Consumer Protection Regulations GN 5 of 2012
Consumer Protection Regulations GN 5 of 2012
Consumer Protection Regulations GN 5 of 2012
GN 135/1999
Regulations made by the Minister under section 35 of the Consumer Protection (Price and
Supplies Control) Act
2. In these regulations-
"authorised dealer" has the same meaning as in the Consumer Protection (Licensing of
Authorised Dealers in Imported Second-Hand Motor Vehicles) Regulations 2000.
“authorised dealer” has the same meaning as in the Consumer Protection (Importation and
Sale of Second-hand Motor Vehicles) Regulations 2004
"bonded warehouse" has the same meaning as in the Customs Act 1988;
"bull bar" means any structure, made of steel, stainless steel, aluminium, or any other alloy,
metal or other hard material, in the nature of a crash bar fitted to the front or the rear of a
vehicle, whether it is an integral part of the original design of the vehicle or not;
"classic or vintage motor car" means a motor car which has been registered on or before 31
December 1948;
"plastic carry bag" has the same meaning as in the Environment Protection (Plastic Carry
Bags) Regulations 2004;
"customs territory"-
(a) means that part of Mauritius over which customs authority is exercisable
excluding a Freeport zone; and
(b) with respect to fit import of rough diamonds, includes a freeport zone;
"freeport zone" has the same meaning as in the Freeport Act 1992;
"hook of small size" has the same meaning as in the Fisheries and Marine Resources
(Prohibition of the Use of Hooks of Small Size) Regulations 2011;
Added by [GN No. 173 of 2011 w.e.f. 08.10.11]
"H.S. Code" means the H.S. Code referred to in the Customs Tariff Act;
'import” -
(a) means bring into the customs territory or cause to be brought into the customs
territory; and
(b) includes the removal of goods from the freeport zone for the local market;
"motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act;
1“originating from Japan” means, in relation to any second-hand motor vehicle parts and
accessories or any vehicle specified in item 4A of the fifth Schedule, exported from Japan, as
from 11 March 2011-06-11
(a) Directly to Mauritius; or
(b) To Mauritius and passing through any other country on their voyage to Mauritius
whether transhipped in that other country or not;
"Permanent Secretary" means the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry responsible for the
subject of commerce-,
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 3, amended regulation 2 of the principal regulations by inserting, in
the appropriate alphabetical order, the new definition of “originating from Japan”, “Radiation Protection
Authority “ and “transhipment”
4. Subject to regulation 7, no person shall import any controlled goods unless he holds an
import permit.
14A. Notwithstanding the other provisions of these regulations, no person shall import any
second –hand motor vehicle parts and accessories originating from Japan.
5. (1) Any person who imports any controlled goods shall apply for an import permit
from the Permanent Secretary.
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 4, amended the principal regulations by inserting, after regulation 4,
the new regulation 4A.
(5) The Permanent Secretary shall, in relation to the goods set out in the, second
column of the Fourth Schedule, grant an import permit, subject to the restrictions
set out in the third column of the Fourth Schedule.
(6) The Permanent Secretary shall, in relation to the goods set out in the second
column of the Fifth Schedule, grant an import permit subject to the conditions
set out in the third column of the Fifth Schedule.
(ii) already imported and which have not been certified to be free
from removable radioactive surface contamination by the
Radiation Protection Authority, exceeds 20.
(2) Any controlled goods shall be shipped on or before the expiry date of the import
(3) The Permanent Secretary may, where the holder of the permit makes a written
request to that effect, amend any of the following matters contained in the permit
(a) the quantity of goods;
(a) the value of the goods;
(b) the country of origin;
(c) country from which goods are consigned;
(d) name and address of beneficiary;
(e) mode of payment; and
(f) the name of the bank.
(4) An import permit issued under these regulations shall be without prejudice to the
obligation of the importer to comply with any other enactment in force in
Mauritius relating to the goods covered by the import permit.
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 5, amended regulation 6 (1) (a) of the principal regulations, by deleting
the words “be issued within 3 working days after the effective date and”.
