Fenris Debug-5
Fenris Debug-5
Fenris Debug-5
W 2023.06.17 13:11:41.086338 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:43.101939 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:11:44.421052 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 13:11:44.421363 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 13:11:44.421372 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 銘印精華
W 2023.06.17 13:11:45.102345 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865541 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865559 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865563 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865823 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865827 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:11:45.865830 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:11:47.118760 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:49.119428 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:51.135285 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:53.136030 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:55.136627 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:11:56.398431 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 當玄術師選定要替換的屬性後,你就無法取消附魔了。
W 2023.06.17 13:11:57.151846 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:11:59.151870 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:01.168472 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:03.186349 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:12:05.081685 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 當玄術師選定要替換的屬性後,你就無法取消附魔了。
W 2023.06.17 13:12:05.203832 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:07.218637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:09.235526 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:11.252723 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:12:11.355405 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:11.355421 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:11.355424 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:12:13.268563 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:15.268614 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:17.285662 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:12:19.200239 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:19.200256 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:19.200260 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:12:19.302010 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:21.318332 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:23.319386 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:25.334797 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:27.335340 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:29.351677 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:31.351804 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:33.368173 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:35.368342 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:37.385300 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:39.385559 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:41.402038 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:43.402044 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:45.418518 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:47.435234 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:49.435334 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:51.451670 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:53.468378 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:55.484886 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:57.485068 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:12:59.485365 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:12:59.566574 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:59.566589 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:12:59.566593 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:13:01.486155 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:03.501654 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:05.502406 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:07.518424 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:13:09.048159 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 13:13:09.049177 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 附魔物品
W 2023.06.17 13:13:09.518637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:11.535617 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:13.552868 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:15.567799 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:17.569206 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:21.281585 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 13:13:23.131513 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 13:13:28.432305 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在奧德林地使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
I 2023.06.17 13:13:31.065852 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:13:31.150121 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.050735 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.050751 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.156235 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1400.82,
152.55, 101.08 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.211199 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 212 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.547ms
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.223351 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.358434 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 524288
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.360257 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:13:32.675027 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:13:33.386469 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 17
I 2023.06.17 13:13:33.454272 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 25 | time_elapsed_us: 7
I 2023.06.17 13:13:33.723081 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 13:13:33.727712 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 13:13:33.853668 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:13:41.286834 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:41.421926 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:42.431903 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:13:42.448519 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:13:43.500881 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 630 | msg_tick: 618
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.501576 [Game] Clearing UIMinimap scenes for World 92164448:
its DRLG layout hash (944991608) does not match its new hash (2192838436)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.501623 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.501779 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Scos_Aldurwood
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.535917 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 57 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.220ms
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.535949 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.628801 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Scos_Aldurwood (564364)
subzone from Frac_Kyovashad (445430) to DGN_Scos_Aldurwood (564365)
I 2023.06.17 13:13:43.675376 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Scos_Aldurwood | CWorldID: 2097154
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.028492 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.038398 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
W 2023.06.17 13:13:44.051288 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:44.051329 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:44.051343 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:44.051349 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:13:44.051358 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.181482 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 16
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.181668 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 16 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.181676 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 16
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:13:44.182487 [Game] Client Disposed world 2097153.
I 2023.06.17 13:13:45.049219 [WarpManager] Portal completed
E 2023.06.17 13:29:22.893296 [Game] Paragon Glyph Upgrade UI is attempting to open
but it is already open!
W 2023.06.17 13:34:47.327791 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:49.328465 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:51.344162 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:53.344613 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:55.344636 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:57.361099 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:34:59.378416 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:01.394053 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:03.415056 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:35:03.940740 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 13:35:03.941653 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 銘印精華
W 2023.06.17 13:35:05.427319 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:07.427374 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:09.428191 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:11.444157 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:13.445037 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:15.461809 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:20.261761 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:20.278939 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:20.295792 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:20.311860 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:20.328783 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:33.577453 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:33.594823 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:33.610779 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:33.627984 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:33.645521 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:35.577858 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:37.578519 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:39.578764 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:41.594368 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:43.594476 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:45.611659 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:47.612004 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:49.629062 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:51.644627 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:53.660946 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:55.661500 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:57.677688 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:35:59.694051 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:01.694601 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:03.694845 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:05.711649 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:07.711886 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:09.727556 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:11.728271 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:13.743751 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:15.744220 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:17.744817 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:19.761161 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:21.777973 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:23.794058 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:25.811671 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:27.827935 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:29.844073 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:31.844742 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:33.861148 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:35.877294 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:37.877697 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:39.878030 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:41.894752 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:43.911325 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:45.928033 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:47.943968 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:49.960870 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:51.961804 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:53.978016 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:55.994470 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:36:58.010634 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:00.010921 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:02.027439 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:04.027751 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:06.027898 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:08.044585 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:10.060736 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:12.061186 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:14.077691 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:16.077746 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:18.093639 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:20.094913 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:22.111232 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:24.126652 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:26.128814 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:28.144345 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:30.161659 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:32.177642 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:34.193833 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:36.194157 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:38.210957 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:37:38.675245 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
W 2023.06.17 13:37:40.326912 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:42.333453 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:44.451969 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:46.577058 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.448562 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.583394 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.583401 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.583404 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.583406 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.596338 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.596348 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:37:47.596357 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 13:37:47.600358 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:47.620598 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:47.640865 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:47.662704 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:47.679832 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:49.610637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:50.141058 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 13:37:51.627742 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:53.627835 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:55.628236 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:57.628554 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:37:59.645285 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:01.660651 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:03.662339 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:05.677927 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:07.694681 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:08.078444 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
W 2023.06.17 13:38:09.723906 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:11.723950 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:13.724132 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:15.848321 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:17.848891 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:19.973504 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:21.971577 [Game] Application Activated.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:21.978089 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.102971 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.102992 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.102994 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.102995 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.117550 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.117562 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:38:22.117574 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 13:38:22.132794 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:22.166130 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:22.199327 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:22.231616 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:22.262712 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:24.145112 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:25.957415 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
W 2023.06.17 13:38:26.231846 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.105017 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.237424 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.237430 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.237432 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.237434 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.249825 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.249833 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:38:27.249843 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 13:38:27.254832 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:27.265668 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:27.282481 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:27.297548 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:27.313078 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:29.261017 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:31.277455 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:33.294299 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:35.310856 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:37.327643 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:39.327724 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:41.343900 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:43.344033 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:45.345017 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:47.362776 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:49.377578 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:51.377621 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:53.379369 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:55.395023 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:57.410259 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:38:59.428047 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:01.444057 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:03.444328 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:05.461044 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:07.462019 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:09.479239 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:11.494119 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:13.494544 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:15.494660 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:17.495017 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:19.510818 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:21.511165 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:23.531972 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:25.543828 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:27.544251 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:29.557886 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:37.861873 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:37.877518 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:37.894528 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:37.911070 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:37.928365 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:39.861988 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:41.878315 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:43.894689 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:45.894800 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:47.895543 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340704 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340722 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340726 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340783 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340786 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:49.340791 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:39:49.910658 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:51.910926 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 13:39:52.140454 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:52.140470 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 13:39:52.140473 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 13:39:53.911117 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:55.926989 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:57.927180 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:39:59.944208 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:01.944300 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:03.960521 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:05.960840 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:07.977358 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:09.978287 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:11.993877 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:13.995305 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:16.010507 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:40:16.374074 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 13:40:16.374921 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 拆解徽記
W 2023.06.17 13:40:18.011222 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:20.012094 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:22.027733 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:24.027873 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:26.028619 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:28.028686 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:30.044792 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:32.060749 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:34.061151 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:36.078174 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:38.078395 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:40.094115 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:42.094614 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:44.094974 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:46.110370 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:48.110958 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:50.112859 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:52.132405 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:54.143695 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:56.145127 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:40:58.145735 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:00.160592 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:02.160934 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:04.176935 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:06.177777 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:08.177900 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:10.194306 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:12.194306 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:12.226511 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.245818 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.617654 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.753418 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.753443 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.753444 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.753446 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.765940 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.765949 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:41:14.765959 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.770065 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.784225 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.799431 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.828570 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:14.846554 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:16.777360 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:18.795369 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:18.992199 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.640248 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.774026 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.774034 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.774050 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.774052 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.786186 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.786197 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:41:19.786205 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 13:41:19.790575 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:19.800992 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:19.812053 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:19.828010 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:19.844586 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:21.795806 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:23.811888 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:25.812456 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:27.832612 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:29.845621 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:31.862365 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:33.862750 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:35.878839 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:37.894611 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:39.895869 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:41.911844 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:43.912757 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:45.928941 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:47.945036 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:49.945652 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:51.961732 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:53.978770 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:55.995111 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:57.995122 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:41:59.995851 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:02.011713 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:04.027492 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:06.027831 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:08.028170 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:10.028432 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:12.044569 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:14.061380 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:16.061555 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:18.077679 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:20.077868 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:22.093870 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:24.094390 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:26.110622 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:28.112040 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:30.127905 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:32.128617 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:34.128881 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:36.144081 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:38.145371 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:40.161824 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:42.179007 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:44.194645 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:46.210266 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:42:48.210523 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:42:50.124278 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在巫水使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
W 2023.06.17 13:42:50.210960 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:00.440757 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往維爾斯?
