Ascp Study
Ascp Study
Ascp Study
Soluable Antigen + Specific Antibody= what reaction - Lymphokine - Soluable mediator produced by
Precipitation lymphocytes
Bone marrow stain - Romansky and Prussian Blue Increased protein in urine - renal disease
Rise in titers - Significant in serological testing Bethseda Assay - Used to quantify coagulation inhibitor
Autoimmune disease mechanism - Circulating immune Chediak Higashi Syndrome - Albino, Photophobia,
complexes pyonic infections, giant dark granules in neutrophils and
Cells Positive acid phosphatase, not inhibited with
tartate - Hairy Cell Leukemia Aspirin - Not likely to cause an abnormal thrombin time
Most common SLE - nuclear antigen RBCs are usually smaller - than the nucleus of a
Light Chains - Kappa/Lamda
-a/aa - silent carrier
Mononucleosis - False positive RPR
CD20 - B cell marker
Negative Glucose oxidase and positive reducing sugars -
Non-glucose reducing sugars such as galactose Platelets - do not circulate in inactive form, Spiny sticky
form become activated in response to blood vessel
Hep B vaccine - Passive Immunity damage
Beta Thalasemia minor - B+/B, B0/B Hemolytic anemia - Not where basophilic stippling is
Howell-Jolly bodies are composed of - DNA
Alpha Thalassemia - Decrease in the rate of production
CLL CD - CD19, CD20, CD23, co-expression of CD5 of Alpha chains due to partial or total deletion of the
genetic code
ADAMTS13 enzyme - Cleaving ultalarge molecules of
von willebrand factor to keep them out of circulation Which is NOT associated with Macrocytosis -
Least likely to stimulate production of reactive
lymphocytes - HIV Warfarin inhibits vitamin K dependent factors - 2,7,9,10
Why ferritin is less than optimal for HH - It is an acute Flow cytometry is NOT a useful tool in - Hepatitis
phase reactant that is elevated in a variety of clinical
conditions Clot would have most of an effect on - Platelets
Absolute Cell count - Total count X % of cells counted HgH are tetramers of which globin chain - Beta
Early abnormality in lymph node of AIDS patient - LAP stain used to determine - Leukmoid reaction from
Reactive Lymphadenopathy CML
Clinical symptom thrombocytopenia - Petechiae Alpha hemoglobin chain coding - 4 gene loci Each on
chromosome 16
Lymphocyte - Pale-Blue Cytoplasm, Nucleus oval or
round Myeloblast -
Newborns will develop 30% of what HB in HbH - Bart Not associated with Hereditary Spherocytosis -
Intravascular Hemolysis
Most side scatter - Granulocytes
Hemocytometer - generally not used with synovial
Lupus Inhibitor confirmation - Russell Viper Venom crystal counts
C3 - found in both classical and alternative pathways Primary hemostasis resulting from vascular damage
includes all of the following except - Vasodilation
Fc region of Antibody - Responsible for activating
complement Increases HbS Polymerization - Acid pH, Increase 2'3
Bone Marrow Collection - Posterior iliac crest
Monospot - Horse RBCs
Avidity - Overall Strength, Multivalent Antibody
Pappenheimer bodies - Splenectomy
Not considered necessary for making a diagnosis of
Hereditary Hemochromtosis - Family history Macrophage cytokine - Interferon Gamma
Which hemoglobin is known to migrate with HbS during Purpose of full pre-transfusion crossmatch - Detect AB
electrophoresis when an alkaline gel like cellulose is in recipient serum plasma that react with donor red
used - D cells
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Increased - IgM Irradiation is used for - Graft Vs Host disease
Contact dermatitis is mediated by - T lymphocytes DAT is indicated in all of the following EXCEPT -
Detection of alloantibodies in serum
Heinz Bodies - Supravital stain
Group A - N-acetylgalactosamine
Prozone - High Titer of Antibody
Blood Transfusion samples - 7 days
A Thalaseemia slight decrease in MCV MCHC - Minor
Not expected with HH - Elevated hemoglobin and HCT
Bicarb - Most carbon dioxide in the blood is in the form
Reconstituted Deglycerolized RBCs good for - 14 days
Parvovirus B19 - Causes infection in patient with sickle
Directed blood donations - are perceived safer but not cell disease
Cells are gated by - placing a gate around cell
All T lymphocytes are positive for - CD3 populations with the same light scatter