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, Regulation 6 (1) (a) read as follows:
“be issued within 3 working days after the effective date - and be valid for a maximum period of 12 months;”
(6) Subject to paragraph (2) of regulation 8, no person other than the holder of the
import permit, shall retain the permit in his custody.
8. (1) No bank shall, in respect of the importation of any controlled goods, open a
letter of credit or effect any payment in foreign currency in favour of any person
except on production of the original import permit.
(2) The bank shall retain the original import permit produced under paragraph (1).
19. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Permanent Secretary may, on good cause shown
by the importer in respect of controlled goods already imported, grant an import
permit subject to the payment by the importer to the Accountant-General of a
fee of -
(a) subject to subparagraph (aa), 50,000 rupees in the case of a second-
hand motor vehicle;
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 6 (a) (i), amended regulation 9 (1) (a) of the principal regulations, by
deleting the words “25,000 rupees” and replacing them by the words “subject to subparagraph (aa), 50,000
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, Regulation9 (1) (a) read as follows:
“25,000 rupees in the case of a second-hand motor vehicle;”
1(aa) 100,000 rupees in the case of a vehicle specified at item 4A of the Fifth
2(2) (a) The fee of 50,000 rupees payable under paragraph 1 (a) shall not apply
to the categories of importers specified in Part I of the Eighth Schedule.
(b) The fee of 5,000 rupees payable under paragraph 1(b) shall not apply to
the categories of importers specified in Part II of the Eighth Schedule.
Amended by [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN No. 69 of 2003]; [GN No. 195 of 2004]
10. (1) No person shall remove any controlled goods from the customs unless-
(a) he holds an import permit; and
(b) he obtains the written approval of the Permanent Secretary.
(2) The Permanent Secretary may, for the purpose of granting an approval under
paragraph (1), request the importer to furnish the original and one copy of the
relevant invoice of the goods together with the original and one copy of the
related Bill of Lading or Airway Bill, or other document of title acceptable to the
Permanent Secretary, or Postal Receipt or the Notice of Arrival of goods issued
by an organisation providing a courier service as the case may be and such
additional information or document as he may reasonably requireand consult
such person as he considers necessary.
a w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 6 (a) (ii), amended regulation 9 (1) of the principal regulations by
inserting, after subparagraph (a), the new subparagraph (aa).
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 6 (b), amended regulation 9 (2) (a) of the principal regulations, by
deleting the figure “25,000 rupees” and replacing them by the figure “50,000”.
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, Regulation9 (2) (a) read as follows:
“The fee of 25,000 rupees payable under paragraph 1 (a) shall not apply to the categories of importers specified
in Part I of the Eighth Schedule.”
1(3) (a) Subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), the Permanent Secretary shall
grant an approval' subject to such conditions as he thinks fit and, in
relation to goods specified in the second column of the Fifth Schedule,
subject to the additional conditions specified in the third column of that
(b) Subject to the Fifth Schedule, where an importer fails to furnish the pre-
shipment inspection certificate required at item 4(a)(vii), item 4(b)(iii),
item 4(c)(vii) and item 4(d)(ix) of the Fifth Schedule, the Permanent
Secretary shall grant an approval to the importer subject to -
(i) the payment of a fee of 15,000 rupees to the Accountant-
(ii) the vehicle being inspected by the local branch of Bureau Veritas
or any local inspection body acceptable by the Permanent
Secretary; and
Amended by [GN No. 166 of 2011, w.e.f 20.09.2011]
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 7 (a), amended regulation 10 (3) (a) of the principal regulations, by
deleting the words “within 3 working days after the effective date”.
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, Regulation10 (3) (a) read as follows:
“Subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), the Permanent Secretary shall grant an approval' within 3 working days
after the effective date subject to such conditions as he thinks fit and, in relation to goods specified in the
second column of the Fifth Schedule, subject to the additional conditions specified in the third column of that
(d) Subject to subparagraph (e), where the date of issue of the import
permit is after the date of shipment of a second-hand motor vehicle or of
any other controlled goods, the Permanent Secretary may grant an
approval subject to payment by the importer to the Accountant-General
of a fee of-
1(i) 50,000 rupees in the case of a second-hand motor vehicle;
“The payment of the fee of 15,000 rupees under sub paragraph (b)(i) shall not apply to an importer specified at
paragraph 7 of Part I of the Eighth Schedule.”
