EJ Magazine 34 Side B
EJ Magazine 34 Side B
EJ Magazine 34 Side B
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CONSCIOUS on-air on his Shade45 radio on
December 31. “Instead of people
thinking like, “If you don’t have a
song about this then I ain’t fuck-
ing with it. If he’s got a song with
this person I ain’t fucking with it”.
And it kind of gives everybody too
much time to think about it and
their expectations of what they
think it should be – and I’ll never
meet that. That’s kind of a theory I
On December 18, Eminem re- based it off since, I think, “Revival”.
leased the Deluxe edition of his
11th studio album “Music to Be In the lead-up to M2BMB release,
Murdered By”, 16 new tracks on though, the air was thick with an-
the Side B disc. ticipation of new material. For sev-
eral days the Internet was virtually
As it has become a habit in re- filled with hints and Easter-eggs
cent years, Eminem’s new album dropped by actors from Shady
surprised everyone. “Uncle Alfred circles and producers with whom
heard you screaming for more... Em had recently worked. All of
enjoy Side B”, Eminem wrote them published the photos of
precisely at midnight, informing Alfred Hitchcock who had inspired
about his latest release. the first part of Eminem’s album.
All this teasing was likely planned
In his recent interview, Eminem by Eminem’s team as an album
explained why he only drops promo campaign of sorts.
surprise albums now and why
he does not want to promote his In the February interview with
releases to the public. The reason KXNG Crooked, Em said that Hitch-
is simple – it’s the audience and its cock motives had been woven into
unfounded expectations that Emi- the album’s fabric even tighter and
nem does not wish to provoke. more tracks had been planned for
release. “There was actually some
“I don’t know this to be true, but stuff that didn’t make it on there
I feel like when I’m talking about that I was trying to get on there,
the album that’s coming out, if I but we couldn’t really work it out
give people the notice and they with the sample claim. But I had it
started seeing the tracklist or even more intertwined than it was,
they know it’s coming, I feel like and we had to, you know, pick and
my best shot in avoiding some choose the best pieces to put on
of that is to just drop it”, said Em there”.
A PLEASURE “Let me say this. And I know I tell this to her
all the time. I’ve had the privilege of working
around a lot of fucking talents. It’s still crazy
to me sometimes when I’m working with Dre,
and I’m looking at Dre like, “You’re fucking Dr.
Dre”. The Skylar is one of.., she’s definitely…,
she has to be…, I don’t know how to say that!
“Top 5 of the most talented people I’ve ever
worked with”? But I’ve worked with so many
talented people. But the rate of speed that she
works at… A) being able to write it, and b)
from the angles that I didn’t see coming.
And also hit notes that I’m like, “What the
fuck?! I didn’t expect it to go there!” And then
it’s like, it was weird to me, and then the
If on “Alfred’s Theme” and “Tone Deaf ”
Em was showing off his rap skills, jok-
ing around and basically had fun, then
on “Book of Rhymes” recorded with DJ
Premier, he takes us through his cogni-
tive process of turning the initial spark
of an idea into rhymes and punchlines,
references and Easter eggs, intricate
combinations and clever wordplay.
Don’t even tell me you never wanted Em to do
a Covid-themed track? Of course, he mentioned
coronavirus earlier on the collaboration with Kid
Cudi in July 2020 and right on this album on “Alfred’s
Theme”, but it was “Gnat” that focused on the main
issue of 2020 — the coronavirus pandemic.
On “Gnat”, Em offers an interesting metaphor of the If by some lucky chance you missed 2020 with all
response the humanity has given to the COVID-19 its shit, you can rely on Marshall Mathers to deliver
pandemic. Marshall compares the virus to a pestilent you a detailed account of events, at least as far as the
insect, and COVID protective measures – face masks, pandemic is concerned.
