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International Journal of Computational Research and Development (IJCRD)

Impact Factor: 5.015, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3137

(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018
Kalishankar Tiwary*, Krishnadhan Sarkar** & Tarun Gain***
Department of Mathematics, Raiganj University, Raiganj, West Bengal
Cite This Article: Kalishankar Tiwary, Krishnadhan Sarkar & Tarun Gain, “Some
Common Fixed Point Theorems in B-Metric Spaces”, International Journal of Computational
Research and Development, Volume 3, Issue 1, Page Number 128-130, 2018.
In this paper we prove some common fixed point theorems for four mappings using some control
functions in b-metric spaces.
1. Introduction and Preliminaries:
After Banach contraction theorem [4] many generalizations of this principle were introduced in metric
spaces [10]. Also, in recent years some important generalizations of usual metric spaces have been defined. b-
metric space [3, 5] is one of them. Also several interesting results about the existence and uniqueness of fixed
point were proved in b-metric spaces [2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9]. To complete the paper we collect the following
definitions: The following definition is introduced in Bakhtin [3] and Czerwik [5].
Definition 1 [3, 5]:
Let X be a (nonempty) set and s ≥ 1 be a given real number. A function d:X × X → [0, ∞) is a b-metric
on X if, for all x, y, z ∈ X, the following conditions hold:
 d(x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y,
 d(x, y) = d(y, x),
 d(x, z) ≤ s[d(x, y) + d(y, z)] .
In this case, the pair (X, d) is called a b-metric space (metric type space). It should be noted that, the class of b-
metric spaces is effectively larger than that of metric spaces, every metric is a b-metric with s = 1, while the
converse is not true.
We Collect the Following Example from [10]:
Let (X, d) be a metric space and ρ(x, y) = (d(x,y))p, where p > 1 is a real number. Then ρ is a b-metric
with s= 2p-1.
However, if (X, d) is a metric space, then (X, ρ) is not necessarily a metric space.
For example, if X = ℝ is the set of real numbers and d(x, y) = |x - y| is usual Euclidean metric, then ρ(x, y) = (x-
y)2 is a b-metric on ℝ with s = 2. But is not a metric on ℝ.
Definition 2 [6]:
Let {xn} be a sequence in a b-metric space (X, d).
 {xn} is called b-convergent if and only if there is x ∈ X such that d(xn, x) → 0 as n → ∞.
 {xn} is a b-Cauchy sequence if and only if d(xn, xm) → 0 as n, m → ∞.
A b-metric space is said to be complete if and only if each b-Cauchy sequence in this space is b-convergent.
It is to be noted that in a b-metric space every convergent sequence has a unique limit and also every
convergent sequence is Cauchy but it is remarkable to note that b-metric is not continuous while metric space is
continuous [6].
Definition 3 [cf.10]:
Let (X, d) be a b-metric space. A subset Y ⊂ X is called closed if and only if for each
sequence {xn} in Y which b-converges to an element x, we have x ∈ Y.
Aamri and Moutawakil [1] introduced (E.A)-property. In this paper, we prove a common fixed point
theorem for two pairs of mappings which satisfy the b-(E.A) property in b-metric spaces [8].
Definition 4 [7]:
Let (X, d) be a b-metric space and f and g be self mappings on X.
 f and g are said to compatible if whenever a sequence {xn} in X is such that {fxn} and {gxn} are b-
convergent to some t ∈ X, then limn→∞d(fgxn, gfxn) = 0.
 f and g are said to non compatible if there exists at least one sequence {xn} in X is such
that {fxn} and {gxn} are b-convergent to some t ∈ X, but limn→∞d(fgxn, gfxn) is either nonzero or does
not exist.
 f and g are said to satisfy the b-(E.A) property[8] if there exists a sequence {xn} such that
limn→∞fxn = limn→∞gxn = t, for some t ∈ X.
Noncompatibility implies b-(E.A)-property.
Ozturk Turkoglu [8] have shown with the example that there are mappings which satisfy (E-A) condition but
they are non- compatible.
We collect the following definition from the Jungck [7]:

International Journal of Computational Research and Development (IJCRD)
Impact Factor: 5.015, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3137
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018
Definition 5[7]:
f and g be given self-mappings on a set X. The pair (f, g) is said to be weakly compatible if f
and g commute at their coincidence points (i.e. fgx = gfx whenever fx = gx).
2. Main Results:
Theorem 1:
Let(X, d) be a b-metric space withs > 1andf, g, S, T:X → Xbe a mappings with f(X) ⊆ T(X) and
g(X) ⊆ S(X) such that
𝑑(𝑆𝑥 ,𝑔𝑦 )
s εd(fx, gy) ≤ ∅(d(Sx,Ty), d(fx,Sx), d(gy,Ty), d(fx,Ty), ) for all x,y in X
ε > 1 is a constant and where ∅ :R5+ →R + , R + is the set of all non negative real numbers and ∅(ξ, ξ, ξ, ξ, ξ) ≤ ξ
for ξ >0 , ∅ is non decreasing in each coordinate and upper semi continuous.. Suppose that one of the pairs
(f, S) and (g, T) satisfy the b-(E.A)-property and that one of the subspaces f(X), g(X), S(X) and T(X) is b-closed
in X. Then the pairs (f, S) and (g, T) have a point of coincidence in X. Moreover, if the pairs (f, S) and (g, T) are
weakly compatible, then f, g, S and T have a unique common fixed point
We suppose that the pair (f, S) satisfies the b-(E.A)-property, there exists a sequence {xn} in X
lim𝑛 𝑓𝑥𝑛 = lim𝑛 𝑆𝑥𝑛 =q
for some q ∈ X. As f(X) ⊆ T(X) there exists a sequence {yn} in X such that fxn = Tyn. Hence limn→∞Tyn= q. We
wish to show that limn→∞gyn = q.
If T(X) is closed subspace of X, then there exists a r ∈ X, such that Tr = q. We shall show that gr = q.
Indeed, we have
By (1),
𝑑 (𝑆𝑥𝑛,𝑔𝑦 𝑛 )
s εd(fxn, gyn) ≤ ∅(d(Sxn,Tyn), d(fxn,Sxn), d(gyn,Tyn), d(fxn,Tyn), )
𝑑(𝑆𝑥𝑛 ,𝑔𝑦 𝑛)
= ∅( d(Sxn,fxn), d(fxn,Sxn), d(gyn, fxn), d(fxn, fxn), )},≤ ∅( d(Sxn,fxn), d(fxn,Sxn), d(gyn, fxn), d(fxn,
d(S𝑥𝑛,f𝑥𝑛) 𝑑 𝑓𝑥𝑛 ,𝑔𝑦 𝑛
fxn), s[ + ]) (2)
𝑠 𝑠
In (2), on taking limit superior, we obtain
lim𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝 s εd(fxn, gyn) ≤ ∅ (0,0, lim𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝 d(gyn, fxn),0, lim𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝 d(gyn, fxn))
because d(Sxn, fxn) → 0 as n → ∞. Since s ε > s > 1, we have
lim𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝 d(gyn, fxn))=0,
that is, limn→∞ d(gyn, fxn))=0. Further, we have
d(q, gyn ) ≤ s [d(q, fxn ) +d(gyn, fxn)] → 0 as n → ∞.Hence, gyn → q.
d(q, gr) ≤ s [d(q, fxn ) +d(gr, fxn)]…….. (3)
𝑑(𝑆𝑥𝑛,𝑔𝑟 )
s εd(fxn, gr) ≤ ∅(d(Sxn,Tr), d(fxn,Sxn), d(gr,Tr), d(fxn,Tr), )
𝑑 𝑆𝑥𝑛 ,𝑞 +𝑑(𝑞,𝑔𝑟 )
= ∅(d(Sxn,q), d(fxn,Sxn), d(q,qr), d(fxn,q), ) (4)
Using (3) and (4) and letting n → ∞,
s εd(q, gr) ≤ ∅ (0,0, d(q, gr), 0, d(q, gr)) (5)
From (3) and (5), we have
∅ (0,0,d(q,gr ),0,d(q,gr ))
d(q, gr) ≤ s[0+ ]
i.e., d(q, gr) =0. Hence, q= gr.
Hence, q=gr=Tr.
As g(X) ⊆ S(X), there exists a point z ∈ X such that q = Sz. We claim that Sz = fz.
By (1), we have
𝑑(𝑆𝑧,𝑔𝑟 )
s εd(fz, gr) ≤ ∅(d(Sz,Tr), d(fz,Sz), d(gr,Tr), d(fz,Tr), )
= ∅(0, d(fz,q), 0, d(fz,q), 0)
Implies d(fz, q) =0 i.e.,fz = q.
Thus fz = sz =q. Therefore, fz = Sz = Tr =gr =q
By the weak compatibility of the pairs (f, S) and (g, T), we obtain that fq= Sq and gq = Tq.
We will show that q is a common fixed point of f, g, S and T. Using (1), we get
𝑑 (𝑆𝑞 ,𝑔𝑟 )
s εd(fq, q) = s εd(fq, gr) ≤ ∅(d(Sq,Tr), d(fq,Sq), d(gr,Tr), d(fq,Tr), )
𝑠[𝑑 𝑆𝑞 ,𝑓𝑞 +𝑑 𝑓𝑞 ,𝑞𝑟 ]
≤ ∅(d(fq,q), 0, 0, d(fq,q), )
= ∅(d(fq,q),0, 0, d(fq,q), 0) 𝑖. 𝑒.,
d(fq,q) ≤ 0 implies fq = q.
Hence, fq = Sq =q. Similarly it can be shown that gq = Tq =q.