(e) The fees of 50,000 rupees and 5,000 rupees payable under
subparagraph (d) shall not apply to importers specified in Parts I and II of
the Eighth Schedule respectively.
Amended by [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN No. 69 of 2003]; [GN No. 195 of 2004]
Amended by [GN No. 79 of 2011, w.e.f 23.05.2011]
11. (1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Permanent Secretary shall not approve the
removal of goods under regulation 10 if -
(a) the importer does not produce the documents specified in regulation
(b) the additional information or other document requested under regulation
10(2) has not been furnished;
(c) after consulting any person, he is satisfied that the removal of goods
cannot be approved.
(2) For the purpose of approving the removal of goods from the Customs, the
Permanent Secretary may, in the absence of the original invoice and the
relevant shipping documents, accept-
(a) an invoice and a Bill of Lading, an Airway Bill, a Postal Receipt or a
Notice of Arrival of goods issued by an organisation providing a courier
service which have been received from overseas through a telefacsimile
apparatus; or
(c) the original Customs Provisional Bill of Entry and the final Customs Bill of
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 7 (d), amended regulation 10 (3) (e) of the principal regulations, by
deleting the figure “25,000” and replacing it by the figure “50,000”
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, Regulation10 (3) (e) read as follows:
“The fees of 25,000 rupees and 5,000 rupees payable under subparagraph (d) shall not apply to importers
specified in Parts I and II of the Eighth Schedule respectively.”
(2) Any person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to return any contaminated
vehicle within the period specified under paragraph (1) shall commit an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 100,000 rupees and to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.
11C. Any security by means of a bank guarantee, issued by a Bank in Mauritius for the
purpose of these regulations, shall not be released unless there is written approval of
the permanent Secretary.
11D. Item 4(a)(vii)(B) of the Fifth Schedule shall not apply to a motor car, specified in Sub-
part A of Part III of the First Schedule to the Excise Act, which is shipped on or before 31
October 2011 by an importer referred to in paragraph 6 of Part I of the Eighth Schedule.
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 8, amended the principal regulations, by by inserting, after regulation
11A, the new regulations 11B and 11C
(2) The Supplies (Control of Imports) Regulations 1991 shall continue to apply to
any matter relating to the importation of controlled goods under an import permit
issued prior to the coming into force of these regulations.
13. These regulations shall come into operation on the 30 August 1999.
(regulation 2)
General Goods
15.11 ... Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically
15.12 ... ... Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and their fractions, whether
or not refined, but not chemically modified
15.14 ... ... ... ... Rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions whether or not refined but
not chemically modified
1515.21 ... ... ... Maize (corn) oil and its fractions (crude)
1515.29 ... ... ... Maize (corn) oil and its fractions (other)
27.09 ... ... ... ... Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals crude
27.10 ... ... ... ... Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals other than
crude oil, white spirit, lubricating oil and greases.
