Draft NEP Regulation UG Courses 07012022
Draft NEP Regulation UG Courses 07012022
Draft NEP Regulation UG Courses 07012022
Jnanabharathi Campus
Bengaluru - 560056
Draft Regulations
Four-Year Undergraduate Programmes
as per NEP-2020
(effective from 2021-22)
October 2021
Jnanabharathi campus, Bengaluru
Systematic and structural education is the most effective path for developing and exploiting
our country’s vast skills and resources to benefit individuals, communities, the country, and
the globe. Over the next decade, India will have the world’s most promising, production of
young population, and our capacity to offer them high-quality educational opportunities
will decide the country's future.
The cornerstone of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is the UN’s interrelated 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the fourth objective (SDG-4) on quality
education. The NEP intends to induce a paradigm shift by re-conceptualising higher
education as well as re-visioning and redesigning essential components of higher education
in India, in line with the UN’s goal. The NEP’s ideals are in accordance with the objective
of education in the 21stcentury. As a result, the NEP emphasises the development of
literacy and numeracy, as well as higher-order cognitive talents such as critical thinking
and knowledge to solve social, ethical, and emotional challenges.
The NEP Regulations for Four-Year Undergraduate Program were drafted by the committee
over the course of more than three months. The University's Faculty Members were given the
opportunity to comment on the proposed NEP rules 2020, which were subsequently approved
by the Faculty of Arts, Science and Commerce, and the Academic Council for implementation
commencing in the academic year 2021-22.
As per the NEP, the structure and durations of University degree programmes are modified.
The undergraduate degree is structured for either three or four years with multiple exit
options and appropriate certifications. Students are eligible for obtaining a certificate after
one year of study; a diploma is awarded after two years of study, and a Bachelor’s degree
is awarded after a three-year programme. Students can pursue a four-year multidisciplinary
Bachelor’s degree to gain exposure to the whole spectrum of holistic education while
focusing on their chosen major and minor areas.
As NEP is based on a Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), the accumulated credits of a
student are digitally stored in the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) system. If a student
chooses to transfer to a different Higher Education Institution (HEI) to study a particular
topic, previous semester credits will be digitally transferred to the new HEI.The credits
earned by the student will be transferable across numerous recognised higher education
institutions within the state/country, allowing degrees to be awarded from any of the HEIs
based on the credits earned. The 4-year programme may lead to a degree with Research if a
student completes a research project as per the curriculum.
For the state of Karnataka, the Karnataka State Higher Education Council has suggested a
model curriculum framework and an implementation plan. Its mission is to propose and
support implementing plans and programmes that increase academic quality and the state’s
academic and Research environment. The suggested curricular framework aims to empower
students by assisting them in their quest for total excellence.
This Multidisciplinary Undergraduate programme aims to improve the student’s community
with the implementation of flexible and creative curricula. This encompasses a wide variety of
disciplines in order to expose students to a broad range of information and experience while
focusing on one or two areas in particular.The curriculum would fulfil the significant
knowledge criteria for vocational, professional, and skill development since it
incorporateshumanities, arts, social, physical, and mathematical sciences, life sciences, sports,
and culture.
The post-graduate programme is restructured into a one-year Master’s degree for four-year
honours degree graduates and a two-year Master’s degree for three-year degree holders, based
on the major/minor fields chosen in the fifth and sixth semesters of the undergraduate degree
d) Students can have exit options in Five-Years Integrated Master’s Degree programme at
the end of the third year programme with a Bachelor’s degree and the end of the fourth
year with a Bachelor’s Honours degree.
e) There may also be an integrated doctoral programme with an exit option at the end of
the first year with the Master’s degree.
f) Students who leave with a Certification, Diploma, or a Basic Bachelor’s Degree will
be eligible to re-enter the programme at the exit level to compete or progress to the
next level.
g) The curriculum combines conceptual understanding with practical involvement and
thinking to impart applicable knowledge through laboratory experiences, field work,
internships, workshops, and research projects.
h) All students must take a few required courses that will help them expand their
horizons. In any academic discipline, however, two areas of specialisation allow for
in-depth knowledge of the subject.
i) Students select a ‘major discipline’ and a ‘minor discipline’ from a list of two
disciplines/subjects provided by theinstitution. Students are expected to gain in-depth
disciplinary understanding through theoretical and practical experiences, as well as an
adequate knowledge base that is studied as a ‘minor discipline’. Students can choose
subject combinations across the ‘streams’.
j) Students are allowed to study two subjects in each semester upto the sixth semester.To
acquire an Honours degree,they must select one of the disciplines in the fourth year.
On the other hand, if studentswish to possess another Honours degree in the second
subject studied, they mustrepeat the fourth year of the course in the second subject as
a major.
k) The students may study two disciplines at the same level or breadth up to the sixth
semester and choose one of them for study in the fourth year to obtain the Honours
degree in that discipline. A student who wishes to get dual degrees may repeat the
fourth year of the program in the second discipline.
l) In the undergraduate degree, students might concentrate on one discipline, a
vocational field or Teacher Education. They will obtain an Honours degree in either
the discipline or the vocational subject/Teacher Education or both.
m) Skills must be explicitly integrated, prominently exhibited, taught in context, and
evaluated explicitly. The skills shall include language, communication and life skills,
andworking in various teams such as critical thinking, problem-solving and data
n) Students will have the option of selecting courses from a range of alternatives
available at the school. There will be no constraint in the subject combinations.
In terms of academic standards and assessment methods, the four-year CBCS maintains a
university's output up to date with worldwide trends. Bangalore University must consider
adopting this strategy in globalising Indian higher education so that students can travel both
inside and outside of geographical domains.
Each course carriesa defined number of credits. The credits are based on the course structure,
including the teaching mode and the number of contact hours for lecture, tutorial, and
practical classes. One hour of theory/tutorial teaching per week equals one credit, and two
hours of laboratory/demonstration classes per week equals one credit. Credits are considered
based onthe number of contact hours, course content, teaching methodology, allotted
maximum marks.While calculating the grading, one credit is equal to 25 marks in a
semester.Thus, a 3 or 4 credit course will receive 100 marks, a 2 credit course would receive
50 marks, and a single credit course will receive 25 marks. The proportion of marks earned in
a course and the credits given to that course are used to calculate the Semester Grade Point
Average (SGPA) or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
of the total creditsof all courses in all the semesters. It is expressed up to two decimal
m) Transcript or Grade Card or Certificate: Based on the grades earned, a graded
certificate shall be issued to all the registered students after every semester. The
gradecertificate will display the course details (code, title, number of credits, grade
3.1 Faculty of Arts
a) Bachelor of Arts, B.A. and Bachelor of Arts with Honours, B.A.(Hons.), Master of
Arts (Integrated), M.A. (Integrated) and Master of Arts, M.A. in various
b) Bachelor of Social Work, B.S.W., Bachelor of Social Work with Honours, B.S.W.
(Hons.) and Master of Social Work, M.S.W.
c) Bachelor of Arts, B.A. in Choreography / Dance & Music, Music-Hindustani (vocal/
instrumental) and Music-Carnatic music (vocal/instrumental) and Theatre (Drama).
d) Bachelor of Fine Arts, B.F.A./ Bachelor of Performing Arts, B.P.A.& Bachelor of Fine
Arts with Honours, B.F.A.(Hons.)/ Bachelor of Performing Arts with Honours, B.P.A.
(Hons.) and Master of Performing Arts (M.P.A.) in Dance, Music and Theatre.
e) Bachelor of Visual Arts, B.V.A./ Bachelor of Visual Arts with Honours, B.V.A.
(Hons.) and / Master of Visual Arts (M.V.A.).
k) Bachelor of Science (Care &Welfare), B.Sc.(CW)/Bachelor of Care and Welfare, BCW;
Bachelor of Science (Care &Welfare) with Honours, B.Sc.(CW) (Hons.)/ Bachelor of
Care and Welfare with Honours, BCW (Hons.).
l) Bachelor of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design, B.Sc.(FAD) and Bachelor of
Science in Fashion and Apparel Design with Honours, B.Sc.(FAD) (Hons.) and
Master of Science in Fashion and Apparel Design, M.Sc.(FAD).
m) Bachelor of Science (Graphic Design), B.Sc.(GD), Bachelor of Science (Graphic
Design) with Honours, B.Sc.(GD) (Hons.) and Master of Science (Graphic Design),
n) Bachelor of Science in Interior Design & Decoration, B.Sc.(ID & D), Bachelor of
Science in Interior Design &Decoration with Honours, B.Sc.(ID&D) (Hons.) and
Master of Science in Interior Design & Decoration, M.Sc.(ID & D).
o) Bachelor of Science in Multimedia, B.Sc. (Multimedia) (Hons.) and Master of Science
in Multimedia/Electronic media.
m) Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, BHMCT and Master of
Hotel Management and Catering Technology, MHMCT
n) Bachelor of Tourism & Travel Management (B.T.T.M) and /Master of Tourism &
Travel Management (M.T.T.M)
The undergraduate degree should be three- or four-year, with multiple entries and exit options
within this period. The four-year multidisciplinary Bachelor’s programme is the preferred
option. It allows the opportunity to experience the full range of holistic and multidisciplinary
education, focusing on major and minor subjects as per the student’s preference. The four-
year programme may also lead to a degree in Research if the student completes a rigorous
research project in the study's major area(s).