Romantic relationship as an M2BMB topic deserves The “She Loves Me” outro uses Em’s classic “I’m just
special attention. “Black Magic” is not the only song playin’” trick. He used it before on such tracks as
on the album that delves into this subject. Another “White America”, “Kill You”, “So Much Better”, “Kick
track that takes a closer look at romance is “Guns Off (Freestyle)” and “Killshot” (you must remem-
Blazing” where Marshall reunites with his mentor ber that Diddy pun). This is his reliable device that
Dr. Dre. allows Eminem to say whatever he wants to say,
framing it as a joke. Now Em flips the scheme and
They trade bars and snap at their respective part- after seemingly negating with his “I’m just playin’”
ners. Dre directs the verse towards his wife Ni- everything he just said, he adds “I ain’t got no foos-
cole Young with whom he is going through a dirty ball table”, leaving us to believe that only that part
separation marred with financial scandals and court was a joke, and everything else was true.
battles over his billion-worth estate. On his verse,
Eminem raps about his multiple failed relationships As a rule, Em’s songs about romance seem to be
with women, specifically talking about one of them, made in jest, yet they carry the gravity of experience.
named Michelle. Also, there are some lines on Em’s We do not know the whole story, and, likely, we nev-
second verse that can be addressed either to Kim or er will. This is none of our business and has nothing
Dre’s wife, out of solidarity with the friend. to do with music. I remember how Eminem snubbed
a Vulture journalist when he tried to pry on Mar-
“She Loves Me” is one more track where Eminem shall’s private matters back in 2017. To the question
raps about a relationship. Here Em is complaining “Do you date?” Eminem responded with “It’s tough.
about a girl who “loves” him for what he has, not Since my divorce I’ve had a few dates and nothing’s
for what he is. She mainly cares about his fame and panned out in a way that I wanted to make it public.
wealth. Dating’s just not where I’m at lately” and dead-
panned about meeting people on Tinder and Grindr.
The chorus plays on an old fortune-telling game, in When the interviewer asked him “Is fame lonely for
which one picks petals off a flower. However, Em you?”, Em wrapped it with a rapid “Am I lonely? No,
modernised the lines adding there the option of lov- I’m good. Thanks for asking though”. In 2020 many
ing what he has got. There is no winning in this game relationships were damaged. Being isolated with
for Eminem because the girl loves him for all the somebody or being isolated away from someone
wrong reasons. might erode personal bonds. Being apprehensive of
people after the long isolation and being overly cau-
Em declares this result with laughter on the final tious about the virus can do similar damage.
chorus, when having gone through all petals and
options during the song he concludes: “She loves me Perhaps, what Em raps on these tracks about the re-
not” lationship is partly informed by his own dating his-
tory, and he adds all these jokes to throw us off his
She loves me (She loves me), she loves me not trail. For instance, the puns that he is only interested
For who I am (She loves me), but what I got in sex instead of a more meaningful emotional con-
But she loves me, she loves me not nection. Nobody knows how 2020 and its isolation
She loves me (Yeah, one more time) trend have affected Eminem. Enjoy the entertain-
I said, ’cause she loves me (She loves me), ment and mind your own business.
She loves me not
For who I am (She loves me), but what I got
But she loves me, she loves me not (Haha)
She loves me
On the Side B, Eminem once again proves that that sounds like “Mike Pence’ll get killed” and
he raps whatever he wants regardless of critics immediately claims that it is a coincidence and he
and Internet noise. Em was heavily criticised for does not reference the former vice president on
including on “Kick Off” and “Unaccommodat- his verse.
ing” references to the suicide bombing attack
at Manchester Arena in 2017 during Ariana Another M2BMB track that breaks all taboos is
Grande’s show that resulted in 23 fatalities “These Demons” recorded with a Dallas artist MAJ.
and over 800 injuries. On “Favorite Bitch”,
he does it again topping it up with refer- Yeah, you know what? (Loud Pack) / Haters are
ences to the Boston Marathon bombing in funny, man (Haha) / It’s like, you’re gonna hate it
2013 and drawing a comparison between no matter what it is / Yet you still click on it (Zom-
these deadly and awful events and himself, bie on the track), huh, yeah
in terms of the devastation he inflicts upon the
opponents. “These Demons” kicks off with another jab at
haters who are never satisfied no matter what
On “Favorite Bitch”, Eminem collaborates with Em says, so there is no point in trying to restrain
Ty Dolla $ign. The “bitch” here stands for hip hop yourself. The track is packed with references
and together with Ty Dolla $ign Eminem reflects to celebrities, pop culture, and current events.
on their past, their failures, their success and how Marshall mixes the COVID-19 pandemic, the civil
the music industry does not treat them right. unrest in the US and protests that started after
George Floyd’s death to express his frustration at
One of the hidden gems on the track is the line the disappointment at what 2020 became to the
“Always hated my smile” at the beginning of the world.
second verse that fits into the lore that Eminem
never smiles. The following lines elaborate on From calling out his haters for their hypocrisy and
that, adding that his mother told him that he pro- some of his fans for their inconsistency, Em dives
voked his school bullies to beat him up because of headfirst into the kaleidoscope of bizarre topics
his smile, because he was “ugly”. provided by his imagination.