International Journal of Computational Research and Development (IJCRD)
Impact Factor: 5.015, ISSN (Online): 2456 - 3137
(www.dvpublication.com) Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018
We now prove the unicity of the common fixed point. If possible let p be another common fixed point of f,S.g.T.
Using (1), we get,
𝑑(𝑆𝑝,𝑔𝑞 )
s εd(fp, gq) ≤ ∅(d(Sp,Tq), d(fp,Sp), d(gq,Tq), d(fp,Tq), )
∅(d(p,q), 0 , 0, d(p,q), d(p,q))
Implies s εd(fp, gq) ≤ d(p,q) i.e., d(p,q) ≤ 0 i.e., p=q.
This completes the proof of the theorem.
Corollary 1:
Let(X, d) be a b-metric space and f, T:X → X be mappings such that
d(Tx ,fy )
s εd(fx, gy) ≤ ∅(d(Tx,Ty), d(fx,Tx), d(fy,Ty), d(fx,Ty), ) for all x, y in X
where ε > 1is a constant. Suppose that the pair (f, T) satisfies the b-(E.A)-property and T(X) is closed in X. Then
the pair (f, T) has a unique point of coincidence in X. Moreover, if the pair (f, T) is weakly compatible, then f
and T have a unique common fixed point.
Corollary 2:
Let (X, d) be a b-metric space and f, T: X → X be mappings such that
s 2d(fx, fy)) ≤ Ms(x, y) for all x, y ∈ X,
d(Tx ,fy )
where ε > 1is a constant and s 2d(fx, fy) ≤ ∅(d(Tx,Ty), d(fx,Tx), d(fy,Ty), d(fx,Ty), ) for all x,y in X
Suppose that the pair (f, T) satisfies the b-(E.A)-property and T(X) is closed in X. Then the pair (f, T) has a
unique point of coincidence in X. Moreover, if the pair (f, T) is weakly compatible, then f and T have a unique
common fixed point.
3. Conclusion:
In this paper, we have proved fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying b-(E.A)-property in b-
metric spaces. Our results extended b-(E.A)-property results in the literature.
4. References:
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4. Banach S. Sur les opérations dans les ensembles abstraits et leur application aux equations
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5. Czerwik S. Contraction mappings in b-metric spaces. Acta Math Inform Univ Ostrav. 1993; 1:5–11
6. Jovanović M, Kadelburg Z, Radenović S. Common fixed point results in metric-type spaces. Fixed
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7. Jungck G. Compatible mappings and common fixed points. Int J Math Sci. 1986; 9:771–779.
8. Ozturk V, Turkoglu D. Common fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying (E.A)-property in b-
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9. Ozturk V, Turkoglu D. Fixed points for generalized α - ψα - ψ-contractions in b-metric spaces. J
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10. Ozturk V, Radenovic S, Some remarks on b-(E-A) property in b-metric spaces, spring Plus, 2014
11. Rhoades, B.E., Tiwary, Kalishankar, Singh, G.N., A common fixed point for compatible mappings,
Indian Journal of pure and appl.math,1995,26,403-409.

© 2019 IJRAR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


Tarun Gain and Kalishankar Tiwary
Department of Mathematics, Raiganj University, Raiganj, West Bengal; India.

Abstract : In this paper, we shall prove common fixed point theorem for two multi-valued mappings in a
complete b-metric space by using multi-valued contraction .
Key word: Common fixed point, multi-valued mapping, b-metric space.

AMS Subject Classification : 47H10, 54H25

Fixed point theory is one of corner stones in the development of mathematics. It has been applied in physical
science, computing Science, engineering and so on. It is well known that the Banach contraction principle [2] is a
fundamental result in the fixed point theory which has been used and extended in many different directions. Also,
there are several generalizations of (usual) metric spaces one of them is b-metric spaces. We have formulated the
fixed point theorems in b-metric space which extend the results of Nadler[10],Joseph[8,9] , Aydi[1], Czerwik[4,5],
etc., form metric space to b-metric space. It is Czerwik [4,5] who has generalised Banach fixed point theorem in b-
metric spaces.