3604.10 ... ... ... Fireworks (including fireworks commonly known as "petards"
Plastic carry bags (vest type)
6811.10 - Sheets
6811 30 - Pipes, tubes and accessories, fittings
6811.20 - Tiles
6811.90 - Flowering pots
6811.20 - Panels
6811.90 – Wash basins
6811.90 - Chimney cowls
6811.90 - Gutters of asbestos cement
6811.90 - Sign plates, sinks, letters and numbers
6811.90 - Structural frames
6811.90 - Washers, troughs
6811.90 - Window frames, Window sills reservoirs
6812.50 - Thread, knitted and woven fabric, clothing headgear, Footwear, clothing
6812.60 - Paper, millboard and felt of asbestos and asbestos mixtures
6812.70 - Compressed asbestos fibre jointing
6812.90 - Cords, strings
6813.10 - Brake linings, brake pads
6813.90 - Friction material and articles thereof (valves, filters, clutch facings and
71.8 ... Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-
manufactured forms, or in powder form
7102.21} Rough diamonds (other than those imported from Liberia)
7112.10 ... ... .. Waste and scrap of gold including metal clad with gold but excluding
sweepings containing other precious metals
Falling under Chapter 72 ..Corrugated iron sheets excluding of a type commonly known as
"Tole Canadien"
90.16... Balances
8516.10 ... ... ... Electric water heaters and immersion heaters and parts thereof
85.44 ... ... ... ... Electric Cable insulated with plastic materials Armoured Electric Cables
8536.20 - Automatic Circuit Breaker with Residual Current Devices<1000 V
8536.501 - Residual Current Switches<1000 V ('interrupteur differentiel')
8536.901 - Leakage modules<1000 V
87.02 ... ... ... ... Public transport type, passenger motor vehicles, bus
89.02 ... ... ... ... Fishing vessels, factory ships and other vessels for processing or
preserving fishery products
90.17 ... ... ... Instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand (for example
measuring rods and tapes)
9504.301- Games operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or other means
of payment, other than bowling alley equipment, in completely knocked
down condition
9504.309- Games operated by coins, banknotes, bank cards, tokens or other means
of payment, other than bowling alley equipment, not in completely knocked
down conditio
Tubes and Hoses (other than tubes and hoses consisting of a metal reinforcement) for
connecting liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders to domestic gas appliances.
Added by [GN No. 139 of 2000]; [GN No. 24 of 2001]; [GN No. 34 of 2002]; [GN No. 143 of
2002]; [GN No. 3 of 2003]; [GN No. 34 of 2003]; [GN No. 181 of 2003]; [GN No. 65 of 2004];
[GN No.176 of 2004]; [GN No. 191 of 2004]; [GN No. 76 of 2005]; [GN No. 99 of 2005]; [GN
No. 181 of 2005]; [GN No. 26 of 2006]; [GN No. 63 of 2006]; [GN No. 122 of 2006]; [GN No.
145 of 2006]; [GN No. 246 of 2006]; [GN No. 52 of 2007]; [GN No. 42 of 2008], ; [GN No.
182 of 2011 w.e.f. 29.10.11]; [GN No. 191 of 2011]
(regulation 2)
2. Explosive caps for toy pistols and guns containing a mixture of potassium chlorate and
red phosphorus
5. Motor vehicle rubber tyres which have been remoulded, recapped or regrooved
6. Kerosene stoves of a type commonly known as "lampes vertes" and parts thereof
10. Sugar and chocolate confectionary and bubble/chewing gum in the form of cigarettes
(g) Filters;
(h) Hoses;
(j) Belts;
(m) Bearings;
(p) Body shells of motor-cars or any parts of motor-cars originally welded by the
manufacturer to their structured body shells or chassis"
(q) Jacks;
(r) second-hand motor vehicles tyres other than second-hand motor vehicle tyres
imported by any firm operating in the export processing zone for re-export as
retreaded tyres.
13. "Roll your own cigarettes" papers imported under H.S. Code No. 48.13
14. Electric Water Heater with bare element and parts and accessories thereof
(a) Actinolite
(b) Anthophylite
(c) Amosite
(d) Tremolite
30. Amended by [GN No. 49 of 2005]; Deleted by [GN No. 164 of 2005]
32. Any jelly confectionery including jelly mini cups or mini capsules which are intended for
human consumption and contain E425 (konjac), including konjac gum or konjac
33. Any jelly mini cup or any jelly mini capsule which is intended for human consumption
and which contains food additives E400 (alginic acid), E401 (sodium i alginate), E402
(potassium alginate), E403 (ammonium alginate), E404 (calcium alginate), E405
(propane - 1,2 - diol alginate), E406 (agar), E407 (carrageenan), E407a (processed
eucheuma seaweed), E410 (locust bean gum), E412 (guar gum), E413 (tragacanth),
E414 (acacia gum), E415 (xantham gum), E417 (taragum) and E418 (gellangum).