Ain’t nothin’ you say could ever trump (Nah), mic, Em raps about O. J. Simpson who allegedly
pencil get killed (Yeah) / If you’re hypersensitive, I stubbed his wife and her friend to death. He pays
wasn’t referencin’ the vice president, chill (Chill) homage to his icon LL Cool J, he ironically com-
pares the fight against racism with the pandemic
At times Eminem’s imagination played him and struggles of missing a haircut.
brought the Secret Service to investigate him.
Once those were the lines on “We As Americans” Black people dyin’, they want equal rights
(“Fuck money! I don’t rap for dead presidents / White people wanna get haircuts (Haha)
I’d rather see the president dead / It’s never been
said, but I set precedents”) were the word “dead” He throws in a riddle of law enforcement that is
was censored on his album “Encore”. The other not law-abiding. He disses Mariah Carey again.
time that was “Framed” from his incredible 2017 Calls out dirty media and radio stations that ex-
album “Revival” (fuck you to everyone who thinks ploit his name to get more visitors and views.
it’s bad), where Slim Shady locked Ivanka Trump
in the trunk (“But dog, how the fuck is Ivanka There are no taboos, he raps what he wants and…
Trump in the trunk of my car?”). This line led to
the visit of Secret Service agents who had some You don’t like me? You can bite my little white
questions to ask. They did not start formal inves- wee-wee / And I repeat, you can bite my little
tigations but inspired the lines on “Ringer” from white wee-wee long as I L-I-V-E
2018 album “Kamikaze”, where Em explained to …
all obtuse agents that he did not mean any physi- …
cal harm to the president and if he was linked So you can eat shit, but I might be the shit
to terrorist then “only when it comes to ink and So when I say “Eat shit,” I mean me
lyricists”. This time on “Gnat” Em uses a wordplay
a reason why Eminem mentions conflicts, “Zeus” is filled
with them to the brim, and these are not only personal
Em’s conflicts but also the conflicts of our society.
Marshall has always been particularly sensitive to social
injustice in the United States. As police violence and
institutional racism have become an even more press-
ing issue over the past decade, Eminem continues to
raise these issues in his songs. On Zeus, Marshall named
several victims of police violence:
For me, it’s literally like every other day I’m can-
celled for whatever the fuck it was. It’s funny be-
cause I see the same people or sites that bitched
about things back then that I said and then going
back now and saying “Why can’t he be that again?”
What the fuck?! When I was that, you had a problem
with that too. I understand some of this shit, but
for the most part, for people who just sit online and
feel like they need to bitch about whatever it is to
feel like they’re a part of something... With cancel
culture, it’s like no one ever really gets cancelled
though. When people start saying “Cancel!” - okay,
well, this rapper’s still here, this rapper’s still here
or this person in general, you don’t have to be a
rapper. I don’t know man. I feel like people need to
fucking grow a pair.
attention to them, usually more than they can ever
attract on their own. You don’t have to look far,
by insulting Eminem. But Mr. Little Pimp only suc-
ceeded in becoming a laughing stock for Eminem’s
fans, friends and colleagues.
/ Or Godzilla squashin’ a crouton with combat
boots on / Or droppin’ a goddamn nuke bomb
on top of an ant hill / (I’m screamin’ out no BETTER LUCK NEXT
regrets) Can’t do it, nah
Igor Basenko
Kirill Bursov
Alexey Zakharenkov
Katerina Malik
Marshall Mathers
Alla Yusupova
Universal Music Group
Shady Records
Mike Saputo
SIDE B: Igor Basenko (p.:
SIDE A: Katerina Malik (p.:
36-37), Alexey Zakharenkov
(p.: 38-48)
Danny Clinch: MTBMB Album
Shot (p.: 1, 3-4, 12-23, 31, 33,
35, 38-39 42-45, 48-49)
Jeremy Deputat: Eminem Abu
Dabi Live Shot (p.: 5)
Jeremy Deputat: Higher
Photoshot (p.: 10-11)
Jeremy Deputat: Godzilla
Photoshot (p.: 24-29)
Jeremey R
Stephanie Bohan Ugalde
Krystal Robbins
Abdulaziz Al-Farhoud
Craig Diodati
Jenna Nadebaum
CLT Girl82