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He cut the last citron.

The third fairy darted forth and said, like her companions,
"Give me a drink!" But the prince had learned a lesson. He instantly gave her the
water, when, lo! a beautiful, slender young girl, as white as milk, with cheeks
like roses, stood before him, looking like a freshly opened rosebud. She was a
marvel of beauty such as the world had never seen, as fresh as a lily and as
graceful as a swan; her hair was of brighter gold than the sun, her clear blue eyes
revealed the depths of her heart, her rosy lips seemed made only to comfort and
charm;[126] in a word, from head to foot she was the most enchanting creature that
had ever descended from heaven to earth. It is a great pity that we have no
likeness of her.

At the sight of his bride the prince almost lost his reason from joy and surprise.
He could not understand how this miracle of freshness and beauty had sprung from
the bitter rind of a citron.

"Am I asleep?" he cried. "Am I dreaming? If I am the sport of a delusion, for

pity's sake do not awaken me."

The fairy's smile soon reassured him. She accepted his hand, and was the first to
ask to repair to the good king of the Vermilion Towers, who would be so happy to
bless his children.

"My love," answered Carlino, "I am as impatient as you to see my father and to
prove to him that I was right; but we cannot enter the castle arm in arm like two
peasants. You must go like a princess; you must be received like a queen. Wait for
me by this fountain; I will run to the palace, and return in two hours with a dress
and equipage worthy of you." Saying this, he tenderly kissed her hand and left her.

The young girl was afraid, on finding herself alone; the cry of a raven, the
rustling of the trees, a dead branch broken by the wind, everything frightened her.
She looked tremblingly about her, and saw an old oak by the side of the fountain
whose huge trunk offered her a shelter. [127]She climbed the tree and hid herself
in it, all but her lovely face, which, encircled by the foliage, was reflected in
the transparent fountain as in a clear mirror.

Now there was a negress, by the name of Lucy, who lived in the neighborhood, and
who was sent every day by her mistress to the fountain for water. Lucy came, as
usual, with her pitcher on her shoulder, and just as she was about to fill it, she
spied the image of the fairy in the spring. The fool, who had never seen herself,
thought that the face was her own. "Poor Lucy!" she cried. "What! you, so fresh and
beautiful, are forced by your mistress to carry water like a beast of burden! No,
never!" And in her vanity she dashed the pitcher to the ground and returned home.

When her mistress asked her why she had broken the pitcher, the slave shrugged her
shoulders and said, "The pitcher that goes often to the well is soon broken." Upon
this her mistress gave her a little wooden cask and ordered her to go back
immediately and fill it at the fountain.

The negress ran to the spring, and, gazing lovingly at the beautiful image in the
water, sighed and said, "No, I am not an ape, as I am so often told; I am more
beautiful than my mistress. Mules may carry casks—not I!" She dashed the cask on
the ground, broke it in a thousand pieces, and returned to her mistress, grumbling.

"Where is the cask?" asked her mistress, who was waiting impatiently for the water.
"A mule ran against me and knocked it down, and it is all broken to pieces."

At these words her mistress lost patience. Seizing a broom, she gave the negress
one of those lessons that are not soon forgotten; then, taking down a leathern
bottle that was hanging on the wall, "Run, wretched ape," she said; "and if you do
not instantly bring this back to me full of water, I will beat you within an inch
of your life."

The negress took to her heels in terror, and filled the bottle obediently; but when
it was filled she stopped to look once more in the fountain; and seeing the lovely
face reflected there, "No!" she cried, in a burst of anger—"no, I will not be a
water-carrier; no, I was not made to serve my mistress like a dog."

Saying this, she took from her hair the great pin that held it, and pierced the
bottle through and through. The water spouted out in every direction. At the sight
the fairy in the tree burst into a fit of laughter. The negress looked up, saw the
beautiful stranger, and understood the whole.