W 2023.06.17 13:43:00.894807 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:00.911338 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:00.927752 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:00.946603 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:00.960882 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:02.911071 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:03.974520 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:43:03.994754 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
W 2023.06.17 13:43:04.912082 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:04.959234 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:43:04.959246 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.063448 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1416.27,
135.75, 105.35 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.117836 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 233 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.633ms
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.128717 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.258792 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 524288
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.260658 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:43:05.657971 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:43:06.031594 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 20
I 2023.06.17 13:43:06.097274 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 125 | time_elapsed_us: 12
I 2023.06.17 13:43:06.501363 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:43:06.507035 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:06.665606 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 13:43:09.668109 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:10.675911 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:43:10.691706 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:43:11.642423 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 59179 | msg_tick: 59168
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.643322 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.643444 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -483.27, 891.10, 0.08)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.709368 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 31 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.225ms
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.709394 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.790628 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Frac_Kyovashad (445430) to Hawe_SnakeCultist (677410)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.852506 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 2621441
I 2023.06.17 13:43:11.954726 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:43:12.122022 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:43:12.146955 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 19
I 2023.06.17 13:43:12.147118 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 19 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:43:12.147125 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 19
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 13:43:12.371501 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:12.371547 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:12.371561 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:12.371568 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:12.371579 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:13.143538 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 13:43:13.491496 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 13:43:18.645033 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:18.661070 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:18.677100 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:18.692846 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:18.709849 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:20.877180 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:20.894193 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:20.910436 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:20.926681 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:20.943530 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:22.893165 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:27.108086 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 21
I 2023.06.17 13:43:27.228041 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 489 | time_elapsed_us: 53
I 2023.06.17 13:43:27.628791 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:43:27.628971 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 263774
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.359011 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 2572717 | msg_tick: 2572708
I 2023.06.17 13:43:32.526724 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 20
I 2023.06.17 13:43:32.528372 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 20 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:43:32.528387 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 20
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:43:32.529082 [Game] Client Disposed world 524288.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.759980 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.760028 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.760043 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.760051 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:32.760061 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:40.724707 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: |
connection_id: 22
I 2023.06.17 13:43:40.848928 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 87 | time_elapsed_us: 8
I 2023.06.17 13:43:41.243809 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:43:41.243849 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 264589
W 2023.06.17 13:43:44.842919 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 87279 | msg_tick: 87264
I 2023.06.17 13:43:44.991048 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 21
I 2023.06.17 13:43:44.991181 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 21 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:43:44.991188 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 21
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 13:43:45.241547 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:45.241590 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:45.241604 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:45.241611 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:43:45.241624 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:43:51.908996 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:43:51.909139 [Game] Client world initialized Limbo (1048576)...
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.075428 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.124313 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.144940 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.144969 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.462783 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 167 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.286ms
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.475927 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.606907 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.608836 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.832159 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:44:13.841352 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 23
I 2023.06.17 13:44:14.097056 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 156 | time_elapsed_us: 10
I 2023.06.17 13:44:14.205674 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 13:44:14.489586 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:44:14.865072 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 13:44:14.868150 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.740856 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.862245 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.862274 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.862276 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.862279 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.874273 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.874293 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:44:15.874321 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
I 2023.06.17 13:44:20.075932 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:44:20.508333 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:44:21.508976 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:44:21.525869 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.378282 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 522 | msg_tick: 506
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.378911 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.379005 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.408171 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 55 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.222ms
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.408226 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.492817 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Hawe_Marsh (531249) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.538082 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 2621442
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.569347 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.607896 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.675287 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 22
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.675434 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 22 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.675443 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 22
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:44:22.676032 [Game] Client Disposed world 2621441.
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.707950 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.707995 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.708008 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.708015 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:44:22.708025 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:44:23.609910 [WarpManager] Portal completed
E 2023.06.17 13:46:48.916953 [Game] Staring Local Event (DE_CursedShrine_Standard)
that was not flagged as the nearby event
I 2023.06.17 13:47:00.358708 [Game.Powers] Primary power desync: The client and
server are playing different powers that started at roughly the same time. |
ClientPower: Druid_GrizzlyRage | ClientFrame: 293685 | ServerPower:
Druid_Earthspike_Instant | ServerFrame: 293673
E 2023.06.17 13:50:22.332271 [Game] Staring Local Event (DE_Nest_Spider) that was
not flagged as the nearby event
I 2023.06.17 13:52:15.657867 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 13:52:19.628783 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:52:19.661988 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.627279 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.627295 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.758252 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 242 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.410ms
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.763563 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.894871 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.897189 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:52:20.925957 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:52:21.432861 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 24
I 2023.06.17 13:52:21.487728 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 3 | time_elapsed_us: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:52:21.833205 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:52:21.835045 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:21.933473 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 13:52:22.601912 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.760525 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.954758 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.954768 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.954769 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.954771 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.971966 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.971991 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:52:23.972011 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
I 2023.06.17 13:52:24.958933 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:25.958877 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:52:25.975707 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:52:26.837521 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 1159378 | msg_tick: 1159363
I 2023.06.17 13:52:26.838618 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:52:26.838765 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (3145729)...
I 2023.06.17 13:52:26.838919 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.020957 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 32 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.258ms
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.020990 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.112966 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.179881 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 3145729
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.271022 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.437994 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.450802 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 23
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.450933 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 23 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.450939 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 23
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:52:27.451166 [Game] Client Disposed world 2621442.
W 2023.06.17 13:52:27.454360 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:52:27.454394 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:52:27.454405 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:52:27.454412 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:52:27.454420 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:52:28.442659 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 13:52:28.807985 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 13:52:28.808046 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 13:53:36.375177 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 13:55:24.058951 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:55:24.076892 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.059865 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.059879 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.160096 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1304.51,
740.77, 2.36 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.196098 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 165 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.354ms
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.202546 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.346574 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.348212 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.567716 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.707539 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 25
I 2023.06.17 13:55:25.834872 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 260 | time_elapsed_us: 25
I 2023.06.17 13:55:26.175821 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:55:26.177565 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:55:26.341867 [WarpManager] Completed loading within the fast
loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:55:26.341880 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:55:26.375502 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.179764 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 40410 | msg_tick: 40393
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.180735 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.180844 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.207534 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 33 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.236ms
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.207577 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.293796 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.350415 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 3145730
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.397465 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.476565 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.559186 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 24
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.559342 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 24 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.559349 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 24
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:55:27.560308 [Game] Client Disposed world 3145729.
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.692657 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.692700 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.692713 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.692719 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:55:27.692728 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:55:28.493401 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 13:56:59.242022 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 13:57:02.925820 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:57:02.943857 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:03.910022 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:57:03.910034 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:04.076703 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 192 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.248ms
I 2023.06.17 13:57:04.078593 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:57:04.207805 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 13:57:04.209896 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:57:04.240951 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:57:05.047439 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 26
I 2023.06.17 13:57:05.112307 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 44 | time_elapsed_us: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:57:05.248447 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 13:57:05.414668 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:05.416657 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:06.552532 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 13:57:08.332185 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:09.332310 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:09.457580 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:57:10.710857 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 169721 | msg_tick: 169700
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.711833 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.711925 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (3670017)...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.712094 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.891706 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.384ms
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.891744 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:57:10.974008 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.041380 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 3670017
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.090404 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.299460 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.310922 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 25
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.311072 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 25 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.311079 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 25
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:57:11.311320 [Game] Client Disposed world 3145730.
