Global Clinical Engieering 15-31-PB VOL 4 N3-2022
Global Clinical Engieering 15-31-PB VOL 4 N3-2022
Global Clinical Engieering 15-31-PB VOL 4 N3-2022
Copyright © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): Creative Commons - Attribu-
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Editor’s Corner 2
By Yadin David
Backgrounds and Objective: Advancements in technology have led to great strides in research and innovation that have
improved healthcare provision around the world. However, the majority of the technology available is underutilized in Sub-
Saharan Africa. In addition, the ever-increasing sophistication and cost of medical equipment means that access and proper use
is limited in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). There is, however, a general paucity of well-documented evidence for
the utilization of medical equipment in LMICs. Therefore, this study evaluates the current availability and utilization of medi-
cal equipment in tertiary hospitals and research facilities in Uganda and provides baseline information to clinical/biomedical
engineers, innovators, managers, and policymakers.
Material and Methods: The study evaluated the equipment currently used in 9 purposively selected public tertiary hospitals
and 5 research laboratories representing different regions of Uganda. Data were collected by personnel specialized in biomedi-
cal engineering utilizing a mixed-method approach that involved inventory taking and surveys directed to the health workers
in the designated health facilities.
Results: The hospitals contributed 1995 (85%) pieces of medical equipment while the research laboratories contributed 343
(15%) pieces amounting to 2338 pieces of equipment involved in the study. On average, 34% of the medical equipment in the
health facilities was faulty, and 85.6% lacked manuals.
Discussion and conclusion: Although innovative solutions and donated equipment address the immediate and long-term
goals of resource-constrained settings, our study demonstrated several issues around existing medical devices, and these need
immediate attention.
Keywords – Medical Devices, Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare Technology, Clinical Engineering, Appropriate Healthcare
Technologies, Health Technology Management.
Copyright © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): Creative Commons - Attribu-
tion 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these terms.
TABLE 2. Characteristics of the Hospitals and Research Laboratories Included in the Study
No. of pieces
% of
Location OPD No. of of equipment No. of
Admissions Population equipment
Health Facility (Region in attendance BMETs included (% of manufacturers
per day served without
Uganda) per day employed equipment non- recorded
functional *)
Regional Referral
Hospitals (RRH)
Arua RRH North Western 443 65 1 200 (50%) 91% 78
Fortportal RHH Western 254 70 2 240 (4%)
Hoima RHH Western 413 65 3 million 2 53 (26%) 77% 31
Kabale RHH South Western 178 33 2 million 2 510 (30%)
Mbale RHH Eastern 210 135 1 347 (36%)
Mbarara RHH South Western 468 85 4 million 2 392 (52%) 53% 120
Moroto RHH North Eastern 160 20 1 138 52%) 74
General hospitals
Kotido Hospital North Eastern 77 15 0 59 (54%) 75% 29
Health centre IV
Kawolo hospital Central Region 217 30 1 56 (50%) 68% 25
MUST Western 24 (29%) 14
UVRI Central 153 (29%)
Makerere Univ. Central 23 (22%) 11
Gulu Univ. Northern 114 (10%) 41% 57
IDI Central 29 (7%) 0% 20
Healthy population is regarded as the most valuable asset of any country. Unfortunately, the health challenges that hinder man-
kind's wellbeing are enormously increasing. Examples include but are not limited to: the diversity of emerging diseases afflict-
ing the global population, the projected demographic growth of elderly people who need consistent monitoring, the deficiency
in medical staff, the lower density of physicians, and the challenging geographical location of the population from healthcare
providers. The mitigation of such health challenges calls for novel technologies to improve patient outcomes. In this article,
seven emerging technologies, namely: Wearable Devices and Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology
or Distributed Ledger Technology, Robotics Technology, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Big Data Technology and Nanomedicine
have been highlighted. For each discussed technology, its historical background, development drivers, market status and trends,
significance to healthcare, key player companies, and associated challenges have been presented. The information contained in
this paper was collected from different journal articles, websites, reports, conference proceedings, and books. It was observed
that though the technologies discussed in this article show growth at different rates, healthcare technology development and
implementation are very promising in revolutionizing the health sector and improving the health of the population. Therefore,
healthcare providers and countries are recommended to put in place Healthcare Technology Assessment Programs to help them
collect data regarding the technology efficacy, relevance, safety, outcomes, and alternative technologies towards better planning
for healthcare services improvement.
