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B.E. (Electronics and Computer)


Sr. Course
5 UMA010 MATHEMATICS-I CF 3 1 0 3.5
6 UES009 MECHANICS CF 2 1 2* 2.5
TOTAL 17 4 6 22.0
*Student will attend one Lab Session of 2 hours in a semester for a bridge project in this course.


Sr. Course
2 UTA018 PROGRAMMING CF 3 0 2 4.0
5 UMA004 MATHEMATICS-II CF 3 1 0 3.5
TOTAL 16 7 8 23.5

Sr. Course
7 UTA016 (2 self effort hours) PR 1 0 2 3.0
TOTAL 18 3 9 25.5


Sr. Course
5 UNC401 ALGORITHMS CP 3 0 2 4.0
6 UTA025 (2 self-effort hours) CF 1 0 2* 3.0


TOTAL 19 2 12 27
* Alternate Week

Sr. Course
2 UEC716 SYSTEMS CP 3 0 2 4.0
6 ELECTIVE –I PE 2 0 2 3.0
TOTAL 17 2 12 24


Sr. Course
4 UNC601 AND ALGORITHMS CP 3 0 2 4.0
TOTAL 22.0


Sr. Course
TOTAL 23.0
Sr. Course
TOTAL 15.0
TOTAL 15.0
Elective Focus

B.E. Electronics and Computer Engineering Program is designed to offer Elective Focus (EF) along with
the independent elective courses, soon after students’ clear semester IV of the program. A choice of five
EF (offered by three industry) is given to the student. If a student chooses to one of the five choices of
the EF, he/she shall continue with this group till his study at Thapar Institute of Engineering &
Technology. Need to notice here that student has freedom to choose either one of the EF or impendent
Elective courses in semesters where elective choice is given. Following is the choice of Electives and EF
to the students:

I. Financial Derivative (Future First Collaboration)

II. DevOps and Continuous Delivery (Xebia Collaboration)
III. Full stack Development (Xebia Collaboration)
IV. Conversational AI (Nvidia Collaboration)
V. Edge AI & Robotics (Nvidia Collaboration)

I. Financial Derivative (Future First Collaboration)

1. Finance, Accounting and Valuation

2. Financial and Derivative Markets
3. Derivatives Pricing, Trading and Strategies
4. Quantitative and Statistical Methods for Finance

II. DevOps and Continuous Delivery (Xebia Collaboration)

1. Source Code Management

2. Build and Release Management
3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
4. System Provisioning and Configuration Management

III. Full stack Development (Xebia Collaboration)

1. UI & UX Specialist
2. Database Engineer Mongo DB
3. Test Automation
4. Cloud & DevOps

IV. Conversational AI (Nvidia Collaboration)

1. Conv: Data Analytics

2. Conv: Data Science
3. Conv: Natural Language Processing
4. Conv: Speech Processing

V. Edge AI & Robotics (Nvidia Collaboration)

1. Edge: Data Science

2. Edge: Basic Computer Vision
3. Edge: Advanced Computer Vision
4. Edge: RL & Conversational AI

S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
1 UEC518 SECURITY PE 2 0 2 3.0
5 UEC538 DESIGN PE 2 0 2 3.0
7 UNC512 REALITY PE 2 0 2 3.0

S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
1 UEC619 LINES PE 3 0 0 3.0
2 UEC631 NETWORKS PE 3 0 0 3.0
3 UEC632 SYSTEMS PE 2 0 2 3.0
4 UEC633 CRYPTOGRAPHY PE 2 0 2 3.0
5 UEC707 NETWORKING PE 2 0 2 3.0
6 UEC634 TECHNOLOGY PE 2 0 2 3.0
7 UCS654 STATISTICS PE 2 0 2 3.0


S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
1 UEC731 COMPUTING PE 3 0 0 3.0

S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
1 UNC741 COMPUTING PE 3 0 0 3.0
2 UEC823 SOFT COMPUTING PE 2 0 2 3.0
5 UCS757 SYSTEMS PE 2 0 2 3.0


S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
2 UEC825 MEMS PE 3 0 0 3.0


S. N. No. Course Name CODE L T P Cr.
1 UEC824 ASIC and FPGA PE 2 0 2 3.0
2 UEC751 DSP PROCESSORS PE 2 0 2 3.0
3 UEC866 ENGINEERING PE 2 0 2 3.0







2 0 0 2.0





Tentative List of ELC Activities for BE (ENC) – 2020 Batch

Semester ELC Activity

I PCB Design
II PCB Fabrication
III IOT based Automation
IV Robotic Arm
V HDL implementation of Digital System

FIRST 22.0
THIRD 25.5
FIFTH 24.0
SIXTH 22.0

Nature of Course CODE

Core-Foundation Courses CF

Core-Professional Courses CP

Generic Electives GE

Professional Electives PE

Project Based Courses PR

Nature of Credits to be Earned (As per Choice Based Credit System)

Course Semesters Total
Core-Foundation 22.0 23.5 11.5 7 3.0 67
Core- 11 17 21.0 16.0 7.0 72
Professional & 2.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 14.0
Generic Electives
Project Based 3.0 3.0 8.0 15.0 29.0

TOTAL 22.0 23.5 25.5 29.0 24.0 22.0 21.0 15.0 182.0

L T P Cr

3 1 2 4.5

Course objective: The course aims at elucidating principles of applied chemistry in industrial
systems, water treatment, engineering materials and analytical techniques.

Electrochemistry: Specific, equivalent and molar conductivity of electrolytic solutions,

migration of ions, transference number and its determination by Hittorf’s method,
conductometric titrations, types of electrodes, concentration cells, liquid junction potential.

Phase Rule: States of matter, phase, component and degree of freedom, Gibb’s phase rule, one
component and two component systems.

Water Treatment and Analysis: Hardness and alkalinity of water: units and determination,
external and internal methods of softening of water: carbonate, phosphate, calgon and colloidal
conditioning, lime-soda process, zeolite process, ion exchange process, mixed bed deionizer,
desalination of brackish water.

Fuels: Classification of fuels, calorific value, cetane and octane number, fuel quality,
comparison of solid liquid and gaseous fuels, properties of fuel, alternative fuels: biofuels,
power alcohol, synthetic petrol.

Chemistry of Polymers: Overview of polymers, types of polymerization, molecular weight

determination, tacticity of polymers, catalysis in polymerization, conducting, biodegradable
and inorganic polymers.

Atomic spectroscopy: Introduction to spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectrophotometry and

flame photometry, quantitative methods.

Molecular Spectroscopy: Beer-Lambert`s Law, molecular spectroscopy, principle,

instrumentation and applications of UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy.

Laboratory Work:

Electrochemical measurements: Experiments involving use of pH meter, conductivity meter,


Acid and Bases: Determination of mixture of bases.

Spectroscopic techniques: Colorimeter, UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Water and its treatment: Determination of hardness, alkalinity, chloride, chromium, iron and
copper in aqueous medium.

Course Learning Outcomes: The students will be able to reflect on:

1. concepts of electrodes in electrochemical cells, migration of ions, liquid junction

potential and conductometrictitrations.
2. atomic and molecular spectroscopy fundamentals like Beer`s law, flamephotometry,
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, UV-V is and IR.
3. water and its treatment methods like lime soda and ion exchange.
4. concept of phase rule, fuel quality parameters and alternative fuels.
5. polymerization, molecular weight determination and applications as biodegradable
and conducting polymers.
6. laboratory techniques like pH metry, potentiometry, colouri metry, conductometry
and volumetry.

Text Books

1. Ramesh, S. and Vairam S. Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India (2012)1sted.

2. Puri, B.R., Sharma L. R., and Pathania, M.S. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publishing Co.(2008).
3. Aggarwal, S. Engineering Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications, Cambridge
University Press(2015).

Reference Books

1. Brown, H., Chemistry for Engineering Students, Thompson,1sted

2. Sivasankar, B., Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd, New Delhi
3. Shulz, M.J. Engineering Chemistry, Cengage Learnings (2007)1sted.

Evaluation Scheme

S. Evaluation Weightage
No. Elements (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 40
3 Sessional (Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations) 35

L T P Cr

3 0 2 4.0

Course objective: This course is designed to explore computing and to show students the art
of computer programming. Students will learn some of the design principles for writing good

Computers Fundamentals: Binary Number System, Computer memory, Computer Software.

Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm, Flowcharts, Generation of
Programming Languages.
C Language: Structure of C Program, Life Cycle of Program from Source code to Executable,
Compiling and Executing C Code, Keywords, Identifiers, Primitive Data types in C, variables,
constants, input/output statements in C, operators, type conversion and type casting.
Conditional branching statements, iterative statements, nested loops, break and continue
Functions: Declaration, Definition, Call and return, Call by value, Call by reference, showcase
stack usage with help of debugger, Scope of variables, Storage classes, Recursive functions,
Recursion vs Iteration.
Arrays, Strings and Pointers: One-dimensional, Two-dimensional and Multi-dimensional
arrays, operations on array: traversal, insertion, deletion, merging and searching, Inter- function
communication via arrays: passing a row, passing the entire array, matrices. Reading, writing
and manipulating Strings, understanding computer memory, accessing via pointers, pointers to
arrays, dynamic allocation, drawback ofpointers.
Structures and Union: Defining a Structure, Declaring a structure variables, Accessing
Structure Elements, and Union.
File Handling: Defining and Opening a File, Closing a File, Reading from a File, Writing
into a File.

Laboratory work:
To implement Programs for various kinds of programming constructs in C Language.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Comprehend and analyze the concepts of number system, memory, compilation and
debugging of the programs in Clanguage.
2. Understanding of the fundamental data types, operators and console I/O functions as
an aspect ofprograms.
3. Design and create programs involving control flow statements, arrays, strings and
implement the concept of dynamics of memoryallocations.
4. Evaluate and analyze the programing concepts based on user define data types and
file handling using Clanguage.
Text Books:
1. Brian W. Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie, C Programming Language, 2nd ed,2012.
2. Balagurusamy G., Programming in ANSI C, 8th ed.,2019
Reference Books:
1. Kanetkar Y., Let Us C, 16thed.,2017

Evaluation scheme

Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage

No. (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 40
3. (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/Lab 35

L T P Cr

3 0 2 4.0

Course Objective: To introduce concepts of DC and AC circuits and electromagnetism. To

make the students understand the concepts and working of single-phase transformers, DC
motor and generators.
DC Circuits: Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws; power dissipation; Voltage source and
current source; Mesh and Nodal analysis; Star-delta transformation; Superposition theorem;
Thevenin’s theorem; Norton’s theorem; Maximum power transfer theorem; Millman’s theorem
and Reciprocity theorem; Transient response of series RL and RC circuits.
Steady state analysis of DC Circuits: The ideal capacitor, permittivity; the multi-plate
capacitor, variable capacitor; capacitor charging and discharging, current-voltage relationship,
time-constant, rise-time, fall-time; inductor energisation and de-energisation, inductance
current-voltage relationship, time-constant; Transient response of RL, RC and RLCCircuits.
AC Circuits: Sinusoidal sources, RC, RL and RLC circuits, Concept of Phasors, Phasor
representation of circuit elements, Complex notation representation, Single phase AC Series
and parallel circuits, power dissipation in ac circuits, power factor correction, Resonance in
series and parallel circuits, Balanced and unbalanced 3-phase circuit - voltage, current and
power relations, 3-phase power measurement, Comparison of single phase and three phase
supply systems.
Electromagnetism: Electromagnetic induction, Dot convention, Equivalent inductance,
Analysis of Magnetic circuits, AC excitation of magnetic circuit, Iron Losses, Fringing and
stacking, applications: solenoids and relays.
Single Phase Transformers: Constructional features of transformer, operating principle and
applications, equivalent circuit, phasor analysis and calculation of performance indices.
Motors and Generators: DC motor operating principle, construction, energy transfer, speed-
torque relationship, conversion efficiency, applications, DC generator operating principle,
reversal of energy transfer, emf and speed relationship, applications.
Laboratory Work: Network laws and theorems, Measurement of R,L,C parameters, A.C.
series and parallel circuits, Measurement of power in 3 phase circuits, Reactance calculation
of variable reactance choke coil, open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer,
Starting of rotating machines.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO):

After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Apply networks laws and theorems to solve electriccircuits.
2. Analyze transient and steady state response of DCcircuits.
3. Signify AC quantities through phasor and compute AC system behaviour during steadystate.
4. Explain and analyse the behaviour oftransformer.
5. Elucidate the principle and characteristics of DC motor and DCgenerator.

Text Books:
1. Hughes, E., Smith, I.M., Hiley, J. and Brown, K., Electrical and Electronic Technology,
2. Nagrath, I.J. and Kothari, D.P., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill (2002).
3. Naidu, M.S. and Kamashaiah, S., Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw
Hill (2007).
Reference Books:

1. Chakraborti, A., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill(2008).

2. Del Toro, V., Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited(2004)

Evaluation Scheme:

Evaluation Weightage
Elements (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 35
3 Sessional (Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations) 40

L T P Cr

3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives: The exposure to this course would facilitate the students in understanding
the terms, definitions and scope of environmental and energy issues pertaining to current global
scenario; understanding the value of regional and global natural and energy resources; and
emphasize on need for conservation of energy andenvironment.
Introduction: Natural Resources & amp; its types, Concept of sustainability and sustainable
use of natural resources, Pollution based environmental issues and case studies
Conventions on Climate Change: Origin of Conference of Parties (COPs), United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC); Kyoto Protocol, instruments of protocol – CDM, JI and IET; Montreal
Action Plan; Paris Agreement and post-Paris scenario.
Air Pollution: Origin, Sources and effects of air pollution; Primary and secondary
meteorological parameters; Wind roses; Atmospheric Stability; Inversion; Plume behavior;
Management of air pollution: Source reduction and Air Pollution Control Devices for
particulates and gaseous pollutants in stationary and mobile sources.
Water Pollution: Origin, Sources of water pollution, Category of water pollutants, Physico-
Chemical characteristics, Components of wastewater treatment systems, Advanced treatment
Solid waste management: Introduction to solid waste management, Sources, characteristics
of municipal and industrial solid waste, Solid waste management methods: Incineration,
composting, Biomethanation, landfill, E-waste management, Basal convention.
Energy Resources: Classification of Energy Resources; Conventional energy, resources-
Coal, petroleum and natural gas, nuclear energy, hydroelectric power; Non- conventional
energy resources- Biomass energy, Thermo-chemical conversion and biochemical conversion
route; Generation of Biogas and biodiesel as fuels; Solar energy-active and passive solar energy
absorption systems; Type of collectors; Thermal and photo conversion applications; Wind

Facilitated through Online Platforms

Ecology and Environment: Concept of an ecosystem; structural and functional units of an
ecosystem; Food Chain, Food Web, Trophic Structures and Pyramids; Energy flow; Ecological
Succession; Types, Characteristics, Biodiversity,Biopiracy.
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations;
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programmes; Environment and human health; Human
Rights; Value Education; Women and Child Welfare; Role of Information Technology in
Environment and Human Health, EnvironmentalEthics.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

On the completion of course, students will be able to:

1. Comprehend the interdisciplinary context with reference to the environmental issues and
2. Assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the various elements of environment
and apply suitable techniques to mitigate theirimpact.
3. Conceptualise and explain the structural and functional features of ecologicalsystems
4. Correlate environmental concerns with the conventional energy sources associated and
assess the uses and limitations of non-conventional energytechnologies

Recommended Books

1. Moaveni, S., Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Cengage(2018)

2. Down to Earth, Environment Reader for Universities, CSE Publication(2018)
3. Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J., Ecology - Principles and Application, Cambridge
University Press (LPE)(1999).
4. Eastop, T.P. and Croft, D.R. Energy Efficiency for Engineers and Technologists,
Longman and Harow(2006).
5. O’Callagan, P.W., Energy Management, McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd.(1993).
6. Peavy H.S. and Rowe D.R. Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill(2013).

Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 3
2. EST 5
3. Sessionals/Quizzes Evaluations 2

L T P Cr

3 0 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To provide students with skills and knowledge in sequence and series,
advanced calculus, calculus of several variables and complex analysis which would enable
them to devise solutions for given situations they may encounter in their engineering

Partial Differentiation: Functions of several variables, Limits and continuity, Chain rule,
Change of variables, Partial differentiation of implicit functions, Directional derivatives and its
properties, Maxima and minima by using second order derivatives

Multiple Integrals: : Double integral (Cartesian), Change of order of integration in double

integral, Polar coordinates, graphing of polar curves, Change of variables (Cartesian to polar),
Applications of double integrals to areas and volumes, evaluation of triple integral (Cartesian).

Sequences and Series: Introduction to sequences and Infinite series, Tests for
convergence/divergence, Limit comparison test, Ratio test, Root test, Cauchy integral test,
Alternating series, Absolute convergence and conditional convergence.

Series Expansions: Power series, Taylor series, Convergence of Taylor series, Error
estimates, Term by term differentiation and integration.

Complex analysis: Introduction to complex numbers, geometrical interpretation, functions of

complex variables, examples of elementary functions like exponential, trigonometric and
hyperbolic functions, elementary calculus on the complex plane (limits, continuity,
differentiability), Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic functions, harmonicfunctions.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to

1. examine functions of several variables, define and compute partial derivatives, directional
derivatives and their use in finding maxima and minima in some engineering problems.
2. evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian and Polar coordinates, and their applications to
3. determine the convergence/divergence of infinite series, approximation of functions using
power and Taylor’s series expansion and errorestimation.
4. represent complex numbers in Cartesian and Polar forms and test the analyticity of
complex functions by using Cauchy-Riemannequations.
Text Books:

1) Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Pearson Education
(2007), 9th ed.
2) Stewart James, Essential Calculus; Thomson Publishers (2007), 6thed.
3) Kasana, H.S., Complex Variables: Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall India, 2005

Reference Books:

1) Wider David V, Advanced Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Cengage Learning (2007).

2) Apostol Tom M, Calculus, Vol I and II, John Wiley(2003).
3) Brown J.W and Chruchill R.V, Complex variables and applications, MacGraw Hill, (7th

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage

No. (%)
1. MST 30

2. EST 45

3. Sessionals (May include assignments/quizzes) 25

L T P Cr
2 1 0 2.5

Course Objectives: The objective of this module is to help students develop the techniques needed to solve
general engineering mechanics problems. Students will learn to describe physical systems mathematically
so that their behavior can be predicted.

Review of Newton’s law of motion and vector algebra.

Equilibrium of Bodies: Free-body diagrams, conditions of equilibrium, torque due to a force, statical
Plane Trusses: Forces in members of a truss by method of joints and method of sections.
Friction: Sliding, belt, screw and rolling.
Properties of Plane Surfaces: First moment of area, centroid, second moment of area etc.
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams: Types of load on beams, classification of beams; axial,
shear force and bending moment diagrams: simply supported, overhung and cantilever beams subjected to
any combination of point loads, uniformly distributed and varying load and moment.
Virtual Work: Principle of virtual work, calculation of virtual displacement and virtual work.
Experimental Project Assignment/ Micro Project: Students in groups of 4/5 will do project on Model
Bridge Experiment: This will involve construction of a model bridge using steel wire and wood.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The students will be able to:
1. Determine resultants in plane force systems
2. Identify and quantify all forces associated with a static framework
3. Draw Shear Force Diagram and Bending Moment Diagram in various kinds of beams subjected to
different kinds of loads

Text Books:
1. Shames, I. H. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Pearson Education India (2006).
2. Beer, Johnston, Clausen and Staab, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Dynamics, McGraw-Hill
Higher Education (2003).

Reference Books:
1. Hibler, T.A., Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Prentice Hall (2012).
2. Timoshenko and Young, Engineering Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited,

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include ssignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz 25
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives: To introduce the student to the basic physical laws of oscillators, acoustics of buildings,
ultrasonics, electromagnetic waves, wave optics, lasers, and quantum mechanics and demonstrate their
applications in technology. To introduce the student to measurement principles and their application to
investigate physical phenomena

Oscillations and Waves: Oscillatory motion and damping, Applications - Electromagnetic damping – eddy
current; Acoustics: Reverberation time, absorption coefficient, Sabine’s and Eyring’s formulae (Qualitative
idea), Applications - Designing of hall for speech, concert, and opera; Ultrasonics: Production and
Detection of Ultrasonic waves, Applications - green energy, sound signaling, dispersion of fog, remote
sensing, Car’s airbag sensor.
Electromagnetic Waves: Scalar and vector fields; Gradient, divergence, and curl; Stokes’ and Green’s
theorems; Concept of Displacement current; Maxwell’s equations; Electromagnetic wave equations in free
space and conducting media, Application - skin depth.
Optics: Interference: Parallel and wedge-shape thin films, Newton rings, Applications as Non-reflecting
coatings, Measurement of wavelength and refractive index. Diffraction: Single and Double slit diffraction,
and Diffraction grating, Applications - Dispersive and Resolving Powers. Polarization: Production,
detection, Applications – Anti-glare automobile headlights, Adjustable tint windows. Lasers: Basic
concepts, Laser properties,Ruby, HeNe, and Semiconductor lasers, Applications – Optical communication
and Optical alignment.
Quantum Mechanics: Wave function, Steady State Schrodinger wave equation, Expectation value,
Infinite potential well, Tunneling effect (Qualitative idea), Application - Quantum computing.

Laboratory Work:
1 Determination of damping effect on oscillatory motion due to various media.
2 Determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids by stationary wave method.
3 Determination of wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s rings method.
4 Determination of dispersive power of sodium-D lines using diffraction grating.
5 Determination of specific rotation of cane sugar solution.
6 Study and proof of Malus’ law in polarization.
7 Determination of beam divergence and beam intensity of a given laser.
8 Determination of displacement and conducting currents through a dielectric.
9 Determination of Planck’s constant.

Micro project: Students will be given physics-based projects/assignments using computer simulations, etc.

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand damped and simple harmonic motion, the role of reverberation in designing a hall and
generation and detection of ultrasonic waves.
2. Use Maxwell’s equations to describe propagation of EM waves in a medium.
3. Demonstrate interference, diffraction and polarization of light.
4. Explain the working principle of Lasers.
5. Use the concept of wave function to find probability of a particle confined in a box.

Text Books
1 Beiser, A., Concept of Modern Physics, Tata McGraw Hill (2007) 6th ed.
2 Griffiths, D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall of India (1999) 3rd ed.
3 Jenkins, F.A. and White, H.E., Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw Hill (2001) 4th ed.

Reference Books
1 Wehr, M.R, Richards, J.A., Adair, T.W., Physics of The Atom, Narosa Publishing House (1990) 4th ed.
2 Verma, N.K., Physics for Engineers, Prentice Hall of India (2014)1st ed.
3 Pedrotti, Frank L., Pedrotti, Leno S., and Pedrotti, Leno M., Introduction to Optics, Pearson Prentice
HallTM (2008) 3rd ed.

Scheme of evaluation

Event Weightage
Mid-Sem Test 25
Tut/Sessional 7
Lab + Project 25
Quiz 8
End-Sem Test 35
Total 100

L T P Cr

3 0 2 4.0

Course Objectives: To become familiar with object oriented programming concepts and be able to
apply these concepts in solving diverse range of applications.

Object Oriented Programming with C++: Class declaration, creating objects, accessing objects members,
nested member functions, memory allocation for class, objects, static data members and functions. Array of
objects, dynamic memory allocation, this pointer, nested classes, friend functions, constructors and
destructors, constructor overloading, copy constructors, operator overloading and type conversions.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Single inheritance, multi-level inheritance, multiple
inheritance, runtime polymorphism, virtual constructors and destructors.
File handling: Stream in C++, Files modes, File pointer and manipulators, type of files, accepting command
line arguments.
Templates and Exception Handling: Use of templates, function templates, class templates, handling
Introduction to Windows Programming in C++: Writing program for Windows, using COM in Windows
Program, Windows Graphics, User Input

Laboratory work:
To implement Programs for various kinds of programming constructs in C++ Language.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Write, compile and debug programs in C++, use different data types, operators and I/O function
in a computer program.
2. Comprehend the concepts of classes, objects and apply basics of object oriented programming,
polymorphism and inheritance.
3. Demonstrate use of file handling.
4. Demonstrate use of templates and exception handling.
5. Demonstrate use of windows programming concepts using C++.

