CII IndiaDesign 2021

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CII India Design eBook 2020

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Published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Mantosh Sondhi Centre;

23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003, India, Tel: +91-11-24629994-7,
Fax: +91-11-24626149; Email:; Web:
Chandrajit Banerjee Deep Kapuria
Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry Chairman, CII National Committee on Design
Chairman, The Hi-Tech Group
As the Indian economy aspires to reach an ambitious target of USD 5 trillion by
The past year has grimly made us aware of a calamity, the Covid-19, which has brutally
2025, the design industry sector will play a critical role through envisioning of new
impacted the globe & our lives. Even though we have a ray of hope in the form of
products, innovative services and technology advancements. The 6th edition of the
a Vaccine the challenges of the delivery to immunize billions of people remain. It’s
CII India Design book in its digital version emphasizes key success stories of design
also quite evident that as economic activity struggles on the path of recovery, we
sector and its contribution to the growth of Indian economy.
are already observing a structural change impacting our lives. Historically pandemics
have indicated the beginning of a new chapter for the mankind, which could be very
India is emerging as a global design hub and its design industry is growing at the rate true for this contagion as well.
of 23 to 25% annually. The expertise of Indian designers is coveted by leading MNCs We’re clearly at the cusp of a defining era & an evolution of a ‘New Normal’. This
from countries such as the United States, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Japan that ‘New Normal’, also warrants the imperative to move towards more self-reliance; it
are either setting up research and design centres in India or are offshoring design might seem like a conundrum, but this form of ‘Self-reliance’ structurally embeds or
work to Indian design houses. The design industry in India is currently estimated to rather thrives on cross border & international cooperation as well.
be around INR 20,000 crore, and is expected to increase at a CAGR of more than
The Prime Minister’s mission mode program of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ or ‘Self-
11% in coming years. The growth is being accelerated by the new wave of evolution
reliant’ India would be a source of local ingenuity creating global impact. The pertinent
experienced by Indian industries during the pandemic. It is worth mentioning here
question could be at stage; how could we contribute rather than being a bystander in
that the Design and Manufacturing sector is the second largest employer after the
this endeavour & proactively participate in designing of this New Era? This presents a
Agriculture sector in the Indian economy.
mega domain of opportunities for Designers to engage with solutions.
Some of the other essential questions to be asked of the Design community would be:
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has been deeply engaged in strengthening • How can the Design help accelerate the Digitalization of the Economy?
the innovation culture and design aspirations of India over the years. Various • How would one Bridge the digital divide, making it more inclusive & providing
initiatives have been taken by CII for promoting the vital role of design in making all strata of society equitable opportunities?
businesses more competitive and public services more effective as well as raising
This is important to help Remote education & basic health care reach vulnerable
awareness and capacity in the sector.
section of society, which has been impacted the most in the current crisis. It would
mean a focus on Human-Centric Design as the basic approach to solve Societal &
As the Design Industry moves forward, it becomes increasingly crucial to document Environment Challenges.
and present the state of design in India. CII had initiated the CII India Design Year Opportunity lies in fusing advanced technologies with design thinking.
Book in 2013, and it has become the only annual compendium in the country
The designers have a mega opportunity to bring forth numerous innovative products
that presents contemporary work from myriad design disciplines and showcases
and services riding on digital platforms. It could also mean help rejuvenating
innovative solutions and vital advancements. The CII India Design book also covers
traditional crafts and skills through deign-led technological innovations.
key areas where design has left its mark, by presenting case studies of Indian
products and services. This could very well be the time design gets the recognition, it truly deserves.
This publication is a window to Indian design ethos and its capabilities. The book
features contributions from the leading design consultants and design led companies,
This book is an essential compilation of case-studies of Indian success stories in
whose experiences and insights would prove invaluable to many. It unfolds many
design. I wish the readers an exciting and delightful experience in learning more
evocative stories of symbiosis between design and manufacturing. I have no doubt
about the aspirations, journey and success stories of the Design Industry of India.
that this edition showcasing detailed case-study of product/service design of the book
will serve as a formal source of reference for design excellence in India.
On behalf of the CII National Committee on Design, we are honored to present this
publication to the practitioners and connoisseurs of good design. I am sure that the
work curated and presented in these pages would go a long way in igniting readers’
appreciation for design. I hope that you will enjoy learning about many aspects
related to design and bestow emphatic support this dynamic and progressive sector.
In closing, I would like to thank wholeheartedly all the contributors for their

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‘Friday Sharing’
Event video & poster design

The Brief Looking Back

‘Friday sharing’ is a much anticipated weekly ritual at De- The Friday Sharing event has been consistently engaging not
signit’s studio in Bengaluru for which we come together to only organisation wide audience but external audiences also
dedicate an hour to share knowledge, collaborate or just take over the last 3 years with more than 160 session so far. The
some time off to have some fun. The idea was to create a unique poster & promo video design has created a lasting
video celebrating of the studio culture, its collaborative prac- impression on the audience enabling global participation,
tices and its focus on doing creative work apart from our even more now since the event is conducted virtually.
client engagements on the occasion of its 150th anniversary The event is an impactful initiative in spreading the reach
celebration. and awareness about topics related to design, innovation,
socio-cultural initiative that have transformed business &
The Solution people’s lives. The posters & promo video design has helped
in promoting this core idea of the initiative & successfully
‘Friday sharing’ acts as an internal community platform with-
brought people together as a cultural change.
in Wipro to share knowledge, stories & learn together on
variety of topics- art, travel, culture, design, innovation, new
member intro etc. The posters & promo video designed for
the event brings alive characteristic of each session creative- WEBSITE URL
ly & narrates vivid story about the topic in focus.
We had designed a series of posters using Adobe illustrator
over past 3 years to communicate & promote the weekly COMPANY ADDRESS
event of ‘Friday sharing’. On the occasion of its 150th anni-
versary, we brought this rich library of creative work to life in Designit-a Wipro company
a minute long animated video designed in After Effects with Gate 10, Tower 23, Wipro EC4 Electronic City,
typography, illustration and graphic elements colliding in a Bengaluru Karnataka, 560100
visual flurry of styles, set to a foot-tapping beat. The inspira-
tion for the video comes from use of creative transitions and
fast edits, weaving in a varied artworks in high energy kinetic
typography style. The rich motion graphic design celebrates
the spirit of the event- fun, knowledge & collaboration.

8 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 9

The composition of the tiger was designed through polyg-
onal shapes, and the ‘live/in action’ mode was adapted to
portray the essence of the whole campaign.
Designing of the tiger motif was certainly the key to get-
ting traction with potential investors. The tiger was a graphic
rendering that showed the various investment sectors that
was offered by Madhya Pradesh. All the sectors were also
graphically illustrated.
The designing had two basic characteristics: Singularity and
Memorability. And that is what gave it a clutter-breaking at-
tribute. Thereby helping boost the brand salience of Madhya
Pradesh as an investment destination.

Madhya Pradesh-India’s Delivery

Identifying the state of Madhya Pradesh with the magnifi-
cence of the tiger was also an environment-friendly initiative

emerging economic tiger because it helped give a boost to ‘Save the tiger’ drive. Ac-
cording to the latest tiger census results Madhya Pradesh
has reclaimed its position as the ‘tiger state’ of India.
To save the tiger you also need to preserve its habitat. And
The Challenge The Discovery that meant preserving the forest cover. And today Madhya
Pradesh can take pride in having the largest forest cover in
How do we attract Foreign Direct Investment to Madhya We did an economic profiling of Madhya Pradesh based on
Pradesh, a state that was perceived to lack the appeal for desk based research. We discovered varied interesting facts,
being top of mind as far as investors were concerned? among which a notable few are mentioned here: Madhya
Pradesh has abundant deposits of minerals including coal
Looking Back
The challenge before us was to create a brand salience for
­Madhya Pradesh, establishing it as an attractive investment and diamonds; one of the highest agricultural productivity in In hindsight, one might ask whether the tag of ‘emerging
the country; power surplus state and plentiful water resourc- economic tiger’ imposes a limitation on Madhya Pradesh
es; 3rd largest highway network in the country; 5 commercial because it suggests that the state has not ‘arrived’ as an
airports; 6 inland container facility etc. economic tiger. Perhaps tag could be changed to ‘Turn your
The Brief investment into a roaring success’ while retaining the same
The design team led by Ujjual Gupta (Design Head and found-
Our brief was to build on the latent potential of Madhya er), who holds more than 13 years of experience in design tiger imagery.
Pradesh as an investment destination by drawing on its and ideation, executed multiple rounds of design thinking in
strengths that needed to be highlighted. Including the state’s weaving the ideal narrative and visual graphic for defining
rich mineral and agricultural base, plentiful availability of pow- and branding the event.
er and water, ready access to skilled manpower and India’s
cleanest living environment. The Solution
The eureka moment for us was when we could juxtapose
The Plan our tagline: “Madhya Pradesh-India’s emerging economic WEBSITE URL
tiger” with the key visual of the ‘tiger’. Together it brought
The plan was to create a branding for Madhya Pradesh that
into focus the unique identity of the country’s ‘tiger state’
would fuse its traditional identity with the new one we were
visually and also signalled the release of the ‘animal spirits’
developing for attracting investors. Ujjual Gupta
which is how John Maynard Keynes described the emotional
Studies revealed that Madhya Pradesh has the unique dis- +91 9999513550
mindsets that drives economic growth to a higher trajectory.
tinction of being home to the highest number of tigers in The main graphic was subsequently built to draw focus into
India. We decided to give a twist to the ‘Tiger State’ status the different sectors- at the micro level, while portraying the i-imazine
of Madhya Pradesh in order to arrive at our branding propo- base graphic as a tiger- at the macro level. Representation- B503, Mantri Webcity, Narayanpura,
sition. The twist was to dovetail this ‘magnificent’ identity of al attributes of the colours played an important part in illus- Bengaluru, Karnataka 560077
Madhya Pradesh with the state’s enormous economic poten- trating the individual sectors. The typeset was developed to
tial and arrive at a solution that would generate a high degree tune into the visual aesthetics and to bind the entire narrative
of interest in investors. in cohesion.

10 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 11

To arrive at the revised design, we began by establishing three
experience principles based on our research insights.
Clear communication- We’ve prioritised clarity over visual en-
hancements. The new design language supports the content,
making it more relevant.
User empowerment- Main goal of the application is to sim-
plify user interaction. To make it effortless we eliminated
unnecessary stages and clutter, thus enabling seamless
experience for the user.
Consistentcy- We’ve strived for consistency across visual lan-
guage, patterns and components throughout the interface to
make it intuitive for the users.

Medtronic- VLEX Delivery

The delivery of the project was done in multiple phases while
following the agile framework methodology. The design and
VLEX- Software setup and management system for Medtronic’s development happened in parallel with iterative process to
ensure the client has visibility at all stages and be able to
electrosurgical devices accommodate feedback at any point. We played an integral
part in due design governance to ensure the product is build
The Challenge The Discovery and shipped in the similar way as it was designed ensuring
consistent user experience of the application.
Valleylab Exchange (VLEX™) is a software management sys- For in- depth discovery process, we conducted multiple discus-
tem used by Medtronic staff to remotely setup, update and sions with the Medtronic team to understand the VLEX™ appli- Looking Back
manage Medtronic’s Valleylab Energy Platform devices. The cation, existing flows and functionalities. The existing interface
old interface of VLEX was prone to errors due to missed up- was built using Windows Presentation Foundation with multiple The redesigned VLEX™ interface reduced the failure rate sig-
dates and sometimes incorrect voltage in the devices. This tab within tab functionality to access and perform even simple nificantly and more than halved the existing time to setup
meant a potentially hazardous machine responsible for preci- tasks like software update, enabling or disabling features, fetch- and update the software. This not only reduced the stress
sion power management to run delicate surgical tools in the ing logs. This led servicing professionals in taking more time to on medical personnel and contributed to improved patient
operating theatre! perform updates while also making the application more prone outcome rates but also resulted in increased life of the elec-
to errors and failures in completing the tasks. Similar insights as trosurgical equipments.
The Brief this from primary and desk research led to the identification and
The brief was to redesign VLEX™ interface so that surgeons selection of final use cases and their flows to be worked on. Client Speak
and medical staff have access to the latest performance fea-
WATCH  Success Video
This project exemplifies the power of design in
tures in their electrosurgical devices at all times resulting in The Solution saving lives and can encourage more designers to
increased efficiencies. It was important to design ‘right’ for critically busy users – focus on opportunities in MedTech UX. Powered
the surgeons and the medical staff, who might have varied by passion, guided by human-centeredness and
The Plan tech literacy, and low patience, time, or interest. The new in- grounded in deep research findings, VLEX is a great
We began with a discovery and analysis phase, followed by terface was designed to be organized, clear and easy to use, exemplar of design that impacts lives.
ideating multiple approaches to streamlining the overall UX. and with intuitive navigation by reducing everything to bare
The focal point was to enable surgeons and medical staff with essentials, redesigning workflow for simplicity, and creating
the latest software updates for all their electrosurgical devices, a bold design aesthetic.
with an easy-to-understand UI that would help minimize errors Since VLEX™ is a Windows app, we picked inspirations for de-
and allow the users to focus their energy on their job instead. sign elements from the Fluent design system and designed a WEBSITE URL
We generated over 250+ screens that got distilled into the visual presentation scheme comprised of a well-defined color
final flows, which were deliberated upon and prioritised in palette and clean typography. This interface design served sev-
review sessions with key stakeholders. Our deliverables also eral important goals like - Supporting easy readability which is COMPANY ADDRESS
included a well-documented design library and 15 explainer critical in the usage context, providing prominent affordances
videos for micro-interactions. wherever applicable, and reducing screens and task flows Designit-a Wipro company
Gate 10, Tower 23, Wipro EC4 Electronic City,
Bengaluru Karnataka, 560100

12 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 13

The guidebook was intentionally structure as a standard A4
book to maintain familiarity of usage for the users. Even
though new in design, it reduced the learning curve for the
stakeholders. Also allowing for manufacturing and future
adaptability at local level, for ease of operations for the Gov-
ernment. Another important value addition was designing
of compact cue card deck, made with non-tearable paper.
This allowed for quick usage for onground staff usage, which
would withstand frequent and rough usage.

Looking Back
When looking back, the aspect that could have been improved

NITI Aayog - Transformation

upon is achieving more direct involvement form the stake-
holders and the users. This could have reflected better in the
content of the guidebook. To make the content even more

of Aspirational Districts - Guide book

comprehensible and translatable to specific action points and

The Challenge mentioned in the document as regionally, the logos are more
recognisable to people over the scheme names. Such key ob- COMPANY ADDRESS
To create an inclusive handbook that covered the objectives
servations and inclusions hep structure a concise, yet detailed Kreo Design and Innovation
of various departments (Eg: Education, Agriculture etc) and
guide toolkit required for carrying out crucial tasks at district lev- #3490, 2nd cross, 
catering to stakeholders of various levels (ranging from Dis-
els across the nation. 14th Main Rd, 
trict Magistrates to onground workers). Also a challenge was
HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar,
to achieve information that was cultural neutral as the target The Solution Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038 
was 115 districts across India.
User centric design. Addressing language barriers through
­visual aid and infographics. Guiding information architecture
The Brief
to make it easy to consume for officials of all levels. Simplified
A pro bono project. Redesigning the reckoner guide book for data consumption patterns. Actionable indicators for every
NITI Aayog which was to serve as a guidance tool for District step instruction to follow referring to the guide book. Tradition-
collectors, senior officers and on-ground government repre- al and technical government task data was translated to visu-
sentatives to carry operations and steps towards develop- ally aided data making it easy and quick to consume, compre-
ment of key selected 115 districts across 6 key sectors. hend and follow. This was crucial for such a detailed document
of the Indian Government which is structured with diversity in
The Plan officials, designations and departments. The guide also served
The plan was to create a highly user centric tool addressing as a indicative toolkit for making every task measurable and
crucial problem statement. The design intent and outcome inclusive for all possible stakeholders and b­ eneficiaries.
was not to mere visually enhance a traditional text heavy gov-
ernment document, but to serve as tool for government offi-
cials and empower them to effectively perform their roles. To Keeping user / reader behavioural patterns in mind, the design
create a language agnostic universal design which would be was highly comprehensible and universal in nature. Key de-
functional, relatable and inspiring. sign features included translating crucial technical information
into measurable visual cues for the readers to refer to exe-
The Discovery cute their tasks. Eg: visual representation of kids with stunted
growth, for tracking a measurable data count. Also visually, a
The discovery was a tab based A4 size book, which allowed for
simple graphic iconography style was created similar to the
easy and quick browsing, searching for relevant data through
style commonly used in government signage and mnemon-
the information heavy book, along with familiarity of usage for
ics, for familiarity and easy adaptability. This graphic and visu-
the target group. Organised information for sequential reading
al style paired with a sequential information architecture and
supported with colour coded and sequential numbering. Also, a
flow, following the reading pattern for easy data consumption
key feature was inclusion of the logos of Government schemes
and comprehension.
14 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 15
The defined strategic objective of the project and the key
guiding principles for this future vision - Flexibility, Reliability,
Visibility, Collaboration, Ownership and Autonomy; have now
become cornerstones of the Wipro processes. We identified,
prioritised roles & their service interaction for various pro-
cesses across tracks for defining future journeys. These were
validated by stakeholders & used as input for business pro-
cess finalization & UX design for the various touchpoints. We
created the digital design and click-through prototypes for all
touchpoints. The Designit team further used Wipro’s branding
guidelines, and best practices from ERP systems to define the
design style-guide for the development of unified platform.

Quantum service and UX ­design-

In order to ensure scalability and standardisation we created
a design system consisting of guidelines and components,
for easy hand-offs between teams. The design system was
­ eimagining organisational processes and transforming systems
R built based on Atomic design philosophy using atoms, mol-
within Wipro ecules & organisms. Using the design principles and infor-
mation architecture we translated service journeys into user
flows, wireframes and visual designs. We set it up such that
The Challenge neys of future processes which then informed business pro-
new designers and developers can keep onboarding and cre-
cess redefinition & the UX design of future digital systems.
Wipro is a large enterprise organization and owing to organ- ating consistent designs and implementations over time.
ic growth and various acquisitions over decades, the exist-
The Discovery Looking Back
ing processes have become outdated and do not support
new business models. The organisation’s internal processes With target audience being over 170,000 employees of Wipro we
Quantum has become the North Star for all other process Client Speak
were becoming barriers to its growth because of disparate deep dived into research to review all existing systems, process-
re-imagination work within the organisation. ‘WiproOne’ “We realised that digital was growing leaps and
sources of information, siloed mentality, inappropriate tools es, controls and policies, operational structures and organization
platform itself has led to increase in organisation efficiency bounds and we felt the need to transform internally.
and systems, dearth of ownership and initiative, redundant structures. We conducted more than 120 face to face interviews
& employee experience. This initiative has redefined the way With that in view, we embarked on Quantum to
processes and lack of visibility. with stakeholders and users in various roles in the company. We
an organization perceives role of design & create differentia- create a significantly simplified work flow...,”
also conducted audit for 11 existing tools, secondary research on
tion for its customers by bringing together businesses, em- - Jatin Dalal- Senior Vice President and
The Brief as many distinct topics and undertook more than 140 business
ployees & users together holistically. Recently launched, the Chief Financial Officer
understanding and baseline process discussions. Post multiple
Wipro wanted to kick-start its human-centric digital transfor- Lead-to-Order module results have exceeded expectations.
co-creation and validation workshops with users, our key insight
mation journey to redesign core organisation processes em- The project has won several design awards at the NASSCOM
was that it was not about the process only, but the whole or-
powering its employees to achieve operational efficiencies. Design4India Design Summit & UX India for the research and
ganizational ecosystem and the interdependencies between the
The brief was to reimagine processes to deliver a unified digital experience design.
organizational pillars that required to be re-imagined.
view of Wipro across various organizational dimensions of
people, processes, and systems. Hence instil simplicity and
WATCH  Success Video
The Solution
agility to accommodate extant and future business models.
We designed future service journeys across organisation-wide
The Plan processes, leading to creation of WiproOne- A Unified Enter-
prise System.
From sales, marketing to project management, WEBSITE URL
Our phased implementation plan with Discover, Define,
operations and hiring, we brought all the business processes
and Design phases helped the organisation ease into this
and user functions under one system. It provides role wise
transformation. We envisioned the future of Wipro process-
access to everything a user needs to carry out their tasks.
es through extensive research that helped us understand &
The outcome included: 1. Brand identity for WiproOne 2. Enter-
empathise with current ways of working & its challenges. A Designit-a Wipro company
prise platform design & development 3. A Design system. In
cross functional study was conducted across all the Wipro Gate 10, Tower 23, Wipro EC4 Electronic City,
order to make a truly scalable system, we created a design sys-
processes with research insights leading us to derive guid- Bengaluru Karnataka, 560100
tem of guidelines and components which helps in maintaining
ing principles that have become cornerstones of the Wipro’s
consistency, collaboration & easy hand-over to the tech team.
future processes. The outcomes were detailed service jour-

16 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 17

Client Speak
Great work done on this project.
Truly a team effort between HUL & complete
Red Baton team, to have a capability which
enabled us to win the prestigious award.
Absolute d­ elight. – Suniti Satnalika,
IT Lead – Customer Development,
Hindustan Unilever Limited

UShop Application Design


Recreating the retail ­experience for towns across India Hansika Satish
Red Baton Design Studio
The Challenge stan Unilever Limited products at partner stores. The applli- 8880877662
cation aids small format retail stores to compete with the #2577, 13th Cross Rd, 1st Sector, HSR Layout, Bengaluru,
The application revamp had to bring the experience of first-
larger supermarkets by enabling their discovery on the app Karnataka 560102
time digital users to par with tier 1 cities. It required a us-
and giving discounts on purchases made at their stores. Ad-
er-friendly experience that also ensured thorough education
ditionally, the app aims at bringing transparency to pricing,
and brand loyalty.
offers, schemes and empower the merchant through direct
The Brief
HUL caters to a wide audience within a specific segment in Designing
India – they are primarily tier-II and tier-III customers. This au-
The format of in-store shopping journey was recreated by
dience set is majorly ‘budgeted necessities’ shoppers who
giving it a digital makeover. The retail store allowed custom-
are driven by discounts and offers. The entire application sys-
ers to scan both HUL and non HUL products as per their
tem had to be designed through the end-user perspective.
inventory, and billing is done on the retailer app which can
The team’s approach involved narrowing down the most
be installed on the retailer’s mobile phone or on the POS de-
critical obsatcles to app adoption and recommendations to
vice provided by HUL. The gamification model was a fun and
resolve those in a phased manner.
engaging way to extrinsically motivate customers through
rewards and daily challenges even outside of an active pur-
The Discovery chase journey.
The team undertook a multi-city onground user research in
India to understand the first time digital users’ exeprience Delivery
and worked to tackle and resolve the painpoints highlighted
The process started with the revamped information architec-
during the research and analysis. We followed this up with
ture and wireframes for the application. The team delivered
multiple focus group discussions, trend analysis and immer-
the final UI of the app and helped with development and
sion sessions to arrive at our recommendations. We had
usability testing of the latest version of the product.
to design the app to be the most convenient option for the
small format retail store owners to enable ease of adoption.
Looking Back
The Solution The revamp has helped increase the usability of the appli-
cation multifold and has introduced several features to help
Ushop was designed as a novel internal loyalty-based pro-
make it a regular part of the customer’s engagement with
gram. It is aimed at rewarding shoppers for buying Hindu-

18 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 19

The research, ideation, form explorations, and 3D work ran
through 8 months. A one-of production, the chassis was built
with aluminium, manufactured using CNC machining and
welding. The exterior parts of the robot were predominantly
manufactured using 3D printing (Stereolithography) for paint
finished parts and CNC machining for transparent/ tinted
parts. We followed the DFMA (Design for Manufacturing &
Assembly) principles for manufacturability. Signifiant parallel
effort was spent to integrate computing hardware and soft-
ware into the physical form as well.