Antibodies Enhanced agglutination with proteolytic Glucuronic Acid - is conjugated with indirect bilirubin to
enzymes - anti-Jka,Jkb,C, E form direct bilirubin
Reticulocyte count is used to assess - RBC production by Fibrinogen - would be seen if plasma rather than serum
bone marrow was subjected to electrophoresis
Closely related to ABO antigens on the red cell Estrogen and Progesterone - Are used for Breast cancer
membrane - I,i
CA125 - Ovarian Cancer
Blood donation interval - 56 days (8 weeks)
Serum Barbituate Confirmation - Gas-Liquid
Bite Cells - G6PD deficiency chromatography, Mass Spec
Rh immune globulin therapy provides - Passive 17-ketosteroids - Testes and adrenal cortex
Platelets not take from apheresis - must be processed
A2 cells - have more H antigen than A1 within 8 hours
Red cell survival is measured by - Cr51 Distinguish between bacterial infection and CGL - LAP
If transfused patient can not donate for - 1 year Source of irradiation of blood products - Cs137
Drabkin solution - Cyanmethhemoglobin Dietary iron and iron absorption - Only a small
percentage of diet iron is absorbed and used
LeA antibodes are - IgM
Follow up testing for speckled ANA pattern - ENA
8 Hydroxyquinoline and orthodo-cresolphthalein
complex (CPC) - Calcium DNA Isolation - Salts
Anti-HBc IgM - Acute Infection All of the following are true regarding CK-MB (CK-2)
except - Ck-MB levels are normal during cardiac
Which of the following blood types would not react ischemia
with Anti-Fy3 - Fy(a-b-)
Most common reaction with bilirubin are based on the
Hydroxyurea - Induces increased production of HbF reaction of bilirubin with - Diazo Reagent
Alpha thalassemia major - incompatible with life Drugs take - 5-7 half lifes to reach steady state
L/S - Respiratory distress syndrome Elevation in conjugated bilirubin is most likely found in -
Biliary obstruction
Most likely to interact with arterial walls, leading to
deposition of cholesterol and initiating or worsening Primary Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos thyroiditis -
artherosclorsis - Small dense LDL Decreased T4, Increased TSH, Increased TRH stimulation
TIBC is a direct measurement of - Transferrin Increased blood ammonia levels - End stage cirrhosis
CRP - Low specificity Hormonal variation during the menstrual cycle typically
shows - An abrupt rise in LH 3-36 hours prior to
Increase LDL - Heart Disease ovulation
False statements about lead - Serum lead level is a good pH - glass electrode
inexpensive screening test for lead toxicity
Which test has been recommended by the FDA to
Deficient secretion of bilirubin into the bile canaliculi - replace the HIV-1 p24 antigen test in screening of blood
Dublin-Johnson syndrome for infectious diseases - HIV-1-NAT
Risk marker with both negative and positive Homozygous cells are used because - Stronger reactions
cardiovascular risk integrated into its measurement - are seen with homozygous cells
Apo B-100/Apo A-1
How many IU are in 300ug of RHig - 1500
True statement concerning Alkaline Phosphatase -
Increased in obstructive jaundice Passive Anti-D Less than or equal to - 2+
Electrophoretic separation of LD that shows LD-1 Explanation for negative Anti-A, Anti-B, A1, B cells on
greater than LD-2 could be indicative of - Hemolysis baby - The babys antibodies are underdeveloped
Serum ALP activity is derived from all of the following Most common antibody in HDFN - Anti-D
organs except - Brain
Kle B - Is used to quantitate FMH but has poor
Myocardial infarction which of the following enzymes reproducibility
will be the first to become elevated - CK
Most common Rh0 D negative genotype - rr
RH,Lewis, Kidd - Enhanced by enzymes What should be done first if a donor unit is
incompatible at the antiglobulin phase with several
All of the following are benefits of autologous donation different recipients - Perform a DAT on the donor unit
EXCEPT - Are on hand in case of an unexpected
emergency How many vials of Rhig need to be added after dosing -
What can be shipped with FFP - frozen RBCs and cryo
Antibodies to what cause febrile transfusion reactions -
Most commonly associated with febrile non-hemolytic Granulocytes
transfusion reactions - Immune response to leukocytes
RBCs during shipping - 1-10
Lookback - Procedure by transfusion service when