Evaluation scheme

Sr. no. Evaluation Elements Weights (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 40
(May include
3. 35

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: To enhance comprehension capabilities of students through understanding of electronic

devices, various logic gates, SOP, POS and their minimization techniques, various logic families and
information on different IC’s and working of combinational circuits and their applications.

Semiconductor Devices: p- n junction diode: Ideal diode, V-I characteristics of diode, Diode small signal
model, Diode switching characteristics, Zener diode

Electronics Devices and Circuits: PN Diode as a rectifier, Clipper and clamper, Operation of Bipolar
Junction Transistor and Transistor Biasing, CB, CE, CC (Relationship between α, β, γ) circuit configuration
Input-output characteristics, Transistor as a switch, as an Amplifier and its frequency Response,
Introduction to Field Effect Transistor and its characteristics, N and P channel MOS transistors, CMOS
inverter, NAND and NOR gates, General CMOS Logic, TTL and CMOS logic families,

Operational Amplifier Circuits: The ideal operational amplifier, The inverting, non-inverting amplifiers,
Op-Amp Characteristics, Applications of Op-amp.

Digital Systems and Binary Numbers: Introduction to Digital signals and systems, Number systems,
Positive and negative representation of numbers, Binary arithmetic, Definitions and basic theorems of
Boolean Algebra, Algebraic simplification, Sum of products and product of sums formulations (SOP and
POS), Gate primitives, AND, OR, NOT and Universal Gate, Minimization of logic functions, Karnaugh

Combinational and Sequential Logic: Code converters, multiplexors, decoders, Addition circuits and
priority encoder, Master-slave and edge-triggered flip-flops, Synchronous and Asynchronous counters,
Registers, IEEE Representation of Digital ICs.

Laboratory Work:
Familiarization with CRO, DSO and Electronic Components, Diodes characteristics - Input-Output and
Switching, BJT and MOSFET Characteristics, Zener diode as voltage regulator, Rectifiers, Clippers and
Clampers, adder circuit implementation, Multiplexer & its application, Latches/Flip-flops, up/down

Course learning outcomes (CLO): The student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the use of semiconductor diodes in various applications.
2. Discuss and explain the working of transistors and operational Amplifiers, their configurations and
3. Recognize and apply the number systems and Boolean algebra.
4. Reduce Boolean expressions and implement them with Logic Gates.
5. Analyze, design and implement combinational and sequential circuits.

Text Books:
1. Boylestad, R.L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Perason (2009).
2. M. M. Mano and M.D. Ciletti, Digital Design, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2013.
Reference Books:

1. Milliman, J. and Halkias, C.C., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and Design, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
3. John F Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, Pearson, (2000).
4. N Storey, Electronics: A Systems Approach, Pearson, Prentice Hall, (2009).

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 35
3. Sessional (May include 40

L T P Cr

2 0 4 4.0

Course Objectives: This module is dedicated to graphics and includes two sections: manual drawing
and AutoCAD. This course is aimed at to make the student understand dimensioned projections, learn
how to create two-dimensional images of objects using first and third angle orthographic projection as
well as isometric, perspective and auxiliary projection, to interpret the meaning and intent of toleranced
dimensions and geometric tolerance symbolism and to create and edit drawings using drafting software

Engineering Drawing
1. Introduction
2. Orthographic Projection: First angle and third angle projection system
3. Isometric Projections
4. Auxiliary Projections
5. Perspective Projections
6. Introduction to Mechanical Drawing
7. Sketching engineering objects
8. Sections, dimensions and tolerances

1. Management of screen menus commands
2. Introduction to drawing entities
3. Co-ordinate systems: Cartesian, polar and relative coordinates
4. Drawing limits, units of measurement and scale
5. Layering: organizing and maintaining the integrity of drawings
6. Design of prototype drawings as templates.
7. Editing/modifying drawing entities: selection of objects, object snap modes, editing commands,
8. Dimensioning: use of annotations, dimension types, properties and placement, adding
text to drawing

Micro Projects /Assignments:

1. Completing the views - Identification and drawing of missing lines in the projection of objects
2. Missing views – using two views to draw the projection of the object in the third view,
primarily restricting to Elevation, Plan and Profile views
3. Projects related to orthographic and isometric projections
a. Using wax blocks or soap bars to develop three dimensional object from given
orthographic projections
b. Using wax blocks or soap bars to develop three dimensional object, section it and color
the section
c. Use of AUTOCAD as a complementary tool for drawing the projections of the objects
created in (1) and (2).
4. Develop the lateral surface of different objects involving individual or a combination of solids
like Prism, Cone, Pyramid, Cylinder, Sphere etc.
5. To draw the detailed and assembly drawings of simple engineering objects/systems with
due sectioning (where ever required) along with bill of materials. e.g. Rivet joints, simple
bearing, wooden joints, Two plates connected with nut and bolt etc.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. creatively comprehend geometrical details of common engineering objects

2. draw dimensioned orthographic and isometric projections of simple engineering objects
3. draw sectional views of simple engineering objects.
4. interpret the meaning and intent of toleranced dimensions and geometric tolerance
5. create and edit dimensioned drawings of simple engineering objects using AutoCAD
6. organize drawing objects using layers and setting up of templates in AutoCAD

Text Books:

1. Jolhe, D.A., Engineering Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008

2. Davies, B. L., Yarwood, A., Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Van
Nostrand Reinhold (UK), 1986
Reference Books:
1. Gill, P.S., Geometrical Drawings, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi (2008).
2. Gill, P.S., Machine Drawings, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi (2013).
3. Mohan, K.R., Engineering Graphics, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd, Delhi
4. French, T. E., Vierck, C. J. and Foster, R. J., Fundamental of Engineering Drawing & Graphics
Technology, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi (1986).
5. Rowan, J. and Sidwell , E. H., Graphics for Engineers, Edward Arnold, London

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Evaluation
No. Elements
1 Mid semester test (formal written test) 2
2 End semester test (formal written test) 4
Sessional: (may include the
3 Continuous evaluation of drawing assignments in tutorial/ 3
regular practice of AutoCAD tutorial exercises & Individual 5
independent project work/drawing and AutoCAD
UMA004-Mathematics - II
L T P Cr
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To introduce students the theory and concepts of differential equations, linear algebra,
Laplace transformations and Fourier series which will equip them with adequate knowledge of mathematics
to formulate and solve problems analytically.

Linear Algebra: Row reduced echelon form, Solution of system of linear equations, Matrix inversion,
Linear spaces, Subspaces, Basis and dimension, Linear transformation and its matrix representation, Eigen-
values, Eigen-vectors and Diagonalisation, Inner product spaces and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation

Ordinary Differential Equations: Review of first order differential equations, Exact differential equations,
Second and higher order differential equations, Solution techniques using one known solution, Cauchy -
Euler equation, Method of undetermined coefficients, Variation of parameters method, Engineering
applications of differential equations.

Laplace Transform: Definition and existence of Laplace transforms and its inverse, Properties of the
Laplace transforms, Unit step function, Impulse function, Applications to solve initial and boundary value

Fourier Series: Introduction, Fourier series on arbitrary intervals, Half range expansions, Applications of
Fourier series to solve wave equation and heat equation.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:

1. solve the differential equations of first and 2nd order and basic application problems described by
these equations.
2. find the Laplace transformations and inverse Laplace transformations for various functions. Using
the concept of Laplace transform students will be able to solve the initial value and boundary value
3. find the Fourier series expansions of periodic functions and subsequently will be able to solve heat
and wave equations.
4. solve systems of linear equations by using elementary row operations.
5. identify the vector spaces/subspaces and to compute their bases/orthonormal bases. Further, students
will be able to express linear transformation in terms of matrix and find the eigen values and eigen

Text Books:

1) Simmons, G.F., Differential Equations (With Applications and Historical Notes), Tata McGraw Hill
2) Krishnamurthy, V.K., Mainra, V.P. and Arora, J.L., An introduction to Linear Algebra, Affiliated
East West Press (1976).

Reference Books:

1) Kreyszig Erwin, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley (2006), 8th ed.
2) Jain, R.K. and Iyenger, S.R.K , Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing
House(2011), 11th ed.
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include assignments/quizzes) 25
UHU 003: Professional Communication
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course objective: To introduce the students to effective professional communication. The student will be
exposed to effective communication strategies and different modes of communication. The student will be
able to analyze his/ her communication behavior and that of the others. By learning and adopting the right
strategies, the student will be able to apply effective communication skills, professionally and socially.

Effective communication: Meaning, Barriers,Types of communication and Essentials.Interpersonal

Communication skills.
Effective Spoken Communication: Understanding essentials of spoken communication,Public speaking,
Discussion Techniques,Presentation strategies.
Effective Professional and Technical writing: Paragraph development, Forms of writing,Abstraction and
Summarization of a text;Technicalities of letter writing,internal and external organizational
communication.Technical reports and proposals.
Effective non verbal communication: Knowledge and adoption of the right non verbal cues of body
language, interpretation of the body language in professional context. Understanding Proxemics and other
forms of non verbal communication.
Communicating for Employment: Designing Effective Job Application letter and resumes.
Communication Networks in organizations:Types, barriers and overcoming the barriers.

Laboratory work :
1. Needs-assessment of spoken and written communication and feedback.
2. Training for Group Discussions through simulations and role plays.
3. Technical report writing on survey based projects.
4. Project based team presentations.

Course learning outcome (CLO):

1. Apply communication concepts for effective interpersonal communication.
2. Select the most appropriate media of communication for a given situation.
3. Speak assertively and effectively.
4. Write objective organizational correspondence.
5. Design effective resumes,reports and proposals .

Text Books:

1. Lesikar R.V and Flately M.E., Basic Business Communication Skills for the Empowering the Internet
Generation. Tata Mc Graw Hill. New Delhi (2006).
2. Raman,M & Sharma, S.,Technical Communication Principles and Practice, Oxford University Press
New Delhi.(2011).
3. Mukherjee H.S.,Business Communication-Connecting at Work,Oxford University Press New
Delhi, (2013).
Reference Books:

1. Butterfield, Jeff.,Soft Skills for everyone,Cengage Learning New Delhi,(2013).

2. Robbins, S.P., & Hunsaker, P.L.,Training in Interpersonal Skills,Prentice Hall of India New
3. DiSianza,J.J & Legge,N.J.,Business and Prfofessional Communication,Pearson Education India New

Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 35
3. Sessionals (Group Discussions; professional 40
presentations;poster presentatios ,public
speaking;technical reports)

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: To provide basic understanding of engineering materials, their structure and the
influence of structure on mechanical, chemical, electrical and magnetic properties.

Structure of solids: Classification of engineering materials, Structure-property relationship in engineering

materials, Crystalline and non-crystalline materials, Miller Indices, Crystal planes and directions,
Determination of crystal structure using X-rays, Inorganic solids, Silicate structures and their applications.
Defects; Point, line and surface defects.

Mechanical properties of materials: Elastic, Anelastic and Viscoelastic behaviour, Engineering stress and
engineering strain relationship, True stress - true strain relationship, review of mechanical properties, Plastic
deformation by twinning and slip, Movement of dislocations, Critical shear stress, Strengthening
mechanism, and Creep.

Equilibrium diagram: Solids solutions and alloys, Gibbs phase rule, Unary and binary eutectic phase
diagram, Examples and applications of phase diagrams like Iron - Iron carbide phase diagram.

Electrical and magnetic materials: Conducting and resister materials, and their engineering application;
Semiconducting materials, their properties and applications; Magnetic materials, Soft and hard magnetic
materials and applications; Superconductors; Dielectric materials, their properties and applications. Smart
materials: Sensors and actuators, piezoelectric, magnetostrictive and electrostrictive materials.

Corrosion process: Corrosion, Cause of corrosion, Types of corrosion, Protection against corrosion.

Materials selection: Overview of properties of engineering materials, Selection of materials for different
engineering applications.

Laboratory Work and Micro-Project:

Note: The micro-project will be assigned to the group(s) of students at the beginning of the semester. Based
on the topic of the project the student will perform any of the six experiments from the following list:

1. To determine Curie temperature of a ferrite sample and to study temperature dependence of

permeability in the vicinity of Curie temperature.
2. To study cooling curve of a binary alloy.
3. Determination of the elastic modulus and ultimate strength of a given fiber strand.
4. To determine the dielectric constant of a PCB laminate.
5. Detection of flaws using ultrasonic flaw detector (UFD).
6. To determine fiber and void fraction of a glass fiber reinforced composite specimen.
7. To investigate creep of a given wire at room temperature.
8. To estimate the Hall coefficient, carrier concentration and mobility in a semiconductor crystal.
9. To estimate the band-gap energy of a semiconductor using four probe technique.
10. To measure grain size and study the effect of grain size on hardness of the given metallic specimens.

Course Outcomes: Student will be able to:

1. classify engineering materials based on its structure.
2. draw crystallographic planes and directions.
3. distinguish between elastic and plastic behavior of materials.
4. distinguish between isomorphous and eutectic phase diagram.
5. classify materials based on their electrical and magnetic properties.
6. propose a solution to prevent corrosion.

Text Books:
1. W.D. Callister , Materials Science and Engineering; John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2002.
2. W.F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction; Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
3. V. Raghavan, Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering; PHI, Delhi, 2005.

Reference Books:
1. S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Engineering Materials; Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2007.
2. L. H. Van Vlack, Elements of Material Science and Engineering; Thomas Press, India, 1998.
3. K. G. Budinski, Engineering Materials – Properties and selection, Prentince Hall India, 1996

Evaluation Scheme
Event Weightage
Mid-Sem Test 25
Tut/Sessional 5
Lab + Project 25
Quiz 10
End-Sem Test 35
Total 100

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to motivate the students to understand and learn
various numerical techniques to solve mathematical problems representing various engineering, physical
and real-life problems.

Floating-Point Numbers: Floating-point representation, rounding, chopping, error analysis, conditioning

and stability.

Non-Linear Equations: Bisection, secant, fixed-point iteration, Newton method for simple and multiple
roots, their convergence analysis and order of convergence.
Linear Systems and Eigen-Values: Gauss elimination method using pivoting strategies, LU
decomposition, Gauss-Seidel and successive-over-relaxation (SOR) iteration methods and their
convergence, ill and well-conditioned systems, Rayleigh's power method for Eigen-values and Eigen-
Interpolation and Approximations: Finite differences, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation,
Lagrange and Newton's divided difference interpolation formulas with error analysis, least square
Numerical Integration: Newton-Cotes quadrature formulae (Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules) and their
error analysis, Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae.
Differential Equations: Solution of initial value problems using Picard, Taylor series, Euler's and Runge-
Kutta methods (up to fourth-order), system of first-order differential equations.
Laboratory Work: Lab experiments will be set in consonance with materials covered in the theory.
Implementation of numerical techniques using MATLAB.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs): Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the errors, source of error and its effect on any numerical computations and also analysis
the efficiency of any numerical algorithms.
2. Learn how to obtain numerical solution of nonlinear equations using bisection, secant, Newton, and
fixed-point iteration methods.
3. Solve system of linear equations numerically using direct and iterative methods.
4. Understand how to approximate the functions using interpolating polynomials.
5. Learn how to solve definite integrals and initial value problems numerically.

Text Books:
1. Gerald F. C. and Wheatley O. P., Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson, (2003) 7thEdition,
2. Jain K. M., Iyengar K. R. S. and Jain K. R., Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering Computation, New Age International Publishers (2012), 6thedition.
2. Steven C. Chappra, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 7th
edition (1 March 2014)

Reference Books:

3. Mathew H. J., Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall,
(1992) 2nd edition.
4. Burden L. R. and Faires D. J. Numerical Analysis, Brooks Cole (2011), 9thedition.
5. Atkinson K. and Han H., Elementary Numerical Analysis, John Willey & Sons (2004), 3rd

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 40
3. Sessionals (May include assignments/quizzes) 15
4 Laboratory evaluation 20

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3
Course Objective: To introduce basic concepts of Data communication with different models. Enumerate
the physical layer, Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer and Application Layer, explanation
of the function(s) of each layer. Familiarization with cryptography and network security.

Overview of Data Communication and Networking: Data communications, Networks, The Internet,
Protocols and standards, Layered tasks, OSI model, TCP /IP protocol Architecture and its addressing, Data
Rate Limits, Circuit switching, Packet Switching, Message Switching.
Data link layer: Types of errors, Detection, Error correction, Flow and error control, Stop and wait ARQ,
go back n ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ, HDLC, Point to point protocol, PPP stack, on, IEEE Standards:
802.3 to 802.6 and 802.11, FDDI, Bluetooth; Introduction to Virtual circuit switching including frame relay,
X.25, ATM and Softswitch Architecture; Telephone networks, DSL technology, Cable modem,
SONET/SDH. Connecting devices, Backbone network, Virtual LAN, Cellular telephony, Satellite
Queueing Theory: An Introduction to Queues and Queueing Theory, Basic Queueing Theory - I (Analysis
of M/M/-/- Type Queues), Basic Queueing Theory - II (Departures, Method of Stages, Batch Arrivals,
Burke’s theorem and Network of queues, Little theorem, M/G/1 Queues, Reservations Systems M/G/1
Queues with Priority
Network layer: Internetworks, Logical Addressing, Subnetting, Routing, ARP, IP, ICMP, IGMP, IPV6,
Unicast routing, Unicast routing protocol, Multicast routing, Multicast routing protocols.
Transport layer: Process to process delivery, User datagram protocol (UDP), Transmission control
protocol (TCP), Data traffic, Congestion, Congestion control, Quality of service, Techniques to improve
QOS, Integrated services, Differentiated services, QOS in switched networks.
Application layer: Client server model, Socket interface, Name space, Domain name space, Distribution
of name space, DNS in the internet, Resolution, DNS messages, DDNS, Encapsulation, Electronic mail,
File transfer, HTTP, World wide web (WWW), Network Management System, Cryptography, Network
Security, Simple Network management Protocol (SNMP), Simple Mail Transfer protocol (SMTP)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Understand the layered architecture of Internet’s reference models: OSI & TCP/IP and basis of
physical layer and media.
2. Acquire knowledge about design issues, framing, error detection and correction, channel allocation
techniques and link layer protocols.
3. Incorporate the data traffic with queueing models.
4. Identify various routing algorithms, elements of transport protocols, congestion control, QOS,
internetworking, IP and IP addressing mechanism.
5. Describe various communication applications like email, web browser, familiarization with
cryptography and network security.
Text Books:
1. Ferouzan, Behrouz A., Data Communications and Networking, TATA McGraw Hill (2017) 5th
2. Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Computer Networks, PHI (2013) 5th Edition.
3. D. Gross and C. Harris, Fundamentals of Queueing Theory, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 1998. (WSE
Edition, 2004).
Reference Books:
1. Stallings William, Data and Computer Communication, Pearson Education (2017) 10th Edition.
2. James F. Kurose, Computer networking: A top-down approach, Pearson Education (2017), 6th
3. Athanasios Papoulis, Probability Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-Hill (2002),
4th Edition.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 25
L T P Cr.
3 1 0 3.5

Course Objectives: To gain knowledge and understand the concepts of probability theory, random
variables, stochastic processes and Information theory. To familiarize the students with the applications of
probabilistic/stochastic techniques/methods in communication engineering and information theory.

Details of Contents:

Probability Theory: Review of Probability, Bernoulli Trials, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Concepts of Random
Variables, Distribution and Probability Density Functions, Conditional Distributions, Binomial Random
variables Functions of One Random Variable, its Distribution, Mean and Variance, Moments, Characteristic
Functions; Two Functions of Two Random Variables, Joint Moments, Joint Characteristic Functions,
Conditional Distributions, Conditional Expected Values, Normality, Center Limit Theorem, and Bayes’

Stochastic Processes: Systems with Stochastic Inputs, Power Spectral Analysis of I/O Signals, Poisson
Points, Cyclostationary Processes, Poisson Sum Formula, Ergodicity, Mean Square Estimation, Markov
Chains, and Random-Walk Model

Estimation & Hypothesis Testing: Time and Ensemble Averages, Covariance Functions. Simple Binary
Hypothesis Tests, Decision Criteria, Neyman Pearson Tests, Bayes’ Criteria, z-Score, and p-Value Test

Information Theory: Introduction, Information measure and entropy, Information source, Markov source,
Adjoint of an information source, Joint and Conditional Information measure, Joint and conditional
information measure of a Markov source, Instantaneous codes, Kraft-Mcmillan inquality, Shannon first
theorem, Coding strategies and Huffman coding, Introduction to information channels, mutual information
and channel capacity, Shannon second theorem, channel capacity calculations for different channels,
Differential entropy, Rate distortion theory
Statistical Modeling of Noise: Probability Density of a Jointly-Gaussian Random Vector, Wide-Sense-
Stationary (WSS) Processes, Poisson Process Noise, Noise Statistics in Linear Time-Invariant Systems,
Noise Power Spectral Densities, Signal-to-Noise-Ratio in Presence of AWGN and Interferences.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to
● apply the probabilistic concepts as well as properties of the random variables
● perform the spectral analysis of stationary stochastic processes, for the modeling of real-time desired
signals and spurious-signals/noise
● incorporate the estimation and hypothesis testing principles to find remedial solutions
● utilize the features/characteristics of queueing theory in communication systems
● employ information theory and coding concepts, to improve information symbol transmission rate,
and also use it for data compression

Text Books:
1. Athanasios Papoulis, Probability Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-Hill (1984)
2. John N. Daigle, Queueing Theory with Applications to Packet Telecommunication, Springer (2005)
3. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall (2001)
Reference Books:
1. P.Z. Peebles, Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles, McGraw-Hill (1980)
2. Dimitri P. Bertsekas, Robert G. Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice-Hall (1987)
3. A. Larson and B.O. Schubert, Stochastic Processes, vol. I and II, Holden-Day (1979)
4. W. Gardener, Stochastic Processes, McGraw Hill (1986)
5. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
6. David J. C. Mackay, “Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms”, Cambridge University
Press, 2003

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
4. MST 30
5. EST 40
6. Sessional (Including assignments, quiz & micro-project 30

UEC301: Analog Electronic Circuits

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and design of basic
transistor amplifier circuits, oscillators and wave shaping circuits.

Transistor Biasing and Thermal Stabilization: The Operating Point, Biasing Stability, Self-Biasing or
Emitter Bias, Stabilization against Variations in Ico, VBE, and β, General Remarks on Collector-Current
Stability, Bias Compensation, Thermal Runaway, Thermal Stability, The FET Small-Signal Model, The
metal-oxide-semiconductor FET (MOSFET), The low-frequency common-source and common-drain
amplifiers, Biasing FET
Transistor at Low and High Frequencies: Low frequency h-parameter model of BJT, The Hybrid-pi (II)
Common-emitter Transistor Model, Hybrid-II conductances, The Hybrid-II Capacitances, Variation of
Hybrid-II parameters, The CE short-circuit current gain, The gain-bandwidth product.
Multistage Amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers, Distortion in amplifiers, Frequency response of an
amplifier, Step Response of an amplifier, Bandpass of cascaded stages, The RC-coupled amplifier, Low-
frequency response of an RC-coupled stage, Effect of an emitter Bypass capacitor on low-frequency
Power Amplifiers: Class A, B, AB, Push pull & Class C amplifiers, Comparison of their Efficiencies,
Types of distortion.
Feedback Amplifiers: Classification of Amplifiers, The feedback concept, The transfer gain with feedback,
General characteristics of negative-feedback amplifiers, Input resistance, Output resistance, Method of
Analysis of a Feedback Amplifier, Voltage-series feedback, Current-series feedback, Current-shunt
feedback, Voltage-shunt feedback
Stability and Oscillators: Sinusoidal Oscillator, The phase-shift oscillator, Resonant-circuit oscillators, A
General form of oscillator circuit, The Wien Bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillator, Frequency Stability
Wave shaping circuits: Multi-vibratotrs (Astable, Mono-stable, Bi-Stable), High pass and low pass filters
using R-C Circuits & their response to step input, Pulse input, Square input and Ramp Input, Schmitt
Laboratory Work: Frequency response analysis of RC coupled amplifier, Tuned amplifiers, Push-pull
amplifier, Feedback amplifier. Hartley and Colpitts Oscillator. RC Phase shift oscillator. Study of Multi-
vibrators (Astable, Mono-stable, Bi-stable Multi-vibrator). Clipper and Clamper circuit, Schmitt Trigger.