We recall some definitions and other results which will be needed in this paper.
Definition 1[10]: Let X and Y be nonempty sets. T is said to be a multi-valued mapping from X to Y if T is a
mapping from X to some subsets of Y.
Definition 2[10]: A point of x0 𝜖 X is said to be a fixed point of the multi-valued mapping T if x0 𝜖Tx0 .
Definition 3[8]: Every single valued mapping can be viewed as a multi-valued mapping.
Let f: X→Y be a single valued mapping. Define T: X→2Y by Tx={f(x)}.
Note that T is a multi-valued mapping iff for each x𝜖X, Tx⊆Y. Unless otherwise stated we always assume Tx is
non-empty for each x,y 𝜖 X.
Definition 4[2]: Let (X,d) be a metric space. A map T: X→X is called contraction if there exists 0≤⋋< 1 such that
d(Tx,Ty) ≤⋋d(x,y) for all x,y 𝜖 X.
Definition 5[10]: Let (X,d) be a metric space. We define the Hausdorff metric on CB(X) induced by d as
𝑆𝑢𝑝 𝑑(𝑥, 𝐵) 𝑆𝑢𝑝 𝑑(𝑦, 𝐴)
H(A,B)=max{ , }, for all A,B ∈CB(X), where CB(X) denotes the family of all
𝑥𝜖𝐴 𝑦𝜖𝐵
nonempty closed and bounded subsets of X and d(x,B)=inf{d(x,b):b 𝜖 B}.
Lemma 1[10]: If A,B ∈ CB(X) and a 𝜖A, then for each 𝜀 >0, there exists b 𝜖B such that d(a,b)≤H(A,B) + 𝜀.
Definition 6[1]: Let X be a nonempty set and let s≥1 be a given real number. A function
d: X×X →R+ is called a b-metric provide that, for all x,y,z 𝜖 𝑋,
*d(x,y)=0 if and only if x=y
* d(x,y)=d(y,x)
A pair (X,d) is called a b-metric space.
The above results are also valid in b-metric spaces
Definition 7[3]: Let (X,d) be a b-metric space. Then a sequence {xn} in X is called Cauchy sequence if and only if
for all 𝜖>0 there exists n(𝜀)𝜖N such that for each m,n ≥ n(𝜀) we have d(xn,xm)<𝜀.
Definition 8[3]: Let (X,d) be a b-metric space. Then a sequence {xn} in X is called convergent sequence if only if
there exists an x 𝜖 X such that for all 𝜖>0 there exists n(𝜀)𝜖N such that for all n ≥ n(𝜀) we have d(xn,x) < 𝜀. In this
case we write lim 𝑥𝑛 =x.
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Theorem. Let (X,d) be a complete b-metric space with constant s ≥1. Let T,S : X→CB(X) be multi valued
mappings satisfying
H(Tx,Sy)≤ αd(x,y) + β{d(x,Tx) + d(y,Sy)}+ 𝛾{d(x,Sy)+d(y,Tx)} …………………(1)
(𝛼+ 𝛽+ 𝛾𝑠) 1
Where 0< (1−β−γs) <1 i.e. α+2β+2𝛾s <1 and (β+𝛾 )< ; α,β, 𝛾 ≥0 for all x,y 𝜖 X. Then T and S have a unique
common fixed point.
Proof: Fix any x 𝜖X . Define x0=x and let x1𝜖Tx0. By Lemma (1[10]), we may choose x2 𝜖Sx1 such that
≤αd(x0,x1)+β{d(x0,Tx0)+d(x1,Sx1)} + 𝛾{d(x0,Sx1)+d(x1,Tx0)}+ɛ0
≤ αd(x0,x1)+β{d(x0 ,x1)+d(x1,x2)} + 𝛾{d(x0,x2)+d(x1,x1)}+ɛ0
≤ αd(x0,x1)+β{d(x,0x1)+d(x1,x2)} + 𝛾s[d(x0,x1)+d(x1,x2)]+ɛ0
∴ (1- β- 𝛾s)d(x1,x2) ≤(α+β+ 𝛾s)d(x0,x1)+ɛ0
(𝛼+𝛽+ 𝛾𝑠) ɛ0
i.e., d(x1,x2) ≤ d(x0,x1) +
(1−𝛽− 𝛾𝑠) (1−𝛽− 𝛾𝑠)
(𝛼+𝛽+ 𝛾𝑠) ɛ
i.e., d(x1,x2) ≤ (1−𝛽− 𝛾𝑠) d(x0,x1)+ ɛ ; where ɛ= (1−𝛽− 𝛾𝑠)
Again there exists x3 𝜖Tx2 such that
d(x2,x3)≤ H(Sx1,Tx2)+ (1−𝛽−
i.e., d(x3,x2)≤ H(Tx2,Sx1)+ (1−𝛽−
≤αd(x2,x1)+β{d(x2,Tx2)+d(x1,Sx1)} + 𝛾{d(x2,Sx1)+d(x1,Tx2)}+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)

≤ αd(x2,x1)+β{d(x2,x3)+d(x1,x2)}+ 𝛾{d(x2,x2)+d(x1,x3)}+ (1−𝛽−
d(x3,x2)≤(α+β)d(x1,x2)+βd(x2,x3)+ 𝛾d(x1,x3) +
i.e., d(x2,x3)≤ (α+β)d(x1,x2)+ βd(x2,x3)+ 𝛾d(x1,x3)+ (1−𝛽− 𝛾𝑠)
i.e., d(x2,x3)≤ (α+β)d(x1,x2)+ βd(x2,x3)+ 𝛾s[d(x1,x2)+d(x2,x3)]+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)

i.e., (1-β- 𝛾s)d(x2,x3)≤ (α+β+ 𝛾s)d(x1,x2)+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)

(𝛼+𝛽+𝛾𝑠) ɛ2
i.e., d(x2,x3)≤ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) d(x1,x2) + (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)
i.e., d(x2,x3)≤ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) d(x1,x2) +ɛ2 .

Similarly there exist x4 ∈ Sx3 such that

d(x3,x4)≤ H(Tx2,Sx3)+
≤αd(x2,x3)+β{d(x2,Tx2)+d(x3,Sx3)}+ 𝛾{d(x2,Sx3)+d(x3,Tx2)}+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)
≤ αd(x2,x3)+β{d(x2,x3)+d(x3,x4)}+ 𝛾{d(x2,x4)+d(x3,x3)}+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)
Therefore, d(x3,x4)≤ (α+β)d(x2,x3)+βd(x3,x4)+𝛾s[d(x2,x3)+d(x3,x4)]+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)