notification is received that a donor unit service now RF - IgM
test positive for an infectious disease
Patient presents with strep throat beta hemolytic
RBCs split using open system, must be used within - 24 catalase neg - Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
Mild allergic reactions during transfusions whats the
Which is not a major Rh antigen - d cause - Plasma proteins
HDFN due to Anti-D would be rarest in - Asians Antimitochondrial abs - Biliary cirrhosis
A2B patients have - Serum containing Anti-A1 and Red Rheumatic fever - anti myocardial abs
cells that react with Anti-A and Anti-B
Spinal fluid newborn, small grayish translucent beta
Autologous donation time frame between donation of hemolytic, small gram positive rods like dips - Listeria
surgery is - 72 hours monocytogenes
Shelf life of CPDA-1 is - 35 days Lower reference limit for progressive motility of sperm -
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae - Anti-I
TSH High, Low T4, T3 - Thyroid established as cause of
If forward and reverse ABO are negative - Incubate at hypothyroidism
room temperature or 4C to enhance weak expression
Chain responsible for differences among
Routine titration for pregnant female given rhogam and immunoglobulin chains is - Heavy Chains
has Anti-Dat delivery - F (not considered good practice)
Following LEAST useful in differentiating hemophilia A
Hemolysis in post transfusion blood sample indicates - from hemophilia B - aPTT
ABO incompatibility
Not associated with delayed hemolytic transfusion
Why do few patients transfused with uncrossmatched reaction - Unexplained Bleeding from surgical site
red cells experience hemolytic transfusion reaction -
The incidence of red blood cell antibodies is low Bence jones is seen in all of the following except -
Nephrotic syndrome
Most definite indication a patient has been sensitized to
an antigen - Positive post transfusion DAT, with All of the following would be associated an increased
previously negative DAT level of AFP except - Prostate cancer
Salts - Pull DNA from the sample Staph epidermiditis - not associated with culture
negative endocarditis
thin-walled, two or 3 celled macroconidia, no
microconidia - Epidermophyton alpha thalasemmia minor - -a/-a
Nephelometry Vs Turbidity - Nephelometry directly Antigens closely related to ABO antigens on red cell
measures the amount of light scatter by particles in membrane - I,i
solution, and turbidity measures the decrease in
incident light intensity Genotype screening in pharmacogenomics - genotyping
does not take into account drug interactions which can
KB test - difference between maternal and fetal red affect metabolism
Antigens well developed on fetal cells - Kell
Lower threshold for pH of semen in males - 7.2
Automated chloride level reading - Amperiometric-
Jendrassik-Grof unconjugated bill with diazo reagent - coulometric titration
Caffeine benzoate
Sim tube, listeria monocytogenes, umbrella motility - 25
Benefit most from washed red cells - IgA def with anti- degrees
Protein S - not an acute phase protein
Marked elevation 5-HIAA - Carcinoid tumor
Positive Bile solubility test - S. pneumoniae
Genes that initiate synthesis of DNA, promote cell
division and inhibit cell death - porto-oncogenes Least likely associated with thrombotic tendency - APTT
Cause a donor to be deferred - diastolic pressure of Hemo A, B, VWD make up - 90% of hereditary diseases
False troponin - Rises sooner after MI than CK-MB
Enterobacteriaceae that produces Dihydrogen sulfide -
Salmonella Pluripotent stem cells give rise to - Lymphoid and
myeloid stem cells
Platelets surrounding neutrophils on differential and
low platelet count - Recollect not using EDTA apolipoproteins - are essential for lipid metabolism
Exudate - Leukocyte count greater than 1000WBC/ul Good test for screening HH - Transferrin Saturation
B and T lymphs are derived from - Hematopoietic stem Diluted reagent would result in what kind of error? -
cells Systematic
Platelet storage - 6.2 Patient suffering from Celiac disease and Crohns disease
is given a new oral medication that has a narrow
CD5 - Mature T Cells therapeutic window. Which is true? - TDM would be
helpful to see how much has been absorbed
Red cells positive DAT, Removal of AB from cells - AOA,