38. Fishing hook of small size Added by [GN No. 173 of 2011 w.e.f. 08.10.11]
Added by [GN N0. 163 of 1999]; [GN No. 165 of 1999]; [GN No. 72 of 2000]; [GN No. 139 of
2000]; [GN No. 19 of 2002]; [GN No. 52 of 2003]; [GN No. 185 of 2003]; [GN No. 65 of
2004]; [GN No. 66 of 2004]; [GN No. 73 of 2004]; [GN No. 119 of 2004]; [GN No. 49 of
2005]; [GN No. 164 of 2005]; [GN No. 71 of 2006]; [GN No. 121 of 2006]; [GN No. 21 of
(regulation 5 (2)(b))
I. Application
......................................................................... hereby apply for a permit to import into Mauritius
the goods described below. I/we undertake to observe the conditions under which this permit is
Validity of Permit..........................................................
Conditions of
Date ..........................................
Permanent Secretary
*Insert full name of applicant - person or firm (Block Capitals)
+Insert full Postal business address of applicant (Block Capitals)
**Unit of quantity to be the same as the one used for Customs Bill of Entry. The weight and
volume (as appropriate should be indicated).
++ Specify date.
(v)Bank draft, Letter of Credit Air Mail Transfer, Money Order, Draft against Documents,
Telegraphic Transfer, Postal Order.
V. Instructions to Importers
1. The application for an import permit which is to be submitted in triplicate, must be
accompanied by the following documents –
(a) a photocopy of the National Identity card or the certificate of incorporation of the
applicant as the case may be if goods to be imported is a second-hand motor
(b) a photocopy of the appropriate Trading Licence of the applicant if controlled
goods are imported for the first time for resale.
(regulation 5(5))
Restrictions on controlled goods
Description of controlled goods Type of restriction
10. Used, scrapped and second hand (a) Total restriction on importation for
goods (other than essential second resale;
hand motor vehicle parts and
11. Second-hand motor cycle/ autocycle (b) Total restriction on importation for
Parts and into motorcycles/autocycles. resale or local assembly accessories
1. Rice (imported by Traders other - Should not exceed 10% broken rice.
than State Trading Corporation)
2. Weighing and measuring Each and every instrument should be clearly and
instruments not for trade use indelibly marked "Not for trade use"
(a)Motor cars, dual purpose (i) be between 18 months and 4 years from the
vehicles (including 2x4 and 4x4 date of first registration, at the date of shipment,
double-cab truck but excluding except for the first vehicle imported by the
van and double cab heavy duty categories of importers specified in paragraphs 1
lorry); to 6 of Part I of the Eighth Schedule.
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 9 (a), amended the Fifth Schedule of the principal regulations, in the
heading, by deleting the words “Regulation 5(6)” and replacing them by the words “Regulations 5(6) and 10”
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, the heading read as follows:
“regulation 5(6)”
Amended by [GN No. 47 of 2000]; [GN No. 24 of 2001]; [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN
No. 69 of 2003]; [GN No. 185 of 2003]; [GN No. 195 of 2004]
Amended by [GN No. 47 of 2000]; [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN No. 69 of 2003]; [GN
No. 185 of 2003]; [GN No. 195 of 2004]; [GN No. 123 of 2008]
(c) Vans (other than motor Vans (other than motor buses) designed to carry
buses) designed to carry goods, goods, and/or to carry not more than 7 persons
and/or to carry not more than 7 including the driver shall:
persons including the driver
(i) be not more than 5 years from the date of first
registration, except for a vehicle imported by the
categories of importers specified in paragraphs 1
to 6 of Part I of the Eighth Schedule;
(e) Motor-cycle ... . ... The motor-cycle should be less than one year old
at the time of shipment
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 9 (b), amended the Fifth Schedule of the principal regulations, by
inserting after item 4, the new item 4A
17. Electric Cable insulated with (a) Shall comply with MS 17 and MS 113;
plastic materials
(b) A certificate from the Mauritius Standards
Bureau shall be obtained prior to the clearance of
the goods from the Customs.
21. Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, (a) Shall comply with the International Standard
refillable ISO 9994:2002 or any other equivalent standard;
22. Life-jackets (a) Shall comply with the specifications set out in
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention.
24. Rough diamonds (other than (a) A valid Kimberley Process Certificate issued
those imported from Liberia) by the appropriate authority of the exporting
country shall be submitted to the Ministry, prior to
the clearance of the diamonds from the Customs.