Thus the undergraduate programmes shall extend over four academic years (Eight Semesters)
with multiple entries and exit options. The students can exit after the completion of one
academic year (Two semesters) with the Certificate in a discipline or a field; Diploma after
the study of Two academic years (Four Semesters); and Regular Bachelor Degree after the
completion of Three academic years (Six Semesters). The successful completion of Four
Years undergraduate Programmes would lead to Bachelor Degrees with Honours in a
discipline/subject.Each semester shall consist of at least 16 weeks of study with a minimum of
90 working days (excluding time spent for the conduct of final examination of each semester).
The students shall be required to earn at least fifty per cent of the credits from
further that, the student shallbe required toearn the required number ofcredits in the core
subject area necessary for the award of the degree or Diploma orCertificate,asspecifiedby
thedegree-awardingHEI,inwhich thestudentis
CGPA of 7.5 and wishes to pursue the fourth year of the undergraduateprogramme by
Research, shall be allowed to continue the programme with Research toobtain the Bachelor’s
degree with honours by Research, while other candidates
maycontinuetheirstudiesinthefourthyearoftheundergraduateprogrammewithorwithout a
research project along with other courses as prescribed for the programme
CandidateswhosuccessfullycompletetheirBachelor’sdegreewithhonours,withsuitable grades,
either by Research or with courses along with a research project, areeligibleto enter the
‘Doctoral (Ph.D.) Programme’ in a relevant discipline or to enter the ‘Two Semester
Master’s Degree programme”.
Candidates who wish to complete the undergraduate programmes faster may earn the
required number of credits and fulfilling all other requirements in N-1semesters (where N is
the number of semesters of an undergraduate programme). Thisfacility is available for
undergraduate programmes with a minimum duration of threeyears or six semesters. For
example, a candidate may obtain their Six SemestersBachelor’sdegreeaftercompletingfive-
semesteroftheprogramme,provided they have earned the required/ prescribed number of
credits and fulfil all otherrequirements for awarding the degree. Likewise, a candidate may
obtain their
EightSemestersBachelor’sdegreewithhonoursaftersuccessfullycompletingsevensemesters of
the programme, provided they have earned the required number of credits along with the
fulfilment of other requirementsforawarding the Bachelor’sdegree withhonours.
slowtrack.Theymaypursuethethreeyearsorsix- semesterprogrammesin4to5 years (8
to10semesters) andfour years or eight-semesterprogrammes in 5 to 6 years (10 to 12
semesters). As a result, higher educationinstitutions have to admit candidates not only for
programmes but also for subjects orcourses. But the new admissions are generally made at
the beginning of an academicyearorthebeginning ofodd semesters.
General Education has to be synchronised/aligned with skill and Vocational Education as per
National Skills Qualifications Framework. The level descriptors are given belowas described
in UGC Guidelines on National Skills Qualifications Framework. The curriculum should be
designed in a manner that at the end of year-1, year-2and year-3,students are able to meet the
below-mentioned level descriptors forLevels5,6and7of NSQF,respectively.
Lev Processrequired Professionalkno Professionalskill Coreskill Responsibility
els wledge
Lev A job Knowledge of A range of cognitive Desiredmathematical Responsibilityfor
el 5 thatrequireswell- facts,principles,p andpracticalskills is skill,understanding own workand
developedskill, rocessesand requiredtoaccomplish tasks ofsocial,politicalandsom learning&
with a generalconcepts andsolve problems byselecting eskillofcollecting someresponsibilityfo
clearchoiceofproc in a and andorganisinginformatio rother’sworks
eduresin a fieldofworkorstu applyingbasicmethods,tools,ma n,communication. andlearning
familiarcontext dy terialsandinformation
Lev Demandswide Factualand Arangeofcognitive Reasonablygoodin Responsibility
el 6 rangeof Theoretical andpracticalskills The mathematical forownwork
specialised knowledgein requiredtogenerate calculation, andlearning
technicalskill, broadcontexts solutionstospecific Understandingof andfull
clarity within a field problemsinan social,politicaland, responsibilityforothe
ofknowledge ofworkorstudy areaofworkorstudy reasonability goodin r’s worksand
andpracticein a datacollecting learning
broadrangeof organising information,
activitiesinvolving and logical
standard / non- communication
Lev Requirescomman Wide-ranging, Widerangeof Goodlogicaland Full
el 7 d ofwide-ranging factualand cognitiveandpractical mathematicalskill; responsibility
specialised theoretical skillsrequiredto understandingof foroutputof
theoreticaland knowledgein generatesolutionsto Social,politicaland groupand
practical broad specificproblemsin an area naturalenvironment; development
skill,involvingvar contextswithin a ofwork orstudy abilityincollectingand
iableroutine field organisinginformation,
andnon- ofworkorstudy communicationand
routinecontext presentationskill
Coreskillsrefertobasicskillsinvolvingdexterityanduseofmethods,materials,toolsandinstruments usedtoperformthejob,
including IT skillsneededforthatjob and
The responsibilityaspectdeterminesthe(i)natureofthe workingrelationship, (ii)level
ofresponsibilityforselfandothers,(iii)managingchangeand (iv)accountabilityforactions.
The progressive curriculum proposed shall position knowledge and skills required on the
continuum of novice problem solvers (at the entry-level of the programme) to expert problem
solvers (by the time of graduation):
➢ At the end of the first year – Ability to solve well-defined problems
➢ At the end of the second year – Ability to solve broadly-defined problems
➢ At the end of the third year – Ability to solve complex, ill-structured problems, requiring
multidisciplinary skills to solve them
During the fourth year – Experience of workplace problem-solving in the form of internship
or Research Experience preparing for higher education or Entrepreneurship Experience
The Integrated Master’s Degree Programmes shall extend over Five academic years (Ten
Semesters) with exit options with Regular Bachelor Degree after successful completion of
Three academic years (Six Semesters) of study and Bachelor Degree with Honours in a
discipline/subject at the end of Four academic years (Eight Semesters). Completing five years
of integrated Master’s Degree Programme would lead to a Master’s degree in a subject.
Credit Requirements:
The candidates shall complete courses equivalent to a minimum of
➢ 140 credits to become eligible for the Regular Bachelor Degree,
➢ 180 credits to become suitable for the Bachelor Degree with Honours
➢ 220 credits to become eligible for the Integrated Master’s Degree.
Master’s Degree Programmes will be of One Academic Year (Two Semesters)for the Four
Years Honours Degree holders and it will be of Two Academic Years(Four Semesters) for the
three years basic or three years Honours Degree holders.
Two Years Master’s Degree Programmes will have exit option at the end of OneAcademic
Year (Two Semesters) with the Post-Graduate Diplomas in the respectivedisciplines/ subjects,
provided they complete courses equal to a minimum of 44 credits.
➢ 44 credits after the Bachelor Degree to become eligible for the PG Diploma
➢ 88 credits after the Bachelor Degree to become eligible for the Master’s Degree
It is optional for the candidate to exit after two, four, and six semesters of the undergraduate
programme with a Certificate, Diploma, and Regular Bachelor Degree, respectively. They
will be eligible to re-join the programme at the exit level to complete the diploma, degree or
honours degree. Further, all the candidates will be awarded Bachelor degrees on successful
completion of Three academic years (Six Semesters) of the undergraduate programmes.
A student will be allowed to enter/re-enter only at the Odd Semester and exit after the Even
Semester. Re-entry at various levels as lateral entrants in academic programmes should be
based on the earned credits and proficiency test records.
The Academic Bank of Credits (ABC), a national-level facility, will promote the flexibility of
the curriculum framework and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary academic mobility of
students across the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country with an appropriate
"credit transfer" mechanism. It is a mechanism to facilitate the students to choose their own
learning path to attain a Degree/ Diploma/Certificate, working on the principle of multiple
entry and exit as well as anytime, anywhere, and any level of learning. ABC will enable the
integration of multiple disciplines of higher learning leading to the desired learning outcomes
including increased creativity, innovation, higher-order thinking skills and critical analysis.
ABC will provide significant autonomy to the students by providing an extensive choice of
courses for a programme of study, flexibility in curriculum, novel and engaging course
options across a number of higher education disciplines/ institutions.