W 2023.06.17 13:57:11.312481 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:57:11.312535 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:57:11.312556 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:57:11.312568 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:57:11.312584 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:57:12.311803 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 13:57:24.935954 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.065198 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.065206 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.065209 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.065212 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.078008 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.078017 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 13:57:25.078027 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
I 2023.06.17 13:57:47.443172 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在巫水使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
I 2023.06.17 13:57:49.826180 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 13:57:49.842988 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:50.828011 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 13:57:50.828029 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:50.928237 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1305.60,
740.71, 2.18 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:50.983059 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 153 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.297ms
I 2023.06.17 13:57:50.988846 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:57:51.119609 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 13:57:51.121458 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 13:57:51.305892 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 13:57:51.779484 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 27
I 2023.06.17 13:57:51.901353 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 2 | time_elapsed_us: 2
I 2023.06.17 13:57:52.313046 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:52.315999 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 13:57:52.320354 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 13:57:57.948365 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:58.048227 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.060088 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.076839 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 13:57:59.996742 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 503 | msg_tick: 485
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.997783 [Game] Clearing UIMinimap scenes for World -
816081582: its DRLG layout hash (2161594719) does not match its new hash
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.997820 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.997904 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 13:57:59.998150 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 138.67, 273.04, 8.12)
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.033150 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 57 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.273ms
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.033198 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.123043 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.167065 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 3670018
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.396727 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.405073 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.525744 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 26
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.525859 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 26 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.525865 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 26
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 13:58:00.526357 [Game] Client Disposed world 3670017.
W 2023.06.17 13:58:00.626155 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:58:00.626200 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:58:00.626213 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:58:00.626219 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 13:58:00.626227 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 13:58:01.410413 [WarpManager] Portal completed
E 2023.06.17 13:59:46.693557 [Game] CQuestsUpdateState QuestID(524296)
SNO(DRV_BreakableContainerSpawn) Phase(UID=2): Tracked quest update message
received no quest of that ID exists. QuestType [1], Event Type [0]
I 2023.06.17 13:59:48.726274 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
W 2023.06.17 14:00:37.643683 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 14:01:02.211070 [Game] CQuestsUpdateState QuestID(524298)
SNO(DRV_BreakableContainerSpawn) Phase(UID=2): Tracked quest update message
received no quest of that ID exists. QuestType [1], Event Type [0]
I 2023.06.17 14:04:06.410370 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:04:10.177882 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:04:10.195303 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.161389 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.161398 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.293945 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 243 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.367ms
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.297496 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.434901 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.436926 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.475260 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:04:11.947811 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 28
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.004477 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 318 | time_elapsed_us: 57
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.348376 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.349747 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.350297 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.350412 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (4194305)...
I 2023.06.17 14:04:12.482199 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:04:15.484616 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:16.495484 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:04:16.512454 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.297951 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 724645 | msg_tick: 724632
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.299088 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.360524 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 32 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.244ms
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.360554 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.445157 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.501852 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 4194305
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.550120 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.727188 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.738928 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 27
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.739118 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 27 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.739127 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 27
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:04:17.739412 [Game] Client Disposed world 3670018.
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.929530 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.929576 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.929590 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.929597 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:04:17.929605 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:04:18.728828 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:07:08.594325 [Game] Teleporting to waypoint 445553
I 2023.06.17 14:07:08.663418 [WarpManager] Intro waypoint to LevelArea
I 2023.06.17 14:07:08.679023 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:09.647199 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:07:09.647219 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:07:09.746030 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1302.41,
742.78, 2.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:09.784588 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 192 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.616ms
I 2023.06.17 14:07:09.798643 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.019208 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.022465 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.256547 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.432115 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: |
connection_id: 29
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.498331 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:07:10.555524 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 284 | time_elapsed_us: 19
I 2023.06.17 14:07:11.159835 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:07:11.339291 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:14.543495 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:15.543851 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:07:15.668654 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:07:16.922361 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 2992859 | msg_tick: 2992841
I 2023.06.17 14:07:16.923537 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:07:16.923684 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1398.30, 154.29, 101.30)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.071608 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.236ms
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.071632 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.152952 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to Frac_Kyovashad (445430)
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.220045 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 4194305
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.413051 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.793431 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect Camera_Start_Game
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.815613 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 28
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.815866 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 28 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:07:17.815879 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 28
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 14:07:17.820172 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:17.820202 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:17.820211 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:17.820215 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:17.820221 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:07:19.819007 [WarpManager] Waypoint completed
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.567648 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.700322 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.700332 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.700334 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.700337 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.714863 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.714874 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 14:07:20.714898 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 14:07:25.101691 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:25.115232 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:25.132865 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:25.148677 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:25.165712 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:27.120047 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:29.146170 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:31.148621 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:07:31.778273 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 10
W 2023.06.17 14:07:33.165922 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:35.181636 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:37.197665 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:39.198464 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:41.214521 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:43.230899 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:45.230919 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:07:45.894452 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 10
W 2023.06.17 14:07:47.247416 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 14:07:47.912141 [Game] ScreenManager::SetScreenNotificationLocation -
Could not find group instance for screen .
W 2023.06.17 14:07:49.247991 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:51.248068 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:53.264524 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:55.264817 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:57.266010 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:07:59.281574 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:08:00.427781 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Jeweler
I 2023.06.17 14:08:00.428808 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Jeweler | tab_name: 移除鑲嵌
W 2023.06.17 14:08:01.283074 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:03.298274 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:05.312574 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:07.314414 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:09.314566 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:11.314671 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:13.323529 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:15.330992 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:17.335165 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:19.348273 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:21.348313 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:23.365361 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:25.381073 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:27.381481 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:29.381863 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:31.382172 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:33.382263 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:35.382415 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:37.383471 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:39.398057 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:41.398992 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:43.415660 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:45.431984 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:47.448577 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:49.465194 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:51.481567 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:53.483005 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:55.483063 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.070891 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.087212 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.099815 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.117230 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.136392 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.386772 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.402279 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.418894 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.434949 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:56.452655 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:57.498885 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:08:59.500067 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:01.516190 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:03.517192 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:05.531765 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:07.548292 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:09.548527 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:11.549919 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:13.565740 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:20.120184 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:20.132630 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:20.149279 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:20.166250 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:20.182459 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:22.143330 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:24.148149 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:26.148416 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:28.164860 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:09:29.494962 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 10
W 2023.06.17 14:09:30.181530 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:32.198150 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:34.198245 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 14:09:34.661871 [Game] ScreenManager::SetScreenNotificationLocation -
Could not find group instance for screen .
W 2023.06.17 14:09:36.198248 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:38.215299 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:40.231553 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:42.248611 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:44.265284 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:46.281374 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:48.281411 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:50.281700 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:09:52.049470 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Jeweler
I 2023.06.17 14:09:52.049888 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Jeweler
I 2023.06.17 14:09:52.049905 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Jeweler | tab_name: 移除鑲嵌
W 2023.06.17 14:09:52.297882 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:54.298283 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:56.299570 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:09:58.315467 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:00.332421 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:02.349153 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:04.365743 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:10:05.095082 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 萃取該物品的精華將破壞原始物品。
I 2023.06.17 14:10:06.267267 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 14:10:06.267743 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 14:10:06.267755 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 萃取精華
W 2023.06.17 14:10:06.366428 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:08.384092 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:10.398458 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:12.399102 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:14.399363 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:16.400131 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:18.416314 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:20.431198 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:22.432121 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:24.449082 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:26.465300 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:28.466890 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:30.482419 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:32.482458 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:34.498646 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:36.498996 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:38.515933 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:40.532768 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:42.532976 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:10:45.795593 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:10:45.874086 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:10:46.782167 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:10:46.782186 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:10:46.921465 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1403.15,
152.16, 101.02 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:10:46.972057 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 237 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.693ms
I 2023.06.17 14:10:46.980943 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.112130 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.113779 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.401562 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.416061 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 30
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.532550 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 148 | time_elapsed_us: 10
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.975876 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:10:47.976032 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:10:48.343711 [WarpManager] Completed loading within the fast
loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:10:48.343727 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:10:48.376437 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.213157 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 46656 | msg_tick: 46637
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.214068 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.214144 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.242166 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 32 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.220ms
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.242209 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.325436 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Frac_Kyovashad (445430) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.382739 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 4194306
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.399372 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.434281 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.533661 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 29
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.533813 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 29 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.533820 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 29
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:10:49.534865 [Game] Client Disposed world 4194305.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.628813 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.628859 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.628873 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.628880 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:10:49.628889 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:10:50.429296 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:10:55.645362 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:11:02.495448 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往帝國書庫?
I 2023.06.17 14:11:06.479234 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:11:06.496282 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.479708 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.479718 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.612044 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 129 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.268ms
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.613167 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.736288 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.738286 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:11:07.767307 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.274498 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 31
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.328468 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 262 | time_elapsed_us: 35
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.642688 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.649155 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.724462 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.724620 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (4718593)...