Looking Back

The robot has been exhibited in Wipro all-hands meet where
it addressed the audience, interacted with people and spoke
about its making. Currently it operates at the Wipro Innova-
tion center in Bangalore, meeting & greeting visitors. Would
A social Robot be interesting to evolve the form further today, change pro-
portions and overall bulk to make it appear lighter, smaller.

The Challenge for the ‘social robot’. We also designed a graphical language
for facial communication by studying and analysing human
To showcase their competency in developing Robotic Sys-
tems & associated IP’s, the client, Wipro, wanted to design
emotions and expressions. Voice, tones, gestures and con-
versations were further developed based on the robot’s de- WATCH  Success Video
and build a robot which marks their venture into robotics. fined personality traits and understanding human body lan-
They wanted to demonstrate the organization’s capabilities guage.
and enhance the experience of their visitors by showcasing
this social robot at their innovation centre’s exhibition space.
The Solution
Weda’s design marks its place of origin with a nod to an In-
dian icon - the Gandhi cap, a mile-marker in the Indian strug-
The client wanted the robot to appear technologically ad- gle for freedom. We designed the form to be gender-neutral
vanced and interact with visitors demonstrating a “walk- and honest. WEDA sports cutting edge sensor-tech which Designit-a Wipro company
ing-talking” capability of robotics and AI, among the other enables it to perceive people and space. The Head incorpo- Gate 10, Tower 23, Wipro EC4 Electronic City,
things. They were particular that the robot should evoke the rates face detection camera and face display, the torso in- Bengaluru Karnataka, 560100
following terms of description upon interaction- Complex, In- corporates microphones, depth sensing camera, ultra-sonic
telligent, Smooth and Hi-Tech sensor and emergency button and the base has ultra-sonic
sensors, LiDAR sensors and wheels. WEDA is equipped
The Plan with a unified communication system comprised of a rich fa-
cial expression slate, auditory feedback, and body gestures.
Great potential exists today to use robots to enhance social
These technical features enables it to be a personal guide,
interactions. Recent technological advancements lend new
a conversational partner as well as social media presence.
possibilities to design human like experiences. We wanted
to design a robot that can seamlessly blend into human en-
vironments and interact in a way which leaves genuine hu-
man impressions. We saw this as an opportunity to explore Designing the form considering its functions and personality
social capabilities of robot – whether it can assist humans was a key challenge - whether it should have human like or ab-
and provide natural communication and feedback which are stract features? Facial communication system was designed
comprehensible to humans. carefully after studying human emotions and expressions and
validated based on user testing. Considerable amount of ef-
fort was spent on designing movements of body parts – pan
The Discovery
& tilt functions for head, torso tilt & twist, 6 DOF arms mim-
We started with researching existing robots and personali- icking human arm joints which defined the body language and
ties to visualize features, technology and applications rele- gestures of the robot. Concept sketches were realized into
vant to our context. Post gathering insights and extensive 3D model of the product and then prototype was made using
brainstorming sessions, we generated final list of capabilities Styrofoam boards to get an idea of the volume.
20 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 21
Due to our rigorous discovery phase, we got an overview of
different pain points and how can we address them via our
solution, helping us define future vision of the product. Next
we derived design and experience principles, which were-
1. Engaging- through gamification and reward system 2. Per-
sonalised- by adapting to user needs 3. Smart and connect-
ed- offering multitude of services and lastly 4. Real time and
contextual- by predicting user needs and behaviour. This en-
abled the tech, design and product teams to align towards a
common understanding of the goal to be achieved for Auto-


Wipro Autoinsights The project ran for 6 months from inception through design
execution, with the help of 5 designers delivering 9 distinct
outcomes. The development and subsequent deployment
A connected car ecosystem design completed over the next 2 quarters while the design team
provided governance. The tools, platforms and languages
employed for the project were node.js, java, iOS, Android,
The Challenge The Discovery Angular 2, Alexa, python & ML, Rest API, APIGEE, AWS, S3,
The client wanted to redefine the experience of owning a We started by understanding the platform in depth, along
car and disrupt the pre-owned car ecosystem to become with its promises and limitations. During a month-long
connected through IoT, analytics, mobility & voice. They in-
Looking Back
research and discovery phase, we conducted various in-
tended to extend critical OEM services leading to dealer- terviews with beta users, product owners, insurance and AutoInsights offers an elevated experience to car owners
ships, improved sales conversion, connected experiences, domain experts and conducted co-creation sessions with using voice, mobility and analytics. It has enabled a new rev-
improved consumer safety, reduced total cost of ownership, enue channel and data monetisation for OEM businesses Client Speak
various stakeholders. Our secondary research included
and improved resales. across the globe and related ecosystem players. The product “Working with Wipro was a very enjoyable
understanding the domain of connected cars, emerging
was launched in a partnership with Mahindra as ‘Mahindra experience. We approached the project together as
technologies, OBD devices and market trends. Insights
The Brief derived from this discovery were used to conceptualise
Konnect First’, which was extremely well-received. It also a true partnership and had a very high level of
won a Baby Elephant at Kyoorius Creative Awards. transparency. Wipro as a technology partner
The client had ‘Proof of Concept’ for a connected car eco- the solution.
understood how to build products for the market
system, driven by an OBD (On-board Diagnostics) device
build business around it.”
as well as a beta app. They wanted our help to define the The Solution - Dr. Nagendra Palle- CEO and MD, Mahindra First
user experience of the solution, and create a future vision
Our solution was 2 fold: Choice Wheels ltd.
for the platform by making meaningful use of data gener-
ated. 1 A visually delightful contemporary brand language that
was manifest through visual design, fonts, app icons,
The Plan graphics, motion graphics communication video as well
as packaging for the physical On-Board Diagnostics (OBD)
We realised early on that collaboration across industry lines
product for the car.
is crucial to create value for this ecosystem. Hence, we used
a design-led approach by bringing different stakeholders to-
2 Future user experience of AutoInsights scaling across de- WATCH  Success Video
vices and platforms including iOS and Android mobile ap-
gether to define the vision and roadmap for the solution. We
started the project with discovery phase and based on in- plication and responsive web dashboard, which custom-
sights from it, outlined key emerging themes. These themes ers can use to interface with the connected car device.
were then used to co-create experience principles with the The key features of the platform designed included smart WEBSITE URL
client for envisioning the future journey of ‘Autoinsights’. insights about user’s driving, real time tracking of driving
The vision was realised by designing the future experience patterns, enhanced security by locking car digitally, emer-
through brand design, digital screen designs and high fidelity gency assistance and lastly preventive maintenance by
click through prototypes. identifying problems even before they happen.
Designit-a Wipro company
Gate 10, Tower 23, Wipro EC4 Electronic City,
Bengaluru Karnataka, 560100

22 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 23

Client Speak
Their design thinking, design process and COMPANY ADDRESS
in-depth immersion with our business
Hansika Satish
vision were noteworthy. Red Baton Design
Studio’s proactivity, responsiveness, and
deadline-­orientation were highlights of the
Red Baton Design Studio
­engagement. - CTO, Yulu Bikes
#2577, 13th Cross Rd, 1st Sector, HSR Layout, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560102

Yulu Bikes
Recreating a unified brand experience

The Challenge IoT. These together create the visual brand identity which is
identifiable across different physical and digital media even
Yulu was a fairly new domain with a presence as a cycle
where logo usage is not possible. We revamped Yulu’s web-
brand. It was critical to quickly establish their positioning in
site and app UX in-line with the new branding system to cre-
the upcoming shared mobility space. Yulu’s mix of digital
ate an easy, professional and seamless experience.
and physical interface made it essential for the branding to
transcend just the logo and be identifiable across media.
The Brief The design system was created with a focus on establishing
Yulu as a mobility provider, with the use of vibrant icons,
Our work for Yulu Bikes started with building their new web-
that symbolised their mix of IoT and environment friendli-
site but a shortcoming we noticed was that the brand’s older
ness. We added a few more dimensions to the branding
identity was not in line with their future expansions into the
with custom illustrations and a “Link“ element. The visual
shared micromobility space. We recommended a new visual
branding element was designed to symbolise Yulu as the
identity that would be dynamic and scalable for the current
link that completes the transportation chain. The link is an
and future offerings of Yulu.
integral part of all of the brand communications as it adds a
very functional message to the brand ethos communicated
The Discovery by the logo symbol.
Yulu is in the business of shared micro-mobility vehicles
which can be used for last-mile connectivity and short dis- Delivery
tance commute starting with their E-scooter, the Miracle.
We created a brand story video conveying the core messag-
Our process started with multiple rounds of immersion ses-
ing of Yulu through a custom animation style. The video re-
sions with different teams from Yulu and in-depth market
launches Yulu as a brand that moves people, by solving their
research. We understood the challenges and pain points that
first and lastmile commute problems and introduces their
internal stakeholders and customers faced when interact-
new visual identity. We continued to work with Yulu to cre-
ing with the brand. These sessions and discussions helped
ate their digital video campaigns and product photography to
focus our efforts on specific issues that could be resolved
launch their E-scooter, the Miracle.
through branding and communication.

Looking Back
The Solution
Yulu brand guidelines have proven to be consistent and scal-
We developed a design language the brand could own which
able for all possible applications to date even in the hands of
works with or without their logo. This gives them more room
multiple designers and agencies. The blue branding on the
to express their brand freely. We created a mark that sig-
physical products has become an iconic symbol of the metro
nifies mobility, cleaner environments, new beginnings, and
cityscapes in India.

24 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 25

The Yuyiii site design underwent three big iterations before
we fixed on the current one. We carefully mapped the user
journey to figure out their needs at each stage- just brows-
ing, seriously looking for an escape, or a themed getaway.
Our focus was to include user feedback at each stage to
break silos arising from the physical, digital, and service as-
pects of design. The platform needed to be clean, appealing,
and yet informative. We choose to do so through engaging
videos and photographs, showing both the property and the
activities available there.


The Yuyiii team has been incredibly involved since the be-
ginning. The feedback loop was always open and the Divami
team was always responsive. The website needed to pro-
mote the stay as well as the stories, the people, among oth-
Transforming tourism through Design er things. Moreover, we needed to stick to the budget and
create a booking engine that was unique in the industry. We
took Yuyiii as a personal project and took care of everything
starting from design to development with the close associa-
The Challenge The Discovery
tion of the founder of the Yuyiii platform. The platform is still
There is a necessity for promoting eco-tourism through sus- After the initial research, it was evident that interested trav- undergoing changes with plans to update the main landing
tainable stays in far-flung areas by featuring boutique stays. elers had several criteria before deciding on a stay like the page with auto-suggestions and other enhancements. After
The main challenge was to make home & boutique stays purpose of the stay, group they are traveling with, and so the design overhaul, their visitor volume increased by 21%.
stand out amongst the sea of options through a curated plat- on. At times, travelers did not have any destination in mind
form that catered to individual choices. but just wanted a small getaway. So, we decided to intro- Looking Back
duce the “Not Sure” module where they simply start off by
Since going live in April 2019 until the COVID crisis, Yuyiii has
The Brief selecting what they were in the mood for and subsequently
helped hundreds of travelers plan the perfect getaway with
providing other filters to narrow down the search. Finally,
The Yuyiii platform, initially provided a list of stays or get- the design went through multiple iterations to find out which its list of over 30 unique stays. The site has noticed a 151%
aways when a customer searched for a specific location. The suits the users best. increase in individual session duration and the bounce rate
client wanted us to showcase their unique approach to stays has reduced by 91%. For a company catering to a seasoned
through personalized booking and review experience. Addi- traveler category, that is impressive.
The Solution Client Speak
tionally, we wanted the booking experience to be as memo-
rable as the stay itself. The challenge lied in making the search experience highly Nidhi Sharma, Founder, Yuyiii. I envisioned
customized. The idea was it should favor discoverability, es- a platform ideal for travelers looking for an
The Plan pecially by geography and distance from the nearest cities. experience rather than just a destination. The
The design ensures the stories of the locals, the art, and the team at Divami brought that vision to reality
We conducted in-depth user research to understand the culture are highlighted, unlike any other travel portal. That’s through sophisticated yet simple platform.
problem that travelers faced while choosing a destination. why the design of the review section includes large photos
This research provided us insightful data to decide on the of the reviewer, to instill mutual trust, and shows information
kind of audience that we were focusing on. Based on it, we categories that users are interested to know about. We un-
decided to follow a lean design approach, attainable through derstood that to cater to this niche audience of smart travel- WEBSITE URL
a consistent feedback loop between our teams. This helped ers, continuous iteration in design was necessary to create
us work in an efficient and collaborative with the common a platform that visitors liked to use. The current UI UX of the
goal of bringing a unique audience to the platform, who site is the result of that. It was only possible through a con- COMPANY ADDRESS
were not only looking for booking a stay but for a memorable tinuous feedback loop, something we brought from the lean Sushree Swagatika
experience. design playbook. 09439369109
Divami Design Labs
Vasista Bhavan, 3rd Floor, Plot No. HIG-9A,
A.P.Housing Board Colony, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500032

26 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Communication Design 27

• Integration of Automated Multiparameter Water Quality
Analyzer into the Mobile Van
• IoT & Cloud Enabled System to achieve the concept of
“Bringing Lab to Field”

Human Health
• Comprehensive water-testing facility even at the remot-
est corner of the world.
• In the event of outbreak of water-borne disease, these
vans can be deployed onsite for effective management
and quick access to water test reports.

Automated Mobile Water

• Mobile Laboratories can also be used for counter check-
ing/ Audit of quality of testing from all laboratories
Environmental Safety

Testing Laboratory
• Green Chemistry
• RoHS Compliance
• Modular Design
The Challenge The Discovery • 95% Local Content
The Conventional approach to drinking water quality analysis Exploratory Research Methods have been followed during • Made in India
involves the following challenges the product development, which includes assimilation of in- Social Impact & Commerciality
• Sample Transportation formation from interviews and field visits of end users In un- • Effective Surveillance
• Availability of Skilled Manpower derstating the challenges and pain points related to Drinking • High Productivity, Analysis of 35-40 Samples per day
• Preparation of Standards Water Quality Analysis. • Low Operation Cost, More than 50% cost saving over
• Calibration of Instruments period of 5 years
• Sample Analysis time (4-5hrs) The Solution
• Manual Record Keeping
Automated Mobile Water Testing Laboratory is an effective Looking Back Client Speak
The Brief surveillance of drinking water in rural areas. The Lab is ca- The product is deployed by multiple state governments and Automated Multiparameter Water Quality Analyzer
pable of measuring different water quality parameter. The is being successfully used for effective surveillance of drink-
Automated Mobile Water Testing Laboratory is an effective – “We have experienced of water sample testing
Mobile Laboratory overcomes the challenges encountered ing water quality in rural areas. In future, we would like to
surveillance of drinking water in rural areas. The Lab is ca- can be done simple, faster with precise and ease of
in conventional approach and helps in quickly identifying the integrated predictive analytics and artificial intelligence into
pable of measuring different water quality parameter. The maintenance”.
water quality problem on the spot at site. The salient features the product, This will help in corrective actions to improve
Mobile Laboratory overcomes the challenges encountered of the product include drinking water quality rather than post morten analysis. Dr.Hiren C. Mandalia,
in conventional approach and helps in quickly identifying the • Complete in-situ solution for simultaneous multi Scientist In-charge (Head)
water quality problem on the spot at site parameter analysis Central Laboratory
• On the Spot sample analysis at the site Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
The Plan • Faster Analysis: < 10 min
The Automated Mobile Water Testing Lab is planned and de- • High Sample Data Integrity
veloped to realize the unique concept of “Bringing Lab to • Security: User Authentication and Access privileges
Field” instead “Sample goes to Lab”. The concept has been • Upload real time sample data along with Geo location to WEBSITE URL
• Automated Multiparameter Analyzer, For Simultaneous Centralized server
analysis of multiple water parameters • RFID based Geo-tagging with unique identification and
tracking of Sample
• IoT & Cloud Enabled
• Sample Tracking using NFC (Sample Location to Sample • UPS -7hrs of un-interrupted operation K V S N Raju
Analysis) • Scalable system with configurable test parameters 9866005450
• Geo-coordinates and data captured through Mobile App, • Vibration and Shock proof design
Eliminates need for manual data entry • Built-in GPS for vehicle tracking Elico Ltd.
• Automatic Transmission of data to the cloud server on • Operational Alerts & Status Indicators B-90, APIE, Sanathnagar
Sample analysis • Graphical visualization of water quality trends geographically Hyderabad – 500018
• Integrated UPS & Generator for Un-Interrupted operation Telangana, India.
for 8hrs in case of emergency & natural disasters
30 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 31
Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
With a ZERO impact on the environment while running
thanks to the availability from day-one of a ZERO-EMISSION,
100% Electric version.

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success is the best proof of having got
it right with the new Altroz, even during COVID times!

WATCH  Success Video

TATA Altroz & Altroz EV
The Challenge ­ esulting in many solutions that were unique to the segment
such as the shark-nose grille, the slim, purposeful lighting
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive PREMIUM HATCH-
units at the front and rear, the super-premium finish on the
BACK segment with a design that would clearly stand out
dashboard. All that ensure the customer would look and sim- COMPANY ADDRESS
from the rest as opposed to being an also-ran. The unique- Mr. Pratap Bose
ply say… WOW!!
ness of the design and the fact that it clicked is evident from VP & Global Head of Design
the sales success of the product! Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
The Solution
+91 20 6613 5380
The Brief Insight gained through interactions with current and fu-
ture owners eyeing a product in the PREMIUM HATCH-
To conceive a worthy entrant in the PREMIUM HATCHBACK
BACK segment were translated into visual cues as well
segment, distinct in design and features from any other of-
as features that make living with the Altroz a BREEZE!
fering. A product that becomes the go-to option for all poten-
Starting with the Altroz having an extremely dynamic
tial buyers.
design, no matter the viewing angle! Instantly ensuring
it looked fresher and apart from the usual market offer-
The Plan ings. An interior that was treated with specially developed
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was grains inspired by luxury leather goods and carrying a light
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- colour palette usually seen in products many segments.
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the current All of this ensuring the ownership experience is a thor-
product offerings. These inputs were interpreted by the oughly fulfilling to the mind and touch! With doors that
Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the open a full 90-degrees for ease of ingress and egress and
IMPACT DESIGN 2.0 Design Philosophy to yield the planted, future-proofed floating in-car screen.
strong and instantly recognisable new Altroz. This included
incorporating unique solutions for everyday ‘nice to haves’ Designing
that make the product truly a pleasure to own, look at and
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN project was followed
use! AND also protected for a 100% ELECTRIC avatar as
that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital envi-
was also exhibited at the 2020 Auto Expo!
ronment. And then quickly to the physical environment as a
full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed by hand to
The Discovery capture each surface-sculpt as per the design intent, giving
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead the Altroz its trademark racy, young and confident style.
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- The interiors saw the implementation of carefully selected
ough understanding of the segment… why it has become colours, materials and finishes that make them stand out
such a runaway success and what it is that is still missing apart from typical segment offerings and squarely place
in the current offerings. Both in terms of the VISUAL PER­ them visually and to the feel against products far more
FORMANCE of the product and also in terms of usability. ­premium.

32 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 33

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
Further optimisation of costs was made possible through
clever sharing with the 7-seater sibling of the Harrier, the
Gravitas, shown alongside at the 2020 Auto Expo.

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success, even during COVID times, is
the best proof of having got it right with the new Harrier!
With the strength of the brand being aided in no small mea-
sure with the #DARK variant.


The Challenge MANCE of the product and also in terms of usability. Result-
Mr. Pratap Bose
ing in many solutions that were unique to the segment such
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive & popular Mid-Sized
as the racier than usual, for an SUV, roof line, premium LED VP & Global Head of Design
SUV segment with a design that would stand out DISTINCT
based lighting signatures at the front and premium deep- Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
from the rest. This is one of the default segments any cur-
brown interiors. All that ensure the customer would look and +91 20 6613 5380
rent and new market player targets for the sales but equally
simply say… WOW!!
if not more for the IMAGE.
The Solution
The Brief
Insight gained through interactions with current and future
To conceive a worthy entrant in the Mid-Sized SUV segment,
owners eyeing a product in the Mid-Sized SUV segment
distinct in design and features from any other offering. A
were translated into visual cues as well as features and
product that becomes the go-to option for all potential buy-
options that make living with the Harrier simply a BREEZE!
ers in it’s product class.
Starting with the Harrier NOT having the typical upright
and boxy profile of an SUV but instead a racy, coupe-like
The Plan one. Instantly ensuring it looked younger and apart from
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was the usual market offerings. An interior that was treated
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- with specially developed grains inspired by luxury leather
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the current goods and carrying a deep brown, premium colour palette
product offerings. These inputs were interpreted by the with premium matte-wood finish on the dashboard. All of
Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the this ensuring the ownership experience is a thoroughly
IMPACT DESIGN 2.0 Design Philosophy to yield the poised, fulfilling one, to the mind and to the touch!
strong, CONFIDENT and instantly recognisable new Harri-
er. This included incorporating unique solutions for everyday Designing
‘nice to haves’ that make the product truly a pleasure to
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN project was followed
own, look at and use!
that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital envi-
ronment. And then quickly to the physical environment as
The Discovery a full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed by hand
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead to capture each surface-sculpt as per the design intent, giv-
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- ing the Harrier its trademark racy, young and confident style.
ough understanding of the segment… why it has become The interiors saw the implementation of carefully selected
such a runaway success and what it is that is still missing in colours, materials and finishes that make them stand out
the current offerings. Both in terms of the VISUAL PERFOR- apart from typical segment offerings.

