A-332 Anyayahan JohnPatrick E-Portfolio
A-332 Anyayahan JohnPatrick E-Portfolio
A-332 Anyayahan JohnPatrick E-Portfolio
It is in line
with our case study regarding “Bullying at
In this module, I recall the term Veteran Affairs.” I thought that having a
management and its functions as well as good working environment will make an
the roles and kinds of managers by area. organization successful in delivering its
I remember our first individual goals and objectives.
assignment wherein there is an assigned
question in our class that talks about Module 6
which is more important, efficiency or
effectiveness. I wouldn’t forget my This is the last module for the
answer because I said that it is not a midterm period and what I learned here
matter of choice but rather it depends on is the motivation and performance of
what kind of execution an organization employees. I realized that motivation is
does. crucial in the organizational work
environment because it urge employees
Module 2 to be work at the very highest possible
In this module, we have gone
beyond the aspect of management. My Module 7
professor clearly explained the general,
task and internal environment. I would In this module, we talked about
compare this to our lesson in the the leadership and integrate it through a
Governance where in they have the reaction paper about the webinar we
same thought about the environment of attended relating to the topic in this
the organization and management. module which is the leadership and
influence. Also, I believed that with great
Module 3 power comes from great responsibility.
This module left a thought on me
about managing my own decisions and it
is the last module in the prelim period. Module 8
Also, I remember the Case Study we did This module is the one that
here as a group that also relates to the matters because it talks about the
lesson in this module which is the communication. Our professor clearly
“groupthink” and decision making. distinguishes the difference between
Module 4 communication and effective
communication, and it makes sense in
This module is well explained, and our daily interactions with other people.
I remembered some of the scenarios that
my professor said in the matter of Module 9
departmentalization and job The final module for the finals
specialization. I also thought that period and this is where we integrate our
organization structure must be fully NAS Daily like presentation because we
maintained and always operate. are tasked to discussed for 1 minute the
Module 5 nature of control. Control is very
important as it oversees the operation
In this module, I highlighted the within the organization.
behavior and personality we must