21 Mca 2326 Researchpaper
21 Mca 2326 Researchpaper
21 Mca 2326 Researchpaper
I. Introduction
For storing data, the standard database systems are based on
on the relational model. Databases of this type are called SQL
databases after the language they were accessed, (i) used to query
them. Non-relational databases, however, have experienced an
explosion in popularity in recent years. The NoSQL databases
differentiate themselves clearly from traditional SQL databases by
being known as NoSQL databases. Almost all of these rely on the
concept of storing simple key-value pairs in order to operate more
Database Version
MongoDB 1.8.5
RavenDB 960
CouchDB 1.2.0
Cassandra 1.1.2
Table I shows the database implementations that were tested in this
work, along with their version numbers. We conduct the specified
operation (such as Read or Write) five times for each of these
databases and average the results.
The experiment's data set consists of auto-generated key-value pairs
of the type (kN, vN), where N is a sequence number.
The following databases are listed in order of write performance:
Couchbase, MongoDB, Cassandra, Hypertable, SQL Express,
RavenDB, and CouchDB. We can observe that RavenDB and
CouchDB have inferior write performance than SQL Express.
Other NoSQL databases, on the other hand, outperform SQL
express.The time it takes to remove key-value pairs from the bucket is
measured in our fourth experiment. The results are summarised in
So long as the values are small in size (i.e. comparable to the size of
the keys), getting all values takes about the same amount of time as
retrieving all keys.
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