34 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 35

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
And with a platform shared with the Altroz, the environmen-
tal impact is automatically much lesser owing to an array of
common parts and development efforts!

Looking Back
The uniqueness of the design and the fact that it clicked is
evident from the resounding, unanimous thumbs-up at its
first showing at the 2020 Auto Expo.


Mr. Pratap Bose
The Challenge MANCE of the product and also in terms of usability. Result-
ing in many solutions that were unique to the segment such VP & Global Head of Design
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive Sub-Compact-SUV Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
as the coupe-inspire roof line, premium LED based lighting
segment with a design that would clearly stand out from the +91 20 6613 5380
signatures at the front and rear and premium light-coloured
rest as opposed to being an also-ran.
interiors. All that ensure the customer would look and simply
say… WOW!!
The Brief
To conceive a worthy entrant in the Sub-Compact-SUV seg- The Solution
ment, distinct in design and features from any other offer-
The HBX makes best use of the Impact 2.0 Design Philoso-
ing. A product that becomes the go-to option for all potential
phy, with its well-defined dimensions and shapes. It captures
the spirit of adventure and inspires in each of us the desire
to explore unspoiled nature, away from the urban jungle. The
The Plan opaque color of the exterior enhances the robustness and atti-
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was tude of the car to go on any type of terrain. The strong stance,
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- solid proportions and sporty design reflects the dynamic life-
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the cur- style of its users. The interior offers a modern functional de-
rent product offerings. These inputs were interpreted by sign with an emphasis on quality, fit, finish. Carefully selected
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with colors, materials, finishes and textures of the interior adapt to
the IMPACT DESIGN 2.0 Design Philosophy to yield the the off-road nature of the vehicle. The command driving posi-
planted, strong and instantly recognisable new HBX. This tion offers the user unparalleled view of the road.
included incorporating unique solutions for everyday ‘nice
to haves’ that make the product truly a pleasure to own, Designing
look at and use! AND also protected for a 100% ELEC-
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN project was followed
TRIC avatar! With the Electric being the highest seller in
that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital envi-
it’s segment!
ronment. And then quickly to the physical environment as
a full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed by hand to
The Discovery capture each surface-sculpt as per the design intent, giving
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead the HBX its young and confident style. The interiors saw the
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- implementation of carefully selected colours, materials and
ough understanding of the segment… why it has become finishes that make them stand out apart from typical seg-
such a runaway success and what it is that is still missing in ment offerings and squarely place them visually and to the
the current offerings. Both in terms of the VISUAL PERFOR- feel against products far more premium.

36 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 37

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
The size and carrying capacity of the Intra allows the user to
get the efficiencies required in a much smaller footprint hence
resulting is lower city congestion and lower emissions.

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success, even during COVID times, is
the best proof of having got it right with the new Intra!


TATA Intra

Mr. Pratap Bose
VP & Global Head of Design
The Challenge to the design and hence solutions that were unique to the Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
segment. All that ensure the customer would look and sim- +91 20 6613 5380
Establishing a NEW NORMAL for city trucks and moving the
ply say… WOW!!
game on from products that were/are rudimentary and con-
vincing the target buys that the move is worth it owing to
The Solution
superior aesthetics, features and overall refinement.
Insight gained through interactions with the target set for
The Brief the Business Truck segment were translated into visual
cues as well as features and options that make using and
To conceive a white-space product that brings in car-like re-
living with the Intra a liberating revelation! The Intra has
finement and sophistication to the realm of trucking that has
an exterior design inspired by its larger siblings, coming
urban goods movement at its core with the odd inter-city
across as a robust, professional looking machine. An aes-
assignment thrown in.
thetic that is not vulnerable but dignified, understated as
opposed to being aggressive. Completed by the TRUST
The Plan BAR, the signature of the PREMIUM TOUGH design phi-
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was losophy. The interior is treated with specially developed
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- grains inspired by contemporary city cars with a colour
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the current palette that is also professional in term so of colour, tex-
product offerings. And of course also what their feature ture & gloss. All in all ensuring a sophisticated, high-end
and utility expectation from the truck are in these times of experience.
hyper-connectivity. These inputs were interpreted by the
Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the Designing
PREMIUM TOUGH Design Philosophy to yield the PUR-
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, as used in passen-
POSEFUL and PROFESSIONAL looking and instantly recog-
ger cars projects was followed that took the selected sketch
nisable INTRA.
quickly into the digital environment. And then quickly to the
physical environment as a full-scale clay model. Which was
The Discovery then finessed by hand to capture each surface-sculpt as
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead per the design intent, giving the Intra its trademark confi-
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- dent style. The interiors saw the implementation of careful-
ough understanding of the segment… what the current ly selected colours, materials and finishes that make them
products lack and what is liked that should be retained. Both stand out apart from typical segment offerings and squarely
in terms of the VISUAL PERFORMANCE of the product and place them visually and to the feel against products far more
also in terms of usability. Resulting an INSIDE-OUT approach ­premium.

38 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 39

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
With a ZERO impact on the environment while running
thanks to the availability from day-one of a ZERO-EMISSION,
100% Electric version.

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success, even during COVID times, is
the best proof of having got it right with the new Nexon!



Mr. Pratap Bose
VP & Global Head of Design
The Challenge MANCE of the product and also in terms of usability. Result- Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
ing in many solutions that were unique to the segment such +91 20 6613 5380
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive Compact-SUV seg-
as the coupe-inspire roof line, premium LED based lighting
ment with a design that would clearly stand out from the
signatures at the front and rear and premium light-coloured
rest as opposed to being an also-ran. The uniqueness of the
interiors. All that ensure the customer would look and simply
design and the fact that it clicked is evident from the sales
say… WOW!!
success of the product!
The Solution
The Brief
Insight gained through interactions with current and future
To conceive a worthy entrant in the Compact-SUV segment,
owners eyeing a product in the Compact-SUV segment
distinct in design and features from any other offering.
were translated into visual cues as well as features and
A product that becomes the go-to option for all potential
options that make living with the Nexon simply a BREEZE!
Starting with the Nexon NOT having the typical upright
and boxy profile of an SUV but instead a racy, coupe-like
The Plan one. Instantly ensuring it looked younger and apart from
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was the usual market offerings. An interior that was treated
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- with specially developed grains inspired by luxury leather
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the current goods and carrying a light, premium colour palette usually
product offerings. These inputs were interpreted by the seen in products many segments. All of this ensuring the
Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the ownership experience is a thoroughly fulfilling one, to the
IMPACT DESIGN 2.0 Design Philosophy to yield the planted, mind and to the touch!
strong and instantly recognisable new Nexon. This included
incorporating unique solutions for everyday ‘nice to haves’ Designing
that make the product truly a pleasure to own, look at and
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN project was followed
use! AND also protected for a 100% ELECTRIC avatar! With
that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital envi-
the Electric being the highest seller in it’s segment!
ronment. And then quickly to the physical environment as
a full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed by hand to
The Discovery capture each surface-sculpt as per the design intent, giving
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead the Nexon its trademark racy, young and confident style. The
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- interiors saw the implementation of carefully selected co-
ough understanding of the segment… why it has become lours, materials and finishes that make them stand out apart
such a runaway success and what it is that is still missing in from typical segment offerings and squarely place them vi-
the current offerings. Both in terms of the VISUAL PERFOR- sually and to the feel against products far more premium.

40 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 41

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
The size and carrying capacity of the Prima allows the user
to get the efficiencies required in one go as opposed to over
multiple trips hence ensuring an eco-friendly presence with
a fatigue free cabin that ensures safety.

Looking Back
The PRIMA met with resounding success at the 2020 Auto


TATA Prima

Mr. Pratap Bose
The Challenge in terms of the exterior and interior AESTHETICS of the prod- VP & Global Head of Design
uct and also in terms of usability. The INSIDE-OUT approach Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
Establishing the gold standard for long distance trucking and +91 20 6613 5380
to the design with a cabin designed around the user as the
moving the game on from products that were/are rudimen-
CENTRE-POINT resulted in solutions that were unique to the
tary and convincing the target buys that the move is worth
segment. And all that ensure the customer would after a
it owing to superior aesthetics, features and overall refine-
few moments of experience would be completely sold on
ment. While at the same time taking on an increasingly ag-
the PRIMA!
gressive competitor set.
The Solution
The Brief
Insight gained through interactions with the target set for
To take the PRIMA to the next level in terms of VISUAL PER-
the Business Truck segment were translated into visual
FORMANCE, user friendliness and in setting a truly GLOBAL
cues as well as features and options that make using and
benchmark, taking on the best in the world, PAMPERING
living with the Prima a liberating revelation! The Prima
the user to the hilt all the way!
has an exterior design that is instantly recognisable from
MILES AWAY, coming across as a robust, professional
The Plan looking machine. An aesthetic that is dignified, and IN
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was COMMAND but understated as opposed to being aggres-
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- sive. With the TRUST BAR, the signature of the PREMI-
ic and feature aspirations are what they find missing in the UM TOUGH design philosophy completing the effect. The
current products. And of course also what they need for the interior is designed to cocoon the user, designed to the
cabin to be their home-away-from-home in these times of last detail around making thing comfortable, efficient, fa-
hyper-consumption that require increasingly huge amount of tigue-free through the use of select colour and materials.
goods to be transported across the length and breadth of the
country. Inputs were interpreted by the TATA Motors Global Designing
Design Team and layered with the PREMIUM TOUGH De-
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, as used in passen-
sign Philosophy to yield the PURPOSEFUL and PROFES-
ger cars projects was followed that took the selected sketch
SIONAL looking and instantly recognisable PRIMA.
quickly into the digital environment. And then quickly to the
physical environment as a full-scale clay model. Which was
The Discovery then finessed by hand to capture each surface-sculpt as per
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead the design intent, giving the Prima its trademark confident
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- style. The interiors saw the implementation of carefully se-
ough understanding of the segment… what the current lected colours, materials and finishes that make them stand
products lack and what is liked that should be retained. Both out head and shoulders above anything else in the segment!

42 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 43

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
A 100% Electric powertrain means ZERO EMISSIONS!
Further, with a platform shared with the Altroz, the environ-
mental impact is automatically much lesser owing to an array
of common parts and development efforts!

Looking Back
The uniqueness of the design and the connect with the
­SIERRA nameplate and the fact that these clicked is evident
from the resounding, unanimous thumbs-up at its first show-
ing at the 2020 Auto Expo.


The Challenge with the SUV architecture to provide a winning solution. COMPANY ADDRESS
Both in terms of the VISUAL PERFORMANCE of the prod- Mr. Pratap Bose
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive SUV segment with a
uct and also in terms of usability. While at the same time VP & Global Head of Design
design that would clearly stand out from the rest as opposed
keeping an eye towards sustainability. Hence this S­ IERRA Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
to being an also-ran. And ALSO a DESIGN is WORTHY of
being a BORN EV. +91 20 6613 5380
carrying the LEGENDARY SIERRA nameplate!
The Solution
The Brief
On the exterior, the Sierra is a functional focused design
The Sierra Concept is a progressive, optimistic look into the
that mirrors the active lifestyle of the customer. Inspired
future of SUV’s. It asks, what is the future of the SUV & of
by the original Sierra’s iconic stance and window graphics
mobility? How will this product form the narrative of a sus-
the design is well balanced, poised, with a tasteful mini-
tainable world? How to bring back the romance and spirit of
malism. The front face echoes the Impact 2.0 humanity
an iconic TATA Motors nameplate?
line but reinterprets this in a new way expressing the EV
identity. There is a balance between ‘tough tech’ along
The Plan the bottom of the car expressed in the cladding and ‘flush
The search for utopia. The belief that the human condition tech’ along the upper which emphasizes quality and seam-
can be improved by good design. That is the philosophy be- less surfaces. The interior design is built on creating a spa-
hind the Tata Sierra Concept. That is the future of mobility cious and stress free environment with a rear passenger
and the future of modern India. The Sierra Concept contin- layout that emphasizes roominess, comfort and safety.
ues the development of the IMPACT 2.0 design language And a signature lounge layout for the rear passengers.
creating vehicles that look sharp and reflect the contempo-
rary expression of Tata Motors design. Outstanding in quality Designing
and capturing the essence of the sophisticated customer,
the Sierra Concept’s design is dynamic and focused on the
lowed that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital
outside while providing class leading space and functionality
environment. And then quickly to the physical environ-
on the inside.
ment as a full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed
by hand to capture each surface-sculpt as per the design
The Discovery intent, giving the Sierra Concept its trademark robust and
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead confident style. The interiors saw the implementation
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- of carefully selected colours, materials and finishes that
ough understanding of the segment AND of the LEGENDARY­ make them stand out apart from typical segment offerings
SIERRA nameplate… why it became such a runaway suc- and squarely place them in the realm of high sophistica-
cess and what it is that can be carried forward and combined tion and sustainability.

44 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 45

Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
to maximise the use of investments made.
A compact size with a premium design and features meant
that buyers now had an option to not go for a larger, space
and fuel consuming larger car, aiding the environment sus-
tain no end.

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success is the best proof of having got
it right with the new Tiago, even during COVID times!


TATA Tiago

Mr. Pratap Bose
The Challenge of the product and also in terms of usability. Resulting in VP & Global Head of Design
many solutions that were unique to the segment such as Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018
Making a foray in the ultra-competitive COMPACT HATCH- +91 20 6613 5380
the shark-nose grille, the slim, purposeful lighting units at
BACK segment with a design that would clearly stand out
the front the sport-premium finish on the dashboard. All that
from the rest as opposed to being an also-ran. The unique-
ensure the customer would look and simply say… WOW!!
ness of the design and the fact that it clicked is evident from
the sales success of the product!
The Solution
The Brief Insight gained through interactions with current and fu-
ture owners eyeing a product in the COMPACT HATCH-
To conceive a worthy entrant in the COMPACT HATCH-
BACK segment were translated into visual cues as well as
BACK segment, distinct in design and features from any
features that make living with the Tiago a BREEZE! Start-
other offering. A product that becomes the go-to option for
ing with the Tiago having an extremely dynamic design,
all potential buyers and is capable of taking on players from
no matter the viewing angle! Instantly ensuring it looked
below and above its own segment.
fresher and apart from the usual market offerings. An in-
terior that was treated with specially developed grains in-
The Plan spired by luxury leather goods and carrying a light colour
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was palette usually seen in products many segments. All of
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthet- this ensuring the ownership experience is a thoroughly
ic aspirations are and what they find missing in the current fulfilling to the mind and touch! All in all, a design that
product offerings. These inputs were interpreted by the combines the best of ENERGY and PREMIUMNESS, a rar-
Global Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the ity in this segment!
IMPACT DESIGN 2.0 Design Philosophy to yield the plant-
ed, strong and instantly recognisable new Tiago. This in- Designing
cluded incorporating unique solutions for everyday ‘nice to
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN project was followed
haves’ that make the product truly a pleasure to own, look at
that took the selected sketch quickly into the digital envi-
and use!
ronment. And then quickly to the physical environment as
a full-scale clay model. Which was then finessed by hand to
The Discovery capture each surface-sculpt as per the design intent, giving
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead the Tiago its trademark racy, young and confident style. The
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor- interiors saw the implementation of carefully selected co-
ough understanding of the segment… why it remains SO lours, materials and finishes that make them stand out apart
POPULAR and what it is that is still missing in the current from typical segment offerings.
offerings. Both in terms of the VISUAL PERFORMANCE

46 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 47

Looking Back
Unprecedented sales success, even during COVID times, is
the best proof of having got it right with the new Winger!
And the new Winger became a COVID warrior too with the
first variant being the AMBULANCE version!


Mr. Pratap Bose
VP & Global Head of Design
Tata Motors, Pimpri, Pune 411 018

TATA Winger
+91 20 6613 5380

The Challenge The Solution

Reinventing the large passenger van to become a well-­ Insight gained through interactions with the target set for
designed, premium offering a opposed to one that in the past the van/mini-bus were translated into visual cues as well
has been seen as excessively utilitarian and unglamorous. as features and options that make using and living with the
Winger a liberating revelation! The Winger has an exterior
The Brief design that is robust, professional, purposeful looking. An
aesthetic that is not vulnerable but dignified, understated
To conceive a van that brings in car-like refinement and
as opposed to being aggressive. Completed by the TRUST
sophistication to the realm of people transport within and
BAR, the signature of the PREMIUM TOUGH design phi-
outside the city while at the same time offering a platform
losophy. The interior is treated with specially developed
capable of multiple types of use from luxury transfers to
grains inspired by contemporary city cars with a colour
work-horse ones.
palette that is also professional in term so of ­colour, tex-
ture & gloss. All in all ensuring a sophisticated, high-end
The Plan experience.
An insightful understanding of customer expectations was
the start-point of the project. Including what their aesthetic Designing
aspirations are and what they find missing in the current
The CLASSIC AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, as used in passen-
product offerings. And of course also what their feature
ger cars projects was followed that took the selected sketch
and utility expectation from the product are in these times
quickly into the digital environment. And then quickly to the
of hyper-travel. These inputs were interpreted by the Global
physical environment as a full-scale clay model. Which was
Design Team at TATA Motors and layered with the PREMI-
then finessed by hand to capture each surface-sculpt as per
UM TOUGH Design Philosophy to yield the PURPOSEFUL
the design intent, giving the Winger its trademark confident
and PROFESSIONAL looking and instantly recognisable
style. The interiors saw the implementation of carefully se-
lected colours, materials and finishes that make them stand
out apart from typical segment offerings and squarely place
The Discovery them visually and to the feel against products far more
Numerous and deep-dive style customer interactions lead ­premium.
the Global Design Team at TATA Motors to develop a thor-
ough understanding of the segment… what the current Delivery
products lack and what is liked that should be retained. Both
Standard and available manufacturing technology was used
in terms of the VISUAL PERFORMANCE of the product and
to maximise the use of investments made.
also in terms of usability. Resulting an INSIDE-OUT approach
The size and carrying capacity of the Winger allows the user
to the design and hence solutions that were unique to the
to get the efficiencies required in a much smaller footprint
hence resulting is lower city congestion and lower ­emissions.

48 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Mobility Design 49

This collection was developed by some of the skilled wom-
en craftsperson and talented designers in constant dialogue
with the women users, hence creating the most relevant
masterpieces. Designing a piece of jewellery in this collec-
tion was to strike a balance between various constraints such
as: managing weight of gold and stones, ensuring back of
the piece looks as good as front, ensuring right ergonomics
and yet achieving beautiful and resilient aesthetics. Insights
from current situation and consumer behaviour were utilised
by making the designs modular and multi-purpose in nature
thereby achieving higher perceived look with versatility in us-
age at an affordable price.

Celebrates simple joy of life

The Challenge The Discovery

Consumer sentiments were at lowest during these unprec- Consumer research gave us insight on the need for product
edented times of pandemic & were unwilling to spend on to lift the mood in these unprecedented times of pandemic.
luxury products like jewellery. Market lacked value for mon- Market research clearly highlighted the gap that there was
ey products suitable for everyday use. Hence there was an a dearth of jewellery for everyday use which can bring ele-
opportunity to create jewellery for multipurpose wearability ments of joy to the user. Considering that consumers were
with higher perceived look. unwilling to splurge on jewellery, it was paramount that this
collection needed to be affordable yet versatile. With the ex-
The Brief pertise of design thinking and know-how on jewellery tech-
niques & stones, we could tap the current trend in this con-
We needed to celebrate simple joys of life through elements
temporary collection Aarambh. We intended to use delicate
of fun in this mood-boosting jewellery collection. Consider-
hues of colored stones combined with precious ones. Also
ing the emerging trend of “above-the-keyboard-dressing” in
in order to impart versatility to the collection, we introduced
this virtual world, the brief was to create an affordable jewel-
modularity and detachability to the pieces so that it can have
lery collection which is versatile and can be styled differently
multipurpose-wearibility. Hence consumers could appreciate
for multiple occasions.
the additional features at an affordable price.

The Plan The Solution

The direction was to leverage design as a tool and create
Aarambh celebrates the simple joys of life, thus the collec-
jewellery collection which brings back simple joys to life. At WEBSITE URL
tion encapsulates elements of fun through playful details and
the same it needed to be great value for money to the con-
movement in the products.
sumers. This was particularly achieved mainly by:
Modularity was another key highlight of design solution. It
1 Tapping on above-the-keyboard-dressing trend
features elaborate necklaces that are modular and can be
2 Versatility in the pieces
separated into smaller pieces which can be worn later on for
3 Jewellery designed for multipurpose wearibility through
multiple ways. COMPANY ADDRESS
Combination of precious and semi precious stones are also
4 Higher perceived look by keeping the costs under control, Abhishek Rastogi
essential to give that higher perceived look at an affordable
with the tasteful combination of semi-precious colored 9916391250
stones with precious ones.
This mood-booster collection features stylish and unique
Titan Company Limited
forms and mix of sizes to bring freshness to the wardrobe.ç
Integrity Building, Hosur Rd,
Veer Sandra, Electronic City,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100

52 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 53

All bed functions such as back-rest, leg-rest, and height-­
adjustment are independently available in manual and mo-
torized options. Four varieties of safety sideboards, castors,
plastic, or metal lying surfaces configures to multiple possi-
bilities with compliant to global safety standards.
The bed aesthetics has been designed as a closed envelope,
with soft rounded edges and warm color evoking the feel of
safety and care for the patients. A large single pocket cut-out
in the sideboard provides a better handgrip for early mobility
and offers better visibility while resting. The simplicity of the
usage, intuitive controls, and overall user-friendliness makes
the bed easy to use.

