Championship Individual 36

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IFOMG Quarter finals

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1. THE ENCLOSURE (coefficient 1)
Matilda wants to build an enclosure with
a series of pentominoes. She has
already placed four on a grid. B A D E
1 4
2 3 A E D E
Aline is playing a game where you have
8 to eliminate three cards that have the
6 7 same letter simultaneously, without
disturbing any other cards.
In what order could she eliminate
this deck of cards?

4. THE STICKERS (coefficient 4)

Matthew has 5 red
stickers and 4 blue
stickers, all round and
exactly the size of the
disks in the drawing. He
must stick each sticker
The pieces must align with empty
precisely on a white disc
squares of the grid, touching one
so that:
another at a corner, but not at a side,
• no blue sticker touches another blue
and there must be a closed area inside.
Matilda would like to end the enclosure
• each red sticker touches at least one
with a single piece from the pieces
other red sticker.
numbered 1 to 8.
How many red stickers will not
Which piece completes the
touch a blue sticker?
enclosure so that the enclosed area
is as large as possible?
5. THE GRID (coefficient 5)
The pieces can be turned and/or placed
In this grid of 42
upside down.
squares, we want to
2. THE PIGGYBANK (coefficient 2) colour squares in such
Matilda has 10 2-franc coins and 15 1- a way that no coloured
franc coins in her piggy bank. She squares touch one
decides to buy a game that costs 17 another by a side or by
francs. a vertex.
In how many different ways can she How many squares can we colour,
at most?
pay for the game with coins from
6. JOE’S STONES (coefficient 6) is the digit-reversal of its square:
Joe Ellery makes jewellery. 2022 × 2022 = 4,088,484
He weighs some precious stones. and 2202 × 2202 = 4,848,804.
Matthew found a non-palindromic
number smaller than 2022, having the
same property, and whose sum of digits
is also equal to 6.
Find that number.
Stones of the same shape have the
same weight. The three scales indicate
10. TWO SUMS & A CAFÉ (coef. 10)
27 g, 24 g and 21 g respectively.
ab f In these two
What is the weight in grams of each
shape of stone? + c + b additions, only the
+ d + d digits 1 to 6 are
used, which are
7. TRIANGLE OF THE YEAR (coef. 7) = f = c a replaced by letters.
The seven discs in
The same digit is always replaced by the
this triangle should
same letter and the same letter always
contain the
replaces the same digit.
numbers 5 through
If b = 6, what number does café
11 so that the sum
of the numbers in
each line of three
11. THE LOTTERY (coefficient 11)
numbers is 22. The numbers 10 and 11
In a lottery, one thousand tickets
are already placed.
numbered from 000 to 999 were sold.
It's up to you to place the others.
A number is drawn: 205, which wins the
jackpot. The five numbers 025, 052,
8. COMBINATION LOCK (coefficient 8)
250, 502 and 520 win a second prize.
Alex has a combination lock whose
Finally, all other numbers that have at
4-digit code, represented as ABCD, is
least two digits in common with the
such that:
number 205 win a consolation prize.
• A is twice B.
How many numbers will win a
• The sum of B and C is equal to 13.
consolation prize?
• The sum of A and B is equal to the
What is the code for this padlock?
12. JUST ELASTIC BANDS (coef. 12)
END FOR CM PARTICIPANTS On the label of a box of circular elastic
bands it says “weight: 81g; 3 different
Problems 9 to 18: beware! For a sizes”.
problem to be completely solved, you The three perimeters (lengths) of the
must give both the number of solutions, band types are 12 cm, 20 cm and
AND give the solution if there is only 25 cm, and the weights of the bands are
one, or give any two correct solutions if proportional to their lengths.
there are more than one. For all In the box, there is the same total
problems that may have more than one weight of each kind of band, each band
solution, there is space for two answers weighing less than 1 g, but more than
on the answer sheet (but there may still 0.3 g.
be just one solution). How many 12 cm bands are there in
this box knowing that there are
9. DIGIT-REVERSALS AND SQUARES more than 100 rubber bands in
(coefficient 9) total?
The number 2022 has a remarkable
property: the square of its digit-reversal
13. PIPES (coefficient 13) 16. A FISHY PLOT! (coefficient 16)
A cylindrical duct Mr. Fish has a plot
contains two large and of land in the shape
two small pipes of an equilateral
tangential to one triangle with a
another and to the central pond in the
duct, as shown in the shape of a
figure. The diameter of curvilinear triangle.
each large pipe is 24 cm. Each curvilinear side of the pond joins
What is the diameter in cm of each two midpoints of sides of the equilateral
of the small pipes? triangle and is made up of a sixth of a
If necessary, take pi as 3.14. Give the circle with the midpoint of the third side
answer rounded to the nearest cm. of the triangle as its centre.
Mr. Fish decides to give each of his
14. FOURTEEN DELETED NUMBERS three children a piece of the plot (each
(coef. 14) piece in white in the drawing) and to
Sophie had keep only the pond, because he loves
written the fishing above all else.
numbers 1 to The large equilateral triangle has sides
22 in the 22 of 100 m.
discs in the How much land will each child
figure, but receive?
Adelaide, her Give the answer in m2 rounded to the
big annoying nearest m2, and if necessary, take √3
sister, erased as 1.732 for and pi as 3.1416.
positions of the numbers erased
knowing that: 17. LOST IN THE FOREST (coef. 17)
C Matthew is lost (at
• each number written in the centre D E

of a hexagon represents the sum point M) in a square

numbers placed at the vertices of forest ABCD (the figure
this hexagon; does not reflect his
• two discs directly connected exact position).
by a line never contain consecutive His friends Alice,
A B Bertrand and Eleanor
On the answer sheet, write the values of are respectively located at A, B and E,
the numbers a, b, c, d and e. point E being the midpoint of side [DC].
If the side of the forest is 2 km,
END FOR C2 PARTICIPANTS what is the minimum value of the
sum of the distances between
15. DOMINIQUE’S AGE (coef. 15) Matthew and his three friends?
Dominique's age is a prime number less Give the answer in m rounded to the
than 100. If we read this age from right nearest m. If necessary, take √2 as
to left, we still have a prime number 1.414; √3 as 1.732 and √5 as 2.236.
(which may be the same). If we add all
the prime numbers that are strictly less
than Dominic's age, we get a number
that is divisible by this age.
How old is Dominique?
ROSETTE (coef. 18)
Grandfather Francis
helps his
granddaughter make a
rosette. They cut out
seven identical small
discs of radius r and a
larger disc of radius R.
They then glue the seven small discs to
the large one, each small disc being
tangential to its three neighbours. The
radius r is a whole number of mm and
the radius R is very close to a whole
number of mm, the difference in
absolute value being less than one
thousandth of a mm.
Knowing that r and R are both
between 100 and 200 mm, find the
value of R.
Give the answer in mm, rounded to the
nearest mm. Take sin(pi/7) as


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