Where A, B and n are constants in accordance with the table, PN is the rated engine power in
kW and the exhaust emissions are measured in accordance with the harmonized standards.
In kW Level = LpASmax In dB
11<PN≤40 72
PN>40 75
Where PN = rated engine power in kW at rated speed and LpASmax = maximum sound
pressure level in dB
27. Residual current operated (a) Shall comply with the International Standards
circuit-breakers for household BS EN 61008 BS EN 61009, IEC 61008 or IEC
and similar uses 61009 or any other equivalent standard.
Amended by [GN No. 47 of 2000]; [GN No. 48 of 2000]; [GN No. 139 of 2000]; [GN No.
34 of 2002]; [GN No. 3 of 2003]; [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN No. 69 of 2003]; [GN No. 191
of 2004]; [GN No. 195 of 2004]; [GN No. 26 of 2006]; [GN No. 63 of 2006]; [GN No. 52 of
2007]; [GN No. 42 of 2008]; [GN No. 123 of 2008]; [GN No. 140 of 2008]; [GN No. 51 of
2009]; [GN No. 155 of 2009]; [GN No. 131 of 2011]w.e.f. 30.06.11
(regulation 10 and Fifth Schedule)
Email No.:……………………………………………..
2. Particulars of applicant:
(a) Name:…………………………………………………………………
(b) Address:………………………………………………………………
Email address:……………………………………
(3) Model:………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(b) that the vehicle as described above is roadworthy and usable; and
(ba) that the actual CO2 emission in grammes per kilometre of the vehicle is correct; and
Amended by [GN No. 137 of 2011 w.e.f. 13.07.11]
(c) the findings as set out in the vehicle Inspection Sheets I and II annexed.
(Tick as appropriate)
H: Hole X Yes X No X
XX: Replaced X Severe X
P: Painted X Moderate X
M: Marking of Letter of Make removed X Light X
L: Letter of Make remaining X
Date of Issue:……………………………..
Capacity in which acting……………………
* to confirm under Heading Remarks whether the vehicle was reconditioned after having been
damaged by accident or by natural calamities including flood.
(Tick as appropriate)
Date of Issue:……………………………..
Capacity in which acting……………………
*to confirm under Heading Remarks whether the “smoke emission” of the vehicle is in
conformity with the appropriate Japanese/European Standards, or in the case of a diesel-
driven motor vehicle, it has a maximum capacity of 50 per cent.
Amended by [GN No. 39 of 2003]; [GN No. 69 of 2003] [GN No. 195 of 2004]
(Fifth Schedule)
Part I
4. A foreign firm engaged in a Government project or any other project of national interest
importing its own vehicles from abroad involving no transfer of funds from Mauritius.
5. A foreigner who is –
(c) a retired non-citizen who has been granted a residence permit under section 9B
of the Immigration Act; or
(d) a holder of immovable property under the Integrated Resort Scheme who has
been granted a residence permit under section 5(1)(g) of the Immigration Act
importing a motor car for his own use from abroad without any transfer of funds from
Part II
2. Firms importing for the account of the Government, local authorities and para-statal
6. Religious, educational and benevolent institutions importing controlled goods for their
own use or for free distribution.
7. An individual importing from abroad for bona fide personal use controlled goods of a
value not exceeding 15,000 rupees; or an incoming passenger bringing in his luggage
controlled goods of a value not exceeding 15,000 rupees.
9. Companies operating in the Export Processing Zone importing equipment, tools, spare
parts and raw materials that appear on their schedule lists of equipment and raw
w.e.f 23.05.11, GN 79 of 2011, regulation 10, amended the Eighth Schedule of the principal regulations, by
deleting item 7
As at 22.05.11 before amendments as per GN 79 of 2011, item 7 of the Eighth Schedule read as follows:
“An individual importing a second-hand motor vehicle for his bona fide personal use covered by a Bill of Lading
and the relevant manifest including any amendment as may be authorised by the Comptroller of Customs
showing his name as consignee;”
4. A foreign firm engaged in a Government project or any other project of national interest
importing its own motor buses for the transport of its employees involving no transfer of
funds from Mauritius.