Acura Delivery
The Acura bed has been developed under “the platform
strategy” which has helped the organization save costs in
Range of hospital beds terms of storage, maintaining inventory, transportation, as-
sembly, and quality improvement. The commonization and
interchangeability of parts across the entire range have
helped reduce manufacturing uncertainties and production
The Challenge The Discovery time. Advanced technologies like robotic welding, laser cut-
ting helped in designing complex mechanical structures with
Hospital beds in different care spaces expect to meet a wide There are only 0.5 hospital beds per 1000 population in India
accuracy. Options like onsite up-gradation assist and encour-
range of functional requirements, which creates a demand instead of 5 as recommended by W.H.O. Also, Indian cus-
age buyers to contribute to reducing environmental impact
for a variety of special-purpose models. Currently, these are tomers are very discerning, they try to find value in every
by re-using existing beds.
not easy to manufacture or are neither cost-effective. Also, money they spent. With expanding infrastructure and care
as their business grows, reinvestment is needed for an as- facilities, the demand for the bed upgradations also arises
Client Speak
piring upgraded version.
Looking Back
that is fulfilled by investment in new beds. Sometimes, this “The quality and finish of the product meet
also incurs very high investments for some of the essen- The product has been validated on a real-time basis in health- our expectations. The sales & service sup-
The Brief tial functional upgrades. With every minute being important, care facilities before launch. It has set an example for de- port by Godrej team is professional
the soaring downtime for this change-over further adversely veloping distinct forms and new looks within the platform and timely in resolving our queries”.
Healthcare facilities need value-for-money beds that will
affects the supply for bed occupancy. Also, the level of hy- framework. It has helped to establish a strong design lan- – Dr. Vispi Joki, CEO, Masina Hospital.
save the cost in the long-term, is adaptive to very specific
giene, comfort, and safety makes the difference. guage and functionality that caters to the changing aspira-
requirements, and are upgradable. The product should have
tions of customers.
smart and extraordinary design features that offer optimum
safety and comfort to the patients and improve the produc- The Solution
tivity of caretakers in routine nursing activities. The unique value proposition of Acura beds– “Buy what you

WATCH  Success Video

need” allows the buyer to choose the right bed configuration
The Plan from the array of options available.
The criteria for product selection and buying, the assess- Its patented on-site upgradability feature enables to upgrade
ment method for the product’s features, design consider- its manual functions to motorized within a few hours. Hence
ations, working environment, infrastructure, buyer’s future a relatively low-cost manual bed is later converted to an ad-
expansion plans, and market trends were deeply studied vanced motorized bed with minimum downtime, the cus- WEBSITE URL
and analyzed to decide on the product offering. To discover tomer spends & associated environmental impact.,,
unmet and underserved needs for the product, exhaustive The basic configuration of the bed has a fixed height plat-
user research was conducted with doctors and medical staff form with two manual functions and collapsible side rails
across the country, their feedback and suggestions were ideal for hospital wards. While the premium version com- COMPANY ADDRESS
considered directly into the design process. Multiple proto- prises of 5-function fully motorized bed with full-coverage Mr. Venkateshwarlu Ega
types were made and tested inhouse for safety and durabil- plastic molded or aluminum sideboard and x-ray permeable +91 22-6796 2404
ity, also the real-time feedback from doctors and caretakers backrest fulfill all the essential requirements of an advanced
were recorded in actual conditions for validation. ICU unit. Interio Division
Plant 13 Annexe 2nd Floor,
Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli,
Mumbai-400079, India

54 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 55

As a product ‘made in India’, Ant challenges the perception
of contemporary Indian design, which is often limited to, and
focuses on a heritage aesthetic. Ant’s conceptual purity as
a futuristic aesthetic is a realization of an ambition to evolve
the experience of Indian craftsmanship and design.
The commitment to train and evolve emerging avenues for
traditional craftsmanship, in a social context where the syn-
ergy of machine and hand is of paramount importance. We
are committed to changing the perception of design and to
bring these works to the widest platforms.

Looking Back

Ant Bench
We see Ant as part of a larger body of work that pushes the
perception of Indian design alongside evolving an audience
for such design. Our refinements respond to the market as
well as refinement of the product itself. Each product takes
By Madheke its own journey with design modifications at times triggering
a new design or series of designs – the launch of a product a
milestone but not the end point.
The Problem innovating across material disciplines with authenticity and
commitment. From the technical rigors of carbon fibre, to
Using carbon fibre in its purest form, the ambition of the working with crafted hand textiles with sensitivity, the ap- COMPANY ADDRESS
brief was to push the boundaries of the material, to create a proach combines traditional crafting expertise with continual Jitender Shambi
seamless pure design, employing the material’s innate qual- evolution of technical processes. This breadth informs our Brand & Operations
ities of strength, versatility and lightness. The form was to engagement with each material we work with, the team’s +91 9873887635 INDIA
be expressive and achieve a dynamic language throughout. respect for the material and acceptance of its character al- +44 7591903174 UK
ways leads the process.
The Brief Loco Design
The realised form pushes the limits of the material. It ap-
Plot 1, Sector 33, Gurugram, India 122001
The challenges of the brief and its realisation, lay in achieving pears delicately perched on 3 points, yet it is steady and ro-
T: +91 124 4288522, 4065281
a form that expressed a pure language. The product’s dou- bust to serve its purpose. The sleek metal rod detail holds
ble curvature was accomplished with the use of traditional the form together visually, as well as functionally.
mould making and pattern-cutting techniques. Its refine-
ment and editing was shaped on the physical model, akin to Designing
sculpting. Reducing the number of legs to 3 set a challenge Driven by innovation and the use of challenging materials,
in maintaining stability, the resolution kept the form true to the development of Ant took place across a ten-week period
the original brief where it is poised with minimal connection from concept to realisation. The brief demanded resource-
to the floor. fulness in order to deliver a technically complex product,
using a hi-tech material. With conventional manufacturing
The Plan resources, but a highly skilled team, we were able to achieve
a product of pure form, demonstrating the potential of tradi-
Joint answer to 3 and 4 below
tional manufacturing techniques, beyond what is commonly
The Discovery
The inherent strength and the aesthetic appeal of carbon fi-
Our work with carbon fibre began 3 years ago, with each bre inspired this futuristic bench. Its form has been derived
development pushing the use of the material but remaining by variating an ant’s head, arriving at a smooth curved form,
true to its inherent qualities. Our ambition with such devel- almost as if it were element from a supercar. It feels firmly
opments is to engage with a breadth of design languages, grounded yet dynamic, poised yet menacing.

56 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 57

The device design language is inspired by new age display
technologies, using a play of illumination to enable human
connection, even after the purchase. There is focus on high
level of surface finishes to create a product with a visually
seamless aesthetic. It is a sleek composition of convex and
concave surfaces that convey a very fluid and accommodat-
ing design language. The intelli-display panel has a ProHealth
indicator, Green Leaf indicator and Go Green indicator, that
routinely communicate the consumption of baby-safe water
and the extent of water saved after completion of each cy-
cle. This panel has intentionally been installed some distance
behind the surface, for a floating effect. The clear faucet is
enhanced with soft LED lights that light up further when it

AO Smith ProPlanet dispenses water to ensure heightened human connections

through subtle visual cues.

P3 and P4
The 8-stage purification process ensures baby-safe water,
retains natural taste with essential minerals, gives back to
the planet by saving 9000L of water annually as compared
India’s First 5-Star Rated RO Water Purifier to any ordinary RO water purifier with recovery of 25% only,
and provides all time fresh water with in-tank UV purification.
The Challenge The Discovery The honest, compact, single colour design restricted the us-
age of unnecessary space and material, thereby reducing
The ProPlanet series is designed to be the answer to the wa- The key features of ProPlanet are what differentiate this carbon footprint, simplifying the manufacturing process and
ter loss problem present in all RO water purifiers. By saving unit from other purifiers, which includes ProPlanet – active decreasing the time taken for production.
around 60% more water, this purifier is energy efficient, and communication of significant contribution towards the en-
provides a service beyond just pure water. Conceptualized vironment, ProHealth – baby safe water, ATF technology Looking Back
and designed in India, this product pushes the envelope in (All Time Fresh) – ensuring purified water is fresh all time,
achieving global standards of design. Future-Ready – smart display which shows the ongoing The design language, the tactile intelli-display unit and the in-
8-stages of purification, tank full, advance alert for filter teractions on the product were conceptualised to save water
The Brief change and auto flush. Visually representing these features during its process of filtration. One of the key learning along
to the consumer, providing a friendly interface and aestheti- the way was the importance of good user interface to deliver
ProPlanet RO Water Purifier uses one of the latest water pu- the message boldly.
WATCH  Success Video
cally encapsulating this technology in a stylish shell to accen-
rification technologies in the market. Developed with unique
tuate every kitchen was the discovery made by us.
internal features and functionalities, the purifier demanded a
smart external design language to highlight and indicate its
status to the consumer whilst providing friendly, communi-
The Solution
cative user interface and luxurious armor. Inspired by the ProPlanet technology – where the ulterior
motive is to conserve water, provide baby and earth safe WEBSITE URL
The Plan drinking water – we curated a concept exclusively for this
device known as The Green Logic. Every indication by the
Every water purifier in the world aims at recovering maxi-
mum litres of safe drinking water post purification, which is
device will be via the colour green. Incorporating the same PRODUCT WEBSITE
with a human touch, a smart intelli-display panel with dedi-
quite a test. ProPlanet has managed to save up to 9000 litres
cated icons for each function, keeps communicating and in- proplanet-ro-purifiers
in a year. This is the first device that combines intelligent in-
teracting with the user, thereby enriching user experience
dustrial design and smart technology to create an intuitive COMPANY ADDRESS
and building on the trust of the user. Furthermore it is also
user friendly visual communication, which continuously en-
fine tuned to anticipate the human connection and continues Nigel Foley
gages with the user on consumption and conservation of
building a relationship with the user even after the purchase. +91 97409 55774
water. An interactive, sleek concept to compliment this tech-
The overall design of this premium product is classic and
nology was our inspiring challenge. ProPlanet is designed to
honest to ensure sophistication and elegance. Foley Designs
elevate kitchen decor, provide human connection and instill
Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
pride to one’s contribution through smart intelli-display panel.
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.

58 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 59

Looking Back
The design of Arizor, gave a new dimension to the category,
enhancing the brand’s leadership status. Through a first ever,
breakthrough product design, the brand took a leap in rede-
fining the category, creating true design value.


B – 601, The Qube, Near Terminal 2,
International Airport,
Behind Taj Flight Kitchen, Marol,
Andheri East,

Arizor Mumbai – 400059.

Tel: +91 22 49559797

Smart Voltage Stabilizers for the new-age Inverter AC’s Client Speak
“Creating a first ever, breakthrough design
The Challenge The Solution was commendable. But more importantly, it
To bring news and drive consumer value through thoughtful The solution had 3 key takeaways- was built around creating value for the user,
design. 1 Re-imagining a new breakthrough styling, starkly differ- driving business through design.”
ent from existing stabilisers in the market. Bringing a new
The Brief ­design language and identity for the brand and category.
2 Eliminating excess wiring and delivering a unique internal
To explore opportunities and need gaps in the AC stabilisers
schematic backed by engineering and production consid-
category. The design should deliver unique features that are
erations, laying the foundation for a breakthrough product
valuable to consumers and deliver a world class styling to
redefine the category.
3 Facilitating smart use through an app based monitoring
systems and control.
The Plan
The Approach was a User Driven Design process that Designing
started with learning about how users interact with the
Arizor’s integrated & thoughtful design complements the Air
product and what their pain points and unmet needs are.
Conditioner, extending its functionality into the stabiliser, and
Also, we implemented a Design to Delivery approach,
creating a complete product through the combination. While
that considered engineering and manufacturing consider-
the pure white front and gloss pearl finish accentuates min-
ations upfront, at the point of design. Taking the risk out
imalistic design, the central LED strip gives a contemporary
of ­development.
look. The installation is simplified by the addition of a metal
backed plate which also eliminates the internal wiring issue.
The Discovery The minimal interiors helped to deliver a slimmer look, giving
We collected rich user-insights through a user immersion it vertical form factor instead of the conventional horizontal.
excessive run by Future Factory’s internal COE, the Centre The digital display manages consumption and monitors sta-
for Behavioural Research. Using advanced methodologies, tus through a mobile app.
we observed people as they used and interacted with the
products in their homes. This helped the team uncover need Delivery
gaps and find ways to address these opportunities through
The generation of vertical form factor and careful, thoughtful
unique features and design initiatives. There were a few key
component selection, reduced the product size, delivering
takeaways: First, a need for unique aesthetics to fit modern
the required form factor. It also helped lower packaging costs
Indian homes. Next: the need to drive user value through
and reduce logistics and installation costs. Bringing advan-
monitoring consumption, ensuring SMART use.
tage to business through design, and delivering user value
where it was needed the most.

60 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 61

Visually, the large click surface sweeps back on the top and
lends itself to multiple graphic and colour combinations giv-
ing the user room for customization. The central section
housing the wet filter cartridge looks to connect the front
facia to the soft rear vent through a seamless surface tran-
sition. A single array of LED lights on the product lights up
on activation, indicates battery life and also responds to the
many smart features and capabilities of the product. Overall
the form and visual elements on the product evoke perfor-
mance, powerful airflow and smart connectivity.


BluArmor BLU3 E20

The Blu3E20 was the result of seamless collaborations be-
tween technology, design, engineering and production. The
need to be competitively priced was critical and all teams

Helmet Cooler
worked hard to develop solutions in-house and have com-
ponents manufactured and assembled locally as much as
possible. The smart connectivity features developed for this
device put it on a platform where it can compete with high
tech, imported motorcycle accessories and still be pocket-
CES Innovation Awards 2020 Honoree friendly.

The Challenge The Discovery Looking Back Client Speak

Motorcycles are a ubiquitous mode of transport for the large Based on many user trials, careful considerations were giv- The Blu3E20 is a result of learning’s from the previous two “Collaborating with team Foley has been a pleasure
population of India, the hot and humid climate along with en to how the user would operate and handle the device. versions, and the CES 2020 award recognises this effort. The and a privilege. The abundant talent across areas,
pollution, traffic, and dust takes a toll on the rider, especial- From designing a quick release chin mount, an improved wet client remains positive and is gearing up to develop newer, honesty and openness in thought and action, and the
ly because they are sweating inside the helmet. The luxury filter cartridge to a brand new click surface for all user oper- advanced versions of the helmet cooler and are also diver- ability to put the product above all else are few of the
of car-like comfort for two-wheeler riders in tropical climates ations, many such design developments have significantly sifying into exciting new products in the space of wearable reasons why they are a cherished partner for us.”
was the challenge. enhanced the user experience. From an aesthetic point of technology and motorcycle accessories. – Sundararajan Krishnan (PK), Founder and CEO,
view the shield like front fascia is a combination of swept BluArmor
The Brief back surfaces and louvered grills that swing outward sugges-
tively and indicative of wind. The exposed fan blades with a
To develop a smart wearable device / helmet accessory that
contrasting colour further emphasizes air flow.
can direct ample amounts of cool and controlled filtered air
into a riders helmet increasing the air flow to almost 2x more
The Solution WATCH  Success Video
than the previous versions. The new E20 must also integrate
with the riders’ mobile phone and allow communications be- The Blu3E20 is more than just a cooling device. The deci-
tween riders as well. sion to combine “Cooling and Connectivity” takes the E20
to the next level. It ensures a ‘cool’ ride on Indian Roads WEBSITE URL
The Plan whilst elevating the whole riding experience with its smart
new features. From a usability standpoint where the rider is
The BluSnap product range has always evolved through an
inside-out approach where form follows function. As a re-
accessing this device in transit, a single large clickable sur- PRODUCT WEBSITE
face that can easily be accessed to control all features of the
sponse to the market feedback on the previous two versions,
device was envisioned. This click surface with a reassuring
the Blu E20 aimed to achieve a dramatic increase and signifi- COMPANY ADDRESS
tactile interface not only allows full control on the air cooling
cant control of airflow, which allows the riders to regulate the
feature but acts as the interface and doorway to a host of in- Nigel Foley
fan’s speed as well as direct cool air to any part of the face
tuitive technological benefits that one would expect in a car. +91 97409 55774
and conform to different helmet shapes and facial contours.
It seamlessly connects with the users phone’s AI assistant
Additional technological features like Bluetooth connectivity,
for smooth voice command support. Foley Designs
smart click surface, seamless integration with the AI, loca-
Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
tion-based voice notes and other aspects which would make
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.
this device the ultimate helmet accessory that goes beyond
just cooling.

62 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 63

An AdditionalNeeds cleft Lip and Palate Infant Feeder

The Challenge The Discovery

1 in 800 babies in India is born cleft affected and that number The Boond™ feeders discovery lay in our deep immersive
is over 2 Lakh globally. personal experience with our cleft affected baby which led to
Most cleft babies are unable to directly feed from the mother systematic understanding of the challenges involved within
or a regular feeding bottle due their incomplete oral anatomy. the landscape of the cleft community that led to the devel-
This results in low weight gain, malnourishment and some- opment of the product.
times even failure to thrive.
Currently, In India there isn’t an integrated feeding solution Designing
which will assist feeding the cleft babies therefore there is
The Boond™ feeder has been ergonomically designed to fit
a heavy reliance on feeding the babies with a Vati Chamcha
intuitively in the caregivers hands such that the dispensing of
which is both cumbersome and stress inducing for both the
milk is intuition and observation based on the comfort of the
baby and the caregivers.
baby and its ability to intake the feed. Therefore the quantity
In Rural India the number of cases are more prevalent and
of feed dispensed versus the pace at which its administered
affordability or the means to procure international brands is
are aspects both in control of the caregiver.
very low. Therefore there is a dire need for a solution which
can fill this void and address the need in the cleft community.
Looking Back Client Speak
The Brief Looking back at our journey with Boond™, we cannot help “Nameeta is a force to reckon with and it is the project
but be grateful for the support we have received from all Boond™ that is driven through her. To truly understand
The solution lay in the creation of a device that would sup-
quarters. It will be our endeavour to make the product avail- what drives anyone we may have to uncover their most
port a cleft babies’ feeding journey from day one until palate
able to all cleft babies and parents across all economic strata. difficult moments of life. These moments have a pivotal
repair, keeping in mind feeding support through all surgical
energy in them. That energy created during our most
and procedural milestones.
vulnerable moments of life give one an opportunity to

The Plan WATCH  Success Video either transform into a higher self in service to others
or be damned in the cycle of victimisation with pain &
Our ‘Vision’: Is to support all cleft babies with additional misery in life. N
­ ameeta surely took on the transforma-
needs feeding challenges. tive energy in service to others. Boond™ is a special
And the ‘Mission’: Is to make Boond™ available to grass- WEBSITE URL needs feeder with an intent to help cleft affected infants
root level individuals at affordable costs apart from making it to be able to safely experience nourishment and has
accessible to all. the potential to change thousands of families everyday
COMPANY ADDRESS suffering into hope of safety and care.”
Samara PaediaCare (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. EFFATH YASMIN,
+91 99877 57125 BCST PRACTITIONER
64 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 65
The Caribou Chandelier is a product of artistic excellence
and sustainability. The manufacturing processes use wood
responsibly with a planned optimization of consumption of
wood in each chandelier. New materials such as metal inlay
are combined with smart electronics, aluminium and crystal
for assembly of the chandelier at customizable dimensions.
The manufacturing processes planned are such that they can
be scaled to viable mass production without compromising
customization at each stage.

Looking Back
This concept provides a new solution to chandelier design.

Caribou Chandelier
Each customer expects something unique; this mechanism
provides that at a mass scale. Caribou Chandelier’s lighting
design provides the option of tailored alignment through a
wireless, ‘kit-of-parts’ model design, thereby, successfully
freeing the chandelier of its burden of wires.

The Challenge of view. One - how do we challenge conventional chandelier

design and two - how do we create new visual and experi-
Lighting installations such as chandeliers are known for their
ence codes in design. By re-thinking wiring and assembly WEBSITE URL
larger than life appeal and the extravagant radiance they
design, we have been able to bring a fresh perspective to
bring to a space. But, the biggest challenge in chandelier de-
the design of chandeliers. Also the undistinguished offerings
sign and construction is the wiring and assembling of the
in large chandeliers due to the mass production constraints COMPANY ADDRESS
complete unit. We challenged ourselves to design a chande-
inspired the key features of our chandelier. Nigel Foley
lier that eliminates these concerns.
+91 97409 55774
The Solution
The Brief
Challenging the conventional aesthetics of ornamentation Foley Designs
Configuring stylish lights are extremely cumbersome, this Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
in lighting, the Caribou Chandelier is a lighting installation
is all the more evident while structuring wires on a product Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.
designed for modern homes. It is created using the concept
with ‘multiple lighting points’ like a chandelier. In order to
‘kit-of-parts’ and allows custom arrangements and elimina-
address this complexity, we focused on creating a chande-
tion of wires in the lighting unit. Throwing light at wildlife
lier that eliminates the use of wires, while also being easily
conservation, the organic silhouette and the wooden finish
reconfigurable and customizable.
of the chandelier are inspired by the striking arches of the
reindeer’s antlers. The chandelier also incorporates a ‘met-
The Plan al ornamental inlay’ that drives the aesthetic expression.
A thorough study of the materials, manufacturing process- The functional aesthetic inlay allows for power transmis-
es and techniques along with the challenges they present sion to illuminate the lighting units. The Caribou Chandelier
helped draw the bigger picture in understanding areas of in- embraces the concept of ‘customization’ based on custom-
novation in terms of construction and customer requirement. er needs.
Technology has played the most pivotal role in upgrading the
products and services we use today. At the same time, the Designing
need for sustainability is more prevalent than ever before.
The body of the chandelier is crafted with CNC machined
The idea behind the Caribou Chandelier was to relook at
wood, plated brass inlay and the light elements house la-
lighting solutions from these perspectives. We wanted to
ser etched crystals for subtle dispersion and reduction of
rethink lighting design by challenging conventional design,
the glare of LED. The product uses low energy solutions in
and creating new experiential visual codes in design.
terms of electronics and is geared for up-gradation of tech-
nology. Electronics have also been designed as ‘kit-of-parts’
The Discovery that are easily re-configurable for the number of lighting units
We researched new processes from parallel industries and and light quality. The product is designed such that a ‘new
fused the idea of ‘aesthetic functionality ’ to this category. chandelier’ can be configured with minimal changes based
We also approached the design process from two key points on a kit of existing parts.