Ficin, ZZAP, Chloroquine diphosphate
Which of the following is not true about hybridization in
PCR procedures - Hybridization cannot happen between Two medias appropriate for bordatella pertussis -
a strand of DNA and a strand of RNA Bordet-Gengou, Regan-Lowe charcoal agar
Best way to thaw FFP - is placing it in a 37 degree or Infectious mononucleosis - Reactive Lymphocytes
lower bath
Storage temperature of enzymes - 4 C
Sheep blood agar contain an inhibitor to which of the
following organisms - Haemophilus HIPAA - Health INSURANCE portability and
accountability act
Semen specimen collected 3 hours before testing -
Report as compromised on the final report Greatest risk for maternal rubella during gestation - first
Not an application of PCR - Amplification of DNA for
northern blot Valinomycin - Potassium
Xanthochromia in a premature infant may be due to - Campy fetus jejuni - Optimal growth at 42
AOA-immature blood brain barrier, Elevated protein in
CSF, Elevated bilirubin in blood Hymenolepis diminuta -
Kidney graft best chances - HLA identical, mixed Methylene Blue Stain works by - Staining cellular
lymphocyte culture (-), ABO identical components
Few small purple inclusions are found in erythrocytes, Group II discrepancies - forward and reverse groupings
they can be confirmed as containing iron by - due to weakly reacting or missing antigens
performing a Prussian blue stain
Cryptospora - 5-8 <cyclospora
Secondary hemostasis - interrelated chemical processes
that lead to the formation of durable fibrin strands 15% of population - is RH neg
SDI - position of your test compared to the mean of the Least affected by fasting - Cholesterol
test group
Decreased GFR - Creatinine
Whole blood glucose levels - are 11% lower than plasma
Argue in favor of TDM - drug is given chronically
In a closed system when FFP is thawed it can be labeled
thawed plasma 24 hours after the original thaw time AFP - used to determine neural defects
and given a shelf life of - 5 days
CSF Tubes - Chem, Micro, Hemo
Jaundice - is associated with low levels of glucuronyl
transferase Organic iodine - Thyroxine
Serum ferritin level suggestive of iron overload in a pre- iontophoresis - induces sweat production
menopausal woman - 200mg
Thin-layer chromatography is particularly useful in
When preparing red cells for elution - Thoroughly was identification of - Drugs
5-15% of - Iron is absorbed daily
Thalassemia shows no anemia and may not be detected
using hemoglobin electrophoresis - Beta thalassemia CEA - Colon
IF not Folate - is needed for the ABSORPTION of B12
Which component is most commonly used to replace
multiple coagulation factor defs in bleeding patients - Jaffe reaction for creatine - Saturated picric acid and
FFP sodium hydroxide
HA1C 6% - Patient is compliant with diet and medication Mg activates - Alk Phosphatase, CK
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Troponin I - 3-12 hours for 7-14 days Red blood cell formation of large amounts of
hemoglobin usually begins with which developmental
Major property of ADH - Changes distal tubule water stage - Polychromatic normoblast
Main site for monocytes after diapedesis - Body tissues
After second spin in the preparation of platelets they
should - Allowed to rest for 1-2 hours Basophil - Immediate hypersensitivity reactions
Major crossmatch purpose - Verify donor ABO packed ANA shows speckled pattern - Screen for Sm and RNP
cell compatibility antibodies
To prevent Rh alloimmunization initiate Rhogam to - Rh Threshold limit value - Maximum level of a chemical to
negative pregnant females, anteatal in the 3rd trimester which a worker can be exposed without causing adverse
health affects
Antibody most likely negative for HDFN - Anti-A
Class C fire - Electrical
Anaphalxis - on RBCs lacking IgA
Safety regulations fall under what organization in the
Leukmoid Reaction - WBC >50,000 clinical laboratory - OSHA
The dissolution of a clot with 5M urea indicates which Probe - Nucleic acid used to identify a hybridization
of the following factor defiencies - XIII target
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HLA-A and HLA-B can be detected by - Lymphocyte Specific gravity - Relationship between ionic