The multiple entries and exit options for students are facilitated at the undergraduate and
Master’s levels. It would facilitate credit accumulation through the facility created by the
ABC scheme in the "Academic Bank Account" opened for students across the country to
transfer and consolidate their credits by undergoing courses in any eligible HEIs. The ABC
allows for credit redemption by commuting the accrued credits in the Academic Bank
Account maintained in the ABC to fulfil the credits requirements for awarding
certificate/diploma/degree by the authorised HEIs. Upon collecting a certificate, diploma or
degree, all the credits earned till then, in respect of that Certificate or degree, shall be debited
and deleted from the account concerned. HEIs offering programmes with multiple entries and
exit systems need to register in the ABC to enable acceptance of multidisciplinary courses,
credit transfer, and credit acceptance.
The validity of credits earned will be for a maximum period of seven years or as specified by
the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC). The procedure for depositing credits earned, its shelf
life, the redemption of credits would be as per UGC (Establishment and Operationalization of
Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) scheme in Higher Education) Regulations, 2021.
(1) Registered Higher Education Institutions shall monitor the development and
operationalisation of the ABC programme at the university level and the level of their
affiliated autonomous colleges.
(2) Registered Higher Education Institutions shall offer teacher or staff training, mentoring,
academic and administrative audit and other measures for improving the quality of
performance of the ABC facility and promotion of holistic/ multidisciplinary education
with the support of ABC, which may be in the form of Faculty Development Programmes
or Quality Improvement Programmes or Professional Development Programmes or
Technology Inculcation Programmes.
(3) The Quality assurance of the implementation of ABC at the level of the registered
University or autonomous college shall be developed by the University or autonomous
college concerned either through the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) or any other
appropriate structured mechanism as may be decided by the Registered Higher Education
(4) Every Registered Higher Education shall upload, annually, on its website, a report of its
activities vis-a-vis the Academic Bank of Credits, as well as of measures taken by it for
Quality assurance, Quality sustenance and Quality enhancement.
(5) There shall be an Academic Bank of Credits-Grievance Redressal Mechanism at the level
of Central Government/University Grants Commission/Academic Bank of Credits, and at
the level of every Higher Education Institution registered with Academic Bank of Credits
to address the grievance/appeals of students.
Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM:) is India’s national
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform (www.swayam.gov.in), designed to achieve
the three cardinal principles of India’s Education Policy: access, equity, and quality. The
University Grants Commission (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through
SWAYAM) Regulations-2021 have been published in the Indian Gazette, allowing an
institution to allow up to 40% of the total courses offered in a particular programme in a
semester to be completed online using the SWAYAM platform.Universities with the approval
of the competent authority may adopt SWAYAM Courses for the benefit of the students. A
student will have the option to earn credit by completing quality-assured MOOC programmes
offered on the SWAYAM portal or any other online educational platform approved by the
UGC/regulatory body from time to time.
6.1 B.A., B.F.A., B.P.A., B.V.A.and B.S.W. (Basic and Hons. degrees)
(a) A candidate who has passed the two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by the
Karnataka Pre-University Education Board or any other examination considered
equivalent to that shall be eligible for admission to these programmes.
(b) Additional Conditions of Eligibility are required for specific combinations.
(c) A candidate opting for Bharathanatyam / Carnatic Music (Vocal) / Western Music
(Instrumental) shall have two years of training from a recognised institute of dance or
music or a One-year bridge course in the Fine Art field.
(d) A candidate opting Drawing & Painting shall produce a certificate for having undergone
not less than three years training in the respective subject from any one of the following: i)
Principal of the college/last attended Junior Collegeii) Head of the registered institution
offering the concerned training
Shall have passed higher grade examination in Drawing and Painting conducted by the
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board.
6.2 B.Sc.(BasicandHons.degrees)andM.Sc.(Integrated)Programmes
A candidate who has passed the two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by the Pre-
University Education Board in Karnataka or any other examination considered equivalent to
that shall be eligible for admission to these programmes. Generally, a candidate to opt for a
subject should have studied that subject at the qualifying examination. Psychology, Home
Science etc., may be exceptions to this requirement. But additional Conditions of Eligibility
are required for specific subjects as follows:
a) Candidates to opt for Physics should have studied Mathematics in addition to Physics at
the qualifying examination.
b) Candidates to opt for Biochemistry should have studied that subject or Chemistry at the
qualifying examination.
c) Candidates to opt for Statistics should have studied that subject or Mathematics at the
qualifying examination.
d) Candidate to opt Biotechnology, Botany/Applied Botany, Microbiology or
Zoology/Applied Zoology should have studied that subject or Biology at the qualifying
e) Candidates to opt for Geology/Environmental Science should have studied at least two
Science subjects at the qualifying examination.
f) Candidates to opt for Geology/Environmental Science should have studied at least two
Science subjects at the qualifying examination.
g) Candidates to opt for Home Science or Library and Information Science may have studied
any subjects at the qualifying examination.
h) Candidates to opt for Multimedia/Electronic media may have studied any subjects at the
qualifying examination.
A candidate who has passed the two years Pre-University Examination conducted by the
Karnataka Pre-University Education Board or any other examination considered as equivalent
thereto with any life science subject and chemistry/biochemistry is eligible.
6.4 B.Sc.(CHS)/ B.Sc.(FAD)/ B.Sc.(ID & D)/ B.Sc.(GD) Basic and Honours Degrees
A candidate who has completed the Pre-University Examination conducted by the Pre-
University Education Board in the State of Karnataka, or two years of Job Oriented Courses
provided by any State Government Board of Vocational Education, or any other examination
considered equal thereto.
6.5 B.C.A. Basic and Honours Degrees
A candidate who has passed the two years Pre-University Examination conducted by the Pre-
University Education Board in Karnataka or JODC / Three years Diploma in Engineering of
Government of Karnataka or any other examination considered as equivalent thereto shall be
eligible for admission.
6.6 B.Com./ B.B.A./ B.M.S. (Basic and Hons. degrees) and M.M.S. (Integrated)
A candidate who has passed two years of Pre-University Examination conducted by the Pre-
University Education Board in the State of Karnataka or any other examinationconsidered
equivalent thereto shall be eligible for admission to these programmes.
a) A candidate who has passed the Pre-University or 10+2 examination conducted by the
Pre-University Education Board in the State of Karnataka or other States.
b) He/she Should have studied PC & B / Mathematics / Computer
Science/Statistics/Electronics/Psychology/Home Science.
c) At the time of entry/admission to the 1st Semester BSLPA course, the candidate should be
17 years of age, and there is no upper age limit for admission.
d) Lateral entry to 2nd year BSLPA is permitted for a candidate who meets the following
criteria: Successfully passed Diploma in Hearing-Language-Speech revised course from
any RCI recognised training institute with a science background as specified under (b)
Two years of work experience in the field.A maximum of 3 seats can be admitted on a
merit basis as supernumerary to the total intake permitted by RCI and the University. For
candidates who have successfully passed the pre-revised DHLS course recognised by RCI
with 2-years of work experience, 3-months stint Course approved by RCI’s Entrance Test
will be the requirement.
a) GENERAL: Candidates who have passed the three yearsBachelor’s degree examination
of the University or any other University considered as equivalent thereto, with the
respective subject as optional/major/special/main subject, are eligible for admission to the
two years Master’s Degreeprogrammes provided they have secured a minimum of CGPA
of 4.0 or 40% marks in the aggregate of all the subjects and CGPA of 5 or 50% marks
(CGPA of 4.5 or 45% marks for SC/ST/Category I/Differently abled candidates/) marks in
the major/cognate subject.
b) Candidates who have passed the four yearsBachelor’s honours degree examination of the
University or any other University considered as equivalent thereto, with the respective
subject as optional/major/special/main subject, are eligible for admission to the one-
yearMaster’s Degreeprogrammes provided they have secured a minimum CGPA of 5 or
50% marks (CGPA of 4.5 or 45% marks for SC/ST/Category I/Differently abled
candidates/) marks in the subject.
The specific requirements and relaxations admissible for specific Master’s Degree
Programmes shall be as prescribed by the respective Boards of Studies, approved by the
Academic Council and notified by the University.
The medium of instruction and examination shall be English or Kannada.
Elective Course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of
courses and which may be very specific or specialised or advanced or
supportive to the discipline/subject of study or which provides an
extended scope or enables an exposure to some other discipline/
subject/domain or which nurtures the candidate’s proficiency/skill.
Major Discipline Elective courses offered under the main discipline are referred to as
6 Elective Courses Discipline Specific Electives. These courses provide more depth
within the discipline itself or within a component of the discipline and
provide advanced knowledge and expertise in an area of the discipline.
The institutions can have their own courses based on their expertise,
specialisation, requirements, scope and need. The elective courses may
be of interdisciplinary nature
A Minor Discipline is a secondary specialization that one may
Minor Discipline choose to pursue in addition to a Major Discipline. They may be
Courses related areas of studies or two distinct areas of studies which are
not interrelated at all.
Open or Generic Elective Courses are courses chosen from an
unrelated discipline/ subject, intending to seek exposure beyond
discipline/s of choice. The purpose of these is to offer the students the
Open or Generic option to explore disciplines of interest beyond their choices in core
Elective Courses and discipline-specific elective courses.