66 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 67

CII Design has two groups of awards, each with a dedicated
trophy design. Both of them use a different combination of
metal, glass and Channapatana works as they pay homage,
uplift the local artisans and MSME craftsmen and appreciate
their handiwork.
Inspired by The Most Beautiful Number in the Universe
1.61803398875, The Main Category Award is the central
arc of the Golden Ratio with custom etching and The Sub-­
Category Award trophy is the amalgamation of concentric
This enabled us to experiment with design and material
whilst employing artists from different genres, backgrounds
and small-scale industries.

CII Design Excellence Delivery

Awards - The Trophy

Breaking the status quo of recognising the manufacturers’
name on the trophy, we have ensured to feature the name of
each and every artisan involved in crafting this trophy as a nod
to their craftsmanship. Every piece of material consumed by
the trophy has been locally sourced and assembled, thereby
The Challenge The Discovery ensuring a cost-effective trophy design and product. The en-
tire process has revitalized time-honoured art and employed
CII Design in its endeavour to establish design as a tool for India is a land of cultures, hidden talents and artistic won-
artisans in trying times such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
national competitiveness initiated the ‘CII Design Excellence ders that have lived in families and passed down generations
Awards’, a platform to acknowledge and celebrate Indian de- immemorial. Amongst others, Channapatana in particular
sign and innovation. A sustainable piece of art (the trophy), is known for its handcrafted wooden toys. Made by skilled
Looking Back
which is not only a symbol of accomplishment but also the craftsmen, manufactured in traditional and advanced small- Being the trophy sponsor has allowed us to play with the ma-
recognition of talented artists inspired us to accept this re- scale industries, these figurines were once popular all over terial and aesthetics of the trophy over time. With three dif-
quirement as a challenge. India. But sadly, with changing times, this industry is on the ferent renditions, we have encouraged and provided employ-
decline. Bringing the classic art to life with a humble contri- ment to artisans of different calibre, sourced and consumed
The Brief bution towards keeping our tradition alive and passing our different materials and used sustainable, cost effective pack-
culture to the next generation, the trophy is an adaptation aging and design language each time and will continue to
‘CII Design Excellence Awards’ strives to create new par-
of this art. do so.
adigms of design opportunity for Indian practitioners to
showcase their competencies and present themselves as
well-established design led organisations - to consumers. A
The Solution
memento mirroring the crux of CII Designs’ belief and mis- Our Eureka moment occurred when we collaborated with
sion whilst recognising and congratulating unique design lan- CII Design as the official trophy partner for ‘CII Excellence
guage, was the brief. Design Awards’. This enabled us in achieving both our vision
and mission. By being the exclusive trophy sponsor since in-
The Plan ception, we have helped inspire, encourage, recognise, and
award designs and designers across genres of creativity. The
To begin with, being a design firm ourselves with an astute
dignity and joy this trophy which is conceptualised, designed
eye and irrevocable passion for design and encouragement COMPANY ADDRESS
and produced by us, brings to a person and their home is
for designers of every form and calibre, we aspired to partic- Nigel Foley
our pride.
ipate and be substantially involved in the design recognition +91 97409 55774
Across time, we have employed MSME metal and glass art-
programme. While this was the vision, our focus was on the
ists for creating different renditions of these trophies. Most
actual trophy - the thought, the concept, the design, the ma- Foley Designs
recently, due to the pandemic, the 2020 trophies have been
terial and the final product. Since inception, Foley Designs Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
inspired and dedicated to the revival of traditional art prac-
has always believed in #vocalforlocal, this time around, it was Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.
tises, supporting artisans and their professional family heir-
no different. We wanted to keep it personal, traditional and
historical, whilst supporting our own aspiring and struggling
artisans and designers.

68 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 69

3 Subscription pack for Sanitizers: As the usage of sani-
tizers and masks became mainstream, it was understood
that this demand and habit that was generated, would not
die down so easily. Hence the need was established to
create a convenient way of using it, and a regular replen-
ishment plan so that one does not have to risk oneself to
go buy a sanitizer pack. A Convenient to use Pocket Pack
of sanitizers was developed for people to carry in their
pocket & a Set of 15 was created for a Monthly subscrip-
tion plan model for convenience of use to the customer.

For designing these products, it was critical to apply the Hu-
man Centred Design (HCD) approach to the process. We had

COVID-19 - to account for many aspects of human behaviour and psyche

like for e.g. the Anxiety & fear levels, the emotional state,
etc. and design the products in a manner that it makes their

Pandemic Response products

usage, intuitive and natural.
We experimented with various forms for the vault & dis-
penser, eventually singled out a form that was aesthetically
pleasing. Maximizing the volume accessible for usage while
minimizing its footprint. We focussed on making this prod-
The Challenge Our primary questions, assumptions & insights lead us to
uct not look like a medical sterilization device but something
develop neat designs that provided contactless UV-C sani-
The challenge was to design and innovate a solution for tack- which could be natural in the. The vault could proudly share
tization, secure mask dispensation, Convenient hand sani-
ling the Pandemic via Self-protection, Sanitization & Isola- the space with any other high-end consumer electronic de-
tion. The Products had to be designed for the New Normal, vice owned by the user. The translucent cover with the gen-
in a way that they can be seamlessly adopted into the daily tle ultraviolet glow of the vault allows the user to appreciate
The Solution the process of sanitization. Client Speak
life by people. The Corona Virus pandemic, although unfor-
tunate, presented with areas where Good Product design 1 UV-C Sanitization Vault: It was understood from the Clients love to see products delivered as per
could make genuine difference. available data & reports that SARS-COV-2 virus turns in- Delivery the brief, on time & within the target cost –
effective & sterilized under exposure to UVC light. Some which is what as Studio 701 we achieve. We
These designs are at various stages of development – Tool-
The Brief reports also claimed that the use of UVC lights, reduced
ing, testing etc. and are on the fast track towards landing were happy to prove that our design studio
the risk of live coronavirus transmission by 99.7 percent succeeded in bringing the ideas of remark-
The COVID virus survive on surfaces for up to 4 hours, these them for the market.
in 30 seconds. Our innovative solution was to create a able designers, entrepreneurs, visionaries &
surfaces need to be cleaned regularly for the prevention of
console box sized UV-C sanitizing vault. Where one innovators to life!
the spread of the virus. While there was a massive drive to-
could store their wallets, handkerchief, pocket accesso-
Looking Back
wards finding solutions for manufacturing personal protec-
ries, keys, etc. to get sanitized. The Design was created Overall, there was thorough satisfaction at how the products
tive equipment, Masks, Medical ventilators, etc. there was
to be classy & unique, so that it could be deployed for finally shaped up. The concepts and ideas were seamlessly
less focus on other Day-to-day use items. WEBSITE URL
the hotel & tourism industry to build the confidence of developed, and the designs finally on route to seeing the
Our brief was to focus on design & innovation of effective
the travelling customer. The Vault uses reflective surfac- light of the day. In a scenario where the Time-to-market for
solutions for our day to day use for sanitization, segregation
es inside the container to flood the items with UVC light these ideas was critical, the response time achieved was
& hygiene. The products needed to be portable with a min-
from all around. A Mini version of the UV-C vault was also phenomenal, considering that many manufacturing units COMPANY ADDRESS
imal footprint, needed to be convenient in usage & reason- Sohil Solani
created for desktop use. were shut, material & labour was unavailable & Lockdown
able in cost. +91-9833270357
2 Mask Dispensing Box: Most of the masks & face shields was in effect for movement of people!
which were being sold or shared, were getting manually
The Plan handled, and in many cases were even unpacked and ex- Mikhil Sonavaria
The research involved understanding the way the virus posed to touch by people. This was a critical problem to +91-9819203661
spread, study the data being shared by WHO, ICMR, etc & solve. For such a scenario to avoid the physical touch-
other relevant bodies, and identify strategies on how to anal- ing & handling of Individual masks, we came up with
yse & utilize it. We wanted to understand and anticipate how the solution of a Mask Dispensing Unit that dispensed Studio701 - Greengrey Design Pvt. Ltd.
these lockdown measures would affect the life in the new sealed mask packs to people. This Unit was designed to 701 D wing Radhakunj,
normal society. The Aim was to create products which by be kept in public places like airports, railway stations, etc. 160 Manmala Tank Road,
curtaining the spread of the virus will effectively save lives, where basic 3-ply masks could be borrowed by people in Mahim, Mumbai 400016
thus having a defining impact on the life of the user. case they dint have one available.

70 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 71

Basic operations of switching lights, fans & appliances can
be controlled fully with multiple control options like touch,
mobile app based, remote & voice controlled. Switch mod-
ules icons are designed for modern homes with minimal and
intuitive icons for easy understanding of any age group con-
sumers. Additional SKUS like smart plug which controls ap-
pliances plugged into that plug remotely. Range is developed
with glass touch panel and PCB housing for similar housing
requirements as existing switches for ease of adaptability. To
make it responsive and intuitive when consumer touch the
switch icon the LED light (full intensity) behind touch display
will glow to response it’s switching on. When power is cut

off, LED light will completely be off and when power is avail-
able but switch is off light will glow to medium intensity. A
simple touch to open a light which has dot like icon and fan
icon to operate fan.


Product has been engineered in a way that its repairing is
easy as one has to only remove conventional plate and rest
The Challenge The Discovery every module can be easily removed and changed accord-
ing to need. Use of recyclable plastic also helps in reducing
The world is getting smarter and so are our homes. Today our Future of smarter homes is going to be more automated
waste and make the range eco-friendly. As this is a retrofit
lives are busy, occupied and consumers seek more comfort with ease of remotely accessing all products within our living
range which can be accommodated in existing switch plates
and ease of doing daily tasks. Consumer products are be- spaces. Products in future are going to be operated by digital
and without any extra construction and investment it can be
ing combined with Internet connectivity and powerful data means and voice control or gesture control. To evolve our
analytic capabilities that promise to transform the way we living spaces study of current trends and smart technologies
cost effective modern solution for homes. Modules which Client Speak
can fit in existing homes are easy to manufacture and as-
work, live, and play. It further results in evolving consumer has been done. Full range of switches to be evolve and to be Evolving our current range of switches from
semble as well.
electrical and expanding business opportunities. designed in a way that it requires only SKUS to be made and ­conventional to modern and smart range this SMARTH
rest it can be retrofit in existing internal configured boxes and Home Automation range provides its consumers
Looking Back
The Brief switch plates which makes it less of investment and yet easy ­enhanced experience inside living spaces. Adding
to adapt for consumer. Product has to been engineered in a Future of homes are going to be smarter and each and every value and taking Crabtree brand to a whole new level
Future of homes is going to be smarter, easy and efficient.
way that its repairing is easy as one has to only remove con- product is going to talk with each other and are going to be and ­expanding business opportunities, this range has
In order to improve consumers lives design a range of smart
ventional plate and rest every module can be easily removed in sync. Functioning with multiple control options like touch, ­potential to create smarter homes in near future.
switches to enhance user experience inside current liv-
and changed according to need. voice and mobile app based solutions, future is even more
ing spaces. Evolving conventional mechanical switches to
evolving rapidly. To add value to this range it can evolve more
a whole new range of smart & easily accessible switches
through mobile and other mode of interaction.
The Solution and features like motion based and gestures can also add to

Internet is something which rules and evolves us in many

the comfort of consumers lives.
WATCH  Success Video
The Plan ways. Our living spaces has been modified and improved
with less of human effort and more of technological advance-
This range of Smart Home Automated switches provide
ments. IOT (Internet of things) is something which helps in
overall enhanced experience to users with added benefits
bringing digital intelligence to appliances and switches to WEBSITE URL
of IOT enabled feature. Research about various wirelessly
connect with them. Consumer can either directly interact by
connecting technologies lead to IOT which is accessible in
touching minimal icons on plate or can use app to control
every home these days. Study of current living spaces and
working of electrical and appliances within home to under-
electrical in room. Technology used behind is IOT and IR also COMPANY ADDRESS
VOICE CONTROLLED with the help of which devices can be DEEKSHA VERMA
stand ease of connectivity. Connecting up all these different
remotely controlled. Wi-fi based with additional mesh get- +91 9873077572
products and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital
away is sufficient for setting up full range in home. Multiple
intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, en-
functions to access the products is been designed to make HAVELLS INDIA LIMITED
abling them to communicate real-time data without involving
every age group of consumer comfortable with the range. QRG TOWERS, 2D SECTOR -126,
a human being. The Internet of Things is making the fabric of
Touch, voice controlled and mobile app based controls have NOIDA -201304
the world around us smarter and more responsive, merging
been given to easily access electrical and appliances while UTTAR PRADESH
the digital and physical universes.
sitting inside.

72 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 73

SPATIUM 6 – designed for social distancing is well achieved
without being symbolic. It’s a complete balance of aesthetic
& layouts, suggesting behavioral changes; keeping in mind
the social distancing norm. It’s simple but elegant.
Spatium6 is designed to provide ample cues via clear visual
floor markers, and layouts that make for a safer work envi-
ronment. From bright unidirectional pathways, safe-distance
work zones with arresting tile patterns, to colors that soothe
the anxious mind; aiming at making it easier for office-goers
to practice safe distancing at the workplace without having
to be constantly reminded about it or even consciously think
about it.

Designed for Social Delivery

At Welspun Flooring, we are invested in building a strong

base through sustainable innovation. While planning Spati-
um6; the focus was to design a solution that is attractive as
well as helps make a difference.
Using creative edge experience, new attractive social
distancing designs were created by changing the layouts
The Challenge a­ uthor Naoto Fukasawa says “Design needs to be plugged of the existing collections and exploring different rang-
into human behaviour. Design dissolves behaviour”. es the Brand has to offer, which benefits the work-place
Come 2020, a Black Swan event occured. The world was rap-
idly thrown into a tumultuous phase. As we moved towards ­environment
The Discovery
getting back to a workplace routine, it was observed that 2
5 people were anxious about going back to work. Social distancing is an unnatural behaviour. How to ensure Looking Back
the social distancing norm was being followed by humans;
Client Speak
But, the economy needed to get back on the floor. 1 Garnered sizeable traction across the globe for novel
who are naturally social creatures with bad memory? concept; further exemplified when renowned Architects, “Our designs introduce behavioural
The Brief 1 Approach 1: Keeping it simple with automatic thinking ­experts noticed & spoke about Spatium6 changes. For instance, creating one way
based on mental shortcuts 2 A revolutionary concept introduced to the Nation traffic corridors, maintaining 6’ distance
The office spaces called for a reset button. Facility managers
2 Approach 2: Slow, controlled & conscious reasoning re- 3 To further promote work-safe environment, we extended between workstations; spacing out meetings
were looking for ways to implement mandated safe distanc-
quiring effort the idea and introduced Antiviral Flooring and break rooms.” – Ritam Dey, Head of
ing norms.
Giving clear signs with minimum cognitive expenditure 4 Custom layouts for smaller offices introduced Design, Welspun Flooring.
Studies revealed design has psychological implications and
helped people navigate while abiding by the social distanc-
impact on behaviour.
ing norms. Choice of colours and patterns have a significant
Designing for a behavioural change was needed to steer
effect on the human psyche.
people in the direction without relying on their compliance
Observing human behaviour and looking into multiple design
and obedience.
forecasts, we saw a need to implement the design thinking
to help make a difference.
The Plan
As a flooring brand that operates on the scale that it does, The Solution
we began working towards introducing social distancing at
Keeping that tenet in mind, Welspun Flooring changed lay-
the commercial spaces through a radical transformation in
outs of the existing Relay, Nature Collection, explored some
our designs. WEBSITE URL
solid colours and a mix of fusion flooring solutions to launch
We believe workplace design is positioned to play a big part
Spatium6, a first-of-its-kind flooring design solution for the
in bringing about a change in behavior especially when it be-
gins to place more emphasis on choreographing the move-
“new normal”. It is an innovative design approach to work- COMPANY ADDRESS
place safety that adheres to the globally accepted norms of Ritam Ray
ment of its occupants in ways that go easy on conscious
ensuring 6 feet distancing. An approach that begins ground- Head of Design
effort and imbibe themselves more naturally, almost sub-
up viz. flooring-up. Welspun Flooring
liminally. As the renowned industrial designer, curator and
Survey no 190, Chandanvelly Village, Shabad Mandal,
Ranga Reddy District, Telangana – 501503
+91 8417668167

74 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 75

Effimax enables you to monitor critical boiler parameters re-
motely and locally through intuitive and usercentric features
adding to the ease of accessibility , maintainability and safe-
ty. A singular modular platform accompanied with futurism
and luxuriance, creates specific operating procedures while
it being the first Iot enabled boiler operating panel. Effimax is
a standard IoT enabled platform for all ranges of the boilers
offering 85 % efficiency. Effimax offers an enhancement in
the efficiency leading to lower CO2 emissions while gener-
ating more steam with less fuel. Being Industry 4.0 compati-
ble, it provides information on digital platforms easing efforts
of maintaining elaborate manuals through a QR code and
ensures recycling of components. Effimax caters to the ut-

Effimax most functional and emotional needs of the user by offering

a sophisticated system.

Looking Back
Boiler Efficiency Monitoring System
Effimax can be used as a scalable platform across all product
ranges in terms of the hardware elements in the design. It
The Challenge that strenuous work environment and monitoring criticality
can connect and collaborate with various other digital plat-
were few of the key problem areas that required design in-
The prime objective is to help our customers maximize their forms through cloud analytics.
energy efficiency. There is a need to control systems and re-
covery units by monitoring critical parameters and achieve WEBSITE URL
The Solution
the last mile of energy recovery which is generally lost in the
boiler house. The challenge is to do this by leveraging indus- Effimax is a one stop solution combining continuous moni-
trial digtal platforms. toring and fine tuning the boiler to generate more steam with COMPANY ADDRESS
less fuel into a unity, it is an intelligent boiler data delivering Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd
The Brief system with standardization of hardware across all variants PB 29 Mumbai Pune Rd.,Kasarwadi,Pune - 411 034
thus reducing the manufacturing time. With a modular back Phone No. +91-20-68138555
Design a scalable IoT enabled system for boilers that will
plate assembly and a complete in-house manufacturing of
help operator and managers seamlessly monitor and max-
hardware and software platform it can be assembled outside
imize efficiency of the boiler and take informed decisions.
and then mounted in the enclosure with ease.Effimax’s form
language consists of a set of distinct bodies that reduce the
The Plan visual bulk. A seamless chamfer running through the edge of
The plan included to offer the user the body gives a sharp highlight adding to the sleek design
remote accessibility and ease to monitor all boiler parameters, and caters to the space constraint in the process plant. The
effective data analysis of his/her process, design takes away the typical panel look and adds more of
enhanced safety through continuous display and manual over- a smart, minimal and digital platform adding to the intuitive
ride of critical parameters in case of emergency situations, user interface. A futuristic & impactful branding will help to
easy to access, install and maintain mounting arrangement create a strong brand identity in emerging IOT market.
for reduced down times to enhance the experience of the
user in the boiler house. Designing
Our design process consisted of understanding the user
Client Speak
The Discovery in his/her environment by conducting various site visits “We have started the installation and com-
Observing the user in his environment/context helped us un- followed by a detailed analysis of the insights from the missioning of the system from 15th Dec.
derstand users explicit as well implicit needs which eventu- need finding phase which led to generating divergent Primarily the system looks very nice aesthet-
ally were incorporated as specs while designing. Various on concepts. The process included incorporating manufactur- ically, Flexi parameter feature is excellent.
site and off site discussions with the user helped us under- ing constraints to come up with an optimal solution for Also,multiple fuel settings is also added
stand the everyday challenges in his/her life while being in the boiler operation and Forbes Marshall manufacturing advantage in case customer uses fuels of
and around the boiler house. Through our research we found ­competancies. different specification.”
– Pharmaceutical Plant in Ankaleshwar area

76 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 77

The project had 4 main phases-
Plan: Researched and analysed Motor Insurance domain.
Identified opportunities to improve experience for human-in-
Design: Wireframes and User interface Design for Mobile,
Desktop App
Develop: Prototype development, monitoring and review by
Computer Vision experts
Test: Usability Testing and Stakeholder approvals
The UX design is welcoming, ensuring user remains calm
in the event of a mishap. The mobile and desktop apps act
in sync, such that their respective users feel notified and in
command, while AI does the cumbersome work.

Human Centered AI Looking Back

The project helped us reimagine the motor insurance claims

Design for Damage Detection process, with AI- Computer Vision, for vehicle inspection. It
also helped us design for nuances required for successful
contactless- interactions in these shifting times. With AI in-
creasingly taking over, it’s all the more crucial to focus on the
To build trust, AI-based systems should offer transparency, human experience.
understandability and human control.
The Problem Human-Centered AI (HAI) system, that learns from human
feedback and supports human-machine collaboration. We
Motor insurance settlements still rely heavily on paperwork,
discovered ‘How can we effectively replace human intelli-
making it cumbersome for the customer and the back-office
gence with AI output for faster, cheaper and accurate claim
staff. In-person vehicle inspection reduces turnaround time,
often resulting in a not-so-pleasant end-user experience. With
the changing times, there is an increasing focus on reducing
The Solution
human contact and smarter handling of insurance claims.
When a customer’s vehicle is damaged, an assessor in-
The Brief spects and provides an estimate of the damage. This per-
son examines both the vehicle and the claim, approving,
To design an intelligent solution to expedite motor insur-
rejecting, or modifying the estimate. Our human-centered
ance claims processing. With AI- Computer Vision, simu-
design leverages AI-Computer Vision, for a holistic view to
late human eye to detect and estimate the damage in the
the back-office assessor, to check-correct-confirm the claim
vehicle. Provide greater control to the human-in-the-loop,
with enhanced transparency and efficiency across the claims
The Plan Computer Vision in AI generates an instant analysis of the
damage in the vehicle. It enables an assessor to visually com-
We set off by assessing the existing motor insurance claim
pare the ‘before’ and ‘after’ conditions of vehicle, damage WEBSITE URL
apps. Identified business functionalities in claims process-
severity by highlighting the affected parts, repair and replace
ing, to understand human touchpoints. The design strategy
judgments and the estimated cost. An incorrect analysis can
was to let the back-office staff correct the machine output COMPANY ADDRESS
be manually corrected by moderating a few editable nodes.
if needed, thereby ensuring an efficient and accurate claim
The estimated cost and other specifications get altered dy- Hetal Jani
namically. Over time, machine learns from these human cor- 9909990243
rections, leading to greater precision in damage assessment.
The Discovery This enables ‘contact-less damage detection’, making claim Tata Consultancy Services Limited
For a human to trust an AI-based system, it should provide settlements more trustworthy. TCS House, Raveline Street,
transparency and control. We ensembled a trustworthy Fort, Mumbai – 400001

78 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 79

Drawing inspiration from the traditional methods of com-
munication, we have reinterpreted the theme ‘message in
a bottle’ with our collection that is a call for environmental
conservation and wildlife awareness. The thought of mak-
ing ‘precious’ collectibles connects strongly with the idea of
‘protection’. We started designing our first series of unique
promotional collectibles around animals that are threatened,
endangered and typically ‘neglected’ in the whole funding
ecosystem. This was a means of creating awareness to-
wards the lesser known endangered life. These collectibles
will become a medium to drive communication in a unique
and memorable manner.