cytotoxicity concentration and specific gravity
A standard is used to check the - Accuracy Which hormone does not stimulate gluconeogenesis
(formation of glucose from non carbs) - Insulin
Lymph nodes of aids patients - Reactive
lymphadenopathy Significant titer - 8-32
Diapedesis - How long neutrophils reside in peripheral All of the following associated with hemoglobin C
blood 7-8 hours except - fast motility of HbC at pH 8.6
Cordocentesis - Procedure used to obtain fetal blood Blood gas anticoagulant - heparin
sample to monitor severity of HDFN and can be used to
deliver intrauterine transfusions High Specificity - Accurately identifies the absence of
Which antigen might show a cell typing change during
pregnancy - Lewis Semen 3 hours after collection - Report as compromised
in final report
Russell viper venom test - Confirmatory test for lupus
anticoagulant Sudan III - Presence of Fat
10-12% - of people in the USA are heterozygous for HFE Why serum ferritin is not optimal for screening test of
mutation HH - Acute phase reactant that is frequently elevated in
a variety of clinical conditions
Semi-automated and automated urine chemical reagent
strip readers - Remove subjectivity allowing for better Routine sperm count dilution - 1:20
Glomerular filtration mechanism - hydrostatic
When evaluating the throughput of a particular method differential in glomerular tufts
you should consider all of the following except -
Sensitivity of technique Chediak Higashi - Abnormal granulation
Right to know law - Hazard communication 1910.1200 Joint fluid does not - have the same consistency as
Storing reagents without expiration date - Store in a
manner where the oldest will be used first Coombs reagent contains - Mono/Polyclonal antibodies,
Corneal tissue transplant - absence of class II
transplantion antigens Monitor Precision - Run samples in duplicate
Outpatient reimbursement code - Common procedure Used to separate DNA >50 - Pulsed field electrophoresis
terminology codes
CSF WBC 60-100% - Lymphocytes
Half-life IgG - 23 days
Newborns who develop hemoglobin H may
Relative centrifugal force of a centrifuge may be demonstrate up to 30% of which type of hemoglobin -
affected by all of the following except - Time Bart
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Hgb that protects against sickling in patients with HbS - Estriol, HcG, Inhibin, alpha-fetal protein can be obtained
Hgb F during pregnancy to - Assess Down syndrome
Drawing with a butterfly - Draw and discard a waste Alcohol in gram stain to - Decolorize all gram negative
light-blue top tube before the tube that will be used for organisms
coagulation studies
Primary reagents in aPTT - Activated partial
Heterozygous sickle cell - HgA/S thromboplastin and Calcium
Screening test for hemoglobin S based on - Decreased Most common type of autoimmune hemolytic anemia -
solubility of deoxygenated Hb S in solution that WAHA
produces turbidity
BNP - synthesized and secreted in the heart
Barr bodies - non-pathological
Enzyme mutliplied immunoassay technique differ in
Basophil granules - Histamine that they - no separation of bound and free antigen is
NK lymphocyte - Large cell with abundant cytoplasm
and a few azurophillic granules Porphyrins - Urine dark wrapped in foil ph 7.5
>50% of lymphocytes found on peripheral blood smear Cabot rings - Megaloblastic anemia
of a 5 month child - Normal finding
No diabetes 45 and older should get screened - every 3
Drabkins solution - Cyanmethemoglobin years
Bone marrow M:E ratio - 2.5:1 2 hour glucose test on pregnant woman - <140
All of the following describe T lymphocytes except - Percentage of glycerol used when freezing RBCs - 40%
Production of surface immunoglobulins
HbF 100% - Delta-Beta thalassemia major
Beta Thalassemia intermedia - Some Splenomegaly
Pasteurella - Cat bite
Bone marrow cellular morphological - detail cant be
determined Normal adult hemoglobin A - Alpha and beta
Hemo test most affected by microclots - platelet count What would rule out TB - Yellow colonies when exposed
to light
Essential thrombocythemia - Platelets are increased and
abnormal P disc resistant - Strep viridins
Minimum volume of RH pos red cells needed to Which test is normal in a patient with dysfibrinogemia -
produce Anti-D - <0.1 ml Immunologic fibrinogen level