Course learning outcome (CLO): The student will be able to:

1. Determine operating point and various stability factors of transistor.

2. Analyse low and high frequency transistor model.
3. Analyse the performance of multistage, feedback and power amplifiers.
4. Design oscillator circuits and analyse its performance.
5. Analyse various filters and multi-vibrators circuits.

Text Books:

1. Milliman, J. and Halkias, C.C., Intergrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill (2007).
2. Milliman, J. &Taub, H., Pulse, Digital and switching waveforms, Tata McGraw Hill (2007).

Reference Books

1. Malvino, L., Electronic principles, Tata McGraw Hill (1998).

2. Cathey, J. J., 2000 Solved Examples in Electronics, McGraw Hill (1991).

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25

2. EST 35

3. Sessionals (May include 40

UES018: Manufacturing Techniques
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objectives: The course introduces the basic concepts of manufacturing via machining, joining and
assembly, enabling the students to develop a basic knowledge of the mechanics, operation and limitations
of basic machining tool. The course also introduces the concept of metrology and measurement of parts.
The course also provides students with skill, knowledge and hands on experience to work on different
vacuum-based deposition techniques, understanding of nucleation and growth of thin films and their
different characterization for various electronic application.

Part A (Common to all)

Machining Processes: Principles of metal cutting, Cutting tools, Cutting tool materials and applications,
Geometry of single point cutting tool, Introduction to multi-point machining processes – milling, drilling
and grinding, Tool Life, Introduction to computerized numerical control (CNC) machines, G and M code
programming for simple turning and milling operations, introduction of canned cycles.
Joining Processes: Electric arc, Resistance welding, Soldering, Brazing.

Part B (Program Specific)

Thin Films Deposition Techniques: Introduction to vacuum systems, different vacuum pumps and
pressure gauges, vacuum leak detection and its solution, Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), Chemical
Vapor Deposition (CVD), Radio Frequency (RF) Sputtering, Direct Current (DC) Sputtering, Thermal
Evaporation, Metallization, film thickness measurements, Oxidation techniques and systems, Oxidation of
Device Manufacturing: Metal Semiconductor Junctions: Ohmic and Schottky, Metal Oxide
Semiconductor (MOS) Device, Application of thin films in different areas such as electronics, medical,
defence, sports, auto mobiles etc. Characterization of thin films, MOS device-based characterization,
Conductivity measurements, two probe vs four probe resistivity method, CV characterization.

Course learning outcome (CLOs):

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Develop simple CNC code, and use it to produce components while working in groups.
2. Analyse various machining processes and calculate relevant quantities such as velocities, forces.
3. Recognise cutting tool wear and identify possible causes and solutions.
4. Appropriately select the deposition techniques for various electronic application.
5. Analyse and understand the requirements to achieve sound welded joint while welding different
similar and dissimilar engineering materials.
6. Perform the device manufacturing and its characterization.

Text Books / Reference Books

1. Chandra, S., Jayadeva, Mehra, A., Numerical Optimization and Applications, Narosa
Publishing House, (2013).
2. Taha H.A., Operations Research-An Introduction, PHI (2007).
3. Pant J. C., Introduction to optimization: Operations Research, Jain Brothers (2004)
4. Bazaarra Mokhtar S., Jarvis John J. and ShiraliHanif D., Linear Programming and
Network flows, John Wiley and Sons (1990)
5. Swarup, K., Gupta, P. K., Mammohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, (2010).
6. M. Ohring, “Materials science of thin films”, Academic press (2001).
7. L. Holland, “Vacuum deposition of thin films”, Chapman and Hall.
Evaluation Scheme:
Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 20
2. EST 40 (10+30)
3. Sessional (Assignments/Practical/Tutorials/Quizzes) 40 (20+20)

L T P Cr
1 0 2 3
Course Objectives: To develop design skills according to a Conceive-Design-Implement- Operate (CDIO)
compliant methodology. To apply engineering sciences through learning-by- doing project work. To provide a
framework to encourage creativity and innovation. To develop team work and communication skills through
group-based activity. To foster self- directed learning and critical evaluation.

To provide a basis for the technical aspects of the project a small number of lectures are incorporated into the
module. As the students would have received little in the way of formal engineering instruction at this early stage
in the degree course, the level of the lectures is to be introductory with an emphasis on the physical aspects of the
subject matter as applied to the ‘Mangonel’ project. The lecture series include subject areas such as Materials,
Structures, Dynamics and Digital Electronics delivered by experts in the field.

This module is delivered using a combination of introductory lectures and participation by the students in 15
“activities”. The activities are executed to support the syllabus of the course and might take place in specialised
laboratories or on the open ground used for firing the Mangonel. Students work in groups throughout the semester to
encourage teamwork, cooperation and to avail of the different skills of its members. In the end the students work in
sub-groups to do the Mangonel throwing arm redesign project. They assemble and operate a Mangonel, based on the
lectures and tutorials assignments of mechanical engineering they experiment with the working, critically analyse the
effect of design changes and implement the final project in a competition. Presentation of the group assembly,
redesign and individual reflection of the project is assessed in the end.

Breakup of lecture details to be taken up by MED:

Lec No. Topic Contents
Lec 1 Introduction The Mangonel Project. History. Spreadsheet.
Lec 2 PROJECTILE no DRAG, Design spread sheet simulator for it.
Lec 3 PROJECTILE with DRAG, Design spread sheet simulator for it.
Lec 6 REDESIGNING THE Design constraints and limitations of materials for
MANGONEL redesigning the Mangonel for competition as a group.
Lec 7 MANUFACTURING Manufacturing and assembling the Mangonel.
Lec 8 SIMULATION IN Simulation as an Analysis Tool in Engineering Design.
Lec 9 ROLE OF The Role of Modelling in Engineering Design.
Breakup of lecture details to be taken up by ECED:
Lec No. Topic Contents
Lec 1-5 Digital Prototype, Architecture, Using the Integrated Development
Electronic Environment (IDE) to Prepare an Arduino Sketch, structuring an
s Arduino Program, Using Simple Primitive Types (Variables),
Simple programming examples. Definition of a sensor and

Tutorial Assignment / Laboratory Work:

Associated Laboratory/Project Program: T- Mechanical Tutorial, L- Electronics Laboratory, W- Mechanical
Workshop of “Mangonel” assembly, redesign, operation and reflection.

Title for the weekly work in 15 weeks Code

Using a spread sheet to develop a simulator T
Dynamics of projectile launched by a Mangonel - No Drag T
Dynamics of projectile launched by a Mangonel - With Drag T
Design against failure under static actions T
Design against failure under dynamic actions T
Electronics hardware and Arduino controller L
Electronics hardware and Arduino controller L
Programming the Arduino Controller L
Programming the Arduino Controller L
Final project of sensors, electronics hardware and programmed Arduino
controller based measurement of angular velocity of the “Mangonel” throwing L
arm. 5
Assembly of the Mangonel by group W
Assembly of the Mangonel by group W
Innovative redesign of the Mangonel and its testing by group W
Innovative redesign of the Mangonel and its testing by group W
Final inter group competition to assess best redesign and understanding of the
“Mangonel”. 5

Project: The Project will facilitate the design, construction and analysis of a “Mangonel”. In addition to some
introductory lectures, the content of the students’ work during the semester will consist of:
1. the assembly of a Mangonel from a Bill Of Materials (BOM), detailed engineering
drawings of parts, assembly instructions, and few prefabricated parts ;
2. the development of a software tool to allow the trajectory of a “missile” to be studied as a function of various
operating parameters in conditions of no-drag and drag due to air;
3. a structural analysis of certain key components of the Mangonel for static and dynamic stresses using values
of material properties which will be experimentally determined;
4. the development of a micro-electronic system to allow the angular velocity of the
throwing arm to be determined;
5. testing the Mangonel;
6. redesigning the throwing arm of the Mangonel to optimise for distance without compromising its
structural integrity;
7. an inter-group competition at the end of the semester with evaluation of the group
redesign strategies.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. simulate trajectories of a mass with and without aerodynamic drag using a spreadsheet based software
tool to allow trajectories be optimized;
2. perform a test to acquire an engineering material property of strength in bending and
analyze the throwing arm of the “Mangonel” under conditions of static and dynamic loading;
3. develop and test software code to process sensor data;
4. design, construct and test an electronic hardware solution to process sensor data;
5. construct and operate a Roman catapult “Mangonel” using tools, materials and assembly
instructions, in a group, for a competition;
6. operate and evaluate the innovative redesign of elements of the “Mangonel” for functional and
structural performance;

Text Books:
1. Michael Mc Roberts, Beginning Arduino, Technology in action publications.
2. Alan G. Smith, Introduction to Arduino: A piece of cake, Create Space Independent
Publishing Platform (2011)

Reference Book:
1. John Boxall, Arduino Workshop - A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects, No
Starch Press (2013)

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST -
2 EST -
Sessional: (may include the

following) Mechanical Tutorial 3


Electronics Hardware and software Practical work in 3

3 Laboratory 0

Assessment of Mechanical contents in Lectures

and Tutorials and Electronics contents in Lectures
and Practical. 1
Project (Assembly of the “Mangonel”, innovative
redesign with reflection, prototype competition,
Final Presentation and viva-voce
L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives: To familiarize the student with the analysis, design and evaluation of digital systems
of medium complexity that are based on SSI, MSI and Programmable logic devices. Also, to familiarize the
students with the issues in the design of iterative networks, timing analysis of synchronous and
asynchronous systems.

Binary Codes: Review of special binary codes, Error detection and correction codes.
Combinational Circuits: Q. M. Method, Variable Map Method, Ripple carry adder, BCD adder, High
speed adder, Subtractor, Code conversion, Magnitude comparators, Applications of Encoders, Decoders,
MUX, DEMUX, Implementations using ROM, PLA, PAL. Standard ICs and their applications.Using
combinational modules to design digital systems, Iterative networks.

Sequential Circuits: Various types of latches and flip-flops and their conversions, Universal Shift
Registers, Counters – Ring, Johnson, Design of Counters, Timing issues, Setup and hold times, operating
frequency limitations, Static Timing Analysis, Standard ICs for their applications, Finite State Machines –
Moore and Mealy, Design of Synchronous and Asynchronous sequential circuits, Races and hazards, hazard
free design.

Logic Circuits: DTL, TTL, MOS, CMOS logic families their comparison, Detailed study of TTL & CMOS
logic families and their characteristics i.e. Fan-in, Fan-out, Unit load, Propagation delay, Power dissipation,
Current & voltage parameters, Tristate Logic, Interfacing of TTL & CMOS logic families, reading and
analyzing Datasheets, Performance estimation of digital systems.
Laboratory Work: To study standard ICs and their usage, To study latches and Flip-flops, Design of
registers and asynchronous/synchronous up/down counters, Variable modulus counters, Design of Finite
State Machines, Study of timing waveforms, Usage of IC tester.

Course Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to:

1. Perform Logic Minimization for single/multiple output function(s).
2. Generate multiple digital solutions to a verbally described problem.
3. Evaluate the performance of a given Digital circuit/system.
4. Draw the timing diagrams for the identified signals in a digital circuit.
5. Assess the performance of a given digital circuit with Mealy and Moore configurations.
6. Perform static timing analysis of the digital circuits/systems.
7. Compare the performance of a given digital circuits/systems with respect to their speed, power
consumption, number of ICs, and cost.

Text Books:

1. Fletcher, W.I., Engineering Approach to Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India (2007) 4th ed.
2. Wakerly, J.F., Digital Design Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall of India (2013) 5thed.

Reference Books:
1. Givone D. D., Digital Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill (2007) 2nded.
2. Tocci, R.J., Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, Prentice-Hall (2006) 10th ed.
3. Mano, M.M. and Clitti M. D., Digital Design, Prentice Hall (2001) 3rd ed.
Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 25
2 EST 35
3 Sessional (May include 40
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ Quizes/Lab
UMA035-OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES (all branches except for Mechanical)
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course Objective: The main objective of the course is to formulate mathematical models and to understand solution
methods for real life optimal decision problems. The emphasis will be on basic study of linear and non-linear
programming problems, Integer programming problem, Transportation problem, Two person zero sum games with
economic applications and project management techniques using CPM.

Scope of Operations Research: Introduction to linear and non-linear programming formulation of different models.

Linear Programming: Geometry of linear programming, Graphical method, Linear programming (LP) in standard
form, Solution of LP by simplex method, Exceptional cases in LP, Duality theory, Dual simplex method, Sensitivity

Integer Programming: Branch and bound technique, Gomory’s Cutting plane method.

Network Models: Construction of networks, Network computations, Free Floats, Critical path method (CPM),
optimal scheduling (crashing). Initial basic feasible solutions of balanced and unbalanced transportation problems,
optimal solutions, assignment problem.

Multiobjective Programming: Introduction to multiobjective linear programming, efficient solution, efficient


Nonlinear Programming:

Unconstrained Optimization: unimodal functions, Fibonacci search method, Steepest Descent method, Conjugate
Gradient method

Constrained Optimization: Concept of convexity and concavity, Maxima and minima of functions of n-variables,
Lagrange multipliers, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for constrained optimization

Course learning outcome: Upon Completion of this course, the students would be able to:

1) formulate the linear and nonlinear programming problems.

2) solve linear programming problems using Simplex method and its variants.
3) construct and optimize various network models.
4) solve multiobjective linear programming problems.
5) solve nonlinear programming problems.

Text Books:

1) Chandra, S., Jayadeva, Mehra, A., Numerical Optimization and Applications, Narosa Publishing House,
2) Taha H.A., Operations Research-An Introduction, PHI (2007).

Recommended Books:

1) Pant J. C., Introduction to optimization: Operations Research, Jain Brothers (2004)

2) BazaarraMokhtar S., Jarvis John J. and ShiraliHanif D., Linear Programming and Network flows, John Wiley
and Sons (1990)
3) Swarup, K., Gupta, P. K., Mammohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, (2010).
4) H.S. Kasana and K.D. Kumar, Introductory Operations research, Springer publication, (2004)
5) Ravindran, D. T. Phillips and James J. Solberg: Operations Research- Principles and Practice, John Wiley &
Sons, Second edn. (2005).
Evaluation Scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May includeassignments/quizzes/projects) 25

L T P Cr
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The aim of this subject is to develop analytical capability of students, by which they
would be able to handle signal processing related problems and projects. The knowledge of various
transforms will help students to work in multi-disciplinary fields of engineering in group activities.

Representation of Signals and Systems: Signals, Basic Continuous and discrete Time signals and systems,
Energy and power signals, System modelling concepts, Linear time invariant systems, Representation of
signals in terms of impulses, Discrete time LTI systems continuous time LTI systems, Properties of LTI
systems, Systems described by differential and difference equations, Sampling theorem, Quantization.

Fourier Analysis: Continuous and discrete time Fourier series, Trigonometric and exponential Fourier
series, Properties of Fourier series, Continuous and discrete time Fourier transforms and its properties,
Analysis of discrete time signals and systems, Linear Convolution, Circular Convolution, Correlation,

Z-Transform: Definition of Z-transform and Properties of Z-transform, Inverse Z-transform - Power series,
partial fraction expansion, residue method and their comparison, Relation between Z.T. and F.T, Discrete
time convolution, Time domain and frequency domain analysis, Solution of difference equation,
Applications of Z-transforms.

Introduction to Fast Fourier Transforms: Discrete Fourier transform, Properties of DFT, Fast Fourier
transforms, Divide and Conquer Approach, Decimation in time and decimation in frequency, Radix-n FFT
algorithms, Comparison of computational complexity.

Laboratory work:
Basics of MATLAB, Signal generation, Properties of signals and systems, Linear and Circular convolution,
Correlation, Z-transform, DFT / IDFT, FFT algorithms using MATLAB.

Course learning outcome (CLO): The student will be able to:

1. Analyze the properties of continuous and discrete time signals and systems.
2. Represent signals and systems in the frequency domain using Fourier tools.
3. Apply Z-transform to analyze discrete time signals and system.
4. Obtain the fast Fourier transform of a sequence and measure its computational efficiency.

Text Books:
1. Oppenheim, A.V. and Willsky, A.S., Signal & Systems, Prentice Hall of India (1997).
2. Kani, A.N. Signals and Systems, McGraw Hill Higher Education,(2011)
3. Proakis, J.G. and Manolakis, D.G., Digital Signal Processing Principles Algorithm & Applications,
Prentice Hall, (2007).

Reference Books:
1. Roberts, M.J., Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform Methods and MATLAB, Tata
2. Lathi, B.P., Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Berkeley Cambridge Press, 1998
Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include Assignments / Projects / Tutorials 30
/ Quizes / Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4
Course Objective: The objective of this course is to equip students with the necessary fundamental knowledge
and skills that enable them to design basic embedded systems. It covers architecture, programming of ARM
processor and it’s interfacing with peripheral devices.

Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition, Embedded Systems Vs General Computing Systems,

Classification of Embedded Systems, Major application areas. General purpose processor architecture and
organization, Von-Neumann and Harvard architectures, CISC and RISC architectures, Big and Little endian
processors, Processor design trade-offs, Processor cores: soft and hard.

Introduction to ARM Processor: The ARM design philosophy, ARM core data flow model, Architecture,
Register set, ARM7TDMI Interface signals, General Purpose Input Output Registers, Memory Interface, Bus
Cycle types, Pipeline, ARM processors family, Operational Modes, Instruction Format, Data forwarding.

Programming based on ARM7TDMI: ARM Instruction set, condition codes, Addressing modes,
Interrupts, Exceptions and Vector Table. Assembly Language Programming, Thumb state, Thumb
Programmers model, Thumb Applications, ARM coprocessor interface and Instructions.

ARM Tools and Interfacing of Peripherals: ARM Development Environment, Arm Procedure Call
Standard (APCS), Example C/C++ programs, Embedded software development, Image structure, linker
inputs and outputs, Protocols (I2C, SPI), Memory Protection Unit (MPU). Physical Vs Virtual Memory,
Paging, Segmentation. The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA), DMA, Peripherals,
Interfacing of peripherals with ARM.

Laboratory Work: Introduction to Kiel Software, Introduction to ARM processor kit, Programming
examples of ARM processor. Interfacing of LED, Seven Segment Display, Stepper Motor, LCD with
ARM7TDMI processor.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Explain embedded system, its processor architecture and distinguish it from general computing
2. Describe ARM processor internal architecture, assembly instructions, their format and Develop
ARM processor-based assembly language program for a given statement.
3. Describe how thumb mode operations are designed and various coprocessors are interfaced in an
embedded system.
4. Interface various hardware peripherals in embedded systems.
5. Recognize issues to be handled in any processor software tool chain for embedded system
development especially using C/C++.

Text Books:
1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, Naraig Manjikian, “Computer organization and
embedded systems, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. ARM System on Chip Architecture–Steve Furber–2nd Ed., 2000, Addison Wesley Professional.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems, Shibu K V, Mc Graw-Hill
2.Embedded Systems Architecture Programming and Design by Raj Kamal, II edition, Tata MCGraw-Hill.
3. Andrew N. Sloss, ARM System Developer’s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software, Morgan
Kaufman Publication (2010)

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course objectives: to become familiar with different types of data structures and their applications and
learn different types of algorithmic techniques and strategies.

Linear data structures: arrays, records, strings and string processing, references and aliasing, linked lists,
strategies for choosing the appropriate data structure, abstract data types and their implementation: stacks,
queues, priority queues, sets, maps.

Basic Analysis: Differences among best, expected, and worst case behaviors of an algorithm, Asymptotic
analysis of upper and expected complexity bounds, Big O notation: formal definition and use, Little o, big
omega and big theta notation, Complexity classes, such as constant, logarithmic, linear, quadratic, and
exponential, Time and space trade-offs in algorithms, Recurrence relations, Analysis of iterative and
recursive algorithms.

Searching and Sorting: Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Shell
Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Counting Sort, Radix Sort.

Algorithmic Strategies with examples and problem solving: Brute-force algorithms with examples,
Greedy algorithms with examples, Divide-and-conquer algorithms with examples, Recursive backtracking,
Dynamic Programming with examples, Branch-and-bound with examples, Heuristics, Reduction:
transform-and-conquer with examples.

Non-Linear Data Structures and Sorting Algorithms: Hash tables, including strategies for avoiding and
resolving collisions, Binary search trees, Common operations on binary search trees such as select min,
max, insert, delete, iterate over tree, Graphs and graph algorithms, Representations of graphs, Depth- and
breadth-first traversals, Heaps, Shortest-path algorithms (Dijkstra and Floyd), Minimum spanning tree
(Prim and Kruskal).

Laboratory work: Implementation of Arrays, Recursion, Stacks, Queues, Lists, Binary trees, Sorting
techniques, Searching techniques. Implementation of all the algorithmic techniques.

Project: It will contain a Project which should include designing a new data structure/algorithm/
language/tool to solve new problems & implementation. It can also involve creating visualizations for the
existing data structures and algorithms. Quantum of project should reflect at least 60 hours of Work
excluding any learning for the new techniques and technologies. It should be given to group of 2-4 students.
Project should have continuous evaluation and should be spread over different components. There should
be a formal project report. Evaluation components may include a poster, video presentation as well as
concept of peer evaluation and reflection component.

Course learning outcome (CLOs): The students will be able to

1. Implement the basic data structures and solve problems using fundamental algorithms.
2. Implement various search and sorting techniques.
3. Analyze the complexity of algorithms, to provide justification for that selection, and to implement
the algorithm in a particular context.
4. Analyse, evaluate and choose appropriate data structure and algorithmic technique to solve real-
world problems.
Text Books:

1. Corman, Leiserson & Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press (2009), 3rd Ed.
2. Narasimha Karumanchi, Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy” (2014), 2nd Ed.

Reference Books:

1. Sahni, Sartaj, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Universities Press
(2005), 2nd ed.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage

1 MST 20
2 EST 40
3 Sessionals (Assignments/Projects/ Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab 40
L T P Cr.
1 0 2* 3.0

Course Objectives: This course aims to provide the students with a basic understanding in the field of
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial perspectives, concepts and frameworks useful for analyzing entrepreneurial
opportunities, understanding eco-system stakeholders and comprehending entrepreneurial decision making. It also
intends to build competence with respect business model canvas and build understanding with respect to the domain
of startup venture finance.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs; entrepreneurial personality and intentions - characteristics,

traits and behavioral; entrepreneurial challenges.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Opportunities- discovery/ creation, Pattern identification and recognition for
venture creation: prototype and exemplar model, reverse engineering.
Entrepreneurial Process and Decision Making: Entrepreneurial ecosystem, Ideation, development and
exploitation of opportunities; Negotiation, decision making process and approaches, - Effectuation and Causation.
Crafting business models and Lean Start-ups: Introduction to business models; Creating value propositions -
conventional industry logic, value innovation logic; customer focused innovation; building and analyzing business
models; Business model canvas, Introduction to lean startups, Business Pitching.
Organizing Business and Entrepreneurial Finance: Forms of business organizations; organizational
structures; Evolution of organization, sources and selection of venture finance options and its managerial implications.
Policy Initiatives and focus; role of institutions in promoting entrepreneurship.