Piece by Foley Designs Delivery

Each piece is a combination of digitally sculpted metal ani-
mal form placed in hand-crafted wooden environments and
Limited Edition Memorabilia enclosed inside a glass bottle. The glass bottles are collected
from commercial outlets, recycled and used as a souvenir
case. Up-cycled wood is used to create a sustainable envi-
The Challenge The Discovery ronment. We have also collaborated with the World Wildlife
Creating an ecological equilibrium is of utmost importance Piece focuses on bringing to the forefront a range of endan- Fund (WWF) to sell Piece online and the money collected is
today. Every life form has an interdependence that eventually gered species in India that are threatened and remain ne- donated to wildlife conservation. This also ensures bulk pro-
affects this equilibrium. We humans need to be far more sen- glected with time. These designs explore scarce animals in duction, thereby reducing manufacturing cost.
sitive to the reality of dependencies in our habitat that lead their natural habitat, hoping to educate people about their
to this delicate balance. Our inspiration for Piece stemmed way of life and to protect them. Each recycled bottle encas- Looking Back
from the responsibility to build awareness towards conser- es a sculpted pewter animal form in an abstraction of its A simple design thought led to an impactful form of com-
vation. environment, hand-crafted with sustainably sourced wood. munication, awareness and conservation. While we have
These collectibles serve as a symbolic message to elevate started with wildlife souvenirs, we aspire to explore designs,
The Brief our impetus on preservation and conservation. The finely products and elements around us which require the immedi-
hand turned wood, encased in glass also brings out the fra- ate attention of humans. The messaging will be stronger and
India is a land of rich history, heritage, culture, wildlife, flora
gility of the situation and the immense, immediate need to the products will be more affordable, usable and consumer
and fauna amongst others. We wished to create a brand that
conserve our earth and all its inhabitants. friendly.
narrates stories of pride, awareness and joy through aesthet-
ic design. The brief to us, from us, was to create products
which are educative, informative, sustainable, natural and
The Solution
savage. Piece is an out-of-the-box solution to communication de-
sign. It is an innovative way of educating citizens about
The Plan endangered wildlife and starting conversations on conser-
vation. Each piece creates a sensitization to the animal life
We wanted to create an in-house brand with diverse collec- WEBSITE URL
and its depleting habitat. The bubble environment depicts
tions that amalgamates the things that are close to our heart
the concept of ‘protection’. This is depicted using a method
- protecting our natural habitat and creating a unique design
of re-crafting recycled bottles with an encased stylized life
finished in exquisite craftsmanship. It is our intention to use
form. Each piece uses a combination of a digitally sculpted
design to bring awareness to the reality of rapidly depleting Nigel Foley
and metal printed animal form placed in a hand-crafted wood
environment and wildlife, and bring about a change. We are +91 97409 55774
environment. These precious environments symbolize the
also conscious of the fact that creating new products would
fragility of the animal ecosystem and drives awareness to-
leave behind waste and carbon footprint. So our objective is Foley Designs
wards positive change. The idea is to take home a piece of
to minimise these effects as much as possible, while giving Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
our rich wildlife as a constant reminder to preserve them.
them a great concept driven design. Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.

80 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 81

We utilized many aspects from the diamond metaphor to de-
pict various properties of our brand. Few of these include the
multicolored facets, sharp edges, vibrant colors etc. We also
merged the letters P and X from PX to form an interesting
shape that is used as part of the logo. It depicts how user
experience is integrated into products in a way that makes
them an integral value add for the success of the product.
The appearance of a diamond also depicts excellent quality,
durability, value and authenticity. Properties help each prod-
uct achieve through of intervention.


Product Experience (PX)

All branding elements were designed keeping in mind multi-
ple possible scenarios and use cases. These included bright
and dark backgrounds, screen and print media, depiction
on objects like cups, t-shirts, stickers etc. too. We created

Branding Philosophy mockups and prototypes of these elements to tests them in

all the above scenarios. This helped us ensure reduction in
rework, flexibility in design and scalability not just for present
scenarios but also use cases arising in the future
Evolution from Concept to Completion of PX Branding
Looking Back
The Challenge The Discovery This activity helped us explore new approaches for both
We required an identity that differentiates business groups The branding philosophy is the foundation of the entire strat- design as well as planning. We were able to navigate the
from other OUs within TCS. The key challenge was to build egy. For this, we brainstormed and identified relevant key- limitations and restrictions of existing branding guidelines to
an identity that conformed to the larger TCS branding guide- words like Futuristic / Cutting Edge, Immersive / Engaging, still create something unique and original in itself while also
Client Speak
lines but also established a unique identity of its own. We Humanized Experience, Unique Personality, TCS Values etc. depicting all the necessary characteristics intended for the
wanted to depict our key characteristics, namely credible, We then summarized them into the final keywords name- brand. The Px team has been associated with
knowledgeable, innovative and fun. ly Simple, Intuitive, inclusive and delightful, Immersive and TCS MasterCraft™ and Jile™ from the time the brands
engaging experience. We then mapped these keywords to were launched. Their creative visuals, not only for
the brands’ visual identity, but also for our products’
The Brief metaphors in nature like Water, Rubber, Diamond, Light and
Snowflakes and found that the diamond metaphor correlates user interface designs have been well appreciated by
Everything needed to be in lines with the TCS branding guide- customers. Px team’s contribution in the recent Ux
best with the overall TCS Product Experience Group and its
lines. However, at the same time it needed to be designed in revamping for DataPlus is remarkable.
culture. This metaphor hence formed the guiding principle
such a way, that it also created its own distinct unique iden- Vijayalakshmi Gopal,
around which all branding elements were designed.
tity. Other important goals included ensuring memorability Vice President and Global Head, TCS MasterCraft™
and depicting key characteristics like credibility, knowledge-
ability, innovation and fun.
The Solution
We realized that the DIAMOND metaphor is most suitable for
The Plan our Product Experience (PX) group. We particularly focused
on “X” character in a word PX, which portrays the eXperince,
The process we followed starts with first forming the brand-
ing philosophy. We thought of various characteristics we
X factor, and eXcellence. We concluded that the brand should WEBSITE URL
be sharp which depict robust, solid, cutting edge technology
wanted to depict and thought of keywords related to them.
and design. We correlated the multifaceted diamond and its
We then brainstormed around metaphors that best suit these
multicolor with our diversified user experience. The brand in- COMPANY ADDRESS
keywords. The selected diamond metaphor emerged as the
cludes an engaging yet bold PX logo, where colors for P are Ganesh N Rajput
most apt one. This formed the guiding principle around the
derived from primary colors and for X from secondary colors 9820976091
branding philosophy and strategy. We then mapped the TCS
of the TCS branding guidelines. The appearance also depicts
branding guidelines, colors, fonts etc to various aspects like
qualities of a diamond namely excellence, quality, durability, Tata Consultancy Services Limited
facets, sharp edges etc within this metaphor. These formed
value and authenticity. TCS House, Raveline Street,
the building blocks using which we were able to design vari-
ous branding elements for a variety of scenarios. Fort, Mumbai – 400001

82 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 83

Designing the usability of the frame: from the 3 layered tem-
ples to the 2 layered nose piece, from the way the spacers
are positioned for the hinges to the precise bend given to the
eyewear, from ensuring the edges are highly softened to rig-
orously sanding & coating the frame - every step is designed
for usability. We achieved the balanced thickness and created
light weight wooden frames unlike any other. Designing the
aesthetics: we at Qreative Qick developed and continue to de-
velop eyewear designs in shape, size, patterns and complex
renewable materials. The designs are driven for both style and
sustainability, and recorded a 200+ days of artificial weather
test, reinstating the quality and life of the product.

Qreative Qick Delivery

Since QQ eyewear are handcrafted, it requires highly skilled
and trained team members. Currently made of harvested
India’s first handcrafted wooden eyewear manufacturers Designing & developing birch wood & edge bands, every QQ frame can be person-
strong, durable, fashionable & sustainable eyewear alised & customised in terms of shape / size / pattern. The
lenses are customisable too. Packaged with a biodegradable
wooden box, a recent development has ensured that with
The Challenge product makers - for two years our plans evolved with ev- every eyewear sold, a fruit-bearing Geotagged tree is plant-
ery step of development. With every failed step to create ed in the name of the buyer, for a distressed farmer in most
Year 2016: the Indian eyewear market is flooded with frames
a wooden eyewear, we kept getting closer to creating one. needed locations in India.
made of plastic, and with finger counting sustainable eye-
Beyond research, our plan to creating wooden eyewear ac-
wear makers in the country, there is no single Indian man-
cessible to every individual, was driven by belief than an on- Looking Back
ufacturer offering eyewear that brought science, style and
ground plan.
sustainability together. Lack of knowledge centres & re- While we haven’t come far to actually look back, we at Qreative Client Speak
sources for eyewear developers made the environment to The Discovery Qick simply believe we are in the space of right intent. We’ve
The most striking feature of sunglasses from
create, further more challenging. And we started Qreative managed to design & develop an eyewear that’s not just as-
After endless trials & errors, we discovered not just our- QQ is that it is environment-friendly along
Qick (QQ) with a simple intent of making up-cycled and sus- pirational but truly meaningful in its entire cycle of existence.
selves, but a whole new process of crafting wooden eye- with its eco-friendly packaging. The hand-
tainable eyewear, that is equally high on fashion quotient - an We are looking to further the up-cycling model of the product
wear. The so-called wooden eyewear available in India were made touch and customization are an icing
untapped opportunity in this space. with a set up where all your regular old furniture and thrashed
primarily imported and some who manufactured were made on the cake, enhancing the experience!
wood can be used to create products, and are combining it
of single wood often compromising on the science behind – Akash Jain, Entrepreneur & Mountaineer
The Brief with other renewable & waste materials such as thrown jeans,
eyewear with a high risk of breakage. We discovered ma-
Set out to give our passion a purpose, and create India’s own resin and safely disposed metals. We are looking forward by
terials, tested durability, designed and crafted a method, a
sustainable eyewear brand - that becomes a lifestyle choice just looking back at our foundational belief - create accessible,
process that would help us achieve an eyewear as good as
that offers comfort, style and is by its soul is environment sustainable products.
any, consistently and in increasing numbers.
friendly. A brand that constantly evolves in material usage
(renewable resources) and is at par with any international The Solution
WATCH  Success Video
brand of its kind ensuring human wants meet planet needs.
The solution was a collation of all our findings over a period
We started our journey & continue to pursue the thought:
of two years and resulted in us creating a complex yet struc-
Have a broken wooden chair / furniture? Don’t thrash it. Give
it to us & we will make an eyewear out of it for you.
tured 64 step process, that today, goes into every piece of WEBSITE URL
eyewear we make. Except the base which is laser cut, the
entire process is handcrafted. We introduced a layer of birch
The Plan between hardwood that got us closer to our dream. To en- COMPANY ADDRESS
Honestly, when you begin to search something that doesn’t sure lightweight & strength, we broke down the making of Qreative Qick, c/o Simply Wish,
exist, the only plan is: get there. Do everything that it takes. the eyewear into 3x3 layers of wood, also made the eyewear D-13, Brigade MM, K R Road,
Right from studying existing eyewear designs in the market water & scratch resistant to further its longevity. To keep the Jayanagar 7th Block, Bengaluru – 560070
to researching about global sustainable eyewear manufac- fashionable quotient at its heart, so far, we’ve developed Ph: 080-48526315
turers, from connecting with the local opticians, ophthalmol- over 800 designs in three varying sizes. Jayakumar (Chief Product Design Officer) : 9886846630
ogists and experts in the field, to connecting with wooden

84 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 85

with micro precision optics diffuser
Flexibility is your entitlement
Straight lines, criss-cross or geometric patterns.. do it easily with Stylus

... for the

soft glow
Linear profiles with diffuser are the most preferred options
of designers today as it allows them to use light to create
patterns and add life to the ceilings. It perfectly suits the
currently popular open ceiling styling where the luminaire
merges with the background and just the linear glow is visible.

Option of direct indirect lighting

30 up
100 down
70 down

Premium linear lighting solution for commercial workspaces

The Challenge glare created by luminaires and creating a uniformly lit space
Client Speak
which would aid the user to focus better in workspaces.
Today’s workspaces are getting more agile, flexible and COMPANY ADDRESS Stylus has become face of linear lighting
collaborative, Office interiors are more often designed to product from Wipro, it has helped us to
Designing Rajesh Sangewar
accommodate more spaces to encourage teamwork and +91 8412026007 position Wipro has innovation driven and
collaboration. Thus, it was important to understand lighting Multiple design concepts were explored and one concept thought leader in industry. Stylus is very
needs for such spaces and come up with a flexible solution was derived from them which further came to be known as well appreciated among architects and
Wipro Ent pvt Ltd – Lighting Div
that create a niche for the business. ‘Stylus’. The product thus has satisfied the briefs require- consultants community and helped to grow
5th Floor, Godrej Eternia,
ment of being Flexible, adaptable, environment friendly and business significantly.
‘C’ Wing, Old Pune-Mumbai Road,
The Brief user- centricity.
Shivajinagar Pune-411005 Rajesh Sangewar, Head – Product Design
‘Stylus’ is the first Flexi-lit angular lighting solution which of-
In such settings, linear lighting solutions are a preferred & Maharashtra
fers to rotate arms at different angles that helps formation of
efficient choice for spacious indoor areas, which provide
desired illuminated linear shapes in space. Stylus has multi-
flexible lighting solution. Different joinery and flexibility is ex-
ple arm lengths, various angle options and 12mm inset for
pected from specifiers which can compliment interior design
reduced glare. Stylus also has multiple options in optics as per Nodal

requirements. Flexi-lit LM43-161XXX-57SDW Stylus Nodal Downlight 1 no.

The Plan It's a first Flexi-lit angular lighting solution with unique angle
detector which offers to rotate the arms at different angles,

blends well with the linear luminaire and helps in forming a
To encourage this flexibility, it was essential to come up with desired illuminated shape and forms in space.

a solution that is adaptable to different formations and optical

Stylus has helped to reduce the power consumption in the Two Arm Connectivity
needs of the space. Customer insights are analyzed and delib-
workspace, high efficiency LED enhance the light power den- LM43-161XXX-57SDW Stylus Nodal Downlight 1 no.

erated to get the right solution LM43M06A-MTG End cap with Mounting Clamp, Screw 2 nos
sity which make workspaces greener. All components used LMX774/LM775/LM776 Suspension 1 no.

in the products are either biodegradable or recyclable to pro-

The Discovery mote sustainable environment. Manufacturing process at

Three Arm Connectivity

Being an experienced company in lighting the we derived in- Wipro ensure low pollution and power consumption. Product LM43-161XXX-57SDW Stylus Nodal Downlight 1 no.

sights from past projects, facility managers, architects to un- is designed in such a manner that most of the components LM43M06A-MTG End cap with Mounting Clamp, Screw 3 nos

LMX774/LM775/LM776 Suspension 1 no.

derstand their requirement. The data collected was mapped comply with the policy to recycle them in systematic manner.
using frameworks which helped us in creating a design brief
that highlighted the design aspects required to be accom- Looking Back Four Arm Connectivity

modated in the design that could fit in the context of space. LM43-161XXX-57SDW Stylus Nodal Downlight 1 no.
Stylus positioned Wipro as Innovation and thought leaders in LM43M06A-MTG End cap with Mounting Clamp, Screw 4 nos
modern workspaces segment. Innovative feature like flexilit Nodal: Is a central downlighter with ridge LMX774/LM775/LM776 Suspension 1 no.

The Solution brings flexibility in design without increasing the SKU. Multi-
to connect linear fittings with the help of
end cap. Linear fitting can be swiveled from
75o to 120o angle with three arms.

Brainstorming for ideas helped us in deriving concepts which ple optics in same product helps architects to mix optics yet
mainly focused adapting to special needs in terms of layouts, keep the same profile throughout the project. Improves the
manufacturing capabilities of Wipro

86 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 87

Inspired by legends of thinkers and philosophers, from New-
ton to Buddha, whose best thoughts occurred when they
were one with nature, under the shade of large trees; we
used corridor space to echo natural beauty in a modernistic
manner. There is a demand for associates to innovate and
then protect their ideas, so that their thoughts may bear fruit.
A vast expanding tree symbolizing growth, with widespread
branches symbolizing multiple focus areas and detachable
leaves, containing data, that could be dropped to give way to
new ones was our masterpiece.


TCS Intellectual Property

Taking into consideration the scalability of the solution, an
investment was made into the artwork to make it durable,
with an eco-solvent vinyl background. The elevated, 3D style
leaves are a highlight. They were precisely cut and perfectly

(IP) on a wall fixed, such that they would neither swirl nor fade, but can
be replaced with ease as and when the textual details they
contained regarding TCS IP achievements need to be updat-
ed. The structure remains, the leaves are changeable to save
A classy wall design depicting TCS’ patents in various fields costs.

The Challenge thus thrusting us well into the future, and making our con- Looking Back
cept and solution scalable and reliable.
A large conical wall at an eye-catching location of the Tata Easy to change detachable leaves with QR code that viewers
Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC),  Pune could scan with a mobile device, makes the design truly dy-
The Discovery namic and next-gen. This design could be easily repositioned Client Speak
was our canvas. A design team located miles away, with lim-
ited time to grasp a new requirement, and understand the Inspired by legends of thinkers and philosophers, from New- in a kiosk, where user gets a chance to interact with current A fabulous outcome of the patent wall@TRDDC Pune,
logistics of space design, yet deliver a wow solution was our ton to Gautama Buddha whose best thoughts probably oc- data and view archived data in future. thanX to the PX group. Our requirements of a design
challenge. curred when they were close to nature, sitting below trees, that is expansive and extensible, and importantly,
we used the internal space to reflect natural beauty in a mod- ­collaborative, met with resounding response.
The Brief ernistic manner. There is a demand for associates to innovate Simply fantastic!
and protect their ideas. Brandishing the TCS journey so far Ravindra Naik,
A visit to the site revealed that the artwork expected was
presents associates with the larger picture and the impetus Principal Scientist, Centre Head-TRDDC, Pune
of a humungous size with immense expectations and dy-
to join the journey, following in the footsteps of the great
namics to be considered. Shaped according to the irregular
wall space, it needed to be attractive, scalable, and most im-
portant, display and highlight TCS’ Intellectual Property (IP)
The Solution
capability, presence, and achievements.
After experimenting with blocks and shapes, a grand tree
The Plan that seems to grow through the walls and ceiling, spread- WEBSITE URL
ing out its leaves and branches was finalized as our solution.
The plan was to use eco-solvent vinyl that would stand the
The architecture, the ambience, the natural light streaming
test of time, with matte lamination for a sober look. The de-
in through surrounding windows, the subtle watermark tag COMPANY ADDRESS
sign was conceptualized as a tree to symbolize and reflect
cloud text, the 3D shaped tree structure, the seat for visitors Ganesh N Rajput
the growing creativity, innovation, and ingenuity of TCS in
to stop and sit – were all added in to create a grandiose de- 9820976091
the IP space. A contemporary isometric design spreading
sign. Huge elevated and detachable leaves, containing infor-
through the roof signifies there is no glass ceiling for TCS,
mation that could be easily updated or replaced, was placed Tata Consultancy Services Limited
and the sky is the limit. Neither space nor time can limit our
at a comfortable height for visitors to read, making the de- TCS House, Raveline Street,
expansion. We decided to embed a QR code into the design,
sign inviting, and also further scalable. Fort, Mumbai – 400001

88 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 89

Looking Back
With wide range of Personalization options upbeat provides
an extraordinary flexible bench platform even for a need
based social distancing office requirement. It is a proud mo-
ment for us to receive the CII Best of the Best in Product
Design GOLD Award across category and also the Best Fur-
niture Design Award 2020 for its design thinking, sustainabil-
ity and a extensive product offered.


Upbeat Work Desks

Mr. Venkateshwarlu Ega
+91-22-6796 2404
Interio Division
The Challenge The Solution Plant 13 Annexe 2nd Floor,
Offices are becoming smaller leading to claustrophobic work A novel idea to transform furniture aesthetics is inbuilt on Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli,
environments and mundane looking work settings. Offices Upbeat platform design, in the way a desk leg is attached to Mumbai-400079, India
have isolated spaces that restrict free thinking of the mind the table top. We were inspired by building set kits and the
and make the work culture rigid. fact that how easily it transforms into multiple objects using
the same elements. The unique modularity was achieved by
Client Speak
The Brief smart universal components which provided the desired ver-
satility in aesthetics and functionality to the customer and Upbeat is a new platform with intelligent
Open layouts are more conducive for collaborative working,
client. functionality and a youthful character.
but they lack the privacy required for carrying out focused
It has raised the bar in office design by
tasks. It is necessary for modern day offices to be more per-
sonalized and home-like which can make an individual feel at
Designing demonstrating that workspaces can be both
inviting and inspiring.
ease and in turn improve productivity at work. Upbeat gets its fresh and futuristic look with the help of me-
– Venkat Ega, Design Head
ticulously designed components. These specially designed
The Plan components helps to achieve the desired modularity while
maintaining the overall sleekness and simplicity. To foster
To create the right tools for a modern office, it was neces-
autonomy at work power beam with mobile tables were de-
sary to understand the activities performed by individuals
signed to provide immense possibilities of lay-outing which
at work. It was equally critical to understand how the same
can replace traditional workstations to create more versatile
people interact with each other and to give them a personal-
and user centric solution.
ized micro-environment.