Note: A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as
an elective by another discipline/subject and vice versa and such
electives may also be referred to as Open or Generic Electives.
Project work is considered a unique course involving applying
knowledge in solving / analysing / exploring a real-life
situation/complex problem/ data analysis.Project Work has the
Project work/ intention to provide research competencies at the undergraduate level.
9 Dissertation/ Internship/ It enables the acquisitionof special/ advanced knowledge through
Entrepreneurship support study/a project work. Candidates shall independently carry out
project work with a faculty member's advisory support to produce a
dissertation/ project report. Internship/ Entrepreneurship shall be an
integral part of the Curriculum.
These activities help in character building, spiritual growth, physical
growth, etc. They facilitate the development of various domains of
Sports, cultural and mind and personality such as intellectual, emotional, social, moral
10 Extension Activities
and aesthetic developments. Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Positive
thinking are some of the facets of personality development and the
outcomes of these activities.
In addition to these, two languages shall be studied in the first four semesters of the
Undergraduate Programmes.
b) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): The universities may offer a common pool of papers
listed by KSHEC/National Regulatory Bodies such as UGC or GEC/NHERC. The
universities may frame some papers to the list suggested.
Two languages are to be studied out of which one shall beKannada, and the other shall
beeither English or an Indian Language or other Foreign languages:English, Sanskrit, Hindi,
Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi,Konkani,Urdu, Persian,Arabic, German, French, Latin,
Russian,Japanese and any other language prescribed/ approved by the University.
(a) The Candidates shall study two languages in the first four semesters of the programs.
Thestudents who have studied Kannada at the school and/or Pre-University or equivalent
levelshall optfor Kannadaas one of the languages and study it in the first four semesters of
the programmes. In addition to Kannada, the students shall opt foranother language from
the languages offered in the university/college and study it in the first two semesters of the
programmes. They may continue to study the same language in the second year or may
choose a different language in the second year. A candidate may opt for any language
listed above even if thecandidate has not studied that language at PUC or equivalent level.
(b) Students who have not studied Kannada at any level from school to Pre-University level
shall learn Kannada as a functional language in one of the first two semesters along with
another language of their choice. They shall study any two languages of their choice in the
remaining three semesters. They may change the languages every year.With the
permission of the University, a candidate may opt for any other language listed above
even if thecandidate has not studied that language at PUC or equivalent level.
(c) Speech/hearing/visually impaired/mentally challenged and study disabled students are
exempted from studying one of the languages prescribed under para 8.2 above.
i) There are four skill enhancement/development courses in the first six semesters, one in
each semester as prescribed by the concerned faculty and approved by the Academic
Council. The courses may include the following:
ii) One soft core course or allied subject each in the seventh and eighth semesters of the
honours programme and the integrated Master's programme or the first and second
semesters of the post-graduate programmes, and one open elective in the ninth semester
of the integrated Master’sprogrammes as prescribed by the respective Board of studies
and approved by the Academic council. The soft core courses may include a research
methodology course, one of the foreign languages such as German, French etc. and any
other course prescribed by the University from time to time.
A candidate may opt for any two core subjects for B.A/B.Sc. Degree/honours degree
programmes. However, the candidate may opt for both the arts subjects for the B.A. degree/
honours degree programmes and both science subjects for the B.Sc. degree/ honours degree
programmes. A candidate may also opt for one subject and one vocational subject for the
B.A./ B.Sc. degree/honours degree programmes. In the third year of the programmes,
candidates have to choose any one of the two core subjects as major or continue both the
subjects as majors. The candidate shall study the major subject or one of the major subjects in
the fourth year of the honours programme. A candidate interested in doing the honours
programme in a non-core language subject has to choose that language as a major subject in
the third year inlieu of one of the core subjects. The candidate has studied that language in the
first two years or four semesters of the programme.The core subjects that a candidate can
choose under the Faculty of Arts and Science include the following:
The core subjects that a candidate can choose under the Faculty of Arts include the following:
i) Arabic, English, French, German, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi,
Persian, Russian, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
ii) Ancient History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Applied Statistics, Bharathanatyam,
Carnatic Music(Vocal), Choreography, Computer Applications, Co-operation,
Criminology, Dance, Drama, Data Processing, Drawing and Painting, Economics,
Education, Geography, History, Home Science, Human Development,
Journalism/Journalism & Mass Communication, Library & Information Science,
Linguistics, Military Science, Music, Marketing, Theatre, Philosophy, Physical
Education, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Rural
Development/Rural Development & Management, Secretarial Practice, Social Work,
Sociology, Tourism, Western Music (Instrumental), Women Studies and such other
subjects permitted by the University from time to time.
Management,Sericulture, Statistics, Zoology and such other subjects permitted by the
University from time to time.
c) BSW Degree / Honours Degree Programme: Social Work and Other Subjects
Social work subjects, languages, ability and skill enhancement and other courses in
accordance with the course pattern and the scheme of examinations as given in Appendix A.
n) B.M.S. Degree/ Honours Degre Programme/ MMS(integrated) Degree Programme
Business management subjects,languages, abilityand skill enhancement and other courses in
accordance with the course pattern and the scheme of examinations.
Evaluation of Co-curricular and Extension Activities shall be as per the procedure evolved by
the University from time to time.
9.1 A candidate shall be considered to have satisfied the requirement of attendance for a
semester if they attend not less than 75% of the number of classes held up to the end of the
semester in each subject. There shall be no minimum attendance requirement for the Co-
curricular and extension activities.
9.2 An option to change a language/subject may be exercised only once within four weeks
from the date of commencement of the I/III Semester on payment of the feeprescribed.
9.3 Whenever a change in a subject is permitted, the attendance in the changed subject shall
be calculated by considering the attendance in the previous subject studied.
9.4 Suppose a candidate represents their institution / University/ Karnataka State/ Nation in
Sports / NCC / NSS / Cultural or any officially sponsored activities, in that case, they may
be permitted to claim attendance for the actual number of days participated, based on the
Head of the Institution's recommendation. Suppose a candidate is selected to participate
in national level events such as Republic Day Parade etc, in that case, they may be
permitted to claim attendance for the actual number of days participated based on the
Head of the Institution's recommendation.
9.5 A candidate who does not satisfy the requirement of attendance in one or more courses/
subjects shall not be permitted to take the University examination of those courses/
subjects. The candidate shall seek re-admission to those courses/ subjects in a subsequent
The details of the Course Patterns (hours of instructions per week) and the Schemes of
Examinations of the different degree programmes are given in Appendix A &Appendix B.
The Syllabi of the courses shall be as prescribed by the University.
a) Classroom processes must encourage rigorous thinking, reading and writing, debate,
discussion, peer learning and self-learning.
b) The emphasis is on critical thinking and challenge to current subject orthodoxy and
develops innovative solutions. Curricular content must be presented in ways that invite
questions, not as a body of ready knowledge to be assimilated or reproduced. Faculty
should be facilitators of questioning and not authorities on expertise.
c) Classroom pedagogy should focus on the ‘how’ of things, i.e. applying theory and ideas.
All courses, including social sciences and humanities, should design projects and
practicums to enable students to get relevant hands-on experiences.
d) Learning must be situated in the Indian context to ensure no sense of alienation from their
context, country and culture.
e) Classroom processes must address issues of inclusion and diversity since students are
likely to be from diverse cultural, linguistic, socio-economic and intellectual
f) Cooperative and peer-supported activities must be part of empowering students to take
charge of their own learning.
g) Faculty will have the freedom to identify and use the pedagogical approach best suited to
a particular course and student.
h) Pedagogies like PBL (Problem / Project Based Learning) and Service Learning be
brought into practice as part of the curriculum. Experiential learning in an internship with
a specified number of credits is to be made mandatory.
The blended learning (BL) method is intended to aid learners in developing 21st-century
abilities as well as effective learning and skill development in subject-domains. BL should be
introduced with caution and should not be used to replace classroom time as a privilege.
Every department should aspire to be a role model for the effective implementation of BL in
our country's higher education.
Higher education learners are adult learners who come with their own world of experience,
previous knowledge gained at schooling level and previous years of education, exposure to
other sources of knowledge, etc. Even pre-session resources suggested by teachers help them
with some knowledge, information. Lecturing of teachers assuming the learners are empty
boxes is no more a preferred pedagogy. Instead, learners can contribute by sharing their
knowledge, ideas, and views, either in the classroom or on online platforms.
BL mode will provide this opportunity to learners to a great extent. Resources can be
uploaded, and external links can be posted on Learning Management systems before
classroom sessions. These Out-of-class resources are helpful, at least for acquiring
information. Once the students study through the resources, classroom time can be utilised
fruitfully in discussions. Online platforms such as discussion forums, shared documents,
blogs, etc., may be used to help them share their ideas and knowledge on a common platform.
Brainstorming exercise always helps learners think spontaneously; derive solutions, ideas;
appreciate others’ ideas, and enjoy the generation of several ideas by the whole group instead
of listening to only teachers’ ideas and views. It creates a sense of personal responsibility to
think and learn.