I 2023.06.17 14:11:08.766057 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:11:15.017346 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:16.029684 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:11:16.046048 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2023.06.17 14:11:16.969090 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 100.28, -520.76, 26.10)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.118891 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.484ms
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.118923 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.213530 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Kehj_Caldeum (531781)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.279909 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 4718593
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.353690 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.665339 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.681866 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 30
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.682016 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 30 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.682024 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 30
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:11:17.682249 [Game] Client Disposed world 4194306.
W 2023.06.17 14:11:17.686609 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:11:17.686637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:11:17.686646 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:11:17.686650 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:11:17.686655 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:11:18.681161 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:12:14.133392 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:12:14.148901 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:12:14.165462 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:12:14.182183 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:12:14.198813 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:12:44.513010 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
I 2023.06.17 14:12:59.429499 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:12:59.491266 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.414531 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.414548 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.570108 [Game] Local player long distance snap (238.94, -
416.88, 22.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.589280 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 275 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.393ms
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.599267 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.732184 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.734048 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:13:00.953250 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:13:01.727569 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 32
I 2023.06.17 14:13:01.847848 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 181 | time_elapsed_us: 18
I 2023.06.17 14:13:01.996482 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 14:13:02.001227 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 14:13:02.262072 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:02.564948 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:04.996125 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:05.997894 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:06.013813 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.063394 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 337 | msg_tick: 323
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.064047 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.064121 [Game] Client world initialized
QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Remnants (4718594)...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.096061 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 51 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.235ms
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.096097 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.180978 [Game] Adjusting world QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Remnants
(1070578) subzone from Kehj_Caldeum (531781) to QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Remnants (1070579)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.228056 [Game] Client entered world | world:
QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Remnants | CWorldID: 4718594
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.249096 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.284649 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.386864 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 31
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.386984 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 31 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.386990 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 31
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:13:07.387380 [Game] Client Disposed world 4718593.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.462738 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.462778 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.462789 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.462795 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:07.462803 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:13:08.281545 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:13:44.646222 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:13:44.663240 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.630662 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.630676 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.762679 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 172 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.305ms
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.763920 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.910973 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.913704 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:13:45.944917 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:13:46.885024 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 33
I 2023.06.17 14:13:46.955372 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:13:46.995312 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 107 | time_elapsed_us: 8
I 2023.06.17 14:13:47.455862 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:47.458381 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:47.660663 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:13:47.661003 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (5242881)...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:48.252552 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:49.263996 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:13:49.280001 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.402640 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 166445 | msg_tick: 166434
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.404307 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 240.96, -416.46, 22.56)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.561776 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 31 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.261ms
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.561818 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.650346 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from QST_Kehj_Caldeum_Remnants (1070579) to Kehj_Caldeum (531781)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.733657 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5242881
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.879953 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.879991 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.880005 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.880010 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:13:50.880018 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:13:50.898402 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:13:51.240759 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:13:51.265362 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 32
I 2023.06.17 14:13:51.265514 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 32 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:13:51.265522 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 32
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:13:51.265772 [Game] Client Disposed world 4718594.
I 2023.06.17 14:13:52.269203 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:13:58.912640 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:14:02.513290 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:14:02.532478 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.497369 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.497383 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.599290 [Game] Local player long distance snap (240.96, -
416.46, 22.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.634003 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 179 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.284ms
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.640466 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.772604 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:14:03.774287 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:14:04.055266 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:14:04.795403 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: |
connection_id: 34
I 2023.06.17 14:14:04.911393 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 196 | time_elapsed_us: 15
I 2023.06.17 14:14:05.096276 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:14:05.362467 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:14:05.364048 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:08.100339 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:09.113289 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:14:09.130579 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.216939 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 14806 | msg_tick: 14793
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.218251 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.218374 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.277398 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.275ms
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.277425 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.369662 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Kehj_Caldeum (531781) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.430042 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5242881
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.478735 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.660698 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.674151 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.674202 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.674215 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.674221 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:14:10.674228 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.764409 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 33
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.764516 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 33 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:14:10.764522 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 33
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:14:11.664226 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:14:27.229472 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:14:30.329494 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 放棄任務會重置你的進度,銷毀任務相關物品並關閉任務
I 2023.06.17 14:14:55.363634 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在巫水使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
I 2023.06.17 14:14:57.929884 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:14:57.947228 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:58.914072 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:14:58.914085 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.014181 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1305.51,
739.05, 2.19 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.050532 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 188 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.603ms
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.056026 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.206095 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.207578 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.370622 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:14:59.977461 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 35
I 2023.06.17 14:15:00.031622 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 259 | time_elapsed_us: 17
I 2023.06.17 14:15:00.378792 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:15:00.486284 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:15:00.489272 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:00.806641 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:15:03.380817 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:04.396760 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:15:04.413682 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.298892 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 240.96, -416.46, 22.56)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.460898 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.256ms
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.460934 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.553479 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to Kehj_Caldeum (531781)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.629496 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5242881
I 2023.06.17 14:15:05.749026 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:15:06.137041 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:06.159532 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 34
I 2023.06.17 14:15:06.159632 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 34 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:15:06.159636 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 34
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 14:15:06.161579 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:06.161611 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:06.161622 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:06.161627 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:06.161634 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:15:07.148652 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:15:19.146455 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往維爾斯?
I 2023.06.17 14:15:20.247892 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:15:22.891622 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:15:22.895887 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:23.768093 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:15:23.768102 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.019584 [Game] Local player long distance snap (239.08, -
413.95, 22.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.030404 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 174 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.294ms
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.039099 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.200181 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1048576
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.202501 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:15:24.394676 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.159099 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 36
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.305599 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 10 | time_elapsed_us: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.410424 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.910063 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.912960 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:25.913529 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:15:29.035378 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:30.035423 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:15:30.160818 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.410420 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 73756 | msg_tick: 73738
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.411566 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -483.27, 891.10, 0.08)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.476282 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.314ms
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.476316 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.562133 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Kehj_Caldeum (531781) to Hawe_SnakeCultist (677410)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.637539 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5242881
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.690672 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.690708 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.690718 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.690724 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:31.690731 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.701603 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.883638 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.895414 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 35
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.895539 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 35 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:15:31.895545 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 35
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:15:32.897523 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.145948 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.276061 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.276069 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.276072 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.276074 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.290895 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.290904 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 14:15:44.290914 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
W 2023.06.17 14:15:47.279832 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:15:50.152968 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:50.170270 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:50.184891 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:50.202209 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:50.216099 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:15:52.166799 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:15:56.647278 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 37
I 2023.06.17 14:15:56.884057 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 69 | time_elapsed_us: 7
I 2023.06.17 14:15:57.281141 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:15:57.281179 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 375210
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.325012 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 19908 | msg_tick: 19884
I 2023.06.17 14:16:02.479644 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 36
I 2023.06.17 14:16:02.480451 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 36 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:16:02.480464 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 36
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:16:02.481253 [Game] Client Disposed world 1048576.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.530377 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.530436 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.530449 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.530456 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:02.530464 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:16:10.747200 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 38
I 2023.06.17 14:16:10.798205 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 91 | time_elapsed_us: 21
I 2023.06.17 14:16:11.383071 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:16:11.383111 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 376053
I 2023.06.17 14:16:11.383293 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:16:11.383380 [Game] Client world initialized Limbo (1572864)...
I 2023.06.17 14:16:14.762907 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 37
I 2023.06.17 14:16:14.763066 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 37 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:16:14.763073 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 37
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 14:16:15.380611 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:15.380651 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:15.380667 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:15.380675 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:15.380684 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:23.413200 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:16:23.930712 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:16:23.977720 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:23.996828 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:16:23.996848 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:16:24.144151 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 218 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.305ms
I 2023.06.17 14:16:24.152311 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:16:24.291319 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:16:24.293061 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:16:24.465384 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:16:25.106701 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 39
I 2023.06.17 14:16:25.161577 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 50 | time_elapsed_us: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:16:25.474667 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 14:16:25.477676 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 14:16:25.573792 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:16:31.374981 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:31.641158 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:32.648083 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:16:32.664572 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.585158 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 519 | msg_tick: 507
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.586064 [Game] Clearing UIMinimap scenes for World -
816081582: its DRLG layout hash (2593145761) does not match its new hash
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.586117 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.586224 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.586421 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 236.62, 49.88, 8.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.619549 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 57 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.224ms
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.619597 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.706484 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Hawe_Marsh (531249) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.747956 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 5242882
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.772951 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.801559 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.880577 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 38
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.880693 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 38 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.880699 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 38
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:16:33.881256 [Game] Client Disposed world 5242881.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.946906 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.946948 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.946963 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.946971 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:16:33.946982 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:16:34.798105 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:18:00.064158 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
I 2023.06.17 14:19:51.497761 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
I 2023.06.17 14:21:24.714718 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:21:28.298684 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:21:28.324797 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.300708 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.300730 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.431458 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 241 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.336ms
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.434194 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.566447 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.568448 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:21:29.600004 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:21:30.307139 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 40
I 2023.06.17 14:21:30.358916 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 104 | time_elapsed_us: 14
I 2023.06.17 14:21:30.609971 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:21:30.808688 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:21:30.812488 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:33.641015 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:34.650201 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:21:34.665710 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.552996 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 1204442 | msg_tick: 1204435
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.554278 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.554376 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (5767169)...