With wide range of Personalization and Ergonomic options

The Discovery viz. personal accessories, removable screens for privacy on
Systematic primary research conducted for multiple office demand, autonomous power access with power beam, &
spaces in different segments like multi-nationals in FMCG, high ergonomic workstations, upbeat provides a comprehen-
Construction, IT, established E commerce startups, co-work- sive offering for modern day office requirement.
ing spaces and educational institutes to understand varied
needs of workers across age groups. The knowledge helped Delivery
designers at Interio gain insights for creating solutions for a
Use of design and engineering in product idea has resulted
modern-day work.
in minimizing the number of components by choosing right
materials and properties for its application. Upbeat complies
It became apparent that people love Autonomy and it is im-
with the noteworthy India Design Mark Award, and is certi-
portant to enable flexibility at work with respect to the activi-
fied with BIFMA Level 3 LEED, IGBC GreenPro, Indoor Ad-
ties performed. There is a need for blurring the gap between
vantage GOLD Standard and ‘Certified Plus’ by GRIHA. 
zones through furniture elements to facilitate Autonomy.

90 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 91

Wally is designed for manufacturing with minimum tooling.
Designed with resilient sheet metal enclosure, it adds an
extra sense of security to the device. With a glossy finish
acrylic on front interface area and wooden vinyl on the side
face, Wally participates in the interior design of the space it
inhabits. Wally can be installed either in vertical or horizon-
tal form factor, adding flexibility with access for customised
user requirements.

Looking Back
Wally was launched as a first in the category of home securi-
ty devices, recognised as as “India’s first multi compartment

locker”. Disrupting the security market by design, it offers
new and valuable benefits to its users.

A shared security storage for multiple users.

The Challenge was able to understand the desired user experience for such
B – 601, The Qube, Near Terminal 2,
a category of products and build the product accordingly.
In areas such as common lockers and drawers, valuables International Airport,
Working with a team of experienced researchers, the design
that might be individually owned, are accessible to others Behind Taj Flight Kitchen, Marol,
team observed, documented and analysed these behaviours
in the same family. While the issue of trust is not a prob- Andheri East,
to arrive at the final design.
lem, users were concerned that the privacy of their owner- Mumbai – 400059.
ship was compromised. Wally was designed to provides a Tel: +91 22 49559797
The Solution
dedicated secure space, within a shared environment. Its
unique product architecture was a first ever in the category The design team worked to create a unique design solu-
of security products. tion to address the experience identified during the user Client Speak
discovery process. The team mocked up several user sce-
“Wally has set a new benchmark in the
The Brief narios, and several product architectures, simultaneously
category of homes sages. It has brought
studying the product ecosystem. After a rigorous consid-
Wally was designed as a unique product that will allow mul- renewed interest in the category through
eration, the team shortlisted Wally’s product architecture
tiple users to individually access a common security area, design, and that is well appreciated.”
adding unique technology features to enhance the experi-
mimicking a personal security device. The product is part
ence it offered to the users. Creating a leadership product
of the “Goldilocks” range of uniquely designed personal
in the category.
The Plan
Disrupting by design is about redefining the category, and
Focusing on the consumer driven insights, the design team
Wally did just that for the category of security products. Re-
began work on the design features and the product archi-
searcher, designers and engineers worked together as mul-
tecture. With a clear focus on the component cost and the
tifaceted team that together drove the design. Wally was
manufacturing process, design was built for production, tak-
envisaged with three separate compartments with each
ing away the risk on development and with several rounds
compartment having unique access code equipped with
of consumer testing the risk of user acceptance was also
Capsense Technology. Also, a touch panel is included to en-
addressed. Several use cases were considered during the
ter access codes that light up only while accessing the com-
design phase, building rigour into the process.
partment, adding another layer of secrecy to the device. Us-
ing a combination of Acrylic & Aluminium finish, it provides
The Discovery a new age styling in the category, and unique features such
Through a deep user immersion phase, driven by the Centre as vibration feedback and security alarms bring technology
for Behavioural Research at Future Factory, the design team advancement.

92 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 93

This design is an artistic package of beauty & performance.
It pushes the envelope in terms of material usage and execu-
The curved edge to edge frameless glass and the bending
control panel is integrated in its form & function by one contin-
uous wave creating one single visual entity.
It’s just-what’s-needed nothing less or more.
Its clean, clutter-free expanse is a reflection of the peace and
tranquility one craves for.
Inside the machine, the basin-like surfaces cascades into the
wash drum - making the transit from outside to inside seam-
less creating a wholesome experience.

Whirlpool 360 Bloomwash Pro has been designed, devel-


oped and manufactured in India. Although this product has
been developed for the aspiring Indian consumer, its world
class aesthetics makes it an apt product for several regions
outside India. While addressing the growing regional de-
Top Loading fully Automatic Washing Machine mands, the organization will also export the product to these
international markets thus strengthening the “Make in India”
The Challenge The Discovery
Pushing the limits to make an unparalleled product within the Over the course of research, analysis of documented con- Looking Back
material & technology constraints to provide the best offer- sumer behaviour, market and design trends the need of the It received accolades from trade partners & the global design
ing to the consumer in a highly competitive product segment hour and the way forward was to create one-of-a-kind prod- fraternity, Caused a double digit growth in its category. The
by differentiated aesthetics and user experience along with uct experience to stand apart from the noise of the market success of this differentiated, minimal design which is a far
the best wash performance in the prevalent cost constraints to establish Whirlpool’s unique identity & philosophy in the cry from the sea of archetypal products confirms Whirlpool’s Client Speak
imposed by the market. indian market. Also when in the consumer’s home, the prod- insights about the evolution of the Indian consumer expecta- With a fine blend of leading edge aesthetic,
uct needs to have a subtle & sophisticated demeanour in tions, preference & desires. sensorial experience & performance
The Brief order to be non-intrusive but at the same time be a beauty to ­enhancing technology, the Whirlpool
behold and become an owner’s pride. ­Bloomwash Pro Washing Machine has taken
To design a washing machine for the Indian Market which
gratifies the consumer beyond expectations by embodying over the mantle of consumer relevance &
Whirlpool’s long standing values to produce simple, pure &
The Solution Quality.
intuitive products that create desire and inspire care Whirlpool’s iconic 360 Bloomwash pro washing machine is a
game changer in the market.
The Plan It is the most advanced machine in all aspects of perfor-
mance and user experience.
Whirlpool has an elaborate product development process in
It has a clean top comprising a frame less Edge to edge
place which commences with consumer research. Regular
user interactions across India and subsequent analysis of
curved glass lid with an integrated curved control panel giv- WATCH  Success Video
ing a sleek minimal look. The sleek lid has a soft closing lid
behaviour patterns ensure that the product developed has
for carefree handling. It also has unique performance fea-
the aesthetics and consumer relevant innovative features
tures such as a heater, 360 spray, 3D Lintfilter and the bloom
that they can relate to. Post ideation and creation of mock-
wash impeller all combined to create an winning value prop- WEBSITE URL
ups, these concepts are further validated in pan-India con-
osition for the consumer
sumer validation activities and the feedback is incorporated
in the iterations, thus resulting in further product maturity.
The product is also scrutinized at every stage for the fit-­
finish quality to ensure the final product has a high degree COMPANY ADDRESS
of craftsmanship.
Whirlpool of India Ltd.
Whirlpool House, Plot No. 40, Sector-44
Gurgaon – 122002

94 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 95

The whole lineup of Single Door refrigerator has been re - envi-
sioned in various capacities like 200L, 215L, 245L & 280L. The
smart design of the IceMagic Pro offers a unique combination
of various design & functional elements to create a perfectly
balanced product as a whole. Unconventional & daring use of
the usual material palette has led to a revolutionary design.
The design is so premeditated, lovingly conceived & executed
where even where engineering constraints like mould parting
lines have been translated into design elements. The holistic
approach of the design has made it universal, timeless and
gives an edge over its competitors.


Whirlpool IceMagic Pro Whirlpool IceMagic Pro has been indigenously designed,de-
veloped and manufactured in India. An entire new door metal

Direct Cool Refrigerator 2020

line has been set up and for the entire refrigerator lineup in
a record breaking time of 6 months which helped achieve
high speed to market. To improve manufacturing efficiency &
cost-optimization, manufacturing tools for various capacities
had to be commonized and consequently parts have been
The Challenge The Discovery designed to be used in more than one capacity, but achieve
harmonious look throughout the refrigerator lineup.
The Direct Cool refrigerator category is India’s largest volume A pan-India consumer research suggested that periodic de-
sales category catering to the mass market. This category frosting of freezers is currently a pain and a tedious affair.
has a number of prominent brands having homogeneous de- Usually with competitor products, consumers need to be
Looking Back
sign and minimal technology, virtually indistinguishable from mindful of defrosting the freezer. The new IceMagic Pro is a The products of today along with serving their core function
each other. The biggest challenge is to attract the consumers boon for every Single Door direct cool refrigerator consumer also need to be aspirational & offer an amazing experience. Client Speak
with a unique design on the shop floors and stand out from because it auto-defrosts periodically. Also, the age-old rudi- Whirlpool Design team sensed the pulse of the evolving With the new winning aesthetics,
competition. mentary freezer knob was not intuitive enough to assist the consumers, constructed a context & addressed it by a de- innovative features and craftsmanship quality,
consumer in their food refrigeration journey. The user was sign which satisfies the semantic, cognitive & subconscious the IceMagic Pro will be setting a high
The Brief often confused about which temperature setting would be needs of the consumer and wins on grounds of practicality benchmark in the Direct Cool refrigerator
appropriate for a particular food. The need was to design a & performance. Category in India.
The brief was to design a Single Door Direct Cool Refrigera-
user Interface which would allow intuitive control on the food
tor with intuitive features, high craftsmanship and attention
refrigeration process.
to details even at a low price point for the mass segment in
India who long for an aspirational product and in the process,
strengthens the Whirlpool’s brand vision of “Every day, care”.
The Solution
The IceMagic Pro is a blessing for the consumers as it offers
The Plan intelligent Auto-Defrost technology which senses frost for-
mation, automatically regulates temperatures and defrosts
WATCH  Success Video
Whirlpool follows a detailed product development process
periodically without user intervention. Integrating electronics
which starts with in-depth consumer research. Regular user
for the 1st time in direct cool refrigerators, allowed us to
interactions and subsequent analysis of behaviour patterns
offer a UI panel on the freezer instead of the typical knob
ensure that the product designed & developed has the aspi- WEBSITE URL
control, which now intuitively allows the user to choose from
rational aesthetics and consumer relevant innovative features
4 different modes: Fast ice, Quick Chill, Everyday & Power-
that serve their unmet & unarticulated needs. A deep collab-
oration with all the relevant stakeholders helped us to plan
Saver. Apart from its performance features, its aesthetics is COMPANY ADDRESS
a game changer. The rhythmic arrangement of the crescent
our design & development journey for the best direct cool Whirlpool of India Ltd.
door profile, sturdy bow-shaped handle, flowing top door
refrigerator with improved cooling, new innovative features Whirlpool House, Plot No. 40, Sector-44
endcap with integrated pocket handle and the base pedestal
and winning aesthetics. Eventually, multiple iterations, refine- Gurgaon – 122002
with partitioned drawer commands attention and creates dif-
ments, mockups & consumer validations helped us take the
ferentiation, while engaging the consumer intuitively.
best design decisions and offer the best product for the Indian

96 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 97

The previously mentioned features have been seamlessly
integrated with a well crafted premium aesthetic language
which is a harmonious blend of transparency and elegance.
The usage of brushed metal finishes on the component edg-
es emphasizes opulent touch points that are intuitive as well
as inviting. The metal clad air tower not only improves perfor-
mance through radiant cooling but also accentuates the pre-
miumness of the product. The external look of the product is
equally grand with inviting shades of grey brushed finish and
a contrasting hero element in the form of a rich chrome blade.
The end result is a well curated product for today’s modern

Whirlpool Intellifresh Pro has been indigenously designed,de-

veloped and manufactured in India. Although this product has
been developed for the aspiring Indian consumer, the adapt-
ability and the world class aesthetics makes it an apt product
for several regions outside India. While addressing the grow-
ing regional demands, the organization will also export the
Bottom Mount Refrigerators product to these international markets thus strengthening
the “Make in India” initiative
The Challenge The Discovery
Looking Back
India is a land of diversity where the food habits and consum- Over the course of research and the analysis of document-
er behaviour patterns change from region to region as well ed consumer behaviour, one of the highlighted requirements The product was successfully introduced in the market this
year and received accolades from all trade partners. This sig- Client Speak
as across different economic segments. While designing a that emerged was the need for adaptability. Considering the
product for such a diverse population, Adaptability needs to diverse demography India possesses, the appliances need nifies the evolution of the Indian consumer beyond the reg- With a fine blend of premium aesthetics
be the driving principle while ensuring no compromise on to be more adaptable to suit the needs of consumers with ular 2 door format and wider acceptance of products with and consumer relevant technology, the
core cooling performance. different storage patterns. From an aesthetic standpoint, the consumer centric innovations, which emboldens the organi- Whirlpool Intellifresh Pro refrigerator
Indian consumer has evolved over the years owing to the zation to venture into newer formats while improvising con- is bound to set a new benchmark
The Brief Internet penetration and easier social media access. The sumer relevance. for the industry.
knowledge and acceptance of progressive aesthetics and
To design a Bottom Mount Refrigerator for the Indian Mar-
the aspiration to own them is a paradigm shift observed
ket which gratifies the consumer beyond expectations and
during recent times.
in the process, strengthens the organisation’s brand vision
of “Every day, care”
The Solution
The Plan Whirlpool Intellifresh Pro refrigerator embodies the Bottom WATCH  Success Video
Mount format which ensures the freshest foods are available
Whirlpool has an elaborate product development process in
at eye level while the less frequently used freezer is at the
place which commences with consumer research. Regular
bottom. Adaptivity being one of the core necessities in this
user interactions across India and subsequent analysis of be-
haviour patterns ensure that the product developed has the
product, has been incorporated in the form of Variable Tem- WEBSITE URL
perature Zone which provides the consumer with the flexibil-
aesthetics and consumer relevant innovative features that
ity to store food items ranging from dairy items to fruits and
they can relate to. Post ideation and creation of mockups,
vegetables as per the need. The Freezer compartment has a COMPANY ADDRESS
these concepts are further validated in pan-India consumer
Portable Ice Twister which provides convenience to the user Whirlpool India Ltd.
validation activities and the feedback is incorporated in the
and can be removed altogether if not required. This is espe- Plot No. 40, Sector-44
iterations, thus resulting in further product maturity. The prod-
cially helpful in the Convertible variant of the product where Gurgaon - 122002
uct is also scrutinized at every stage for the fit-finish quality to
people can use the Freezer area for regular refrigeration.
ensure the final product has a high degree of craftsmanship.

98 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 99

Levitate offers a wide range of suggestions, some of the
more immediate ones include reconfiguring desks, or pull-
ing them apart to reduce face-to-face orientation, which can
be achieved for instance, by turning workstations through
90-degree angles which would prevent people from work-
ing directly across or behind one another. We also suggest
using open spaces for meetings of more than five people
as well as leveraging flexible furniture with movable white-
boards and screens to create boundaries. Levitate evolves
these solutions into effective and feasible reality that cre-
ates meaningful engagement with engraved metal branding,
comfortable logistics and easy installation.

WIPRO Levitate Delivery

The manufacturing process encompasses smart and simple
procedures which are exclusively designed for the furniture
Elevate the working comfort units. Mindset of delivering a crafted piece with advanced
manufacturing technology makes amalgamation of different
soft and hard materials which brings alive the seamless de-
The Challenge The Discovery tails. Rethinking simple wood cutting and metal pipe bend-
Working habits are undergoing transformations; versatility Levitate intends to bridge the gap by innovating how the fur- ing, we introduced unique joineries to give it a different out-
of office culture has opened up the need to create environ- niture units come together to create interesting formations look in terms of premium furniture. Also to reduce carbon
ments that are flexible and adaptive to diverse work styles. for maximized multifunctional collaboration, along with inte- footprint we avoided techniques like molding and casting.
The contentment in becoming the first Indian company in grated technology features that focus on accommodating all Client Speak
collaboration with Wipro to create a comprehensive, versa- kinds of electronic support. Addressing 5 key styles which Looking Back “He is an artist who is true to his art, an
tile, affordable yet profitable furniture line inspired us to ac- include dedicated work, mentoring/learning, brainstorming, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is a prog- entrepreneur who built a company from
cept this challenge. impromptu meetings and team support, each unit encourag- ress and working together is a success”. This quote by Hen- scratch, and an urban planner who has a
es fluidity of movement and posture by weaving in soft con- ry Ford comes alive looking back at the Levitate furniture. vision for the city.”
The Brief tours, forms and fabric lending to healthier ergonomics and Levitate opened up a unique system of combining different – Rajesh Dash, Head of Marketing,
required safety norms. Surface finishes, colour and material furniture unites working with one another and creating col- Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting
Every industry and profession has a unique job requirement
incorporated are also adaptable to suit the overall aesthetics laborative spaces. The furniture grows with time - a modular
and supporting activities which demand different worksta-
of the space. approach was the key highlight which suggests a constant
tions and furniture. No single, defined spatial language can
support them all. The need of the hour was the innovation of growth in future by adding in more units.
The Solution
an adaptable range of working comfort which also addressed
the new normal - a life of social distancing, privacy and prox- Levitate is a continuum with a perspective of dynamically en- WATCH  Success Video
imity. hancing work spaces for the new normal. The furniture line is
designed to adapt to extremes of work styles - digitally con-
The Plan nected, dedicated thinking time or collective collaborations.
Levitate expands the idea of work environments to far more WEBSITE URL
Tackling the agile requirements of remote and differential
diverse spaces where it can seamlessly adapt to industrial
work environments known as alternate workspaces which
environments, shop floors, educational spaces and lean stu-
are beyond conventional office spaces and includes me time,
dios. Simple low cost production processes allow for quick
we time, isolation, collaboration, real time transcending phys-
adaptations and customizations. The collection looks at the
ical and digital boundaries – the definition of comfortable levitate
perspective of scalable manufacturing that does not require
working. Give the professional class the freedom to choose
large tooling investments and designed with elements that COMPANY ADDRESS
to work whenever, however and wherever, be it home, office
are customizable and adaptable. This allowed for fabrication
or a co-working space in terms of amenities. The plan was to Nigel Foley
based on orders, thereby avoiding unwanted over-runs.
incorporate the above by designing a range of furniture to in- +91 97409 55774
crease productivity and proficiency by extending the features
to accommodate safe and hygienic seating with changeable Foley Designs
and washable screens allowing for easy clean up in an envi- Yolee Building, 2nd Floor, Richards Town,
ronment that is very cautious of shared resources. Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005.

100 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Product Design 101

And if the lines broke or curved they had to start on a new
blank sheet and continue till they got their best set of lines.
Scores given to students were equal to the number of times
they restarted on a fresh sheet to get to their best
The test was designed to make it easy for students to answers,
easy for evaluators to score them and simple enough to be
­implemented in many languages across hundreds of schools.

The initial screening test in School was designed keeping
in mind the prior year’s experience where teachers were
hesitant to spend time on these tests at the cost of regular
class. So, the screening test required just 10 minutes. Sim­
ple yet powerful. The test evaluated the qualities of Curiosi­

Innovation Quotient Test ty, ­Resilience, and Empathy. The test is conducted in English
and Gujarati.
The next level of screening was a hands-on test, where
the Creativity, thought process, and Resilience were tested
Young Innovator through the product artifacts that students made. The last
level of screening was a 20 minute interview where students
were evaluated for Personality, Empathy, and Attitude.
The Challenge The Discovery
The design of questions and scoring guidelines ensured that
Every student is unique in their way. But if you have to select As we all know every student is inherently unique and cre­ the process was simple and fool-proof while being effective.
a few from a pool of thousands of students, based on their ative and thus deserves an opportunity like this. So, we The test was conducted in two languages, English and Gu­
innovation capabilities, how do we do that? Testing Innova­ reframed our brief to make the purpose of a test to not jarati. The test was successfully implemented and the re­
tion capabilities is not easy, especially when you are testing evaluate, but to enhance the creative scientific acumen of sults were good. The final 20 students were selected and
the qualitative aspects of of a student like Creativity, Curi­ Children. This way while were could fulfil the requirement of the course started.
osity, and Resilience, etc. Is there a way to measure these shortlisting 20 most deserving students for the fellowship, Client Speak
qualitative human attributes objectively without tarnishing we could also ensure that every student left the test centre Looking Back
the confidence of children in themselves? believe in themselves and their capabilities a little more. VASCSC mentioned that the test made
Our intent with this design was to shift the purpose of tests them look at evaluation in a completely new light.
from evaluation to discovering new ways of looking at the The fresh and unassuming approach of Studio Carbon
The Brief The Solution
world & thinking. The evaluation was a secondary output. was appreciated for the disruptive, simple and
To design an entrance exam for Young Science Innovators­ The Innovation Quotient test is a step in the direction of eval­ And we were pleasantly surprised by how much this design scalable evaluation methods designed.
(YSI) Fellowship by Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science uating innovation attributes of a person quantitatively. This helped change attitudes of not just students but also teach­
Center(VASCSC). The program aims to empower 20 deserv­ test is an outcome of our two-year-long systemic research ers. After the test and evaluations were done, the evaluators
ing, passionate and motivated students from Government on Quality of Life. didn’t leave the room for almost 2 hours discussing the im­
schools by giving them a special opportunity to become Through our research we indentified that to test the innova­ pressive answers they saw. One of the evaluators said that
young innovators and creators who solve real-life problems tion capabilities of an individual, the following qualities need this is the first time she ‘experienced’ what a test can be! WEBSITE URL
and bring about a significant change in society. to be measured: Curiosity, Resilience, Love/Empathy,
Creativity, Thinking Style, Personality Type/Nature, and
The Plan Thought Process/Attitude. COMPANY ADDRESS COMPANY ADDRESS
Thus all the questions of the Innovate test were careful­ Studio Carbon, India Studio Carbon, The Netherlands
Before designing the test, the designers from Studio Car­
ly framed to assess various aspects of these qualities in OMV House, Opp. Saviour Hospital, Egholm 41,
bon spent some days with the students from these Govern­
­students. Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 2133 BB, Hoofddorp,
ment schools to understand their world. What do they play
with, what do they talk about, how is their family condition – Gujarat, India, 380014 The Netherlands.
­building a complete understanding of their beliefs, values,
Designing +91 97277 46418 +31 6166 43356
and other aspects of their life. The test was designed to make the students explore their Reach us:
The test was then designed to explore the qualities of the innovation acumen through thoughtfully designed activities
students with relatable analogical situations and activities. and questions.
This ensured that the students were their most honest An example of a question for resilience –
selves while attempting the questions. was asking them to draw continuous freehand horizontal
lines parallel to each other, & with equal spacing.

