1. Workflow Dashboard. The workflow dashboard is where all invoices pending approval will be listed.
Click the Display button so it lists the invoices waiting your approval under the Workflow Tab.
What do all the columns listed under the Workflow tab mean?
a. Current Step - This step will read ‘Condo Approval – Treasurer’. This is informing you
that the invoice is with you to final approve.
b. Invoice Register – This column has two icons that you have access to.
i. The first one which looks like a magnifying glass lists the GL account it has been
coded to, account description and the dollar amount. Hover your cursor over
this icon (or click) to display those details.
ii. The second icon is a colorful image. By double clicking on this you will open a
new window displaying a copy of the actual invoice.
c. Next Steps – This is the column you will use to Final Approve your invoice. Click on the arrow to
list your options.
i. **Note**Don’t forget to click POST after selecting ‘Final Approval’ or ‘Return to Condo
AP’. The invoice will not be pushed through the workflow until you click POST.
d. Approval Notes – This field is used for notes when returning the invoice to Condo AP. Please
put a description to why the invoice is being returned. Again, don’t forget to click POST after
selecting your next step.
e. Payee – The payee/vendor of the invoice you are paying.
f. Property – Your condominium corporation plan number
g. Property Description – The name of your condominium
h. Invoice Number – Invoice number displayed on the invoice
i. Amount – Total on the invoice that is to be paid
j. Notes – This field will display any notes the Property Manager or Accounts department wishes
to communicate information to you about that specific invoice.
k. Select – You can select multiple invoices to final approve (see further details on this under the
header – ‘Approving Multiple Invoices’).
I am clicking on the image icon to review the invoice and it will not open
3. Your pop-up blocker is blocking the browser from opening a new window in this site. In your Google
Chrome Browser, you must select ‘always allow pop ups from this site’. Once you do that, you will not
experience this issue again. In the top right-hand corner of your browser you may see a little red icon
with a number ‘1’ or ‘x’. Right click on it and choose ‘always allow pop ups from this site’. Now you can
go back and double click on the middle icon to display your invoice.
4. If you are using Internet explorer, you can click ‘Tools’ at the top and go to ‘Pop-up Blocker’ settings.
Then click ‘Add’ for Address of site to allow.
How do I approve multiple invoices all at once?
5. Click ‘Set All’ and the Next Step will change all you pending invoices to ‘Final Approve’. Then click POST
and all your pending invoices will be sent to our Accounts team for processing. They will print and
release cheques for payment.
a. If you don’t want them all to be set as Final Approve and only a few selected, you must check
mark the square box in the last column under Select. This is convenient to use for standard
reoccurring invoices such as utility bills. Select them and then click ‘Set Selected’ and Post. This
sends those selected ones off to accounts. You can spend time going through the remaining
invoices individually if necessary.
6. Think of this dashboard as your filing cabinet. You can filter your search by using all the various fields.
Searching invoices by payee, approved, posted and rejected. Follow instructions below:
a. Side Menu: Invoices – Invoice Register Dashboard
7. How do I review all my posted and paid invoices?
a. Uncheck open batches (it will default to this). Change the Invoice Status filed to Posted
• In the APP home screen, Click on ‘Settings’ to bring up the following menu.