Assignment of CALL

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Members: Bùi Bảo Ngọc 217140231342

Nguyễn Mai Trang 217140231476
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc 217140231504

Class: K47_ELT304_3

Vĩnh Phúc, 15/06/2023


Part 1. Design a 45-minute lesson plan on Use of English with the use of
technology tools (from 2 to 4 tools).
You will be guided to randomly pick up a lesson from the English textbook – Tieng
Anh 10 – English Discovery.

1. A lesson plan
2. A copy of materials on which the plan is based (e.g. textbook pages, videos,
stories, etc)
3. A PowerPoint slide
4. Other tools (if applied)

Part 2. Write an essay explaining why the particular tools are chosen in your lesson
plan, anticipating possible challenges when applying them in class and proposing
relevant solutions (500-700 words)

COURSE BOOK: Unit 3 – English Discovery


Lesson 3.6: Use of English


By the end of this lesson:

• Ss are anticipated to accomplish the following goals:

1. Knowledge:
- Grammar:

• Use enough and too

2. Competencies:

a. General competencies:
Develop collaboration skills framework: working in pairs and in groups
b. Specific competencies:

Improve communicative competence related to the use of language

(vocabulary, phonetics, grammar).
For a language lesson: The primary grammar concepts are expected to be
understood by students before they complete the assignments outlined in the

For a skills lesson: Students are expected to use enough and too
3. Attitude:

• Putting in effort and paying attention in class

• Positivity in regard to the lesson is vital.


1. Teacher:
• Teacher aids: Textbooks, PowerPoint slides, projector, loudspeaker
• Teacher method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students: Textbooks, notebooks

Language analysis

too + adjective/adverb
Example. The music was too quiet
• not + adjective / adverb + enough:
Example. They didn’t play loudly enough.
• too much / many + noun or not enough + noun
Example. There were too many students. There wasn’t enough space.


A. Introduction
1. Activity 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)
• Objective: To elicit thoughts from students regarding the subject.
• Content: Video
• Product: The definition and application of enough and too are
generalized and comprehensible to students.
• Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Materials

• A video about enough • To respond to the • Powerpoint

and too is shown to the teacher's question, • Video
class by the teacher. students concentrate
• The teacher instructs the on watching the
students to watch the full movie.
film and note the • Students provide the
frequency with which teacher with their
the terms enough and too responses.
are used.
• Teacher call some
students to give answer
to this question
• “What does enough and
too mean”, “The proper
use of enough and too”,
the teacher asks the
2. Activity 2: Listen and match ( 8 minutes)
• Objective: To elicit thought from students regarding the subject.
• Content: Task 1
• Product: Student can match the dialogues with the images as they
• Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Materials

• Powerpoint
Task 1: Listen to two
conversations. Match
conversations 1–2 with
photos A–B.

• Teacher instructs Ss to
look at Exercise 1 on • Student pay
page 32. attention and listen
• Teacher divides class into to the audio
groups, each group has 4 • Match conversation
members. with true photos
• Teacher explains the • Student work in
requirements of this task group and then
and then makes sure check the answer
student can understand with partner
the requirements of the • Student give the
task. answer to teacher
• Teacher plays the audio in class.
so that the students can
listen and match the Answer: 1B
conversations with the
• Teacher will call some
group to give the answer
and check in the whole

3. Activity 3: Listen again and choose the correct words

(9 minutes)
• Objective: Present the grammar point about “enough” and “too”,
help students to understand how to use “enough” and “too” in
English sentences.
• Content: Task 2
• Product: Student can understand the grammar point
• Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Materials

• Power Point
Task 2: Listen again and
choose the correct words.

