Groundwater Science 2nd Edition
Groundwater Science 2nd Edition
Groundwater Science 2nd Edition
Gurpal S. Toor*
O ur precious ground- and surface-water resources the methods to measure stream discharge with good example
have been directly or indirectly impacted by anthropo- calculations, and discusses groundwater in unconsolidated
genic activities over decadal time scales. The massive deposits (such as High Plains aquifer), in sedimentary rocks
explosion in human population, dwindling supplies of ground- (such as confined and artesian Dakota Sandstone aquifer), and
water, water contamination, and threats of climate change are in igneous and metamorphic rocks (such as Columbia Plateau
just a few of the reasons why we as human species should protect Basalts in the northwest United States).
and conserve groundwater—for ourselves and future genera- Chapter 6 introduces the reader to how changes in pore
tions. By doing so, we can leave a legacy as forebearers who built water pressure (and head) cause physical deformation in the
resilient water systems. landscape, resulting in impacts such as subsidence, liquefaction,
The second edition of Groundwater Science is filled with and faulting. The next three chapters focus on modeling
information about the basics of groundwater—the physics, steady-state flow with simple one- or two-dimensional
chemistry, hydrology, and geology. The book is divided into 12 models (Chapter 7); transient well hydraulics with slug tests
chapters. Chapter 1 introduces readers to the groundwater basic (quick and inexpensive) and pumping tests (laborious and
concepts such as fluxes, terminology, mass balance, and how expensive) (Chapter 8); and computer-assisted flow, with an
we use water. Chapter 2 discusses physical properties of water, excellent overview of the modeling process (Chapter 9). The
air, porous media, and hydraulic head. Several sections in these book includes excellent resources such as a computer model
chapters benefit from examples as they reinforce practice and (Analytic Aquifer Simulator) and example spreadsheets on the
review of theoretical concepts. Some examples may be difficult book’s companion Website.
for beginning students to understand (e.g., 2.1, page 25), due to Chapter 10 shifts gears to groundwater chemistry, providing
different unit conversions. an excellent summary on solutes (inorganic and organic),
Chapter 3 elaborates on principles of flow in saturated chemical reactions, dissolution and precipitation of minerals,
and unsaturated media, with helpful exercises that will enable and various aqueous-phase reactions controlling acidity and
students to grasp the theoretical concepts. This chapter would basicity of groundwater along with metal complexation, and
have benefited from discussion of the latest devices that are now oxidation and reduction. The chapter concludes with examples of
available and routinely used in field studies such as electronic groundwater chemistry in Floridan and Milk aquifers. Chapter
water level indicators to measure groundwater depth and 11 transitions to groundwater contamination and describes
in situ hydraulic conductivity measurement devices such as contaminant sources, organic contaminants, solute transport
infiltrometer. processes, with a few selected case studies, and solute transport
Chapter 4 explores mapping of groundwater using physical models. The chapter concludes with sections on investigating
methods (drilling, wells) as well as geophysical methods and remediating groundwater contamination.
(electromagnetic, radar, resistivity). Chapter 5 outlines the The last chapter (Chapter 12) explores two interlinked
connectivity of geology with hydrology of groundwater, describes concepts of subsurface heat flow and geothermal energy, with a
useful introduction to energy and heat flow processes, followed articles and book chapters when new concepts were introduced
by modeling steady-state and transient heat flow in one- for readers who might not be familiar with a particular subject
dimension, thermal springs and geysers, and geothermal energy. matter.
Complete with excellent graphics and easy-to-understand This book is recommended for anyone who wants to learn
figures, each chapter concludes with practical problem-solving and master groundwater concepts and apply the knowledge to
exercises. A key to selected problems is included at the end address problems related to groundwater quantity and quality.
of the book. Many chapters also include animations on a Groundwater Science will be particularly useful to advanced
dedicated companion Website to visualize problems and help undergraduate and graduate students, environmental scientists,
improve readers’ understanding. The book exudes the author’s and engineers working on groundwater issues and will serve
extraordinary understanding of theoretical concepts as well as a good teaching resource for basic and applied courses on
as his deep appreciation and knowledge of practical problems. groundwater science.
I appreciated the references (both classic and new) to journal