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John Vlachopoulos
McMaster University
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Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Received: January 14, 2003
Accepted: March 27, 2003
Correspondence to: A. Maffezzoli; e-mail: alfonso.maffezzoli
Contract grant sponsor: CETMA. R otational molding is a unique technology for
the production of hollow or double-wall parts,
usually of large dimensions.1 The process involves melting temperatures.22,23 This method has been
rotation of a mold filled with polymeric powders in proved to be very useful to study melting behav-
a heating oven, where the polymer reaches its melt- ior of metallic materials,24 but it is not suitable for
ing temperature. A sintering-like process in the melt polymeric materials, which are characterized by an
state promotes densification of polymer powders,2 interval of temperatures where transition occurs.25,26
through a double-stage mechanism, involving pow- Further, the numerical solution of the energy balance
der coalescence3–5 and bubble removal.6 Once a fully with this approach generates a constant tempera-
dense product is obtained, the mold is moved to ture plateau at each node in the solid phase close to
a cooling stage, where as a consequence of tem- the melting front.15,24 This is not a realistic represen-
perature reduction, solidification of the polymer is tation of the phenomena occurring during melting
achieved. During the cycle only gravity acts on the of polymers, as evidenced by experimental obser-
material, while pressure and shear force are not vation during rotational molding, where the inter-
applied. As a consequence of this, the efficiency nal air temperature continuously increases during
of the densification stage, and thus the final qual- heating.2 The same problem has also been observed
ity of the product, is mainly determined by the when the moving interface method has been used
heating time and temperature reached inside the to model polymer crystallization during rotational
mold.7 It is generally accepted, and experimentally molding.18,20,22,27,28
observed, that rotational molding of semicrystalline A different kind of approach is used for melt-
polymers can be divided into six stages, each char- ing and crystallization simulation during rotational
acterized by different variation rates of the mold in- molding, which better represents the nature of these
ternal air temperature as reported, for example, in transitions in polymers, by considering the latent
Refs. [2,7]. heat resulting from a specific heat dependence on
A peculiar characteristic of the rotational molding temperature in the transition interval.15,20,29 Al-
process is given by the melting and crystallization though this approach represents melting and crystal-
behavior of the polymeric materials, significantly af- lization as continuous processes, it does not develop
fecting the heat transfer phenomena during the cy- a proper modeling of the transition phenomena af-
cle and the final product quality. The time depen- fected by the interaction of temperature changes and
dence of the heating and cooling rates of the mold kinetic effects.
internal air suggests that a heat exchange mechanism Furthermore, unsteady one-dimensional heat ex-
with phase transition is involved during the process. change models have been usually adopted, in planar,
Therefore, modeling of the heat exchange process cylindrical, or spherical geometries.18,19 This is a rea-
during rotational molding must account for these sonable assumption for most of the mold geometries,
phase changes. Whereas the melting process de- where the dimension perpendicular to the mold wall
pends mainly on thermodynamic equilibrium, and is is much smaller than the others.
not significantly affected by kinetics,8 polymer crys- The aim of this paper is the investigation of heat
tallization is a time-governed process where the need transfer mechanisms involved in rotational mold-
for stable nuclei to be formed also requires a finite ing of semicrystalline polymers, introducing proper
induction time.9–13 models for melting and crystallization. A new ap-
Heat exchange involving a melting front is usually proach based on enthalpy methods24,30 is also pro-
described by the so-called moving interface method, posed for the solution of the energy balance during
derived from the Stefan problem.14,15 According to rotational molding of linear low-density polyethy-
this approach, the material portion undergoing a lene (LLDPE). The symbols used in the text, for both
transition can be divided into two regions separated energy balance and polymer transitions, are listed in
by an interface. In the case of rotational molding, the the nomenclature section.
phase nearest to the mold wall is the one which has
already melted or crystallized, for the heating and
cooling stages respectively. The interface advance-
ment, at each time step, is achieved through a heat
flux discontinuity. The moving interface method has
Energy Balance
been the most widespread model used for simulating
polymer melting during rotational molding, assum- The starting equation used to model the one-
ing that melting occurs at a single temperature,16–21 dimensional heat exchange through the mold and
or, in improved models, at a discrete number of polymer thickness, is the classical Fourier equation
in one-dimensional Cartesian geometry [31]: undergoes transition to the end of the process, M T .
With the help of Eq. (4), Eq. (2) becomes
∂ ∂T d
k = (ρc p T) + q̇ (1)
∂z ∂z dt Ht (t) = c p T(t) + Hm Xm (t, T) − Hc Xc (t, T) (5)
Numerical Values of Parameters Used in Eqs. (6)–(20)
Parameter Numerical value
k s [18] 56 W/(m K)
k p∞ [18] 0.2 W/(m K)
ρs [18] 7850 kg/m3
ρ powder [42] 350 kg/m3
ρ m [42] 900 kg/m3
ρ c [43] 950 kg/m3
ρ a [19] 0.95 kg/m3
cps [18] 490 J/(kg K)
Acp [40] 1279 J/(kg K) FIGURE 2. Comparison between dynamic experimental
B cp [40] 3.08 J/(kg K2 ) data for crystallization at 10◦ C/min (), at 20◦ C/min (◦),
cpa [19] 1010 J/(kg K) at 30◦ C/min (), and model prediction (—–) according to
Eqs. (13)–(16).