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.554583 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.741950 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.244ms
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.741981 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.824221 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.888971 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5767169
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.966820 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.966850 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.966858 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.966862 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:21:35.966868 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:21:35.977927 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:21:36.155002 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:21:36.167436 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 39
I 2023.06.17 14:21:36.167551 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 39 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:21:36.167556 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 39
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:21:36.167793 [Game] Client Disposed world 5242882.
I 2023.06.17 14:21:37.166250 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:22:15.564841 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.089227 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.105872 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.121904 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.222145 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.238464 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.521991 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.538954 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.555942 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.571244 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.587445 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.605180 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.737888 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:45.754823 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:46.705030 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:46.720753 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:46.737513 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:46.753835 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:46.770399 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.020638 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.037131 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.053828 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.070228 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.086686 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:47.354014 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:49.687237 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:49.703119 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:49.720519 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:49.738329 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:49.753342 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:50.970512 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:51.021184 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.488010 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.505354 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.521001 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.537604 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.553451 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.604139 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:53.620538 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.119491 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.135592 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.152660 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.819271 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.854827 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.870118 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.887626 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.902704 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:22:54.920015 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:02.969655 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:02.985990 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.003667 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.020348 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.036477 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.053169 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.070598 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.174071 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.186560 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:03.203444 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.336575 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.353803 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.369436 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.385800 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.403626 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.587250 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:05.603724 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.254448 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.270487 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.287583 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.304339 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.320201 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.604734 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.621086 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.636364 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.654304 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:06.669911 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:07.204997 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:07.219946 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.004114 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.027113 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.037960 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.054285 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.070076 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:08.087158 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.037349 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.119388 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.254121 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.270438 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.287502 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.303970 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.319788 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.970885 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:10.985768 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.003200 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.037081 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.053673 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.071358 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.136886 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.152681 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.169932 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.186434 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.204467 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.220452 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:11.236817 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.402772 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.436779 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.455595 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.469996 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.486644 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.503544 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.754033 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.771083 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.786002 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.803553 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:12.821164 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:14.470609 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:14.487209 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:14.770697 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:16.786054 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:16.937190 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:16.953171 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:16.969662 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:16.987216 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:17.003388 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.236629 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.254382 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.271587 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.287043 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.304416 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageWhileBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.852540 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.870664 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.886658 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.904883 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:18.920473 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.270644 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.286432 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.303100 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.403602 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.420560 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.436483 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.452950 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.470364 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.486773 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.503079 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.521110 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.536710 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.887609 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.902617 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:19.920550 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.570822 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.587440 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.602931 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.620327 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.636307 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.736434 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.752607 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.769428 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.786651 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:22.803742 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.186162 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.202734 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.219904 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.236303 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.252960 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.536014 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.553421 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.570593 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.588439 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.602668 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:24.804854 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.021074 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.035765 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.052925 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.070035 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.085874 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.336003 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.352428 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.385866 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.402191 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.420528 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_OverpowerDamage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.502578 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_OverpowerDamage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.886339 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.902898 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.919440 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.936108 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:25.952869 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:26.186775 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:27.702765 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:30.599132 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:23:32.936391 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:32.953411 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:32.986973 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.003110 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.019806 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.037032 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.053206 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.069020 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.086520 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.441754 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.453442 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.469798 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:33.486292 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:35.354058 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:35.369750 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:35.387600 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:35.402663 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:35.419458 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:37.354328 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.137482 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.169792 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.204102 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.219364 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.237349 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.256018 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.270030 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.287941 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.303883 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.319239 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.337309 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.352911 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.370163 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.387019 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.403772 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:39.454223 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:23:46.882179 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:23:50.516871 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:23:50.535795 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.517901 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.517927 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.584144 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1300.49,
741.05, 2.59 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.619272 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 191 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.304ms
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.624167 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.754746 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.756861 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:23:51.759552 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.194499 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.335616 [WarpManager] Completed loading within the fast
loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.335628 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.368777 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.468986 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.75, 739.20, 2.15)
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.501317 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 33 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.229ms
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.501347 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.629806 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5767169
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.670204 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:23:52.831048 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:23:53.834778 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.653564 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.670037 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.685709 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.703268 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.720606 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.736065 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.753987 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.770714 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.837035 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:56.870363 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:58.886307 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:58.903250 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:58.987093 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.002844 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.019035 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.136374 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.153253 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.169822 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.186559 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.203378 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.286916 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.303826 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.503601 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.640565 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.657476 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.672819 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.693055 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.852641 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.870344 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.885665 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.910827 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.918650 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:23:59.935032 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:00.254844 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Armor doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:00.537725 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:00.636388 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:00.653467 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.021725 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.038726 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.055083 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.070229 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.088014 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.104813 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.122770 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.139743 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageToHigh doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.385973 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.421262 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.436884 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.452795 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.472234 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.487020 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.503072 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.518727 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.704805 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:01.786430 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.405228 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.421942 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.439766 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.454976 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.470024 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.740332 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageCore doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:02.754782 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageCore doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.406085 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.423223 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.438124 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_PotionHealing doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.453618 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_PotionHealing doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.621759 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPRegen doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.636998 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPRegen doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.687042 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Str doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.853815 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.870751 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.886427 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.904265 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.937120 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:03.987014 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.422392 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_Spirit doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.438991 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_Spirit doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.454165 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_Spirit doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.469438 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_Spirit doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.487441 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_Spirit doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.553603 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.571127 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.587283 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:04.604040 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:06.238095 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:06.272476 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:06.304497 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.103434 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageBear doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.153622 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.270842 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.286766 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.304231 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.321799 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.336592 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.353921 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.370024 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_BonusFortify doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.504804 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.523171 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:07.536056 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_DamageReductionWhileFortified doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:08.469954 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Druid_Magic_DamageCore doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:08.488840 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:08.503600 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:10.253820 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:10.270927 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:10.285625 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:10.303213 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:10.322050 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:11.122658 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:11.139528 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:11.154389 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.337528 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Dex doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.354504 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.421306 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.438214 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.453819 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.470941 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_Damage doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.488219 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.504783 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_HPPercent doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.838797 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.855470 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Int doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.872083 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Normal_Will doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:24:19.939779 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO
ParagonNode_Generic_Magic_ResistanceAll doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:24:43.517838 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在巫水使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
I 2023.06.17 14:24:47.449262 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:24:47.466965 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.451263 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.451281 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.523906 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1304.30,
739.86, 2.19 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.557939 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 194 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.439ms