"Oh!" said she to herself, "so you are the cause of my beating; no matter, you
shall pay me well for it." Then, raising her voice, she called, in her sweetest
tones, "What are you doing up there, lovely lady?"[129]

The fairy, who was as good as she was beautiful, tried to comfort the slave by
talking with her. The acquaintance was soon made; an innocent soul is unsuspicious
in friendship. The fairy, without distrust, told the negress all that had happened
to her and the prince, why she was alone in the forest, and how she was every
instant expecting Carlino with a grand equipage to conduct his bride to the king of
the Vermilion Towers, and to marry her there in the presence of all the court.

On hearing this story, the wicked and envious negress conceived an abominable idea.
"Madame," said she, "if the prince is coming with all his suite, you must be ready
to meet him. Your hair is all in disorder; let me come to you, and I will comb it."

"With pleasure," answered the fairy, with a gracious smile, as she stretched out a
little white hand, which looked, in Lucy's great black paw, like a crystal mirror
in an ebony frame.

No sooner had she climbed the tree than the wicked slave untied the fairy's hair
and began to comb it; then, all at once, taking her great hair-pin, she pierced her
to the brain. Feeling herself wounded, the fairy cried, "Palomba! Palomba!" when
she instantly turned to a wood-pigeon and flew away. The horrible negress took her
victim's place, and stretched out her neck among the foliage, looking like a statue
of jet in a niche of emerald.[130]

Meanwhile the prince, mounted on a magnificent horse, was riding thither at full
speed, followed by a long cavalcade. Poor Carlino was astonished to find a crow
where he had left a swan. He almost lost his reason, his voice was choked with
tears, and he gazed in all directions, hoping to see his bride among the foliage.
But the negress, putting on a suffering air, said to him, casting down her eyes,
"Look no farther, my prince; a wicked fairy has made me her victim, and a wretched
fate has changed your lily to charcoal."

Though he cursed the fairies who had played on his credulity, Carlino, like a true
prince, would not break his word. He gallantly gave his hand to Lucy and helped her
to descend from the tree, all the while heaving sighs that would have melted a
heart of stone. When the negress was dressed like a princess, and covered with lace
and diamonds that adorned her as the stars adorn the night, by rendering the
darkness still more visible, Carlino seated her at his right hand, in a magnificent
carriage lined with plate-glass and drawn by six white horses, and took his way to
the palace, as happy as a criminal with the rope about his neck.

The old king came to meet them a league from the castle. The wonderful stories of
his son had turned his brain. In spite of etiquette and against the remonstrances
of his courtiers, he hastened to admire the incomparable beauty of his daughter-in-
law. "Upon my word," he exclaimed,[131] at the sight of a crow instead of the dove
that had been promised him—"upon my word, this is too much. I knew that my son was
mad, but I did not know that he was blind. Is this the spotless lily that he has
been to the end of the world to seek? Is this the rose fresher than the morning
dew, the miracle of beauty that has come from the rind of a citron? Does he think
that I will bear this new insult to my gray hairs? Does he think that I will leave
to mulatto children the empire of the Vermilion Towers, the glorious inheritance of
my ancestors? This baboon shall never enter my palace."

The prince fell at his father's feet and tried to move him. The prime minister, a
man of great experience, remonstrated with his master that, at court, black often
becomes white and white black in the space of twenty-four hours; and that there was
no reason to be astonished at such a very natural metamorphosis. What was the king
of the Vermilion Towers to do? He was a king and a father, and by this double title
always accustomed to do the will of others. He yielded and consented with a bad
grace to this strange union. The court gazette announced to the whole kingdom the
happy choice that the prince had made, and ordered the people to rejoice. The
wedding was postponed for a week; it was impossible to make the preparations for
the ceremony in less time than this.

The negress was lodged in a magnificent suite of apartments;[132] countesses

disputed with one another the honor of putting on her slippers; and duchesses
obtained, not without difficulty, the glorious privilege of handing her her
nightgown. The town and castle were adorned with flags of all colors; walls were
thrown down, yews were planted, walks were graveled, old speeches were furbished
up, stale compliments were newly framed, and poems and sonnets that had done duty
everywhere were patched up anew. There was but one idea in the kingdom—that of
thankfulness to the prince for having chosen a wife so worthy of him.

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