Course learning outcomes (CLO):

Upon successful completion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the fundamentals behind the entrepreneurial personality and their intentions
2. Discover/create and evaluate opportunities.
3. Identify various stakeholders for the idea and develop value proposition for the same.
4. Describe various Business Models and design a business model canvas.
5. Analyse and select suitable finance and revenue models for start-up venture.

Text Books:
1. Ries, Eric(2011), The lean Start-up: How constant innovation creates radically successful businesses, Penguin
Books Limited.
2. Blank, Steve (2013), The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step by Step Guide for Building a Great Company,
K&S Ranch.
3. S. Carter and D. Jones-Evans, Enterprise and small business- Principal Practice and Policy, Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. T. H. Byers, R. C. Dorf, A. Nelson, Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise, McGraw Hill (2013)
2. Osterwalder, Alex and Pigneur, Yves (2010) Business Model Generation.
3. Kachru, Upendra, India Land of a Billion Entrepreneurs, Pearson
4. Bagchi, Subroto, (2008), Go Kiss the World: Life Lessons For the Young Professional, Portfolio Penguin
5. Bagchi, Subroto, (2012). MBA At 16: A Teenager’s Guide to Business, Penguin Books
6. Bansal, Rashmi, Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, CIIE, IIM Ahmedabad
7. Bansal, Rashmi, (2013). Follow Every Rainbow, Westland.
8. Mitra, Sramana (2008), Entrepreneur Journeys (Volume 1), Booksurge Publishing
9. Abrams, R. (2006). Six-week Start-up, Prentice-Hall of India.
10. Verstraete, T. and Laffitte, E.J. (2011). A Business Model of Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing.
11. Johnson, Steven (2011). Where Good Ideas comes from, Penguin Books Limited.
12. Gabor, Michael E. (2013), Awakening the Entrepreneur Within, Primento.
13. Guillebeau, Chris (2012), The $100 startup: Fire your Boss, Do what you love and work better to live more,
Pan Macmillan
14. Kelley, Tom (2011),The ten faces of innovation, Currency Doubleday
15. Prasad, Rohit (2013), Start-up sutra: what the angels won’t tell you about business and life, Hachette India.

Evaluation scheme:

Sr.No. Evaluation Elements Weight age (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include assignments/quizzes) 25
UTA024 - Engineering Design Project-II
(Including 2 self effort hours)

L T P Cr
1 0 4 3.0

Course objective: The project will introduce students to the challenge of electronic systems design &
integration. The project is an example of ‘hardware and software co-design’ and the scale of the task is
such that it will require teamwork as a coordinated effort.

Hardware overview of Arduino:

❖ Introduction to Arduino Board: Technical specifications, accessories and applications.
❖ Introduction to Eagle (PCB layout tool) software.

Sensors and selection criterion:

❖ Concepts of sensors, their technical specifications, selection criterion, working principle and
applications such as IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors.

Active and passive components:

❖ Familiarization with hardware components, input and output devices, their technical specifications,
selection criterion, working principle and applications such as-
● Active and passive components: Transistor (MOSFET), diode (LED), LCD, potentiometer,
capacitors, DC motor, Breadboard, general PCB etc.
● Instruments: CRO, multimeter, Logic probe, solder iron, desolder iron
● Serial communication: Concept of RS232 communication , Xbee
❖ Introduction of ATtiny microcontroller based PWM circuit programming.

Programming of Arduino:
❖ Introduction to Arduino: Setting up the programming environment and basic introduction to the
Arduino micro-controller
❖ Programming Concepts: Understanding and Using Variables, If-Else Statement, Comparison
Operators and Conditions, For Loop Iteration, Arrays, Switch Case Statement and Using a Keyboard
for Data Collection, While Statement, Using Buttons, Reading Analog and Digital Pins, Serial Port
Communication, Introduction programming of different type of sensors and communication
modules, DC Motors controlling.
Basics of C#:
❖ Introduction: MS.NET Framework Introduction, Visual Studio Overview and Installation
❖ Programming Basics: Console programming, Variables and Expressions, Arithmetic Operators,
Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Assignment Operators, Expressions,
Control Structures, Characters, Strings, String Input, serial port communication: Read and write data
using serial port.
❖ Software code optimization, software version control

Laboratory Work:
Schematic circuit drawing and PCB layout design on CAD tools, implementing hardware module of IR
sensor, Transmitter and Receiver circuit on PCB.
Bronze Challenge: Single buggy around track twice in clockwise direction, under full supervisory
control. Able to detect an obstacle. Parks safely. Able to communicate state of the track and buggy at
each gantry stop to the console.
Silver Challenge: Two buggies, both one loop around, track in opposite directions under full
supervisory, control. Able to detect an obstacle. Both park safely. Able to communicate state of the track
and buggy at each gantry stop with console.
Gold Challenge: Same as silver but user must be able to enter the number of loops around the track
beforehand to make the code generalized.

Course learning outcome (CLO): The student will be able to:

1. Recognize issues to be addressed in a combined hardware and software system design.
2. Draw the schematic diagram of an electronic circuit and design its PCB layout using CAD Tools.
3. Apply hands-on experience in electronic circuit implementation and its testing.
4. Demonstrate programming skills by integrating coding, optimization and debugging for different
5. Develop group working, including task sub-division and integration of individual contributions from
the team.

Text Books:
1. Michael McRoberts, Beginning Arduino, Technology in action publications, 2nd Edition.
2. Alan G. Smith, Introduction to Arduino: A piece of cake, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform (2011).

Reference Books:
1. John Boxall, Arduino Workshop - a Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects, No Starch Press;
1 edition (2013).

Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. Evaluation-1 (ECE lab) 20
2. Evaluation-2 (CSE lab) 20
3. Quiz 10
4. Evaluation-3 (ECE+CSE lab) 50
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course Objectives: To understand the role, responsibilities, and the algorithms involved for achieving
various functionalities of an Operating System.

Introduction and System Structures: Computer-System Organization, Computer-System Architecture,

Operating-System Structure, Operating-System Operations, Process Management, Memory Management,
Storage Management, Protection and Security, Computing Environments, Operating-System Services, User
and Operating-System Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, System Programs, Operating-System
Design and Implementation, Operating-System Structure.

Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter-process

Communication, Multi-threaded programming: Multicore Programming, Multithreading Models, Process
Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling,
Algorithm Evaluation.

Deadlock: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.

Memory Management: Basic Hardware, Address Binding, Logical and Physical Address, Dynamic
linking and loading, Shared Libraries, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging,
Structure of the Page Table, Virtual Memory Management: Demand Paging, Copy-on-Write, Page
Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Allocating Kernel Memory.

File Systems: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File-System Mounting, File
Sharing, Protection, File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory Implementation,
Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management.

Disk Management: Mass Storage Structure, Disk Structure, Disk Attachment, Disk Scheduling, Disk
Management, Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure.

Protection and Security: Goals of Protection, Principles of Protection, Domain of Protection, Access
Matrix, Implementation of the Access Matrix, Access Control, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability-
Based Systems, The Security Problem, Program Threats, System and Network Threats, User
Authentication, Implementing Security Defenses, Firewalling to Protect Systems and Networks.

Concurrency: The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Mutex

Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors.

Laboratory work: To explore detailed architecture and shell commands in Linux/Unix environment, and
to simulate CPU scheduling, Paging, Disk-scheduling and process synchronization algorithms.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs):

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the basic of an operating system viz. system programs, system calls, user mode and kernel
2. Select a particular CPU scheduling algorithms for specific situation, and analyze the environment
leading to deadlock and its rectification.
3. Explicate memory management techniques viz. caching, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and
4. Understand the concepts related to file systems, disk-scheduling, and security, protection.
5. Comprehend the concepts related to concurrency.

Text Books:
1. Silberschatz A., Galvin B. P. and Gagne G., Operating System Concepts, John Wiley & Sons Inc
(2013) 9th ed.
2. Stallings W., Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall (2018) 9th ed.

Reference Books:
1. Bovet P. D., Cesati M., Understanding the Linux Kernel, O'Reilly Media (2006), 3rd ed.
2. Kifer M., Smolka A. S., Introduction to Operating System Design and Implementation: The OSP 2
Approach, Springer (2007).

Evaluation scheme

Sr. No. Evaluation Elements
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. 30
(May include Assignments/Quiz/Lab evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4

Course Objectives: To become familiar with different types of data structures and their applications and learn
different types of algorithmic techniques and strategies.

Introduction: Data, data processing requirement, desirable characteristics of an ideal data processing system,
traditional file based system, its drawback, concept of data dependency, Definition of database, database management
system, 3-schema architecture, database terminology, benefits of DBMS.

Relational Database: Relational data model: Introduction to relational database theory: definition of relation, keys,
relational model integrity rules.

Database Analysis: Conceptual data modeling using E-R data model -entities, attributes, relationships,
generalization, specialization, specifying constraints, Conversion of ER Models to Tables, Practical problems based
on E-R data model.

Relational Database Design: Normalization- 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF and 5NF. Concept of De-normalization
and practical problems based on these forms.

Transaction Management and Concurrency control: Concept of Transaction, States of Transaction and its
properties, Need of Concurrency control, concept of Lock, Two phase locking protocol.

Recovery Management: Need of Recovery Management, Concept of Stable Storage, Log Based Recovery
Mechanism, Checkpoint.

Database Implementation: Introduction to SQL, DDL aspect of SQL, DML aspect of SQL – update, insert, delete
& various form of SELECT- simple, using special operators, aggregate functions, group by clause, sub query, joins,
co-related sub query, union clause, exist operator. PL/SQL - cursor, stored function, stored procedure, triggers, error
handling, and package.

Laboratory work: Students will perform SQL commands to demonstrate the usage of DDL and DML, joining of
tables, grouping of data and will implement PL/SQL constructs. They will also implement one project.

Project: It will contain database designing & implementation, should be given to group of 2-4 students.
While doing projects emphasis should be more on back-end programming like use of SQL, concept of stored
procedure, function, triggers, cursors, package etc. Project should have continuous evaluation and should
be spread over different components.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Analyze the Information Systems as socio-technical systems, its need and advantages as compared to
traditional file-based systems.
2. Analyze and design database using E-R data model by identifying entities, attributes and relationships.
3. Apply and create Relational Database Design process with Normalization and De-normalization of data.
4. Comprehend the concepts of transaction management, concurrence control and recovery management.
5. Demonstrate use of SQL and PL/SQL to implementation database applications.

Text Books:
1. .Silverschatz A., Korth F. H. and Sudarshan S., Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill (2010) 6thed.
2. Elmasri R. and Navathe B. S., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson (2016) 7thed.

Reference Books:
1. Bayross I., SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publications (2009) 4thed.
2. HofferJ.,Venkataraman, R. and Topi, H., Modern Database Management, Pearson (2016) 12thed.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (Assignments/Projects/ Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab 30
L T P Cr.
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objective: The subject of discrete-time signal processing constitutes an important part of communication
and computer engineering. The signals are processed to generate a sequence of numbers that represent samples of
a continuous variable in a domain such as time, space, or frequency. Major objective is to apply various
mathematical and computational algorithms to continuous-time and discrete-time signals to produce a modified
signal that’s of higher quality than the original signal, which in turn improves the efficiency of underlying systems.
Its utility to analyze the vital characteristics of signals and systems in time- and frequency-domain makes it an
inevitable module of engineering practice.
Course Content Details:

Brief Review of Transforms: Introduction to sampling theorem, Concept of frequency in continuous-time and
discrete-time signals, Brief details about Laplace-transform, z-transform, CTFT, DTFT and DFT, decimation-in-time
and decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithms.

Discrete-time Signals’ and Systems’ Frequency Response Analysis: Power density spectrum of periodic signals,
Energy density spectrum of aperiodic signals, Cepstrum, Concept of bandwidth, LTI systems as frequency-selective
filters (LPF, HPF, BPF, digital resonators, notch filters, comb filters and all pass filters), inverse systems and

Implementation of Discrete-time Systems: LTI systems characterized by constant-coefficient difference equations

and their impulse response attributes. Structures for FIR systems, Structures for IIR systems, Recursive and
nonrecursive realizations, Linear filtering methods based on DFT, and Goertzel algorithm.

Design of FIR Filters: Causality and its implications, Characteristics of practical frequency-selective filters,
Symmetric and antisymmetric FIR filters, Design of linear-phase FIR filters using window method (Hamming,
Hanning, Kaiser etc.), Design of FIR filters using frequency-sampling method.

Design of IIR Filters: Characteristics of commonly used analog filters, Design of IIR filters from analog filters by
approximation of derivatives, Design by impulse invariance, Design by bilinear transformation.

Multirate Signal Processing: Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a factor I, Sampling rate conversion by a
rational factor I/D, Polyphase filter structures for decimation and interpolation, sampling rate conversion with
cascaded integrator comb filters, Introduction to digital filter banks.

Optimum Filtering and Equalization: Wiener filtering, Linear prediction and Concept of equalization.

Laboratory Work: MATLAB software based lab practicals related to DSP and its applications.

Micro-Project/Assignment: To be assigned by concerned instructor/course-coordinator.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
The students will be able to
● analyze discrete-time signals and systems in frequency-domain
● employ linear time-invariant systems for discrete-time signal processing
● design and implement FIR frequency-selective filters
● design and implement IIR frequency-selective filters
● tackle engineering system problems using multirate signal processing and optimum filtering approaches

Text Books:
1. D.G. Manolakis and J.G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications.
4th ed., India: Pearson Education (Paperback), 2007.
2. A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer, and J.R. Buck, Discrete-time Signal Processing. 2nd ed., India:
Pearson Education (Paperback), 2007.

Reference Books:

1. V.K. Ingle and J.G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB. 2nd ed., India: Thomson
Learning, 2007.

2. S. Salivahanan and A. Vallavaraj, Digital Signal Processing. 2nd ed., New York, U.S.A.: Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2011.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Components Weightage (%)

1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Lab experiments/ 30
UEC639: Digital Communication
L T P Cr.
3 1 2 4.5

Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to build the foundation for communication system design
focusing on the challenges of digital communication. The intended objective is to impart knowledge to the
engineering students about the transmission/reception of data over physical layer through any channel. They
will be able to identify the physical interpretation of mathematical expressions/modelling, while dealing
with communication systems in the presence of noise, interference and fading.
Details of Contents:

Introduction to Pulse Modulation Systems: Basic model of digital communication system, Bandpass and
lowpass signal and system representations, lowpass equivalent of bandpass signals, Sampling theorem for
baseband and bandpass signals, quantization, companding, signal reconstruction filter, Shannon-Hartley
channel capacity theorem, Bandwidth – SNR tradeoff and bounds, Difference between analog pulse
modulation and digital pulse modulation techniques, Details about PCM, Differential-PCM, DM, Adaptive-
DM, time-division-multiplexed system (T- & E-type), and output SNR calculations
Digital Formats and Baseband Shaping for Data Transmission: NRZ, RZ, Manchester formats, Power
spectra of discrete-PAM signals, ISI, Nyquist’s criterion for distortionless baseband transmission with ideal
and practical solutions, generalized correlative coding and its types, and eye pattern
Fundamentals of Detection and Estimation: Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, MAP criterion,
maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule, Correlator and , Matched filter receiver structures, ML estimation
procedure, probability of bit-error & symbol-error calculations for digital modulation techniques under
AWGN channel.
Digital Modulation Schemes With & Without Memory: Details about Binary-ASK, BFSK, BPSK,
QPSK, M-ary ASK, M-ary FSK, M-ary PSK, M-ary QAM; MSK, generalized continuous-phase-FSK;
Differential-PSK, phase-locked-loop, and carrier recovery procedures
Channel Coding : Block-code generation, its types and decoding procedures, convolutional code
generation, its types and Viterbi decoding procedure, error detection and correction concepts in decoding,
Trellis codes.
Multiple Access Techniques: Brief introduction about TDMA, FDMA, WDMA, CDMA, and OFDMA
Laboratory Work: Practical/experiments based on the hardware using communication kits, and simulation
with the help of available simulation packages.
Text Books:
1. John G. Proakis,Masoud Salehi, Communiaction System Engineering, PHI, 2nd Edition, 2002
2. John G Proakis, Digital Communications, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition (1994)
3. Simon Haykin, Digital Communications, Wiley, Student Edition (1988)
4. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall (2001)

Reference Books:
1. Taub & Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw-Hill Publications, Second
Edition (1998)
2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, Wiley, Fourth Edition (2006)
3. B.P. Lathi, Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems, Oxford University Press, Third
Edition (1998)

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Evaluate different modulation techniques in the presence of AWGN working under the various
capacity constraints.
2. Incorporate digital formats and M-ary baseband modulations to improve bandwidth efficiency.
3. Perform statistical analysis of the transmitted and received modulated waveforms from estimation
and detection point of view.
4. Improve the overall performance of digital communication systems by interference suppression/
excision and by implementing the signal-to-noise-ratio enhancement techniques.
5. Analyze the concepts of correlative coding and channel coding to mitigate the effects of interference
and noise in the channel.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 40
3. Sessional (Including lab, assignments, quiz & micro- 30
project etc.)
UCS411: Artificial Intelligence
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4.0

Course objectives: This course will give the students an understanding of the fundamentals of Artificial
Intelligence and its applications.

Introduction: Concept of AI, history, current status, scope, agents, environments, Problem Formulations.

Foundations for AI: AI Application areas, AI Basics (Divide and Conquer, Greedy, Branch and Bound,
Gradient Descent), NN basics (Perceptron and MLP, FFN, Backpropagation)

Problem-solving through Search: forward and backward, state-space, blind, heuristic, problem-reduction,
A, A*, AO*, minimax, constraint propagation, neural, stochastic, and evolutionary search algorithms.

Convolution Neural Networks: Image classification, Text classification, Image classification and hyper-
parameter tuning, Emerging NN architectures

Recurrent Neural Networks: Building recurrent NN, Long Short-Term Memory, Time Series Forecasting

Laboratory: Development and execution of algorithms for various AI concepts using Python.

Course learning outcome (CLOs): After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Understands the fundamentals and development of AI.

2. Acquire knowledge of various strategies for AI systems.
3. Analyze basic and advanced search techniques.
4. Apply CNN and RNN for various applications.

Text Books:
1. Rich E., Knight K. and Nair B. S., Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hills. 2.
Patterson W. D., Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Pearson.

Reference Books:
1. Russel S., Norvig P., Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall.

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objectives:
To introduce the concept of instruction level parallelism followed in the modern RISC based computers by
introducing the basic RISC based DLX architecture. To make the students understand and implement
various performance enhancement methods like memory optimization, Multiprocessor configurations,
Pipelining and evaluate performance of these machines by using evaluation methods like CPU time
Equation, MIPS rating and Amdahl’s law. To enhance the coding skills and interfacing of I/O devices using
interrupts to the processor. To introduce the concepts of multiprocessors and multithreading and cache
coherence amongst them.

Fundamentals of Computer Design: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus
Structures, Historical Perspective, Von-Neuman Architecture, Harvard Architecture. CISC and RISC
architectures, Performance metrics (Amdahl’s law, CPU time equation, MIPS rating and dependability).
Control Unit; Hardwired and micro-programmed Control unit.
Instruction Set Principles: Classification of Instruction set architectures, Memory Addressing, Operations
in the instruction set, Type and Size of operands, Encoding an Instruction set, Program Execution, Role of
registers, Evaluation stacks and data buffers, The role of compilers, The DLX Architecture, Addressing
modes of DLX architecture, Instruction format, DLX operations, Effectiveness of DLX.
Pipelining and Parallelism: Idea of pipelining, The basic pipeline for DLX, Pipeline Hazards, Data
hazards, Control Hazards, Design issues of Pipeline Implementation, Multicycle operations, The MIPS
pipeline, Instruction level parallelism, Pipeline Scheduling and Loop Unrolling, Data, Branch Prediction,
Name and Control Dependences, Overcoming data hazards with dynamic scheduling, Superscalar DLX
Architecture, The VLIW Approach.
Memory Hierarchy Design:Introduction, Cache memory, Cache Organization, multilevel memories Write
Policies, Reducing Cache Misses, Cache Associativity Techniques, Reducing Cache Miss Penalty,
Reducing Hit Time, Main Memory Technology, Fast Address Translation, Translation Lookaside buffer ,
Virtual memory, Crosscutting issues in the design of Memory Hierarchies, Cache Coherence.
Multiprocessors: Characteristics of Multiprocessor Architectures, Centralized Shared Memory
Architectures, Distributed Shared Memory Architectures, Synchronization, Models of Memory
Input / Output Organization and Buses:Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices,
Controlling device Requests, Exceptions, Direct Memory Access, Bus arbitration policies, Synchronous and
Asynchronous buses, Parallel port, Serial port, Standard I/O interfaces, Peripheral Component Interconnect
(PCI) bus and its architecture, SCSI Bus, Universal Synchronous Bus (USB) Interface.
Course Learning Outcomes: After having completed the course, the student will be able to:
1. Evaluate the performance of a RISC based machine with an enhancement applied and make a
decision about the applicability of that respective enhancement as a design engineer (performance
2. Display a sterling understanding of the instruction set and coding of a RISC based processor.
3. Display an understanding of the concept of pipelining and parallelism pipelining in a modern RISC
processor and describe how hazards are resolved.
4. Display wide understanding of how memory is organized and managed in a modern digital
computer, including cache, virtual and physical memory and address translation.
5. Understand the concept of multiple processors , cache coherence and I/O device interfacing
Text Books
1. Hennessy, J. L., Patterson, D. A., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Elsevier (2009) 4th ed
and 2nd ed.
2. Hamacher, V., Carl, Vranesic, Z.G. and Zaky, S.G., Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill (2002)
2nd ed.

Reference Books
1. Murdocca, M. J. and Heuring, V.P., Principles of Computer Architecture, Prentice Hall (1999) 3rd ed.
2. Stephen, A.S., Halstead, R. H., Computation Structure, MIT Press (1999) 2nd ed.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No Evaluation Elements Weightage

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (Tutorial + Minor Project +Quiz) 25
UEC609: MOS Circuit Design
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4
Course Objective: Course objective: The course aims to present the principles and techniques of both
MOS based digital and analog circuit design, with the fundamentals of MOS device physics, processing
techniques and transistor level characteristics of MOS based circuits, both in theoretical and practical

Syllabus break-up:
MOS Transistor Theory: MOS Structure and its operation, I-V Characteristics, Threshold Voltage
Equation, Body Effect, Second Order Effects, Scaling Theory, Short-Channel Effects.
NMOS & CMOS Process technology: Evolution of ICs. Masking sequence of NMOS and CMOS
Structures, Latch up in CMOS, Electrical Design Rules, Stick Diagram, Layout Design.
Circuit Characterization: Resistive Load & Active Load MOS Inverters, NMOS Inverters, CMOS
Inverters : Static Characteristics, Switching Characteristics, Interconnect Parasitics, Propagation Delay,
Static and Dynamic Power Dissipation, Noise Margin, Logic Threshold Voltage, Logical effort, Driving
large loads.
Combinational Circuits: CMOS Logic Circuits, CMOS logic Styles, Realization of simple gates, Complex
logic circuits, Pass Gate, Transmission Gate and analysis of dynamic behavior.
Operation of MOS Circuits: MOS transistor small-signal models, Transconductance, Modeling the Body
Effect and channel length modulation effect, biasing concept, MOS as an Amplifier.

Laboratory Work: Familiarization with Circuit design/simulation tools (Mentor Tools) for schematic and
layout entry, Circuit simulation using SPICE. DC transfer Characteristics of Inverters, Transient response,
Calculating propagation delays, rise and fall times, Circuit design of inverters, Complex gates with given

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Maximum 5 CLO’S

The student will be able to:
1. Use MOS structures in basic digital and analog circuits.
2. Describe the general processing steps required to fabricate MOS and CMOS transistor.
3. Analyze the static and dynamic performance of CMOS inverter and other CMOS logic gates
4. Implement the various CMOS logic circuits.
5. Analyze MOS transistor as an amplifier.