Hence the area of assessment and evaluation needs to be explored again in the light of BL
12.1 Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
Summative evaluation will not suffice the need of testing all levels of learning outcomes. The
modular curriculum demands assessment at several intervals during and after learning
outcomes specified for every module. Cognitive skills such as logical thinking, application of
knowledge and skills, analysis and synthesis of concepts and rules demand evaluation
strategies other than summative paper-pencil tests. Innovative evaluation strategies are to be
used by teachers during the semester. Increased weightage of internal evaluation should be
encouraged by including innovative assessment and evaluation strategies.
On-demand examinations
In most cases, students are forced to write the examination in a single go and collectively.
However, with the advent of new methods, which are technology-based and also blending of
teaching-learning and examinations in a new form, it would be an excellent approach to offer
examination on demand to provide more flexibility and student centricity.
ePortfolio is not only a compilation of a few best assignments, activities of a learner
throughout the programme but their reflections about the assignments, experience and
challenges faced during the process of working on these assignments, overall approach,
attitude, philosophy towards life as a learner and also their academic resume. ePortfolio is a
comprehensive tool that becomes a mirror to a learner for the world.
Creative Products
Innovative Pedagogies and relevant ICT tools enable learners to develop creative products as
individual or group learning activities. These products are learning experiences initially, but
learners should always be given corrective feedback about their outputs. Once feedback is
sought, learners need to be given a chance to improve their products and then be considered
for formative evaluation. e.g. preliminary conceptmap can be revised after discussion of the
topic, summarisation and feedback. A revised conceptmap can be assessed.
One creative/collaborative activity may then be led towards another product, an assessment
activity. e.g. Group or individual presentations by self-learning would be a learning activity
and not an assessment activity. Once the teacher provides corrective feedback during such
presentations, learners can be expected to revise the same presentations, add a small write-
up/info-graph/video to it and submit it as an assignment.
Creative assignments such as digital stories, Cartoon strips, drama scripts, eNewsletter,
eMagazine, Recorded interviews of stakeholders, Case studies, etc., can be used for formative
Classroom/Online Quizzes
During the Covid time, many exams were forced to be conducted in an online mode. These
were supported by various tools that came into being in recent times and were based on
proctoring through Artificial Intelligence tools. However, AI as technology can be used for
many more assessments like attention levels, speed of learning, level of learning etc. Hence
new tools should be experimented with for examinations and assessments.
Total marks for each course shall be based oncontinuous assessments and semester-end
examinations. As per the decision taken at the Karnataka State Higher Education Council,
it is necessary to have a uniform pattern of 40:60 for IA and Semester End theory
examinations respectively and 50:50 for IA and Semester End practical examinations,
respectively, in all the Universities, their Affiliated and Autonomous Colleges.
e) For assignments, tests, case study analysis etc., of C1 and C2, the students should bring
their own answer scripts (A4 size), graph sheets etc., required for such tests/assignments
and these be stamped by the concerned department using their department seal at the time
of conducting tests/ assignment / work etc.
f) The outline for continuous assessment activities for Component-I (C1) and Component-II
(C2) of a course shall be as under.
g) For practical course of full credits, Seminar shall not be compulsory. In its place, marks
shall be awarded for Practical Record Maintenance (the ratio is 50% : 50%)
h) Conduct of Seminar, Case study / Assignment, etc. can be either in C1 or in C2
component at the convenience of the concerned teacher.
i) The teachers concerned shall conduct test / seminar / case study, etc. The students should
be informed about the modalities well in advance. The evaluated courses / assignments
during component I (C1) and component II (C2) of assessment are immediately provided
to the candidates after obtaining acknowledgement in the register by the concerned
teachers(s) and maintained by the Chairman in the case of a University Post-Graduate
Department and the Principal / Director in the case of affiliated institutions. Before
commencement of the semester end examination, the evaluated test, assignment etc. of C1
and C2 shall be obtained back to maintain them till the announcement of the results of the
examination of the concerned semester.
j) The internal assessment marks shall be published on the notice board of the
department/college for information of the students.
k) The Internal assessment marks shall be communicated to the Registrar (Evaluation) at
least ten days before the commencement of the University examinations, and the Registrar
(E) shall have access to the records of such periodical assessments.
l) There shall be no minimum in respect of internal assessment marks.
m) Internal assessment marks may be recorded separately. A candidate who has failed or
rejected the result shall retain the internal assessment marks.
A candidate shall register for all the courses/papers of a semester for which they fulfil the
requirements when they appear for the examination of that semester for the first time.
(a) There shall be Theory and Practical examinations at the end of each semester, ordinarily
during November-December for odd semesters and during May-June for even semesters,
as prescribed in the Scheme of Examinations.
(b) Unless otherwise stated in the schemes of examination, practical examinations shall be
conducted at the end of each semester. They shall be conducted by two examiners, one
internal and one external and shall never be conducted by both internal examiners. The
statement of marks sheet and the answer books of practical examinations shall be sent to
the Registrar (Evaluation) by the Chief Superintendent of the respective Colleges
immediately after the practical examinations.
(c) The candidate shall submit the record book for practical examination duly certified by the
course teacher and the H.O.D/staff in-charge. It shall be evaluated at the end of the
Semester at the practical examination.
a) No candidate shall be declared to have passed the Semester Examination as the case may
be under each course/paper unless he/she obtains not less than 35% marks in written
examination /practical examination and 40% marks in the aggregate of written / practical
examination and internal assessment put together in each of the courses and 40% marks
(including IA) in Project work and viva wherever prescribed.
b) A candidate shall be declared to have passed the program if he/she secures at least 40%
of marks or a CGPA of 4.0 (Course Alpha-Sign Grade P) in the aggregate of both internal
assessment and semester end examination marks put together in each unit such as theory
papers / practical / field work / internship / project work / dissertation / viva-voce,
provided the candidate has secured at least 40% of marks in the semester end
examinations in each unit.
c) The candidates who pass all the semester examinations in the first attempts are eligible
for ranks provided they secure at least CGPA of 6.00 (Alpha-Sign Grade B+).
d) A candidate who passes the semester examinations in parts is eligible for only
Class, CGPA and Alpha-Sign Grade but not for ranking.
e) The results of the candidates who have passed the last semester examination but not
passed the lower semester examinations shall be declared as NCL (Not Completed the
Lower Semester Examinations). Such candidates shall be eligible for the degree only
after completion of all the lower semester examinations.
f) If a candidate fails in a subject, either in theory or in practicals, he/she shall appear for
that subject only at any subsequent regular examination, as prescribed for completing the
programme. He/she must obtain the minimum marks for a pass in that subject (theory and
practicals, separately) as stated above.
Candidates who fail lower semester examinations may go to the higher semesters and take the
lower semester examinations.
• Certificate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce
• Diploma in Arts/ Science/ Commerce
• Bachelor’s Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce
• Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in a Discipline/Subject
In addition to the above,successful candidates at the end of the tenth semester of the
integrated Master’s Degree Programmes shall also be classified based on CGPA obtained in
the ten semesters of the Programmes. Likewise,the successful candidates of one year or two
semestersMaster’s Degree Programmes are also classified based on CGPA of two semesters
of the Master’s Degree Programmes.
The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) in a Semester and the CGPA at the end of each
yearmay be calculated as described in AppendixC.
a) A candidate may be permitted to reject the result of the complete examination of any
semester. Rejection of result course/paperwise or subjectwise shall not be permitted.
b) The candidate who has rejected the result shall appear immediately following the
c) The rejection shall be exercised only once in each semester, and the rejection once
exercised shall not be revoked.
d) Application for rejection of results and the payment of the prescribed fee shall be submitted
to the Registrar (Evaluation) through the college of study together with the original
statement of marks within 30 days from the date of publication of the result.
e) A candidate who rejects the result is eligible for only class and not for ranking.
a) A candidate who has passed in all the papers of a semester may be permitted to improve
the result by reappearing for the whole examination of that semester.
b) The reappearance may be permitted during the period N+2 years (where N refers to
duration of the program) without restricting it to the subsequent examination only.
c) The student may be permitted to apply for improvement examination 45 days in advance
of the pertinent semester examination whenever held.
d) If a candidate passes in all the subjects in reappearance, higher of the two aggregate marks
secured by the candidate shall be awarded for that semester. In case the candidate fails in
the reappearance, candidate shall retain the earlier result.
e) A candidate who has appeared for improvement examination is eligible for class/CGPA
only and not for ranking.
f) Internal assessment (IA) marks shall be shown separately. A candidate who wants to
improve the result or who, having failed, takes the examination again or who has appeared
for improvement shall retain the IA marks already obtained.
g) A candidate who fails in any of the semester examinations may be permitted to take the
examinations again at a subsequent appearance as per the syllabus and scheme of
examination in vogue at the time the candidate took the examination for the first
time. This facility shall be limited to the following two years.
(a) His/her transfer admission shall be within the intake permitted to the college.