• Teacher asks Student to • Student pay

look at Exercise 2. attention and listen
• Teacher makes sure to the audio.
Student understand the • Student choose the
requirements of the task. correct option.
• Teacher repeats the • Student work
recording for students to individually and
listen to and select the then in pairs.
right answer. • Student give the
• Teacher calls on Student
to work in pairs. answer for teacher
• Teacher allows Student in class.
one minute to compare • Student discuss to
answers in pairs. find the rules of
• Teacher checks the too and not
answers with the entire enough.
class after eliciting Ss'
answers. Answer: 1. too
• Teacher gives Student 2
2. loud enough
minutes to discuss in
pairs to find out the
structure of grammar: too
and not enough.
• Teacher brings out the
meaning and use of too
and not enough through
FOCUS box.
• Form:

· too + adjective /

Example. The music was too


· not + adjective /
adverb + enough:
Example. They didn’t play
loudly enough.
· too much / many +
noun or not enough +
Example. There were too many
people. There wasn’t enough

• Use: You use too and not
enough to show there is a
problem with something.

4. Activity 4: Complete the sentences with too or not enough

and the adjectives in brackets. Are any of the sentences true for
you? (6 minutes)
• Objective: Student can practice using enough and too
• Content: Task 3
• Product: Students can understand how to use enough and too in
• Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Materials

• Powerpoint
Task 3: Complete the • Quizizz
sentences with too or not
enough and the adjectives in
brackets. Are any of the join?gc=68062619
sentences true for you?

• Teacher asks students to

look at Exercise 3 in their • Students pay
textbook. attention to the
• Teacher instructs instructions and
students on how to do the requests of teacher.
assignment. • Students work
• Teacher makes sure individually.
students understand the • Students
requirements of the task. participate in the
• Teacher requests that Quizizz link
students carry out the provided by
task through Quizizz. teacher.
• Teacher calls students to • Students give their
give answers then answers and listen
corrects if any. to the teacher's


2. too expensive
3. too shy

4. too young

5. not talented enough

6. not fast enough

5. Activity 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first (6 minutes)
• Objective: To assist pupils in differentiating between too and not
• Content: Task 4
• Product: Students can understand the difference in the use of the
grammar point
• Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Materials

• PowerPoint
Task 4: Complete the second • Quizziz
sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the
first. join?gc=74048223

• Teacher asks Student to

• Students work
look at Exercise 4 in their
• Students
• Teacher introduces the
participate in the
activity and makes sure
Quizizz link
Student can understand
provided by
the requirement of the
• Teacher requests that
Students carry out the
task through Quizizz. Answers:
1 Our music teacher
• Teacher calls Students to doesn’t speak loudly
give answers and then enough. I can’t hear
corrects if any. her.
2 There aren’t enough
science students
compared to arts
3 I’m too busy to take
on a role in the school
4 The old school hall
was too small to put on

6. Activity 6: Talk about one singer you know. Use enough and
too. (6 minutes)
• Objective: Students can express their idea with enough and too
• Content: Task 5
• Product: Students can talk dialogue about the singer they know
by using enough and too
• Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Materials

• To read the topic's • Students work in • Power Point

prerequisites, the teacher pair
selects a student at • Students spend 1-2
random. minutes practicing
• The request is properly with a partner after
explained to the kids by preparing their
the teacher. speech.
• The teacher pairs up the • Speaking in front
pupils and instructs them of the class,
to discuss the assigned students deliver
subject. their speeches.
• Make sure the children
are aware of the Answers:
instructions for this I don't like___ . This
activity. singer’s voice is too
• One or two couples are loud. His song is not
chosen at random by the good enough for me.
teacher to discuss their
favorite singers in front
of the class.
• Remind students of the
important grammar points
used in the talk.
• Teacher give comment to

7. Activity 7: Wrap-up ( 5 minutes)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Materials

• Teachers ask students to

participate in individual https://www.livewo
exercises to review how • Student access to
to use enough and too in Liveworksheet of 2944908me teacher and complete
• Make sure students can the task in class
understand the
requirement of teacher.
• Students sign up for
Homework Google Classroom, Code: vulb6ee
record their speech
• Teachers assign
there, and then submit
homework to students on
Google Classroom. Ask
students to join Google
Classroom. Record your
• Students log onto
speech and submit it to
Google Classroom,
Google Classroom.
record, and submit
their speech there.
2. A copy of materials on which the plan is based
- Textbook: Grade 10 Unit 3:The Art. Lesson 3.06: Use of English Page 32