Text Books:
1. Kang ,Sung-Mo (Steve) &Leblebici, Yusuf., CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design,
McGraw Hill, (1999) 2nd ed.
2. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS. 4th ed. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 1998.
Reference Books:

1. Jan Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan&Nikolic, B., Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design Perspective, Pearson,
(2003) 2nd ed.
2. CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, 4th ed., Neil Weste and David Harris, Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2011.
3. Pucknell D. A., &Eshraghian, K., Basic VLSI Design, Prentice Hall of India, (2007) 3rd ed.
4.Gregorian, R. and Temes, G.C., Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing, John Wiley (2004).

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
UEC642: Deep Learning and Applications
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4
Course Objectives: To become familiar with different types of data structures and their applications and learn
different types of algorithmic techniques and strategies.
Deep Networks: Artificial Neural Networks, Choice of Activation Functions, Gradient-based Learning, Hidden
Units, Architecture Design, Backward Propagation and Differentiation, Forward/Backward Propagation,
Computational Graphs, Chain Rule in Backpropagation, Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithms, Sequential/Batch
Processing, Perceptron Convergence, Principal Component Analysis, Dimensionality Reduction, Radial Basis
Functions, Statistcal tools for dimensionality reduction, P-value test, t-test, Soft Max and Cross Entropy
Regularization: Regularization: Overview, Parameter Penalties, Norm Penalties as Constrained Optimization,
Regularization and Underconstrained Problems, Data Augmentation, Noise Robustness, Batch Normalization, Semi-
Supervised Learning, Multi-Task Learning, Early Stopping, Parameter Tying and Parameter Sharing, Sparse
Representations, Bagging, Dropout. Tuning Neural Networks, Hyperparameters
Convolutional Neural Networks
Introduction, Mechanics of Convolution Operation, Pseudo Code of Convolution operation, Convolution equation,
Zero Padding, Vectorization of Convolution operation, Convolution as Matrix multiplication, Weight Sharing,
Translational Invariance, Convolution on color images, Convolution layer in CNN, ReLU Layer, Pooling, Flattening,
Full Connection, Convolution and Backpropagation
Recurrent Neural Networks: Recurrent Neural Networks, Deep Sequence Modeling, RNN Gradients, Analytical
Modeling of Vaishing and Exploding Gradient Problems, Encoder-Decoder Architecture, Long-Term Dependencies,
Leaky Units, Long Short-Term Memory, Context Switching, Sequence to sequence architectures
Unsupervised Deep Learning: Self Organizing Maps (SOMs), Boltzmann Machines, Auto Encodeers, Variational
Autoencoders (VAEs). Generative Adversarial Networks, Introduction to NLP

Course learning outcomes (CLOs): On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Study the basics about deep learning and its applications.
2. Analyse regularization of deep neural networks and study various network tuning techniques
3. Study the design issues in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and perform modelling and design of CNNs
4. Study the design issues in Recurrent Neural Networks and perform modelling and design of RNNs
5. Study various unsupervised learning strategies.

Text Books:
1. Simon Haykins, “Neural Networks and Learning Machines”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Edcation, 2008
2. Aston Zhang, Zachary C Lipton, Mu Li, Alexander J Smol, “ Dive into Deep Learning”, https://d2l.ai
Reference Books

1. Francois Chollet “Deep Learning with Python”, Manning Publications.

2. Andrew Trask “Grokking Deep Learning”, Manning Publications.
3. Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, “ Deep Learning”, MIT Press.
4. Josh Patterson, Adam Gibson, “Deep Learning: A Practitioner'S Approach”, O’Relly.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 24
2 EST 36
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ Quizes/Lab 40
L T P Cr
3 0 2 4

Course Objectives: To learn the advanced concepts of data structure and algorithms and its
Advanced Data Structures Introduction: Importance and need of good data structures and algorithms
Heaps, AVL Trees (Search, Insertion, Deletion) Red-Black Trees (Search, Insertion and Deletion), Splay
Trees (Search, Insertion and Deletion), B-trees, B+ Trees (Search, Insertion and Deletion), Fibonacci heaps,
Binomial heap, Data Structures for Disjoint Sets, Skip lists.
Graphs & Algorithms: Representation, Type of Graphs, Paths and Circuits: Euler Graphs, Hamiltonian
Paths & Circuits; Cut-sets, Connectivity and Separability, Planar Graphs, Isomorphism, Graph Coloring,
Covering and Partitioning, Topological sort, Bipartite Matching.
String Matching Algorithms: Naïve String matching, Rabin-Karp, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer Moore
Numerical Algorithms: Linear Programming, Strassen's matrix multiplication, Karatsuba algorithm.
Approximation algorithms: Need of approximation algorithms, Introduction to P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-
Complete; Deterministic, non-Deterministic Polynomial time algorithms, Set Cover, Open Problems.
Advance Data Structure in Python: List, Tuple, Dictionary, Set, Stack.
Laboratory work: Implementation of various advanced data structures for different real time problems.
Implementation of various advanced data structures with Graphs and GUI based results to explore the use
of formal verification and verification tools.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
The students will able to:
1. Implement the different data structures.
2. Identify basic properties of graphs and apply their algorithms to solve real life problems.
3. Demonstrate the usage of data structures under several categories like string matching, and
numerical algorithms.
4. Implement various advanced data structures using C/Java/Python or related languages.
5. Understand NP completeness.
Text Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, MIT Press, 3rd Edition, 2009
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahani, Sanguthevar Rajashekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”,
Orient Black Swan, 2nd Edition, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, “Algorithm Design”, Pearson,1st Edition, 2013.
2. AV Aho, J Hopcroft, JD Ullman, The design and Analysis of algorithms, Addison- Wesley.
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr.No Evaluation Elements
MST 30
EST 45
3. Sessional (May include Assignments / Projects / Tutorials / Quizzes / Lab
UEC715: IOT based Systems

L T P Cr

3 0 2 4.0

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to impart necessary and practical knowledge
of components of Internet of Things and develop skills required to build real-life IoT based

Introduction to IoT: Architectural Overview, Design principles and needed capabilities, IoT
Applications, Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking, M2M and IoT Technology
Fundamentals- Devices and gateways, Data management, Business processes in IoT,
Everything as a Service(XaaS), Role of Cloud in IoT, Security aspects in IoT.

Elements of IoT: Hardware Components- Computing (Arduino, Raspberry Pi),

Communication, Sensing, Actuation, I/O interfaces. Software Components- Programming
API’s (using Python/Node.js/Arduino) for Communication Protocols-MQTT, ZigBee,
Bluetooth, CoAP, UDP, TCP.

IoT Application: Development Solution framework for IoT applications- Implementation of

Device integration, Data acquisition and integration, Device data storage- Unstructured data
storage on cloud/local server, Authentication, authorization of devices.

IoT Case Studies: IoT case studies and mini projects based on Industrial automation,
Transportation, Agriculture, Healthcare, Home Automation

Laboratory Work:

1. Familiarization with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and perform necessary software

2. To interface LED/Buzzer with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn ON
LED for 1 sec after every 2seconds.
3. To interface Push button/Digital sensor (IR/LDR) with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and
write a program to turn ON LED when push button is pressed or at sensor detection.
4. To interface DHT11 sensor with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print
temperature and humidity readings.
5. To interface motor using relay with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn
ON motor when push button is pressed.
6. To interface OLED with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print
temperature and humidity readings on it.
7. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to send sensor
data to smartphone using Bluetooth.
8. To interface Bluetooth with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn LED
ON/OFF when ‘1’/’0’ is received from smartphone using Bluetooth.
9. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to upload temperature and humidity data to
thing speak cloud.
10. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to retrieve temperature and humidity data
from thing speak cloud.
11. To install MySQL database on Raspberry Pi and perform basic SQL queries. Write a
program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to publish temperature data to MQTT broker.
12. Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to subscribe to MQTT broker for
temperature data and print it.
13. Write a program to create TCP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond with
humidity data to TCP client when requested.
14. Write a program to create UDP server on Arduino/Raspberry Pi and respond with
humidity data to UDP client when requested.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:

1. Understand internet of Things and its hardware and software components

2. Understand the design aspects of hardware and software components of IoT
3. Design Interface for I/O devices, sensors & communication modules
4. Analyze and process of data from sensors
5. Apply IoT knowledge to Implement basic IoT applications on embedded platform

Text Books:

1. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, “The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies,
Platforms, and Use Cases”, CRC Press
2. Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, Ïnternet of Things, “A Hands on Approach”,
University Press

Reference Books:

1. Dr. SRN Reddy, Rachit Thukral and Manasi Mishra, “Introduction to Internetof
Things: A practical Approach”, ETI Labs
2. Adrian McEwen, “Designing the Internet of Things”,Wiley
3. Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things: Architecture and Design”, Mc Graw Hill
4. Cuno Pfister, “Getting Started with the Internet of Things”, O Reilly Media

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr Weighta
. ge
No (%)
1 MST 25

2 EST 45

Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab

3 30
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the main ideas and techniques
of the field of quantum computation (qubits, quantum gates, and qubit systems). To understand the various
applications of quantum algorithms in different areas. One of the main motivations for working in quantum computing
is the prospect of fast quantum algorithms to solve important computational problems. Most striking is to study
quantum entanglement.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Linear algebra, Vector spaces, Inner product Vector spaces, Definition of
Hilbert space, Dimension and basis of a vector space, Linear operators, Inverse and Unitary operators, Hermitian
operators, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Tensor products, Commutators, Spectral decomposition theorem, Quantum
states, Definition of qubits, Matrix Representation of Kets, Bras, and Operators, Wave function.

Elements of Quantum Mechanics: The postulates of quantum mechanics: (State space, State Evolution, Quantum
measurement, Distinguishing quantum states, Projective measurements, POVM measurements, Phase), Time
Evolution Operator, Stationary States: Time-Independent Potentials, Time independent and Time dependent
Schrödinger Equation and Wave Packets, The Conservation of Probability, Time Evolution of ExpectationValues,
The density operator, Ensembles of quantum states. Uncertainty principle, minimum uncertainty, Ehrenfest's theorem,
E.P.R. paradox.

Quantum Computation: Multiple qubit unitary quantum gates: (CNOT, Swap, Toffoli, Fradkin, Hadamard Pauli
gates), Concept of Bloch sphere, Quantum algorithms: (Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm, Shor’s fast algorithms), Quantum
search algorithm: Grover’s algorithm, Concept of Quantum Fourier Transform. One dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
quantum computer, Ion trap models.

Quantum Communication: Overview of Coherent States, Quantum Binary Communications Systems, The Holevo
bound, Quantum Entropy, Classical information over noisy quantum channels, The quantum data processing
inequality, Quantum Systems with BPSK Modulation, Overview of Squeezed States, Basic concept of Entanglement,
Quantum key distribution.

Minor Project: Figure out how quantum algorithms work, compute the complexity of quantum search algorithm and
how quantum Fourier transform works. Students should use the MATLAB or C or C++ for simulation purpose.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

The students will be able to
● Acquire knowledge about mathematical background of quantum mechanics.
● Identify the quantum states after taking the measurements along with unitary time evolution operator.
● Analyze the need of quantum gates and quantum circuits in current scenario. Also doing the analysis about
complexity and fast conversion rate of quantum algorithms.
● Setup the general foundations of telecommunications systems using quantum mechanics and recognize the
difference between Classical and Quantum Communication systems.
● Apply the knowledge of quantum entanglement states and quantum cryptography for designing a secure
quantum communication system.

Text Books
1. Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge
university press, (2010)
2. Gianfranco Cariolaro. Quantum Communications. Springer (2015)
3. Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, Pearson Prentice Hall, (2005)

Reference Books
1. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Clarendon Press, (2011)
2. Nouredine Zettili. Quantum Mechanics (concepts and applications). Second edition, Willey, (2009)
Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

7. MST 30
8. EST 45
9. Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
UHU005: Humanities for Engineers
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course Objectives (COs): The objective of this course is to introduce values and ethical principles, that will serve
as a guide to behavior on a personal level and in professional life. The course is designed to help the students to
theorize about how leaders and managers should behave to motivate and manage employees; to help conceptualize
conflict management strategies that managers can use to resolve organizational conflict effectively. It also provides
background of demand and elasticity of demand to help in devising pricing strategy; to make strategic decisions using
game theory and to apply techniques of project evaluation.

Detailed Content:
Unit 1: Human Values and Ethics
Values: Introduction to Values, Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values, Rokeach Value Survey, Instrumental and
Terminal Values.
Moral and Ethical Values: Types of Morality, Kant's Principles of Morality, Factors for taking ethical decisions,
Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
Professional Ethics: Profession: Attributes and Ethos, Whistle-blowing.
Unit 2: Organizational Behavior
Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behaviour
Individual Behaviour, Personality, and Values
Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations
Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
Foundations of Employee Motivation and Leadership
Performance Appraisal
Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace
Unit 3: Economics
Demand, Supply & Elasticity – Introduction to Economics, Demand & its Determinants, Elasticity and its types
Production & Cost Analysis – Short run & Long Run Production Functions, Short run & Long run cost functions,
Economies & Diseconomies of Scale
Competitive Analysis & Profit Maximization – Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic & Oligopoly Markets
Strategy & Game Theory – Pure Strategy & Mixed Strategy Games, Dominance, Nash Equilibrium, & Prisoner’s
Capital Budgeting – Capital Projects, Net Present Value (NPV) & IRR techniques.

1. Practical application of these concepts by means of Discussions, Role-plays and Presentations,
2. Analysis of Case Studies on ethics in business and whistle-blowing, leadership, managerial decision- making.
3. Survey Analysis
4. Capital Budgeting assignment

Course learning Outcomes (CLOs)

The student after completing the course will be able to:

1. comprehend ethical principles and values and apply them as a guide to behavior in personal and professional life.
2. apply tools and techniques to manage and motivate employees.
3. analyse and apply conflict management strategies that managers can use to resolve organizational conflict
4. devise pricing strategy for decision-making.
5. apply techniques for project evaluation.
Text Books

1. A. N. Tripathi, Human Values, New Age International (P) Ltd. (2009).

2. Robbins, S. P/ Judge, T. A/ Sanghi, S Organizational Behavior Pearson, New Delhi, (2009).
3. Petersen, H.C., Lewis, W.C. and Jain, S.K., Managerial Economics, Pearson (2006).

Reference Books
1. McKenna E. F. Business psychology and organisational behaviour. Psychology Press, New York (2006).
2. Furnham A. The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the organization. Psychology Press,
UK (2003).
3. Salvatore, D and Srivastava, R., Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press (2010).
4. Pindyck, R and Rubinfiled, D., Microeconomics, Pearson (2017).

Evaluation Scheme:

Mid Semester Exam 25

End Semester Exam 45

Sessional 30

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course objective: This course is designed to impart a critical theoretical and detailed practical
knowledge of a range of computer network security technologies as well as network security tools.

Security Attacks, Security Services, Security Mechanisms and Principles, Security goals, malicious
software, Worms, Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Botnets.

Basic of Cryptography
Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, cryptographic hash functions, authentication and key
establishment, Message Authentication Codes (MACs), digital signatures.

Security Vulnerabilities
DoS attacks, Buffer Overflow, Race Conditions, Spoofing and Sniffing attacks, ARP Poisoning

Internet Security
TCP/IP Security, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS), IPsec, Email Security, DNS

System Security
Firewalls, Types: Packet filter (stateless, stateful), Firewall Location and Configurations, Intrusion
Detection System.

Wireless Network Security

IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security, Wireless Application Protocol Overview, Wireless Transport Layer
Security, WAP End-to-End Security.

Course learning outcome (CLO):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Identify network vulnerabilities and apply various cryptographic algorithms and security
mechanisms to protect networks from security attacks.
2. Apply security tools to locate and fix security leaks in a computer network/software.
3. Configure firewalls and IDS.
4. Implementation and configure of wireless transport layer security model.

Text Books:
1. Network Security Essentials, William Stallings, Prentice Hall (2013), 5th Ed.

Reference Books:
1. Firewalls and Internet Security, William R. Cheswick and Steven M. Bellovin,
Addison-Wesley Professional (2003), 2nd Ed.
2. Cryptography and Network Security, W. Stallings, Prentice Hall (2010), 5th Ed.

L T P Cr

2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: To enhance comprehension capabilities of students through understanding of operational

amplifiers, frequency response, various applications of operational amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, analog to
digital and digital to analog converters and few special function integrated circuits.
Introduction to Differential Amplifiers: Differential amplifier, Configurations of differential amplifier, Analysis of
single-input balanced-output, single-input unbalanced-output, dual-input balanced-output and dual-input unbalanced-
output differential amplifiers.
Operational Amplifier (Op-amp): Various characteristics of Op-amp, CMRR, PSRR, internal structure of Op-amp,
ideal Op-amp inverting and non-inverting configuration, ideal open-loop and closed-loop operation of Op-amp,
feedback configurations: voltage-series feedback amplifier, voltage-shunt feedback amplifier, differential amplifiers
with one & two Op-amps.
Frequency Response of an Op-amp: Introduction to frequency response, compensating networks, frequency
response of internally compensated Op-amp, frequency response of non-compensated Op-amp, closed-loop frequency
General Applications: DC & AC Amplifiers, peaking amplifier, summing, scaling and averaging amplifier,
instrumentation amplifier, integrator, differentiator, log and antilog amplifiers, comparator, zero- crossing detector,
Schmitt trigger, sample-and-hold circuit, clippers and clampers.
Active Filters and Oscillators: Butterworth filters, band-pass filters, band-reject filters, all-pass filters, phase shift
oscillator, Wien-bridge Oscillator, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), square wave generator.
Specialized IC Applications: Introduction, 555 timer circuit, monostable and astable multivibrator using IC 555,
phase-locked loop (PLL), voltage regulators.
Laboratory Work:
Inverting and non-inverting characteristics of an Op-amp measurement of Op-amp parameters, Op-amp as an
integrator & differentiator, comparator, Schmitt trigger, converters (ADC, DAC), square wave generator, sawtooth
waveform generator, precision half wave and full wave rectifiers, log-antilog amplifier, 555 as an astable, monostable
and bi-stable multivibrators, active filters.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Maximum 5 CLO’S
The student will be able to:
6. Identify different configurations of Op-amp, analyse the parameters of Op-amp and observe the frequency
response of Op-amp,
7. Describe, analyse & demonstrate different applications based on operational-amplifier,
8. Comprehend different applications of Op-amp based active filters and oscillators,
9. Demonstrate applications of waveform generators, timers and voltage regulators.

Text Books:
1. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, ‘OP-AMP and Linear IC’s’, Prentice Hal, 1999.
2. Sergio Franco, ‘Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits’, McGraw-Hill,

Reference Books:
3. D. Roy Choudhry, Shail Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
4. J. Michael Jacob, ‘Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits’, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (may include Assignments/Quizzes) 30

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objectives: To understand fiber optic communication system, transmitter section, medium- the
optical fiber, reciever section, analyze system based on important parameters for characterizing optical fiber,
optical source, detector and amplifier, fundamentals and advances in lasers, LEDs, photodiodes.
Optical Fibers and Their Characteristics: Introduction to high frequency communication, nature of light,
advantages of optical communication, fiber structures, wave guiding, basic optical laws and definitions,
optical fiber modes and configuration, mode theory for circular waveguides, single mode fibers, graded
index fiber, fiber materials, fabrication and mechanical properties, fiber optic cables; joints, splices,
connectors, attenuation, signal distortion, nonlinear properties, dispersion and polarization mode dispersion
in optical fibers, mode coupling, specialty optical fibers, design optimization of single mode fibers.
Optical Sources and Amplifiers: Light emitting diodes, semiconductor laser, various configurations of
semiconductor laser, performance parameters of LEDs and semiconductor lasers, light source linearity,
modal partition and reflection noise, reliability consideration; power launching and coupling, optical
amplifiers: erbium doped fiber amplifier, semiconductor optical amplifier, Raman amplifier.
Photodetectors: Operating principle and physical properties of photodiodes, pin and avalance photodiodes,
photodetector noise, response time, avalanche multiplication noise, temperature effect on avalanche gain,
photodiode material.
Optical Communication Systems: Optical receiver operation- fundamental receiver operation, digital
receiver performance calculation, preamplifier types, analog receivers. digital transmission systems- point
to point links, line coding, eye pattern, noise effects on system performance. analog system: overview of
analog links, carrier to noise ratio, multichannel transmission techniques, WDM: basics and components,
LAN, coherent optical fiber communication- classification of coherent system, requirements on
semiconductor lasers, modulation techniques, polarization control requirements.
LABORATORY WORK : Basic optical communication link experiments (analog & digital), measurement
of numerical aperture, splicing, multiplexing experiments, bending losses, measurement with OTDR, design
and performance analysis using simulation tools.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
The students will be able to:

1. Identify and formulate the types, basic properties and transmission characteristics of optical fibers.
2. Analyse different types of optical sources and amplifiers for efficient optical fiber
3. Analyse and formulate pin and avalanche photodetectors in optical fiber communication systems.
4. Realize the analog and digital fiber optic communication systems and networks with different
modulation techniques.
Test Books:
1. Keiser, Gred, Optical Fiber Communications, Tata McGraw-Hill, (2013) 5th ed.

2. Senior, John M., and Yousif Jamro, M., Optical fiber communications: principles and practice,
Prentice Hall, (2009) 3rd ed.

Reference Books:
1. Ajoy Kumar Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Optical Electronics, Cambridge University Press (2012)
2. Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Malvin C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons, (2019) 3rd
Evaluation Scheme:
S. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessional (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3
Course Objective: To introduce the concepts of image processing and basic analytical methods to be used
in image processing. To familiarize students with image enhancement and restoration techniques, to explain
different image compression techniques. To introduce segmentation and morphological processing
Introduction: Fundamentals of Image formation, components of image processing system, image sampling
and quantization
Image transforms: Discrete Fourier transforms, Discrete cosine transform, sine transform, Hadamard
transform, Haar transform, Slant transform, KL transform, wavelet transform
Image enhancement in the spatial domain: Basic grey level transformation, histogram processing,
arithmetic and logic operators, basic spatial filtering, smoothing and sharpening spatial filters
Image restoration: A model of the image degradation/restoration process, noise models, restoration in the
presence of noise–only spatial filtering, Weiner filtering, constrained least squares filtering, geometric
transforms; Introduction to the image enhance in frequency domain
Image Compression: Need of image compression, image compression models, error-free compression,
lossy predictive coding, image compression standards
Morphological Image Processing: Preliminaries, dilation, erosion, open and closing, basic morphologic
algorithms, The Hit-or-Miss Transformation
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuous, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding,
Hough Transform Line Detection and Linking, region–based segmentation.
Object Recognition: Patterns and patterns classes, matching, classifiers.
Laboratory Work: Demonstrate the use of Image Processing Toolbox on MATLAB to create interactive
image processing applications like image enhancement, image compression, image segmentation, feature
extraction, image classification.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamentals of digital image and its processing
2. Realize image enhancement techniques in spatial and frequency domain.
3. Analyze the mathematical modelling of image restoration and compression
4. Apply the concept of image segmentation.
5. Analyze object detection and recognition techniques.

1. Digital Image Processing, Rafeal C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Second Edition, Pearson
2. Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms And Applications, Laurene V.
Fausett, 1st Edition, 1993
Reference Books:
1. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle,
CL Engineering, 3rd Edition
2. Handbook of Face Recognition, Li, Stan Z., Jain, Anil, Springer, 2011
3. Frontiers in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 35
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 40
L T P Cr
3 0 2 3
Course Objectives: To learn the representation of data in ways that allows its access efficiently, and
analyzes the efficiency of algorithms.

Fundamentals: Review of asymptotic, Review of basic data structures, Review of basic algorithms

Sorting and searching: Review of classical sorting, Interpolation Search, Specialized sorting
methods, Deterministic Kth selection, Lower bounds on max & min, Majority detection, Meta

Advanced data structures: Skip lists, Amortized analysis, Fibonacci heaps.