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T lymphocytes - CD3
Reduce Zeta potential in RBCs by - PEG, albumun or
Zollinger Ellison disease - Gastrin enzymes
Syphillis microscope - Darkfield Which does not develop in the bone marrow -
Macro-Amylasemia - Increased serum amylase, Normal
to low urine amylase Pheochromacytoma - Metanephrines
HCT - % of blood made up of blood Pippette should be wiped off - BEFORE lowering the
miniscus to the calbration mark
HbD is elevated in all of the following except - alpha-
thalassemia Monoclonal B cell population CD19,20,23 and 5 - CLL
Specificity - % of patients without a disease who will Six sigma improvement - Failure mode and effects
have a negative test analysis
Mild allergic reaction to a transfusion is caused by - Radiation source for atomic absorption - Hollow
Drugs or food consumed by the blood donor cathode lamp
Weak D - Reduced number of D antigen sites on surface Corneal tissue transplant - Absence of class II
of red cell transplantation antigens
False positive for Syphillis RPR - Mono Nasopharynx of healthy people but rarely pathogenic -
True monocytic leukemia - M5
HbS polymeration increase -
Reagent strip primarily test for which type of protein - Acid/dehydration/INCREASE 2,3
Gene loci for alpha chain are adjacent to locus for what Not a learning domain of a MLS program -
globin chain - Zeta Comprehension domain
Conditions associated with polyclonal broadbase Procedure that utilizes leukapheresis to collect Buffy
increase in gamma globulins except - Immunodeficiency coat from whole blood - Photophoresis
Virus that causes aplastic crisis in HbS - Parvovirus B19 Oliguria - Acute glomerulonephritis
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Not a feature of SLE - Increased serum complement
Anti malarial drugs hemolytic anemia - G6PD Def
Find in DIC not TTP, HUS - Prolonged PT/PTT
Fibrinogen def - Cryo
Red blood cell transfusion infections - Yersenia Pestis
Found in both classical and alternative pathway - C3
Contributes to specific gravity but not osmolality -
Protein Best describes neutrophil - Cytoplasm of cell contains
specific granules
Not a possible cause of death after HIV infection -
Penetration of membrane by the HIV spike Does not require computer label on blood - Outdate
Minimum HgB for autogenous blood - 11g Class B - Grease fire/Flammable chemicals
Best likelyhood to receive D positive RBCs without Distal Convoluted tubles - Maintain water-electrolyte
adverse effects - C in trans to RHD and acid base balance
Competitive Radioimmunoassay - Antibody will react RBC that does not react with Anti-Fy3 - Fy(a-b-)
equally with labeled and unlabeled antigen
False regarding troponin - Rises sooner than CK-MB
Malaria blood deferrment - 3 years
Benefit from washed cells - IgA def with anti IgA
Absence of what factor causes no bleeding tendency -
Hageman VLDL - Endogenous
Not a koch postulate - When organism is injected into Alpha thalassemia intermedia crisis - Increased LD and
HUMAN will produce disease Bilirubin and normal haptoglobin
DNA virus - Hep B F serum lead - Serum lead level is an good inexpensive
screening test for lead toxicity
Abnormal assay associated with thrombotic tendency -
APTT Basophilic stippling - Aggregates of ribosomes
EDTA and Sodium citrate combine with - CA to inhibit Potassium ferricyanide - Ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric
coagulation iron to form methehemoglobin
Continuous occurance on one side - Shift Platelet concentration technique - Light spin followed
by a hard spin
Specificity - True Negatives
After second spin in preparation of platelets - They
Sensitivity - T positives should be allowed to rest for 1-2 hours
False positive bilirubin - Large doses of Standard precautions - All specimens are handled as if
chloropromazazine they are hazardous and infectious
Most often associated with transfusion reaction of Paper wood or cloth fire - Class A
person lacking IgA - Anaphalaxis
Right to know OSHA law - Hazard communication
Molecular method not used - Donor antibody screening
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Relative centrifucal force is function of - Radius and
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