(b) Availability of the same combination of subjects studied in the previous college.
(c) His/her shall fulfil the attendance requirements as per the University Regulation.
(d) His/her shall complete the programme as per the regulation governing the maximum
duration of completing the programme.
a) A Candidate migrating from any other University may be permitted to join an odd
semester of the degree programme provided they have passed all the subjects of previous
semesters/years as the case may be. Such candidates must satisfy all other conditions of
eligibility stipulated in the regulations of the University.
b) Their transfer admission shall be within the intake permitted to the college.
c) They shall fulfil the attendance requirements as per the University Regulation.
d) The candidate who is migrating from other Universities is eligible for overall class and not
for ranking.
e) They shall complete the programme as per the regulation governing themaximum duration
of completing the programme as per this regulation.
Suppose any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these regulations. In that
case, the Vice-Chancellor may by order make such provisions not inconsistent with the Act,
Statutes, Ordinances or other Regulations, as appears to be necessary or expedient to remove
the difficulty. Every order made under this rule shall be subject to ratification by the
Appropriate University Authorities.
22. Modification to the Regulations
The existing Regulations governing three years Bachelor degree programmes in the faculties
of Arts, Science and Commerce shall stand repealed. However, the above Regulations shall
continue to be in force for the students who have been admitted to the course before the
enforcement of this regulation.
Appendix A
/Hons.)/ BachelorofComputerApplications(Basic/Hons.)
The Government of India has notified NEP-2020 on July 29, 2020, based on
Dr.Kasturirangan Committee’s Report.Theobjective is to bridge the gap between the
current education system and what is required in the 21st century.It is to have
Government of Karnataka had constituted a Task to suggest an Implementation
Framework for NEP-2020. It had alsoconstituted twosub-committees,
oneonCurriculumReformsin HigherEducationandthe
otheronGovernanceandRegulations.The Task Force has suggested the NEP-2020
Implementation Framework for Karnataka. The State Government has accepted
theactionplanand implementedNEP-2020,aspertheImplementation
RoadmapsuggestedbytheTaskForce.The Sub-committee on Curriculum Reforms in Higher
Education had suggested a Draft Curriculum Framework forUndergraduate Programs in
various disciplines. The State Govt. had also constituted Faculty-wise Committees to
consider this draftframework to formulate program structures in their faculties. These
Committees have submitted their reports. The latter wasconsidered in the meetings of all
the Vice Chancellors. The following Model Program Structures were designed for various
Under-Graduate Programs in Arts, Science, Commerce and Management. The Subject
Committees constituted to design and draft thecurriculum intheirsubjects
Languages,SkillEnhancementCourses(SEC) (Both skills and value-based). The pedagogy
involves the L+T+P model. Generally, subjects with practical involve L+P, while
thesubjects without practical involve L+T model. The numbers in parentheses indicate
credits allotted to various courses/papers as perdefinitions of Choice Based Credit
System (CBCS). Generally, 1 hour of Lecture or 2 hours of practical per week in a
semester isassignedonecredit.Generally,coresubjecttheorycourses/paperswill
Annexure-1: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Arts (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Economics as Major and History as Minor (subjects without practical)
Annexure-2: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Arts (Basic/Hons.) Programme with both Economics and History as Majors subjects without practical, in the
3rd year of the Programme
Annexure-3: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Arts (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Economics as Major (subject without practical) and Physics as Minor
(subject with practical) in the 3rd year of the Programme
Annexure-4: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Arts (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Economics as Major and History as Minor Subjects (subjects without
practical) from the 1st year of the Programme (not available during 2021-22)
Annexure-5: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Performing Arts Programme with Music as Major and Dance/Theatre as Minor Subjects with practical, in the
3rd year of the Programme
Annexure-6: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Performing Arts with Dance or Theatre as Major and Music as Minor Subjects with Practical, in the 3rd year of
the Programme
Annexure-B1: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Botany as Major and Zoology as Minor (both subjects with practical),
in the 3rd year of the programme
Discipline Core Discipline Elective(DSE) Ability Enhancement Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Sem. (DSC) (Credits) / Open Elective (OE) Compulsory Courses (AECC), Skill based (Credits)
Value based (Credits) (L+T+P) Credits
(L+T+P) (Credits) (L+T+P) Languages (Credits) (L+T+P) (L+T+P)
Botany C1(4+2) L1-1(3), L2-1(3) SEC-1: Digital Fluency Yoga (1) Health &Wellness (1)
I Zoology C1(4+2) OE-1 (3) (4 hrs. each) (2) (1+0+2) (0+0+2) (0+0+2) 25
Botany C2(4+2) L1-2(3), L2-2(3) Environmental Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
II OE-2 (3) 25
Zoology C2(4+2) (4 hrs. each) Studies (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1)(0+0+2)
Exit option with Certificate (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 48 credits)
Botany C3(4+2) L1-3(3), L2-3(3) SEC-2: AI or some Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
III Zoology C3(4+2) OE-3 (3) (4 hrs. each) other SEC (2) (1+0+2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Botany C4(4+2) L1-4(3), L2-4(3) Constitution of Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
IV Zoology C4(4+2) OE-4 (3) (4 hrs. each) India (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Exit option with Diploma in Science (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 96 credits) OR continue studies with Major and Minor
Botany C5(3+2) SEC-3: Cyber Security
Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
V Botany C6(3+2) Vocational-1 (3) or some other SEC (2) 22
(0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
Zoology C5(3+2) (1+0+2)
Botany C7(3+2) SEC-4: Professional
Vocational-2 (3) Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
VI Botany C8(3+2) Communication (2) 24
Internship (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
Zoology C6(3+2) (1+0+2)
Exit with Bachelor of Science Degree, B. Sc. (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 140 credits) or continue studies with the Major
Botany C9(3+2) Botany E-1 (3)
VII Botany C10(3+2) Botany E-2 (3) 22
Botany e C11(3) Res. Methodology (3)
Botany C12(3) Botany E-3 (3)
VIII Botany C13(3) Botany E-4 (3) 21
Botany C14(3) Research Project (6)*
Award of Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Botany (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 180 credits)
*In lieu of the research Project, two additional elective papers/ Internship may be offered.
Annexure-B2: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science (Basic/Hons.) Programme with both Botany & Zoology as Majors (subjects with practical) in the 3rd
year of the Programme
Discipline Elective(DSE) Ability Enhancement Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Discipline Core Total
Sem. /Open Elective (OE) Compulsory Courses (AECC), Skill based (Credits)
(DSC) (Credits) Value based (Credits) (L+T+P) Credits
(Credits) Languages (Credits) (L+T+P) (L+T+P)
Botany C1(4+2) L1-1(3), L2-1(3) SEC-1: Digital Fluency Yoga Health &Wellness (1)
I Zoology C1(4+2) OE-1 (3) (4 hrs. each) (2) (1+0+2) (1)(0+0+2) (0+0+2) 25
Botany C2(4+2) L1-2(3), L2-2(3) Environmental Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
II OE-2 (3) 25
Zoology C2(4+2) (4 hrs. each) Studies (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1)(0+0+2)
Exit option with Certificate (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 48 credits)
Botany C3(4+2) L1-3(3), L2-3(3) SEC-2: AI or some Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
III Zoology C3(4+2) OE-3 (3) (4 hrs. each) other SEC (2)(1+0+2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Botany C4(4+2) L1-4(3), L2-4(3) Constitution of Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
IV Zoology C4(4+2) OE-4 (3) (4 hrs. each) India (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Exit option with Diploma in Science (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 96 credits) OR continue studies with both subjects as majors
Botany C5(3+2)
SEC-3: Cyber Security
Botany C6(3+2) Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
V or some other SEC (2) 24
Zoology C5(3+2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
Zoology C6(3+2)
Botany C7(3+2)
Botany C8(3+2) SEC-4: Professional Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
VI 24
Zoology C7(3+2) Communication (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
Zoology C8(3+2)
Exit option with Bachelor of Science, B. Sc. Degree (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 140 credits) or continue studies
Zoology C9(3+2) Zoology E-1 (3)
VII Zoology C10(3+2) Zoology E-2 (3) 22
Zoology e C11(3) Res. Methodology (3)
Zoology C12(3) Zoology E-3 (3)
VIII Zoology C13(3) Zoology E-4 (3) 21
Zoology C14(3) Research Project (6)*
Award of Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 180 credits)
*In lieu of the research Project, two additional elective papers/ Internship may be offered.
