Environmental Education

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Farrah Arsenia A.

Lucas BSED-4
Environmental Education

Activity 1
1. Explain environmental education as a way of teaching people.
- Environmental education teaches children and adults how to learn about and
investigate their environment, and to make intelligent, informed decisions about
how they can take care of it. Environmental education strives to increase public
awareness and knowledge of the environment and to provide the skills necessary
to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions. EE does
not advocate a particular viewpoint, but rather provides a context for learning in
which the learner can develop a deeper connection to nature and develop the
problem-solving skills to address various environmental issues.

2. Discuss environmental education as a process of exploration and problem

— Environmental problem become a critical problem nowadays. Through science
education, students understand environmental problem as a part of their learning
process. Teacher need to find n appropriate learning approach that fits to teach
about environmental problem. Many environmental problems trigger
environmental awareness such as school hygiene, energy, natural resource, waste
problem. The focus of this study is to explore teacher’s knowledge about
environmental problem. The aim of this study is to describe teacher’s knowledge
about environmental problem as an element to develop teacher training program
about problembased learning and connecting with science education.In this study,
data are gathered by observation and questionnaire and interview. There are three
parts of question: personal data, environmental problem reflection (environmental
problem description, the frequency of learning about environment, the links
between natural science and environment), priority of environmental problem.
The object in this study is 25 teachers from some school above an education
foundation in Bandung. Based on the result and analysis, waste become the main
environmental and technology problem arround respondent and that be taught in
class with problem-based learning approach.

3. Prove that is environmental education is lawful course/ in school.

- In view of the pressing global concerns and issues on the environment, the
Department of Education (DepEd) urges all public and private schools to lead the
role on environmental awareness by enhancing environmental education and by
pursuing effective school-based activities that seek to preserve and protect the
environment. This is in pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9512, entitled “An
Act to Promote Environmental Education and for Other Purposes.”
Towards this end, all public and private schools shall undertake the following
a. Intensifying lessons regarding environment on all science subjects.
Environmental concerns shall also be used as tools for classroom drills,
discussions and activities and shall be taught and be integrated in the related
learning areas;
b. Encouraging the school administrators, officials and teachers to use various
instructional materials such as books, visual aids, teaching guides and
materials in making the students aware of the concerns and issues on the
environment which shall promote students’ participation in environmental
activities and advocacies and instill in their minds the need to preserve and
protect the environment;

4. As a teachers, how do you create awareness, concern and pattern of behavior to

people toward the environment.

- Environmental Awareness is about being aware of the environment. This refers to

all flowers and animals and includes all marine and wildlife. The planet is
currently facing an increasing number of environmental challenges, which include
climate change, global warming, droughts, water scarcity, floods, and
pollution.Children, as early as possible, should be aware of the environmental
issues we’re facing.
As a teacher I will:
-  Introduce the 3 R’s: reduce waste, reuse resources, and recycle materials
-  Organise tree planting days at school and tell them why trees are important to the
-  Encourage children to switch off all appliances and lights when not in use
- Ensure taps are closed properly after you have used them and use water sparingly

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