104 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Design for Social Impact (Special Awards) 105
Designing for social impact requires one to reimagine, dis­
rupt and innovate solutions for extremely complex challenges
while remaining sensitive to the problem and its manifesta­
tions. The rigour of mentoring and pedagogy at Pearl Academy
ensures that students are empowered to effectively address
critical social contexts while embracing the contradictions
and constraints subjective to each provocation. The process
while being flexible follows a clear design methodology. Stu­
dents start by understanding real-world situations, analysing
socio-cultural systems, identifying important stakeholders,
discovering opportunities for creative intervention, ideating
and conceptualising change making ideas, testing their propo­

Learning to Design for

sitions and executing a well-defined tangible outcome.


Social Change
The featured projects seek to balance low cost of production
with economic viability and ecologic sustainability. Each proj­
ect is grounded in reality of its intended user. Students are
directed to create solutions that are deployable, addressing
concerns of access, cost, construction and manufacturability
The Challenge primary and secondary research were conducted to under­ for people at the bottom of the pyramid. Final deliverables
stand and establish consumer needs and aspirations based are designed based on practical know-how of employing cor­
As a civilisation we’re at an exciting summit of technological
on the project brief. Consumer insights were sought through­ rect technology, materials and making processes as well as
advancement, and yet, concerns like climate change, gender
out the design development phase to establish the viability consistently measuring and mapping its impact at various
and economic equity still abound. Today, the pedagogical stages of execution.
of the proposed solutions.
challenge for design education is to nurture next generation
of creative thinkers focussed on finding creative solutions,
The Solution Looking Back
improve lives and promote human vitality.
We design to make people’s lives better; it is crucial to
Students worked on critical and sensitive themes of gender
The Brief demonstrate cause-and-effect relationship between solu­
inclusivity, shelter for the underprivileged and urban water
tions and set of outcomes that benefit people. The process
To employ the power of inclusive design across communi­ crisis. of Socratic inquiry, systems-based design thinking, and solu­
cation, interiors and products to compliment and improve Arunima Sarkar’s film -“Log Kya Kahenge” uses objects to tions-based development enables students to recognize their
human life, environment and experience. metamorphically converse with conservative mindset, per­ responsibility and create meaningful designs which empow­
sonifying an Indian family’s struggle and acceptance of ho­ er those who are voiceless and whose need is the greatest.
The Plan mosexuality. The project won Best Film at Arts Thread Glob­
Pearl Academy is a springboard for ideas that explore human al Design Show 2020
centric solutions, consider and evaluate human impact; our Poorvi Jain’s interior project “Basera” is a temporary ac­
final year student work focuses on developing impact driven commodation designed to rejuvenate physical, mental, and
interventions of varying scales. They understand advanced spiritual wellbeing of underprivileged people, who’ve forced WEBSITE URL
design concepts, have been taught to apply design thinking to relocate while seeking medical aids at district hospitals.
using cutting-edge technology to design for inclusivity and Her project has been shortlisted for Asian Young Designers
accessibility. Award 2020. COMPANY ADDRESS
Harleen Kaur’s “Jal Saathi” is a low cost, hygienic, porta­ PEARL ACADEMY
The Discovery ble water container and storage unit for urban slum dwell­ Block A A-21/13 Near Shadipur Metro Station,
ers who have to seek out external clean water resources. Naraina Industrial Area Phase 1, Phase II,
In the three projects listed here, each of our student had set
The compact design allows easy transportation through nar­ New Delhi, Delhi 110028
out on a path of discovery.
1800 103 3005
The foundation of any robust project is based on the quality row slum alleys. The project is showcased at Dubai Design
of research and analysis undertaken during course E ­ xtensive Week’s Global Grad Show 2020

106 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Design for Social Impact (Special Awards) 107
When we discovered this problem, our foremost objective
was to establish that waste pens are a resource and can
be used to make utility products. However, we had several
questions to deal with like – what kind of product can be
made, what other raw materials shall go well with pens,
what can be the production technique, how will we deal with
issues of waste pens like variation of shapes, sizes, mate­
rials & leakages, etc. Today, after 7 years of R&D we have
innovated several designs & techniques that we are using
to make wide range of products. And it is still an ongoing


PenPals – Writing A Working with pens to make a product was nothing less than
a Martian experience for all the designers, artists & contrac­

Revolution with Discarded Plastic Pens

tors that we have worked with. With several experiments
we could develop upcycled utility products that could use
waste pens and save 50-80% usage of a virgin material. With
our products, by using approximately 10,000 waste pens we
could save nearly 100sq ft of plywood / steel / plastic to make
The Challenge The Discovery a product. The costs of production of PenPals products have
been constantly reducing with newer learnings, techniques
Globally, over 40 billion plastic pens are used and thrown In 2013, we collected 500 kgs of waste pens in our first
& innovations.
every year, and none are recycled! It begs the question
­ collection drive. We approached recyclers, designers &
where are these pens ending up? We found waste pens to also undertook exhaustive research to find some leads to
be a great tool to fulfill our mission of connecting people & manage the waste pens, but in vain. To our surprise, the
Looking Back
environment & hence PenPals. problem of waste pens – waste generated exclusively by We created a milestone by innovating techniques & designs
educated people, was a huge dark spot then with no solu­ to use waste pens as a resource to make utility product. Our
The Brief tion. We discovered a whole new problem area of waste clients feel proud & content after owning & using PenPals
pens that was ­unexplored / ignored so far. We needed products. We have reached to the 3rd generation of PenPals
PenPals is world’s 1st intervention of upcycling waste pens
solutions & alternatives to act. With no lead, we took the products with lot more refining & effective outputs.
to produce widest range of upcycled utility products – from
jewelry to furniture. PenPals products are a solution to the
challenge to create our own solutions to manage the issue WATCH  Success Video
of waste pens.
most ignored plastic waste i.e. Plastic Pens. By upcycling
we convert discarded pens into sustainable utility products Client Speak
with a higher aesthetic value & lower environmental i­mpact.
The Solution
With 500 kgs of waste pens in our office and no leads, our ‘PenPals products have established that WEBSITE URL
it is possible to write a revolution with a waste pen.
The Plan team took up the challenge. We turned our office into a
workshop & used several tools & ideas to experiment with Their Products not only save
CO2 emissions in making a conventional plastic pen (84.5 g) environment but also makes sustainability
pens & other materials like wood, metal, cloth & bamboo.
is higher than making a 500 ml plastic bottle (82.8 g). Used more real!’ Prakshal Mehta
We researched several existing product making techniques
plastic pens generally end up landfills, incinerators, or wa­ – Dr. Arun Dixit, Ahmedabad Founder Director
and adopted a few with changes. We started looking at
ter bodies/sewerage – heavily polluting our air, water and +91 98988 99508
waste pens as resource & innovated several UPCYCLING
land systems. The manufacturers who produce these pens
techniques to make 40 utility products – PenPals’ 1st gener­
admit that their “products are generally not designed to be Hara Pitara Eco Ventures LLP,
ation products. This was the Eureka moment for the team!
recycled”, as the singular product is not significant enough 16 Sangini Complex, Near Doctor House,
We instigated a whole new thought process with real ex­
in weight and volume to be considered recyclable (Societe Parimal Garden, Ahmedabad – 380006
amples on how waste pens can be a wonderful resource
BIC, 2005). Even advanced countries like USA & Sweden tag
to make upcycled utility products & replace other virgin
pens under “NOT ACCEPTED FOR RECYCLING” category in
the recycling laws. Since 2013, PenPals has worked exten­
sively on addressing this issue.

108 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Design for Social Impact (Special Awards) 109
As the central tenet of the intervention is a cyclic design,
it connects the solar powered RO-based water-ATM with
bio-sanitation to flush out the refusal water and the sanita­
tion effluents are recycled in biomethanation chambers to
generate bio-gas energy. Each of these linkages has an eco­
nomic efficacy for resource convergence and amplification.
Revenues thus generated are managed by women-led so­
cial groups to compose the design anthropocentrically. The
economic sustainability of the design is pivoted on women
entrepreneurial drivers and as well participatory planning that
spreads the risks an defines community accountability.


SUNVILL WATM: Solar Presently, 18 such sustainable WASH models installed pan
eastern India, since 2014, are effectively operating with com­
Client Speak
Aloka Majumdar, Head of Corporate Sustainability,

Water-ATM, Sanitation &

munity governance. It has a break even period of 45 months HSBC India – “Given the vast nature of the
and NPV of 3.7. It’s IER is 70%. It is a sustainable and entre­ challenges related to Water, HSBC believes only
preneurial solution for 25-30 thousand marginal people from a comprehensive approach will help address the
communities below poverty line, who are losing food & live­ issues. Over the past 10 years we are working

Hygiene for Sundarbans’ Villages

lihood security often. with non-profits with a proven capability to work
with government and private sector to deliver
Looking Back water, sanitation and hygiene to communities in
Water is life and life revolves around several livelihood op­ greatest need and protect key river basins vital to
The Challenge excess water usages, sales and service charges generated portunities in the rural setting. The water-hubs therefore can communities and businesses. It is a matter of great
operational costs and as well helped reaching break-evens. well be the community hubs for inclusive growth, human satisfaction for HSBC India to be working with our
Water is a commodity in salinity infested villages of coastal partners, who bring with them enormous expertise
resource enrichment, energy markets and also it can face lift
Sundarbans. In sheer crisis of potable water and sustainable en­
The Discovery the farming practices as well. Today’s supply driven solution and knowledge of this subject.”
ergy, people bought water for drinking. But sanitation remained
Sociometry, Need assessment and livelihood vulnerability in­ would therefore become demanding in future incorporating Dr. Dipayan Dey, Chair, SAFE - For Sundarban,
compromised unhygienic and unsafe for community women.
dexing in the project intervention areas led to the significant all such opportunities. drinking water and health, the two essentials are
Solar-Powered water-ATM and safe sanitation resolved the twin
challenge and paved the path for entrepreneurship. insights, of which the prime one was the water-energy nexus facing challenges every minute while the common
putting these marginal communities in poverty traps. Equita­
WEBSITE URL narratives of climate change is also effecting the
The Brief ble access to sustainable energy and healthy waters were residents. That’s why we are working on to provide
denied owing to the highly vulnerable coastal conditions. COMPANY ADDRESS the fundamental needs of safe water and sanitation
In resource poor communities of coastal Sundarbans, circu­
From perusal of study results it was inferred that community to the people rather say victims of climate change,
lar economic intervention with design approach in produc­ Amrita Chatterjee
centric cyclic revenue linked designs and value added ser­ while trying to break the common ‘Water-Energy
tion and delivery can be a sustainable solution for WASH. Director: Communications & Research
vices can be the fulcrum of the solution. This was followed Nexus’.
This must be engineered through community governance +91 9836063759
up with peer reviews, community feedbacks and cost-bene­
and planning to ensue inclusive growth, while revenue linked
fit analysis to arrive at the solution pinnacle.
paradigm can assure reciprocal community participation and South Asian Forum for Environment, SAFE
equitable partnership. Registered Office: B43 Survey Park, Kolkata - 700075
The Solution Administrative Office: 176A Vivekanada Park, Mukundapur, WEBSITE URL
The Plan This WASH intervention caters to ultra-poor vulnerable commu­ Kolkata – 700099
nities ostracized from mainstream development, who are yet to Phone: 033 2426 6060 Email:
A cyclic design for resource amplification by reusing grey wa­
be assured basic amenities for a dignified life, often being vic­ COMPANY ADDRESS
ter and recycling other disposable effluents and powering the
tims of migration, flesh trade, trafficking and as well climate di­ Ms. Chitra S
system with 5KVA Solar RO Plant of 500LPH was the core
sasters. Innovative cyclic design powered with solar, broke the Vice President, Operations
component of the intervention catering 5000 coastal families
water-energy nexus for them and provided adaptive low-emis­ +91 9769321118
24X7 with WHO standard drinking water, 12 bio-sanitations
sion solution in the climate milieu. Creative societal framework
generating 3-CuMt biogas and making bio-manure for organ­
ensured equity of access and women empowerment. It pro­ HSBC Electronic Data Processing India Pvt. Ltd.
ic farming, sustaining a circular economy. The technology
vides ‘water for life’ to all. It is a core intervention of WASH for HSBC House, DJ-6, Sector II, Salt Lake
cooperation and governance was taught to the community
‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ with sustainable and adaptive blueprint for Kolkata: 700091, West Bengal, India
thereby augmenting the human resource potential and mon­
health & hygiene in this COVID world. It is the first cyclic design Telephone: +91 33 4411 2000
itoring was guided by ICT based solutions. Revenues from
in WASH for leveraging circular economic benefits to ultra-poor
and as well, designed to restore social dignity of women.
110 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Design for Social Impact (Special Awards) 111
We had to define an aesthetic language, select construc-
tion material and then collect them from salvage to execute.
What kind of raw materials would be available in the scrap
market was beyond our control. We decided on a ‘white
and warm wooden hues’ theme and began procurements
accordingly. The axes of our office is called the street which
has Principal Architects cabin on one side and open plan
seating for staff on the other, terminating into meeting room
at the end. Traversing through this street reflects the Pols
of Ahmedabad, a contemporary workspace on either sides
contrasts the design language.


AW Design Execution was no different for contractors than it is in a

conventional fitout. By going green we were able to save
39% over water use, 25% on energy costs, over 90% ma-
An Architect’s Platinum rated workspace that proves terial comes from salvage, 68% of that is eco friendly wood
based, 28% is average recycled content, over 95% material
‘Building green makes financial sense’ is locally produced, 43% furniture is eco certified, 0 waste
sent to landfill, 100% users have a view of the outside, av-
The Challenge The Discovery erage wall surface temperature reduction of 15C and > 55%
saving on project cost.
Green buildings are often considered high on investment Having been fortunate to work on green buildings interna-
and low on returns. Being a green building practitioner, we tionally and on some of the first certified green buildings of
Looking Back
wanted to ‘walk the talk’ and took it as a challenge to prove Gujarat, we knew what goes into making a project green.
that going green not only saves the environment, but also We wanted to go a step further and make case for circu- We built green and saved money. In this process we learnt
makes financial sense in our eco-friendly workspace. lar economy and validate cost savings, all in a floor space that an eco-system of vendors that supply salvage construc- We Feel
of 700 sq ft. The more we researched, the more we were tion waste for fitouts is missing. Having such a setup would Our workspace perfectly fits the ‘Triple
help more and more people adopt green practices and in
The Brief convinced to build from waste. On the energy front we main- Bottom Line’ approach, where we saved
tained more than 30% efficiency in lighting wattage, BEE turn support generation of demand for such construction the environment, built a better and happier
Design a compact & productive workspace that reflects 5 Star rated appliances, use of inexpensive materials like ­materials. place for our team and saved money in the
upon Ahmedabad’s rich timber work heritage and serves thermocole for insulation greatly reduced our heat gain. For process.
as a source of inspiration and learning for users and visitors water we reduced number of fixtures and added aerators to
alike. Thinking sustainably, we wanted our office to extend the ones remaining.
the life and reduce the embodied energy in materials that are
no longer considered to be of any use. The Solution
The Plan We zeroed in on using plywood that comes out of trade ex-
pos and veneer that comes from dealer display sheets. 100
Energy consumed in extraction, manufacture, logistics and
year old haveli doors were also procured from timber sal-
end of life treatment of building materials is one of the larg- vage dealer. All of them normally head to the chipper to be COMPANY ADDRESS
est contributors to CO2 emissions. We had simple goals; 1) fed as raw material for manufacture of particle board and
To go green by NOT using any virgin raw material, 2) Prove MDF, these processes consume large amounts of energy.
Ar. Arpan Johari
that doing so is possible and WILL save you money. By re-purposing them, we extended the usability cycle of the
Principal Architect
Apart from materials we also focused on keeping Capex products, in turn reducing carbon footprint that would have
+91 94288 26788
and Opex low, conserve water, embrace simplicity in design otherwise been large. Blinds and softboards come from our
thinking, and have fun while doing it. Entire office with ex- previous office, sofas are from 1948, upholstery from fabric
ception of computers, Airconditioners and seating systems catalogues and furniture frames come from MS pipes sal-
Principal Designer – Ar Arpan Johari.
has been built with raw materials that have been either sal- vaged from illegally built sheds removed by the municipal
Design Team – Ar Akhil D, Mr Saiyam C,
vaged, reused or repurposed to stay green. corporation. We bought glass and tiles from salvage dealer.
Ms Sachi M, Ms Sanjana R.
Project Management – Mr Srikanta Mal

114 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Spatial Design 115

meeting rooms with respective themes that showcased
a persons’ meeting journey in the office. Directors cabins
were called: Chief Vision Officer, Chief Transformation Offi-
cer, Chief Miracles Officer, Chief Expressions Officer basis
their core roles. All rooms & zones had a name starting with
‘c, co & con’, weaving a recollection name story across the
space. The solution laid in meaningful & relatable concepts,
that were brought to life by extensive research on materials
& products, coupled with day-night coordination with all ven-
dors involved across the country.

We designed & developed over 26 distinct concepts within

Simply Wish’s Spatial

one theme for the entire two floor space of the office, from
walls to floors, from stairways to ceiling.  From individual
themes for the four director cabins: adventure, motivation,
superheroes & dreams - to vintage street theme leading to

Design takes a Leap with Dreams

the cafeteria, from hand-cut canvas frames to nail & thread
wall installation, from adding a swing to a boxing bag, from
airplane windows to galaxy & planets - it’s a conglomeration
of all designs expressing the absolute energy of the space.
The Bengaluru based design company’s concept driven approach curates & creates Each space designed within the space has a story, name and
an identity of its own. This space in particular became our
creative, functional & truly meaningful walls & spaces greatest learning ground triggering a number of other projects
that included family photo walls, memory walls, kids’ rooms,
The Challenge gave ourselves just 30 days for designing, sourcing, printing, homes, showrooms & office spaces. The designing process
installation & handover for launch. From developing concepts is constantly evolving since its wholly driven by the purpose
As a core graphic design firm, venturing out into a new do-
for every zone of the space, the plan was simple (picking our of creating meaningful spaces in time - spaces that through
Client Speak
main of space design was a self-imposed challenge and to design meet their purpose. Anybody can design, but to create an
lessons of communication design and creative aesthetics):
top it, we took up a challenge (basis our strength of con- ­experience, is a science. And Simply
tell meaningful & distinct stories that motivates & inspires
cepts), to turn around an office space of 11200 sq ft spread
people to keep coming back, every single day. From walls Delivery Wish are true scientists. A mesmerizing
across two floors, with graphics & installations in a flat 30 ­environment, which makes every single team
that speak to spaces that engage, from zones that help dis-
days with designs that express the client’s vision of an in- We delivered a space to ‘experience something new’ every
connect to those that trigger meaningful conversations - the member to be at their highest potential,
spiring, engaging space for different business verticals yet single day. An environment design that speaks the vision &
plan was to bring to life a dream space with a big leap. every single day – Karan Hasija, Director,
seamless as one space. This in coordination with the client’s dream of the team, to every person who walks in. A space
Quantum Leap Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd
civil contractors’ team that was assigned the role of doing that breathes passion. A space that shares the vibe of real
The Discovery
the structural work while we went about the aesthetics, teamwork. A space that speaks meaning, purpose & impact.
functional & communication designs. Planning, communicating & setting up systems backed by A space that inspires. A space that took leap with dreams.
a willing team, ensured that any vision can be translated to 11,200 sq ft of space. 2 floors. 26 distinct concepts. 14900
The Brief reality. We discovered not just our forte for space design but
a new approach of how passion with purpose enables thor-
sq ft of graphic design. 300+ products created & curated. WATCH  Success Video
200+ wall frames with original content & stories. Unsure if
‘Express our vision and give us a space that speaks us’. Yes, ough execution. We discovered managing various individual numbers express, but visit the space to experience them.
the brief was as short as that & as deep as it reads. The visions for the space, discovered creatives uses of materials
client’s brief was more about trust than detail. To express from grey back vinyl to sun-board, from acrylic to wood - and Looking Back WEBSITE URL
the various dimensions of their businesses, the director’s with it the ability to marry products within a space & on walls
personal spaces & the energy of the common work spaces - We have a lot to thank the teams of Quantum Leap Solutions
for a truly experiential design & we surprised ourselves, to
meant a conglomeration of multiple themes & concepts, ex- Pvt Ltd & DreamCraft Events & Entertainment Pvt Ltd - our
do all of this without using any industry software for a 3D
clients for the project - whose trust, support & selection -
ecuted distinctly and yet ensuring the unison, as one mean- visual of what’s coming up.
ingful, purposeful & impactful space. is scripted in every detail in the space. We have to admit Simply Wish (SWISH), D-13, Brigade MM, K R Road,
that the credit of creating this space goes to every individual, Jayanagar 7th Block, Bengaluru - 560070
The Solution
every vendor - who stood through those days & nights to 98868 46630, 080-48526315
The Plan Concepts built on universal beliefs & meaningful stories, ensure, what was in the mind is out there for the world to
With 50 calendar days from planning to handover (launch translated into individual experiences. The complete theme experience today. As their story grows, we sure will look to
& opening of the office), we spent the initial 20 days brain- was created basis the logical flow of business & human add more magic to spaces through other kinetic, mirror and
storming to get the base concept in place. Which meant, we interaction. Converse, Connect & Conclude - were three light-based designs we are currently developing.

116 INDIA DESIGN BOOK Spatial Design 117

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive
to the development of India, partnering industry, Government and civil society, through advisory
and consultative processes.

For 125 years, CII has been working on shaping India’s development journey and, this year, more
than ever before, it will continue to proactively transform Indian industry’s engagement in national

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, with

about 9100 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs,
and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 288 national and regional sectoral
industry bodies.

CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought
leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry
through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform
for consensus-building and networking on key issues.

Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate
citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward corporate

initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains including affirmative
action, livelihoods, diversity management, skill development, empowerment of women, and sus-
tainable development, to name a few.

With the Theme for 2020-21 as Building India for a New World: Lives, Livelihood, Growth, CII will
work with Government and industry to bring back growth to the economy and mitigate the enor-
mous human cost of the pandemic by protecting jobs and livelihoods.

With 68 offices, including 10 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 8 overseas offices in Australia,
Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, UAE, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships
with 394 counterpart organizations in 133 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian
industry and the international business community.

Confederation of Indian Industry

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