increased over the years and more food needs to be produced every year
Tillage is often classified into two types, primary and secondary. There
between tillage that is deeper and more thorough (primary) and tillage
"Tillage" can also mean the land that is tilled. The word "cultivation"
Types of Tillage.
Primary tillage: loosens the soil and mixes in fertilizer and/or plant
preparing the seed bed. It also provides weed control throughout the
growing season during the maturation of the crop plants, The seed bed
Conservation tillage
fields before and after planting the next crop, to reduce soil erosion and
surface must be covered with residue after planting the next crop. Some
moldboard plowing.
either hasn't been tilled at all (no-till) or has been tilled only in narrow
inches high. The previous crop's residue is cleared off ridge-tops into
adjacent furrows to make way for the new crop being planted on ridges.
Mulch-till is any other reduced tillage system that leaves at least one
Environmental benefits
soil particles from rain and wind until new plants produce a
the crop
Dries the soil before seeding (in wetter climates tillage aids in
to store water
Chemical runoff
Types of Tillage
Tillage operations are broadly grouped into two types based on the time
Types of Primary Tillage
carried out. They are deep ploughing, subsoiling and year-round tillage.
Deep Tillage
Deep ploughing turns out large sized clods, which are baked by the hot
exposure to hot sun. Summer deep ploughing kills pests due to exposure
A deep tillage of 25-30 cm depth is necessary for deep rooted crop like
Hard pans may be present in the soil which restrict root growth of crops.
These may be silt pans, iron or aluminium pans, clay pans or -man-made
pans. Man-made pans are tillage pans induced by repeated tillage at the
without any pans. When hard pans are present, they grow only up to
hard pan, say 15-20 cm. Similarly, vertical root growth of sugarcane is
spread. Subsoiling is breaking the hard pan without inversion and with
less disturbance of top soil. A narrow cut is made in the top soil while
share of the subsoiler shatters hard pans. Chisel ploughs are also used to
break hard pans present even at 60-70 cm. The effect of subsoiling does
Year-round Tillage
Tillage operations carried out throughout the year are known as year-
the help of summer showers. Repeated tillage operations are carried out
until sowing of the crop. Even after harvest of the crop, the field is
Secondary Tillage
Lighter or finer operations performed on the soil after primary tillage are
known as secondary tillage. After ploughing, the fields are left with
to compact the soil lightly. Thus the field is made ready for sowing after
After the seedbed preparation, the field is laid out properly for irrigation
and sowing or planting seedlings. These operations are crop specific. For
most of the crops like wheat, soybean, pearl millet, groundnut, castor
etc., fIat levelled seedbed is prepared. After the secondary tillage, these
crops are sown without any land treatments. However, growing crops
Broadbed and furrows (BBF) are, therefore, formed before the onset of
For some crops like maize, vegetables etc., the field has to be laid out
Crops like tobacco, tomato, chillies are planted with equal inter and
The tillage operations that are carried out in the standing crop are called
and intercultivation.