My Personal Statement

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Radmila Tsineman

to write your own perfect personal statement
Your Personal Statement
Personal statement is one of the most important documents you will be sending to US
universities. It can make admission committee fall in love with you, inspire them to give
you a big scholarship, but it can also make them reject you. This is why your personal
statement needs to be the best representation of you. Take a look at my personal
statement, which granted me acceptance letters from NYU, Georgetown Washington,
and 4 other great universities (all included in 100 best US universities). This essay in
total led me to receive more than $100,000 in scholarships.

As you are reading it, notice that I am describing 3 important aspects of a personal

a global issue I want to solve and why I want to solve it

what have I done already to solve it
why I need to study in the US to solve it

Think about what can you take away from my essay? What big issue can you write
about? Is there any big problem you would like to solve? How do you want to do it?
What have you done already in this regard? Why do you need American education to
do it?

Take your time while thinking about it, and do your best!
This version of my personal statement I sent to all universities
I was applying to except NYU

At a very early age I learned what injustice felt like. Injustice was present at the hospital
where I tried to get a prescription, in the university I enrolled in, and in the court where I
filed a lawsuit. Injustice camped out on my doorstep and waited for me on every corner.
Since the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the government has allowed the
corruption, bribery and bureaucracy to spread so fast that we all sank too deep in it.
Nevertheless, I was taught to turn a blind eye to it and pretend it did not exist; all the while,
I was secretly hoping for a better future to come.

I vividly remember the day that my hopes of a better future were shattered. Everyone
gathered together on the Independence Square to express disapproval of the government
politics with a hope to be heard. However, this peaceful protest was violently attacked by
the police, which ended up injuring hundreds of people. The day that was supposed to
become a cornerstone of a new age instead turned into an enormous revolution, civil
unrest, and a horrible war that has continued to this day. As horrid as this day was, the
events following helped me to see things clearly. I felt it was finally time for us Ukrainians
to stand up for ourselves and fight back against injustice.

To achieve my goal of fighting injustice, I acquired a profound theoretical legal education

from Taras Schevchenko Kiev National University, one of the best law schools in Ukraine. I
graduated with honors in 2015 from the first English specialized Master of Laws program,
Legal Practice. It is the university that gave me a chance to learn who I am and find ways I
can truly make difference in life.

I was able to start an organization there called Human Rights . It was is a legal workshop
dedicated to protecting human rights for both students and professors. The organization
focuses on identifying human rights problems and proposing solutions. The workshop
brought many professionals together including lawyers, politicians, and industry leaders
from both Ukraine and abroad. I was responsible for setting up workshop’s agenda and
coordinating with guests. This allowed me not only to receive additional knowledge and
become acquainted with respectable scholars, but also enabled me to develop
communication skills and exposed my organizational strength.
One of the workshop courses in particular had a significant influence on me. This course
was called Human Rights in Criminal Procedure. These lectures were held by United States
attorneys, gave me different perspectives on the Ukrainian legal system. After this course I
found myself developing my own ideas to improve Ukrainian legislation and, consequently,
wrote two articles outlining my research on this topic, both of which were published.

Another course from the workshop enlightened me on Ukraine’s lack of quality legal
assistance. This gave me impetus to sign up for a pro bono clinic set up by my university. I
perceive this experience as truly priceless, as it revealed all the imperfections of the current
Ukrainian legal system. While there I have acquired skills in interviewing, negotiating, and
mediating with clients in order to help them reach a practical solution. I believe that this
experience shaped me as a strong individual with firm principles, who can read people and
understands their needs.

The more I immersed myself in learning about human rights injustices, the more I realized
that children suffer the most during post-revolution and war time. The recent increase of
homelessness and the hundreds of orphans in Eastern Ukraine inspired me to volunteer
through the All-Ukrainian Foundation for Children’s Rights. This organization aims to
implement legislative and social initiatives for the most complete protection of children’s
rights. Although I have been a volunteer for this organization since 2012, I only recently
began to really understand how crucial the work of the foundation is.