(1-β-𝛾s)d(x3,x4)≤ (α+β+𝛾s)d(x2,x3)+ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)
(𝛼+𝛽+𝛾𝑠) ɛ3
d(x3,x4)≤ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) d(x2,x3)+(1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠)
d(x3,x4)≤ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) d(x2,x3)+ɛ3.
Continuing this process, we obtain by mathematical induction a sequence {xn}, nɛN
such that xn 𝜖Txn-1, xn+1𝜖Sxn then
(𝛼+𝛽+𝛾𝑠) ɛ0
d(xn,xn+1)≤ (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) d(xn-1,xn)+ ɛn ; where ɛ= (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠).
For all n𝜖N, let λ= (1−𝛽−𝛾𝑠) ,we have
d(xn,xn+1) ≤ λd(xn-1,xn)+ ɛn
≤ λ(λd(xn-2,xn-1)+ɛn-1)+ɛn
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≤ λ2(λd(xn-3,xn-2)+ɛn-2)+λɛn-1+ɛn
i.e., d( xn,xn+1)≤λnd(x0,x1)+∑𝑘=1 𝜆𝑛−𝑘 ɛ𝑘 ,
Now, we have,
d(xn,xn+1) ≤ λnd(x0,x1)+ ∑𝑘=1 𝜆𝑛−𝑘 ɛ𝑘 ,
Therefore, ∑∞ ∞ 𝑛 ∞
𝑛=1 d(𝑥𝑛 , 𝑥𝑛+1 )≤∑𝑛=1 𝜆 d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 ) + ∑𝑛=1 ∑𝑘=1 𝜆
𝑛−𝑘 𝑘
∞ 𝑛−1
≤∑𝑛=1 𝜆𝑛 d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )+ ∑∞ 𝑘 𝑛−𝑘
𝑛=1 ∑𝑘=0 𝜆 ɛ
∞ (1−𝜆𝑛 ) (1−ɛ)
≤∑𝑛=1 𝜆𝑛 d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )+ ∑∞
(1−𝜆) (1−ɛ𝑛 )
∞ 𝑛 ∞ 𝑛 (1−ɛ)
≤d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 ) ∑𝑛=1 𝜆 +∑𝑛=1{ɛ (1−𝜆)}
𝜆 ɛ (1−ɛ)
≤ d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 ) (1−𝜆)+(1−ɛ) (1−𝜆)
≤ (1−𝜆)[λ d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )+𝜀] .
∞ 1
Therefore, ∑𝑛=1 d(𝑥𝑛 , 𝑥𝑛+1 ) ≤𝜀1 < ∞, putting (1−𝜆)[λ d(𝑥0 , 𝑥1 )+𝜀] =𝜀1 .
Then, d( xn,xn+1)< 𝜀1 . Hence we get lim 𝑑(𝑥𝑛, 𝑥𝑛+1 ) =0.
Now, we show that {xn} is a cauchy sequence in X. Let m, n > 0 with m > n as
m = n+p; p 𝜖 N.
≤sd(xn,xn+1)+s2d(xn+1,xn+2) + ………….+ sp d(xn+p-1,xn+p)
Letting n→ ∞ , we get lim 𝑑(𝑥𝑛, 𝑥𝑚 ) =0.
Hence, the sequence {xn} is a Cauchy sequence.
Since, by hypothesis, the space X is complete, the sequence {xn} is convergent.
Let lim xn= x0 i.e., lim 𝑑(𝑥𝑛, 𝑥0 ) =0.
𝑛⇒∞ 𝑛⇒∞
Now, we show that x0 is a fixed point of T, S . We have
≤ s[d(x0,xn+2)+d(Tx0,x2n+2)]
≤ s[d(x0,xn+2)+H(Tx0,Sx2n+1)]
i.e., d(x0Tx0) ≤ s[d(x0,xn+2)+αd(x0,x2n+1)+β{d(x0,Tx0)+d(x2n+1,x2n+2)}
+ 𝛾{d(x0,x2n+2)+d(x2n+1,Tx0)},
Letting n→ ∞ in the above inequality, we get
d(x0Tx0) ≤βs d(x0Tx0)+ 𝛾s d(x0Tx0).
Therefore, d(x0Tx0) ≤ (β+𝛾)s d(x0Tx0)
⇒ (1-βs-𝛾s) d(x0Tx0)≤0 ⇒ d(x0Tx0) =0.
Thus x0 ɛ Tx0, i.e. x0 is fixed point of T.
Similarly, for the mapping S, we have d(x0Sx0) =0 i.e. x0 ɛ Sx0,then x0 is fixed point of S.
Therefore, T , S have a common fixed point.

Uniqueness of fixed point :

To prove the uniqueness of x0 , we assume that y0 𝜖X be another common
fixed point of T such that x0 ≠ y0 , hence Ty0 =y0.
i.e. d(x0,y0) ≠ 0, Ty0 =y0.
Now from (1) we have,
d(x0,y0) = d(Tx0,Sy0)≤ H(Tx0,y0)+𝜀
≤s[αd(x0,y0)+β{d(x0,Tx0)+d(y0,Sy0)} +𝛾{d(x0,Sy0)+d(y0,Tx0)}+𝜀
≤ s[αd(x0,y0)+β{d(x0,x0)+d(y0,y0) +𝛾{d(x0,y0)+d(y0,x0)}+𝜀.
Therefore, d(x0,y0)≤ s(α+2𝛾)d(x0,y0)+𝜀
i.e., {1- s(α+2𝛾)} d(x0,y0)≤ 𝜀
i.e., d(x0,y0)≤{1− s(α+2𝛾)} .
Since {1- s(α+2𝛾)}>0, and {1− s(α+2𝛾)} is arbitrary small, we then have d(x0,y0)=0.
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Therefore x0=y0 .Similarly, for the mapping S, we have d(x0,y0) =0 .

