rights as specified in DO No. 40, s. 2012 entitled DepEd
Child Protection Policy and other issuances which are not specified
herein are included as rights of the learners.
Article VII
Duties and Obligations of
Section 1
Every learner has the responsibty to observe and uphold the laws of
the Republic of the Philippines, the school rules and regulations, and
this Constitution at all times.
Section 2
Every learner shall exercise one's rights responsibly and in good faith.
Section 3
Every learner shall support and promote the ideals, principles, thrusts,
and objectives of the SELG/SSLG, the School, and the DepEd.
Section 4
Every learner shall uphold the principles of good governance and
value of integrity.
Section 5
Every learner shall endeavor to achieve academic excellence and shall
abide by the rules and regulations governing his/her academic
Section 6
Every learner shall pursue to nurture an inclusive, service-oriented,
gender-sensitive, culturally aware, and environment-conscious
Section 7
Every learner shall abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the
Section 8
Every learner shall support the SELG/SSLG mandated PPAs and the
official issuances of DepEd.
Section Every learner shall strive to become a proactive and enabling member
9 of society and to contribute to the development of one's community.
Article VIII
Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of the SELG/ SSLG
Article IX
Composition and Term of Office of the SELG/ SSLG
Section 1 The Officers of the SELG/ SSLG are the duly elected President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor , Public Information Officer,
Protocol Officer, and Grade Level Representatives.
Section 2 Any SELG/SSLG Officer, except the Grade Level Representatives, shall
not be holding any other elective or appointive positions in other
student clubs/organizations.
Section 3 The officers of the SELG/ SSLG shall hold office for a period of one (1)
school year.
Section 4 The term of office shall start from the date the officer takes his/ her
oath, until the successor takes his/her oath of office or until the end of
the incumbent SELG/ SSLG's residency in the school as may be
Article X
Duties and Functions of Learner Government Officers
Section 1 The SELG /SSLG President shall be the chief executive officer of the
SELG /SSLG. He/she shall have the following duties:
1.3 call and preside over all meetings and/or may designate
another officer to preside over a specific meeting;
1.5 enforce this Constitution and By-Laws, and other rules and
policies that may be promulgated ;
1.1 assist the President in all matters where his/ her assistance
is necessary;
1.2 assume the Office of the President should the position become
4.1 prepare regularly the financial reports of the SELG/SSLG and safe
keep all documents for transparency and accountability;
5.5 perform other duties assigned by the majority of the SELG/ SSLG
The Public Information Officer (PIO) shall have the following duties:
6.1 disseminate and promote the thrusts and objectives of the
6.2 build and maintain a credible image for the SELG/ SSLG;
7.1 assist the presiding officer in enforcing proper decorum during the
meetings ;
7.2 assist in maintaining peace and order within the premises of the
school, if necessary;
Section The Grade Level Representative(s) shall have the following duties:
8.1 represent his/ her grade level in all the meetings of the
Article XI
Homeroom Class Organizations
Section 11 The Rules and Constitution Committee shall be chaired by the Protocol
Officer and shall ensure compliance with the Constitution and By-
Laws of this organization and all existing DepEd issuances related to
youth affairs.
Article XIII
Section 1 The School Head shall designate a qualified teacher as the SELG/ SSLG
Adviser and endorse a copy of the designation to the Schools Division
Office through the School Governance Operations Division.
Section 2 The endorsement and designation of SELG/ SSLG Adviser shall be done
every school year.
3.4 competent, able, and willing to work with the student leaders from
planning to implementation of PPAs; and
Section 4 The SELG/SSLG adviser shall have the following duties and
4.3 Oversee all the SELG/SSLG's internal and external processes and
leadership practices;
4.4 Ensure the academic excellence, as well as the holistic welfare and
development of the SELG/SSLG officers;
4.8 Facilitate the crafting of the General Program of Action (GPOA) for
approval of the School Head.
4.9 Submit reports and other pertinent documents for approval of the
School Head, and copy furnish the Schools Division Office through the
Division Youth Formation Coordinators, if necessary.
Section 2 The LG COMEA shall enforce all rules and regulations; and administer
all proceedings and regulations relative to the conduct of any other
matter that requires suffrage.
Article XV
The General Assembly
Section 1 The General Assembly shall be composed of all bona fide learners of the
Article XVI
Federations of the Supreme Elementa ry Lea.rner
Government and Supreme Secondary Learner
Section The Division Federation of SELG/SSLG is composed of all
1 School Presidents of SELG/ SSLG.
Section 2 The Regional Federation of SELG / SSLG is composed of all Division
Presidents of SELG/SSLG.
Article XVII
Meetin g and Quorum
Section The SELG/ SSLG shall conduct regular monthly meetings or as agreed
1 upon by the officers of the SELG/SSLG.
The following are the guidelines for handling internal and external
sources of funds:
Section 2
2.1 A monthly report on the receipts and/or collections made duly
signed by the Treasurer and the President and noted by the
SELG/ SSLG Adviser shall be posted on the SELG/ SSLG bulletin
board and be submitted to the School Head.