Keywords – Wearable devices, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,
Nanomedicine, Market, Drivers, Challenges and Companies.
Copyright © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): Creative Commons - Attribu-
tion 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these terms.
The triumph of modern medicine is axed to the emerging
of diseases have become largely dependent on innova-
technological innovations, and there is no doubt that the
tion and discoveries in newer drugs, surgical techniques,
medical expenditures and life expectancy are variables
diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.3 Medical doctors
driven by technological progress.1-2 Medical technology
themselves are becoming more reliant on technology to
uses scientific knowledge to improve healthcare by new
diagnose and carry out treatments.4 The scope of medi-
and improved equipment to make work easier, pleasant,
cal technology is vast; it covers consumables (bandage,
quick, and productive.3 The management and treatment
syringes, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.), implants (hips
It is not easy to cover all details of the medical tech-
nologies available in a single paper due to their diversity.
In this paper, the following trending technologies are
looked at: Health Wearables and Internet of Things, Ar-
tificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain Technology (BCT) or
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Robotics Technology,
Nanomedical Technology, Telemedicine and Telehealth,
Big Data
Health Wearables and Internet of Things
Environmental, psychological, behavioral, and physi-
ological domains that adversely impact the quality of
life are recognized by the World Health Organization.19
Wearables as medical technologies are becoming part of
personal analytics, measuring physical status, recording
physiological parameters, or informing schedules for
medication.20 FIGURE 1. Evolutional milestones in wearable devices.21
pressure sensors, positioning sensors, etc.). Also included players, well-defined market entry routes, and a good
are Actuators (the robot's hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric product innovation pipeline.80
muscles), End-Effectors (the tools that perform the actual In 2020, the leading global company in medical ro-
work and interact with the environment or a workpiece), botics was Intuitive Surgical, with a market cap of $121
the Power Supply (energy required for robot operation), billion, 6335 robots in service,78 with more than 1.2 mil-
and the Program (for providing the logic that drives the lion procedures performed globally, and with a growth
robot behaviors and activities).81 of 18% per year.80
Robotics applications in medicine involve different Other companies in service include Boston Dynam-
stakeholders, including primary stakeholders (direct ics, Stryker, Accuracy, Vicarious Surgical, Medtronic, GE
robot user, clinicians, and caregivers), secondary stake- Healthcare, Myomo, Stereotaxis, Ottava77,78 Neocis.Inc,
holders (robot makers, environmental service workers, Medtronics, Brainlab, Smith & Nephew plc, Corindus
health administrators), and tertiary stakeholders (policy Vascular Robotics, Inc., Riverfield Co., Ltd, Auris Health,
makers, insurers, advocacy groups).76 Among robotics Inc., etc.80
applications, surgical robots have a high revenue growth
market segment, are highly competitive with established
Medical robots
Autonomous vehicles
Personal assistant/
Companion robots
Care robots
Assistive robots
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Clinical Engineering (CE) professionals have a crucial role in healthcare institutions during the pandemic caused by the CO-
VID-19 disease, mainly by supporting the front line by allowing the proper and timely access to the medical equipment required
to diagnose and treat patients affected. But another one of their roles, probably not so expected, has been their contributions
to the development of emergency use medical devices, especially those for respiratory and oxygen therapy. Using the case of
critical care use ventilators, and as presented during an IFMBE-CED webinar on the topic, this paper mentions the role of CE
for the rapid response manufacturing of such vital care devices in three main aspects: development, regulation, and education.
The results from such efforts have paid off by having safe and efficient support equipment while the shortage from commercial
products has been receding, by establishing international guidelines for future innovators to take into consideration, and by
leaving valuable knowledge in the form of educational and training videos for future generations to consult from.
Keywords – Clinical engineering, medical devices, ventilators, pandemic.
Copyright © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): Creative Commons - Attribu-
tion 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these terms.
COVID-19 pandemic put healthcare and industry sys- most in-demand – ventilators for critical care units. As
tems to the test, and it has been evident that healthcare it became clear that the industry was struggling to cope
professionals and workers were in the middle of it all. CEs with the shortage, several technical groups, including
were no exception, and their responsibilities doubled as academia, professional organizations, and non-medical
they were required to look after the medical technology devices companies, started their own efforts to build
needs of front-line workers and the rest of the clini- locally produced ventilators. However, they soon real-
cal services personnel. CEs did not hesitate when new ized that it was necessary to consult CE professionals
challenges required their skilled efforts. For example, with expertise in this vital equipment’s use, technical
early in the pandemic expansion, there was a shortage specifications, safety considerations, and normative and
of several types of medical devices needed for respira- regulatory concerns. This collaboration focused on three
tory and oxygen therapy, and one, in particular, was the
Objective: To discuss and analyze the common causes of dental unit failures and summarize maintenance experiences.