Hc 160000 J/kg
Hm 124000 J/kg
h 0 [18] 20 W/(m2 K) Variations of physical and thermal properties
h a [18] 5 W/(m2 K) with temperature in Eq. (6) for LLDPE must be
k mb 2.24902 K−1 considered. The temperature dependence of specific
d 22.70037
heat has been considered for the polymer40 :
Tc 394.962 K
c pp = Acp + Bcp T (17)
ln(t 0ind ) 1.19 s
E t1 /R 14.6 K where Acp and Bcp have been determined from linear
ln(kc0 ) −1.75 s −1 regression of experimental data reported in.40
E k1 /R 21.9 K The density has been considered to be a function
T 0m 402.2 K of the degree of melting during heating and of the de-
nc 2 gree of crystallization during cooling, using a simple
linear mixing rule:
comparison between experimental and model pre- ρ = Xm ρm + (1 − Xm )ρpowder (heating) (18)
diction curves for LLDPE melting and crystallization
are reported in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. Further, the ρ = (1 − Xc )ρm + Xc ρc (cooling) (19)
enthalpies of melting and crystallization have been
determined from nonisothermal DSC scans. The thermal conductivity of powders has been
evaluated by means of the mixing rule, as the ther-
mal conductivity of a polymer–air composite, and is
a function of density. Since the thermal conductivity
of air is negligible compared to that of polymer, the
expression for thermal conductivity of the system
kp = kp∞ (20)
No variation of thermal properties has been assumed
for the mold material. The geometry of the system
has been assumed to be constant, even if during
the process the polymer experiences a continuous
specific volume decrease as a consequence of sin-
FIGURE 1. Averaged experimental melting curve (◦) tering phenomena22,45,46 during melting and crys-
and model prediction (—–) according to Eq. (11). tallization effects during cooling.7,47,48
Numerical Solution
Simulation Results
A Crank–Nicholson method has been used for
derivative discretization49 of Eqs. (6)–(16). The po- In Fig. 3, the temperature profiles derived from
sition of each node is characterized through the sub- the solution of differential equations is compared
script j, while the time is indicated by the superscript with experimental data reported by Crawford.27 The
i. model developed is able to provide good agreement
Since recrystallization effects can be neglected with experimental data. In particular, regions cor-
during melting of LLDPE,42 the enthalpy terms ac- responding to both melting and crystallization are
counting for crystallization in Eq. (6) are equal to evident. The small differences between model pre-
0 during the heating stage. Conversely the rate of diction and experimental data can be attributed to
melting is 0 during the cooling stage. the different enthalpies of melting and crystalliza-
As a consequence of the complex form of math- tion arising from different LLDPE grades used by
ematical models used for the phase transitions, Crawford.27 Nevertheless, the powder end time and
Eqs. (6)–(11) represent a nonlinear system of differ- the total process time are in very good agreement.
ential equations. During heating, using the statisti- The results obtained during the heating stage ac-
cal melting model, the degree of melting has been cording to the statistical model are shown in Fig. 4,
expanded in a Taylor series to the first order49 at for a hypothetical 3-mm thick LLDPE film, with an
Tji . This results in the modification of Eq. (6), which oven temperature of 300◦ C. While at the beginning
becomes an almost constant heating rate is observed, when
melting starts, the heating rate suddenly decreases,
in particular at the polymer–air interface, as a conse-
∂ ∂T dXm dT
k = ρc p + ρHm (21) quence of the energy absorbed to promote crystal
∂z ∂z dT dt
melting. Consequently, the molten polymer thick-
When the crystallization kinetic is used, the rate of ness (here defined as the fraction of polymer having
crystallization calculated at time step i has been used a degree of melting higher than 0.9) increases, as also
directly in Eq. (6). In both cases the error is due to reported in Fig. 4. After melting is complete, the melt
the assumption of a constant value of dX/dt, during thickness equals the total thickness, and the temper-
the time step from i to i + 1. The error of lineariza- ature increases again at higher rates. This behavior
tion increases with increasing the discretization time
interval. In order to limit this error, at each time
step unknown trial temperatures at time i + 1 can
be calculated, starting from known temperatures at
time i directly from Eq. (6) during the cooling stage,
or from Eq. (21) during the heating stage. Once the
trial temperatures at time i + 1 have been calculated,
the degree of transition can be calculated at time
i + 1 according to the chosen statistical model, or
through numerical integration using a Runge–Kutta
algorithm49 when using a kinetic model. Using an
average value for the rate of transition between the
values calculated at i and i + 1, a new temperature
profile can be calculated in a second iteration at the
same time step. If the normalized temperature differ-
ence between the first and second iterations is lower FIGURE 3. Comparison between experimental data
than 10−4 the solution is used as initial value for the from Ref. [27] (◦) () and model prediction (—–) (- - -) for
following time step. On the other hand the error external mold and internal air temperature, respectively.
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polymer–air interface temperature: experimental data Hm Heat of fusion, J/kg
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