- Audio: CD1: 3.06.mp3

3. Powerpoint slide
4. Other tools



Google Classroom:

• code: vulb6ee
Live Worksheet:

Part 2. Write an essay explaining why the particular tools are chosen in your
lesson plan, anticipating possible challenges when applying them in class and
proposing relevant solutions (500-700 words)
In this lesson plan, a variety of information technology tools are utilized, such as
PowerPoint, Quizizz, Google Classroom, and Live Worksheet.
These tools can help to improve both teaching and learning. PowerPoint is the first
resource utilized and updated throughout the instructional process. Firstly, The very
user-friendly PowerPoint application may be used offline and tailors each
presentation to your needs and objectives. The lecture might be creatively infused
with images, music, video, etc. to increase its appeal. In this activity, the second
tool used is Quizizz, because of its useful qualities. Using this technology, teachers
can quickly help students instead of concentrating on only a few students as they
did on the test, students immediately gather the results of every student in the class
and go over the grammar section's structure and usage. Teacher can also change
order of the questions on Quizizz such that students hardly ever see one another's
responses. The final educational tool available is the Live Worksheet. Students are

drawn to this tool's eye-catching animations and pre-made designs. In addition,
completing the tasks on the Live Worksheet rather than the usual version on paper
boosts students' attention and learning spirit, boosting the efficacy of learning.
Google Classroom is the supplementary tool. This is a useful management tool for
the classroom. When using this method to assign homework, students will submit
the assignment directly, giving the teacher easy control over the quantity and the
ability to provide the grade along with the comment. Additionally, students can
review the assignments they finished in Google Classroom.

These tools have various limitations when utilized in the lesson, in addition to their
advantages. First off, PowerPoint frequently experiences technical difficulties. The
visual and video quality will deteriorate, for instance, when PowerPoint is presented
using a projector. Additionally, overloading kids with information on a single
PowerPoint slide will make them feel disoriented. Besides, for Quizizz, students
without smartphones or Internet connections find it extremely challenging to access
Quizizz while taking quizzes because professors cannot pause questions to respond
to students. In Live Worksheets, teachers cannot manage the number of participants
or track the actual learning outcomes of their pupils. Because of Live Worsheet's
built-in, irreversible design, students sitting next to them can quickly trade results
and give wrong answers. For pupils, especially those with lesser learning capacities,
using the Live Worksheet interface can be very difficult because it is entirely in
English. Moreover, because Google Classroom can only be used to teach and learn
using submitted document files, there is no live lecture interaction between lecturers
and students. Additionally, since this tool was left unchanged throughout
encryption, students have unrestricted access to edit assignments as many as
required at any time.
To solve these issues, there are actions you may do. Instead of selecting templates
with complex interfaces, teachers should use PowerPoint templates with clear fonts
and colors that students can easily see. Teachers can utilize the card to fix the
PowerPoint problem even while sitting a distance away. If the PowerPoint
presentation has a video that is of too poor quality, the teacher may open the movie
directly on other platforms, such as Youtube. To get past the problem of no Internet
and no smartphones, teachers might assign students group or duo tasks with
Quizizz. By resolving this problem and the equipment deficit, students' attention is
sparked and their collaboration skills are enhanced. If a teacher wants to know how
much and what the students learned while taking the test for the Live Worksheet,
they can ask the students to share screenshots of the exercise results to Google
Classroom. The teacher can use additional tools, such as Google Meet, to interact
with the students in Google Classroom if they need to exchange a lot of information
with each other during an activity. The teacher gave the kids a thorough explanation
of the fact that items provided when they are not allowed are not modified.
Finally, using the tools mentioned above when teaching a subject has a number of
advantages. Because there can be some problems when utilizing them, teachers
must take the right handling precautions to ensure the lesson is as perfect as

(693 words)


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