This completes the proof. Hence x0 is the unique fixed point .
Let (X,d) be a complete b-metric space with constant s ≥1. Let T : X→CB(X)
be multi-valued mapping satisfying
H(Tx,Ty)≤ αd(x,y) +β{d(x,Tx)+d(y,Ty)} +𝛾{d(x,Ty)+d(y,Tx)} ….……(1)
(𝛼+𝛽+𝛾𝑠) 1
Where 0< (1−β−𝛾s) <1 i.e. α+2β+2ϒs <1 and (β+𝛾 )< 𝑠 ;α,β, 𝛾 ≥0 for all x,y 𝜖 X.
Then T has a unique fixed point.
Proof: If we put S=T in the above Theorem, then we get our required result.

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International Journal of Scientific Research in ______________________________ Research Paper .
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Vol.6, Issue.4, pp.58-61, August (2019) E-ISSN: 2348-4519
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijsrmss/v6i4.5861

Some Common Fixed Point Theorems in 2-Metric Spaces for Contractive

Type Conditions
Tarun Gain1*, Kalishankar Tiwary2
Dept. of Mathematics, Raiganj University, Raiganj, India
Corresponding Author: tarun.gain55@gmail.com

Available online at: www.isroset.org

Received: 15/Jul/2019, Accepted: 14/Aug/2019, Online: 31/Aug/2019

Abstract : Our aim of this paper is to find some common fixed point theorems in 2-metric spaces by using Nesic type
contractive condition, which are generalizations of various known results.

Keywords: Fixed point, 2-metric space,Contraction, Nesic type.

AMS Subject Cassification: 47H10, 54H25

I. INTRODUCTION Then d is called a 2- metric on X and the pair (X, d) is called

a 2-metric space.
There have been a number of generalizations of a metric Definition 1.2:
space. One such generalization is 2-metric space. The A sequence {xn in a 2-metric space (X, d) is called a
concept of a 2- metric space was introduced by G hler in Cauchy sequence [7] when d(xn,xm,a)→0 as n,m →∞ .
[2], having the area of a triangle in R3 as the inspirational
example. Similarly, several fixed point results were obtained Definition 1.3:
for mappings in such spaces. After the introduction of the A sequence {xn in a 2-metric space (X, d) is said to be
concept of 2-metric space, many authors have established an convergent [7] to an element x in X when d(xn,x,a)→0 as
analogue of Banach’s contraction principle in 2-metric
n→∞ for all a X.
space. Also the researchers like Iseki [3], Lal and Singh [5],
Nesic [7] etc. have proved many fixed points in this space.
Definition 1.4:
II. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES A sequence {xn in a 2-metric space (X, d) is said a
Cauchy sequence if d(xn,xm,a)→0 as n, m→∞ for all a X.
Now we will give some basic definitions and well known
results that will be needed in the sequel. Definition 1.5:
A 2-metric space (X,d) is said to be complete if every
Definition 1.1{[3][4]}: Cauchy sequence in X is convergent.
Let X be a non-empty set and R+ is the set of all non
negative reals. Let Definition 1.6:
d: X X X R+ . If for all x, y , z and u in X. We have A 2-metric space (X,d) is said to be bounded if there exist a
, constant K such that
(d1) d(x, y, z) = 0 if at least two of x, y, z are equal, d(x, y, z) K for all x, y, z X.
(d2) for all x y, there exists a point z in X such that d(x, y,
Definition 1.7:
z) 0,
A mapping f in 2-metric space (X,d) is said to be orbitally
(d3) d(x, y, z) = d(x, z , y) = d(y, z, x) and so on.
continuous if for all z in X,
(d4) d(x, y, z) d(x, y, u) + d(x, u, z) + d(u, y, z), x, y, z d(fnx,u,z) →0 as n→∞ implies that
and u in X
d(ffnx,fu,z) →0 as n→∞.

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Definition 1.8: A mapping G form a 2- metric space (X,d) p d(x2n, x2n+1 ,a) .d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a)
into itself is said to be sequentially continuous at a point + q max { d(x2n,x2n+1,a), d(x2n, x2n+1 ,a) , d(x2n+1,
x X if every sequence {xn} in X such that x2n+2 ,a) }
i.e., d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) q max { d(x2n,x2n+1,a),
d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) } ……………………(1.3)

For every convergent sequence in a 2-metric space is a Case 1: If d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) is maximum, then
Cauchy sequence. d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) q d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) (1- q )
d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) 0
Lemma 1.1: Let {xn} be a sequence in complete 2-metric (1-q) 0 [Since d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) 0 ]
space in X if there exists h [0,1] such that q >1 which is contradiction, since q<1.

d(xn,xn+1, a) hd(xn-1,xn, a) Case 2: So, in (1.3) d(x2n,x2n+1,a) is maximum.