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.565016 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.705662 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.707463 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:48.709750 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.126446 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.200556 [WarpManager] Completed loading within the fast
loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.200566 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.233877 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.336243 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1300.49, 741.05, 2.59)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.367157 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 33 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.488ms
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.367188 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.505713 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5767169
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.569570 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:24:49.728408 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:50.735312 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:24:52.232868 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:24:52.249673 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.216909 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.216922 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.283692 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1304.29,
739.67, 2.19 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.320791 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 174 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.567ms
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.326640 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.468501 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.470132 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.471911 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.855329 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.897448 [WarpManager] Completed loading within the fast
loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.897455 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:24:53.931011 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.032111 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1300.49, 741.05, 2.59)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.063486 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 33 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.352ms
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.063526 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.191524 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5767169
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.237878 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:24:54.388647 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:24:55.401613 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:25:02.865720 [Game] Teleporting to waypoint 675609
I 2023.06.17 14:25:02.899356 [WarpManager] Intro waypoint to LevelArea
I 2023.06.17 14:25:02.916936 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:03.890644 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:25:03.890657 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:03.992281 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1302.56,
742.12, 2.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.065943 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 174 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.293ms
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.083510 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.259579 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 1572864
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.266385 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.582614 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:25:04.957846 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: |
connection_id: 41
I 2023.06.17 14:25:05.009167 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 168 | time_elapsed_us: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:25:05.458075 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:05.460488 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:06.225058 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:07.233107 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:07.249940 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.235770 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 87803 | msg_tick: 87791
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.236915 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.237077 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -480.27, 894.10, 0.29)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.317346 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.243ms
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.317387 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.407619 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to Hawe_SnakeCultist (677410)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.476188 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 5767169
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.543210 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.726859 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect Camera_Start_Game
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.740444 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 40
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.740549 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 40 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:25:08.740554 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 40
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.866139 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.866187 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.866202 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.866209 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:08.866216 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:25:10.757367 [WarpManager] Waypoint completed
W 2023.06.17 14:25:14.870551 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:14.885646 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:14.901637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:14.918421 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:14.935153 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:16.876245 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:18.885069 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:25:22.116498 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 42
I 2023.06.17 14:25:22.253050 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 139 | time_elapsed_us: 16
I 2023.06.17 14:25:22.519328 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 408160
I 2023.06.17 14:25:22.669174 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:25:24.700327 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.218653 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 796870 | msg_tick: 796853
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.245045 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.245078 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.245086 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.245090 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:28.245096 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:25:28.348979 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 41
I 2023.06.17 14:25:28.349777 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 41 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:25:28.349787 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 41
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:25:37.516502 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: |
connection_id: 43
I 2023.06.17 14:25:37.640793 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 73 | time_elapsed_us: 12
I 2023.06.17 14:25:38.054494 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:25:38.054543 [Game] Server Transition prefetch/preload starting on
frame 409091
W 2023.06.17 14:25:42.851724 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 259115 | msg_tick: 259095
I 2023.06.17 14:25:42.999018 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 42
I 2023.06.17 14:25:42.999181 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 42 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:25:42.999189 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 42
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:25:43.000046 [Game] Client Disposed world 1572864.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:43.316903 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:43.316944 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:43.316957 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:43.316964 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:25:43.316972 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:25:51.266210 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:25:51.315493 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.251843 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.251876 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.386394 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.386608 [Game] Client world initialized Limbo (2097152)...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.386813 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-630.13,
907.89, 0.20 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.421920 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 224 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.291ms
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.428189 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.558724 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 2097152
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.560428 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.748102 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:25:52.921350 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 44
I 2023.06.17 14:25:53.047122 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 8 |
solution: 27 | time_elapsed_us: 5
I 2023.06.17 14:25:53.521630 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:25:53.756208 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 14:25:53.761002 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
I 2023.06.17 14:25:59.056772 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:25:59.322356 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:26:00.334268 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:26:00.350787 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.135646 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 503 | msg_tick: 487
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.136407 [Game] Clearing UIMinimap scenes for World -
816081582: its DRLG layout hash (1215314674) does not match its new hash
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.136453 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.136524 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.136779 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 236.62, 49.88, 8.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.174441 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 55 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.236ms
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.174470 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.258113 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Hawe_Marsh (531249) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.309728 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 5767170
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.336467 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.374772 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.466089 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 43
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.466210 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 43 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.466216 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 43
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:26:01.466802 [Game] Client Disposed world 5767169.
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.767291 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.767333 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.767344 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.767351 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:26:01.767359 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:26:02.383440 [WarpManager] Portal completed
I 2023.06.17 14:27:34.833279 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
W 2023.06.17 14:30:01.767925 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:30:01.768000 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:30:01.768031 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:30:01.768091 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:30:01.768130 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:31:04.267498 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:31:07.917999 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:31:07.938455 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:08.901979 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:31:08.901994 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.067951 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 233 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.383ms
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.071183 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.206123 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 2097152
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.208359 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.238881 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.746306 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 45
I 2023.06.17 14:31:09.800237 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 93 | time_elapsed_us: 31
I 2023.06.17 14:31:10.114332 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:31:10.118122 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:10.119062 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:31:10.119211 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (6291457)...
I 2023.06.17 14:31:10.247030 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:31:13.250160 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:14.253053 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:31:14.283064 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:31:14.894240 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 1299063 | msg_tick: 1299053
I 2023.06.17 14:31:14.895554 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:14.953999 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 32 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.414ms
I 2023.06.17 14:31:14.954045 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.038004 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.103148 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 6291457
W 2023.06.17 14:31:15.157731 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:31:15.157767 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:31:15.157777 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:31:15.157786 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:31:15.157794 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.167501 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.338888 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.349406 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 44
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.349535 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 44 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.349541 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 44
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:31:15.349766 [Game] Client Disposed world 5767170.
I 2023.06.17 14:31:16.335843 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:32:31.967911 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:34:18.402292 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:34:35.235469 [Online.CCommerceSDK] HTTP Request | http_url:
I 2023.06.17 14:34:36.318628 [Online.CCommerceSDK] BaseHttpHandler Success |
token: 10
I 2023.06.17 14:34:36.318826 [Online.CCommerceSDK] InitializeSdk - GetCurrentPages
-- complete.
I 2023.06.17 14:34:36.319013 [Online.CCommerceSDK] HTTP Request | http_url:
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.018389 [Online.CCommerceSDK] BaseHttpHandler Success |
token: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.023332 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Process - GetProducts --
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.023958 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 1115562
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024415 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 905933
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024425 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 809879
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024430 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 809880
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024436 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 809881
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024441 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 809882
I 2023.06.17 14:34:37.024445 [Online.CCommerceSDK] Virtual Currency Bundles are
always NOT PURCHASED. | client_user_id: 0 | store_product_id: 809883
I 2023.06.17 14:35:46.835951 [Game] Teleporting to waypoint 445553
I 2023.06.17 14:35:46.886256 [WarpManager] Intro waypoint to LevelArea
I 2023.06.17 14:35:46.903977 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:47.873414 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:35:47.873438 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:35:47.970946 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1302.45,
742.57, 2.56 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:48.013019 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 201 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.672ms
I 2023.06.17 14:35:48.021178 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:35:48.196938 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 2097152
I 2023.06.17 14:35:48.198698 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:35:48.404934 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:35:49.046757 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address:
| connection_id: 46
I 2023.06.17 14:35:49.167929 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 156 | time_elapsed_us: 16
I 2023.06.17 14:35:49.953305 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:35:50.079284 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:50.259865 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:35:53.838198 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:54.853368 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:35:54.870153 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:35:56.159483 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 4175998 | msg_tick: 4175965
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.161414 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1398.30, 154.29, 101.30)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.360174 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.238ms
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.360206 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.441900 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from Hawe_Bog (531245) to Frac_Kyovashad (445430)
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.513416 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 6291457
I 2023.06.17 14:35:56.782495 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:35:57.130489 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect Camera_Start_Game
I 2023.06.17 14:35:57.214707 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 45
I 2023.06.17 14:35:57.214884 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 45 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:35:57.214888 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 45
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
W 2023.06.17 14:35:57.218189 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:35:57.218237 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:35:57.218250 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:35:57.218260 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:35:57.218273 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:35:59.247935 [WarpManager] Waypoint completed
W 2023.06.17 14:36:07.193295 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:07.207059 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:07.223816 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:07.241665 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:07.256805 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:09.207178 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:11.208217 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:13.223894 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:15.224144 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:17.240871 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:19.256463 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:21.256598 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:23.256612 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:25.256637 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:27.257448 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:29.273284 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:31.273382 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:33.273529 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:35.291323 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:37.306798 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:39.307300 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:41.324445 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:43.340655 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:48.874817 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:48.890421 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:48.909347 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:48.923765 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:48.942751 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:50.877103 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:52.760740 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:36:52.890542 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536347 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536365 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536368 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536423 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536426 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:36:54.536429 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 14:36:54.890773 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:56.906541 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:36:58.908132 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:00.923243 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:02.923494 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:37:03.774484 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 14:37:03.774931 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 14:37:03.774945 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 附魔物品
W 2023.06.17 14:37:04.924400 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:06.939660 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:08.960335 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:10.973978 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.552972 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.552988 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.552991 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.553045 [Game] Condition EvaluateItemQualitySubcondition
evaluated without providing an Item | condition_sno: Item_Is_Legendary |
subcondition: ItemQuality | expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.553048 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
E 2023.06.17 14:37:12.553050 [Game] Condition
EvaluateItemQualityModifierSubcondition evaluated without providing an Item |
condition_sno: Item_Is_Sacred_Or_Ancestral | subcondition: ItemQualityModifier |
expected_data: ItemACD | context: UNKNOWN CONTEXT
W 2023.06.17 14:37:12.989986 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:15.006540 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:17.007198 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:19.023400 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:21.039742 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:23.040110 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:25.040851 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:27.057558 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:37:28.819755 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 銘印此物品將覆蓋其現有的力量。銘印後即無法恢復。
W 2023.06.17 14:37:29.073086 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:31.073588 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:33.090416 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:35.106862 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:37.122963 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:39.122995 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:41.123838 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:43.139773 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:45.140150 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:47.140604 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:49.156930 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:51.173707 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:53.174343 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:55.190296 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:37:57.190707 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:37:59.153468 [Game.UI] Closing Crafter UI | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist
I 2023.06.17 14:37:59.154326 [Game.UI] Closing crafter tab | client_user_id: 0 |
crafter_type: Occultist | tab_name: 銘印精華
W 2023.06.17 14:37:59.207486 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:01.207726 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:03.209572 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:05.238708 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Actor_TownPortal
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:38:11.220732 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 在巫水使用徽記啟動惡夢地城?