Annexure-B3: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Physics as Major (subject with practical) and English as Minor
(subject without practical), in the 3rd year of the programme
Discipline Elective (DSE Ability Enhancement Compulsory Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
Discipline Core Total
Sem. / Open Elective (OE) Courses (AECC) - Languages Skill based (Credits)
(DSC) (Credits) Value based (Credits) (L+T+P) credits
(Credits) (Credits) (L+T+P) (L+T+P)
Physics C1(4+2) L1-1(3), L2-1(3) SEC-1: Digital Yoga (1) Health & Wellness (1)
I English C1(3), C2(3) OE-1 (3) (4 hrs each) Fluency (2) (1+0+2) (0+0+2) (0+0+2) 25
Physics C2(4+2) L1-2(3), L2-2(3) Environmental Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
II OE-2 (3) 25
English C 3(3), C4(3) (4 hrs each) Studies (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
Exit option with Certificate (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 48 credits)
Physics C3(4+2) L1-3(3), L2-3(3) (4 SEC-2: AI or some Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
III English C5(3), C6(3) OE-3 (3) hrs. each) other SEC (2)(1+0+2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Physics C4(4+2) L1-4(3), L2-4(3) (4 Constitution Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
IV English C 7(3), C8(3) OE-4 (3) hrs. each) of India (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2) 25
Exit option with Diploma in Science (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 96 credits) or continue studies with Physics as Major
Physics C5(3+2), SEC-3: Cyber Security
Physics, E-1 (3) Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
V Physics C6(3+2) or some other SEC (2) 24
Vocational-1 (3) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
English C9(4) (1+0+2)
Physics C7(3+2),
Vocational-2 (3) SEC-4: Professional Sports (1) NCC/NSS/R&R(S&G)/
VI Physics C8(3+2) 23
Internship (2) Communication (2) (0+0+2) Cultural (1) (0+0+2)
English C10(4)
Exit option with Bachelor of Science Degree, B. Sc. (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 140 credits) or continue studies
Physics C9(3+2), Physics, E-2 (3)
VII Physics C10(3+2) Physics, E-3 (3) 22
Physics C11(3) Res. Methodology (3)
Physics C12(3), Physics, E-4 (3)
VIII Physics C13(3), Physics, E-5 (3) 21
Physics C14(3) Research Project (6)*
Award of Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours, B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics (with the completion of courses equal to a minimum of 180 credits)
*In lieu of the research Project, two additional elective papers/ Internship may be offered.
Annexure-B4: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science (Basic/Hons.) Programme with Chemistry as Major and Physics as Minor (both subjects with
practical) from the 1st year of the Programme (not available during 2021-22)
Annexure-C1: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Social Works, B.S.W. (Basic/Hons.) with Social Works as Programme Core
Annexure-C2: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Home Science (Basic/Hons.) with Composite Home Science as Programme Core with specialisation in one of
the Areas of Home Science
Annexure-C3: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science (Basic/Hons.) Degree in Fashion and Apparel Design/ Interior Design and Decoration (Program Core)
Annexure-C4: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nutrition (Basic/Hons.) with Clinical Nutrition as Programme Core Subject with Practical
Annexure-C5: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Computer Applications (Basic/Hons.) with Computer Applications as Programme Core Subject with Practical
Annexure-C6: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Business Administration, B.B.A. (Basic/Hons.) /Bachelor of Commerce, B.Com.(Basic/Hons.) with Business
Administration /Commerce as Programme Core
Annexure-C7: Model Programme Structure for Bachelor of Hotel Management with Hotel Management as Programme Core Subject with Practical
ConstitutionofIndia;SEC-SkillEnhancementCourses,CC/EA& CA-Co-curricular/Extension and Cultural
1. B.A.Degree/HonoursDegreeand M.A.(Integrated)Programmes
a) I/II/III/IV Semesters
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paperr hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
2Discipline 1x2T 1x2x3 1x2x2 1x2x40 1x2x60 1x2x100 1x2x3
Corewithoutpracticals,6credits 1x2T 1x2x3 1x2x2 1x2x40 1x2x60 1x2x100 1x2x3
b) (i)V/VISemester (withmajorandminor,boththesubjectswithoutpractical)
Course/ Instruction Hrs. Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExa
IA Exam Total
Major DSC- 2 x4 2 x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x4
DisciplineCoreandEle 2TDSE- 1 x3 1 x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x3
ctives 1T
MinorDiscipline 1T 1x4 1x2 1x 40 1x60 1x100 1x4
b)(ii)V/VISemester(withbothdisciplines asmajors&subjectswithoutpractical)
Sem. Subjects Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam (hrs.) IA Exam Total
Boththedisciplinesasmajors 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
V/VI &
subjectswithoutPractical,8credi 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R&R/ 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
VI Internshipbetween 3to 4 weeks Report& 1x15 1x35 1x50 1x2
5th& 6thSemester presentation
c) VII/VIIISemester
Sem. Course/P Instruction Duration Marks Credits
Subjects aper hrs/week ofExam
(hrs) IA Exam Total
DisciplineCorecourse 3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
ResearchMethodology 1T 1x 3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
DisciplineCorecourse 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
ResearchProject* 12 Viva+ 60 40+100 1x200 1x6
ReportEvaln. (Viva)
d) IX/XSemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs.) IA Exam Total
3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3 x 4
DisciplineElective 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
DisciplineCore 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
Viva+Report 40+100
ResearchProject* 1RP 16 60 1x200 1 x 8
Evaluation (Viva)
2. B.Sc.Degree/HonoursDegreeandM.Sc.(Integrated)DegreeProgrammes
a) I/II/III/IVSemesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs.of Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam IA Exam Total
1T 1x4 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x4
2DisciplinesCorewithprac 1P 1x4 1x(3/4) 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
ticals, 6creditseach 1T 1x4 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x4
1P 1x4 1x(3/4) 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
*Oneofthemmaybe Discipline/Subject withpracticalandtheotherwithoutpractical,then
1Disciplines Corewith 1T 1x4 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x4
practicals,6credits 1P 1x4 1x(3/4) 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
1 Disciplines Core 1x2T 1x2x3 1x2x2 1x2x40 1x2x60 1x2x100 1x2x3
withoutpractical,6 credits
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II/IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I/III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
CC-I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV H&W/NCC/NSS/R&R/CA 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) (i)V/VISemester(withmajorandminor,boththesubjectswithpractical)
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
Major 2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
V/VI DisciplinewithPracti 2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
Minor 1T 1x3 1x21x(3 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Disciplinewithpracti 1P 1x4 /4) 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R& 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
VI Internship Internship 3 to Report 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
between5th& 4weeks &presentation
Sem. Subjects Course/ Instruction Duration Marks Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
Both disciplines 2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
V/VI asmajors and 2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
2P 2x4 2x(3/4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R& 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) (iii) V/VI Semester (with the major disciplines as subject with practical
Sem. Subjects Course/ Instruction Duration Marks Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
Major DSC-2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
V/VI Discipline.WithPract DSC-2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
Minor 1T 1x4 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x4
tical ,
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V DisciplineElective DSE-1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R& 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
VI Internshipbetween Internship 3 to 4 Report& 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
5th& 6thSemester weeks presentation
c) VII/VIIISemester
Course/Pa Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects per hrs/week ofExam(hrs) IA Exam Total Credits
d) IX/XSemester
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hr IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 3T 3 x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3 x4
withPractical 3P 3 x4 3 x4/3 3x25 3x25 3x50 3 x2
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2 x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x3
2P 2 x4 2 x4/3 2x25 2x25 2x50 2 x2
X DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
Viva+Report 40+100
ResearchProject* 1RP 12 60 1x200 1x6
Evaluation (Viva)
3. B.S.W.Degree/HonoursDegreeandM.A.(Integrated) Programmes
a) I/IISemesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs. Marks
Sem. Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week ofExa IA Exam Total
2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
I-II 1P 1x8 1x3 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x4
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
I-II 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II ES 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) III/IV Semesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs. Marks
Sem. Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week ofExa IA Exam Total
3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
I-IV DisciplineCoreCourses
1P 1x8 1x3 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x4
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II/IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I&III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
c) V/VISemester
Course/Pap Instruction Hrs. Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
er hrs/week ofExa IA Exam Total
Discipline 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
CoreCourses 1P 1x8/12 1x3 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x4
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
Internship 3 to Report
VI Internship 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
between5th& 4wee &presentati
6thSemester ks on
d) VII/VIII Semester
Course/P Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
aper hrs/week Exam(hrs) IA Exam Total
Discipline 2T 2x4 2 x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x4
CoreCourses 1P 1x8/12 1 x3 1x50 1x50 1x100 1 x4
DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
ResearchMetho 1T 1x3 1x 2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2x3 2 x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x3
1P 1x8 1 x3 1x50 1x50 1x100 1 x4
2T 2x3 2x3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
Research Project* 1P 12 60 40+100 1x200 1x6
Report Evaln.