Graph algorithms: Lowest common ancestor, Minimum spanning trees, Shortest paths trees, Radius-cost
tradeoffs, Steiner trees, Minimum matchings, Network flows, Degree-constrained trees

Numerical algorithms: Linear programming, Matrix multiplication, Karatsuba’s algorithm

Distributed algorithms: Distributed models, Asynchronous consensus impossibility, Leader election in a

ring, Leader election in graphs, Distributed MSTs

Topology and Geometric algorithms: Geometric Graphs, Surface, Homology, Plane-Sweep, Delaunay
Triangulations, Alpha Shapes

String matching: Naive string matching algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm, Boyer -Moore

NP-completeness: Polynomial time and intractability, Space and time complexity, Problem
reductions, NP -completeness of satisfiability, Independent sets, Graph colorability, Travelling
salesperson problem, Approximation heuristics

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Implement different sorting and searching algorithm.
2. Implement graph and numerical algorithms.
3. Implement distributed and geometric algorithms.
4. Understand and implement String matching.
5. Understand NP completeness.

Text Books:
1. J Kleinberg, E Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison-Wesley.
2. TH Cormen, CF Leiserson, RL Rivest, C Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Ed., MIT Press.
3. AV Aho, J Hopcroft, JD Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Addison-Wesley.

Reference Books:

1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe Augenstein, Data Structures Using C.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 25
L T P Cr
2 0 2 2

Course Objectives: To Gain the working knowledge of the major phases of compilation and develop the
ability to use formal attributed grammars for specifying the syntax and semantics of programming
languages. Learn about function and complexities of modern compilers and design a significant portion of
a compiler.

Introduction to compiling: Compilers, Analysis of the source program, the phases of Compiler,
Compilation and Interpretation, Bootstrapping and Cross compiler.
Lexical Analysis: Need of Lexical analyzer, Tokens and regular expressions, Generation of lexical analyzer
from DFA, Introduction to LEX and program writing in LEX.
Syntax Analysis: Need for syntax analysis and its scope, Context free grammar, Top down parsing, bottom
up parsing, backtracking and their automatic generation, LL(1) Parser, LR Parser, LR(0) items, SLR(1),
LALR(1), Canonical Parsing, Introduction to YACC and Integration with LEX.
Error Analysis: Introduction to error analysis, detection, reporting and recovery from compilation errors,
Classification of error-lexical, syntactic and semantic.
Static semantics and Intermediate Code generation: Need for various static semantic analyses in
declaration processing, name and scope analysis, S-attribute def. and their evaluation in different parsing,
Semantic analysis through S-attribute grammar, L-attribute def. and their evaluation.
Run time Environment: Need for runtime memory management, Address resolution of runtime objects at
compile time, Type checking, Language features influencing run time memory management, Parameter
passing mechanism, Division of memory into code, stack, heap and static, Activation record, Dynamic
memory management, garbage collection.
Code Generation: Code generation for expressions, Issues in efficient code generation, Sethi Ullman
Code Optimization: Need for code optimizations, Local and global optimization, Control flow analysis,
Data flow analysis, performing global optimizations, Graph coloring in optimization, Live ranges of run
time values.
Laboratory work: Construct a lexical analyzer using Flex. Construct a parser using Bison/ any
programming language. Build simple compilers from parsing to intermediate representation to code
generation and simple optimization.
Course learning outcomes (CLOs):
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Comprehend the working of major phases of compiler.
2. Apply top-down and bottom-up parsing techniques for the Parser construction.
3. Classify various parameters passing scheme, explain memory management techniques.
4. Apply code optimization techniques on HLL.
Text Books:
1. Aho V. A., Ullman D. J., Sethi R. and Lam S. M., Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson
Education (2007), 2nd ed.
2. Levine J., Mason T., Brown D., Lex and Yacc, O’Reilly (2012), 2nd ed.
Reference Books:
1. Kenneth C. L., Compiler Construction and Practices, Thomson Publication (1997), 2nd ed.
2. Dhamdhere, Compiler Construction, Macmillan Publication (2008), Edition 2nd ed.
Evaluation scheme

Sr. Weights
Evaluation Elements
no. (%)
1. MST 25
2. EST 45
3. (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quiz/Lab 30
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0
Course Objectives: To understand the basic concepts of Augmented and Virtual Reality. The student must
be able to apply the various concepts of Augmented and Virtual Reality in other application areas.
Introduction of Virtual Reality: Fundamental concept and components of Virtual Reality, primary
features and present development on Virtual Reality
Multiple Modals of Input and Output Interface in Virtual Reality: Input -- Tracker, Sensor, Digital
Glove, Movement Capture, Video-based Input, 3D Menus & 3DScanner etc. Output -- Visual /Auditory /
Haptic Devices
Visual Computation in Virtual Reality: Fundamentals of computer graphics, software and hardware
technology on stereoscopic display, advanced techniques in CG: Management of large scale environments
& real time rendering
Environment Modeling in Virtual Reality: Geometric Modeling, Behavior Simulation, Physically Based
Interactive Techniques in Virtual Reality: Body Track, Hand Gesture, 3D Menus, Object Grasp.
Introduction of Augmented Reality (AR): System structure of Augmented Reality, key technology in AR.
Development Tools and Frameworks in Virtual Reality: Frameworks of software development tools in
VR, X3D Standard, Vega, MultiGen, Virtools etc.
Application of VR in Digital Entertainment: VR technology in film & TV production, VR technology in
physical exercises and games, demonstration of digital entertainment by VR.
Laboratory Work: To implement various techniques studied during course.
Course learning outcomes (CLOs): After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze the components of AR and VR systems, its current and upcoming trends, types, platforms,
and devices.
2. Assess and compare technologies in the context of AR and VR systems design.
3. Implement various techniques and algorithms used to solve complex computing problems in AR and
VR systems.
4. Develop interactive augmented reality applications for PC and Mobile based devices using a variety
of input devices.
5. Demonstrate the knowledge of the research literature in augmented reality for both compositing and
interactive applications.

Text Books:
1. Doug A. B., Kruijff E., LaViola J. J. and Poupyrev I. , 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice ,
Addison-Wesley (2005,2011p) 2nd ed.
2. Parisi T., Learning Virtual Reality, O’Reilly (2016) 1st ed. 3. Schmalstieg D. and Hollerer T.,
AugmentedAnd Virtual Reality, Addison-Wesley (2016).

Reference Books:
1. Whyte J., Virtual Reality and the Built Environment, Architectural Press (2002).
2. Aukstakalnis S., Practical Augmented Reality: A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and
Human Factors for AR and VR, Addison-Wesley (2016).

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course objective: To plan and manage large scale software and learn emerging trends in software
Software Engineering and Processes: Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Evolution,
Software Characteristics, Software Crisis: Problems and Causes, Software process models -Waterfall,
Iterative, Incremental and Evolutionary process models
Requirements Engineering: Problem Analysis, Requirement Elicitation and Validation, Requirement
Analysis Approaches- Structured Analysis Vs Object Oriented Analysis, Flow modeling through Data Flow
Diagram and Data Dictionary, Data Modeling through E-R Diagram, Requirements modeling through
UML, based on Scenario, Behavioral and Class modeling, documenting Software Requirement
Specification (SRS)
Software Design and construction: System design principles like levels of abstraction, separation of
concerns, information hiding, coupling and cohesion, Structured design (top-down or functional
decomposition), object-oriented design, event driven design, component-level design, test driven design,
data design at various levels, architecture design like Model View Controller, Client – Server architecture.
Coding Practices: Techniques, Refactoring, Integration Strategies, Internal Documentation.
Software Verification and Validation: Levels of Testing, Functional Testing, Structural Testing, Test
Plan, Test Case Specification, Software Testing Strategies, Verification & Validation, Unit and Integration
Testing, Alpha & Beta Testing, White box and black box testing techniques, System Testing and Overview
of Debugging.
Agile Software Development: Agile Manifesto, Twelve Practices of eXtreme Programming (XP), XP
values, XP practices, velocity, spikes, working of Scrum, product backlog, sprint backlog, Adaptive
Software Development(ASD), Feature Driven Development (FDD), Test Driven Development, Dynamic
System Development Method(DSDM), and Crystal Methodology, Agile Requirement and Design: User
Stories, Story Boards, UI Sketching and Story Cards.
Software Project Management: Overview of Project Management: Scope, Time and Cost estimations.
Laboratory work: Implementation of Software Engineering concepts and exposure to CASE tools like
Rational Software Suit through projects.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Analyze software development process models for software development life cycle
2. Elicit, describe, and evaluate a system's requirements and analyze them using various UML
3. Demonstrate the use of design principles in designing data, architecture, user and component level
4. Test the system by planning appropriate test cases and applying relevant test strategies
5. Comprehend the use of agile development methodologies including UI sketching, user stories, story
cards and backlog management.
Text Books:
1. Pressman R., Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, McGraw Hill International, 7th ed.
2. Sommerville I., Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 9th ed.(2011).
Reference Books:
1. Jalote P., An integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa, 3rd ed. (2005).
2.Booch G.,Rambaugh J., Jacobson I., The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 2nd ed. (2005).
Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (Assignments/Projects/ Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab Evaluations) 30

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: To elaborate the basics of data science and provide a foundation for understanding the
challenges and applications.

Introduction to Python: Basic syntax, variables, Operators (Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise Operators,
Assignment Operators, Comparison Operator, Logical Operators, Identity Operators, Membership
Operators), Data types (Numbers, Booleans, Strings), Control Flow (if-else, for loop, while loop,
break/continue), Sequence Generation (range function), String Operations (length, upper/lower,
formatting, sub string, indexing, comparison, strip, split, count, search), Random Numbers, Functions.

Data Structures in Python: List, Tuple, Sets, Dictionary, Operations on Data Structures (Declarations,
Iterations, Adding/deleting element, min/max/sorting, merge, select).

More of Python: Exception Handling, Command Line Arguments, Use of Libraries, File Handling (Read,
Write, Merge, etc).

OOPs in Python: Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Create and upload packages on pypi.org.

Advance Topics in Python: Working with Numpy, Working with Scipy.

Plotting and Visualization in Python: Plotting using Matplotlib library (Histogram, Box Plot, Scatter
Plot, Bar Graphs, Line Graph, etc)

Basics of Data Science: Handling of CSV files (Read, Write, Update, Transform), Measures of Central
Tendency (Mean, Median, and Mode), Measures of Variability (Range, Interquartile Range, Variance, and
Standard Deviation),

Visualization: -Traditional Visualization, Multivariate Data Visualization, Principles of Perception,

Color, Design, and Evaluation, Text Data Visualization, Network Data Visualization, Temporal Data
Visualization and visualization Case Studies

Advances in Data Science: Basics of Correlation, Regression, Working with Pandas, Working Scikit-
Learn, Featuring Engineering, Probability and Random Variables, Correlation, Regression, Models for
Structured and Unstructured Data, Storage and Retrieval of Structured Data, Predictive Analytics of
Structured Data using Python, Big Data and Distributed Databases, Storage and Retrieval of Unstructured
Data, The HDFS File System, Basics of Machine Learning (Decision Trees and Neural Networks).

Laboratory work: Implementation of various data analytics techniques such as classification clustering
on real world problems using Python.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. To analyse the need and usage of analytics and visualization techniques.
2. To implement how to manage, manipulate, cleanse and analyse data.
3. To develop dashboards for real-time data sets.
4. To visualized the dataset using different visualization techniques.
5. To demonstrate the use of Python on real-life problems.
Text Books:
1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei ,Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, (3rd Ed.),Morgan
2. Roger D. Peng R Programming for Data Science
Reference Books: Trevor Hastie Robert Tibshirani Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning,

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0
Course Objective:
a. To introduce the student to the fundamental theory and concepts of Electromagnetic waves and
transmission lines, and their practical applications
b. To study the propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves in bounded and unbounded

Review of Vector Analysis: Distinguish between scalars & vectors, Dot and Cross products, coordinate
systems-Types, Cartesian Co-ordinate system Cylindrical Co-ordinate system, Transformation between
Cartesian and Cylindrical Spherical Coordinate system, Transformation among the three co-ordinate
systems ,Vector Calculus, Del operator, Gradient, Curl and Laplacian

Electrostatics : Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Electric Field strength due to infinite line charge,
surface charge and Volume Charge Density, Potential, Potential at a Point Potential Difference Potential
Gradient, Equipotential, Surface, Potential due to Electric Dipole, Electric Flux, Faraday's Electric Flux
Density, Gauss's Law and its Proof, Gauss's Law in Point Form, relation between E and V, Maxwell’s
Two Equations for Electrostatic Fields, Energy Density, Convection and Conduction, Currents, Dielectric
Constant, Isotropic and Homogeneous Dielectrics, Continuity, Equation, Relaxation Time, Poisson’s and
Laplace’s Equations, Uniqueness Theorem

Magneto statics: Biot Savart’s law , Ampere’s circuit law and applications, Magnetic flux density,
Maxwell’s two equations magneto static fields, Magnetic scalar and vector potentials, Forces due to
magnetic fields, problems, Ampere’s force law, Inductances and magnetic energy,

Maxwell’s Faraday’s Law and Transformer emf, Inconsistency of Ampere’s Law and Displacement
Current Density, Maxwell’s Equations in Different Final Forms and Word Statements. Conditions at a
Boundary Surface: Dielectric- Dielectric, Dielectric-Conductor, conductor – Interfaces

EM Wave Characteristics: Wave equations for conducting and perfect dielectric media, Uniform plane
waveforms – Definition, All relations between E&H, sinusoidal variations, Wave propagation in lossless
and conducting media, Conductors & dielectrics – Characterization, Wave propagation in good
conductors and good dielectrics, Polarization, Reflection and refraction of plane waves-Normal
incidence for perfect conductor, Normal Incidence for perfect dielectric, oblique Incidence for perfect
conductor, oblique Incidence for perfect dielectric, Brewster angle, critical angle and total internal
reflection, Surface impedance, poynting vector and poynting theorem, Applications of poynting theorem,
Power loss in a plane conductor

Transmission Lines: Transmission Types, Parameters, Transmission Line Equations, Primary and
Secondary Constants, Expressions for Characteristic Impedance, Propagation Constant, Loss less /Low
Loss Characterization, Distortion – Condition for Distortion lessness and Minimum Attenuation,
Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, UHF Lines as Circuit Elements, λ/4, λ2, λ/8 Lines – Impedance
Transformations, Smith Chart– configuration and applications, Single and double stub matching

1. William H.Hayat and J. A.Buck, ‘Engineering Electromagnetics’,7th ed, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Gottapu sasibhushanarao. “ Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines” Wiley.
1. Matthew N.O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics” – 3rd ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
2. E.C.Jordan and K.G. Balmain, “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating System”2nd ed, PHI, 2000.
3. John D Kraus, “Electromagnetics” 4th ed., Mcgraw-Hill.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Define and recognize different co‐ordinate systems and apply different techniques of vector
calculus to understand different concepts of electromagnetic field theory
2. Apply vector calculus to static and time varying electric-magnetic fields in different engineering
3. Analyze Maxwell’s equation in different forms (differential and integral) and apply them to
diverse engineering problems.
4. Examine the phenomena of wave propagation in different media and its interfaces.
5. Analyze basic transmission line parameters
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 25
UEC631: Wireless and Mobile Networking

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: This course will cover state-of-the-art topics in wireless networking and mobile
computing. The objective of the course is to introduce students to recent advances in mobile networking
and sensing, with an emphasis on practical design aspects of mobile systems.

Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems: History of Wireless Communication and Future

Trends, Narrowband, Wideband, Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems, Description of 2G, 3G, 4G and
Hybrid Communication Systems, Brief Introduction of Digital Modulation Techniques, Wireless channel
impairments and mitigation techniques, Cognitive radio self-organising networks and spectrum sharing

Cellular Concepts and System Design Fundamentals: Introduction to Cellular Concepts and Cellular
System Design Fundamentals, Frequency Reuse, Cell size: Merits and demerits Channel Assignment
Strategies, Handoff Strategies, Interference and System Capacity, Trunking and Grade of Service, Cell
Splitting, Sectoring, Repeaters and Microcell Zone Concepts.

Mobile architectures: Convergence of mobile and fixed architectures: backhaul, fronthaul, midhaul and
protocol convergence , LTE, LTE-A, LTE-A-PRO, Introduction to 5G, 5G Architecture, 5G Mobile Edge
Computing, FOG computing, 5G Radio Access Technologies, Concept of New Radio (NR), mmWave
Propagation, Principles of MIMO systems, Massive MIMO, Distributed MIMO, Programmability and
Softwarization, Network Function Virtualization, (NFV), Software Defined networking (SDN), Role of
NFV and SDN in 5G, 5G and Internet of Things

Wireless local area networks: IEEE: 802.11, 802,11a, 80.11b, 802.11g, 80211.n, HetNet and small cell
deployments, Network Coding, Network Security, Optical networks for backbone, Visible Light

Future mobile networks: Drone networking, Multi-UAV networks, architectures and civilian applications,
Communication challenges and protocols for micro UAVs, Connected and autonomous cars, Wireless
technologies for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications,
Automotive surrounding sensing with GHz and THz signals

Course Learning Outcomes: After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the structure of current 4G cellular networks (including LTE) and the requirements of 5G cellular
2. Analyze the performance of IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi.
3. Evaluate the basic foundations of wide variety of common wireless networking standards
4. Describe modern network architecture paradigms.

Text Books:

1. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, by Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall.

2. Wireless Networking Complete, by Pei Zheng et al., Morgan Kaufman

Reference Books:
1. 802.11n: A Survival Guide, by Matthew Gast, O'Reilly Media.
2. 802.11ac: A Survival Guide, by Matthew Gast, O'Reilly Media.
4. Wireless Networking Complete, by Pei Zheng et al., Morgan Kaufmann.

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab Evaluations) 25
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course Objective: The aim of this course is to build fundamental understanding of a communication system
and its performance metrics. The course will describe the theory of modulation and its different counterparts
with the help of mathematical analysis of their various characteristics. The generation of AM, FM and PM
waves will be described. The course will also focus on the design of AM and FM receivers and will deal
with various types of noises in the communication channel.

Introduction to Communication systems: Introduction to Communication system, analog and digital

messages, signal to noise ratio, Noise, Resistor noise, Multiple resistor noise sources, Noise Temperature,
Noise bandwidth, Effective input noise temperature, channel bandwidth, rate of communication,
modulation, necessity for modulation, signal distortion over a communication channel, signal energy and
signal energy density, signal power, power spectral density,
Amplitude Modulation: Baseband and carrier communication, Theory of amplitude modulation, DSB-
AM, SSB-AM, Vestigial sideband transmission, carrier acquisition, , power calculations, Square law
modulation, Amplitude modulation in amplifier circuits, Suppressed carrier AM generation (Balanced
Modulator) ring Modulator, Product Modulator/balanced Modulator.
AM Reception: Super heterodyne Receiver, RF Amplifier, Image Frequency Rejection, AM diode detector,
AM receiver using a phase locked loop (PLL), AM receiver characteristics.
Angle Modulation: Concept of instantaneous frequency, bandwidth of angle modulated waves, Theory of
frequency modulation, Mathematical analysis of FM, Spectra of FM signals, Narrow band FM, Wide band
FM, Phase modulation, Phase modulation obtained from frequency modulation, FM allocation standards,
Generation of FM by direct method, Indirect generation of FM, The Armstrong method RC phase shift
method, Comparison of AM, FM and PM
FM/PM Reception: Direct methods of Frequency demodulation, Ratio detector, Indirect method of FM
demodulation, Pre-emphasis / de-emphasis, Limiters, The FM receiver
Analog Pulse Modulation: Introduction, Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), Pulse Time Modulation
(PTM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM).
Laboratory work: Study of AM modulators / demodulators: (Balanced modulator, Ring modulator) /
(Balanced modulator Super heterodyne Receiver), Study of FM/PM modulators/demodulators: (direct
method, Varactor diode Modulator, Indirect generation of FM) / (Balanced stop detector, Foster seely of
phase discriminator, Ratio detector), FM stereo receiver.

Course learning outcome (CLOs): The students will be able to

1. Analyze energy and power spectral density of the signal.
2. Express the basic concepts of analog modulation schemes
3. Evaluate analog modulated waveform in time /frequency domain and also find modulation
4. Analyze about performance of analog communication systems

Text Books:
1. Kennedy, G., Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw-Hill (2008) 4th ed.
2. Lathi.B.P.,Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems 3rd ed.

Reference Books:
1. Taub, H., Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw-Hill (2008) 3rd ed.
2. Haykin, S., Communication Systems, John Willey (2009) 4th ed.
3. Proakis, J. G. and Salehi, M., Fundamentals of Communication Systems, Dorling
Kindersley (2008) 2nd ed.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0
Course Objective: This course is designed to impart a critical theoretical and detailed practical knowledge
of cryptographic algorithms and techniques. To recognize typical vulnerabilities and safeguards used for
wireless communication.

Syllabus break-up:
Basic of Cryptography: Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, cryptographic hash functions,
Authenticated encryption, Key generation and distribution, Key management, Message Authentication
Codes (MACs), Message integrity,

Symmetric cryptography: Introduction to DES, TDES and AES algorithms, Blowfish and Twofish.

Public key cryptography: Introduction to Diffie-Hellman, RSA, ECC, ElGamal and DSA.

Digital signatures: How to sign using RSA, Hash based signatures, certificates, certificate transparency,
certificate revocation.

Security Vulnerabilities: security against active attacks, Attacks under Message Indistinguishability
(Chosen Plaintext Attack and Chosen Ciphertext Attacks), middle channel and side channel attacks, Access
Control Problems, Spoofing and Sniffing attacks, Social Engineering and countermeasures.

Wireless Network Security: IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security, Wireless Application Protocol
Overview, Wireless Transport Layer Security, WAP End-to-End Security.

Laboratory Work: Write program to send data across systems as two variants clear text data and encrypted
data with different set of encryption algorithms, Showcase different set of security protocol implementation
of Wireless LAN.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Implement various cryptographic algorithms to protect the confidential data.
2. Identify network vulnerabilities and apply various security mechanisms to protect networks from
security attacks.
3. Apply security tools to locate and fix security leaks in a computer network/software.
4. Secure a web server and web application.

Text Books:
1. Stallings, W., Network Security Essentials, Prentice Hall (2017) 6thEdition.
2. Cheswick, R., W., Bellovin, M., S., and Rubin, D., A., Firewalls and Internet Security,
Addison-Wesley Professional (2003) 2ndEdition.

Reference Books:
1. Graves, K., Certified Ethical Hacking Study Guide,Sybex (2010) 1stEdition.
2. Stallings, W., Cryptography and Network Security, Prentice Hall (2013), 6th Edition.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3
Course Objective: To have a deep understanding of two important, emerging network technologies: Software
Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). Use SDN emulator (Mininet) to set up and
test network topologies.