Now from(1.3) we get
for all a X then {xn} converges to a point in X. d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) q d(x2n,x2n+1,a)
Also q<1 (1+q) <2 1< (2-q) 1>
Theorem 1: Let f and g be an orbitally continuous self – q>
map from complete 2-metric space X into itself, f and g
satisfies – Now, from (1.4) we get d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a)
[1+pd(x,y,a)]d(fx , gy ,a) p max { d(x, fx ,a) .d(y, gy ,a) ,
d(x, gy ,a). d(y, fx ,a)}
+ q max { d(x,y,a), d(x, fx ,a) , d(y, gy ,a) } Therefore, d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) h d(x2n,x2n+1,a) , putting
………….(1.1) h= ………………(1.5)
for all x,y and a X and p 0, 0 1 , then for each
Now (1.5) hold for all a X. Hence in view of lemma Nesic
x X , the sequence { xn } converges to type contractive definition, the sequence {xn}
a common fixed point of f and g.
converges to some common fixed point u X, then for all
Proof: a X, since f is orbitally continuous, we have
Let x0 X be an arbitrary point and we define { xn } as x1= =0
f(x0), x2=g(x1), x3=f(x2), x4=g(x3), ……………, x2n=g(x2n-1), =0.
x2n+1=f(x2n) From the definition of 2-metric space,
…………….(1.2) d(u,f(u),a) d(u,f(u),f2n+1(x0)) + d(u,f2n+1(x0),f(u)) +
Suppose x2n x2n+1, for every n=0, 1, 2, ………… d(f (x0),f(u),a)
then Which tends to zero as n .
[1+pd(x2n,x2n+1,a)]d(f(x2n) , g(x2n+1) ,a) Consequently, d(u,f(u),a) = 0 f(u)=u.
p max { d(x2n, f(x2n) ,a) .d(x2n+1, g(x2n+1) ,a) , Similarly, for the mapping g, we have
d(x2n, g(x2n+1) ,a). d(x2n+1, f(x2n) ,a)} d(u,g(u),a) = 0 g(u)=u.
+ q max { d(x2n,x2n+1,a), d(x2n, f(x2n) ,a) , d(x2n+1,g(x2n+1) ,a) Therefore f(u)=g(u)=u. Hence f and g have common fixed
which implies-
We now prove that this common fixed point is
[1+pd(x2n,x2n+1,a)]d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a)
unique. For the uniqueness of u, suppose v X be another
p max { d(x2n,x2n+1 ,a) .d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) , d(x2n, x2n+2
common fixed point of f and g such that
,a).d(x2n+1,x2n+1 ,a)}
+ q max {d(x2n,x2n+1,a), d(x2n, x2n+1 ,a) , v u.
d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a) } Hence there exists a point a X such that
I i.e., d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) + d(u,v,a) 0 then from (1.1) we have,
pd(x2n,x2n+1,a).d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) [1+pd(u,v,a)]d(f(u),g(v),a) p max { d(u, fu ,a) .d(v, gv ,a)
p max {d(x2n, x2n+1 ,a) .d(x2n+1, x2n+2 ,a), 0 } , d(u, gv ,a). d(v, fu ,a)}
+ q max { d(x2n,x2n+1,a), d(x2n, x2n+1 ,a) , d(x2n+1,x2n+2 ,a) } + q max { d(u,v,a), d(u, fu ,a) , d(v, gv ,a) }
i.e, d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a) + pd(x2n,x2n+1,a).d(x2n+1 , x2n+2 ,a)

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[1+pd(u,v,a)]d(u,v,a) p max { d(u, u ,a) [ putting h= ] …………….(2.2)

.d(v, v ,a) , d(u, v ,a). d(v, u,a)}
+ q max { d(u,v,a), d(u, u ,a) , d(v, v ,a) } Therefore the above equation holds for all z X. Hence in
i.e., d(u,v,a) q d(u,v,a) d(u,v,a) < 0, view of lemma[1.1] Nesic type contractive definition, the
since q<1 , which is a contradiction. sequence { xn } converges to some common fixed point
Hence, d(u,v,a)=0 which implies that u=v. u X, then for all z X we have –
Similarly, for the mapping g, we have d(u,v,a)=0. =0
Therefore the sequence { xn } converges to a =0
common fixed point of f and g.
Since f is orbitally continuous, we have
We now have the following corollary : =0
Corollary 1.1: Now from the definition of 2-metric space,
Let f and g be an orbitally continuous self –map from d(u,I(u),a) d(u,I(u),I2n+1(x0)) + d(u,I2n+1(x0),I(u)) +
complete 2-metric space X into itself, f and g satisfies – 2n+1
d(I (x0),I(u),a)
[1+pd(x,y,a)]d(fx , gy ,a) p max { d(x, fx ,a) .d(y, gy ,a) Which tends to zero as n .
, d(x, gy ,a). d(y, fx ,a)} Consequently, d(u,I(u),a) = 0 I(u)=u.
Similarly, for the mapping J, we have d(u,J(u),a) = 0
for all x,y and a X and 0 1 , then for each
x X , the sequence { xn } convergence to a Therefore I(u)=J(u)=u. Hence I and J have common fixed
common fixed point of f and g. point.

