Bulletin - 2023 09 03

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Sept. 6, Wed. - The Men's Group will meet at the church at 7 p.m.

Gehman Mennonite Church Spet. 9, Sat. - “Unhinged” Post Grad Ministry will meet at the church at 7 p.m.
Physical Address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 Sept. 11, Mon.- 10 a.m. - Reframing Aging: A dialogue about living with purpose and passion
Mailing Address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501 in every season will be held at Yoder's Restaurant & Buffet in New Holland, PA. Ervin
717-484-4548 Stutzman, church leader, educator, and author will speak and facilitate small group
www.gehmanmennonitechurch.org discussion. This event is ideal for anyone interested in learning how to harvest the wisdom of
Ministry Team a life well-lived. The event will include lunch and costs $10 per person. Don’t miss this
Phil Horning - Lead Pastor - (Church: 717-484-4548, Home: 717-208-4424) opportunity. RSVP at https://wmc.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1865598 or call
Travis Sauder - Associate Pastor (717-271-1811) 717.380.2273 by 9/1/2023.
Todd Carvell - Associate Pastor (717-572-8622) Sept. 13, Wed.- 6:30 p.m. - Faith & Family Night at the Denver Fair sponsored by REAL Life
Steve McCosby - Deacon (717-336-8275) Community Services. This free event will feature Refreshing Mountain Camp's “Birds of Prey”
Let’s walk with Jesus…personally, locally, and globally demonstration and the Christian Blues band “Saved Renegade” at the main stage, at Denver
Park. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/844609540427822.
Prayer 8:15 AM Sept. 17, Sun.- 2 p.m. – There will be a Hymn Sing led by Dwight Groff inside the 1855
Sunday School 9:00 AM Allegheny Mennonite Meetinghouse. Please bring the Church and Sunday School Hymnal if
Worship Service 10:00 AM you have a copy. You are welcome to enjoy your picnic lunch on the meetinghouse lawn
before the Hymn Sing. For confirmation of the event or more information, call 717-305-0231.
Sept. 23, Sat. - Church picnic and cornhole tournament. Join us for an afternoon of games
September 3, 2023
and fellowship. Cornhole begins at 2:30 p.m. with a meal to follow at approx. 5 p.m. Please
bring a side or dessert to share. A sign-up sheet is located in the narthex
Worship in Song Worship Team
Opening Chad Hollinger
-ESL (English as a Second Language) classes will begin for the coming year on September
Mission Minute Darrell Gockley
11th and will be held on Monday evenings 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. We would
Hymn of Praise Doug Musselman
welcome additional volunteers to dialogue with students, and would also love to have
Message: 1 Peter 4-5 "The End is Near, So ..." Phil Horning
someone interested in helping with child care. Please talk with Esther, Debbie, Luci, Lillian or
Baptism Service
Darlene if you have questions or would be interested in helping. Thank you!
Hymn of Response Doug Musselman
August 2023 Offering Report - Total Offerings - $13.796.08
First Fruits Giving - 1,379.63 (District Bishop Fund/Lanc. Menn.Conf., Designated Offerings)
Budgeted Funds - 7,705.88 (Insurance, Ministries, Operating, Gehman’s Missions)
Church Nursery Michelle Gockley
Monthly Offerings - 4,710.57 (REAL Life Community Services)
Fellowship Meal today, all are welcome!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Gina Horning on Thurs.
Next Week:
Song Leader Carolyn Sauder
Offertory Leona Good Find more church and ministry related info at gehmanmennonitechurch.org under the
Message Phil Horning “Resources” tab and labeled “Online Church Bulletin Board”
Nursery Ruthie Kulp

The Offering for September is for EMM. Last week’s offering: $3,186.21
Attendance for last week:

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