Software Defined Network: History of programmable networks and Evolution of Software Defined Networking
(SDN), IETF Forces, Active Networking. Separation of Control and Data Plane - Concepts, Advantages and
Disadvantages, OpenFlow, protocol, 4D network architecture. Traditional Networking versus SDN.
Control & Data Plane: Overview, distributed and centralized control plane & data plane. Control plane: Existing
SDN Controllers including Floodlight and Open Daylight projects. Customization of Control Plane: Switching and
Data Plane: Software-based and Hardware-based; Programmable Network Hardware.
Network Virtualization: Concepts, Applications, Existing Network Virtualization Framework (VMWare and
others), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks: Concepts, Implementation and
Network Programmability: Introduction, Northbound Application Programming Interface, Current Languages and
Data Center Networks: Packet, Optical and Wireless Architectures Network Topologies
Use Cases of SDNs: Data Centers, Internet Exchange Points, Backbone Networks, Home Networks, Traffic

Laboratory Work:
1. Set up and get familiar with SDN emulator – Mininet and set up a virtual network
2. Basic mininet operations
3. Manually control the switch
4. Move the rules to SDN controller
5. Set different forwarding rules for each switch in the controller

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Maximum 5 CLO’S

The student will be able to:
1. Understand the SDN architecture and analyse the advantages of programmable networks over traditional
2. Analyse the SDN layers and plane oriented view, decoupled control plane and data plane
3. Understand network virtualization , Network Functions Virtualization components and how they work
4. Apply the SDN and NVF concepts to analyse use case like data center network and others
5. Design and implement networking problems using SDN-friendly network emulator

Text Books:
1. SDN: Software Defined Networks, An Authoritative Review of Network Programmability Technologies, By
Thomas D. Nadeau, Ken Gray Publisher: O'Reilly Media, August 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4493-4230-2, ISBN 10:1-

2. Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach, by Paul Goransson and Chuck Black, Morgan
Kaufmann, June 2014, Print Book ISBN: 9780124166752, eBook ISBN : 9780124166844

Reference Books:
1. Network Innovation through OpenFlow and SDN: Principles and Design, Edited by Fei Hu, CRC Press, ISBN-
10: 1466572094, 2014.
2. Doherty, Jim. SDN and NFV simplified: a visual guide to understanding software defined networks and network
function virtualization. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2016.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: To appreciate the benefits of Cloud computing and apply Cloud paradigms for evolving
businesses. To familiarize with cloud architectural models and resource allocation strategies. The student
should comprehensively be exposed to Cloud based services.

Introduction: Basics of the emerging Cloud computing paradigm, Cloud computing history and evolution,
Cloud enabling technologies, practical applications of Cloud computing for various industries, the
economics and benefits of Cloud computing.

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud Architecture model, Types of Clouds: Public rivate & Hybrid
Clouds, Resource management and scheduling, QoS (Quality of Service) and Resource Allocation,

Cloud Computing delivery Models: Cloud based services: Iaas , PaaS and SaaS Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS):Introduction to IaaS, Resource Virtualization i.e. Server, Storage and Network virtualization
Platform as a Service (PaaS):Introduction to PaaS, Cloud platform & Management of Computation and
Storage, Azure, Hadoop, and Google App. Software as a Service (SaaS):Introduction to SaaS, Cloud
Services, Web services, Web 2.0, Web OS Case studies related to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

Data Processing in Cloud: Introduction to Map Reduce for Simplified data processing on Large clusters,
Design of data applications based on Map Reduce in Apache Hadoop

Advanced Technologies: Advanced web technologies (AJAX and Mashup), distributed computing models
and technologies (Hadoop and MapReduce), Introduction to Open Source Clouds like Virtual Computing
Lab (Apache VCL), Eucalyptus

Cloud Issues and Challenges: Cloud computing issues and challenges like Cloud provider Lock-in,
Security etc.

Introduction to Python Runtime Environment: The Datastore, Development Workflow

Course learning outcome (CLOs):

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Familiarization with Cloud architectures.
2. Knowledge of data processing in Cloud.
3. Ability to apply clustering algorithms to process big data real time.
4. Ability to address security issues in Cloud environment.
5. Understand the nuances of Cloud based services.

Text Books:
1. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg and Goscinski Author Name, Cloud Computing Principles and
Paradigms, John Wiley and Sons 2012, Second Edition
2. Gerard Blokdijk, Ivanka Menken,The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best
Practices, Emereo Pvt Ltd, 2009, Second Edition

Reference Books:
1. Anthony Velte, Toby Velte and Robert Elsenpeter , Cloud Computing: A practical Approach Tata
McGrawHill, 2010, Second Edition
2. Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bllor, Marcia Kaufmann, Fern Halper, Cloud cOmputing for Dummies,
2009, Third Edition

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: Detailed study of computer graphics, 2 D and 3 D transformations, representations and
Syllabus break-up:
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: Applications of computer Graphics in various, Video Display Devices,
Random scan displays, raster scan displays, DVST, Flat Panel displays, I/O Devices.
Graphics Primitives: Algorithms for drawing Line, circle, ellipse, arcs & sectors, Boundary Fill & Flood Fill
algorithm, Color Tables
Transformations & Projections: 2D & 3D Scaling, Translation, rotation, shearing & reflection, Composite
transformation, Window to View port transformation, Orthographic and Perspective Projections.
Clipping: CohenSutherland, Liang Barsky, Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line clipping algorithms, Sutherland Hodgeman,
Weiler Atherton Polygon clipping algorithm.
Three Dimensional Object Representations: 3D Modeling transformations, Parallel & Perspective projection,
Clipping in 3D. Curved lines & Surfaces, Spline representations, Spline specifications, Bezier Curves & surfaces, B-
spline curves & surfaces, Rational splines, Displaying Spline curves & surfaces.
Basic Rendering: Rendering in nature, Polygonal representation, Affine and coordinate system transformations,
Visibility and occlusion, depth buffering, Painter’s algorithm, ray tracing, forward and backward rendering equations,
Phong Shading per pixel per vertex Shading.
Visualization: Visualization of 2D/3D scalar fields: color mapping, iso surfaces. Direct volume data rendering: ray-
casting, transfer functions, segmentation. Visualization of: Vector fields and flow data, Time-varying data, High-
dimensional data: dimension reduction, parallel coordinates, Non-spatial data: multi-variate, tree/graph structured,
text Perceptual and cognitive foundations, Evaluation of visualization methods, Applications of visualization, Basic
Animation Techniques like traditional, keyframing.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): The student will be able to:

1. Comprehend the concepts related to basics of computer graphics and visualization.
2. Demonstrate various graphics primitives and 2-D, 3-D geometric transformations
3. Understand various clipping techniques
4. Comprehend the concepts related three dimensional object representations.
5. Implement various hidden surface removal techniques.

Text Books:
1. Donald D Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C version, Pearson Education
1. Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to
Learning OpenGL, (2013).
Reference Books:
1. James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes, Computer Graphics: Principles &
Practice in C, Addison Wesley Longman.
2. Zhigang Xiang, Roy A Plastock, Computer Graphics, Schaums Outline, TMH

Evaluation Scheme:

Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)

1 MST 30

2 EST 45

Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab

3 25
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0
Course Objective:
This course covers the conceptual and application aspects of fast growing and latest technology Blockchain.
The popularity of digital cryptocurrencies has led the foundation of Blockchain, it is a public digital ledger
which share the information in a secure way. The various applications of Blockchain are business process
management, smart contracts, IoT and so on. In this course fundamental design and architectural primitives
of Blockchain, the system and the security aspects will be covered.

Syllabus break-up:
Introduction to Blockchain: Blockchain Theory, Immutable Ledger, Smart Networks, Cryptographic
Wallets, Blockchain Global Peer to peer software network, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin mining, Bitcoin
scalability, Blockchain risks: Technical, Regulatory, Perception, Payment networks, Blockchain
applications, Decoupling Decision-making and Automated execution, Smart Contracts: Bitcoin, Ethereum.
Hyperledger Fabric: Transaction flow, details, membership, identity management, hyperledger composer,
application development and network administration,
Blockchain use cases: Blockchain Consensus Algorithms, Byzyantine Fault Tolerance, Applications in
finance, supply chain, other industries and Government.,
Miscellaneous: Alt Coins, Ripple, Neo, Litecoin, Cardano, Stellar, Blockchain security and research
Laboratory Work: Pre-requisite for basics of Blockchain, Create a blockchain using Python, Create a
cryptocurrency using Python, Create a Smart Contract using Python, Implementation and testing of
hyperledger, execution and understanding of bitcoin, implementation, concepts and exposure to blockchain
using any language. Modelling, designing and testing of application specific project and research papers.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Understand the architecture and basics of the Blockchain.
2. Know the use of digital currency and consensus of Bitcoin.
3. Deal with the digital ledger and can describe the hyperledger.
4. Use Blockchain in various applications.
Text Books:
1. Arvind N., Joseph B., Edward F., Andrew M., and Steven G., “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction”, Princeton University Press, ISBN-13: 978-
2. Henning D., and Create S., “Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized
Autonomous Organizations” Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN-13: 978-1523930470.

Reference Books:
1. Arshdeep B., and Vijay M. “Blockchain Applications: A Hands-on Approach”, Vpt, ISBN-13: 978-
2. Roger W. “The Science of the Blockchain”, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2016, ISBN-

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
UEC858: Modern Control Theory
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: This course provides the insight of the fundamentals of modern control theory by
analysing time and frequency response of open and closed loop systems. Furthermore, the concept is
extended to advanced concepts of modern control theory centred on the system stability and state space
methods. Emphasis is placed on concepts of controllability and observability in addition to fundamentals of
digital control systems.

Syllabus break-up:
Mathematical Models, Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs of Systems: Introduction of
mathematical models and transfer function, Construction and reduction of block diagram and signal flow
graphs, Application of Mason’s gain formula.
Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems: Transient and steady state response, time response of first
and second-order systems, sensitivity to parameter variations, steady-state errors, Types of Systems and
Error Constants.
System Stability: Conditions for stability of linear systems, Algebraic Stability criteria - Hurwitz criterion,
Routh criterion, Root locus techniques, Frequency domain analysis, Correlation between frequency
response and transient response, Polar plots, Nyquist plots, Bode plots.
Classical Controller Design Methods: General aspects of the Closed-loop control design problem,
Controller circuits design concepts for P, PD, PI and PID Controllers
State Variable Analysis: Introduction, state variable representation, conversion of transfer function model
to state variable model, conversion of state variable model to transfer function model, Eigen values and
Eigen vectors, solution of state equations. Concepts of controllability and observability,
Digital control system: Basic structure of digital control systems, description and analysis of Linear Time-
Invariant Discrete-time systems.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Understand CLO sse and open loop control system representations in terms of block diagrams, signal
flow graphs and transfer function,
2. Analyze the time and frequency response of the control systems and to establish the correlation
between them,
3. Analyze the stability of the control systems and learn various methods to judge the stability criterion,
4. Understand the fundamentals of designing of P-I-D controllers,
5. Achieve knowledge about the concepts of the state space analysis and the concept of controllability
and observability for classical and digital control system.

Text Books:
1. Nagrath, I. J., and Gopal, M., Control Systems Engineering, New Age International Publishers,
2006, 4th ed.
2. Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Pearson education, 2003
3. G F Franklin, J D Powell and M Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 1997, 3rd ed.
4. M. Gopal, Digital Control and State Variable Methods, McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Ogata, Katsuhiko, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall, (2010) 5th ed.
2. Warwick, Kevin, An Introduction to Control Systems, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ptv. Ltd,
(1996) 2nd ed.
3. Levine, W. S., Control System Fundamentals, CRC Press, (2000) 3rd ed.
4. Mutambara, Arthur G. O., Design and Analysis of Control Systems, CRC Press, (1999) 2nd ed.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (may include Assignments/Quizzes) 25
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course Objective: The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of video processing tasks as well
as practical experience in accomplishing them. Students will be able to acquire knowledge of video
processing e.g., video coding, compression.

Introduction and Fundamentals: Representation of video, analog video, spatio-temporal sampling,

sampling of analog and digital video, sampling of 3-D structures, reconstruction from samples.
Video Motion Estimation: Real versus apparent motion, spatial-temporal constraint methods (optical flow
equation), general methodologies-Block matching algorithm, Deformable block matching algorithm, Mesh
based motion estimation, Global motion estimation, Region based motion estimation, Multiresolution
motion estimation Feature based Motion Estimation, Direct motion Estimation.
Video Coding: Content dependent video coding, Region based video coding, Object based video coding,
Knowledge based video coding, Semantic video coding, Scalable video coding, Applications of motion
estimator in video coding.
Digital Video Compression Standards: inter-frame and intra-frame compression, Lossy and Loss less
compression techniques, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Standard, H.265/HEVC
Laboratory Work: Students have to write MATLAB /Python programs for dividing raw video into frames,
compression, coding and reframing the video.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

The student will be able to:
1. Understand the video sampling and reconstruction
2. Describe algorithms of video motion estimation
3. Interpret video coding and segmentation algorithms
4. Familiarize with video compression standards
Text Books:
1. M.Tekalp, Digital Video Processing, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2015.
2. Alan C. Bovik, The Essential Guide to Video Processing, Elsevier Science, 2nd Edition, 2009.
3. Y. Wang, J. Ostermann and Y.-Q. Zhang, Video Processing and Communications. Signal Proc.
Series, Prentice Hall, 2002.
4. J. Watkinson, The Art of Digital Video, , 3rd edition, Focal Press, 2000.

Reference Books:
1. Iain E. Richardson, H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression: Video Coding for Next- generation
Multimedia, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. J.W. Woods, Multidimensional Signal, Image and Video Processing and Coding, Academic
Press, 2nd edition, 2012.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab 25

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: To familiarize the students with natural language processing (NLP) and introduce
major algorithms pertaining to real world problems. Students will be able to design and implement
machine learning solutions to NLP problems; and be able to evaluate and interpret the results of the

Preliminaries: Historical overview of Natural Language Processing, Ambiguity and uncertainty in language,
Regular languages and their limitations, Expressions for identifying and quantifying language phenomena, Basic
morphology, The Turing test, Chomsky hierarchy, Finite-state automata.

Sequences, similarity and distance metrics: Dynamic programming for optimal alignment of sequences, String edit
operations, Edit distance, and examples of use in spelling correction, and machine translation, Decision tree based
algorithms in NLP.

Context Free Grammars and Parsing: Constituency, CFG definition, use and limitations. Chomsky Normal Form.
Top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing, and the limitations of each, Non-probabilistic Parsing, Efficient CFG parsing,
Probabilistic parsing, Events and counting, Joint and conditonal probability, Marginals, Independence, Bayes rule,
Combining evidence, Examples of applications in natural language, Entropy, cross-entropy, information gain and
their application to some language phenomena

Language modeling and Naive Bayes: Markov models, N-grams. Estimating the probability of a word, and
smoothing. Generative models of language and their application to building an automatically-trained email spam
filter, and automatically determining the language (English, Hindi etc.).

Deep Learning for NLP: Natural Language Processing (NLP) using deep nets, Auto encoders, LSTM networks for
NLP applications, Sentiment analysis, Context analysis, Word embedding with recurrent nets, Recurrent neural
networks for parts-of-speech tagging, implementation of word2vec,CBOW method in word2vec, Skip-gram method
in word2vec, Negative sampling optimization in word2vec, Understand and implement, GloVe using gradient descent
and alternating least squares.

Laboratory Work:
1. Obtain pretrained word vectors from GloVe and word2vec.
2. Text classification using word2vec and GloVe.
3. Text classification using bigram models.
4. Implementing a neural network bigram model.
5. Tensorflow/Theano Basics.
6. word2vec Tensorflow/Theano implementation.
7. Parts-of-Speech Tagging Recurrent Neural Network in Theano/Tensorflow.
8. Named Entity Recognition RNN in Theano/Tensorflow.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): At the end of the course the student will be able to

● Comprehend nuances of linguistics and morphology and its computational underpinnings.

● Implement probabilistic/non probabilistic parsing for a given sequence of words/speech.
● Apply probabilistic language modeling for automatic identification.
● Implement deep networks and sequence models for semantics, context, and sentiment analysis.

Text Books:

1. Jurafsky & Martin "Speech and Language Processing" Pearson Education India; 2 edition (2013) ISBN-10:

Reference Book:
1. Manning and Schutze "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" MIT Press Cambridge, MA,
USA ©1999 ISBN:0-262-13360-1

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 25%
2. EST 45%
3. Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Quizzes) 30%

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course objective: To provide students with the knowledge of basic characteristics of speech signal in relation
to production and hearing of speech by humans, to describe some basic algorithms of speech analysis in
different applications, to give an overview of various applications (recognition, synthesis, coding) and to
inform about practical aspects of speech algorithms implementation.

Digital speech processing and its applications: production and classification of speech sounds, lossless tube
models, digital models for speech signals; Analysis and synthesis of pole-zero speech models, Levinson
recursion, lattice synthesis filter.
Time dependent processing of speech: pitch period estimation, frequency domain pitch estimation; Discrete-
time short-time Fourier transform and its application, phase vocoder, channel vocoder.
Homomorphic speech processing: waveform coders, hybrid coders and vector quantization of speech; Model
based coding: Linear predictive, RELP, MELP, CELP; Speech synthesis.
Principles of speech recognition: spectral distance measures, dynamic time warping, word recognition using
phoneme units, hidden Markov models and word recognition, speech recognition systems, speaker recognition.
Audio coders: Ear physiology, psychoacoustics, perception model and auditory system as filter bank; Filter
bank design and modified discrete cosine transform algorithm for audio compression in MP3 and AAC coders;
Standards for high-fidelity audio coding.
Filter banks for speech processing: Tree-structured filter banks, multicomplementary filter banks; Properties
of wavelets and scaling functions, wavelet transform; Filter banks and wavelets, applications of wavelet signal
processing in audio and speech coding.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Characterize the speech signal in relation to production and hearing by humans.
2. Differentiate between various mathematical techniques for speech recognition.
3. Analyze coders for speech signals.
4. Analyze the role of filter banks in speech processing.

Text Books:
1. L. R. Rabiner and R. W. Schaffer, “Digital Processing of Speech signals”, Prentice Hall, 2010.
2. B. Gold and N. Morgan, “Speech and Audio Signal Processing”, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2011.

Reference Books:
1. T.F.Quatieri, “Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. L.R. Rabiner and B. H. Juang, “Fundamentals of speech recognition”, Prentice Hall, 1993.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ 25
Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0
Course Objective: To gain knowledge about crystal growth and wafer preparation techniques.
Subsequently, the thoroughly understanding of different integral steps needed for IC components fabrication
mainly bipolar and field effect transistors. To acquire knowledge of various linear and nonlinear ICs and
the various packaging techniques.

Integrated Circuits: Introduction,Impact of ICs on Industry, Advantages over discrete components,

Monolithic and Hybrid ICs, Scales of integration and related issues.

Growth of Single Crystals wafers: Crystal growth using Czochralski’s method, Float Zone method and
Bridgeman technique, Zone refining, characteristics and crystal evaluation, Wafer Shaping operations,
Slicing, polishing and etching.

Epitaxy Film Formation: Importance of epitaxial layer growth, Types of epitaxy: VPE, MBE,
MOCVDDefects in epitaxial layers and their removal.

Diffusion: Impurity diffusion in a semiconductor crystal. Fick’s Laws, Gaussian and Complementary Error
Function Distribution of Impurities.Properties of diffusion.

Subsequent Processes: Oxidation, Ion-implantation, Photolithography, Electron beam and X-Ray

lithography, Different printing techniques, +ve& -ve Photo resist, dry and wet Etching, Metallization, and
Clean room: Standards, Exposure Tools.

MOSFET Technology: Design of junction diode, Transistor, FET and MOSFETsPolysilicon gates and
Well Structures.

Passive Components for IC’s: Analog, Linear and Non-linear I.C’s. Digital I.C’s. Digital I.C’s like TTL,
ECL, HTL, Video I.C’s, Tuners like 555 and 556: internal circuits and their operation.

Packaging of I.C’s: Mountings in packages using Dual-in-line (DIP) or TO packages. Packages using
surface-mount-technology (SMT).

Familiarization with standards: IEEE 62659-2015.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge about crystal growth and wafer preparation techniques.
2. Learn about different fabrication process used in ICs industry.
3. Understand various linear and non-linear ICs.
4. To understand the various packaging techniques.

Text Books:
1. Sze, S. M., VLSI Technology, Wiley Eastern, USA (1999) 2nd ed.
2. Sze, S. M., Semiconductor Devices, Physics & Technology, (2001) 3rd ed.

Reference Books:
1. Pucknell and Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, (2000) 2nd edition
2. Nagchoudhri, D., Principles of Microelectronics Technology (2002) 4th edition.

Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1. MST 30

2. EST 50

3. Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ 20


L T P Cr
3 0 0 3

Course Objective: To understand the fundamentals of parallel and distributed programming

and application development in different parallel programming environments.

Parallelism Fundamentals: Scope and issues of parallel and distributed computing, Parallelism, Goals of
parallelism, Parallelism and concurrency, Multiple simultaneous computations, Programming Constructs
for creating Parallelism, communication, and coordination. Programming errors not found in sequential
programming like data races, higher level races, lack of liveness.
Parallel Architecture: Architecture of Parallel Computer, Communication Costs, parallel computer
structure, architectural classification schemes, Multicore processors, Memory Issues: Shared vs. distributed,
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), SIMD, vector processing, GPU, coprocessing, Flynn’s Taxonomy,
Instruction Level support for parallel programming, Multiprocessor caches and Cache Coherence, Non-
Uniform Memory Access (NUMA).
Parallel Decomposition and Parallel Performance: Need for communication
and coordination/synchronization, Scheduling and contention, Independence and partitioning, Task- Based
Decomposition, Data Parallel Decomposition, Actors and Reactive Processes, Load balancing, Data
Management, Impact of composing multiple concurrent components, Power usage and management.
Sources of Overhead in Parallel Programs, Performance metrics for parallel algorithm implementations,
Performance measurement, The Effect of Granularity on Performance Power Use and Management, Cost-
Performance trade-off;
Distributed Computing: Introduction: Definition, Relation to parallel systems, synchronous
vs asynchronous execution, design issues and challenges, A Model of Distributed Computations, A Model
of distributed executions, Models of communication networks, Global state of distributed system, Models
of process communication.
Communication and Coordination: Shared Memory, Consistency, Atomicity, Message- Passing,
Consensus, Conditional Actions, Critical Paths, Scalability, cache coherence in multiprocessor systems,
synchronization mechanism.
Parallel Algorithms design and Analysis: Parallel Algorithms, Parallel Graph Algorithms, Parallel Matrix
Computations, Critical paths, work and span and relation to Amdahl’s law, Speed-up and scalability,
Naturally parallel algorithms, Parallel algorithmic patterns like divide and conquer, map and reduce,
Specific algorithms like parallel Merge Sort, Parallel graph algorithms, parallel shortest path, parallel
spanning tree, Producer-consumer and pipelined algorithms.

Course learning outcomes (CLOs): On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Apply the fundamentals of parallel and distributed computing including parallel architectures and
2. Apply parallel algorithms and key technologies.
3. Knowledge of different parallel approaches for resolving real time problems like sorting, shortest
path etc.
4. Analyse the performance issues in parallel computing and trade-offs.
Text Books:
1. C Lin, L Snyder. Principles of Parallel Programming. USA: Addison-Wesley (2008).
2. A Grama, A Gupra, G Karypis, V Kumar. Introduction to Parallel Computing, Addison Wesley
Reference Books:
1. B Gaster, L Howes, D Kaeli, P Mistry, and D Schaa. Heterogeneous Computing With
Opencl. Morgan Kaufmann and Elsevier (2011).
2. T Mattson, B Sanders, B Massingill. Patterns for Parallel Programming. Addison-Wesley (2004).
3. Quinn, M. J.,Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP, McGraw-Hill (2004).

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 25
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course objective: To familiarize with soft computing concepts. Introduce the ideas of neural networks,
fuzzy logic and use of heuristics based on human experience. Familiarize the concepts of Genetic algorithm.
Apply the soft computing concepts to solve practical problems.
Introduction: Introduction to soft computing, Problem complexity, Problem complexity classification,
Types of soft computing techniques, Softcomputing versus hard computing, Advantages of soft computing.
Artificial Neural Networks: Biological neuron, Artificial Neural Network, Mathematical Models,
McCulloch Neural Model, Perceptron, Adaline and Madaline, Learning & Training in ANN, Hopfield
Neural Network, Self-Organizing Networks, Recurrent Networks, Associative memories
Fuzzy Logic System: Crisp Vs Fuzzy set theory, Membership functions, Fuzzy set operations, Fuzzy rules,
Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy inference systems, Defuzzification methods.
Genetic Algorithms: Introduction and biological background of GA, String Encoding of chromosomes,
Selection methods, Single & multi-point crossover operation, Mutation, Adjustment of strategy parameters
such as Population size, Mutation & Crossover probabilities
Tools & Applications:
Laboratory Work: MATLAB Toolboxes: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, Neural Network Toolbox, Neural
network as a classifier, FLS for Antilock Breaking System (ABS), GA in route planning for Travelling Sales
Person, Time-Series forecasting using ANN. Familiarization of GA toolbox MATLAB and implementing
it to find optimal solution of optimization problems.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify the characteristics of Soft Computing Techniques
2. Analyze neural networks and their applications.
3. Demonstrate proficient performance in the application of neural nets.
4. Apply fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning for decision making
5. Analyze genetic algorithms and their applications.