*TwoDisciplineElective papersmay beofferedinlieuofthe projectwork.
e) IX/XSemester
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week ofExam(hr IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 2T 2x4 2 x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x4
withPractical 1P 1 x 12 1 x2 1x50 1x50 1x100 1 x4
IX DisciplineElective 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
1T 1x4 1 x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x4
1P 1 x 12 1 x2 1x50 1x50 1x100 1 x4
X DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
Viva+Report 40+100
ResearchProject* 1RP 12 60 1x200 1x 6
Evaluation (Viva)
4A.B.P.A.DegreeandM.P.A (Integrated)DegreeProgrammes–Option1
a) I/II/III/IVSemesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs.of Marks
Sem. Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week Exam IA Exam Total
Any two as core 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
subjectsfromDance,Musi 1P(T+P) 1(1+4) 1x(3/4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
I-IV candTheatreDisciplines( 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
with 1P(T+P) 1(1+4) 1x(3/4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II/IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I/III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
CC-I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV H&W/NCC/NSS/R&R/CA 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) (i)V/VISemester(withamajorandaminor)
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
Major 2T 2x32x(1+ 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
V/VI DisciplinewithPracti 2P(T+P) 4) /4) 2x50 2x50 2x100 2x3
Minor 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Disciplinewithpracti 1P(T+P) 1(1+4) 1x(3/4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R& 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
Internship 3 to Report
VI between5th& Internship 4weeks &presentation 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
c) VII/VIIISemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs) IA Exam Total
Major subjectwith 2T 2x32x(1+ 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
practical(2Coreco 2P(T+P) 4) /4) 2x50 2x50 2x100 2x3
VII urses 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
1P(T+P) 1(1+4) 1x(3/4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
d) IX/XSemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs.) IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 3T 3 x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3 x3
withPractical 3P 3 x4 3 x4/3 3x25 3x25 3x50 3 x2
IX Discipline 1T 1 x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x3
Elective 1P 1 x4 1 x4/3 1x25 1x25 1x50 1 x2
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2 x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x3
2P 2 x4 2 x4/3 2x25 2x25 2x50 2 x2
Discipline 1T 1 x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x3
Elective 1P 1 x4 1 x4/3 1x25 1x25 1x50 1 x2
Research Viva+Report 40+100
1RP 12 60 1x200 1x 6
Project* Evaluation (Viva)
4B.B.P.A.DegreeandM.P.A (Integrated)DegreeProgrammes–Option2
a) I/II/III/IVSemesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs.of Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam IA Exam Total
Dance,Music&Theatre, 3T 3x3 3x23x(3 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
I-IV ascoresubjects(withpracticals), 3P 3x4 /4) 3x25 3x25 3x50 3x2
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II/IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I/III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
CC-I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV H&W/NCC/NSS/R&R/CA 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) (i)V/VISemester(withamajorandaminor)
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week ofExam(hrs. IA Exam Total
Major 2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
DisciplinewithPracti 2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
Minor 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Disciplinewithpracti 1P 1x4 1x(3/4) 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
V/VI-CC Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
V/VI- H&W/NCC/NSS/R& 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
Internship 3 to Report
VI between5th& Internship 4weeks &presentation 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
c) VII/VIIISemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs) IA Exam Total
Major subjectwith 2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
practical(2Coreco 2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
VII 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
1P(T+P) 1(1+4) 1x(3/4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
Vocationalcourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
ResearchMetho 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2x3 2x22x(3 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
subjectwithpract 2P 2x4 /4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
ical 1T 1x31(1 1x21x(3 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
(2 Core 1P(T+P) +4) /4) 1x50 1x50 1x100 1x3
Project 12 Viva+ReportEv 60 40+100 1x200 1x6
&Project work)
Work* aluation (Viva)
* TwoDisciplineElective papersmay beofferedinlieuofthe projectwork.
d) IX/XSemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs.) IA Exam Total
Discipline 3T 3 x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3 x3
CorewithPracti 3P 3 x4 3 x4/3 3x25 3x25 3x50 3 x2
IX cal
Discipline 1T 1 x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x3
Elective 1P 1 x4 1 x4/3 1x25 1x25 1x50 1 x2
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2 x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2 x3
2P 2 x4 2 x4/3 2x25 2x25 2x50 2 x2
Discipline 1T 1 x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1 x3
Elective 1P 1 x4 1 x4/3 1x25 1x25 1x50 1 x2
Research Viva+Report 40+100
1RP 12 60 1x200 1x6
Project* Evaluation (Viva)
5. B.C.A.Degree/HonoursDegreeProgrammes
a) I/II/III/IV Semesters
Course/ Instruction Hrs.of Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam IA Exam Total
3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
I-IV 2P 2x3 2x(3/4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II/IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1x50 1x2
I&III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
I-IV 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
b) V/VISemester
Course Instruction Hrs. Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
/Paper hrs/week ofExa IA Exam Total
Discipline 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
CoreCourses 2P 2x3 2x(3/4) 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VI Internship 3to 4 weeks Report 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
between5th& &presentati
6thSemester on
V/VI SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1x25 1x1
c) VII/VIIISemester
Course/ Instruction Durationof Marks
Sem. Subjects Credits
Paper hrs/week Exam(hrs) IA Exam Total
Discipline 3T 1x 3 1x 2 3x40 3x60 3x100 1x 3
CoreCourses 2P 2x4 2 x4/3 2x25 2x25 2x50 2x2
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
DisciplineCore 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VIII VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Viva 40+100
ProjectWork* 1P 12 60 1x200 1x6
+ReportEval Viva
* TwoDisciplineElective papersmay beofferedinlieuofthe projectwork.
Course/ Instruction Duration Marks
Sem. Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week ofExam(hr IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 3T 3 x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3 x4
withPractical 3P 3 x4 3 x4/3 3x25 3x25 3x50 3 x2
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
2T 2 x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 1x 3
2P 2 x4 2 x4/3 2x25 2x25 2x70 2x2
X DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
Research Viva+Report 100+40
1RP 12 60 1x200 1 x 6
Project* Evaluation (Viva)
6. B.B.A./B.Com.Degree&HonoursDegreeProgrammes
a) I/II/III/IVSemesters
Sem. Course/ Instruction Hrs.of Marks Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week Exam IA Exam Total
I-IV 1DisciplineCore 3xT 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
1OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
I-IV 2 Languages 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
II&IV ESorCoI 1T 1x3 1x2 1x20 1x30 1 x 50 1x2
I&III SEC T+P 1+2 2 1x25 1x25 1 x 50 1x2
I-IV Yoga/Sports 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1 x 25 1x1
I-IV H&W/NCC/NSS/R&R/CA 1P 1x2 - 1x25 - 1 x 25 1x1
b) V/VISemester
Sem. Subjects Course/P Instruction Hrs. Marks Credits
aper hrs / week ofExa IA Exam Total
Disciplinecore 3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
V/VI VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Internship 3to 4 weeks Report 1x25 1x25 1x50 1x2
c) VII/VIIISemester
Sem. Course Instructio Duration Marks Credits
Subjects /Paper nhrs/week ofExam IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
Res.Methodology 1T 1x 3 1x 2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
DisciplineCore 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
DisciplineElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
VIII VocationalCourse 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
ResearchProject* 12 Viva+Report 60 40+100 1x200 1x6
Evaluation Viva
* TwoDisciplineElective papersmay beofferedinlieuofthe projectwork.
d) IX/XSemester
Sem. Course/ Instruction Duration Marks Credits
Subjects Paper hrs/week ofExam(hr IA Exam Total
DisciplineCore 3T 3x4 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x4
IX DisciplineElective 3T 3x3 3x2 3x40 3x60 3x100 3x3
OpenElective 1T 1x3 1x2 1x40 1x60 1x100 1x3
DisciplineCore 2T 2x4 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x4
X DisciplineElective 2T 2x3 2x2 2x40 2x60 2x100 2x3
ResearchProject* 1RP 16 Viva+Repor 60 40+100 1x200 1x8
tEvaluation (Viva)
Semester I II Total
Total Marks per Semester 800 800 1600
Total Marks Secured 580 641 1221
Semester Alpha Sign Grade A A+ -
Semester GPA 7.22 8.02 -
Semester Credits (C) 25 25 50
Semester Credit Points 180.5 200.5 381.0
(CP) (SGPA x C)
iii) Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the Bachelor Degree:
Semester I II III IV V VI Total
Total Marks per Semester 800 800 800 800 600 600 4400
Total Marks Secured 580 641 664 684 490 499 3558
Semester Alpha Sign Grade A A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ -
Semester GPA 7.22 8.02 8.30 8.55 8.17 8.32 -
Semester Credits (C) 25 25 25 25 24 24 148
Semester Credit Points (CP) 180.5 200.5 207.5 213.8 196.1 199.7 1198.1
(SGPA x C)
v) Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the Integrated Master’s
Degree: Illustration-V
Total Marks per Semester 800 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 600 6800
Total Marks Secured 580 641 664 684 490 499 467 506 481 513 5525
Semester Alpha Sign Grade A A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A A+ A+ A+ -
Semester GPA 7.22 8.02 8.30 8.55 8.17 8.32 7.78 8.43 8.02 8.55 -
Semester Credits (C) 25 25 25 25 24 24 22 22 22 22 236
Semester Credit Points 180.5 200.5 207.5 213.8 196.1 199.7 171.2. 185.5 176.4 188.1 1919.3
(CP) (SGPA x C)
These are the sample illustrations of computing Semester Grade Point Averages (SGPA) and
Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA) and the Alpha – Sign Grades assigned.