I 2023.06.17 14:38:13.003834 [WarpManager] Intro portal to dungeon Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:38:13.079780 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.006616 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.006626 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.141369 [Game] Local player long distance snap (-1400.79,
152.50, 101.08 vs 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.198661 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 228 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.379ms
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.206640 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.332835 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 2097152
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.334510 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:38:14.675045 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:38:15.215901 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 47
I 2023.06.17 14:38:15.272350 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 100 | time_elapsed_us: 21
I 2023.06.17 14:38:15.649948 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:38:15.684519 [WarpManager] Creating looping world
I 2023.06.17 14:38:15.688305 [WarpManager] Starting loop effect DCE_HellgateCamera
W 2023.06.17 14:38:20.149075 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:38:21.383425 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:21.883611 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:22.888051 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:38:22.904739 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:38:23.791943 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 530 | msg_tick: 517
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.792602 [Game] Clearing UIMinimap scenes for World -
816081582: its DRLG layout hash (561837488) does not match its new hash
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.792655 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.792738 [Game] Client world initialized DGN_Hawe_Witchwater
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.792960 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs 42.50, 237.25, 8.00)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.827780 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 57 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.241ms
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.827814 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.916796 [Game] Adjusting world DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673733)
subzone from Frac_Kyovashad (445430) to DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734)
I 2023.06.17 14:38:23.963800 [Game] Client entered world | world:
DGN_Hawe_Witchwater | CWorldID: 6291458
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.268225 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.304493 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
W 2023.06.17 14:38:24.314569 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:24.314606 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:24.314617 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:24.314625 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:38:24.314636 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.403741 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 46
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.403868 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 46 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.403874 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 46
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:38:24.405277 [Game] Client Disposed world 6291457.
I 2023.06.17 14:38:25.304609 [WarpManager] Portal completed
E 2023.06.17 14:40:44.455496 [Game] CQuestsUpdateState QuestID(524297)
SNO(DRV_BreakableContainerSpawn) Phase(UID=2): Tracked quest update message
received no quest of that ID exists. QuestType [1], Event Type [0]
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132239 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32670 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132251 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32675 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132255 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32675 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132258 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32685 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132261 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32685 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:37.132265 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32685 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607480 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles druid_shockwave_aoe_decal_clutterCut! The current count is 32765 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607494 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles druid_shockwave_aoe_distortionRing! The current count is 32765 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607503 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32765 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607507 [Game] Failed to allocate 10 vertices for Billboard
Particles druid_shockwave_aoe_vertPop! The current count is 32765 and the limit is
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607510 [Game] Failed to allocate 25 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_wispsBurst! The current count is 32765 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:41:38.607513 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_flash! The current count is 32765 and the limit is
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641051 [Game] Failed to allocate 165 vertices for Billboard
Particles druid_shockwave_aoe_physRocksSmall_fb! The current count is 32705 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641069 [Game] Failed to allocate 170 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_cast_flakes! The current count is 32710 and the
limit is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641079 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_flash! The current count is 32765 and the limit is
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641085 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_beamBurst! The current count is 32765 and the limit
is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641089 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles Dungeon_Affix_Avenger_beamBurst! The current count is 32765 and the limit
is 32768.
E 2023.06.17 14:42:17.641105 [Game] Failed to allocate 5 vertices for Billboard
Particles actor_debuff_slowed_aura! The current count is 32765 and the limit is
E 2023.06.17 14:42:26.262077 [Game] CQuestsUpdateState QuestID(524299)
SNO(DRV_BreakableContainerSpawn) Phase(UID=2): Tracked quest update message
received no quest of that ID exists. QuestType [1], Event Type [0]
I 2023.06.17 14:45:13.140234 [Game] Prevented Error conversation line VO
(CONVERSATION_SNO:HRO_DruidM_InCooldown) because a conversation is currently
I 2023.06.17 14:46:16.507038 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 前往低語之樹?
I 2023.06.17 14:46:20.508109 [WarpManager] Intro portal to exterior Subzone
I 2023.06.17 14:46:20.525278 [WarpManager] Starting intro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.491819 [WarpManager] Setup complete
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.491831 [WarpManager] Waiting for limbo warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.590628 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 272 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.384ms
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.597167 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.731309 [Game] Client entered world | world: Limbo |
CWorldID: 2097152
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.733907 [WarpManager] Warped into limbo
I 2023.06.17 14:46:21.763102 [WarpManager] Waiting for fast loading time
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.503319 [Game] ClientConnect | ip_address: | connection_id: 48
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.556283 [Game] Computed solution to server puzzle | bits: 7 |
solution: 276 | time_elapsed_us: 27
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.771505 [WarpManager] Starting loop for loading screen
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.971623 [Game] Initializing client world Limbo...
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.975378 [WarpManager] Transfer prefetch begin (loop)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.976079 [Game] Initializing client world
I 2023.06.17 14:46:22.976176 [Game] Client world initialized
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent (6815745)...
I 2023.06.17 14:46:25.796794 [WarpManager] Starting loop outro effect
default_warp_effect_intro (239914)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:26.808470 [WarpManager] Waiting for destination warp...
I 2023.06.17 14:46:26.824853 [WarpManager] Prefetch complete
W 2023.06.17 14:46:27.812918 [Game] 'ClientReceiveHeartbeat' received out-of-order
tick | cur_tick: 337806 | msg_tick: 337793
I 2023.06.17 14:46:27.814645 [Game] Local player long distance snap (0.00, 0.00,
0.00 vs -1306.59, 739.68, 2.17)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:27.872602 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 34 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.353ms
I 2023.06.17 14:46:27.872640 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:46:27.958078 [Game] Adjusting world Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent
(69068) subzone from DGN_Hawe_Witchwater (673734) to Hawe_Bog (531245)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.015449 [Game] Client entered world | world:
Sanctuary_Eastern_Continent | CWorldID: 6815745
W 2023.06.17 14:46:28.066339 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:46:28.066372 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:46:28.066379 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:46:28.066385 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
W 2023.06.17 14:46:28.066392 [Game] StringList Definitions: SNO Item_Axe Bad Data
doesn't exist.
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.074000 [WarpManager] Warped into destination
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.263819 [WarpManager] Starting outro effect
default_warp_effect_outro (239915)
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.276424 [Game] Client: sHandleDisconnect | connection_id: 47
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.276588 [Game] ClientDisconnect | connection_id: 47 | reason:
8 | connections_remaining: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.276595 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 47
| reason: 8 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:46:28.276848 [Game] Client Disposed world 6291458.
I 2023.06.17 14:46:29.275974 [WarpManager] Portal completed
W 2023.06.17 14:46:37.423905 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
W 2023.06.17 14:47:05.990960 [Online.Systems.CPresence] Unhandled fenris game
account presence field | presence_field_id: 11
I 2023.06.17 14:48:06.695038 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:07.961353 [Game] Application Activated.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.092046 [Game] [wWisePlatform] OnAudioDevicesChanged from
Process DeviceEvents: WODSTATE_READY, most recent: 1
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.092054 [Game] OnAudioDevicesChanged
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.092056 [Game] RefreshAudioDevices
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.092057 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Start polling audio devices.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.103697 [Game] [wWisePlatform] Polling audio devices
complete. Found: 31 Default: 'Default'
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.103705 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices] Raising
OnAudioDevicesChanged notification
I 2023.06.17 14:48:08.103714 [Game] [wWisePlatform RefreshAudioDevices]
OnAudioDevicesChanged Complete
I 2023.06.17 14:48:18.741221 [Game] ----------------
UIModalNotificationManager::ShowModal 2: 你確定要退出《暗黑破壞神 IV》嗎?