Text Books
1. Jang, J.S.R., Sun, C.T., and Mizutani, E., Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, Pearson Education
(2004) 2nd ed.
2. Eberhart, R., Simpson, P., and Dobbins, R., Computational Intelligence - PC Tools, AP Professional
(1996) 3rd ed.

Reference Books:
1. Jacek M. Zurada – Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems
2. S N Sivanandam, S N Deepa – Principles of Soft Computing, Wiley Publications
3. John Yen, Reza Langari – Fuzzy Logic Intelligence, Control, and Information
4. Goldberg, Davis E., Genetic Algorithms: Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Wesley
Addison (1989) 3rd ed

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (May include 30
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3
Course Objective: Big Data Analytics course will inspire students to explore opportunities in the world of big
data analytics. This course will take you from the basics of big data analytics to the advance analytical tools,
methods and technology, which could be used for the big data analytics projects. It also brings together several
key big data technologies used for storage, analysis and manipulation of data.

Introduction to big data: Introduction to Big Data Platform – Challenges of Conventional Systems -
Intelligent data analysis – Nature of Data - Analytic Processes and Tools - Analysis vs. Reporting, Use cases

Big-data Characteristics and issues

Characteristics and issues in Big-Data Analytics, Challenges associated with Big-data, Bog-Data Analytical
platforms, Storage and Architecture properties,

Big data using Apache Hadoop Stack

Introduction to Hadoop, HDFS and its architecture, Hadoop-Python framework and programming,
Parallelization, MapReduce, Hadoop Client, Apache Sqoop Apache Flume, Hadoop Security, Apache
Spark, Spark-Python framework, Pyspark programming and applications

Apace Hadoop Tools: Overview of hive and its architecture, Hive data types and File format, Hive query
language (HQL), Apace Storm, Introduction to Pig, , Data types in Pig and Running Pig, Oozie, Mahout,

Laboratory Work: Data Engineering Hadoop ecosystem, Spark etc.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
The student will be able to:
1. Identify the issues and challenges related to Big Data
2. Design efficient algorithms for mining the data from large volumes.
3. Analyze the HADOOP and Map Reduce technologies associated with big data analytics
4. Explore on Big Data applications Using Pig and Hive. Explore on Big Data applications Using Pig
and Hive.

Text Books:
1. R. Shankarmani, M. Vijayalakshmi, “Big Data Analytic”, Wiley 2016
2. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, “Mining of Massive Datasets”, CUP,2012.

Reference Books:
1. Michael Minelli, Michelle Chambers, and AmbigaDhiraj, "Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging
2. Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's Businesses", Wiley, 2013.
3. P. J. Sadalage and M. Fowler, "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3
Course Objective: This course provides methodology to achieve VLSI architectures for various digital
signal processing applications. It explores various possible high performance, low power and area efficient
architectures/designs for a given signal processing algorithms.

Introduction: Brief review of IIR and FIR Filters, multirate signal processing, digital filter banks, concept
of adaptive filters, least mean square (LMS) adaptive algorithm, Representation of DSP algorithms, signal
flow, data flow and dependence graphs (DFGs).
Algorithmic Transformation Approaches: Iteration bound: Loop and Iteration bound, Iteration rate,
critical loop, critical path analysis, pipelining and parallel processing: pipelining of FIR filter, parallel
processing of FIR filters, pipelining and parallel processing of DSP systems for low-power consumption,
Retiming: cut-set retiming, clock period minimization, register minimization, Unfolding: sample period
reduction, parallel processing: bit level and word level architectures of DSP systems, Folding: folding
transformation, register minimization technique, forward backward register allocation technique, folding
Bi-quad filters.
Algorithm Strength Reduction: Parallel FIR filters, polyphase decomposition, fast FIR filters algorithms,
discrete cosine transform and inverse discrete cosine transform, algorithm-architecture transformation, DIT
fast DCT.
Pipelined and Parallel Recursive Filters: concept of pipeline interleaving in digital filters, look ahead
pipelining in IIR filters, clustered look-ahead pipelining, scattered look-ahead pipelining, parallel
processing in IIR Filters.
Bit-level arithmetic architectures and numerical strength reduction: parallel multipliers, bit-serial
multipliers, bit-serial IIR filter, canonic signed digit arithmetic, subexpression elimination, subexpression
sharing in digital filters.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): Maximum 5 CLO’S

The student will be able to:
1. Analyse signal processing operations from VLSI implementation perspective.
2. Transform DSP algorithms to high performance and low power DSP architectures using pipelining,
parallel processing and retiming.
3. Achieve area efficient architectures using folding and algorithm strength reduction techniques for
digital filters.
4. Develop highly area efficient and low power filter architectures using bit-serial approach or canonic-
signed-digit arithmetic.

Text Books:
1. Parhi, K.K., VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation, John Wiley (2007).
2. Oppenheim, A.V. and Schafer, R.W., Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall (2009) 2nd

Reference Books:
1. Proakis, J.G., Digital Filters: Analysis, Design and Application, McGraw Hill (1981) 2 nd ed.
2. Mitra, S.K., Digital Signal Processing. A Computer Based Approach, McGraw Hill (2007) 3rd edition

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 45
Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab
3 30
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives: In this course the students will learn interconnect models, interconnect analysis and
interconnect materials.

Introduction: Technology trends, Device and interconnect scaling ,Interconnect Models: RC model and
RLC model, Effect of capacitive coupling, Effect of inductive coupling, Transmission line model, Power
dissipation, Interconnect reliability.

Device Models: Introduction, device I-V characteristics, General format of device Models, device models
in explicit expression, device model using a table-Lookup model and effective capacitive model.

Interconnect analysis: Time domain analysis: RLC network analysis, RC network analysis and responses
in time domain, S domain analysis, circuit reduction via matrix approximation, Analysis using moment
matching, transmission lines: step input response.

Crosstalk analysis: Introduction, Capacitive coupled and inductive coupled interconnect model and
analysis, Transmission line based model.

Advanced Interconnect materials: Basic materials: Copper and aluminium. Problem with existing
materials in deep submicron: Electro-migration effect, surface and grain boundary effect. CNT and GNR
as interconnect materials, impedance parameters of CNT and GNR, and Optical interconnects.

Course Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this course, the students are able to:
1. acquire knowledge about Technology trends, Device and interconnect scaling.
2. identify basic device and Interconnect Models.
3. perform RLC based Interconnect analysis.
4. analyse the problem with existing material in deep submicron technology nodes and understand the
advanced interconnect materials
1. Chung-Kang Cheng,John Lillis,Shen Lin and Norman H.Chang, “Interconnect Analysis and
Synthesis”,A wiley Interscience Publication(2000).
2. Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang, Yusuf Leblebigi, “CMOS Digital integrated circuits analysis and design”,
by Tata Mcgraw-Hill, (2007).

Reference Books:
1. L.O.Chua,C.A.Desoer,and E.S.Kuh, “Linear and Non linear circuits”,McGraw-Hill,1987.
2. R.E.Matrick, “Transmission lines for digital and communication networks”, IEEE press,1995.
3. Mauricio Marulanda, “Electronic properties of Carbon Nanotubes”,InTech publisher 2011.

Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Weightage
Evaluation Elements
No. (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizzes/Lab 25
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0
Course Objectives: In this course the students will learn basic concept of MEMS devices, their working principles,
equivalent circuits, modelling and characterization tools, different MEMS sensors and MEMS fabrication

Introduction to MEMS: Introduction to MEMS and Micro sensors, MEMS system-level design methodology,
Equivalent Circuit representation of MEMS, Signal Conditioning Circuits.

Principles of Physical and Chemical Sensors: Sensor classification, Sensing mechanism of Mechanical,
Electrical, Thermal, Magnetic, Optical, Chemical and Biological Sensors.

Sensor Technology: Concept of clean room, Vacuum systems, Thin Film Materials and processes (Lithography,
oxidation, sputtering, diffusion, CVD, micro machining, Wafer bonding, Wire bonding and Packaging.

Sensor Modeling: Numerical modeling techniques, Model equations, different effects on modelling (mechanical,
electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, chemical and biological and example of modelling.

Sensor Applications: Pressure Sensor with embedded electronics, Accelerometer, RF MEMS Switch and Bio


Course Learning Outcomes:
The student will be able to
1. Acquire knowledge about MEMS & Micro Sensors.
2. Describe working principles of MEMS devices.
3. Understand various micro fabrication technologies.
4. Acquire knowledge about Device Modelling and its applications

Text Books:
1. Franssila Sami, Introduction to Micro Fabrication, WILEY, 2nd Edition, 2010
2. NadimMaluf, An Introduction to MicroelectromechanicalSyatemsEngineering,Artech House, 3rd
edition, 2000.
3. MahalikNitaigourPremchand,MEMS, McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Reference Books:
1. Senturia Stephen D., Microsystem Design, Springer US, (2013).
2. Madou Marc J., Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press, (2002).
3. StephrnBeeby, Graham Ensell, Michael Kraft, Neil White, MEMS Mechanical Sensors, artech House
4. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Pearson Education Inc., (2012)
5. Tai Ran Hsu,MEMS& Micro systems Design and Manufacture Tata McGraw Hill, NewDelhi, 2002.

Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1. MST 30
2. EST 45
3. Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0
Course Objective: To provide a succinct introduction to the field of wireless sensor networks by
introducing the fundamentals of network architectures, protocols and deployment methods. To familiarise
with various networks platforms and tools for wireless sensor networks.
Introduction and Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks: Background of Sensor Network Technology,
Application of Sensor Networks, Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling Technologies for
Wireless Sensor Networks.
Sensor Node Hardware and Network Architecture:Single-node Architecture: Hardware Components,
Operating Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture: Sensor Network Scenarios,
Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit, Gateway Concepts.
Network Protocols: MAC Protocols: Requirement and design constraints for MAC Protocols, Important
classes of MAC Protocols, MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Protocols: Classification
of Routing Protocols, Energy-Efficient Routing, Geographic Routing.
Deployment and Configuration: Localization and Positioning, Single-hop Localization, Positioning in
Multi-hop environments, Coverage and Connectivity, Naming and Addressing in Sensor Networks,
Assignment of MAC addresses.
Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Programming
Challenges, Node-level Software Platforms, Node-level Simulators.

Familiarization with standards: IEEE 1451.0 and IEEE 1451.5-802.11.

Micro Project: WSN based monitoring of Temperature

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. introduced to the concept of Wireless Sensor Networks and its applications
2. able to understand various architectures of Wireless Sensor Networks, its related hardware and
3. familiarised with deployment and configuration methods.
4. acquainted to Node-level Software Platforms.

Text Books:

1. Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks,
2. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks - An Information Processing
Approach, Elsevier, 2007.

Reference Books:

1. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, and Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks- Technology,
Protocols and Applications, John Wiley, (2007).
2. Raghavendra, Cauligi S, Sivalingam, Krishna M., Zanti Taieb, Wireless Sensor Network, Springer
1st Ed, (2004) (ISBN: 978-4020-7883-5).
3. Anna Hac, Wireless Sensor Network Designs, John Wiley, (2003).
Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ 25
Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
UCS655: AI Applications – NLP, Computer Vision, IoT

L T P Cr
2 0 2 3

Course Objectives: There have been many recent advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The objective of
the course is to provide exposure to these advances and facilitate in depth discussion on chosen topics.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Introducing AI and its importance in transforming human life, Canonical
architecture of an AI system, AI systems in practice, Machine Learning basics, Five tribes of Machine Learning,
Selection of Machine Learning method, Machine learning applications in sales, marketing and information security.

Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing and its applications: What is NLP, Difficulties in NLP, Basics of
text processing and spelling correction, Introduction to language modeling, Application of NLP in sentiment analysis.

Fundamentals of Computer Vision and its applications: Introduction and goal of computer vision, Basics of image
processing and formation, Convolutional neural network, Application of computer vision in face recognition.

Artificial Intelligence and IoT: Basic architecture of an IoT system, Role of AI in IoT, Blockchain and AI for an
Intelligent IoT system, Applications in Smart City and Smart Energy Grids.

Ethics of AI and AI systems: Robustness and transparency, data bias and fairness, accountability, privacy and
Human-AI interaction.

Laboratory Work: To implement models and use cases using python and google open source library Tensorflow.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the basic principles, models, and algorithms of AI to recognize, model, and solve problems.
2. Demonstrate awareness and a fundamental understanding of various applications of AI techniques.
3. Comprehend the advancements in machine learning techniques.
4. Acquire knowledge to apply open source libraries for solving real life problems.

Reference Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Pearson.
2. Artificial Intelligence theory and practice, by T. Dean, J. Allen & Y. Aloimonos, New York: Benjamin
Cummings (1995).
3. Speech and Language Processing, by M. Jurafsky, & J. Martin, New York: Prentice-Hall (2000).
4. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, by Richard Szeliski, Springer.
5. Deep Learning, by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, MIT Press, 2016.

L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: To provide a succinct introduction to the field of wireless sensor networks by introducing the
fundamentals of network architectures, protocols and deployment methods. To familiarise with various networks
platforms and tools for wireless sensor networks.

Introduction and Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks: Background of Sensor Network Technology,
Application of Sensor Networks, Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enabling Technologies for Wireless
Sensor Networks.

Sensor Node Hardware and Network Architecture: Single-node Architecture: Hardware Components, Operating
Systems and Execution Environments, Network Architecture: Sensor Network Scenarios, Optimization Goals and
Figures of Merit, Gateway Concepts.

Network Protocols: MAC Protocols: Requirement and design constraints for MAC Protocols, Important classes of
MAC Protocols, MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Protocols: Classification of Routing
Protocols, Energy-Efficient Routing, Geographic Routing.

Deployment and Configuration: Localization and Positioning, Single-hop Localization, Positioning in Multi-hop
environments, Coverage and Connectivity, Naming and Addressing in Sensor Networks, Assignment of MAC

Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Node Hardware – Berkeley Motes, Programming Challenges, Node-
level Software Platforms, Node-level Simulators.

Familiarization with standards: IEEE 1451.0 and IEEE 1451.5-802.11.

Micro Project: WSN based monitoring of Temperature

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. introduced to the concept of Wireless Sensor Networks and its applications
2. able to understand various architectures of Wireless Sensor Networks, its related hardware and protocols
3. familiarised with deployment and configuration methods.
4. acquainted to Node-level Software Platforms.

Text Books:

1. Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks,
2. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks-An Information Processing Approach, Elsevier,

Reference Books:

1. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, and Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks- Technology, Protocols and
Applications, John Wiley, (2007).
2. Raghavendra, Cauligi S, Sivalingam, Krishna M., Zanti Taieb, Wireless Sensor Network, Springer 1st Ed,
(2004) (ISBN: 978-4020-7883-5).
3. Anna Hac, Wireless Sensor Network Designs, John Wiley, (2003).
Evaluation Scheme:

S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)

1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ 25
Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: To enhance comprehension capabilities of students through fundamentals of DSP processors with
its architecture, memory architecture along with instruction set, interrupts, pipelining and different types of DSP

An Introduction to DSP Processors: Advantages of DSP, characteristics of DSP systems, classes of DSP
applications, DSP processor embodiment and alternatives, Fixed and floating point number representation, IEEE 754
format representation, Fixed Vs Floating point processors.

DSP Architecture: An introduction to Harvard Architecture, Differentiation between Von-Neumann and Harvard
Architecture, Quantization and finite word length effects, Bus Structure, Central Processing Unit, ALU,
Accumulators, Barrel Shifters, MAC unit, compare, select, and store unit (CSSU), data addressing and program
memory addressing.

Memory Architecture: Memory structures, features for reducing memory access required, wait states, external
memory interfaces, memory mapping, data memory, program memory and I/O memory, memory mapped registers.

Addressing and Instruction Set: Various addressing modes - implied addressing, immediate data addressing,
memory direct addressing, register direct and indirect addressing, and short addressing modes, Instruction types,
various types registers, orthogonality, assembly language and application development.

Interrupts and Pipelining: Interrupts, pipelining and performance, pipelining depth, interlocking, interrupt effects,
instruction pipelining.

Processors: Architecture and instruction set of TMS320C3X, TMS320C5X, TMS320C67XX, some example
programs. Development tools for Programmable DSPs, An introduction to Code Composer Studio.

Familiarization with standards: IEEE 754, ANSI standard TMS320

Micro Project: Audio amplification with the help of DSP kit.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Differentiate between generalised processor and DSP processor.
2. Analyze special characteristics and features of generalized DSP processors.
3. Understand the software model and pipelining for generalized DSP processor.
4. Understand detailed architectures and instruction sets of TMS 320C3X, 5X and 67XX.
5. Understand the Programming concepts for TMS 320C3X, 5X and 67XX.

Text Books
1. Lapsley, P., Bier, J., Shoham, A. and Lee, E.A., DSP Processor Fundamentals: Architecture and Features,
IEEE Press Series on Signal Processing, IEEE (2000).
2. Venkataramani, B. and Bhaskar, M., Digital Signal Processor: Architecture, Programming and Applications,
Tata McGraw Hill (2003).
3. TI DSP reference set (www.ti.com).
Reference Books:
1. Padmanabhan, K., Ananthi, S. and Vijayarajeswaran, R., A practical Approach to Digital Signal
Processing, New Age International Pvt. Ltd (2001).
2. Babast, J., Digital Signal Processing Applications using the ADSP-2100 family, PHI (1992).
Evaluation Scheme:
Sr. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 25
2 EST 35
3 Sessional (May include Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/ 40
Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
UEC824: ASICs and FPGAs
L T P Cr
3 0 0 3.0

Course Objective: This course covers the different types of programming technologies and logic devices, the design
flow of different types of ASIC and the architecture of different types of FPGA. To gain knowledge about partitioning,
floor planning, placement and routing including circuit extraction of ASIC. To know about different high performance
algorithms and its applications in ASICs.

Introduction: Course outline, Logistics introduction to ASICs, FPGAs, Economics.

HDL: Logic design Review, Behavior, Dataflow, Structural modeling, Control statements, FSM modeling.
CMOS Review: Classical, CMOS (Deep Sub-micron), ASIC Methodologies (classical) ASIC Methodologies

Combinational Circuit Design: Components of Combinational Design - Multiplexer and Decoder, Multiplexer
Based Design of Combinational Circuits, Implementation of Full Adder using Multiplexer, Decoder Implementation
of Full Adder using Decoder.

Programmable Logic Devices: Types of Programmable Logic Devices, Combinational Logic Examples, PROM -
Fixed AND Array and Programmable OR Array, Implementation of Functions using PROM, PLA - Programmable
Logic Array (PLA) – Implementation Examples.

Programmable Array Logic: PAL - Programmable Array Logic, Comparison of PROM, PLA and PAL,
Implementation of a Function using PAL, Types of PAL Outputs, Device Examples.
Introduction to Sequential Circuits:R-S Latch and CLO scked R-S Latch, D Flip Flop, J-K Flip Flop, Master Slave
Operation, Edge Triggered Operation.

FPGA: Programmable logic FPGA, Configuration logic blocks, Function Generator, ROM implementation, RAM
implementation, Time skew buffers, FPGA Design tools, Network-on-chip, Adaptive System-on-chip.

System Design Examples using FPGA Board: Design Applications using FPGA Board - Traffic Light Controller
and Real Time CLO sck, XSV FPGA Board Features, Testing of FPGA Board, Setting the XSV Board CLO sck
Oscillator Frequency, Downloading Configuration Bit Streams.

Logic Synthesis: Fundamentals, Logic synthesis with synopsis, Physical design compilation, Simulation,
implementation. Floor planning and placement, Commercial EDA tools for synthesis.

Familiarization with standard: ISO 26262.

Course learning outcome (CLOs):

The students will be able to:
1. To utilize the top-down design methodology in the design of complex digital devices such as FPGAs/ ASICs.
2. To learn modern hardware/software design tools to develop modern digital Systems
3. Ability to design and verification of integrated circuits chips
4. To design and implement different Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
5. architectures and their applications to real life

Text Books:
1. Smith, Michael.,Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison-Wesley Professional, (2008) Ist ed.
2. Wolf, W., FPGA-based System Design, PH/Pearson, (2004) Cheap ed.

Reference Books:
1. Steve Kilts, Advanced FPGA Design, Wiley Inter-Science, Jhon weilly & sons, (2007) 4th ed.
Evaluation Scheme:
S.No. Evaluation Elements Weightage (%)
1 MST 30
2 EST 45
3 Sessionals (May include 25
Assignments/Projects/Tutorials/Quizes/Lab Evaluations)
UEC638: VLSI Testing and Verification
L T P Cr
2 0 2 3.0

Course Objective: In this course students will learn test economics, fault modelling, logic and fault simulation,
ATPG concepts for combinational and sequential circuits. Students will also able to write test bench for the complex
VLSI design.

Introduction: Role of testing in VLSI design, Issues in test and verification of complex chips, VLSI test process and
equipment, Test economics, Yield analysis and product quality. Faults modelling and fault simulation: Physical faults
and their modelling, Stuck-at faults, Bridging faults, Fault collapsing, Fault simulation, Deductive.

ATPG for combinational circuits: D-Algorithm, Boolean Difference, PODEM, Random, Exhaustive and Weighted
Test Pattern Generation, Aliasing and its effect on Fault coverage.

ATPG for sequential circuits: ATPG for Single-Clock Synchronous Circuits, Time frame expansion Method,
Simulation-Based Sequential Circuit ATPG.

Memory testing and BIST: Permanent, Intermittent and pattern sensitive faults, March test notion, Memory testing
using march tests, PLA testing, Ad-Hoc DFT methods, Scan design, Partial scan design.

Verification: Design verification techniques based on simulation, Analytical and formal approaches, Functional
verification, Timing verification, Formal verification, Basics of equivalence checking.

Laboratory Work:
Familiarization with development of testbenches using Verilog/SystemVerilog on Mentor/Cadence/Xilinx-ISE tools,
Logic simulation, Logic level diagnosis, ATPG, development of
Verification plan for the given design and writing testcases, computation of fault-coverage/codecoverage index.

Course Learning Outcomes:

The student will able to
1. Acquire knowledge about fault modelling and collapsing.
2. Learn about various combinational and sequential automatic test pattern generation techniques.
3. Analyze different memory faults and its testing methods.
4. Develop the verification plan for the small to complex VLSI designs.
5. Develop test bench using HVL for testing and verification of VLSI designs.

Text Books:
1. M. Bushnell and Vishwani Agrawal, Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal
VLSI Circuits, Springer, ISBN 978-0792379911.
2. Chris Spear, System Verilog for Verification, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-0714-0

Reference Books:
1. M. Abramovici, M. Breuer, and A. Friedman, Digital System Testing and Testable Design, IEEE Press, 1994
2. Diraj K. Pradhan, “Fault Tolerant Computer System Design”, Prentice Hall.
2. L. T. Wang, C. W. Wu, and X. Wen, VLSI Test Principles and Architectures, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006,
ISBN-13: 978-0-12-370597-6, ISBN-10: 0-12-370597-5.
3. System-on-a-Chip Verification-Methodology and Techniques, P. Rashinkar, Paterson and L. Singh, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2001
4. Janick Bergeron, “Writing test benches functional verification of HDL models” Kluwer Academic Publishers,
New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 2002.

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