Methods: The failures were studied through retrospective analysis in our dental clinic from January 2019 to December 2019.
Causes for four common failures were analyzed deeply, and the corresponding improvement solution was implemented.
Results: These solutions reduced the failure rate for dental units and improved understanding of the importance of using and
maintaining the equipment correctly.
Conclusion: Analysing and improving proper maintenance can save costs for the hospital and effectively enhance the manage-
ment level of medical equipment maintenance.
Keywords – dental unit, failure, solution, maintenance.
Copyright © 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY): Creative Commons - Attribu-
tion 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is
permitted which does not comply with these terms.
With the improvement of people’s living standards units, have been introduced and installed. With preventive
and the enhancement of oral health awareness, oral maintenance and emergency repair by hospital engineers’,
health has been paid more and more attention. The dental they run stably. As we all know, dental units are generally
clinic of most domestic hospitals is often overcrowded, composed of a dental chair, delivery system, cuspidor, and
and the number of patients treated every day is much support center, dental light, etc. The schematic diagram
higher than in some foreign hospitals. The dental unit is is shown in Figure 1.
a piece of essential medical equipment in the clinic. Since
The structure of dental unit is complex and includes a
the establishment of BinJiang Hospital, 30 A-DEC dental
waterway, electrical circuits, and gas circuits. During the
units, including 4 A-DEC 500 units and 26 A-DEC 300
Improve the existing structure to ensure strategy. After each disinfection, the nurse extended the
adequate disinfection and instrument integrity discharge water time to 20 minutes on the day. Before
The study showed that the water supply of the dental starting the machine, the nurse discharged water for 10
unit was seriously polluted due to multiple factors such as minutes every morning for the next 5 days to remove the
the suction effect of the treatment instruments and water residual disinfectant in the pipeline and reduce the corro-
stagnation, and regular disinfection of the water, which is sion of the disinfectant on the dental unit parts. Because
vital in controlling nosocomial infections.3 Our hospital the discharge water at all the outlet points of the existing
disinfects the water pipes of dental units every quarter. dental unit cannot be controlled with one key, and the
The Hospital Infection Management Department uses a discharge and disinfection time cannot be controlled, the
500 mg/L sodium hypochlorite solution to disinfect the medical staff need to discharge water manually, which
lines. The medical staff in the department of stomatology undoubtedly increases the workload of medical staff.
discharge water on all the effluent parts of dental units For this reason, based on existing dental units, our
one by one, and the continuous discharge time shall not engineers have added an automatic discharge water
be less than 10 minutes so that the disinfectant can flow control device.5 This design has been authorized national
out of each terminal effluent point, ensuring effective utility model patent. The specific structure is shown in
disinfection. However, the high concentration of this Figure 2 below.
chlorine-containing disinfectant can corrode the internal The specific working process is as follows: firstly, select
structure of the dental unit, mainly the valve, rubber band, the knob above of the time relay to 10min, and then press
and diaphragm. Specifically, high-speed handpieces, low-
speed handpieces, motors, and tooth cleaning machines
hung on the valve after use will automatically leak water
in varying degrees from spittoons and cup water spills.4
Looking back to 2019, this kind of failure frequently oc-
curred about 3-5 days after each pipe disinfection, and
several dental units leaked varying degrees.
Given this phenomenon, engineers searched for rel-
evant information, consulted manufacturers, analyzed,
and discussed the main reason for such failure. Specifi-
cally, the disinfectant had a particularly corrosive effect
on the copper and rubber parts inside the dental unit.
Specific damaged parts included water valve, solenoid
valve assembly, diaphragm, etc. Considering the balance
between disinfection effectiveness and the damage rate FIGURE 2. Structure drawing of automatic draw water control
of the dental unit component, we proposed a preventive device.
3(a). Heater fault trend chart 3(b). Water valve failure trend chart
3(c). Saliva ejector fault trend chart 3(d). Dental syringe fault trend chart
FIGURE 3. Chart showing the different kinds of fault trends before and after improvement measures.