It holds events to raise money for foster homes, and provides children with clothes, medical
treatment, and other necessities. I also participate in developing programs on children’s
rights and abuse prevention. The irrecoverable damage some children endure continues to
motivate me to fight for their rights to the best of my abilities.

Through these past years of challenges and achievements, I attained immeasurable

personal insight and development. I developed patience and strategies and tactics for
tackling problems. I shaped myself into a result-oriented person, committed to the idea of
making a world a better place.
Every time I deal with injustice, something inside me is triggered. I reminisce and am proud
that the same little girl who was once naïve to the concept of a failed society has now
become a human rights activist. I no longer turn a blind eye to injustice and will continue to
not only hope for a better future, but to make it happen. All I am missing is the education
to prepare me for this role.

University School of Law would give me the education and practical skills required for my
future as an attorney. I value the hands-on experience offered through Alternative Dispute
Resolution Master of Laws Program; this will broaden my outlook as a professional and
enable me to create a Ukrainian society where human rights are valued and honored.

* The essay is provided solely for inspirational purposes!

** Do not plagiarize any part of the essay! Plagiarism is treated extremely seriously in American
universities, and all schools will be checking your essay through a program. If you copy paste
even one sentence from this essay, American universities will find out (as my essay is already in
the system), and you will not get accepted.
This version of my personal statement I sent to NYU as they require an
essay to be less than 500 words

I vividly remember the day that my hopes of a better future were shattered. The day that
was supposed to become a cornerstone of a new age instead turned into an enormous
revolution, civil unrest, and a horrible war that has continued to this day. As horrid as this
day was, the events following helped me to see things clearly. I felt it was finally time for
us Ukrainians to stand up for ourselves and fight back against injustice.

My first personal fight was against ignorance. I started an organization in my university

called Human Rights, which was dedicated to identifying human rights problems and
developing solutions. This allowed me not only to receive additional knowledge and
become acquainted with respectable scholars, but also enabled me to develop my own
ideas to improve Ukrainian legislation.

During that time, I was inspired to sign up for a pro bono clinic set up by my university.
While there, I have acquired skills in interviewing, negotiating, and mediating with clients
in order to help them reach a practical solution. I believe that this experience shaped me
as a strong individual with firm principles, who can read people and understand their

The more I immersed myself in learning about human rights injustices, the more I realized
that children suffer the most during post-revolution and war time. The recent increase of
homelessness and the hundreds of orphans in Eastern Ukraine inspired me to volunteer
through the All-Ukrainian Foundation for Children’s Rights. I participated in fundraising for
foster homes, improvement of medical treatment, as well as in developing programs on
children’s rights and abuse prevention.

Every time I encounter injustice, something inside of me is triggered. I reminisce and am

proud that the same little girl who was once naïve to the concept of a failed society has
now become a human rights activist. I no longer turn a blind eye to injustice and will
continue to not only hope for a better future, but also help make it happen. In order to
achieve this, I need the proper education to prepare me for this role.
New York University School of Law has always been my first choice for receiving an
education and the practical skills needed for my future as an attorney. I admire the
emphasis that New York University makes on providing future lawyers with
comprehensive legal education and practical skills through numerous programs.

I am interested in Traditional LLM the most, as it presents remarkable curricular diversity

for international students. A wide range of extra-curricular activities, workshops, events,
and fellowships will comprehensively prepare me for the future I look forward to; I am
particularly interested in the Traditional Justice Leadership Program. I am hoping to learn
from prominent professors of New York University School of Law, engage with student
organizations, and make everlasting friendships. I believe that Traditional LLM is the best
opportunity to expand my outlook as a professional and prepare me to make a difference
in the world.

* The essay is provided solely for inspirational purposes!

** Do not plagiarize any part of the essay! Plagiarism is treated extremely seriously in American
universities, and all schools will be checking your essay through a program. If you copy paste
even one sentence from this essay, American universities will find out (as my essay is already in
the system), and you will not get accepted.

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