I 2023.06.17 14:48:19.621930 [Game] GameDisposeGames()
I 2023.06.17 14:48:19.621939 [Game] ENDING GAME
I 2023.06.17 14:48:19.625012 [Game] [Prism] 11368: Purged 196 entries from the
render and compute pipeline caches in 0.560ms
I 2023.06.17 14:48:19.630049 [Game] Disposing UI for World
I 2023.06.17 14:48:19.728666 [Game] Client Disposed world 6815745.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.288836 [Game] RWindow GfxDispose (Portrait Capture)
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.310791 [Game] ForceSimGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.311348 [Game] VirtualTextureStaticGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.312158 [Game] InstanceGroupsStaticGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.313759 [Game] DeformationShapesGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.314949 [Game] OcclusionShapesGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.315497 [Game] VolumetricFogGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.316985 [Game] SpritesGfxDispose - Deleting sprite globals
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320922 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 0 | game_account_id: 1392604549 | bnet_account_id: 23280453
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320943 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 1 | game_account_id: 1392993735 | bnet_account_id: 1406932071
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320949 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 2 | game_account_id: 1385655197 | bnet_account_id: 201537
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320955 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 3 | game_account_id: 1392259542 | bnet_account_id: 1400842954
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320961 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 4 | game_account_id: 1392266525 | bnet_account_id: 12641584
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320965 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 5 | game_account_id: 1391378562 | bnet_account_id: 1406444124
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.320968 [Game] Cleaning up player in CPlayerDisposeForGame |
player_index: 6 | game_account_id: 1391541622 | bnet_account_id: 22488063
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.326362 [UIChat] Disposing UIChat
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.327107 [Game] UIAchievements::DisposeForGame
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.341681 [Game] Disposing UI root!
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.385011 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 48
| reason: 0 | connectiontype: 4
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.386677 [Game] Client Disposed world 2097152.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.492990 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CGames
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493017 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CGames to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493020 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CHeroes
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493024 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CHeroes to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493026 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CParty
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493032 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CParty to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493033 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CAchievements
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493036 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CAchievements to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493038 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CChat
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493044 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CChat to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493046 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CReports
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493048 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CReports to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493049 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CWhisper
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493053 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CWhisper to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493055 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CLocalNetworkPlayers
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493057 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CLocalNetworkPlayers to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493059 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CBlockedPlayers
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493062 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CBlockedPlayers to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493064 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CGroups
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493066 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CGroups to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493067 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CClans
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493079 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CClans to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493081 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CStore
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493282 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CStore to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493285 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CSettings
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493289 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CSettings to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493291 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CPlayerNotifications
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493293 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CPlayerNotifications to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493294 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CPlayerNameCache
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493357 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CPlayerNameCache to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493359 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CTelemetry
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493360 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CTelemetry to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493362 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CProfile
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493364 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CProfile to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493365 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CNewsFeed
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493367 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CNewsFeed to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.493369 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CVoiceTextToSpeech
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501559 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CVoiceTextToSpeech to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501568 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CPing
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501570 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CPing to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501572 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CABTestSystem
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501578 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CABTestSystem to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.501584 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for Telemetry
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556794 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
Telemetry to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556812 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CFriends
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556829 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CFriends to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556834 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CRecentPlayers
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556840 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CRecentPlayers to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556845 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CPlatformServices
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556850 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CPlatformServices to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556855 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CVoice
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.556862 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CVoice to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.562357 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CPresence
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.562391 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CPresence to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.562406 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CAuthSession
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.562422 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CAuthSession to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.567546 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CUserProxy
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.571858 [Online.Systems.CUserProxy] Removing player from user
proxy for logout | client_user_id: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.571988 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 7
| reason: 0 | connectiontype: 2
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.572048 [Game] ClientSystemsHub Shutdown: Calling shutdown
for CUsers
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.572054 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CUsers to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.577533 [Game] ConnectionBase::Disconnect | connection_id: 7
| reason: 0 | connectiontype: 2
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.577563 [Online.Systems.CUserProxy] Deleting connection due
to disconnect
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.577588 [Game] ClientSystemsHub SetState: Setting state for
CUserProxy to 3
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.822844 [Interface.BgsLow] I 14:48:20.822832 [BGS] |
port=1119|status=0 (C:\projects\fenris\shared\Contrib\bgs-sdk\6.1.0-pre-release1\
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.822856 [BgsClient] BgsConnection: disconnected. |
connection_index: 0 | connection_id: 1 | bgs_error_code: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.823344 [Online.Systems.CParty] OnFullyDisconnected |
party_id: ffdbb680-0d09-11ee-870d-a10e749c5e0b/asia-northeast | client_user_id: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.830112 [Online.Systems] Clearing systems
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.864479 [Game] GameDisposeGames() Complete
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.864489 [Game] Disposing input subsystem...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:20.865240 [Game] Unloading required definitions
I 2023.06.17 14:48:22.929983 [Game] ShellGfxDispose Start
I 2023.06.17 14:48:22.929994 [Game] SceneRemeshDisposeForShellGame Start
I 2023.06.17 14:48:22.929999 [Game] SceneRemeshDisposeForShellGame End
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.093577 [Game] CutscenesGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.093589 [Game] PortraitCaptureGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.093600 [Game] VirtualTextureGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.093603 [Game] LightGridsGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.094315 [Game] DebugTextMarkerGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.094321 [Game] RActorsGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.094325 [Game] HeightFieldsGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.096008 [Game] CScenesGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.096015 [Game] ReflectionProbesGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.096998 [Game] LightsGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.100456 [Game] VolumetricCloudsGfxDispose
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.100921 [Game] RWindow GfxDispose (Main)
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.101177 [Game] RWindow GfxDispose (Shared Offscreen UI)
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.101344 [Game] RWindow GfxDispose (Shared Offscreen UI)
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.102945 [Game] ShellGfxDispose End
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.104416 [Game] Application Deactivated. Active: 0
Minimized: 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.123202 [Game] Disposing sound subsystem...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127566 [Sigma] --- OS memory stats -----
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127588 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Total: 31421.67 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127592 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used: 15340.24 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127595 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used by Process: 4605.87 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127598 [Sigma] Phys Mem Total: 16061.67 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127600 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used: 11069.38 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127606 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used by Process: 3242.17 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127608 [Sigma] --- OS memory stats end-----
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127871 [Game] Disposing graphics subsystem...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127880 [Game] GfxTopAccelerationStructureDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127883 [Game] GfxBottomAccelerationStructureDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127886 [Game] GfxStructuredBufferDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127893 [Game] GfxIBDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127900 [Game] GfxVBDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127905 [Game] sStandardVBFormatDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.127936 [Game] GfxVBFormatDispose...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.133222 [Game] [Prism] Queues done.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.149428 [Game] [Prism] Upload stream done.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.150715 [Game] [Prism] Dispose dynamic buffers done.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.164339 [Game] [Prism] Dispose RT context done.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.226395 [Game] [Prism] gpuResourceAlloator done.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.248998 [Game] [Prism] DestroyQueue cleaned up.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.290062 [Game] [17.06.2023 22-48-27][streamline]
[info]pluginmanager.cpp:817[unloadPlugins] Unloading all plugins ...
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.293270 [Game] [17.06.2023 22-48-27][streamline]
[info]commonentry.cpp:1090[slOnPluginShutdown] Shutting down NGX
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.402495 [Game] [17.06.2023 22-48-27][streamline]
[info]generic.cpp:285[shutdown] Delayed destroy resource list count 0
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.679032 [Game] [Prism] Device destroyed.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:27.680897 [Game] Graphics subsystem disposed.
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.062267 [Game] SNOFilesDispose()
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.062279 [Game] SNOFilesAsyncDispose()
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.073336 [Game] SNOChunksDispose()
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.073348 [Game] SNOElementsDispose()
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.162504 [Game] Disposing ToolChannel for App
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.168996 [Sigma] [bsSocket] [D:\Jenkins\ProductionAgent\
bsConnectionNet.cpp:273]: 1 of 1 Network threads done
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228162 [Sigma] --- OS memory stats -----
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228181 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Total: 31421.67 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228185 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used: 14334.41 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228188 [Sigma] Virtual Mem Used by Process: 3705.18 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228190 [Sigma] Phys Mem Total: 16061.67 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228193 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used: 10765.61 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228196 [Sigma] Phys Mem Used by Process: 3001.89 MB
I 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228198 [Sigma] --- OS memory stats end-----
W 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228749 [Game] Leaked pooled_shared_string "Actor MrHardpoint
000" (RefCount: 1)
W 2023.06.17 14:48:28.228756 [Game] Leaked pooled_shared_string "{c_advanced}"
(RefCount: 1)