2.3 The SELG/ SSLG may accept donations from any member or any
public or private person or institution, for as long as it will not affect or
compromise the integrity of the SELG/ SSLG, provided that all
donations received shall be in accordance with the existing Department
of Education policies and rules, as well as regulations on accepting and
recording, and reporting donations. Copies of such shall be submitted
to the School Head.
2.4 The SELG/ SSLG may undertake fundraising activities to
subsidize its projects and activities as long as it will not affect or
compromise the integrity of the SELG/SSLG; provided that the
SELG/ SSLG must submit and seek approval of their project proposal
to the SGOD through the School Head, to be reviewed by the Division
Youth Formation Coordinators and approved by the Schools
Division Superintendent prior to implementation of fundraising
2.7 The SELG/SSLG shall enjoy the freedom to determine its priorities
in the disbursement of its funds, provided that it shall be, directly, and
exclusively used to support and/ or finance the SELG/ SSLG programs,
projects, and activities aligned with the school's priority PPAs'.
2.8 The SELG/ SSLG President and the Treasurer shall be the signatory
of all fund disbursements of the SELG/ SSLG. All fund
disbursements must be accompanied with an SELG/SSLG resolution
noted by the SELG/SSLG Adviser and approved by the School
Head. All expenses must be supported by official and/ or
acknowledgement receipts. The School Head shall be provided with a
copy of all the resolutions relative to the disbursements made.
2.9 The SELG/ SSLG, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall
promulgate financial guidelines for proper financial management.
Transparency and Accountabilit y
Section 1 Elected SELG/SSLG officers shall always uphold the best interest of
the organization and act in accordance with existing laws, regulations,
policies, guidelines, and of this Constitution. They shall serve as role
models for the learners, demonstrating the DepEd Core Values of
maka Diyos, Maka-tao, makakalikasan, at makabansa.
2.3 Conduct PPAs duly approved by the school head for the school year;
Article XX
Removal, Resignation and Vacancies
Section 1 Any officer may be removed from office for and conviction of, culpable
violation of this Constitution, excessive absences, failure to fulfill
duties, breach of confidentiality, other offenses that affect or
compromise the integrity of the SELG/ SSLG.
Section 2
Section 8
Section 4
The Office of the School Head through the SELG/SSLG Adviser shall
foll inform the concerned SELG / SSLG officer within three (3) school
owi days upon receipt of the written complaint; and require the latter to
ng respond in writing within three (3) school days after the receipt of the
proc complaint. Failure on the part of the concerned SELG/ SSLG officer to
edur respond to the complaint after receipt thereof shall allow the school
es head to proceed with the investigation and decide on the complaint for
shal removal .
l be
obs 2.3 Upon receipt of the written response of the concerned
erve SELG/SSLG officer, the Office of the School Head shall investigate
d in within ten (10) school days to determine the strength and/or gravity of
the the complaint;
eac 2.4 The Office of the School Head shall prepare a report of its
hme findings and decision, and copy furnish the SELG/ SSLG Adviser
nt and the concerned SELG/SSLG officer with his/her
of a parents'/guardians' attention a day after the conclusion of the
SEL investigation .
SSL Any SELG/SSLG Officer who has been removed from office shall be
G disqualified from running for a position in any SELG/ SSLG elections
Offi to be conducted in the next two (2) school years, except for any
cer: registered school clubs and organizations.
2.1A Any SELG/ SSLG officer may file a resignation letter to the Office of
for the School Head.
writ The school head shall verify the justification or validity of the reasons
ten for resignation of an SPG/ SSG officer. The school head shall
determine whether to approve or disapprove the resignation within five
(5) school days upon receipt of the letter.
Resignation of an elected SELG/SSLG officer shall take effect five (5)
school days after the approval of the Office of the School Head.
l be
In the event of vacancy of the position of the SELG/SSLG President for
d to the reason of resignation, expulsion, impeachment, sickness,
the permanent disability, or death, the Vice-President shall immediately
Offi assume the position.
of In the event of vacancy of the position/s of the SELG/SSLG Vice
the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer,
Sch and Protocol Officer, for the reason of resignation, expulsion,
impeachment, sickness, permanent disability, or death, a special
election shall be conducted within ten (10) school days upon the
request of the SELG/ SSLG Adviser.
Article XXI
Amendments of the Constitution and By Laws
The Youth Formation Division (YFD) of the DepEd shall be the sole
Section 2 office to recommend the amendment or modification in full or in part
of this Constitution and By-Laws to the Secretary of the Department
of Education. The YFD shall call for proposed amendments with
attached duly signed resolutions from the National Federation of
Section 3 The YFD through its Technical Working Group, composed for the
purpose, and shall assess the proposed amendments received for
possible incusion to the Draft Revised Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 4 Final Draft of the Revised Constitution and By-Laws formulated by the
YFD shall be concurred by at least two-thirds (2/ 3) of all Division
Federation of SELG/ SSLG nationwide through a duly signed
Resolution from respective Divisions.
Article XXII
Separability Clause
Article II
Repealing Clause
Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately
upon its issuance.