Proof: If we put p = 0 in theorem 1, the we get our We now prove the uniqueness of the common fixed point.
required result. For that case we first show that u is a unique fixed point. We
suppose that v X be another common fixed point of I and
Theorem 2: Let I and J be an orbitally continuous self-
mapping from complete 2-metri space X into itself, I and J such that v u . Hence there exists a point z X such that
J satisfies- d(u,v,z) 0 then we have,
d(Ix,Jy, a1{d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)+d(x,Jy,z)d(y,Ix,z)} d(Iu,Jv,z)2 a1{d(u,Iv,z)d(u,Jv,z)+d(u,Jv,z)d(v,Iu,z)} +
+a2{d(x,y,z)d(y,Ix,z)+d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)}+ a3d2(y,Jy,z) a2{d(u,v,z)d(v,Iu,z)+d(u,Iu,z)d(v,Jv,z)} +a3d2(v,Jv,z)
…………..(2.1) i.e, d(u,v,z)2 a1{d(u,v,z)d(u,v,z)+d(u,v,z)d(v,u,z)} +
For all x,y and z X and a1,a2,a3 0, with 0<a1+a2+a3 <1 a2{d(u,v,z)d(v,u,z)+d(u,u,z)d(v,v,z)} +a3d2(v,v,z)
. Then I and J have a common unique fixed point. i.e, d(u,v,z) a1d(u,v,z) + a2d(u,v,z)
Proof: Fix any x X . Define x0=x and let x1 i.e, d(u,v,z) (a1+ a2 )d(u,v,z)
Jx1 such that x2n+1=Ix2n, x2n+2=Jx2n+1. d(u,v,z) < d(u,v,z) , ………(2.3)
Now, we have which is a contradiction. Hence d(u,v,z)=0 that implies u=v.
d(Ix2n,Jx2n+1,z)2 a1{d(x2n,Ix2n,z)d(x2n+1,Jx2n+1,z) ∴The sequence {xn} convergences to a common fixed point
+d(x2n,Jx2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,Ix2n,z)}+ of I , J.
a2{d(x2n,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,Ix2n,z) We have the following corollaries:
+d(x2n,Ix2n,z)d(x2n+1,Jx2n+1,z)}+a3d2(x2n+1,Jx2n+1,z) Corollary 2.1: Let I be an orbitally continuous self-mapping
a1{d(x2n,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) from complete 2-metri space X into itself, I satisfies the
+d(x2n,x2n+2,z)d(x2n+1,x2n+1,z)}+ condition-
a2{d(x2n,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,x2n+1,z)+ d(Ix,Iy,z)2 a1{d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Iy,z)+d(x,Iy,z)d(y,Ix,z)}+a2{d(x,
d(x2n,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+ 1,x2n+2,z)}+a3d2(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) y,z)d(y,Ix,z)+d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Iy,z)} …………..(2.4)
d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z)2 a1d(x2n,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z)+a2d(x2n For all x,y and z X and a1,a2,a3 0, with 0<a1+a2 + a3<1 .
,x2n+1,z)d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z)+a3d2(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) Then I has a unique fixed point.
i.e, d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) a1d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) Proof: If we put I=J in theorem 2, then we get our result.
+a2d(x2n,x2n+1,z) +a3d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z)
Corollary 2.2: Let I and J be an orbitally continuous self-
i.e, (1-a3) d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) (a1+a2)d(x2n,x2n+1,z)
mapping from complete 2-metri space X into itself, I and J
i.e, d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) d(x2n,x2n+1,z) satisfies-

i.e, d(x2n+1,x2n+2,z) hd(x2n,x2n+1,z) ,

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d(Ix,Jy, a1{d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)+d(x,Jy,z)d(y,Ix,z)}
+a2{d(x,y,z)d(y,Ix,z)+d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)} …………..(2.5)
For all x,y and z X and a1,a2,a3 0, with 0<a1+a2<1 . Then
I and J have a common unique fixed point.
Proof: If we put a3=0 in theorem 2, then we have our result.

Corollary 2.3: Let I and J be an orbitally continuous self-

mapping from complete 2-metri space X into itself, I and J
d(Ix,Jy,z)2 a1{d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)+d(x,Jy,z)d(y,Ix,z)} +
a3d2(y,Jy,z) …………..(2.6)
For all x,y and z X and a1,a3 0, with 0<a1+a3 <1. Then I
and J have a common unique fixed point.
Proof: If we put a2=0 in theorem 2, then we have our result.

Corollary 2.4: Let I and J be an orbitally continuous self-

mapping from complete 2-metri space X into itself, I and J
d(Ix,Jy,z)2 a2{d(x,y,z)d(y,Ix,z)+d(x,Ix,z)d(y,Jy,z)} +
a3d2(y,Jy,z) …………..(2.7)
For all x,y and z X and a2,a3 0, with 0<a1+a2+a3 <1 .
Then I and J have a common unique fixed point.


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